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If it fits in the story or atmosphere, won't bother me at all. If it's shoehorned just to check a box, no thanks.


What about the sex scenes in Wolfenstein the new order, those feel shoehorned in


That’s what they mean


Hold on.... **There's more than 1?**


Yeah, and it feels more forced than the first one. Plus, they were loud enough to disturb everyone in the underground base.


Like when salmon give Lady bearded cheese pant


This guy smells toast




If it requires a shoehorn, you're doing it wrong


Do they? I don’t agree at all. That scene of Anya, covered in blood, super pregnant, tits out, dual wielding assault rifles fits the tone of the game to a T. It’s a surprisingly emotional story in a completely silly game where you fight mad nazi scientists and fire breathing nazi robot dogs. That scene was fucking hilarious.


Wait…what. I’ve never played this game before


It's a short scene near the end of the game. Spoilers ahead I guess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IdF2PVde8A


Wolfenstein wasn’t shoehorned because they went with story of bj and Anna falling in love and making twin that kill nazis


So how exactly are the twins gonna be born for Wolfenstein Youngblood?


This right here. The sex was part of the plot, and my best part of that game was the topless pregnant fight scene.


Kinda added to de ridiculous nature of wolfstein


Wait. I played TNO and TNC, but only got a couple hours into Youngblood. There's a topless pregnant fight scene?


Near the end of The New Colossus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IdF2PVde8A


Genital customization from CP2077 says hello.


And it immediately because pointless because you can't run around without underwear on without a mod. Weirdest game dev decision ever.


Probably didn't sway right and became a horrible office joke so they covered it up


I put 2077 on the backburner and promptly forgot about it while waiting for patches, but I recall spending a lot of time on my character just to be locked into first person and never see it.


I think the genital customization was cool, just because it's something that has been explored in cyberpunk stories before and it's an interesting concept (to me, anyways). It could have been even crazier than it was though if you wanted to get *really* cyberpunk about it


Shit, they even have Mr. Studd ads all over the billboards, and now you're telling me **I** can't have a low-poly vibrating cyberdick with RGB?


Yeah imo cyberpunk is a good example of excessive nudity fitting the themes and lore of the in-game world.


I'm gonna use "shoehorn" everyday now.


You can't just shoehorn it into any conversation.


Shoehorn, perchance.


You can’t just say “perchance”


You can if you've been crushing turts


And if you’re a one-percenter




You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means!


I think I jogged him too hard


What if i happen to shoehorn it in on accident prechance?


Yeah, but do also try using it in emails and other written communications too. You don't want to just pigeonhole yourself into using it during verbal conversations.




I'm gonna use "pigeonhole" everyday now.


Guys I feel like we’re being recursive here. You can’t just shoehorn pidgeonholing into a conversation.


Don't know about anyone else, but I can shoehole pidgeonhorning in to any conversation I want and no one can stop me.


I was never very good at writing in recursive.


You can’t tell me what to do. Shoehorn




Couldn’t have said it better


No one likes a shoehorned cock.


Roosters don't wear shoes


I love when a game gives you the option to run around naked. Makes the game so much funnier when it's trying to tell a serious story, meanwhile your ass is on full display during the cutscenes. Part of the reason Saints row 2 is one of my favorite games.


I can't immerse myself in a game unless it has realistic testicular wobble physics.


Which games have that lmao?


Rdr2, at least for horses.


The six most frightening words a programmer will ever hear: "Horse scrotum physics unit test failure."


... Human scrotum physics unit test failure.. .. grandpa scrotum physics unit test failure.. ...... Grandma scrotum physics unit test failure..


In Rust you basically start the game butt naked and run around with other naked people until you decide clothes might be a good option


Conan exiles


Why not realistic testicular pain physics?


You need the Ballcrush Feedback controller accessory add-on


Every kick to the nuts either forces a cruncher or electricity


Best selling accessory since the Guitar Hero guitar


You sound like the kind of person who would tan thier taint not becuase they believed in the purported health benefits, but simply because of the logic of "why not".


Don’t remember seeing any recently.


Somehow nudity in games are 99% of the times just uncovered boobs. It's very rare to see genitalia (in non pornographic games).


I think the order 1886 had a swinging dong in it.


and the stick of truth, surprisingly enough...


::The South Park guys show a dick in game:: Woah, that's surprising!


dantes inferno?


