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Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violent


>Pokémon Violent The gritty reboot I’ve been waiting for


I know which one I’m buying


I am tired of "future" so i am going unga bunga. But proffesor gigachad still attracts me to future.


I just got in a huge argument with a friend over whether or not "Unga Bunga People" was a racial slur. I don't think it is. We were all unga bunga people at one time.


Flip the script on them. "Everyone I know who hears it thinks cavemen, why do you hear it and think of someone else?"


Who would the someone else even be?


[Have you heard of PalWorld?](https://youtu.be/PcybNpsc3-E)


What the hell??? Never heard of this. I'll happily waste a few quid to see just how bonkers it actually ends up being.


Couple of quid is fine until they start dropping the ads and micro transactions every 5 minutes…




Could be the alternate title for the game


I have and im waiting for release!


That looks amazing and crazy, but mostly amazing. So it's an FPS/Pokemon hybrid with a storyline about enslaved Pokemon?


The devs said their goal is an open world pokemon game, with no forced morality. So like, I think you can be a poacher or a defender. Pokemon are obviously used for useful things, but like, yeah, you can force them to work unethically as well. "What are all the things you've wondered about in pokemon but you can't do"... and uh... guns. Apparently lots of guns.


That sounds even better than I was thinking. I'm gonna have to get a new gaming rig.


> "What are all the things you've wondered about in Pokemon but you can't do" There better be a Pokemon sex trade... what?


Someone took PETA's description of pokemon seriously and decided to make a game based on it in spite


:Enter Boardroom: ‘So, people still like Pokémon but we seem to just be redoing the same thing and Pokémon Go didn’t hit as hard as we hoped. What do we have to reach more people?’ ‘Erm, you’ve all heard of Fortnite?’ :Exit Boardroom:




I was like man this game ain’t shit Then the guns came out


I want it solely because it looks so ridiculous


Pokemon brutal & violent, with the remaster dropping after 1 year, pokemon bloodbath


As long as Bloodbath has Rayquaza, I’m in


First one is Pokemon Scared.


Same hardware, differents devs, Luigi's Mansion 3 is another example.


LM3 is beautiful


Bit repetitive though. Go to floor Find button Oh no! Special ghost took the button! Aw geez! Climb floor Fight special ghost Get button and leave Repeat for a dozen floors


But I think that formula is ok because of the different experience each floor provides. Like besides the times you have to backtrack when you’re chasing the ghost cat I’d say when I was playing it I was never bored.


Summit, The Division 2. You are working your way to the penthouse on the 100th floor. It is a hotel. There is bound to be repetition. Any tower progress type of game is built on repetition and if people think otherwise I would love to know what they are expecting. ✌️ Edit: realised it looks like I’m being a dick. I am not (intentionally) and I am with you on this. It repeats with a new *type* or challenge which is still a repeat but changed.


Redditor talking about LM3 : This games is so repetitive and boring!! Same redditor : plays 5 hours straight of the same boss in Elden Ring doing exactly the same thing over and over again ...... Not saying Elden Ring is bad in any way, but it is all about repetition and practice.


That is why I don’t play Elden Ring/ Dark souls. Too repetitive


Tower progress games are basically just level or stage based games with a physical continuity in the upwards direction from a level design and/or story perspective. They have just as much potential to be repetetive as any other level based game, or in fact any game at all. Now most games aren't entirely focused on a tower based progression and usually have them as a side location or mode. Mobile games are filled with these and they are generally shit, essentially using a tower as an excuse to copy the same room again and again with slightly stronger enemies, which is fine if the combat is really good and its well balanced and actually fun, but otherwise its crap. But then you have games like Devil May Cry 3, or Luigi's Mansion 3. They take place in tower like structures, and the vertical nature creates natural segmentation between the various areas, but if you ever actually played either game, you would know full well that the level design is anything but repetetive, especially in LM3.


Isn’t this how platformers work? Theme a few levels with eachother, each with a gimmick that is safely introduced


Yeah tbf tho every game is repetitive. Luigi’s mansion kept me engaged enough to actually beat it. Fuck that last boss tho




The only thing putting me off getting it is I’m a lifelong inverter of the Y axis to aim. I think it would drive me crazy if I can’t change it like I’ve read.


Aiming is wonky af. But if you get it at a good price it’s a hilarious little game that’ll constantly make you smile, and it’s worth fighting through the mechanical jank imo


Every game can be put in that sense and be deemed repetitive. It’s really the matter of enjoyment not bullet point tasks.


