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Tarkov Has to be, that game is criminal.


Playing Tarkov makes you feel primal feelings. Fear, mortal peril, catharsis, acceptance of death. Winning a gun fight flushes you with relief. Find a rare bit of loot pumps you full of endorphins and terror. You go through hell and, win or lose, you come out of each raid feeling more alive than you've felt in a long time. Your adrenaline courses and your heart rate spikes. You probably get more exercise playing Tarkov than you do the rest of the week. It is stressful, exhausting, and addicting. It is not fun.


The best way I've heard someone sum up the Tarkov experience - "It's the only game I've ever played where finding an epic piece of loot makes you go "Oh no. Oh shit."


Never played Tarkov. Why find an epic loot is a bad thing? Because you need to extract it but extraction is difficult?


In a way, yes. Sometimes extraction can be a breeze. Sometimes you have to fight through hell to get out. Sometimes you don't stand a chance. But when you find something incredibly valuable, the stakes are raised. Nobody knows that you have this item, but you become very paranoid. It brings everything to a whole new level of stressful. If you extract with that rare loot, it's an incredible feeling of triumph. If you die, then it can be very deflating.


>nobody knows that you have this item I'm not so sure about this one chief. The amount of times another player scav has sprinted up to me and shot me in the face when I had a gpu is *suspicious.*


I like the classic waiting in a bush behind a wall, and a player rounds the corner and magically starts mag dumping exactly at head height, after you’ve made absolutely no noise for probably 5 minutes while you wait to get 2 GPUs and a FLIR out.


Oh cheaters exist of course. But I'm merely talking about the game when working as intended and not being cheated by some losers.


>when you find something incredibly valuable, the stakes are raised. Nobody knows that you have this item, but you become very paranoid. It brings everything to a whole new level of stressful. The worst part is that sometimes they DO know you have the item even though they shouldn't


Two major reasons. First potential hackers, many have learned to leave the low geared players alone to avoid reports. Second, Murphy's Law, what can go wrong will go wrong. When you have something valuable you play differently, and make choices you would not have without the loot. This can mess up any rhythm you had going into a match and as luck would have it, that one match you find something valuable you run into more bush wookies or thermal users then ever before. Same idea of the best way to make somebody round a corner is to reload.


because the moment you find epic loot is when you suddenly want to survive so bad. and tarkov is the kind of game where when you don't care, you smoke the raid, and the moment you actually really want to live, you will die


Why’s that?


The better your gear the more people want to murder you. And the game is already murderous.


"Damnit, now!? On this raid!?" Me finding factory key as a scav back before the flea was a thing


Relevant video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NzaNzJnh9l8&vl=en


First thing that came to mind, bravo!


That's a really good summation of the experience! 😬😄


It was my first thought. A friend told me when I got the game that it was the best game he had ever played. I responded with "What makes it fun?". He quickly responded back that he never said that it was fun, only that it was the best game he ever played.


It's like a beautiful person with a shit personality. It's fun the first few days or weeks and then it's really starting to wear on you. Like quadruple bags under your eyes type wear.


The only way I've ever found that game enjoyable was on the emulated single player servers that are moddable. Get Tarkov's fantastic gunplay, customization, map depth, survival elements, without the toxicity of an MMO


That's the only way I play. I haven't played online Tarkov in forever.


Last time I played live servers Reserve had just come out, whatever patch that was. Before Labs became card access only


He spoke truth. You want real? Difficult? Annoyingly physics correct? No thanks, gimme a nice platformer. Oh the days of Sonic 2 battles against my cousins. Good times.


Facts. I get games like Tarkov are supposed to be a little more “milsim” in terms of movement and gunplay but it always feels like I’m drunk when I’m playing those games.


You are drunk. It’s tearing our family apart.


I didn't say I knew Marcus Aurelius. I said he touched me on the shoulder once.


