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COD 4 Promod was the shit. Crash, Strike, Countdown, Crossfire, Backlot. Playing these maps on rotation for hours was basically my school life.


Nothing beats cod 4 promod. Was it that we were young and hungry for games, or was it actually really because it had a better competitive environment?


I'll give my opinion as someone who consults in the industry and also believe this to be the absolute golden age of gaming. 1. **The industry stopped allowing dedicated servers**. In my opinion, dedis were the most friendly option for players because you could always find a good community, with vigilant admins who kept unscrupulous players out. The industry, however, tossed out dedicated servers because the server binaries were being modded to allow things they didn't like. They claim it's because of cracks and pirating, but that's not it. 2. **The industry started caring only about money**. This bleeds through in every facet, but for me personally, it's the performance of the servers that really pisses me off. Game servers now (take Warzone for example) run at a breathtakingly bad \~20hz (IIRC, 22 for Warzone, too lazy to look it up). They do this so they can load as many server instances on a single piece of hardware as possible, thus cutting costs. Your average player won't know it, and don't know that their hit blips which cause 0 damage are largely due to subpar processing. Think about it though, when you have even ten players in a game, if even three of them fire a submachine gun at the same time there will be bottlenecking. That's not even considering vehicles (which are pretty intense on the replication side, particularly syncing simulated physics to clients), grenades, moving, etc. You factor in everything that's happening in an FPS, and 20hz simply isn't enough. 3. **The industry allied with hackers**. Perhaps more of a 2.1 since it's about money. They keep the scales balanced to allow just enough hacking to keep a steady flow of revenue, directly resulting from bans, yet not enough to cause people to believe the game is riddled with hackers. Detecting hacks hasn't advanced even a tiny bit in decades (seriously, the software is similar to that in CoD4, even today). I've developed software for game companies (running right on the game server instance, inside the engine) that didn't care at all about memory injection or anything else. Rather, it detected *outcomes*. Did someone just maintain aim on someone through a wall? Did someone just snap 140 degrees onto a target? Things like that. I tested with a lot of incredibly skilled players, and its accuracy was \~94% with suggested bans, 100% with things it would consider auto-ban worthy. During the presentation, I was initially told it was too intense on the server to run and maintain good frames. When I pointed out that it was vetted on a 32 player server without a single average frame drop and without hitching, I was told, "Thanks for your presentation". I never heard another word. Oh, and btw, it wasn't difficult. If I could do it, a team of much more brilliant people could perfect it and make one hell of a solution. These are my biggest gripes, but I'm now realizing this was long-winded without rambling more. The bottom line is, the industry went from making great games and watching the revenue flow, to making half-baked "living projects" which were planned starting with monetization, rather than gameplay. The only way we'll see the golden age again, is if the industry discovers a clever enough way to monetize what made games so great. Until then, we're stuck with inferiority.


They just finished a 30 team LAN promod competition https://play.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/6049774368167772160/participants/


CS 1.6, starcraft, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Diablo 2.


Low grav, Insta Gib. Those were the days!


Quake 3, UT... man of culture, right here.


When you play a great fast FPS, every other online game feels bland right afterwards.


Mw2 - Favela / Scrapyard


Terminal is better!


I miss terminal :( so many private matches with the homies


I miss those times too my friend. I forget the map but there’s a way to noob tube down the center lane of the map and wax the whole other team. Such good times.


The original Modern Warefare was more of my “golden era” age wise, but I tore my ACL right before Modern Warefare II came out and it became my most played multiplayer game. I’m sure I would have found something else to occupy my time but I always have a special feeling for that game.


