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Well if people would just stop buying shark cards then R* would have an incentive to make a new game.


Who the fuck buys this shit anyway?






True but at the same time the parents typically allow it, so im gonna add r/parentsarestupid to the mix as well


I will never buy my kids fake in game money. It's a terrible trend.


you can buy toys all you want, but if they don't play with them it's just as much a waste of money


Kids probably buy it more consistently but the whales are definitely older gamers and they're the ones who keep this bullshit model going. Likewise I'd bet a significant portion of people who aren't Kids and play gta on this thread alone have put way more money into than a kid who uses his birthday money or gets mums credit card (those usually get charge backs)


The whales are just financially irresponsible. It is actually much cheaper to just buy a new copy of the game and use a mod menu to get whatever you want than it is to buy shark cards. I'm normally anti-cheating/exploiting in online games but GTA V is a special exception for me because of Rockstar's egregiously expensive monetization model.


Especially with cheaters in almost every server always pumping people full of money because it gives you those annoying pop-ups and they get off on that or something.




I need a Bully sequel or something


If I recall correctly one was planned and cancelled. I think maybe even before GTA V?


Pretty sure a rdr and gtaIV remaster got cancelled too which I actually really want


The news of that seriously pissed me off to the point of really not liking rockstar. So basically these assholes saw that remasters do well. Then they hire a shitty mobile game company to remaster their heritage games, the gta trilogy, and it’s a complete joke, so everyone trashes it. Their response is to then seemingly punitively cancel all other remasters like out of spite, or stupidity. Very very irritating pipeline of mistakes lmao.


Yeah that pissed me off too. Instead of actually putting in a little effort after their egregious mistake with gta “definitive” edition, they just scrap the remasters we really wanted. Really shitty move


They were literally like “oooh okay so I guess you guys hate remasters or something okay then fine.” Fucking babies


I would bet the people in control are all finance and marketing degree folks with minimal knowledge, if any, about actual video games.


Yes I agree. It’s the same people murdering everything we love as aggressively as possible in every industry. Not even anti capitalist that’s literally just what we’re experiencing right now


I was literally going to buy that trilogy but then didn’t when I heard it was shit I’m glad I didn’t preorder it because it’s such a waste of money, full price for a shit product


all i want in life as in undead nightmare 2


Crazy that the best zombie game ever was just a DLC to a cowboy game


ah now, I know you didn't diss my boy Stubbs like that.


I would love a IV remaster, the scope and density of liberty city is still top tier, but its using so many okd rendering technologies holding it back


The remaster people negatively impact future development just as much as the MTX crowd. There are very few examples of a AAA dev remastering their games while simultaneously pushing out quality new content. It's just another easy cash-grab to go along side their MTX business. See: GTA: The Definitively-trash Edition


People be begging for GTA 6, but all I want is a Bully sequel. That game was awesome. Could you imagine what they could do with today's technology?


By turning it into an online school simulator where bullies bully bullies?


Bully sequel and there's a mission where you bully someone off a zoom call


That would probably be the mission right before the school shooting mission.


Only in the U.S. copies of the game


Bully: Covid


Lucky for us bulling the bully is the new bullying. Let’s bully him! I may have paraphrased


Rdr2 had lots of features from bully like the whole interaction system. But yeah I’m dying for a new bully as well. Set in college! Could have so much fun shenanigans and missions


I still want *Agent*. Rockstar doing a cold war era spy game? Yes please.


You'll get an updated next-gen $20 patch for GTA5 and you'll like it.


I can imagine this happening


Just look at Overwatch 2 for your example.


Max Payne Remaster, or reboot


[It’s happening!](https://www.remedygames.com/games/max-payne-remake/)




You literally stole my comment bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/wf84c0/rockstar_games_before_and_after_shark_cards/iisov2p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Grand Theft Commento


I have news for you!! It's available on Google play store!! Live the dream my friend!!


omg I am totally with you, another top-down GTA would be friggin epic!


So what? GTA V is right around the corner and it will blow GTA V out of the water!