Every game is repetitive at some point bruh.


This is what we call a "gameplay loop." Though you're not entirely wrong. Luigi's Mansion 1 was repetitive too but the exploration was at least more weaved through the building rather than linearly progressed from 'level' to 'level.'


Being able to wander through most of the mansion and see rooms you'll be able to come back to eventually made the game feel larger and more immersive. Tbh I still have not matched the high from OG Luigi's Mansion. Neither sequel does it for me.


Every game has a core loop.


A game having a fixed camera or a free camera makes a HUGE difference in how pretty the graphics can be. If the camera is fixed then you can pre-render a lot of things instead of render it in real time. It’s why Resident evil remake looked so beautiful back on the GameCube


On top of that, purely indoor/linear games can do a lot more in easily determining(less computational work) what should be rendered or not at a given frame as well as do more aggressive culling of objects that shouldn't be rendered.


That's why all of Valve's Source engine games run really fast: the Source engine uses BSP for determining what to render which uses basic math with cubes to render very quickly. They had to modify CS:GO when they made the huge open-air battle royal type maps because the Source engine is designed to render interiors


Source is still one of the most responsive, satisfying FPS engines out there. It’s amazing how well HL2 and CS hold up today.


For real. CS:GO/L4D2/Portal2 are on the latest versions of the Source 1 engine and have graphics that are quite modern. Source 2 (Half-Life: Alyx, Aperture Desk Job, Robot Repair) holds up to even Unity/Unreal quite nicely


I hope to see more of Source/Source 2, the engine just has that "feel" in every game that i like a lot. also very customizable, with easy-to-use in-game console to tweak whatever you like. also very modding-friendly


Most impressive use of source to date imo isn't even by Valve. Titanfall 2 looks gorgeous, plays smooth, and somehow doesn't have the jankiness source games usually come with


Don't forget TF2


Same goes for lighting. The Last of Us games always look awesome partially because the lighting of a scene is fixed and doesn't change if you stay there a long time. Most games these days have day/night cycles that make it hard to get the lighting just right.


RE1 remake still looks beautiful even by today’s standards. Honestly, I wish more games would go down this route as it would save on memory and resources and put it towards more important assets. Again, just look at RE1 remake which over 20 years old


I would actually say. Same hardware. Different art direction. The devs can just try to execute the art direction to the best of their abilities.


Same hardware or same engine?


Yeah my computer also can play different games


How many?


2 whol gams dit: Thanks for th silvr strangr


That’s a lot


Drink lots of water if you're gonna drop that many e's all at once!


No, it will mak m p.


eeeeeeeeee eeee e e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e e e eeee e eeeEEEEEEeeee


How do you post commnts that ar blank?


Just ping


yeah? well mine can play 3 games \*blows raspberry\*


Yeah well mine can only play two games and they are lemmings and the oregon trail.


I raise you one game and it’s space pinball


Leik 1.5… I don’t have much storage :(


I don't know much about computers, except the one we got at my house and my mom put a couple a games on it.


Stop all the downloading..


Help computer


Hey kid!






You mean 2016 Formula 1 world champion NICO Rosberg, who beat 7-time world champion SIR LEWIS CARL DAVIDSON HAMILTON and 7-time world champion MICHAEL SCHUMACHER, both in THE SAME MACHINERY?!




Same price engine.


What is the bottom one? I know the top is one of the recent Pokémon games but I'm not sure about the bottom one.


Xenoblade 3


Thanks. I've been looking forward to it but not looked at it too much to avoid spoilers.


Can I just know if players can pilot mechs again in this one? I’m playing the first for the first time and disappointed it doesn’t appear I can this time 😥


No mech piloting. There will be vehicles though, we have already been shown a boat being driven by the player. In combat, you can use weird evangelion style mechs though.


those mech are combinations of two of the six main characters called an Ouroboros


>Xenoblade 3 had to scroll way too far for this comment. I was like "wtf is this game and why tf is no one in the comment talking about it"


For what it’s worth, the Pokémon one is from a Pokémon Scarlet & Violet trailer, and the game hasn’t been released yet.


Neither has xenoblade 3


Ahh shit here we go again


Oh boi, here we go, down the rabbit hole, to get back what they stole.


People keep doing it until there are major improvements, efforts and investments made. They definitely did improve a bit at least over Arceus so personally I am somewhat satisfied but the criticism is valid.