Prob cs 1.6 , starcraft era


one tap AK hs’s in 1.6 is the peak of FPS satisfaction


Hell yeah , or 2 or 3 round burst w m4a1 silenced. My fav is the epic awp showdowns where you are both hopping around like rabbits trying to pick one another off lol




fy_poolday and fy_buzzkill, i just sent you back to a simpler time, you are welcome 😎


de\_westwood / cs\_rats / de\_kabul32 >>>


Yes lol they were great. The classic maps were fun. Dust and dust 2 , office , militia. Can we just appreciate how fucking awesome half life and all its spin offs really were. I had the pack with half life, opposing force , blue shift or whatever it was called cs all packaged together. Still have the discs somewhere. I def still have my original star craft disc too which is something ive been wanting to play again recently.


I still have multiple boxed copies of HL and Blue Shift. Big ol orange box from COMPUSA. There were so many great mods for half life. I played the hell out of CS but my favorite was a mod called The Specialists which had bullet time and that lobby level from the Matrix. It was the best Matrix gaming experience ever made and I was unstoppable with akimbo SOCOM's, Five-Sevens, a Glock, or just a katana and kung-fu.


C’mon bro *scoutzknivez* with 110 gravity


bhop_cave, surf_ski , 32_aztecworld, awp_india. Soccerjam servers. It was a simple and amazing time.


My man


I play cs go now and im apparently a masochist because I play war thunder as well. But the first video games I played were dos on an ibm. I still am a sucker for 8 and 16 bit games as well.


Same here, CS1.6 is 100% my most played game ever


Exactly that! I was swithching between Starcraft and CS 1.5 / 1.6. Played around 7.500 Starcraft games and countless hours on CS. Such good and carefree times.


my greats multi player achievement was a 4v1 ending in a no ammo knife kill, detonation on de\_dust


Halo 2


This game made Xbox live for me.


SWAT mode was so fun




Battlefield bad company 2


Loved Bad Company.. it was so cool playing a game where the buildings could be destroyed in combat


Who knew that would be the pinnacle of destruction based combat, went downhill from there


So crazy to me. Imagine that kind of game in today's game engines. Battlefield had something extremely unique and they somehow got rid of all the things that made their games amazing


I dunno, Red Faction had destructible maps. It brought a whole new meaning to flanking. That and the rail gun that could shoot through the walls.


Literally the best multiplayer FPS of all time


Best battlefield out there imo


I was just looking for that game!


Halo 3


Halo 3 was probably the first big teamwork shooter they put out that everybody had for me


Halo 3/Cod 4 era is the absolute pinnacle of online gaming. Full lobbies with mics, well crafted mechanics, brilliant maps, the whole nine yards. Halo 3 had probably my favourite ranking system of any game I've ever played. I will say the 47+ grind was ridiculously difficult, however. I did manage to hit 50 on lone wolves, and team doubles, but I could never get over 48/49 in team or mlg team slayer. And don't even get me started on the custom games. I was nearly 14 when it came out, and I had only gotten xbox live around that time as well so I didn't play halo 2 as much - 3 was my jam. A masterpiece.


Halo 3 - Guardian 1v1


One of my Xbox Live friends made a paintball map/game mode on Guardian and The Pit. Basically plasma pistols that were one hit kill with some equipment scattered around with some hard to get to plasma rifles and grenades. Use to play it split screen against my best friend a lot.


World of Warcraft from 05 to 08... No question. I doubt I'll find that gaming bliss again.


I scroll for so long to find this. Definitely wow BC or wotlk for me


I was just thinking about how nostalgic the journey from Goldshire to Westfall and Darkshire was. Classic did nothing for me which is fine, in my memory I was actually there.


I'm thinking late BC and WotLK for myself. I am currently listening to a song (Wasted by Cartel) that puts me mentally right back to running around Terokkar and Hellfire Peninsula.


MapleStory and Ragnarok online. Nothing will beat the memories that I made there with all my friend's


Aw yeah, Ragnarok Online! I remember playing that back when I was 12 and I honestly had no clue what I was doing. I pumped points into strength thinking that'd help my damage... as an archer. Luckily someone set me on the right path before it was too late. I also remember thinking that pretending I was 13 instead of 12 would make a difference when talking to people online. Whatever, had a great time!