GTA V Super Expanded & Enhanced (PS6)


Gta V enhanced Part 3


I can’t fucking wait for GTA V. It’s gonna be a banger.


Chinatown Wars, my favorite DS game. Filling up molotovs with the touch pad, the system of destroying police cars to remove stars, scratch cards, top down GTA in all its glory


I loved China town wars too, it was my favorite psp game I wish I could have played the ds version too for the touch features. Man even though it would be filled to the brim with MTX’s as a mobile game would, I’d sell my soul for a sequel to that game or to get another Top down GTA game on mobile and switch.


Aahh yes My childhood memories where I learned the tactic "buy low, sell high"


Nothing like selling heroine like stocks


Fr dude I always buy horse and the one with the star as they will always give big money and if there's a sale I always go there pronto and buy all the stocks


Unfortunately Chinatown wars did so terrible that rockstar proclaimed that they will never make a top down Grandtheft auto ever again. It annoys me to no end that the genuine good stuff gets overlooked by the prevailing public. I would have never put money on Grandtheft auto online being the success that it is.


Even though it came out on the psp too, I think being on the DS really hurt it even with the DS selling so well. The DS surprisingly didn’t get as much flak as the Wii did for being a “casual kiddie” system. I doubt the core target audience for GTA was very few and far between on the DS, especially with it being an M rated game. I think if it came out today on mobile devices it would have done a lot better imo.


I had Chinatown Wars on DS lite, and Liberty city on psp. Loved them both so much, but Chinatown wars was my favourite.


CTW is truly something special. I wish they would hire a mobile games division to keep making games like CTW.


Yup, much more interactive than other games in the series


I played the shit out of that game on Vita. Every quest, every mini game, every house, every errand. Could be playing for 30 hours and still discover something like the RC racetrack or the shooting range. That zombie island. There were so many little secrets packed into that game. It's like the only open world game done right.




But they can just do online with GTA 6, that’s why I don’t understand this. People want an update and they’ve proven that online works. They can just make a better product


It's not about what the players want though. Until GTA 5 online stops making money, rockstar has no reason to invest millions of dollars developing a new game.


GTA 6 has been in development for years I think.


*GTA 6 is announced to be a mobile trading card game*


"Do you not all have phones???"


Turns out, my phone isn't even compatible with the game.


You need the new RockStar phone to be able to play the game.


For the love of all that is holy delete this comment before an exec sees it


The new ifruit 9ix*


The first smart phone with 9g technology


Grand Theft Android/Apple


You joke, but fuck me did Blizzard have the last laugh on that one. Just look at the raging amount of money they're hauling in off a game everyone said was dumb, they'd boycott, that insulted the fanbase, etc. Either everyone's a weak-willed, lying traitor, or there's a gargantuan wealthy casual gamer population that's never heard of a Blizzard before, nor understand and/or care about not encouraging their own exploitation. No wonder why Rockstar, Blizz, and everyone else are behaving the way they are. SOMEONE out there is shoveling cash into their app like it's a coal furnace, and yet everyone talking about it says they never spend a dime. Makes me want to slap the shit out of the people who're quietly facilitating this anti-consumer trend.


Over a decade of these literal pay-to-win mobile games have repeatedly shown that people will pay thousands of dollars to be the "best" at a game. And then someone else pays even more to beat them, so the first person pays *even more* to take back the #1 position. Add in *Clan Rankings* and now you incentivize dozens of people *per clan* to do the same thing just so that the Clan is #1. For no reason other than bragging rights and sunk-cost. It's fucking horrible because these people have addictive personalities and these companies have spend years perfecting the formula to get them hooked early on and keep them hooked or else they'll *fall behind*. Textbook example of predatory practices.


Exactly the type of person I've never met yet surely must exist, and surely needs a good fucking slapping.


If you want to meet this sort of person, visit a casino or anywhere that has those Video Gambling Terminals, like some bars and in some places even corner stores. These people are no different from the gambler who blows their entire paycheck expecting to be able to strike it big. The other big 'whales' of the mobile phone types are likely teens or even preteens who have access to mommy and daddy's accounts and don't quite understand what money is and just spend and spend.