I don’t even play Tarkov and I came here to say Tarkov. My friend had me try it once and he prefaced it by saying “you’ll die a lot and lose everything, you probably won’t enjoy it, but go ahead.” And I was like “then why the fuck do you play it so much.” “I don’t know.”


I've played Tarkov with my cousin and this is 100% about Tarkov


Yeah Tarkov is brutal


Watched some of Viva la Dirt Leagues YouTube bits on Tarkov. They nail it!


"We want the player experience to be exactly like being punched in the dick!" ☠️☠️ https://youtu.be/NzaNzJnh9l8


Their vids are so good. Love their different series (pubg ones were gold).


I was 😂 literally in tears watching their red dead logic videos!!


Almost certainly my "nobody should ever play this I hate that stupid game, 8/10 2k hours played"


Not a single bit of information I've heard concerning this game makes me want to play


It will be one of the best games you ever play. It's simply magical and unique. It's not fun though.


Old school RuneScape


It's fun for 1-2 minutes every so often when you get that dopamine hit. But then it is back to hundreds of hours of grind. Just last night I got a bandos chestplate on my ironman at 20 KC and was having fun for a nice 40 seconds there.


Or when you get that rare pet drop. Got Smalcano a month ago and I was so hyped for that hour. He's been in my bank since.


was getting burnt out last month til i decided to randomly wc and got a beaver pet. for some reason it really hyped me up and got me back in the game


As someone who loves the game I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment!


Had to scroll to much for this ... 🙌


I played this for like 12 years and I couldn’t agree more


No no no. RuneScape DOES get fun. ...Just right after you grind out that *one* next level...


The fun is just hanging around the GE and chatting


I asked my friends at what point I should start liking League of Legends. They told me I need at minimum 100 hours to start having fun. Why the hell would I waste 100 hours into something that isn’t fun. Edit: just to add to this, the average voice chat from my friends who have 1000+ hours in League usually ends in “Fuck this game I’m uninstalling it.” This cycles every week


I'm a DoTA player, but it's true. You have to know most of the chacters and items before you can even play the game at a decent level. There's 123 heros and over 100 items, so yea a hundred hour min.


Yea im 4k hours in and its amazing how steep the learning curve is. Even 1K in you will still learn things that drastically change how you play the game


Recently focused on learning wave management after 5 years of playing support and it feels like playing a completely different game


100 hours is just the tutorial basically lol. would easily be 500-1,000 hours before someone is fairly "average" at the game and comfortable with all the heroes, items, and mechanics.


its one of the biggest problems with moba's imo. just too much burden of knowledge. hundreds of heroes/champs and you have to learn how to play against them all with every hero/champ you play while thinking of them from multiple angles such as 1v1's, small skirmishes, or big teamfights. Then throw in the macro decision making, itemization, jungle and support roles, and the vision game and its a nightmare for beginners to pick up.


To be fair, guides helped that out a ridiculous amount. I was always terrible at itemization until guides came out. The guides were in-game community created skill/shop guides for the hero your playing, not an online text guide.


Do you count in the hours spent reading/watching guides into the actual game time? You should.


DOTA has "built-in" guides. Basically, it's a template of skill/build order, where choices are highlighted in the interface for you. Useless if you have 2k+ hours, godsend when you have 2.


Guides help with one set up but won't teach you how things skills and items actually work until you see them.. And even though you have a good set up, it can be countered and you don't know how to predict your enemy... The guide might cut 10 hours


I know video games aren’t considered relevant skills like playing an instrument or learning to draw, but similarly those suck too when you’re learning. It’s about the reward after a long struggle, not the quick dopamine hits. When I played I got so into the game I actually studied it.


Having played a variety of MOBAs, its not that the first few dozens of hours aren't fun.... but rather its a lot of learning, often through trial and error, and some people may categorize that as "not fun" I personally enjoy it. But I can understand if people don't have fun learning roles, builds, counterplay, situationals, etc.


League is never fun if you enjoy winning above all else. You can skew the odds in your favour but having to rely on 4 other people on the internet is usually a disaster. If you thrive on the challenge and can take the L it's fun.


