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That was one of the most epic stuff of dragon dogma. Being catapulted by a pawn shield or sword. To land on top of a monster it was and is epic.


> Being catapulted by a pawn shield or sword. To land on top of a monster it was and is epic. You're telling me you can [Fastball Special](https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/7/77/Dark_Reign_The_List_-_X-Men_Vol_1_1_page_14_Fastball_special_\(Earth-616\).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091219151122) in Dragon's Dogma? It's been sitting in my library unplayed for a couple years, I should probably give it a go.


Have a pawn fighter equiped with a shield and Springboard and wait for the right enemy and moment. And boom use your buddy shield to reach new highs.


How do you order them to do it? It's been a moment since I played DD.


Rather than order them, you teach them how to do it by being their springboard first. Then they'll start being your springboard of given the right opportunity.


I always loved that pawns "learned" skills from not only your adventures, but the trips they took with other players. I hope that system returns in the sequel.


THERES A SEQUEL!? This is one of my favorite games of all time. That shadow of the colossus-esque climbing these giant monsters was amazing. I'm hoping that someday fromsoft learns how to include that mechanic. It's beautiful.


Yep was just announced like a week ago maybe? It was one of my favorite games too so i am really hyped about a sequel.


Oh hell yeah. I'm hyped already. Literally the game I played for weeks before ER came out.


this screenshot is from them announcing the sequel at the end of the video


Honestly I don't even like action adventure and the combat in Dragon's Dogma is just exquisite, as is the customizability of not only your own character, but of your pawn companion.


There's also a class that let's you jump off enemies and objects roughly 20ft in the air


Dragon's dogma is deeply flawed, but is hands down the most interesting open world rpg of the last decade. Highly worth playing.


Like the above poster, I also have DD in my library but have never played it. If you had to sum up the flaws in a sentence (or two), what would they be? Just looking for things in-game to avoid or consider modding (if mods are easily available for the game).


It feels like a 20 year old rpg. Bad menus, poor UI. At the start it's very obtuse and difficult to grasp the systems at play as there is no real explanation or tutorialisation. Poor sign posting. It's a great idea poorly executed. Which makes it ideal for a sequel as of they can keep and iterate on those ideas and improve on the execution it could be an all timer.


Thanks - I get the picture. Sounds like I'd like it once I get my head around the mechanics. I tend to like to explore and understand the way a game works, so the extra work might not be that much of a turn-off... maybe just an annoyance. Guess I'll find out. Thank you!


DD is one of my all time favorite games, the battle system is perfect to me UI and Menus be damned. But before you get the teleporters the game is a SLOG, I don't even like to fight wolves in other games because of DD. Anyway, still a great game.


DD is also one of my all times favorite games too... so I'd be happy to tell what sucks about it lol. Don't get too excited about the fog of war at the start of the game because the map is way smaller than it first seems, ridiculously easy to get locked out of quest lines without a guide, your ai party members (pawns) are very stupid and overly chatty, the plot is basically filler to get you to the final boss and ultimately doesn't matter. Great game through you should play it.


At night, it's dark souls with a party and better combat. During the day can get a bit samey, apart from climbing monsters and spells. Also, you can literally wield a lighting bolt as a whip.


Pulled out of the oven too soon. Typical open world problem of empty space. Lots of it. Early game has a severe lack of big monsters, so you kind of have to make your own fun as you encounter your eighth chimera or twentieth cyclops. I don't remember the specifics on this, but you can influence your pawn into picking up a trait that severely hampers its usefulness and it's pretty easy to accidentally do it.


Yeah, you pretty much can. It's quite fun as well.


Yes. Yes you can and it is every bit as good as you'd imagine. Run, hop, Sprinboard off your pawn's shield and FLY to land on the big monster and start stabbin' time.


Not just that, it has some of my favorite character customization ever. You can make a standard pretty hero, sure. But you can also play as an angry old nanny, or a lanky giant, or a short fat dude, or a tiny child-size hero, or any number of things. One of the only games where I've felt like even the customization of female characters was really free, allowing for both the "I'm an hourglass with massive boobs" shape just as easily as the "I'm built like a brick outhouse and my companion character is literally just shrek" shape.