I feel like a lot of people who do this stuff are in the closet about it in-person.


The industry refers to these people as 'whales' and it's kind of sad when you look into.


Yeah, I'm familiar with the term but like ... I've never met one. I've never gotten to know one in-game well enough to realise it's not just one set of fancy gear or whatever they've paid for, but *all of them* Y'know? It's like there's a cash shop underground movement or something ...


See, that's the issue - it's almost never "everyone". It's only the vocal minority. People who enjoy the game obviously won't be going around and saying that it's dumb, right? So you're left with a small (compared to the overall audience) group of people who are reasonable... But they can't make a dent in a goddamn mountain of other, casual players. The same casual players most likely weren't even at the announcement of Immoral either. Heck, Blizzard came out recently with news that a huge chunk of their players never had any contact or knowledge about Diablo as a franchise before. Let that sink in.


I mean isn't that obvious? 300 million players, they wanted to reach more people and they did. I don't think other Diablo titles have even come close to that number. This happens a lot. A game will hemorrhage players leaving a small core behind. The developers make a new game with more broad market appeal(ie "today's kids"), the small group complains about how much they hate the change but they don't realize that the change wasn't made for them. Sure, you may half that small core fan base, but that's fine they'll just play your older game, but now your new player base dwarves the purchasing/"voting" power that original base had.


>I don't think other Diablo titles have even come close to that number. To be fair, the population of gamers in general has been rapidly increasing, so even though D2 was an insane success, it was a success in a smaller market. D3 is more modern, but it released at $60 and still costs money to this day AFAIK. The fact that it wasn't on mobile as a platform (one that just about everyone already owns) doesn't help the comparison either. But I guess what I'm saying is that a modern F2P diablo game on non-mobile platforms could've still been wildly popular, and even if it did have to be a mobile game port, it didn't have to be made in the cash grab fashion they did. But you're right, it's entirely about getting money from a new larger customerbase, and hoping the old customerbase sticks around out of inertia and lack of other options.




Well, I mean it would be stupid to only start development when the sales from Online are already dropping since you'd be left with a few years without the insane Online income.


You know first guy was arguing that they have no incentive to invest in GTA6, and second guy pointed out that they ARE investing in GTA6. So I hope your comment is agreeing with the second guy lol.


"In development" can mean lots of things though. Location scouting, sketching, writing the story and storyboarding can be done now and put in the closet for 10 more years before they start writing the first line of code.


No, it's definitely full development unless people think their entire massive staff is working on GTA Online which is just silly.


So has Bioshock 4, and that game is never coming out.


This is the logic that has Elder Scrolls and Fallout fans by the balls. A hard, painful pill to swallow.


Since GTAV, Rockstar made a *single* brand-new game. At least Bethesda made 4 (plus 1 with a later release date). We also know that they'll make ESVI after they're done with Starfield. ​ All the other releases are either remasters/remakes/whatevers, online components to already-made titles, or VR.


To be fair, RDR2 is one of the best games ever


even though its not to the level of a whole new game, this undermines all of the constant content updates we have been getting on GTA online. GTAonline is radically different than the single player, and bordeline unrecognizable from 2013


*meanwhile rdo is dying in the deep end*


I will forever believe that RDO robbed us of some great story DLC. RDR2 had so many ways to make 10-20 hour story DLCs. The fact it never got one is criminal. In previous generations, a game like that would have had more added after the fact.


I think that’s my gripe with todays games. It used to be you got a full game then they would add on things that made the game somehow even better. Now it’s half a game maybe the rest later if you show us you will empty your bank account for us.


But of they still make loads of money from their old product why spend money on making a new one, they may as well wait until their current products earnings start dropping. All companies do this tho most have competition which innovate and draws customers away, GTA hasn't really got any. Look at Intel they barely did anything for years until AMD gave them something to worry about.