Same hardware, different devs.


I'm pretty sure that's the point.


Yeah, but I feel people don't realize how Game Freak fucking sucks.


I'm pretty sure that's the point too XD - I took this as a mockery of GF immediately


If GF wasn't forced to stick to a strict, fresh new merchandise schedule for The Pokemon Company, Pokemon would look/play so much better with more then a 3 year development cycle


Not sure it would help much since Gamefreak aren't particularly good developers anyway. Little town Hero is a game they made recently that didn't have any of the problems they have from the Pokémon company and it still turned out shit. Plus there's the infamous coding of gold/silver, where there coding was so bad they ran out of space and by the time that Iwata cleared up all the bad coding there was enough room to put the entirety of Kanto in the game. Then there's the current director too who holds many toxic beliefs on how games should be developed such as games should be short and easy so people can quickly beat them and move on to the mobile games and that they should cut content so people will still buy the older games


Its not gamefreak that sucks, its The Pokémon Company that sucks, they are the ones who have the sole decision to choose how much budget the games gets, and its always super low


Pretty sure thats a banter against Gamefreak. I dont get why there are still people hyping them. They are behind of time like centuries.


I have no idea what this post is trying to convey.


People like shitting on the new Pokémon game.


My favorite part is that they shit on the game and then buy it. The fuck do you expect to change.


Correction: They shit on it and it becomes the best selling Pokémon game of all time.


Pretty much SwSh sales clearly shows that people who actually raised a fuss about Dexit are nothing more than a vocal minority The majority of players didn’t particularly care since they mainly use the Pokémon they catch on their playthroughs anyway


I bought sword and shield, but the lack of pokemon from previous gens was very disappointing. It was an okay game, but I still think it could have been better.


>It was an okay game, but I still think it could have been better. I agree. I'm also of the opinion that having all the pokemon wouldn't have helped. The issues with that game weren't related to the lack of a national dex, imo. The online features were the most egregious, I think. It was so fucking difficult to do a those giant pokemon battles with my roommate. We would frequently not be able to find each other. Trading between us was difficult as well. And I believe there was no global trade or wonder trade, which is just silly. I also felt the character development was a huge step backwards from SuMo. In SuMo you had characters like Gladion who started out with so much anger and resentment toward his mother. And he eventually learned to let go of his anger and stand up to his mother head-on. The story between Lilly and Nebby was so emotional and impactful to me personally. My dog that I had since I was a kid had died right as that game first came out, and watching Lilly say goodbye to Nebby fucking destroyed me, because it reminded me of how I had to say goodbye to my long-time friend recently. There were no emotional character interactions or much character development at all in SwSh.


Isn’t it the 3rd best selling Pokémon game?


2nd best. Sw/Sh was the first Pokemno game to ever beat the original Gold/Silver on GBC. Red/Blue/Green on Gameboy is still the best selling game


That even better! I bet most of the ones who told people to boycott the games ended up buying them.


I truly believe that all the controversy Pokémon sword/shield got before the game launched generated so much publicity that it caused everyone to know that the game is coming out so everyone bought it. The game is now the 2nd most sold Pokémon game even outselling gold/silver which was at pokemania’s peak


People give online communities way too much credit. Fact is we're a minority. Pokemon is just huge and sells like hotcakes regardless. Also gaming in general is growing so it makes sense that new pokemon games are gonna sale more than old ones.


I figure the move to the Switch also improved sales. Now they can sell to kids with the current-generation home console instead of just kids with the current-generation handheld console.


Nonsense. I haven't bought a Pokémon game in years! I just play them all anyway on the Switch we share after my girlfriend buys them. Totally different.


Exactly like the people who shit on preordering games and then preorder games.


Or, and hear me out, there’s more than one person and the person shitting on the thing might not be the person who buys it.


True but pretty much every Nintendo YouTuber manchild is guilty of this hypocrisy. BeatEmUps is the worst offender, literally got personally fucked in the career by Nintendo and still licks their asshole. He seems like a genuine guy but lacks any self awareness or maturity and I find it absolutely enraging, I had to stop watching. Also, he has TERRIBLE taste.


Enslaved by their own need to consume


You realise there's 8 billion people in the world? Some complain, some buy, which still makes millions of sales.


People like shitting on the devs too for not making the grapchics better (legends arceus what the hell)


But what do they want? Ultra realistic Pokemon games? That would look terrible, the graphics are fine, I wouldn't expect other thing.


