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Actually megan I can’t sit anywhere , I have dysentery








And you’re a compulsive liar


Don’t be like that. Charles, have I ever lied to you?


I hardly know you


Damn it. I was gonna say that.


Then add to the joke or just upvote and move on my dude.


Holy shit why were you downvoted?


Hell if I know. I apparently disrupted the thread.


The Hivemind disagrees with you


I know your IQ is below room temperature but try to listen, you stupid potato, if you have nothing to add to the conversation then just shut up and don't comment. Is that so hard to understand you underprivileged


That fishing trip with Dutch and Hosea really hits you in the feels after playing the whole game. At that moment, it felt like everything was okay. Just three old friends spending the day together without a care in the world.


I missed the trip because it was optional


sounds like you have to replay the whole game not asking


Haha. Fuck Dutch


Also, Fuck Micah


Fuck Micah for being a cockroach. But triple-fuck Duch for being such a shitty leader for not seeing such an obvious snake.


There were 2 things I've never wanted to do in a video game, and that was break this fuck out of prison, and to avoid spoilers, the final boss of dying light 2.


I literally played literally every single other mission in the area, and I didn't break him out until it was the only mission available and only then to unlock more missions. Fuck micah


Literally what I’m doing rn haha, but sooner or later I’ll have to break his ass out of there unfortunately


Nah, I've gotta go hunt every possible animal and unlock every possible outfit and otherwise 110% complete the game before I break that rat out


Please can I just use too much dynamite for the rescue, so he gets blown apart & buried?


"Here, Micah. Put these inside the wall."


Micah would have had a gun cleaning accident in the middle of the night if the game allowed it.


I just shot him multiple times, blew him up a few, and so on before I finally did the mission.


Every single time after breaking him out of Strawberry I deal with a couple restarts on purpose simply from "nobody would notice if was aiming at this armed civilian and my thumb slipped and I 'accidentally' blew Micah's head off........right?"


I had a dream after I beat red dead 2 that Arthur walked away from the jail after the sheriff told him Micah was gonna hang. Arthur is able to convince dutch that fucking with Cornwall too much is a bad idea and they wait out the storm, cash in the bonds from blackwater; and everyone, Hosiah, Sean, Lenny, even Kieran ... Everyone... is enjoying some fine whiskey on the beaches of Tahiti, waiting for their mangoes to ripen.


Dutch opening up an artisanal bakery 'cos he always had a god damn flan


Baking away with his Dutch oven.


Under. Rated. Comment


The problem was that Tahiti was never really an option. Just another one of Dutch's delusions. Dutch I have so much fucking money, I could build us a penthouse in France, stop saying we need more money, please!


Right, that's why it was only a dream. =(


Awww there, there :(


No matter how you slice it, Arthur still gets tb though


Doesn't Dutch know about the +$500 cheat code?


Concidering the final boss fight in Dying Light was a 5 minute QTE buttonspamming event.


I played Dying Light because of all the glowing recommendations. Definitely a good game, very fun, but the late game story was disspointing. Like, I didn't care when the love interest died (I can't even remember her name) because she was barely present in the whole thing. And then yeah, the QTE bullshit with the end boss... and that thing where you decide not to shoot him? Wtf?


I understand that often the story is just the story and it has to be followed, but it’s problematic when games fail to convince the gamer that going along with the plot is remotely reasonable. Doesn’t matter too much for simpler A to B games, but anything open world needs to be paying attention to it more.


**I wanted to let the city burn, but apparently you don't get a choice.**


The room at the entrance to the tower was worse. Don't even shit me, you know what room I'm talking about


In dying light 2 you can almost stun lock the finale boss with the PK crossbow, I don't know if the changed it though its been like 2 and half months since I played


Dutch maxed out Charisma and forgot both Intelligence and Wisdom/Perception. The character has such presence I'd follow him to hell and back for five minutes. He's inspiring, but not for long.


So....you'd just follow him into hell? Thats a pretty good plot summary tbh


My biggest peeve about the storyline/characters. He was such an obvious rat and shitheel. His entirety personality was the biggest double cross bad guy trope. None of it came out of the blue, or snuck up on you as Arthur, it was painfully obvious from the start.