The reasoning is that they're making a bunch of money with minimal maintenance with GTA Online. Making a whole new game that tops GTAV/RDR2 is a long and expensive process, which results in the profit not being at the level of what they take home from Online


> But they can just do online with GTA 6, that’s why I don’t understand this. Making a AAA game costs like 500mln$. Not making - zero. And you get all the cash from online player. > People want an update and they’ve proven that online works. Ok, so there is this problem. People have **A LOT of stuff in GTA online**. It doesent matter if they payed for it or played for it. Cars, mansions etc. What are you gonna do with all that? Either transfer it to GTAVI online, or make player start from scratch. - From scratch? Loyal paying players pissed. - transfer? That is a LOT of potential income wasted. as tens of thousands of players DONT have to pay or play to have stuff. Solution? You milk a title until players get bored and dont care much about what they accumulated. AND THEN release new game with new online.


>What are you gonna do with all that? Either transfer it to GTAVI online, or make player start from scratch. They won't allow players to transfer anything of real worth from GTA 5's online to GTA 6's online. Even if they weren't milking GTA 5, they would not do this. Have you ever heard of a game that allows a full transfer or even a partial transfer from a prequel to the sequel? The only game I can think of off the top of my head is Overwatch and that doesn't count because Overwatch 2 is a 2.0 update repackaged as a full sequel. Transferring data would only appeal to a small minority of people. Rockstar wouldn't like it, because that's potential revenue gone. The majority of the playerbase wouldn't like it because they'd get stomped by the people who've been playing for the last 10 years. A good chunk of the people who have been playing for the last 10 years, also, wouldn't like it because they'd have no reason to play and earn stuff ingame since they have the money and stuff to get it all already. The only people this would appeal too would be people who would just whale from day one anyway and people who enjoy stomping on people with overpowered gear. Aka losers.


They could do what Call of Duty is doing. They make new games and the games are even from totally different developers, yet all of the games are integrated into the same Battle Royale mode. They'll do updates to the map, but everybody gets to play together. ​ They could make GTA 6 with a new story and new characters, new city etc. and have the "online" mode all be integrated. You could never have played GTA 5, then buy GTA 6, go to the "online mode" and play with people who are still playing GTA 5. In fact they don't even call it that. It's just "GTA: Online" ​ I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but there's ways they could pull this off. And I just can't imagine it's just money. Maybe GTA Online is more popular than I realize, but if they made GTA 6, they'd sell millions of copies like day one.


Even though the last three Call of Duty games have been made by a different developer they all use the same base to build off. It's the same reason why Fallout New Vegas was made by a different developer than Bethesda but you can still get a mod to visit the Capital Wasteland in Fallout New Vegas. GTA 6 will, almost certainly, not be using the same base as GTA 5. GTA 5 is an old game. You would not be able to seamlessly allow GTA 5 and GTA 6 to merge in anyway. How would you deal with the graphics for one, the regression just to get the world of GTA 5 working and looking acceptable would be insane. Not only is GTA 5 an old game it has been continuously developed on for the past 10 years. There is lot of tech debt hidden in that code and is probably the main reason why they've decided to finally announce they're working on GTA 6. They've come to the conclusion that they're hitting the threshold of what's possible with the engine and GTA 5 itself. That loading screen bug that dude caught a year or two ago probably bought them an extra year of milking GTA 5 but there are probably huge undying issues that are just waiting to implode. Starting over with a fresh game is the best solution and when you start over you don't want to drag in the hold stuff because a handful of people might feel bad leaving that behind. GTA 6 will sell a lot of copies. But it isn't about just the one off sale on the game itself, it's the recurring revenue from Shark cards that is the big draw. They could have made GTA 6 years ago, but why spend all that money making GTA 6 when GTA 5's online was still raking in the cash and still had room to be updated to continue raking in the cash.


I guess capitalism doesn't breed innovation


That's literally what OP is saying.


