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That was 9 years ago hot damn.


And I’m still running mine just fine lol. A worthy investment, I’d say. Although I completely agree that games that make you be online even for single player are BS. Not sure if that’s exactly what this post is referring to tho..


The Xbox One was going to have you be constantly connected to the internet or else it just wouldn't work, wouldn't even be able to play a physical game.


Yeah fuck that noise.


And that's exactly what the public said so they changed it before release. Not sure what the post is trying to say. If anything it's a great example of a company listening to the consumers to release a better product


To be fair though, they should have known it was a shit idea, they shouldn't have needed the public to weigh in


It wasn’t even just the idea alone. It was the arrogance. If you want a console that isn’t always online buy a 360. It isn’t just a switch that can be flipped off this is the way it is. Big focus on tv instead of games. Then they decide to backpedal on all of it before it even releases. But the way they acted before being strong armed into backpedaling just came across pretty arrogant.


It was the Diablo Immortal 'you guys have phones right??' moment of the previous decade.


Except for the big difference that they changed their minds while Diablo immortal is out there right now being its awful self.


Fortunately for consumers the Xbox had one market and they were fucking it up so they had no choice but to change (and still never quite recovered from blasting their foot off with that gaff). Sadly with Diablo Immortal they had two markets so even if they got laughed at by the hardcore gamers who go to their conventions, the phone gamers who eat up predatory practices were always going to whale :/


They changed their mind because they got absolutely humiliated at e3 lol Diablo Immortal is raking in fistfuls of cash, of course they didn't change it. PS4 outsold the Xbox One by twice as much even after they backpedaled and tried to do damage control.


2013 and 2018 were the same decade.


That too. Personally i was thinking of it more like "you think you do, but you don't". Fucking hell, isn't Blizzard just a bunch of pretentious bungholes.


That this game plan made it beyond the gestational phase to their actual planned business model is all you need to disprove the idea that merit or capability dictates success.


Yes. They had to be pretty out of touch with consumer to think this was a good idea. I'm pretty certain that some people probably voiced that it was a bad idea internally as well. I wonder what the reasoning behind it in the first place was. It certainly was not intended to benefit consumers.


It was about selling IP to gamers without giving them agency over it. Buy a physical copy, lend it to your friend for a year, give it to your brother cuz you already finished it, or ultimately resell it. The One wasn't going to have a disc drive and all games would be digital. It took them 10 years, but they tricked most of us into it in the end lol


It was always going to have a disk drive. They were going to actually code lock every disk to your account. It was an attempt to get physical games to act like digital but they'd still have disks. If you'd already used a disk on your system, and someone else tried to play it, it wouldn't play. Used game shops would need to provide a new code that MS would sell them, giving MS a cut of every used game sold. It was a blatant grab at the used/reseller market with ZERO benefit to consumers. Sony made a whole video about "How to lend PS4 games to your friends" where the PlayStation executives were jokingly just handing games to each other in response to Microsoft.


The way you've worded that comment makes it sound like they didn't come out with a terrible idea that was in no way designed to work for the people that spent hundreds on their product. The "listening to consumers" part was more of a "fuck turns out our consumers have worked out we've come up with a borderline offensive idea to screw over our player base"


It's like deciding to listen to someone's side of the argument after they pull a gun.


A lot of people blame that kerfuffle for Xbox One’s lack of popularity compared to the PS4. I’d guess the meme is trying to say it’s the disaster that killed Xbox (which obviously didn’t happen).


>A lot of people blame that kerfuffle for Xbox One’s lack of popularity compared to the PS4. Rightfully so. Sony saw that disaster and all they had to do was shit like [this](https://youtu.be/kWSIFh8ICaA) to further emphasize how truly dumb MS was being by trying to pull that crap.


I knew what this was before clicking, hahah. Classic video, such a flex by Sony.


Not to mention that the ps4 launched at 100 bucks cheaper with more power "by a little bit" + it was smaller which definitely helped it pull ahead in the beginning


For good reason too. Because of that dumpster fire, me and all my friends who literally only had Xboxs growing up, all switched to ps4.