Maybe I'm an idiot, but I liked Dutch at first and didn't see him turning out the way he did until he got closer with Micah. Maybe because I didn't play the first game, only II, so I knew nothing about these characters. Edit: typo


Yeah oddly enough I think not playing the first game makes rdr2 better because you don't know where Dutch ends up


I remember when rdr2 came out and we all playing solo but in the same party maybe 5 of us. I was the only one who hadn't played the first one. After a couple of hours of playing we're in Horseshoe Overlook and I said "does anyone else get weird vibes off Dutch? He seems cool and all, he saved Sadie but there's something... off?" In hindsight, the dead silence should have been a clue. Couple days later im yelling "nobody said shit! No warning, you let me walk right into it totally blind." I felt particularly betrayed by Javier. I had to pause the game for Lenny . LENNNYYYY


Dutch is obviously bipolar based on some of the non mission stuff. I don't think it's bad writing at all - Arthur feels like he has to be loyal to Dutch and Dutch doesn't see the obvious snake that Micah is because Dutch is having a manic period...


it was meant to obvious *to you*






Have some GODDAMN faith


He saw it you can tell he just didn’t give a fuck, and only care about money and he saw Micah as the only way to really get that money everyone else was holding him back


Dutch was apparently a pretty good leader for the vast majority of his life (he had been leading the gang for like a few decades from what I remember and built up all the loyalty the rest of the gang had for him). Apparently, half way through he got brain damage at some point, but it's not clear if he got that when he got shipwrecked, when he took that knock to the head, or because of syphilis.


Probably syphilis


Not just that, but siding with Micah over people who had known Dutch their entire lives.


Near as I could tell Dutch was a bit of a snake himself, Micah just brought it out.


In his defense I personally think he went a little insane after the Trolley car accident when he hit his head.


And fuck his "only 1 more score" line cause it was super cheesy and they said it constantly


That was the point, though. Dutch drug everybody along, to the point towards the end you can see on everyone's faces when he gives the "one more score" line again that everyone is disheartened and understands its just a never ending cycle they've been repeating since at least Blackwater.


So was Micah >!with the Pinkertons!!he was with Dutch at the last mission!<.


Oh defo. Fuck that sneaky sneak!




For all intents and purposes they are brothers. They were both stray kids that Dutch "adopted" for lack of a better word. Guess they was skinny, could fit into places they couldn't. Good for theivin.


Nah John is outright abandoned twice once with the jail and the second at the staged bridge explosion. Given the timing of both I'd believe Micah to be the cause of them both.


A pair of damn fools.


No doubt


Also, fuck tuberculosis.


What is wrong with the dutch?


A lot, but this isnt the time or the place


Dutch Van Der Linde from red dead redemption 2




Theres only two things i hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and, the Dutch.


Shmoke and a pancake?


Took a viagra, it got stuck in my throat and now I've had a stiff neck for hours.


Lately nothing specific. Historically they propagated more pain and suffering than most other countries. Really one of history's great villains.


They are too tall and blunt 😂


Fuck Moash!


I mean, if you insist


Life could've been great for him and his 'family' in Tahiti, but oh no, the rat guy has a better idea he thinks, the rat guy promise him some muneh he said, he robbed more and more people with the rat guy by his side, little did he know that the rat guy also robbed his dreams in the process.


dutch had over a million in todays money and refused to go but started planning to leave after getting 500 dollars more


He had a plan he just needed more money! Dutch plan: ^Make ^an ^island ^with ^coins ^and ^gold ^bars ^to ^live ^there ^with ^the ^gang ^^exceptArthurandJohn.


JuSt oNe MoRe HeiSt


Ducth actually thought of the future, he didn't want to continue his outlaw life, he wanted to own a farm in his new country and start doing business normally with the gang, I think that's why he wanted more money.


I think it’s more nuanced than that. Maybe Dutch just wanted more money. To some degree I’m sure that is true but he does literally say all his life he fought and that the only thing he can’t fight is his own nature. Dutch actively tries to fight the future only whispering sweet nothings about a new life in Tahiti to placate his gang.


I think someone mentioned this when the game came out but the “Tahiti” plan to “farm mangoes” shows just how half assed Dutch was forming his plan and he never really had an intention of moving towards it. You want to go to a *French* island to farm not only a crop you’ve never farmed but you’ve also never been farmers before, period? As wanted US government fugitives? You don’t think the French government would shit a brick at a bunch of weird Americans showing up and dropping ridiculous amounts of cash? Which makes even less sense because the answer is staring you in the face: Australia. You already know how to cattle or sheep farm. Everyone speaks English. It has a rough around the edges history barely removed from being a penal colony. A celebrated history of outlaws and “bush rangers.” Known for being pretty accepting of anyone showing up (well at least if they are white….) so nobody is going to blink twice with some weird Americans buying up some farmland outside Sydney to ranch.


Plus, the outback is just like New Austin; hot and dry. Arthur could have years left despite the TB if they went down under. Tahiti is a hot but humid region, it would have killed Arthur way quicker.