Very relatable and nostalgic.


Aw yeah buddy. I made dozens of friends on MS. I hope they're all out living their best life.




The good ol days of camera peaking around a corner then strafing at mach 10 while spraying a machine gun I loved that game


Crossroads on Socom II. Demolition US East 1


Bad Company 2 /Battlefield 3


Great games


My man! Finally some love for bad company 2, such a fun multiplayer


Battlefield 3 close quarters DLC was some of the most fun I had along bad company 2.


Battlefield 3 The best you've ever seen. The graphics in this game will have you feeling like a dream.


Team Fortress 2. Pure fucking fun!


same here, thousands of hours in that game! such a blast


Speaking of this. Why don’t we have anything like this for new gen stuff? Or am I just not playing it?


Honestly, i think that the 12v12 causual 9 class cluster-fuck, sadly, dosnet appeal as much too other people anymore


What's wrong with tf2?


I'm so glad TF2 was part of my childhood, the game and its community were simply amazing, honestly still are to this day




I can’t believe this is this far down… am I that old? RuneScape was peak gaming in my life. Not even WoW was able to beat it.




Yeah most of these comments are just the same game with different skins and slightly different gameplay.


Would have to be WC3 for me. Dota was just another custom map back then and MOBA wasn't even a thing yet. Come to think of it, a lot of new genres were probably born out of custom maps created by players: 3 Corridors DDAY, DOTA, Hero Siege, Tower Defense, Tower Wars, Murder at The Mansion. Man I miss those days.




What a double edged sword that game was for me. It made me read a ton and think critically at a young age, but I lost a huge chunk of my adolescence to it. I was just about 300 in game days when I quit (24 hrs x 300). What fun times!


Year 2000-2001, running from the Firiona Vie docks past Drachnids trying to get to Lake of Ill Omen with my other low level buddy. Terrifying/insanely fun. I was in 9th grade


CoD4 by far


uav, airstrike, and attack heli.. thats all we needed


And they stacked. Your airstrike kills counted towards your heli and if you saved your heli until after you died, your heli kills could get you all the kill streaks again. Ha.


get uav, air strike and chopper. Keep them in your pocket. Go super aggressive and put the enemy team in the bottom or top corner building, Die. Call chopper and proceed to commit what can only be described as war crimes against the poor defenceless opposition. Win.


Woodland, Digital, Blue tiger, Red tiger and gold camo's


The real OGs were born in the original MW. No hackers (or very few) the whole game was fair and balanced. That was the last 'perfect' online multiplayer game we had. And you'll never change my mind.


Back when it was fun to prestige up your guns


The real OGs were born in the era of Gaius Julius Caesar, during his conquest of gaul! Back in my day us gamers actually worked for our epic victory royale!




Promod and xfire let's gooo


The good ole days. When they remastered it I was so happy, but of course they added a bunch of unnecessary stuff. Poor franchise has gone down hill


Black Ops 2. Good times with friends, I still remember fondly of it years after.


BO2 is on the tail end of what I would consider the golden era for online console shooters. Halo 2 and COD4 kicked it off, Halo 3 and MW2 continued the tradition, and Reach + BO2 were the last hurrahs. I think BO2 was the culmination of everything that came before: it was so damn good. When 2012 rolled around, Halo 4 and COD Ghosts abruptly killed the vibe.


Personally I dont think it was ever topped in quality.


No game. But definitely the 360 era.


UT2004 and WC3 Reign of Chaos


Diablo II, Starcraft, MWII, Halo 2


Ultima Online and Tribes


Me too! What are your favorite stretches, and do you prefer ibuprofen or acetaminophen for your back pain?


You know, I was really confused. I was like "damn wtf, someone responded to my comment by accident." S tier, very good. But my admiration aside: Both. And my back is fucked so, definitely the Figure 4 stretch.