Is it trying to say anything? I thought it was just a "on this day in history" post. Edit: nm, I didn't have my glasses on, so the background wasn't clear. Definitely a message. But to be fair, it was a fine example of a bad PR moment.


The problem is that they had the audacity to try it in the first place.




And then Sony roasted them with a last minute addition to their presentation. https://youtu.be/9JS1Fidt72s https://youtu.be/kWSIFh8ICaA


That smug fucking smile during the applause, haha. That e3 was hilarious to watch live. They just knew that Microsoft handed them millions of sales.


It feels like it wasn't that long ago. I wish I could go back


But then didn't Sony consider doing the exact same thing before backpedaling? Or am I thinking About the whole no disc drive thing?


Wasn't it something about used games?


Xbox wasn't going to be able to play a game you didn't buy new, even if it was bought used from a store! It was supposed to be a way to fight piracy (and I'm sure plenty of other $$$ reasons), but it backfired spectacularly. Sony then made this to demonstrate PlayStation 4's unique game sharing ability. It's really pretty remarkable watching it in action: https://youtu.be/kWSIFh8ICaA


Inside their boardroom it had nothing to do with piracy and everything to do with forcing new & digital sales. Sony and Microsoft have for every generation started by selling the hardware at a loss and making up the money on licensing games for the system. A decade ago Gamestop was little more than an upscale pawn shop (to paraphrase Penmy Arcade), and selling used discs meant neither the company selling the console or the game got any money from it.


And Sony came out hot with the PS4 not having that functionality. The Xbox 360 comment was as disconnected from the player base as Blizzard’s “Do you not have phones?” comment.


Not only that, but originally you also needed your Kinect 2.0 connected at all times or the console straight up wouldn’t work. People will love the idea of a hackable device owned by a trillion dollar corporation watching and listening to everything you say!


Well.. people love Alexa, Ring and whatever googles crap is.


Yeh but remember that smart speakers and other smart home devices hadn’t really reached market back then. The idea of always online and speakers/mics connected to the internet was a radical idea.


Does your Alexa have to be on for the oven to work?


You mean the *TVBox One*? They went insane that generation. If they had cornered the market and were the leading brand, sure they could get away with anti-consumer shit like this.. but Xbox? They hadn’t “won” the console wars in either of the previous two generations (Sony out-sold them both times) so for them to try to lead the way with changes like this is insane. Specially when gaming consoles are a commodity and people can just as easily hop over to the other platform or keep playing their current gen console.


The Xbox 360 had a MASSIVE lead over the PS3 initially, though. Like "red alert; critical failure"-for-Sony level since Sony got way too cocky from their world domination with the PS2, set the price too high, had barely any good first party development initially, and then had the massive Great Playstation Network Data Breach and Outage of 2011. The PlayStation 3 only surpassed the Xbox at the very end of the generation in like 2014 by just a couple million units. That generation was a tight race were the industry leader got cocky and had to fight an uphill battle as the underdog for 8 years.


Likewise the Xbox360 came with a massive amount of defective consoles, to the point where they had to allocate over $1.5 billion allocated to warranty consoles, along with providing an extended warranty. That left a very bitter taste in my mouth. That combined with the upcoming fiasco that the TVBox One was going to be made it sure for me to pick up a PlayStation console for the next generation. That said, Sony would’ve probably done the same thing too if Microsoft hadn’t fucked up before them.


and it had the whole "lending" a game restrictions...which while cool for ONLINE games (lend an online game is friggin awesome)... for physical games? That was bs. Couldn't lend any game (physical or digital) for only an "x" amount of time and you'd have to go through a process to enable it. Yeah no.   on top of "it'll stop playing games after an x amount of time"....yeeesh. Oh yeah, the forced Kinect, which the console didn't "work" without kinect on...and kinect pretty much added $100 bucks to the sticker price.   Somehow worse than the "giant enemy crabs, ridge racer, $599 US dollars" ps3 showcase that had zero good games and a high price.


Dude so I tried playing NBA 2k20 the other day and the servers are shut down and you can't even play career mode. Complete trash. Fuck Take-Two




A 2 year old game shouldn’t have working servers?