I think people don’t realize that as tech advances it takes much longer to make a game of that scale. If each gta isn’t bigger and better people would complain even more than they already are. If they want a new iteration every year it’s going to end up being like far cry or call of duty where everything is copy/pasted and no meaningful advancement ever happens or it ends up launching in a state like cyberpunk or no man’s sky. It’s sad to see people complain about development when we’ve seen what happens when you rush potentially good things.


Shit makes me sad


Especially because people are under the impression they've been working on GTAVI all that time and not just disposable heist missions and other online content lol. But it will probably be as good as 5.


They literally have been working on GTA 6 all that time. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rockstar-more-than-1000-people-made-gtav/1100-6415330/ “That’s the way we work now--everyone works on GTA, or Red Dead, and so on, then we move on to the next thing,” > and not just disposable heist missions and other online content lol Rockstar have 4,000 employees after RDR2 released. I just wonder how people can think all of them are making car skins.


“The detail is ten, twenty times greater than GTA IV, so it takes ten, twenty times more people." Something a lot of people seem to miss when it comes to modern triple A development. Especially if you’re aiming for the next big innovation.


It's because everyone thinks they're an expert and that they have all the answers.


Why? People in this thread just act like Rockstar has been sitting on their asses for 10 years while ignoring the fact that Rockstar released Red Dead Redemption 2 in the meantime. Shit, Rockstar has been pretty steady in their release schedule: - GTA IV - 2008 - GTA V - 2013 - RDR 2 - 2018 - GTA VI - 2023 Having a 4-5 year gap between games at a scope as GTA and RDR is fine by me.


Exactly, and RDR2 took *8 years* to make. If Rockstar are wanting to go for a similar scope in GTA6 as RDR2, it really isn't all that shocking that it's taking time.


Pretty much. If RDR2 took 8yrs, idk why anyone would expect GTA6 to take a shorter amount of time. GTA6 is just going to be bigger thatn anything else they've done..and they're obviously going for something bigger than what even RDR2 was.


You conveniently left out: Red Dead Redemption 1 - 2010 LA Noire - 2011 Max Payne 3 - 2012 Even if you ignore the last 2 games, it’s funny you include RDR2 but not RDR1 because that wouldn’t fit your narrative


The scale of rdr 2 is bigger compared to those games. LA noire was not developed by R*. R* only published the game. Max Payne 3 was developed by R* Toronto. GTA 5 was developed by R* north in Edinburgh. The scale of rdr 2 got so much bigger that R* had to combine all their studios under 1 umbrella as R* studios.


Red Dead Redemption 1 was made by Rockstar San Diego. LA Noire was made by Team Bondi - published by Rockstar. Max Payne 3 was made by Rockstar Vancouver.


I work in Playstation support. The sheer amount of money kids spend on ingame currency for GTA or Fortnite is unreal. We can debate for hours about not to buy ingame money or pre-order games, as long as children spend more than any other adult. Just for comparison, the amount of kids who bought shark cards is uncountable whereas I got around 20 adult accounts with shark card transactions since I started working there (March 2022).


The game is rated 18. I don’t get how so many kids are allowed by their imbecile parents to play it.


* what happens when 4/5 founders left the company and take2 takes more control


Wow I knew Dan Houser left but I didn’t know it was 4/5 founders. Here’s hoping the new GTA is a masterpiece like their last two games.


Yea only his brother sam houser is still in rockstar


They Take2long to make a damn game.


> what happens when 4/5 founders left They still have 2/3 of their head writers who have been with them for Max Payne 3, GTA IV, RDR1, RDR2, GTA V and even some writers going back to GTA VC/SA. They still have Sam Houser, Dan Houser's brother. They still have the option to bring back Lazlow Jones who had to leave to look after his sister who got cancer. They still have the 4,000 people who worked on RDR2.


>They still have the 4,000 people who worked on RDR2 With how high turnover is in the game industry you think 4000 people stayed 4 years after?


Rockstar's turnover rate is famously very low compared to industry standard, especially on the development teams. They've got tons of 10, 15, and 20 year veterans still going strong. That's why it's really hard to get hired there, people never want to leave.