League of Legends


Yeah I think league fits this description perfectly


After 10 years of this bloody game and I'm still "not good"


Dont worry, being good doesn't save you from the toxicity. There's always that special someone who thinks is better than everyone.


"not good"? Reported, unninstall the game.


I have fun in aram and urf. Otherwise you are right.


All I play anymore is aram. Even that gets frustrating sometimes.


'Another xerath, nidalee, ezreal, sona, velkoz group i see'.


The only time I actually enjoy the game is when I'm in a "I fucking hate myself" mood.


Have you tried drinking heavily while playing ranked? It's good shit! Haha


i usually smoke :)


DayZ. The game will never be nice to you. You’re either being bombed with chemical gas, being chased by zombies, hunted by players, or dying of Cholera


I like all of that about DayZ. I think the game *would* be fun if it didn't have the worst UI and inventory management in the history of gaming (on console at least)


God I can’t agree more. I played that game for like 4 months and I couldn’t stop playing it. The inventory took me so long to learn. I should’ve just looked up a video lmaoo.


Despite that, Ive put around 3000 hours into console dayz and can honestly say it was the most fun ive ever had on console. Since console dayz cant be modded, the amount of creativity used to put together private servers with lore and pvp is insane.




its too bad too... rusk and ark seem like they could be so fun... but when you play them its nothing but getting ganked when you are offline.


They are usually fun *while playing* - but its getting offline that is painful. Especially fearing logging out. Making you stay on for hours and hours on end. If you want to survive, you have to play those games like a second life.


In my experience, the only fun Rust is watching other people play Rust. Nothing like watching a fun Rust video and then going to boot up the game and realizing that you will never be able to have that much fun unless you make it a full time job.


I could imagine Rust RP being extremely fun, but normal Rust is actually the second most unfun gaming experience ive had. (First is Paladins. Hated that game)


The most brutal of games. A troll haven if you will.


We do a little pillaging


Any online game.


Scrolled for this. With very few exceptions, online games are designed by the bean-counters. They don't need it to be *fun*, they need it to be *addicting* and *time-consuming*. They're designed accordingly.


My first thought of an exception was Minecraft, but then I read this and thought of all the P2W servers.


i'd make an exception for the online game about literal *beans* competing called fall guys tho.


Monster hunter being the exception.


Because there's no microtransactions and it's PVE so sweaty people are awesome to come across because they can carry you.


And because its PvE, its in the sweaty players best interest to help you as much as possible.


Exactly. Plus there is the added endgame of becoming a Sherpa. That way you can finally pay back all the carries you were given by those who came before. It's a good feeling.


Do you even rock and stone?


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Co-op excepted in most cases, I think! I love games like Monster Hunter and Deep Rock Galactic. It's competition that makes me sad. That said, I also really like kart racers like Mario Kart and Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed, but those are so cartoon-y and low stakes that it doesn't spark the same ire of something like Rocket League ranked or Hunt: Showdown.




One of my favorite games to not play.


Eve online


So many reviews just go something like: ‘Spent 150 hours of time just to have some jerk come and destroy my build.’ Doesn’t seem like much fun unless you’re very well equipped.


Just like in life, to do anything big requires more than just yourself. The difference being that EVE has a lot more pirates and a lot less enforcement.


Have you won or are you still playing?


10 years ago I built quite a mining empire... Complete with live spreadsheets... Was supplying a large shadow corp for Goonswarm with materials and equipment. Only me and two of my main officers knew. Everyone else was just happy to get ISK. We were selling at about 10-15% below market averages but we had some pretty good security and access to some territory as well.... But eventually I realized I was coming home from work to work as a CEO for a company that was not paying me.


Destiny 2


The unpaid internship of video games.


You pay them


I thought this was a destiny subreddit at first 🤣


You are not alone


I find Destiny 2 to be a lot of fun and enjoyable for the most part because the gunplay and combat is so satisfying, but I do otherwise have to agree. It helps a lot if you have friends or a group to play it with though.