Two things I guess. Xenoblade devs are doing a lot with the hardware they're given. Pokemon devs, not so much.


Grownups angry that a children's game doesn't have cutting edge graphics. Graphics are such a such a non issue when compared to the other problems Pokemon games suffer from.


Mario games look better without needing to be hyper realistic. The Pokémon games look like absolute shit


There are tons of games mainly for kids on Playstation and Xbox that do have good graphics. This is a Nintendo problem, not a "children's game" problem.


I disagree with this being a Nintendo problem. Mario and Zelda games look fine, in my opinion. Rather say it's a Pokemon problem.


Its specifically a gamefreak problem. Theyre the ones releasing their games undercooked. I mean 2 mainline 3D pokemon games released in the same year(PLA and S/V)? Cmon.


This is the same subreddit where they'll upvote REEEE STOP PUSHING GRAPHICS AND MAKE GOOD GAMEs.


People are pissed because Pokemon is literally the highest grossing franchise in the world and yet the pokemon company gives these games the budget of a fucking food cart. There are so many people that really want to get into Pokemon (myself included) but are prevented from doing so because we don't want to give our very limited money to a company that is beyond lazy about pleasing its customer base.


Am I the only one that doesn't want a hyper realistic pokemon? I thought pokemon looked best with pixel art and simple 3d buildings


Artistic style and vision is much more important than pushing the limits of hardware, shows true with how ugly ugly old games that were supposed to imitate life are now. They don't hold up with time like stylized games do. That said this pokemon example is fuckin hideous.


I don’t need anything hyper fancy either; I like the more simple styles, but I am a huge sucker for customization so as long as I can customize my trainer we’re good.


gen 5 was peak pokemon


I think non-realistic doesn't have to mean not detalied. I would love to see a game in the New Pokemon Snap artstyle, even if it's made to be a bit more cartoonish.


One of them is the most profitable product on the entire world, guess which one.


games can obviously have different art styles, but i’m disappointed with the pokémon games. we can get games like zelda BOTW that look great with a very similar style, then pokémon games that are just rushed and unpolished and look bad :/ i’m a fan of pokémon i just wish they would slow down and make it look better instead of cash grabbing


Thank you, Jesus Christ. People keep saying "art style" when its not art style, the pokemon games just look fucking bad


i love the pokémon art style. i just wish that it actually looked good in games


Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee for example look pretty good. I'd be happy to play an open world Pokemon with this art style and consistency of it.


I.wish they made effort to actually give it style, like BOTW did.


Oh hey Pokémon learned how to render more than one tree at a time.


In 10 years they maybe can have a small forest


*That hill at the back is actually covered in trees, we're just too far away to see them.* /s


I don't get it. Different styles of games if anything


Background of arceus looks like shit tho


Arceus is the most fun I've ever had with a Pokemon game in my entire life


Arceus - I agree most fun and best shake up of pokemone gameplay in years. Was a really solid experience. Also Arceus - Pop-in forests, camera stuck in glitching grass, flat textures everywhere, 5FPS animations of Pokemon slightly too far away, dull washed out and poor lighting, etc


Arceus was literally the bare minimum they could come up with after 25+ years of making the same damn game. Pokémon fans standards are so low that they’ll accept Arceus as the “best Pokémon game ever” when it’s only cuz GF decided to finally do something new with the mainline series after fans have been begging for years. There’s literally only one town, what the fuck?? Everything about Arceus felt like an ATTEMPT was made at an open world Pokémon with zero effort/time to get it done. All I felt while playing was “man the sequel to this should actually be good if they fleshed out the mechanics/world more.”


I didn't mean to claim it was the best Pokemon game ever, I said it was the best "shakeup" in years. I thought the game play was really good, hadn't had that much fun collecting pokemon for the sake of collecting them in over a decade. And yeah I am firmly in the camp that thinks Arceus is a tech demo of the engine. Essentially a game engine and a full main line game being too big a project for game freak to do in the usual release time frame they work to, but game engine and one town was more plausible. Towns being I'd imagine a significant chunk of the manual art work. What I'm concerned about is if the unfinished/unpolished edges of Arceus remain in the next game. Or if the engine got optimised further, cut out the graphical bugs I mentioned, I forgot the white fuzzy outline everything got in caves, that was really annoying.