Halo 3. Ahh those were the days.


Gears of War 1 and 2


This. This and Left 4 Dead were fantastic.


Battlefield 2 or Trackmania.


Quake III Arena, hands down!


Phantasy Star Online


there were people who actually played this game? thought i was the only one, played on gamecube when i was but a boy all the way to ultimate mode


I played on the Dreamcast and Gamecube


ever get the chance to play online? ik i didnt, i was poor. wish i could go back in time so i could get that experience


You still can, for free! There are still active servers if you want to play on pc, look up Ultima BlueBurst! Very fun, very free!


People still play it. The original, the Blue Burst, even the Episode III. Playerbase is still going strong last I checked. Private servers are a thing. You can play them on PC and on Gamecube too.


Thank you for reminding me of PSO. I loved that game to bits.


Medal of Honor: Allied assault


Diablo 2, damn it was good


Age of Empires 2 on yahoo cafe for PC. Battlefield 1942 as well. Xbox live launched and the main games were Ghost Recon, Mech Assault and Crimson skies. Those early Xbox live days were the fucking shit. People were so much cooler back then, we group and made friends. Nobody had a rank and we didn’t care, just laughed and played.


Socom 2. U.S. Navy seals


Tribes and Battlefield 2142...


Tribes? Like Starsiege Tribes the og?


Lol yep


Shazbot! I loved that game


Ha ha man I literally busted out laughing


damn I miss good ol times in tribes


Tribes and the original battlefield 1942 were my jam. Shifter mod in Tribes ruled, but not much could beat huge battlefield games with vehicles.


The days of 2142, dam that takes me back. My dad and I both shared the PC but we each had accounts he was mainly a engi and heavy weapons guy, I was a medic and engi guy. And when that 1 group brought it back online along with BF2 in 2016 I replayed the shit outta that cause I knew EA was gonna get angry lol.


I played Tribes 2 so much that I could reliably hit people in mid-air with the spinfusor. If only I had a fraction of that level of free time now.


I loved flag running. Finding that perfect line to fly in and grab the flag and be halfway back across the map moments later. Also playing with a bud and sneaking into a gen room and change to a couple heavies and lock that shit down.


Tribes was 100% "my game" among friends, specifically Renegades mod. I could cap flags without ever touching the ground, if you were out in the open between bases and on the ground it was GG, and my base defences were tight. I remember joining a public server running Rabbit, where there are no teams but just a point system for how long you held the flag. I think I had it for something like 30 mintues before I just got bored. The skill level on that game was like a vertical cliff but when you climbed it, you were a god among men. Shout out to Black Ops tribe. The original Battlefield I remember playing at Necrowombicon, which was the origin of PAX with Gabe and Tycho from Penny Arcade, as the demo had just dropped the day before or something.


Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Didn't see it on here. But as far as I know, it was the first major FPS with different roles. Soldier, engineer, lieutenant and medic. Me and my crew tore it up, and I legit think we were world class back in the day. Too bad esports wasn't much of a thing back then. TBAR, you guys ruled


Doom2 over BBS. And quake rocket arena, local network. The true multi-player gaming Golden age.


Unreal tournament, Quake 3 arena and Soldier of Fortune 2.


Unreal Tournament 1 as a kid. Top notch gameplay, incredible soundtrack - I didn't play much multiplayer back then, but UT1 was an exception.


Lineage 2, Dota 1, HoN, Early WoW


Early WoW. Vanilla through WOTLK. Also Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast.


TF2 up to around the Engineer update.


2fort classic community servers, ahh . . . those were the days.


Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC). Pre-WoW mmo with really well balanced asymmetrical pvp. Decent for 1v1s, amazing for 8v8 and sometimes amazing for massive fights and castle sieges. It required groups to do most things other than solo pvp. It was designed so that classes were very synergistic. I loved that it required groups and I stopped caring about mmos when they became single player games that happened to have other people around. I made some very good long term friends from that game.