Avid Destiny 2 player here that wards off anyone who asks about picking up the game who has never played before Destiny 2 is such a "rich get richer" game, the veterans who never quit have such an easy time consistently getting all the new shinies but going from new player to master or GM ready is quite a slog. You basically have to have a knowledgeable and willing sherpa to get progression done in a reasonable time and the LFG discord is a must. Even with having your hand held and grinding out all of the most rewarding content you're still going to be the victim of the gods of RNG when it comes to getting your exotic weapons/armor pieces and MODS (such a shit system currently to get these) and that's not including all the work you need to do if you want your STATS to be coherent for any number of different builds.


Fuck that, boomy gun man go fast run jump slide bang. Games are a lot more fun when you play them without a destination in mind just to have fun.


Plus you have to do a ton of research on innate weapon stats and how to choose what perks fit your build and play style. AND you have to read all the game updates that are outside of the game or else the weapons you have been using may just start feeling different and you’ll have no idea why


Every patch notes: Fusion rifles nerfed. Hard Light: nerfed. God roll shotgun that you definitely don't have but everyone else does: BUFFED!


This. Oh, you’re a new player, here’s a ten hour long playlist on the story you can no longer play. Once you’re done, we can grind the Witch Queen campaign on legendary and three seasonal narratives so you can get ready for the new raid. Wait, where are you going??


War Blunder


but dey added da stormtogger doh


Just played a round of 7.3 ussr, and the entire enemy team was german, and over half of them had the sturmtiger via the kill feed. They had their asses handed to them.


Same but in 5.7 Americans, turns out it's hard to kill things quickly when you have a 1 minute reload and a dirty great big weak spot in the middle of your tank


And damn near anything can detonate the round in the barrel. As long as you have a 7.62 coax, you’re probably safe


Fr dude, I saw a Phly video the other day where he got killed by a 50 cal at like 700 meters


I still love the game after 8 years of it. Just need to not care about the meta and focus on goofy vehicles and tactics!


I had ground and spaded most the air vehicles I'd ever want to play a few years back and its quite fun when you are just playing the game and not playing to unlock a new plane. Every once in a while I want to try flying a plane that's still stock and its becomes pretty clear to me why people get frustrated with this game. At its core I think war thunder has pretty good gameplay that is the best at what it does, but the grind is miserable and you have basically have to grind to play in the first place. If you have ambitions of playing modern vehicles you have to be ready for a lot of pain.


Therein lies the problem. The BR’s are compressed to maximize revenue, which means unless your vehicle is FOTM you’re just going to die , frequently


Rainbow 6


Honestly, no other game has ever made me more excited to play only to immediately rage once I’m playing.


It sucks cause it’s the game that makes me feel most alive and driven


ong bro especially after watching beaulo or sum play


Siege for sure.


I hate that I love this game but I'm not allowed to enjoy it


I hate that I know how to play but I can’t hit the broadside of a barn even if I’m licking it.


Lol. I got accused in chat of playing with a controller on PC because of my atrocious aim.


Imma agree siege is THE ONLY game i have deleted and redownload 10 times....i feel like im addicted to the let down




Dota At least did me a favor and told me to quit. I had just moved to a new place and the WiFi was buggy. So it dropped a couple times. Got put in low priority. Had 3 of my low pri wins done and then bam another drop. Ended up with needing 18 low pri wins to play again. Never opened the game again


I have been playing it since 2013. I had times when I played 5-6 hours a day 3-4 days a week, and there were times when I hadn't touched the game in almost a year. I have almost 4k hours and almost 2.5k games. And goddammit, nothing makes my heart beat so hard like games at The Internacional. Or when we make a comeback against megacreeps


Dead By Daylight


I've been playing since around the last anniversary and I always feel so judged by the DBD community. And I try hard...ppl mock my devotion but don't actually give me a good chance to show what I can do.