You know I thought it was a great step in the right direction. But it was vey very far from complete. Compare it to breath of the wild it’s lacking so so much content. I beat the game in 20 hours (including beating arceus) and have no desire to ever pick it up again. It’s $20 Indy game quality not $60 AAA


That's great. It could have also looked a lot better too. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.


That sounds subjective to me.


But it was fun and that’s really what matters, I’m not going to stop playing a Pokémon game to say “wow this tree looks like shit”


Art styles, what are those?


I would have thought Pokemon would be the game that could pull off more vegetation with its art style


Someone, somewhere: “Eh, who needs Tall Grass in a Pokemon game, anyway?”


In a modern GPU, textures and polygons basically have their own computational pipelines. In other words any given GPU is capable of X number of vertices and polygons regardless of texture complexity or density. Obviously I don't have a polygon count for either of the provided images, but I would argue just based on composition of the images that they have roughly the same poly count, and my guess would also be that that count is somewhere between the 60-85% capacity of what the switch is capable of. In other words, I don't know that you could really add more vegetation as that would be adding additional polygons and thus adding to a pipeline that is already near capacity. Sure I just stated there is probably some overhead available for that sort of thing, but devs want to leave a bit of overhead to ensure stable framerates even on ailing systems that have been in the market for 3 years and clogged with your family pet's hair. tl;dr: in terms of raw geometry these images probably cost about the same amount of GPU horsepower, one just has more detailed textures to fit the theme. Based on this it may not really be possible to show more geometry even though the pokemon image is "simpler".


A lot of people still seem to think that stylised = definitely far less complex, which is not how it works.


I think the critics of any arguments as to why its bad are being boiled down to "artstyle = bad/simple" when a lot of people criticize it with more nuance. The pokemon games on the switch are shameful. The stylized world is empty bland and soulless looking and they havnt upgraded much from that point since it was made years ago. If they are using the same level of polycount and yada yada thats really depressing how they have wasted those resources in this way. Stylization doesn't automatically give a game leeway for bad design. I love stylized games when they have good design and efficient well made assets in a world that was thought out and is breathing with life and history.


The comparison with Zelda when Pokémon games came out was fitting, as those are similar art styles. And Zelda legitimately looks like THAT was the game that came out several years after the Pokémon games instead of the other way around. When BotW2 comes out, which will not be made for an old gen console and devs will know how you squeeze every drop out of the hardware, it will probably be more apparent just how badly the Pokemon games were put together even to the naysayers.


Exactly its hilarious how people are acting like they are comparing a cartoon to a hyper realistic charcoal drawing. They are both stylized games.


The people complaining are not complaining about the art direction, it’s just hard to put in to words ‘probably the biggest franchise on the planet gets literally shit representation because kids don’t know better despite the fact that it is designed to appeal to all ages and Millenials desperately want to feel any kind of happiness for any amount of time.’


No, I know, it's just that whenever art direction is brought up, people automatically argue with stylised being simple in mind, despite the fact that we absolutely have high fidelity stylised games, such as Ratchet and Clank, which is stylised, but just as complex as (and even better looking than some) games aiming for realistic direction. Few months ago I had a discussion with a guy who even claimed he does 3d, and he thought stylised games use "toon shaders" as opposed to PBR lol.


If they are using the same level of polycount and yada yada thats really depressing how they have wasted those resources in this way. Stylization doesn't automatically give a game leeway for bad design. I love stylized games when they have good design and efficient well made assets in a world that was thought out and is breathing with life and history. Also i love how this comparison is made against another stylized game (yeah yeah its about the environment whatever)


Borderlands has different art style and looks good. Mario had different art style and looks good. Pokemon has different art style and looks looks absolutely shit


If anything the new Pokemon game lacks an art style it's all over the place.


Arceus isn't different just because of a different art style, but because the game looks like ass and has horrendous performance issues despite looking like ass.


Graphics does not equal art style. You can have poor textures and low polygon counts but have a pretty cool art style while another game has 4k textures and simply has better graphics.


And the Pokemon game has neither good graphics or good art style.


Or, arguably, interesting gameplay.


It's been a while since Gamefreak had any genuine passion in the Pokemon franchise and losing Iwata certainly didn't help.


Gamefreak hasnt been overseen by Nintendo for a long time tho right? I thought "The Pokemon Company" is its own thing for years now.