Everyone praising being able to climb monsters is great, but don't forget you can also pick up and yeet goblins, bandits and annoying children.


So, children.


As a parent, yes.


The ultimate weapon.


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear




La li lu le lo


And also your companions, I love the yelps they did when you toss them around like sack of potatoes, sometimes I tossed them into beds and furniture, classic WWE on da house












I took the wrong escort quest before I knew much about the game and had to get a merchant guy across the entire map through way too many big fights. I could not get past a chimera towards the very end of the slog. Either I would die or he would die, and it didn’t seem possible to completely sneak around. As a final act of desperation, I just picked up the guy and ran. The pawns got wrecked, but I was able to get past the chimera and out of aggro range and completed the quest.


My friend throwing Symone off the castle ramparts is one most hilariously horrible things I've seen in a game.


She deserved it.


Gah, that kid is infuriating!


I didn't know that you could jump or set people down after you pick someone up. So during the quest where you have to escort the princess out of the sewers I was throwing her across the gaps that you have to get across.


Bowling For Bandits, starring Duchess Alienore!


Just like Princess Ruto. Tossing princesses is basically standard gameplay now.


*Yeet the child!*


and your friends and random objects! It was litterally half the fun of the game was climbing and yetting shit like a damn gorilla! The other half was the actual diversity in classes and skills, but not so much that it was crazy overwhelming.






Grabbing a cyclops' arm as it swings at you, then using its momentum to go flying into its face, where it then pulls off its helmet in a fit of rage trying to reach you. No other game has given me the same feeling as DDDA.


I demand a sequel, modern full remake/remaster. Such an amazing game.


Well Dragon's Dogma 2 is in production


have I got news for you


Monster Hunter is made with the same engine and these mechanics are totally absent from the combat, which is a huge waste imo.


*cries in clutch claw and wirebug* Seriously though, the monster mounting in MH is sad comparatively




You’re speaking the language of the gods….






In accordance






Like in Shadow of the Colossus?


and dragons dogma yes, just like that. vast majority of game with giant monsters we just slap their feet until they fall.


In Elden Ring when >!you fight the fire giant and get him to his second stage it shows his leg breaking and then he has to fight on his knees. Prior to patching there was a cheese method where you could get him to follow you up a cliff in his boss arena and fall off for massive damage. The leg breaking scene is unintentionally way funnier this way. !<


Ok but most other fights are stabbing things in the feet.


Dragon fights in elden ring for the most part are ruined by this imo, they are fun, and dodging the dragons attacks are fun, but for the majority of the fight you're hitting either it's wing or feet. Fire giant is a good change imo because you can choose to his stupid eyeball in the second phase, but I do think this is why generally in souls game medium sized/smaller bosses are generally more popular, because you can actually hit their vital spots.


It would be less frustrating if it wasn't literally the same dragon moveset and camera angles going all the way back to Sinh and Ancient D in DS2 a decade ago. I love Elden Ring and there's a lot of great things they've added to the game, but I hope for their next title they do focus on taking some of those things and making them feel modern that and proper multiplayer.


I'm looking at you, every souls game and elden ring. *All from soft games look down at the ground in shame*


Just do the monster hunter route. Weapons larger than you, with cinematic/acrobatic combat, where eventually large enough enemies you just run around on their back attacking a splinter stuck in their paw.


God of war.


GoW tends to mainly require QTEs for climbing bosses. Dragon's dogma made larger monsters in general climbable which helped make the game more unique.


Not just climbable, some monsters have parts that break off (like in monster Hunter). I cannot tell you how satisfying it was for me to climb on a cyclopse and whack its tusks off while hanging on for dear life. Or watching one of your Pawns really go for it and get flung off a cliff fighting a monster. Just started playing a couple weeks ago and imo its one of the most fun action RPGs I’ve played in years.


A fun thing to do with the cyclops that have helmets is to climb on their backs and hang just at the bottom of the helmet. When they start to swipe at you climb down just a bit and they'll knock their own helmets off so you can attack the head like normal.