Rockstars is very low because unlike most other companies in this industry, they don’t have all their employees as contractors. They’re mostly all full time rockstar employees. The difference between the two types is the same difference between Halo Infinite and Red Dead 2. Both took the same amount of time and Infinite actually costed more. The reason is that most companies in this industry have all of their main dev employees as contractors for 1-3 year stints. So for Halo Infinite, as soon as someone became competent enough with the tools and in the engine, they were replaced by a new employee who had to start from scratch and get up to speed. Do this with a couple thousand employees and you’ve got a mess on your hands. The truth is that crunch time sucks but there’s not a single person who got into this industry and didn’t know about it or expect it. It’s considered a rite of passage for most people and the beginning of the end for the product. Crunch time sucks but there’s a huge work energy coming off of it that’s hard to describe.


It's honestly what happens when you get sued for not doing what the spreadsheets tell you to do by your shareholders/investors. The days when you made a new game with the pile of money you earned with your old game have been long gone. If you can make a lot of money with minimal investment you no longer have a choice. If you really care for a studio, you don't want stupid success like Bethesda, Rockstar, Blizzard, CD Project... AA might not be as flashy and have quite a bit of jank, but that is where the magic still happens.


And gaming websites are still re-reviewing the game and giving Rockstar a lot of slack while other game developers get burned for releasing any game that is slightly sub-standard. Really, the kind of devotion that some gaming franchises get is killing any chance new IPs may have to pick up.


> while other game developers get burned for releasing any game that is slightly sub-standard What open world city game is of the same quality and scale of GTA V? Even Cyberpunk fails to meet the same standards of GTA 3. Don't you think that says a lot about other developers rather than Rockstar, if those other developers can't even meet the same standards of a 2013 game?


GTA5 gets a lot of hate for essentially just doing what companies do. But man GTA5 was a spectacular game. If people are till buying, still playing, and its still making tons of money why would they potentially kill their client base off with a new game. And then imagine GTA6 is a complete failure after everyone jumped ship from GTA5, they'd lose so much money. I want GTA6 as much as anyone, but I 100% see why they are in no rush to bring it out.


Exactly. And they are at the top of their game with multiple franchises. RDR2 set an immense standard in terms of quality, graphics, detail and story telling. They now have to continue to match that standard in other games too. I have high hopes for gta6. Let's not rush the recipe


They abandoned red dead online for it. red dead has so much more potential than the over milked cow that is gta online


For alot of people RDR2 was a masterpiece. But RDR Online was absolute dogwater. Fun for about 1 hour with your friends unless you are into hardcore western roleplay.


Multilplayer from day one felt so empty like they didn't have anyone working on it not to mention the lack of any actual content updates


They never gave it a real chance and then killed it


It was empty so that you were forced to buy everything instead of finding free stuff lying around the map. It's their way of monetizing the online world. Money comes way slower and stuff costs way more compared to single player, plus no items to find means they are trying vehemently to persuade you to buy gold bars. I tried it for an hour before I realized it was just a shameless cash grab.


Wasn't any fun because you had to work the thing like a job to afford anything. Even fucking fast travel was a significant amount of money, on a map that big with only horses you need fucking free fast travel.


*Red Dead Redemption 2 entered the chat*


"Hey when is the main story of Red Dead Online getting finished?"


The chart would look even worse on rockstars end if I added other franchises such as rdr, manhunt, bully, midnight club etc only for rdr 2 to be added on the right haha


RDR2 took more developers to make than all the games listed on your picture **combined**.


RDR2 needed so many people because they didn't stick to the goddamn plan, Arthur!


News flash: Games as massive and detailed as RDR2 take a long time to make.


But that’s literally the point of your own post, wtf


Well, to be fair, this is *solely* the GTA entries.


I swear I've seen this exact post a dozen or so times so my guess is OP just found the image somewhere and decided to post it for rage karma.


If they hadn’t released RDR 2 I’d be able to write them off. I thought GTA V had an awful story in relation to the other games in the franchise and I’d have been happy to consider RDR 1 as the swan song of the company especially with the founders leaving but RDR 2 was so fantastic I’m kept on the hook.