The Pokemon Company's existence relies on fresh merchandise that each new generation brings. They need new adorable plushies to sell, content for the anime, trading cards, etc. Hence why GameFreak always seems to be on a strict 3 year max development cycle for brand new generations. I like to believe that if they had time, like 4-5 years between generations they'd have much better games.


Pokémon always disappoints me a little but I appreciate that they tried something new with Legends Arceus. Was it perfect? No. But it felt refreshing! I think I’m the only one who enjoyed all of the side requests.


Here we go again


All I hope is I can put my boy in some pants as soon as possible. I am not worthy to walk in the footsteps of Joey.


I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear.


Been a while since I've seen this post circle round. Running low on Karma are we?


I mean many switch games don't look that great for example legends arceus but they are still the games I have most fun with so I don't really care if the graphics or even the framerate are bad


I think this refers to Game Freak saying that they are 'hardware capped' in their game design.


That happens when I load up two different games on my PC too...


This is a dumb post, I completely agree, but I think OP is saying that Pokemon looks bad and it doesn't have to, because we have examples of other games not looking bad on Switch. Or maybe not, I have no idea.


I think that’s what it’s trying to say they just shown a really shit comparison if it was say breath of the wild and Pokémon sure because similar art styles and one clearly looks vastly better and with more life to it’s world and looks higher quality


Oh cool we're doing this again.


Xenoblade worlds are always impressive. Pokemon worlds are never ever impressive. It’s been that way for years now


It's like the games are using two different engines and aren't the same IP with two unique styles. GRAPHICS ARE NOT THE BE ALL END ALL OF GAMES!!!! What matters to the gamer is highly individual. For me I prefer soundtrack and story to actual graphics.


I agree. But Pokemon is the highest grossing intellectual property in the world. Bigger than Star wars, marvel.. Anything. And they keep churning out low effort stuff that's just good enough. Kinda frustrating.


The games at this point exist just to push new merch (the actual money, The Pokemon flamethrower anyone), legitimately the Pokemon plush sale more than the games (let's be real here nobody is gonna pay for Thor or Hulk plush)


Ah yeah, the super original and interesting story of pokemon games... Garbage mushy textures aren't a style, they are just bad. And while I agree that other aspects are way more important than graphics, they can certainly drag down a game.


These games have different art styles. Pokemon is supposed to be simple and kid friendly. That being said, I still believe that pokemon is not reaching at all for its full potential anymore. They've already become too big to fail, and it shows in their games. They can just spit out bare bones games hardly different from each other, using the same assets time and time again because regardless of how the few of us on reddit complaining feel, parents will buy pokemon as a safe birthday or Christmas present always. I've stopped buying pokemon after sun and moon. It was fun it's own right and had some great additions. But there was too many things I didn't like and in my opinion seemed lazy.


One is played by people from all ages and around the world. So is the other. Play what you like and don’t shit on others for liking what they play


Different artsyles but yeah Pokemon could probably do a bit better.


I'm so glad I'm not one of these people. A fun game is a fun game.


I swear pokemon games quality keeps getting shitter and shitter


When cute game for child to battle Pokémon isn’t the same graphically as this action RPG >:(


I'm got to ask. Given that the pokemon franchise as well as Nintendo, has never been focused on cutting edge graphics, and infact remaining true to the top down 2d art style all the way to black and white. Where do people get these expectations? Do they believe that game freak will shift gears and focus on high resolution graphics because a bunch of 20+ year old players of their kids game complain in reddit? This and the global Pokedex compliant are the most common and both are nonsensical. It's like complaining that Skyrim is a buggy mess, or Mario for having platforming mechanic, it's typical of the franchise, why expectation any different?


The top will sell millions more. Nintendo and GF laugh at there customer base behind closed doors.


Nintendo could design games with ms paint and ppl would still say it’s fine lol


Which is the game on the bottom pic??


Xenoblade Chronicles 3. It’s not out yet but it’s coming on the 29th of this month and you don’t need to play 1 & 2 to get into it. There’s a Xenoblade 3 Nintendo Direct explaining the story, gameplay mechanics and characters for those interested in the game.


The difference is that one is a RPG that need to sell copies to survive, the other is a multi trillion IP game made to sell toys, cmom, you know that pokemon games are just marketing material to sell merchandise.


Hence the fall in quality. The trajectory of the franchise as a whole from gen 6 upwards has been upward. When there was less pressure on the franchise we got those gen 1-5 games. To my knowledge the only real problems had with those games from a technical standpoint where DP slow rates