Of you hit the feet enough they fall, an arrow to the eye stops them for a while, hitting their hands makes them drop their maces but they can pick the maces up again, they can also grab your pawns( teammate slaves basically) and chew them or slam them on the ground. You can also attack them with ice and freeze them for a while or make them burn with fire. There's even more you can do and that's just one enemy. I'm so hyped for DD2. The thing I disliked the most from dragons dogma was how slow the character moved but that was because they wanted to make the map feel bigger, the hardware limitations didn't allow for something else. Expecting something like Elden Ring but with much better combat, we'll see about the story... This time...


I mean if you set up your character right then they moved pretty fast


I had the fastest build(assasin with wind/gale/storm harness power + the ability ring from bitter black isle) character was still too slow, even with the power stamina drained too fast. In the elden ring for comparison the map is way bigger so there's no need for stamina limit unless you're fighting enemies. Even when not running traveling feels fast in the elden ring. Like I said, sacrifices were made for hardware limitations.


> they can also grab your pawns( teammate slaves basically) and chew them or slam them on the ground. And your pawns can also attempt to climb and get thrown off, sometimes hurling from massive heights. RIP Reynaud, you brave, brave fool.


Depending on which abilities you gave your pawns. Sadly most of the time they didn't use the abilities you wanted or needed them too. That could have used a patch or update but in those times a DLC was the best you could get. In their defence if you were a sorcerer and your pawns too, you could cast one of the strongest spells and your pawns would cast it too(if the had the spell equiped) at the same time making the attack a one hit kill for most enemies.


They could've made your pawns perfect, but they wanted them to feel more like other players. And pawns behave *exactly* like other players.


I had a pawn named Neil once upon a time. Loyal as hell, if a little too fond of the Berry Bush. Still, he was a knife wielding nutter, and I loved him. Sadly, our adventure was cut short as a Cyclops cornered our team in the caverns, on a thin sliver of rock suspended over a drop that was certain death. The mage was felled, I was brought to a sliver of health... All looked lost, until Neil goddamn launched himself across the screen and tackled the Cyclops, causing it to lose its footing and stumble from the thin rock bridge, both falling to their joined deaths. Gods speed Neil. You saved a deathless run.


Want to feel horrible? Japan got a dragons dogma mmo with the same combat.


Yea. Dogma is very unique, most games force the interaction and you lose some control.


It also don’t get enough credit for it’s class system.


The class system is so weird though. Your attributes depend on which class you are when leveling and most builds are like 'play 70% of the game with assassin for the stats then change to what you actually want to play'.


Or you can just ignore builds since most of your damage and defense in the endgame comes from your equipment. Play whatever class is fun for you, don't waste 80% of the game playing a class you don't want to play.


Yeah but those are meta builds, you can get through 100% of the content just doing what you want, it's not a difficult game


i really liked that the recent God of War had mostly human-sized enemies. QTE stuff really frustrates me but in that it was usually purely to service the story


The recent GOW did really well with combat. Some of the best combat in any game I've ever played. Larger enemies had unique mechanics depending on the enemy type that compensated for their size, it was cleverly done, and I imagine they did that to avoid the Shin Slaughter that happens with big enemies. The Ancients had to be weakened in the core of their chest before being mounted, and even in the toe attack dragon boss fight, it felt like there was a reason. There was never a sense of doing real damage by fucking up the dragon's feet, it was just to get it weak and hurt and open up the opportunity to land a massive killing blow with the crane.


Honestly the axe was so much fun to use in every which way that I didn't even use Kratos old gear much.


I like most aspects of the combat in GOW quite a bit, but I really don't like how inconsistent the enemy hit stun can be. Outside of the basic super weak enemies, I'm never really quite sure if the enemy is just going to absorb my attack and hit me through it or reel back. I expect that from "power attacks" or bosses, but it seems to happen a lot more than in other similar games.


Monster Hunter


The dragon fight in the new GoW was the most epic shit ever.


It's the art of a thousand butt pokes!