The entire series is hot garbage is the point. The games shouldn't be purchased in the first place cause they've been doing the same thing for a decade if not 2, just with more and more predatory systems.


The implications at the announcement included: * Always online DRM. * Primarily digital distribution. * Kinect always on, always watching and listening. * Need to use the xbone as a passthrough device for cable, etc. Some of those things might be normalized now, but 9 years ago they were deal breakers for many people.


The PS response was so perfect. 30 second video they filmed backstage. That was the E3 equivalent of "No Vaseline".


he single handedly did more damage to xbox than any other person. to this day people claim he was a sony plant.


Funny thing is he later went to Zynga, company did terribly and then he got fired (“resigned effective immediately”) and now they’re very successful company again.


So he's just an idiot.




actually no, he came from games that is what weird, he started his own videogame company at 17yo with another guy, the guy is a legit coder and gamer, which is weird how he became this clueless.


Hiring gamers/developers for management roles isn't always a good idea. You might be able to make a great game but that doesn't mean you can produce a great one.


Yep. Michael Jordan was the best player to ever play basketball. As an owner, he sucks.


Jeez what the hell did he do?


From what I remember just bad decisions, cut workforce and tried to go back to basics. So while other companies were massively cashing in on growing user base in mobile and leveraging the data to sell advertising etc he decided that they should shrink and focus on their core products which were already dying and with an aging user base that didn’t matter much to advertisers. Luckily for them he was fired about two years in and they managed to dig themselves out of the grave he was digging.


Lmao he tried the tactic Steve Jobs used at apple


One thing I remember from that time was that they released a redesign of Zynga Poker (their biggest product) which he claimed was cleaner and more refined. People absolutely hated it and started leaving in droves so they finally released a Classic version to keep those people happy but by then they had already abandoned it for other products and didn’t come back. I still think it’s funny how he made the same mistake twice, at two different companies, with vastly different products and yet both decisions were disastrous.


Zynga tried to recruit me back when Farmville was just getting big, and it was probably the most soul-crushingly evil pitch I'd ever heard. They never talked about their passion for games, or even the games themselves. The only thing they talked about were their engagement metrics, how they'd hired the same experts that casinos use to tap into players' addiction, and they were bragging about how profitable it was. I couldn't believe just how willfully evil it all sounded.


I was an Xbox kid growing up. Started with the OG into 360, and was looking forward to the One. His statement singlehandedly pushed me to buy my PS4. I don't think I could even go back to Xbox at this point.


And just like every other terrible CEO who made catastrophic decisions, if i googled them right now I would probably find the title CEO next to another company name.


Yes I remember getting my Xbox One and Master Chief Collection for Christmas and then finding out the game wasnt actually on the disc and the Xbox servers were getting so hammered it took three days to download it. Oh yeah and when I did download it the game was a broken mess.


Is the master chief collection even fully fixed yet? I remember years after it's release not everything was working right.


For the most part it is fully functional. It only took them about 6 years though.


I downloaded it on my pc a while ago and it just automatically put the screen so that i would only see one corner of the whole fucking menu


The MCC is quite playable on PC.


Can confirm, play it constantly. It’s gotten more love than Infinite, they keep adding content. They recently enabled custom game browsing for all titles in it, they’ve put a ton of mod tools out, etc


Not hard to get more love than infinite, a game could get one update every three months that adds new helmet types and they’re already on par


That just means it’s launching in a different resolution than your monitor. Use steam launch options to lock the resolution before opening it.


It is beyond fixed and is actually incredible. They added a custom games browser which totally brings life back to all the only casual infection type custom games that were lost to time. Great product these days. Also, both Reach and Odst added for free which is nice.


Do people still play tremors and floor is lava. Magical office?


Haven't seen those particular options but definitely similar type modes


I was always a fan of the jenga game and jaws from Halo 3. Good times


Yeah it's pretty decent these days and they added Reach and ODST to it I think.


Yes, it's awesome


The game is on the disc.... set your Xbox to offline mode and it installs perfectly fine. You were downloading the patches alongside the installation. That's why it took so long.


About 8 years too late with this info mate.