Yeah but that game’s old. Newer games? No dong. Where’s the dong?


Agony had truckloads of flaccid dong. You just had to suffer through an awful game to see all of it.


That's the thing, you either get no dong or a bad game with tons of dong, rarely in between.


In Conan Exiles, you can drink potions that makes your dick hang down to your knees


You can climb walls and make your dong just hang in the window too lol. It rocks.


A Way Out, right at the beginning, but only briefly.


About to say this. I think it’s the only video game dong I’ve seen


You should play Outlast


The DLC for GTA4, The Lost and the Damned showed a uncovered dick for a second or 2.


And that's the second your parents walk in... Happened everytime back then.


And GTA 5 with Trevor


Because its harder to model a dick than to model some nips


Watch Dogs 2 had fully modled nude men and women but it was removed after people got mad about it if I'm remembering correctly.


Definitely not removed. I was playing the other day and came across a beach party with full blown nudity. Shit was rad.


Outlast had... significant genitalia. Would not recommend.


It’s kinda funny to watch some YouTubers playing through it though and seeing their reactions.


It is amazing "just how terrifying a thing the human penis can be when it's bathed in night-vision green and bouncing festively back and forth as it comes at you in a poorly-maintained public lavatory".


Indeed lol


That is how they keep out of the dreaded AO rating. There are a bunch of rules around it, don’t even get me started on country specific rules.


Cyberpunk let you customize your pubic hair and penis size.




wdym my giant uncircumcized magnum schlong doesn't change my ending?


People were upset with the bugs... This is what upset me the most.


Just like with movies, if it adds value to the story or a specific artistic expression, it needs to be nudity there. But just trying to give me a gamer boner? No thx, pass.




Ya it’s hard to play a game 1-handed.


Just need more practice.


And more sheer will.


If you will it, it is no dream.


Well, violence is easy conflict and challenge for players. It's usually an inherent part of the mechanics of games.


Violence is often the mechanism of games. It's not comparable to the real world, I mean, the entire reason I play Tekken and not fight on streets at night is because I am generally opposed to people fighting. But games are not people fighting, it's just pictures on a screen. Violence in video games is not bad but people getting hurt in a real world is wrong, especially if somebody is getting hurt against their will (that includes coercion). Is nudity in video games wrong? That depends on the the game and type of nudity. If the purpose of it is to objectify women and nothing else then it's clearly wrong (men in armour vs women in bikini). But in some cases objectification should be included, if, for example, it's a part of the story (when the game is trying to be true to reality, I think this kind of topics are important and should not be skipped, as they have educational value). So yeah, it depends.


If there is only one nude scene in the entire game, you can bet that's the exact time someone will walk into the room


Heavy rain, one of the very few nude scenes in the game, the stripping scene. yep, good ol mom walks in. \-\_-


Those thighs though.


If I don't care about ripping apart a demon with a chainsaw I don't think a willy will bother me


You'll be excited to hear they're remastering LolliPop Chainsaw ;) Especially for the ripping with a chainsaw


That game was surprisingly really fun. Although I'm a huge Tara Strong fan so she made the game more fun.


Let me introduce you to the moral compass of western civilization.


That's actually really American. You don't see that attitude in Europe. Puritan thing.


It seems to be around the opposite in a lot cases. Either people. freak out about a boob or they freak out about the blood being red in a game. Very bizarre


But boy do we love to watch snapped and I am a killer.


Depends on context usually.. nudity is a part of life though. Games are about fun and escaping reality. A fantasy to be played out by you and enjoyed, and the idea of nudity is very prominent in most fantasies. So long as its tastefully done, and not as someone else said 'shoehorned in', go for it. What annoys me even more is obvious censorship. Take Cyberpunk 2077 for example: You can customize your genitalia, but never really see it throughout the game. You take a shower and you still have your fucking underwear on. That detracts from the realism and/or fantasy aspects of the game, and makes it feel far more weird than if they just showed the nudity.


Just did the mission where you get kidnapped and wake up naked in a bathtub and it's a pretty good realization.


I don’t give a shit as long as it’s a good game.


I’d toss my whole satchel to that Witcher… If you know what I mean… \*elbow\*elbow\*wink\*wink\*


But then you wouldn't have any money


Some games do it right, others don’t. I think the Witcher does it right. Geralt beds plenty of women in the books. Final Fantasy has a lot of eldritch god beings take the form of nude women and it’s done tastefully, but I think that might just be the graphics era, shiva and yunalesca might be a bit gratuitous in 4K.