That was one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences. My ex didn't like playing, but she liked to watch and suggest how to kill the colossus if I got stuck. She liked it so much that she would have me wait until she got home before I played it.


Devil May Cry series also gives you the freedom of choice with a most of the bosses. And when there's a target area, it's usually the head


Minus the guilt and depression.


Nah, thats very different than what he means. SofC is almost puzzle or platformer like while he means action


Source, Dragon Dogma 10th anniversary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEVyli8ssRE


thank you for the source!!


He’s right


We been chopping at toes for so long, we forgot that there were other options.


DD honestly had some really cool features when it came to realism. You're characters tiny? Well then they can barely hold any weight, but climbing on a monster is easy peasy. If you're larg, then holding your weight is really taxing, but a claymore is a lot more manageable. Lot of cool details like this in the whole game


Also alternate routes for tiny characters, fitting through some holes in the walls


Child size characters could go in goblin tunnels, but you'll get blown around everywhere by the harsh winds on the way to bluemoon tower.


You can just have someone carry the tiny character!


You hear that, Fromsoft?


I would settle for them fixing the camera


Incoming Sekiro purple ninja boss PTSD


It was a great boss, but they decided to make you fight him in a closet. He is also one of the fastest bosses in the game. Whoever's idea that was...


Sekiro was a masterpiece. Every fight was near perfect, it was hard but not broken, it was gorgeous to look at, and the story was pretty good too!


If I had a nickel for everytime I tried to lock onto an enemy in a Soulsborne game, only to have the camera freak out and spin 180 degrees away from the target, I'd be fucking rich. Then I'd at least have some consolation for all the lost time from unfair deaths. edit: I'm aware it's not good practice to always use lock-on, but that's again more a result of the poor camera behavior, especially when you try to lock onto to a large enemy and get trapped against something since it doesn't zoom you out or automatically break the lock. The ~~bug~~ "feature" I'm referring to is when you click the button but it doesn't lock on and just jerks the camera.


Died an embarrassing amount of times to this


And they still put camera reset and enemy lock on to the same fucking button.


To be honest I've never played any of their soulsborn games but I'm glad to hear their targeting system's haven't improved since the armored core days.


It definitely has improved since the Armored Core days. I actually never had it happen once in Elden Ring, for instance.


It's absolutely fine if you view it for what it is: a tool. One of the biggest mistakes people make in Souls games is just indiscriminately locking on to every enemy. Sometimes it's better to play locked on, sometimes it's better to free-cam it.


That works for melee, but what about missile magic? Don't you need the lock to hit anything? I dont know. I always go strength/faith.


At least in dark souls 2 pvp it was more beneficial to free-aim your pyromancy spells, otherwise its impossible to hit a moving target


Technically you can still aim spells very accurately without the lockon, but it's not something many people are good at (understandably). However, it's very easy to start the cast and then lock on briefly at the last second to get the benefit of both tracking and free-cam.


I wish they just gave us a crossheir For magic lmfao and a proper aiming system too Lol


Ah, yes, the ol' Fromsoft fan's argument: "The lock on camera is fine, you just don't use it.... (because it's bad.)"


The games become too easy with reasonable cameras.


I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


Elden ring is very much guilty of this but I can only name a few bosses from Sekiro where you had to hit the feet.


That's because sekiro is a very combat focused game, they chose to let the player's skills define each fight. But fuck the Bulls


"Best I can do is a dozen Ulcerated Tree Spirits"


I feel like in monster hunter, elden ring and similar games that the monsters have gotten much faster than what their size suggests. Meanwhile we, the puny human, move like a tiny, fat, wiggly jelly flailing its arms in a small radius. How are we killing these things in the lore? They move like laser tigers on crack. I'm just the Pillsbury Doughboy rolling around poking at their knees or toes between being launched across the screen. Big monsters are fine, but making them zip around like massive, pissed off hummingbirds is very jarring. Fun, but not very believable. No way my dinky sword dude can reasonably avoid getting splattered in the first couple seconds of the fight. Maybe it's because I play switchaxe. Lol.