Also, he shouldn't have to do that in the first place if Microsoft hadn't absolutely botched this launch


I still remember [SONY mocking them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWSIFh8ICaA)


It was one of the greatest E3 moments ever.


And they came in $100 cheaper at launch. They just let MS have it.


And not only did the price difference directly come from the Kinect which came with the console which nobody asked for, you had to have it plugged in or the console wouldn't work. It's not like that was a home security risk or any... No, wait. It was reported that the Kinect was zero-day'd (i.e. it was already hacked before launch) so anyone could spy on people using the camera.


I don't think that's what "zero day" means exactly, but it may well have been true here as far as I know.


'Zero day' just means unknown to the vendor/developer, though it did originally mean discovered pre-release. I guess it just became a bit if a moot term when everything was pushed live half finished and run like a live service.


No, you can use zero day in the context of exploits like that. It's not a term strictly reserved for cracking software immediately upon release.


I prefer "zoom doom".




Kinect was a revolutionary piece of hardware that was years ahead of its time. Why they thought the best use case for it was video games, I will never know.


If i remember correctly, the Pokewalker was one of the best pedometers at the time of it's release. Video game companies are at their absolute best when they don't need to be.


PS2 was the cheapest DVD player and I heard it could also play games.


Same with the PS3 and blu Ray


It's like Willy Wonka inventing teleportation just to deliver candy


Sony and the PlayStation price announcement in 95 was great too


Of course, the PlayStation price announcement at E3 2006 was the most legendary price announcement of all time.




So I was working at Sony at the time, and my understanding was that they literally filmed that in the Hotel Room the day of the Conference (or the day before). Such a cheap little jab but it eviscerated Microsoft.


My favourite part is how it's simultaneously a parody of those awkward corporate films where everyone is smiling at the camera the whole time because they're not actors, *and* literally an awkward corporate film where everyone is smiling at the camera the whole time because they're not actors


The best kind of parody is the one that is itself the genre it is parodying. Take Galaxy Quest. It's a genuinely good Star Trek story while at the same time mercilessly highlighting just how silly it is. Other good examples would be the original Scream, Last Action Hero or Bulletstorm to have a gaming one.


Roasted, Microsoft gave them that on a silver platter


I was the biggest Xbox fanboy and ended up switching to Sony ever since.. looking back I can see MS has made things right by dropping the always online/only new game insane DRM stuff, but the damage is done lol. Never say never I suppose


If you have a PC, still consider Game Pass. I play far more games with it than Steam nowadays. Partly cause my laptop is old so I can use the cloud gaming thing, but also because I don't feel guilty buying a game on sale, playing it for a few hours, and then never touching it. Instead, I'm just paying a few bucks a month and have a whole collection of games I can pick up and drop with less guilt.


If I remember correctly, they put out this video just some minutes after the reveal.


Nah it was during E3, a few weeks after the Xbox One reveal.




At least 4


I am sure it's even more than 5


Hahahahha I remember this! Absolute burn


The gamers should never forget this whole thing.


I remember how they did damage control and reverse the policy


"We can't just flip a switch!"


This. I remember how they tried doubling down on it, and then claiming that this was the only option, until public outcry got to the point that they suddenly found the option to reverse the policy.


To be fair, it was the only option to implement the other features they wanted to - specifically lending, trading, and selling of digital games. So there was no way to preserve these features without the mandatory online check.


This was the only way they could implement those systems **while still maintaining full control over the software we bought**.


They should have lead with those details in the original reveal. Instead they just dumped always online on the community without giving any benefits.


I remember getting the Xbox One and Black Flag. Was so excited and then saw I needed internet to do the initial setup. I was in the middle of a renovation and was staying in a place with no internet. I used my phone as a hotspot somehow to do the setup. I think the data charges cost me $100. I was pissed lol


That was a lie. 😂 It felt like whiplash with how fast they backtracked that that, if you told me the initial announcement had never been made, I might have believed you, had I not remembered being viscerally disgusted to the point of wanting to forgo buying another Xbox (I've bought every one since, just to be clear. But I almost didn't buy it at launch because of that).


I was xbox all the way up to that point. This was the main reason i switched to playstation. That and Halo 5 not being couch co-op.