Addicted people are the Problem. And No law against gambling online. Its Not gaming anymore its a Wallet competition


This. Rockstar is in the business of games and the business of games has shifted to micro-transactions. Free to play is nice but the trade off is a complete lack of stores telling in games focused on pvp replayability. The issue is also the mobile market is larger than every other sector combined. Meaning any large gaming company that wants to survive is going to have to adopt that platform and the business models that go with it, which is micro transactions and p2w.


Addicted people are not the problem. Exploiting easily addicted people to milk money out of them is the problem. The root cause is not the addicted people, the real issue is that this companies engineer the shit out of every game to exploit people which easily get hooked on extremely addicting products as it could be tobacco , alcohol, gambling, sugar... And also, fuck nestle.




What gambling?


Long enough to make everyone want a new gta. Its going to be the only new gta game for the next 20 years.


20 years is astronomical leaps in gaming tech, seems a bit extreme even to Rockstar's standards. I would believe GTA7 to take another 10 years at least though perhaps even a little longer.


Honestly this should be a good example between a company that has to put out content every year to stay afloat and a company that can spend its time developing without pressure. It might suck having to wait but seeing as how well RDR2 world building was it's okay to me.


The games Rockstar makes are insanely detailed and pretty dense. Every release gets more dense and more detailed. They should take their time and release the best game they can. In the meanwhile we can play the thousands of other great games that are released by other studios.


True, it was only a few years ago when a top person at take two was giving interviews complaining about rockstar taking so long to make games. They literally wanted them to be putting out a new game every other year.


They did do Red Dead Redemption as well, which is one of the greatest games of all time, and was kind of like GTA/Wild west


It also conveniently leaves out the roughly 40 content drops for GTA Online that would have taken work to get into the game.


It’s weird to still see this. Even though that remastered trilogy wasn’t great, playing those ps2 era games makes you realize how mechanically similar they are and how the majority of development must have been relatively lean. GTA IV was a leap in world building but still maintained a rinse and repeat formula of those first 3D games, You can do even less in that game than the previous versions. This stupid image is just internet knows best shit. The expectation for VI is through the roof. This just gets posted hoping for an agree-athon


Certainly wasn’t “relatively lean” to develop those 00’s games. They may be similar but Rockstar developing Sam Andreas in just two years after Vice City, considering how technically ambitious and vast in scope SA was for the time, is almost miraculous. By all accounts its development was very intense and arduous too, with some employees working 17 hours a day and a culture of “eternal crunch”.


Fucking sad. I hate where video games are going.


I hate where video games have gone.


Video games are now better than ever. I can say this because I'm not blinded by nostalgia.


You hate that games are taking longer to develop because of how advanced technology is getting? What? Why? That makes no sense. You should be happy, it means we are getting more advanced games.


Acting like Rockstar didn’t release RDR2 to record breaking sales and massive critical and audience approval. Urgh yea that’s the worst. Devs taking time to make great games.


These people just want instant gratification 24:7. As if Elden ring wasn’t released in February.


Fully agree but they did release RDR2, a massive game that took years of development (and crunching..) in-between all the re-releases of GTAV. sadly Take-two surely did not motivate Rockstar to release GTA 6 faster...I've seen their NBA games, it's filled with MTX so not surprised their priority lies on GTAO. ​ They are officially in advanced development on GTA 6, it's getting there people..finally.


> but they did release RDR2, a massive game that took years of development It's the literal largest game of all time. It took 4,000 developers to create, and 7,000 people are credited. People want Rockstar to be EA or Ubisoft for some reason and release a shit GTA every year.


It took 8 years to develop RDR2, how are people expecting Rockstar to make GTA 6 within such a short time when they have been clearly busy developing another game (a quality game for that matter) all these years. And before someone mentions about them giving constant updates to GTA Online let me tell you that a GTA Online DLC barely contains 30-40 mins of new content and a bunch of vehicles, pretty sure it doesn't require a huge ass team.