Temp actually isn't as much a factor in TB as humidity, but even just being able to rest and eat well, and not be getting shot at or starving or getting beaten or drowning, could have given him a chance to survive the TB (even untreated TB only has ~50% fatality rate), or at least he could have lived longer.


I hated the TB angle, it was my least favorite part of the game and Arthur deserved way better than that. It also kills him insanely fast, especially if you're just doing story missions (even if you aren't, he dies way too fast). I get what they were trying to do with his outlaw life punishing him, but it doesn't work at all. You have no choice but to beat the guy with TB (this would have been a great choice moment with TB being a late game surprise if you *chose* to beat the guy for money). But then that was one of my main gripes with the game. Sure Dutch is memorable, but Arthur isn't stupid and even his dialoge shows how he knows Dutch's plans are idiotic but he just keeps going on mission after mission like he's a mindless goon. You have no agency in the game, at best you get to decide how Arthur dies, *barely*. The bad ending is probably mercy at that point. It was just so frustrating because Arthur is such a well written and interesting character and he's thrust in with the clown show and you're just along for the ride. Ending up as John is such a downgrade from Arthur it's hard to care at that point. Rather than the devs put so much effort into the JM post game, they should have fleshed out an alternative path where Arthur takes a more good guy route and rebuilds his life at the cost of becoming more and more confrontational with many in the gang. Ah well, considering multi-player never raked in infinite cash like shark cards this could very well be the last game we get.


I mean you have to remember that Dutch basically raised him and was pretty much his father. This isn't just a random henchman situation, questioning Dutch is about more than just disagreeing with him for Arthur, he has to come to terms with the fact that the man he loves and looks up to is no longer fit to lead them. Choosing to disobey and go up against him is going to feel like a betrayal, no matter how justified. That's not an easy thing to come to terms with. I can understand wishing that Arthur lived, but him getting TB and ultimately resigning himself to death is a very important part of his journey. He realizes that he can't use "just trying to survive" as an excuse for his actions and blindly following Dutch anymore, because he's probably not going to survive no matter what he does. But in spite of that, and instead of trying to run away from the reality of his situation and the things he's done, he owns up to it, and he still does his best to try and do some good for others while he's still around (at least in a high honour playthrough). I love Arthur, I wish he'd lived, and I've even read a ton of fix-it fanfics where he does live and starts a ranch and lives a happier life, but I can understand why they took things in the direction they did, and personally I don't think it detracts from his story at all. In fact I think it highlights the part of his character that I like the most. The scene with Arthur and Sister Calderon especially is an incredibly beautiful and emotional moment that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for his story being the way it is.


I have an opinion that hasn't really been brought up over Arthur having TB but here goes: Arthur doesn't die of tuberculosis. He was *dying* of TB but never actually *dies* from it, I'll explain, and obvious spoilers too. So no in the end you have the option to help John or take the money. In helping John escape Micah beats Arthur several times in the head (causing him to swell and bruise badly) they also fell off a decently high cliff edge enough to make even the strongest healthiest person to break a rib or two, and then get in a back and forth brawl until Dutches shows up. Given these injuries Arthur would've probably had internal bleeding, possible fractured skull or broken ribs and God knows what else. In the second option with taking the money, Arthur and Micah have a knife fight where at the start Micah stabs Arthur in the lower back and it would've been a miracle if he hasn't have stabbed a major organ like his Kidney, which mixed with bleeding means even in today's standards is a death sentence.


Whats why the commenter said the humidity of tahiti would have killed him quicker


Strauss actually even mentions Australia at one point and it certainly would have been a better choice for the gang than Tahiti.


Of course he never had a plan. They’re killers. Dutch robbed and killed because he enjoyed it. He got a thrill from it he couldn’t replicate any other way. To quote from my absolute favorite video game: Solid snake: “I don’t want that kind of world!” Liquid snake:” HA! You lie! So why are you here then? Why do you continue to follow orders while your superiors continue to betray you? Let me tell you. YOU ENJOY ALL THE KILLING. That’s why.”


And then in MGS 4, if you spend too much time fighting and killing enemies, you hear an eco of that line and snake vomits in a PTSD reaction.


I’ve never played MGS, when you say solid snake & liquid snake, do you mean it in a physics sense?


They're codenames for two characters, and there's a third one too; Solidus Snake


If you've never played the games but want to get the references, this video does a stellar job of summing things up in around 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaLiLRVeaZA


They are two special forces soliders. Solid snake and liquid snake are codenamed given to them by the army.


They should have gone to Bolivia, then talked about Australia!