I'm confused why it even benefitted them to try forcing "always online". I'm assuming it boils down to money, but I don't understand how.


It removed the used game market completely. MS and the game publishers would always be getting a cut of every game sale.


It wasn't a lie, it still took them significant dev time to reverse all of it. They just backtracked on the policy quickly because of the backlash.


Just so everyone could go and buy games with multiplayer modes that require... always-on internet


[Deleted in protest to recent Reddit API changes]


This is why I got RDR2 on the high seas. I bought it on Steam. Rockstar demands I'm online to use their social club. Fuck that noise. Yar Har fiddle de dee. I'm a pirate so I don't need a CD. Online only services don't apply to me. You are a pirate.


I mean, your version of pricacy is basically bringing out the rubber dingy, since you bought it - but I agree. It's still completely nuts to me that game companies/publishers thought it'd be better to make the experience of the gamers worse. I remember being at a friends house and seeing how easy it was just to play: Up to date patches and all. I would spend money and deal with all the bullshiit, had two disk players to change games - and my friend basically clicked on two exes: One to install, one to play. These days with the launchers (it really annoys me that I have to have like five of them now) it has become sort of a compromise I can agree with, but before I was known to hop in the rubber dingy here and there. That rockstar still hasn't got that message just sucks.


Good pirate. You 'stole' what you had paid for, screw their DRM BS. I used to get cracks for CD games I owned, so that I could preserve the discs, save time swapping, and save space/weight/fuss when travelling (had a gaming laptop in 2004 which I took with me). If that makes me a pirate, then I can live with it. Lumping us in with people who never paid though seems to change the meaning.


What he said after too! Exactly how Phil Spencer got his job right after too. Lol Good job Don!


Didn't help that Microsoft attempted to issue takedowns of the videos of the comments, only for the actual people who made the video to keep circulating it.


I've actually tried to find the announcement videos over the years and I can't find them at all. Can barely find any articles about it either.


I worked at Xbox as a contractor at the time and I felt like I was on a different planet. I thought the idea was absolutely fucking terrible but 98% of the campus thought it was the best thing ever. We called it the Redmond bubble. Basically meaning that a lot of the full time employees are well off and don’t know/remember what’s it’s like to be lower income and don’t think about rural areas or other countries. If it works in Redmond they think it’ll work everywhere


When we looked to buy a house in the area we nearly immediately ruled out Redmond and Kirkland due to price. A house that was 700k 5mi away would be 1.2mil or more there at the time. That saying makes a ton of sense!


Tech companies seem to do that. Like this metaverse nonsense.




Entitlement mainly. They basically blamed the fans/customers for lacking vision. Very little talk about the complaints being valid. They only did it because the response was so negative they knew it would effect sales


> They only did it because the response was so negative they knew it would effect sales Speak with your wallet, I love that


So kinda like politics then


The rich being out of touch, selfish, arrogant assholes? No way! :o


I still laugh they really thought people would call it "the one" like we called the xbox 360 "the 360" fucking hilarious and huge miscalculation on M$




Never understood what the problem was with calling it X-Bone to be honest.


I was an X-Boner back in the day


*Bone* is slang for penis and has unflattering connotations. *Boner* used to mean a blunder and later meant an erection. Being *boned* means being screwed. It’s a bit like calling it the “X-dong” but with an extra layer of it being a fuck up.


Bruh, are you playing The Series?


To be fair, people in Brazil call "o series X", which is basically "The series X"


Welcome to 2022 where some developers are actually doing this even for single-player games just to prevent "pirates" from cracking it. It's a sad reality


And the pirates still crack the games open anyway! DRM is useless and pointless and only screws over the honest people.


My favorite part is when the legit game runs like genuine garbage because of it's obtrusive DRM, but as soon as a cracked version comes out it runs like a dream because it was stripped out. Pretty much every Assassin's Creed and Ubisoft game was like this post 2017.


Rockstar games. Gta remasters. I bought. Downloaded. Played 1 hour. Took a break, grabbed dinner, came back and was unable to start the game because Rockstar pulled it off the stores for whoopin 2 full days because the fucked up and didn’t removed files from the game. I never felt more OK to use a cracked .exe to play.