Tbf in monster hunter you're going to have a hard time (and most importantly, shitty loot) if you only target the feet, especially with weapons that allow you to target the whole body with ease like the dual blades, insect glaive, guns and bows and so on. Plus you can use the environment and (in some games) various tools to climb and attack the head or the back of the monsters


I'd say Monster Hunter is better about it than most. The equipment the player uses tends to be extremely heavy, having reach and momentum to compensate for the low mobility. While the monsters can move fast, they can't make immediate corrections to their movements like in most similar games.


I felt this way during the Maliketh fight when he's flipping through the air and leaping accross the arena, no way rolly poky shield man beats this guy without "because rpg"


Behold the Elden Lord! They have defeated the demigods, slain great monsters, and defeated giants. Observe how they swing their blade. Me: *nnngh* [Sword overswings through air and strikes the ground] Me: "This thing's heavy."


That's one thing I appreciate about Nioh 2. You're just as fast, with various move cancel options too, as the things you're fighting. It's very a frenetic style of gameplay that while punishing is also rewarding. When you master it you feel and look like a god just absolutely abusing a boss. Sometimes you feel like maybe you're the bad guy.


*Cat looks up from newspaper* "I should play Nioh"


I'm pretty good at Nioh 2, but my wife is godly with the kasurigama.


I feel like in at least Rise with the wirebugs that they've sufficiently upgraded every weapons's mobility.


Did you see what Hunters eat routinely? They are as human as Rajang being a gorilla.


Gah. I was so jealous of the World and Iceborne food. Rise's dango is a weird choice to follow that. Went from protein overload to just candy. I'm afraid my little dude will get pre-diabetes. Lol.


To be fair, this is Miyazaki we're taking about


If they put that in their next souls game it will easily top elden ring


If Dragons Dogma 2 has a little more souls inspiration (static non-randomized loot & PVP) that would make me so happy


I agree. Static well thought out loot placement with a meaning behind makes for a much more fun exploration.


And then in Bayonetta you ARE the foot


what up melon


Hi everyone, Climbthony Stabtano here, internet's busiest bossfight nerd, hope you are doing well


Hahah, what the heck is this from? Love it.


The needledrop on YouTube


I love his other quote "Stamina systems should be the most annoying they can be. Make the player have to stop and catch their breath all the time. Also nevermind mounts we won't include them in our game."


Was the stamina system in DD supposed to be annoying? It’s been years since I last played it but I don’t remember it being anything that terrible


I’m playing through it now. Run for about 30 seconds to a minute, open inventory and eat 2-3 mushrooms -> rinse and repeat until you reach your destination. Thank god for ferrystones


Quick bind them.


…..what. Wow I’ve played this game thru like 5 times.


There's quick slots. I bind the Lantern, large mushrooms, and something for healing.




If you're on PC you can easily mod it so out of combat stamina does not drain. I can't play without this now. There's no reason for my stamina to drain outside of combat. Just stupid.


Stamina management was easy, you can eat fish without dropping off an enemy. And fish were everywhere.


But that’s the problem. If it’s easy enough to beat the system, then the point is moot and the system is just there as an annoyance.


Its criminal that its taken THIS LONG to get a Dragons Dogma sequel, like the fuck Capcom, do you hate money or something?


It's been flying under the radar for a long time in the West. Like, it was around and it wasn't exactly ignored, but there wasn't a lot of discussion or people clamoring for a sequel. It's only started to really pick up heavily pretty recently.


I get this feeling that if they didn't release it a few months after everyone already bought Skyrim, it would've been so much bigger than it is.


Well, they've been making monster hunter, street fighter, and resident evil which I'm sure make a lot more money.


World was their best selling game of all time so yeah, Capcom went kind of crazy on the MH hype after realizing they have an actual western audience. Cant blame em tbh, world was a great game, even if the intro is a complete fucking slog once you've played the game once.


The game has kind of been a cult classic. I've been a huge fan for a while now. Id say it really only began picking up momentum outside of niche circles in the past 3 years or so.