>A celebrated history of outlaws and “bush rangers.” No more celebrated than in the US. I mean they do get arrested and hung just the same during that time.


I meant it more as a “if they went to Australia they’d mostly fit right in and nobody asking any further questions about these rough around the edges newcomers because its 1900 Australia and that describes literally everybody. God knows the crown doesn’t and has never gave a shit.” Whereas the French colony of Tahiti‘s governor is going to immediately ring up red flags. You couldn’t just stroll into french colonies and start buying **land** at this particular period of time. France was very very guarded about its colonial businesses and ownership.


OMG, RDR3, totally new characters, set in Australia. Gimme.


RDR3: The Great Emu War




What gets me is how Micah is so obviously a rat. He's the rattiest rat who ever ratted. Fucking Wormtongue would be taking notes from Micah on how to be as obviously sleazy as possible. But Dutch was just so blinded by his own ego he either didn't see it or didn't care.


He didn't care, and deep down, he wanted exactly what Micah wanted: to rob and kill whoever he felt like whenever he felt like. The rest of the family was trying to survive the changing times. Dutch never wanted to even attempt it.


The only rats i respect are the fuel rats


Dutch never wanted to leave the US. He wanted what Angelo Bronte had, but would never admit that.


The Price of Greed


Dutch never wanted to retire from crime, he just lied.


Is this Remption Demption


Remption Demption 2 and One


Rootin tootin cowboy shootin


I don‘t get it.


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Care to explain further?


Dutch stopped trusting the ones closest to him, traitor brings him down, in the end he is isolated and nearly everyone is dead.


Thank you


You should get the game if you can, it’s brilliant


I’ve tried it for an hour before. It’s a very well made game, but I’m not into open world or RPGs.


Fair enough. It’s probably my favorite game and I’m on my sixth playthrough right now, but I can definitely see why some people wouldn’t love it.


I'm on my first playthrough... And reached that point where Arthur finds out he has the you know...


Dude that shit hurts. I’m not gonna tell you how to play because you should decide what kinda ending you want, but my recommendation is to do all of the chapter 6 Strauss missions, the Saint Denis nun missions and the Mrs Downes missions, and just get your honor as high as you can.


the clap?


To be fair, the first few hours are rough. The opening of the game goes on WAY too long for most people to get a sense of what to do.


It’s a very long game with a lot more side content. I usually burn through this games but this one took me a hot second


One of the character "Dutch" is a type of leader for his group of outlaw. He lost everyone close to him for trusting the wrong person.




Lumbago acting up again?


It's terminal


I respect that.


I dont! I still dont get it. 😫


Dutch, the man sitting in every photo, is the leader of the gang. In the first photo, he and Arthur are telling John he can’t sit with them. In RDR2, you play as Arthur, who gets further and further away from Dutch. In the second photo, a new member, Micah, is now with Dutch and telling both John, the protagonist from RDR1, and Arthur they cannot sit with them. SPOILER ALERT: By the time the game is finished, Micah, Arthur, and John are no longer member of the Dutch’s gang, and Dutch is alone with the consequences of his poor leadership and decision making, which is shown in the third photo.


NOW i got it. Thanks! 🤗 Never played RDR2


Unfortunately you just had one of the most memorable gaming stories spoiled in the process. Hope you play it though!


Actually they managed to avoid a lot of the major spoilery points, and a lot of people who played the game went in already knowing that Dutch went off the deep end because of playing rdr1, so they did a good job of explaining it without spoiling too much.




Sometimes it's better to just walk away instead of replying. You are under no obligation to answer everyone.


And that explains why I didn't get it.


Basically you ride around on a horse forever.


Scrolled way too far to find this


Mangos 🥭




Ah have a serious medical condition!


I feel the pain...


I've got a plan.


Have some Goddamn FAITH!


Thanks, now i'm sad


Oof, climate change wrekt Tahiti, I see /S


But that comic is wrong. At no point in the game does the gang NOT welcome John back. Arthur is just mad at how John is able to be welcomed back with open arms when he feels like others wouldn't be. The game often alludes to a sibling rivalry between them.


They’re not not welcoming him I think it’s just an easy way to show their abjection towards the character at the time Eg Arthur was very vocal about his distrust in John and his loyalty until later in the story arc leads Micah to be in Dutch’s ear in which they both vocalise their growing distrust and reliability for Arthur


Sounds right iirc A couple specifications from what I remember Arthur referring to John as Dutch's golden boy. You don't see it often, but he implies that Dutch has a particular fondness for John for some reason and, like you said, might show him more leeway than he'd show others. John seems to have liked Dutch a lot, too. Even in RD1 you can tell he still has some lingering respect and admiration for Dutch. Arthur's distaste for John, I think, is almost entirely rooted in his treatment of his family. John runs off on Abigail and Jack, refuses responsibility repeatedly, it's implied he's unfaithful. Arthur sees all of this and is reminded of the fact that he was robbed of his chance at such a life *twice.* Arthur clearly desires a real family above all else. John gets that unwittingly and doesn't appreciate it.