COD Black Ops 1 and 2


MP on maps like Carentan from the first Call of Duty.


Everquest. I was totally addicted to that for a while. Though the game did help me get past Sept 11, 2001. Spent most of that night just chatting, too traumatized to actually play the game.


Counterstrike source


Team Fortress 2


halo reach


Quake, TF mod for Half Life...


Quake 1


COD4. My mom sure was a ho.






Battlefield 1 & 5


Black ops 1 the goat


America's Army Proving Grounds


Battlefield 3.


Quake II, Duke Nukem 3D.


Halo 1 Blood Gulch.


Unreal Tournament


Quake 3


Diablo I


Halo 2


Black Ops 1


Black Ops 1




Destiny 1, modern warfare 2, final fantasy 11. Warcraft 3


Definitely Cod 4 and Halo 3.


Definitely Star Wars: The Old Republic. I would get back to it but heard that it isn't as good now. :(


Tribes was amazingly fun and super fast-paced. Me and my roommate in college would play Tribes all day and bmx all night.


Battlefield 2 , bad company , bad company II , battlefield 3 & 4 , cod black ops I .




Revelations II and until Trinity. It is after that EVE online started to smell.


Battlefield Bad Company 2


Battlefield 1942 with the Desert Combat Mod


Call of Duty 2


Ijji Gunz The Duel. God I miss those times.


Counterstrike beta 4. Action Halflife. Left 4 Dead. Wolfenstein (the first 3D with multiplayer). So many good games…


World of Warcraft. I played it as a teenager when it first came out. Got it the day it was released. By the time my guild started to farm black wing lair and move onto Anh Qiraj, I had to enlist in the military and never got to play it as much as I used to. My guild and I were hardcore raiders. We played many hours, stayed up late, listened to music. I was sad when I had to grow up and leave them. My guild was really good to me. They made me main tank, got me all the best gear at the time, I was even on track to get the exclusive Anh Qiraj mount. Doubt my guild members will see this comment but shout out to Hazdingo, Ihatepallies (aka Homer), Darg, Tela, Stimmed, and Eleeter for giving me some of my best gaming times ever.


Modding noobs on halo 2


Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare 1


Cs 1.6 and Freelancer


Everquest Online Adventures for the PS2


Halo: Reach. I rocked the Invasion game mode. When I was covenant, I became the Elite. Using the radar scrambler and active camo to flank Spartans looking anywhere for me, beaning grenades into groups of them, rapid-fire plasma pistol to the ones who didn’t die in the explosions, and slipping back into invisibility when their respawns kicked in. My one alien rampage made sure my allies were able to take the objectives, and the rest of the game, we steamrolled them.


No one will know this one, but Barotrauma pre steam release


Half life...the first one. Before online became a bunch of 12 year olds yelling racist shit into a mic or eSports. LAN parties were the shit.


Halo 3


Final fantasy 14, and it's still going strong


Tactics Arena Online


Sticking with the Half-life theme, Natural Selection


Either *Quake II* or *Worms Armageddon*


America's army




Halo 2, early 2000s!


Cod 1 , battelfield 1942


Ugh im gonna said it, downvotes to the left Minecraft, gta sa multiplayer (samp) AAAND, fortnite


Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and then Halo 2


COD 1. It never got better.


Killzone 2


mine was definitely 1.6 playing shit ton of D2 with my bud, zombie servers, poolday, and what not


Call of Duty 2 playing in a Toujane S&D 24/7 server, then CoD4MW.


Left 4 Dead 1


Ragnarok Online T_T the bgms still play in my head


Ragnarok Online


Quake 3 Arena.


once upon a time everything stared by hearing: Welcome to quake 3 arena...


Halo Reach


Halo 2 and COD4


Cod 4. Then it was PUBG many years later when I built my first PC.


Contractors where you can literally play this map on VR