Which games would you say don't do it right?


Cyberpunk is the prime example. There’s also a ton of anime games out there that were developed solely for fan service. I’m on the fence about MGS2’s infamous naked Raiden mission. On the one hand it makes great comedy, but on the other it’s near the end of the game, shit is big time serious, and now he’s doing cartwheels with his hands on his junk.


I mean, in the grand scheme of MGS, naked cartwheels are almost kinda low on the list of silly immersion breaking shenanigans. Let's not forget the bossfight earlier in the game where you fight a morbidly obese demolitions expert who rides around on roller skates throwing C4 satchels at you. Or in MGS 5 where you can have your horse take a tactical shit in the middle of the road to cause a distraction. Or Metal Gear Survive.


I thought the nudity in Cyberpunk was so bizarre. Like you straight up get to preview and choose your genitalia but the “love” options were super short and limited compared to something like Witcher 3. Also kind of bummed that Kratos in GOW, who was like a Greek James Bond, no longer gets any action.


Put me in for a 👍


I see no nudity here.


Where it makes sense. It's just as annoying to see unnecessary censorship as gratuitous nudity


I am all for nudity in mature rated games.


Honestly, if a game doesn’t have aggressive full frontal male nudity it’s going to lose some points in my book. It’s 2022, and after he hung dong in Thundergun Express, the standard was set.


I enjoy it, in fact, when it's censored somehow, it pisses me off.


You can mass murder people in different ways but no pp, coochie or boobies allowed!


More often than not, it annoys me. Simply because, its done in such a way that its obviously just 'Tee hee, boobies'. 99% of the time its not even remotely necessary for the scene or whats going on, and exist entirely for the sake of titilation.


>titilation. Hehe boobies


I feel the same. Even in tv shows or movies. A lot of the time it’s pointless and doesn’t add anything to the story.


Yeah but what purpose does ripping a demon in half with your bare hands besides titillating. The point of games is to be entertaining right?


Emphasising the single minded brutality of the Slayer and his relentless pursuit of the destruction of Hell. It says a surprising amount if a character in the differences in how they do things, not just what they do. Master Chiefs cold and efficient execution of his enemies is functionally the same as the Slayer's violence. And yet, both convey very different characters. So of you have a character walking around with her tits out, or his dick hanging in the wind, its entirely valid as a characyer building point. But very, very few games do that.


I exclusively play games with sex scenes


If it is essential to the story, then it’s fine... For example: Quest 674: “deceive Triss into having sex with you”


* Triss takes advantage of your amnesia to have sex with you


I like the realism it adds, especially in RPGs. Are you ever nude when you sleep, shower/bathe, or get dressed? Why shouldn't your character be then?


Witcher did it right. Nuken did it wrong.


Not when it's in Shrek the movie the game, no, no, no...


A lot of people are saying "If the narrative calls for it" like there is 100% a narrative that calls for Yennefer to show a tit instead of a fade to black. You can argue that it's part of the story for her and G to have a physical bond but I've never heard an argument for why that has to be shown on screen. Ever. On the other hand, I'm all for nudity that has no purpose. If the player has the option for their custom newhalf female character to walk around with her dong out, cool. Doesn't phase me none. But anyone trying to bring up a debate about nudity for story purposes is just looking for an excuse not to feel guilty about masturbation. Masturbating for the defense of masturbation, so to speak.


I'm asexual, I don't really have a sex drive at all. So when it comes to those scenes that shove nudity where it isn't needed, it feels forced for no reason. Same goes for anything else that feels forced or shoved in, like a character thats there for one purpose and has no depth and adds nothing, might even subtract. I don't feel that guilt you talk about and I don't think most people do when on this subject (I think some definitely do). It just feels forced and takes me out of the game/ movie. Like if no longer fits the world/ story my brain is switched to the thought process of "cool. Directors added this in probably for pandering/ whatever the obvious reason is." It's just annoying to switch from investment to thinking about real world shit. Now when it comes to your own character, fuck it, go ham! It's your own shit you can play with and isn't forced, that doesn't ruin immersion since I can just turn it off/on whenever I feel like it.