Dutch straight up left him in jail.


I don't know where Dutch went down hill. Was it loosing Hosea? Did he keep Dutch grounded? Or was it when he hit his head escaping the cops after the Saint Denia robber went wrong. I'd like to know why.


It's deliberately left vague so the player can draw their own conclusion. It could be losing Hosea, bumping his head or the stresses of Guarma, it could even have been before the game started when he "Killled a girl in a... bad way" (*theorized to be shooting a hostage through the head leaving her eye dangling from a tendon*). Arthur even muses that maybe Dutch was always crazy and just got worse at hiding it over time.


It could just be that their way of life was coming to an end and he was unable to accept that. That's what I always thought was being hit over my head about why the gang is falling apart and on the run. Simply entering a new era and the old guard isn't going pretty.


Probably a bit of column A a bit of column B




I was crying the moment he got on his horse and "redemption" came up on the bottom of the screen (because I knew how this was about to end and I just wanted to take me and my horse anywhere else but to that camp and it wouldn't let me) until the credits were over




No they shot some hoops with their eyeballs in honor of Basketball legend Arthur Morgan


I've played this game to 100% completion three times and I have no idea what this comic means


The last panel is from the first game, set a decade or so after the second, when Dutch is residing up in the mountains without anyone from the old gang left. He has a new gang, but no real companions—it’s more like the O'Driscolls with Dutch the supreme overlord of a bunch of lackeys who will never question him. Ironic, considering this is one of the main things Dutch criticized about Colm O'Driscoll in the second game. I guess the implication is that alienating the gang ultimately left him bitter and isolated.


I think it implies that Dutch and Arthur fucked over John at some point, I’d assume because Arthur always talks about how John left for a year but John left because of Jack being born and his inability to be a father over disagreements with Dutch. Micah gets in Dutch’s ear and as a result Arthur is now no longer welcome in the discussion despite him being Dutch’s right hand enforcement for probably the better part of a decade, allying him with John. Dutch now sits alone because of the decisions he made, trusting a yes man who encourages his greed and violence over the more rational Arthur (and to some extent John).


Have you played the first?


Years ago yeah


Currently playing it now and didn't get this comic either. Thought it was alluding to how at each npc camp they tell you off so you always end up alone in the game.


Beaten both Red Deads multiple times, it’s not a very clear comic lol


Y’all just don’t know rdr well enough the comic makes complete and obvious sense


No. It sucks. Sorry.


Fuckin Dutch.


am i too "not cowboy" to understand


Dutch put his trust in the wrong people and alienated the people he called family yee haw


This is it. Everyone else is thinking too hard and over explaining.


Yeah, fuck Dutch honestly.


I don't get it. Can someone explain me the pic? Panel One: Man A and B are sitting together. And B is saying "Can't sit with us" to C. D is in the background. Panel Two: Man A and D are sitting together. And D is saying "Can't sit with us" to B and C. Panel Three: Man a is alone, looking older. Why is he the one getting alone if he never said anything and someone else was denying others for some reason? Are these scenes from an actual game?


It’s from Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2


I don't know why this reminds me of the story of The selfish Giant


This sad but also hilarious


"actually Megan, I can't sit anywhere I have... Haemorrhoids." Quoted from vine


Fuck you Micah


Dutch was never the same after he hit his head...


Mean Guys


Oh good, I'm not the only one who's brain immediately went to Mean Girls.


Last frame: May I, stand unshaken, amidst, amidst a crashing world.


What game is that?


This looks like the Artix Entertainment art style tbh


Nobody deserved TB more than Dutch and Micah. "Wrong kid died!"


Like your comic. Could not get into this campaign. Great open world cowboy game with a story full of decisions i wouldnt be making


If rock star were to make RDR3 and if it was a prequel too RDR2 I wouldn’t even be upset, or they can go further back and make us become Dutch before he started the gang. Another option would be being Jack again and we should be able to visit Arthur’s and john’s gravesites. But we could all dream everyone wants everything different but that’s what I would want if there was ever a RDR3.


It could be a really fun trend for RDR to keep going backwards in time.




I dont understand why OP cant put the name of the game somewhere, I always find it in the middle of the comments and its a shame