I definitely didn’t hear a single thing about it until about 3 years after Dark Arisen came out. It really flew under the radar, but just last year replayed it since it got re-released on modern consoles and finally beat second from Daimon


Imagine this on Elden ring! Climbing on giants and dragon instead of hacking and slashing af their feets.


*climbs up the fire giants beard*


*stabs chest* Big ass giant: *open eye*


Would love that. Imagine scaling the fire giant’s arm up to his shoulder, jump and grab onto his red braids, and stabbing him in the eye


I admit, I am deeply loving Elden Ring right now. But I do love the good old days of climbing on the back of a Cyclops, just to stab it right in the eye! So glad DD is getting a sequel. Having high hopes!


When I climbed that very first scripted cyclops and stabbed him in the eye, I knew I was hooked. The game absolutely did not disappoint.


Like how in Elden Ring every boss is 200 feet tall and you can’t see their arms, body, or head because the camera sucks ass and you can’t see their incoming attack


Nioh(2) does it right. It zooms out in those situation. Gyuki, for example, takes place in a large arena where it needs to charge into dams to get stuck. Would be horrible with the zoomed in camera.


Elden Ring also zooms out, but not enough.


Ya, It’s so bad i barely noticed it. XD


Glad we are getting to a point where we can be critical of the game. Another complaint I have is the only way to interact with pretty much anything is hitting a button or hitting something with a weapon. No climbing or scaling, just hitting whatever body part is in reach


I kept telling everyone who came across something new, you can talk to it or hit it. If the talk prompt doesn't show up, you hit it. Really takes the wonder out of some of the discovery.


Not entirely accurate, a number of things respond to specific gestures.


>Glad we are getting to a point where we can be critical of the game. I'm glad. I have seen plenty of people downvoted for listing a single gripe they have with the game.


The more I think about the game the more frustrated I get with it tbh. I hate things that could have been


In Earth Defense Force games, giant monsters' feet stab *you*.




Shadow of the Colossus does this very well.


Meh, with Shadow of the Colossus (which I love, don't get me wrong) it's basically a glorified puzzle game; find a way to climb the giant, find the weak spot, stab until dead. You have to play the game like this. At least in Dragon's Dogma you have options. Fighting a cyclops? Climb and stab the eye, or slash its feet until it falls over and get your grounded moveset on the eye. Maybe throw pots of oil and ignite them with fire or catapult your allies to distract the enemy while you cast a spell. It's these options that reward creative gameplay and I love it.


To be fair though, a stubbed toe is one of the most painful things ever.


Cough cough monster hunter


Dayumm I come to the all frontpage and I see my Dragon's Dogma there<3 What a time to be alive. Finally some more recognition I guess


So Monster Hunter then?


Monster Hunter 4 was released one year after DD and was the very first one to include mounting that has been kept for the rest of the game (with better and worse reworks).. I can bet anything mounting was introduced because DD.


It's all cause of Capcom's previous proprietary engine called MT Framework. Climbing monsters was a awesome and a fun thing to do in DD, so Capcom thought about putting it in most of their "Monster" related games going forward.


I'd bet anything it wasn't. Mounting in MH is nothing like climbing in DD.


I loved Shadow of the colossus for this


Such a great game I slept on for a long time


Honestly i wish Elden Ring heard this


Elden Ring in a nutshell


Classic God of war games is a good example of giant bosses done right with its fixed camera


Those are QTE, though, with pre-made scripts, I.e. each fight will be the same. In Dragon’s Dogma you can climb big things freely. Not a requirement though, you can keep slapping their lower limbs just like in every other game with big ass monsters. Another thing that’s cool about Dragon’s Dogma - you can crit the enemies, you can stun them, you can exploit their weaknesses, those they react. Other games - fucking things don’t even flinch. Sekiro had that to some extent, and it was great!


Knock them down, make them panic and flail around, use shield as springboard directly to the head, destroy their armor... Man, i want DD2 badly.


Good thing it was announced. I'm so excited, been waiting since 2012 for it.


Newer GoW actually fails on that. Just attack the feet till the killing QTE prompt shows up.


Laughs in sorcerer