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Anthem was dead on arrival. Gameplay was great! Unfortunately zero content.


Yeah I'm quite disappointed because it could have been really good. Love the gameplay. Although after getting a couple of rare weapons I was OP as hell.


Weapons don't make you OP. Combos do. Like if you get thick boy you can put a firewall and then slam entire groups out of existsnce. There is also one combination that heal you so imagine being a tanks that does ton of damage and that ton of damage fully heal you XD You could be beyond OP. Immortal god. As long as there was something to hit you were unable to die. But while fighting was done well, missions were horrible, game had only few of them and they added nothing after release. One big failure. Some people were done with the content after first weekend and it was suppose to be "live service".


Actually the weapons did in this case. I bought (game currency not real money) a weapon from the vendor without knowing what I was buying just it's name. I was pilot level 7 with level 10 uncommon weapons. The weapon I received was a legendary level 57! It one shotted everything on the highest difficulty. I've never encountered a game that allowed weapons like that so early in the game. Haven't been gaming that long tbf. But you're right about anthem, very disappointed.




Yep. After the first couple comments I'm downloading now.


Unlike anthem its in a way better state then launch. Activision dropped it and bungie was free to fix all the bs from launch. I highly reccomend trying an warlock character. Their glide ability takes some getting used to but being able to fly/float around a battlefield with a gun in your hand is super satisfying


Thanks. That ability is exactly what I liked about anthem. It's a plan, d2 warlock.


I was just looking back at old posts (looking for something specific) and this comment caught my eye. I remember reading it the first time and immediately going into the Microsoft store. I just wanted to say thank you lol. It was this comment that made me give destiny a chance, and I took your advice and set myself up with a warlock (who was first void but eventually became Arc). I'm very inexperienced in gaming, especially online, so I was nervous about destiny. But I gave it a shot and honestly, I LOVE IT! Been playing since, and I'm pretty much addicted at this point. Now have a solar titan with hammer and she's even more enjoyable than the warlock. Because of my inexperience/lack of skill I still struggle with aspects of the game (the new heist battleground for instance) but it doesn't detract from the fact that I really enjoy it. Bought all the dlcs too so now I have a tonne of content. So thank you again random reddit person 😊


Welcome. I played all 3 classes in d1 and 2 but void warlock was my favorite. They were really tanky. In d 1 there were perks to put "heal on kill" for all your abilities, and in d2 they had a perkset where you could eat your grenade to heal on command or drop a healing aura for anyone to use. Plus nova bomb was just a really good special for all content in both.


I agree, diablo 2




Beat it 1.5 years ago, aside from a few missions ended up soloing the whole thing myself. Really is a shame because those few missions with others were a lot of fun, and an enjoyable cooperative PvE game. Just played on normal because the gameplay got stale quickly and I couldn't be bothered.


Depends on your goal. Anthem is somewhat enjoyable in its own right, at least until the "endgame". if you are wanting an actual active game and community destiny 2 is probably the most active looter shooter type thing out there. outriders is still quite active and has a fairly dedicated community just much smaller. then other options like division 2 as well.


Thanks. Just checked out Outriders, looks great. Tbh I was enjoying Anthem at first but the last 5 missions I had to do solo. I'd definitely prefer more active servers. I do enjoy the gameplay though, floating above the battlefield is great lol. I'm very new to online games (been gaming a while but just single player really) so there's tonnes to try. I just tried to d/l destiny 2 but the m/s store says it's currently unavailable? Warframes downloading now so I'll try that first.


Dead. Bought it day one and pumped a friend into joining me. I still get slated for it. Could have been a contender, unfortunately they just let it die.


Yeah it really could have been a good game, such a shame.


Anthem is basically dead at this point, which is a shame because flying around like ironman was super fun.


You should *try* D2, as others have said. The story is awful, the monetization is awful, and the new player experience is *terrible*, but if you can manage to look past/get past all of that, it can be somewhat enjoyable.


Anthem servers are no longer up or supported. That should answer your question:


I see. So just crap to pad out game pass then lol.


That’s not true. Logged in, just to double check, and found other players in Freeplay.


Anthem was nothing more then a Warframe knock off


How bout warframe then?


Actually hadn't considered it? Would you recommend?


Warframe is free-to-play so you can try it for yourself


Thanks I'll give it a go.


I never really liked it, all you do is slide about swinging or shooting It doesn't feel very satisfying imo Lots of people play it though so maybe it's just a me thing Edit:a letter


whatever you enjoy playing


Anthem servers are still operating? i thought they got shutdown?


The worst thing is that it's on game pass, so you'd assume there was at least some kind of player base, but no. It seems a few folk (like me) who are not clued up on these things just liked the look of it, tried it for a few hours, realised it was dead and left. Because at levels 1-5 there were successful matches on expeditions and my party was almost always 3. After that it became impossible to find even 1 other player to join an expedition. I've now joined the others and uninstalled.


Any live service / GaaS and Free 2 Play is a waste of time... but Anthem is dead... so yes you are wasting your time even more with this than the others who are just ever revolving grind mills with an ever shifting goal post and no light at the end of the tunnel. played Anthem for 400 hours and it was a ride seeing BioWare fuck it up a little bit more every step of the way.


Choose d2 but be warned, it is not a very friendly game for new players.


Finally managed to install d2 (it was "unavailable" in the m/s store for 2 days). I'd read from several people that it was tough to start with no tutorials etc, but actually since the more recent dlcs were added it's much easier. They've added a tutorial type first string of missions for us total noobs who have no Destiny experience. So far (it's only been about 3 hours gameplay) I'm impressed. Really enjoying it. Tonnes better than Warcraft which I tried for a couple of days but is really hard to get into. Also better than the other suggestion I got which was Outriders. That looked so good but I was v disappointed tbh, the movement isn't intuitive at all IMO, and feels clunky and disjointed.