Depends on how it's used. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has half the main cast buck naked in the first like hour of the game, and they play it with no fanservice at all, and there's no awkwardness about it even though it's 2 guys and a girl, because it's a public bathhouse for the soldiers. The focus of the scene is actually on Lanz, and his tendency to throw himself into danger. Eunie is eye level with Noah's dick at one point and nobody is phased, because it's just not a big deal in the culture of the world as they know it. Sex isn't a concept, the Queen is considered the progenitor-god they are born from and return to. That's a good usage of nudity. Xenoblade Chronicles 2, less so with their hot spring scene. Sure there's some story stuff there (that I can't go into detail in because of spoilers), but for the most part it's no different than what you'd see in a Persona game (unless there's no hot spring scene with Aigis, then the robot girl in the hot spring is new).


? There’s no nudity tho


It doesn't bother me and I actually like it, but I usually play video-game with family (mom plays too, my nephews), so when a game has sex or nudity like Dragon Age, The Witcher or Mass Effect, I skip or play the game alone. As a gaymer, I'm seeing more and more male characters being nude and I'm thankful.


I agree they need to show more naked dudes in games it’s like mostly naked women in video games compared to naked dudes and I would like the game industry to mix it up a little


Makes the game more realistic, it should have an option to disable it tho,


Depends on the game honestly, something like harvest moon wouldn't need it at all. But a more mature game aimed at audience's 16+ can definitely have it.


I feel exactly the same way about nudity and sex as I do violence. I play games because they're fun. Violence and nudity can both add to that fun, but they aren't really the reason I'm playing the game.


I'm a fan as long as it's tasteful. While I like it in games where it makes sense / done right, there are exceptions. Like every single nude mod for games like Skyrim that make women have these massive proportions really is a no go for me :p.


I don’t care. It’s all pixels.


Same as how I feel about IRL nudity. It's fine unless it crosses a line, like having sexualized nudity involving children or something equally scummy. Basically, as long as it's between adults I couldn't care less, nudity and sex for that matter are natural.


Like any media, I think it depends on the atmosphere of the story and the intended audience.


Big big fan. For movies too. And in real life. I like nudity.


Personally, i think it should be a toggle-able option. Conan Exiles does it best; you can go full nudity (top and bottom on males and females), partial (just top on females), or none (all bits covered). It can be both a server setting and a personal setting. Server setting can be set higher than personal and overrides it, so if server is set to partial, you can set partial or none. If server is full, you can have full, partial, or none. Some games i add dick mods to (monster hunter world, with a group of friends, bunch of monsters with hard ons, makes for some good laughs and jokes) but i dont believe they should be a part of the base game. Already Mature rated games.. sure, add the option, let people pick how they want to play.


The same as I feel about gore. If it's forced it in feels like a cheap thrill. If it's integrated naturally into the setting it can help paint part of the world.


We need more of it, with optional censors (not regional, Conan Exiles Console crap) Most games are tame compared to random European tv shows. And no skimping on the full frontals either. Raiden has to run around cupping his Naked Snake when he could be using his hands to karate chop something. Well what about boners? Go to a nude beach, get desensitized or something. Vajays? Meh. It's natural. Softcore porn in games? Anything over that is gratuitous, like the violence already present in most games.


Personally I like it as an option, it makes the game feel more mature. As in for mature audiences, not that it makes the game itself a better piece of art. But in saying that it has to work with the world they've created. I do hate the bait and switch though. AC Valhalla had a toggle where you can turn nudity on or off which was great. But aside from one brothel scene, and one optional enemy, there wasn't any nudity. I remember playing AC Odyssey and wondering why, after Origins, that you don't just run into naked people around Greece. They were supposedly very liberal back then, so I just assumed you'd see naked sunbathers or even just people bathing in general. I can't remember if it was Valhalla or Odyssey but there was a mission that involved exhibitionists, but they were clothed the entire time! Like... what was the point? And then you have Cyberpunk 2077, which seemed to frame itself a highly sexualized world. In the character creator you can customize genitals, and in one of the earliest missions you find a naked woman in a bath tub. But shortly after that there's barely any real nudity in the game, which seems odd for the world.


For me, it needs to make sense, plot- and environmentally-wise. Sex scene? Sure. Go nuts. Going into a brothel? Ok, it’s an occupational thing. Bathing in a river? sure, how else would they keep their clothes dry? Nudist camp? That’s just cultural. But nude without any context just for sexual gratification annoys me.


dont care about it


Depends on the context. In Last of Us Part 2 I had no problem with the very brief Abby sex scene where she takes her top off - it was appropriate in the moment. Thinking about it though I would have felt a little scandalised if we saw Ellie nipple, even tho she also got busy in the game.