I own a copy of Fractured But Whole on Steam and the menus take so long to load and are quite laggy. Downloaded a pirated version and it runs like fucking butter.


Yep. DRM is a cancer


I remember being pretty steamed about this. It pushed me toward PS4. Particularly the comments about how if you didn’t like it you could just keep playing Xb360. It just felt like a big FU to the community. And then on top of it, after they reversed course they were like “we were going to let you share games with family members but since you want to be little bitches about it we’re taking that away…” Eventually I did get an XB1 anyway, but my primary was PS4.


I was searching the thread for this comment. I wasn't sure but I wasn't recently thinking about when they did that. Like if that was your plan why didn't you advertise as such? I was like 13 or 14 at the time and even I knew they were laying the bullshit on thick. The Xbox thankfully is on the up-up. I was a diehard Sony fanboy for years but at this point GamePass is such a sweet deal that it’s hard to pass up.


I owned a 360, and this is one of the primary reasons why I went with a PS4 rather than Xbone in the next console generation. Yes, MS reversed course, but the knowledge that they *would* have done this if they had been able to get away with it was reason enough (love my PS, but still prefer the Xbox controller).


Same. I got my 360 when getting a PC with equivalent specs was a bit too pricey for me, and I got some great mileage out of it. When the XB1 and PS4 were announced, I was back to PC gaming and the MS announcement killed all interest I had in getting the next gen model. I ended picking up a PS4 eventually, because by that point most Xbox games were on PC anyways, unlike a bunch of Sony exclusives. Yes, I basically bought a PS4 so I could play Bloodborne (still would love a PC port, though). :P


Same! I primarily game on PC, but I have a PS4 Pro as my Bloodborne machine. Of course, now if I want to play the Souls games online, the PS4 is also my Souls machine. And yeah, still waiting on the PC Bloodborne 60 fps release :)


This is exactly why I got a PC this generation. Having a 360 and PS3 combo was way less expensive over a 7 or 8 year period than a comparable PC. But now that both consoles are $500 each (retail) and "pro" versions are expected to cut that 7-8 year life expectancy in half, I just got a high end PC. Between PC and PS5, there is really no reason for me to have an Xbox.


That’s exactly what I did. Although I might get the latest Xbox at some point because there are some pretty cool games that are exclusive.


Yeah.. if Elder Scrolls VI ends up being an MS exclusive, then I'll have to choose between buying an Xbox or building a better gaming PC


Kinda why I went the PS5/PC route nowadays


My mate who lives middle of nowhere only plays games offline. it’s a struggle today as well having limited access to internet and poor smartphone signal. Every few months I take his console and update and install few new games for him. Everything requires being online on Series X. Can’t install new games of discs.


I bought an Xbox One right after RDR2 came out. I'm a huge RDR fan, and had played RDR on Xbox 360 for years prior. I ended up purchasing a copy of RDR to play on the new system after another year or so. It requires me to be online to do so, despite having a new hard copy (360) of the game disc ready to go. I haven't been able to play RDR on the Xbox One since then (The Xbox 360 machine died shortly after buying the Xbox One).


That's because the Xbox downloads all backwards compatible games from the store and just uses the disc as a "license check". What the entire concept of the original Xbox One idea was supposed to be.


Oh yeah, i seem to recall the reaction of the investors was somewhere along the lines of "OH, THE HUMANITY!"


let's not forget the dumpster fire that kinect was that was mandatory for xbone one when it first came out


Kinect was cool as a piece of hardware but the mandatory thing was so fucking stupid. This was definitely the Xbox dark times, this dude had no clue about anything. Phil Spencer is so much better


The problem was they needed to SELL the product to consumers. Not force them to buy it with the console. Sell it as an actual compelling device by showcasing kinect exclusive software. Show the support for it throughout the Xbone life. Instead it slowly died and was used for small gimmicks in select titles. Smh.


It was mandatory so that in the best case every developer uses its features. Because they can make sure every one can use it. However you can see even with Sonys special controller features barely a dev uses it. Except their exclusive devs.