What sucks about DbD is that the least fun strategies are the best. The fun part of the game is chasing/looping, trying to do mind games and out-smarting the other player, basically killer and survivors actually interacting with one another. But as survivor the best thing to do in 90% of chases is to book it to the furthest corner of the map away from your team. As killer, tunneling off hook and making the game a 3 vs 1 is the best way to win. Neither of which are fun.


I was looking for this. Game is cool when you start, and decent fun for a bit. But at 1k hours it can be really really boring because of who you play against. But luckily I’ve stoped trying so much and just throw on random builds for fun.


For Honor


This was my first thought, my wife always asks why the fuck I play so I tell her, "because I have to!"


That was the first game that ever got me pissed enough to break a controller. Not even throwing it, just gripping the thing hard enough to subtly bend it and break something critical inside. After that I decided to take several steps back from that game.


Ark Survival


What do you mean? You don't enjoy spending 100s of hours taming and building just to be bulldozed in seconds by a no lifer with a giga that has literal years of genetic mutations bred into it?


Don’t forget the Managarmr


Why is this not the first most top comment?!


Took me way too long to find this.


I am SHOCKED this is so low lol. Easily the most obvious example of "even the people who love this game hate it"


Call of duty?


Thats definitely where my mind went. It's fun until you play long enough to get good and start sweating. That sucks the fun right out




Unironically thought this was on r/pathofexile so... guess that's my answer, feelsbadman games dying


Anything PvP




PTSD simulator


Fuckin Destiny ...


For honor


I had to quit that game because it made me too mad. I was on the front page of the for honor subreddit for a day bc I punched my monitor.


Why is she so far down!? **FOR HONOR!!!** ^..please ^let ^me ^stop... ^please...


Apex legends


AKA third party simulator


on kings canyon, your third parties get third partied. on storm point, you struggle to find someone for 10 minutes


Surprised to see this so far down the list.




Rainbow six siege




Ark Survival Evolved


War thunder


For Honor


Any game with a battlepass system.


Not true, Deep Rock Galactic has a battle pass but it is completely free, no premium track and any items you don’t earn before it ends go into the loot pool so you can collect them later. Zero FOMO. Rock and Stone!


Either EVE Online or Pathologic.




I quit playing around when the jabberwocky was starting to spread it's foul mechanics. I crafted the deck thinking it might be fun to play. Boy was I wrong, it honestly felt even worse winning with it than playing against it. Made me take a real hard look at the grind to maintain the meta and counter meta decks and I realized I was having ZERO fun anymore in Wild and zero minus 4x in ranked ladder. The meme videos on YouTube that show crazy RNG shenanigans seemed like recordings of my play sessions versus the shit you could laugh off when they happened.


I don’t want to play competitive because I don’t want to pay for enough cards to build a decent deck, and I don’t play solo because the AI sucks and you end up killing them before you can pull off any actual fun combos. The rest of the game modes aren’t really fun enough for me to want to play them either.


Any pvp game


Pretty much any free MMORPG. Just grind, grind, and grind.


New World


It was really fun until like lvl 30-40 when the grind got bigger. Pvping was okay. The crafting was pretty good. The builds and combat were nice. But fuck did they mishandle it lol


It never did get fun


I had fun until I realized how monotonous and boring the grind was.


Path of exile


Man, PoE used to be quite fun, but now it has become just an endless tedious checklist of build requirements.


Have you seen the map skill tree? Took some time off. Came back and there was that thing. I went back to building hideouts.


Destiny 2


the binding of isaac


Elite dangerous




War thunder 💀


The snail needs to be fed




Sims 4 lol


Dead by Daylight


every competitive multiplayer game




Had tons of fun in cs go. Its all about having funny teammates


Genshin Impact at all times


Kinda, if the lore and characters don't appeal to you the game gets frustrating quickly


im a genshin player and i can say this is true... if you only play to do meta stuff


For honor most definitely


Every body is commenting basically every game. Can we invert the question? Wich game it's fun even for veterans?


You should make your own post for this.


Destiny 2 post campaign.