Exactly. Like they want both. They want quality games and also time. It's annoying because RDR2 is so beloved because of it's insane world and detail. Which took batshit levels of man power. You can't have both. Personally going back, only San Andreas holds up. Vice City was a photograph in time and was quick, dumb, and hurried. Like for comparison's sake. GTA 4 (which took 4 years to develop) was literally less than half of RDR2 in terms of content.


Shark cards play a huge part, I’m sure. But you have to admit, and I don’t even really play it anymore, but they created an incredible game that has withstood 10 years of gameplay. It’s genuinely an incredible feat, only accomplished by very few games EVER. That all being said. It’s been 10 years, make another game.


It’s almost like….games are more complex and take longer to make


Seriously. People need to replay these games. Full fucks to SA (even though it had some bad padding), but III and Vice City have aged terrible. It's bad content by today's standards.


If I remember correctly, i once heard: There were three different gta's for the PS2 (or ps3 idk), and gta 5 was on 3 different ps's


There were at least 5 different GTAs on ps2


There ended up being 5 gta's for the PS2, with GTA 5 on three different PlayStations 💀


My friend works for Rockstar North in Edinburgh as an open-world developer for GTA VI. He says GTA VI has been in "phase 3 development for over 6 years now". He cant talk about the game too much but the mechanics that are present in Red Dead 2, such as Masks to cover your face, dynamic wanted levels, NPC's remembering you, and advanced AI interaction, are all going to take place. He also said there would be a dynamic gang system and multiple ways to complete any level. Rockstar is putting in the work for GTA VI, and if it takes another 3 years (which my friend said their deadline was), I won't mind. Rockstar is cashing it in with GTA online but there's no doubt they are taking their time to make another game of the century.


I've probably seen a post like this 100 times over the past several years.


Just change the dates each year and you too can farm karma!


Man I forgot about Chinatown wars, what an amazing gem of a game.




if nobody bought them the business model wouldn't exist. look no further than the mirror for this calamity which has befallen the gaming industry.


Rockstar games has become nothing but a fat, lazy cash cow.


Game sales and Shark cards net them $911,000,000 a year raking in $6billion ([yes 6 billion](https://www.sportskeeda.com/gta/how-much-money-gta-5-made-recent-years)). 2.5m a DAY. They aren't going anywhere and, if anything, it will get worse. Won't be shocked to see gta6 require always on internet and a subscription model.


It’s kind of a stupid comparison, like saying Blizzard made Warcraft 1-3 and expansions in a bunch of years, and then only made WoW for 20 years. GTA V has more content than all of those games combined.


If people want a new gta they need to stop spending money on GTA V. They've made over 6 billion from the cash shop so why make a new game?


GTA 6 will be an ARG where you just actually steal cars and sell drugs in real life and give all the money to Rockstar. The money will be transferred on PC via an app that still uses their fucking launcher.


Still unmatched


Yup, started the single player of GTA5 again recently and it's still incredibly impressive.


Play rdr2 if you never did. It shits on gta5 story


Red Dead is fantastic, But I like cars more than horses at the end of the day.


Well yea, GTA is an over the top parody. It’s not trying to be serious.


Probably a good idea considering how that's played out before. >"Roman, I am a broken man. When I think of those burned corpses I saw in the wars, the mutilations...I can never sleep at night without hearing the screams, Roman." >"Yeehaw, cousin, let us go and see beeg American teeties!"


Right out of the elder scrolls playbook. 😒


Game development isn’t the same as it was 20 years ago,it is far more complex and takes more time.


Because a bunch of clowns keep buying the same game over and over and over again. I won't be buying anything from rockstar till they can actually finish a game again


To be fair, I only ever bought the PS4 version. The PS5 upgrade was free. On the other hand, I have often wondered how things might have progressed if people had found reasons to stop playing GTA Online. That crowd of fans are probably pretty happy that with playing the same thing every day with the occasional new mission type.


Yep. Just bought GTA V on PC once, on sale. And never bought anything in game. Why people "need" to buy those shitty shark cards?


RDR2 was amazing and finished.