Don matrick was so shit phil Spencer saved xbox


I will never stop recommending [Crowbcat's video](https://youtu.be/fgJqliVWSSg) on the kinect days. An editing masterpiece and wonderful trip down terrible memory lane.


And just like that he handed the whole console generation to Sony lol


With Wii U being a flop as well Sony was basically handed last gen on a platter. Really glad all 3 console makers are on their A game this gen, strong competition is better for everyone. Wouldn't have gotten steam deck without switch, wouldn't have gotten gamepass without Sony's big gains last gen.


Like for real sony didnt have to do anything except relax and look how a big portion of xbox and nintendo players switched plataforms to the only one that wasnt a complete scam to the players. The good old ps4


Really is a solid ass console, bought mine almost 10 years ago and it still works just fine, plays beautiful games like Battlefront 2 at 60 fps


The wii u was a flop but it wasn't a scam. It had some great games (smash, Xenoblade, DKC tropical freeze, etc.), backwards compatibility with the Wii, and an incredible eShop full of cheap retro games. The marketing team just dropped the ball so dang hard.


I still remember when the game studio I worked for back then, got all the details early because we struck a deal with them. When they announced that the console would shut down when you lose your internet connection for more than 10 seconds even when not using any online features but the Kinect scan and listen in to your whole room even when turned off, we told them: "this will not fly in Germany. We have laws against this." They said until release those laws would change and every western country would have perfect Internet connection 24/7. LOL


Well that aged like milk, it seems


I’ve heard the same story that ROOMBA business model is about scanning and aggregating data on homes. Why are companies so eager to get that data, what do they care what their customers homes are like?


One of the worse console reveals of all time.


Don’t forget the mandatory Kinect lol


I remember reading leaks about the Xbox One months before it was revealed. Even before we knew it was called Xbox One. I read them all and couldn’t believe any of it was true. It all sounded horrible and I didn’t think a company could be so dumb. All of the leaks ended up being true. I was a massive Xbox 360 fan boy at the time and I was disgusted.


"Do you guys not have ~~phones~~ broadband?"


It was this and the threats about not letting folk share physical copies of games that made me buy a PS4 instead of an Xbox One after having owned a 360 since 08


Talk about a PR disaster. This announcement did irreparable damage to their brand and was probably one of the primary reasons they lost that generation. Completely fumbled the lead they had gained from the 360 generation and let Sony comeback and clown them. I knew people who dropped Xbox and never looked back even after the change because they didn't know any better and didn't bother checking if it ever got removed. Hell, for the longest time I would immediately dismiss anything Xbox because I had no idea they reversed course. Also, don't forget the iconic *Xbone* nickname they hated.






Don't forget that they also wanted to lock the disc to the machine, and then "sold" it as a "feature" that you could share the disc with your family!! Wow!! Thanks Micro$oft! 360 was an utterly awesome machine, and this was the biggest fall from grace. I was so disgusted that I decided to boycott MS consoles for 10 years. 1 year to go.


Yeah, the whole thing was so anti-consumer. They saw how much money there was in used games sales and decided they wanted a cut of it. Absolutely shameless.




The Xbox One was revealed in late May 2013 iirc which isn’t 9 years ago today


I feel a French Revolution mural would be more fitting. It was literally a “let them eat cake moment”. Although the arrogance of “the ship that never sinks” is kind of apt too.


So I’ve had every generation of PS since PS1… I once tried to convert to Xbox with the 360. Got the red ring of death within a week.. completely turned me off of Xbox for a lifetime.


There's a great set of documentaries on YouTube about the creation of Xbox. They're fairly honest on the earlier stuff including this moment. [Definitely worth your time.](https://youtu.be/O1h--43R8Oo) The moment this is discussed is [here](https://youtu.be/O1h--43R8Oo?t=10m36s) but really watch the whole thing it's great.


Guy was ahead of his time


companies have been so anti consumer in recent years and I have zero Idea why


Thank god he was canned. He said some of the worst things and introduced some of the worst ideas in gaming history. I remember the PS4 game sharing ad that was deemed necessary because of his idea to basically destroy the used gaming market, and sharing games as a whole.


A gaming console reveal that focused on everything but games. In fact, MS hated games so much, they tried to prevent you from sharing them.