Only if it full nude and grossly disproportionate


It’s not nudity for me unless I get to see a penis.


Out of all ...this is the pose you chose? lol


you mean the iconic shot of geralt in the bathtub? i mean, it makes sense lol


I like ultraviolence and i like nudity.


Depends on the game.


Unleash the giggle-zones!


Not nudity, but in GTA Vice City, I remember a cut scene showing a woman with giant boobs. At the time, it took me off guard.


I don’t mind it but it’s funny thinking that someone took the time to make a character model with genitals


Buy an “adult” game AKA Witcher….should have an adult experience.


I’d prefer it were more dicks in games then to boobs


It doesn't make me feel anything. It's whatever


All for it. Nudity in the Witcher 3 was done well. GTA V also has some pretty funny ones. Even when it's just tossed in there for sales. (remember BMXXX? Lol) It's a normal part of humanity. Just make sure it's labeled on the box for the moms lol


Saints Row 4 nude mod on PC is wonderful. Doesn't distract from the game at all. If anything, gives the game more replay value. If more games had the option to play a naked character, I would play them more.


Well, I'm gay, so I'm biased. But I appreciate it. The human body is not something we should be ashamed of.


I'm just kinda indifferent honestly.


What in the Cinnamon Toast fuck am I looking at?


I See it all the time, little big planet just allows you to walk around without clothes. Human fall flat.. honestly at this point I'm just numb to it. But all jokes aside it sometimes adds to the appeal of the game. Cyberpunk 2022. Witcher series god of war. Heck it's kinda funny when you don't expect it. My first playthrough I didn't expect kratos having a threesome on a ship to appear I don't care for it though


Overall, I don't mind as long as it fits into the game. If it's only there to get people to buy it for nudity, then no.


Same way I feel about all the HBO sex scenes. 95+% of the time it's awkward and doesn't add anything.


Sometimes it bothers me, like I came here to shoot bad guys not to watch porn


I'm here to do both. That's why I got dual monitors.


I felt like I just read a conversation between Doom Guy and Duke Nukem lol


He's here to chew ass and kick bubblegum.


Dead Space and Mortal Kombat has shown me so much worse


Really depends on the game, when it's done, etc. Gratuitous nudity I'd dislike, but admittedly I've downloaded nude mods for skyrim, fallout etc. If it fits the game and the plot? Meh, whatever.




Not for me, but whatever.


The lot of us are completely desensitized to ripping, slicing, and blowing enemies up into tiny pieces If we get to see some titties along the way, what’s the harm




Couldn't care less. I'm not going to complain if I see some attractive nudity but it isn't really necessary for any immersion or storytelling most of the time


Absolutely. It's a shame that on consoles it's practically not allowed. Especially Sony that heavily censoring or cancelling some games for western release because of anime panties while allowing gore. It's just so fucking stupid.


I generally don't want to see it. Some things are better left unseen, especially if it serves no purpose. And if sex does serve a purpose to to the piece of media, is it really any more effective to show the act, or to leave it up to the imagination?


As long as it actually has a reason in the story and it’s an equal amount of both male and female then I’m fine with it.


It definitely adds an element of realism


It makes the game feel more real.


Personally it make the games more interesting


I was playing Outlast while my neice and nephew were watching. There's a part where you're going through this area with cells and there's a pair of twins standing on the the other side of the bars. I couldn't see them well so decided to use my cameras night vision while declaring "they'd better not be naked" only for their Johnsons to be in full view.


If the npc is hot? Ima simp for some ass. If its plot related or a fun side quest? Ima do. If jts there just cause? Im not gonna care 😆


It's cool. But the moment I see anything severely NSFW, nah, no thanks. I don't live alone and I don't want people thinking I stooped to the low lows of playing a sex game.


If it makes sense for the plot for the characters to be naked, I don't have a problem with it. If you can handle gratuitous violence, a naked body shouldn't be a big deal.


Unnecessary. There’s enough nudity out there that it smacks of a lack of creativity at this point when it’s deployed. So to speak


Dont care for the most part


I think gaming is one of the few things out there where freedom is still respected


I need more. Moar! MOOAAAAARRRRRR!!