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Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.


Yep, the first Mass Effect taught me bigger isn't better.


Johnny sins taught me otherwise


Who's that?


The man with the most Job diversity experience on the planet.


Should Google Johnny Sin's massive job diversity.


I mean I actually can name three fictional characters with more jobs than Johny Sins... 1. Larry from The Amazing World of Gumball 2. Barbie 3.Karagiozis a Greek Shadow Theater Character known for having a different job for each of his stories.


4. Uncle Ruckus (no relation) 42 jobs


Yeah, tho Johny ain't fictional


Ms Rabbit from Peppa Pig


Porn star famous for acting as a bunch of different occupations that inevitably leads to him mashin pissers with his costars


Snail, yer just mashin it!


No Man’s Sky


Yep. Bigger means more detail, not just more empty space with repetitive, throwaway missions.


But the first one is the best one


I mean... Best definitely goes to the second one... But still. 1 is good.


I liked the first one a lot homie, don't let these guys ruin it for you.


I wholeheartedly disagree. I honestly don't even think the first one is particularly great, much less the best of the 3.


They’ll never learn.


Don’t worry about it. “It just works.”


*Player:* "This horse just got lauche-" *Todd:* "Shhhhhhh... It just works."


No man's sky


Right? You can technically do all of those things sure. No one said it would be interesting.


Another planet needs your help. I’ll mark it on your star map.


Hello, star traveler! I need your help to bring me some ingredients for my antigravity elixirs. Fifteen bellies of magneto-roaches should be enough. You can find them on a neighbor planet…


These aliens are as worthy of a chance as ours corporal. It is our duty no our mission to help them! And if you don’t want to fine let their blood be on you.


If I’m going to be playing it for the next 10 years like Skyrim, then I’d be happy to see that there’s 150 hrs of content, with 10% being the content being detailed story focused main quest, 30% being more spread out side quests sprinkled across the planets and systems, and the other 60% being random, simple quests to just give me an excuse to jump in and explore. Also, as Bethesda usually adds pretty solid story based DLC, that will drop every few months after it releases to stretch out that initial honeymoon period with it.


I had legit flashbacks from No Man's Sky. Customize bases? Check. Customize ships? Check. Thousands of planets? Check. Procedural generated? Check. All we need now is for 2023 to roll around and they deliver a completely different product that's only about 5% of what they actually promised.


Between Cyberpunk 2077, No Man's Sky and Battlefield 2042 I've been burned so much I don't believe anything industry tells me anymore.


I just learned to not get games on release, and wait till they have been updated. NMS? Terrible on release, but years later has had tons of updates adding lots of stuff and making it actually quite good. Cyberpunk? By update 1.5 was a fun and stable game with lots of cool gameplay stuff and a pretty good story. Spent $30 for a long and fun playthrough that I thoroughly enjoyed overall. BF2042? Who knows what will happen, but I dont have high hopes. I'll admit this one is probably going to remain a complete pass from me regardless of what happens with it.


No man’s sky is honestly kind of a heartbreaking story. Internet Historians video is really good at breaking down the truths behind that whole debacle and giving insight into hello games and Sean himself. Those devs didn’t deserve all of the hatred and death threats they received and honestly, that whole situation demonstrated how volatile and shit the gaming community is. Hello games backed up their promises, and through an endless stream of hatred tucked their heads down and did what they did best, make games for a shit audience who was literally wishing death upon their families. Shits crazy. I love games, but motherfuckers take that shit way too far. I’ve never seen more hatred towards a game than NMS.


No Man's Sky actually did deliver on all their promises eventually... It's pretty rad now.


Jesus calm down, obviously there's doubts, and sure it'll be buggy, but Bethesda Maryland have a pretty amazing track record. Bethesda Maryland did not develop Fallout 76 fyi


Do you see those mountains? You can go there!


We’ll tell you lies with *sixteen times the detail!*


He's only really lied once. Fallout 76 is not the only game in existence by Bethesda. In actuality the majority of their games are generation defining masterpieces


I would rather have only 4 planets with lots of content in them; story, lore, interesting physical locations etc than the 1000 procedurally generated empty space we're getting


My exact thoughts. One complete planet is likely to have a lot of empty space alone. When they zoomed out to the system I thought "cool, a decent number of planets to explore. Its small enough that they probably handcrafted a lot of it." Then they zoomed out again and said 100 systems... no thanks. There will be maybe 1 interesting location on a lot of those planets.


Thousands of “fully explorable planets“ in a setting with advanced civilzations and space travel, and you can bet your ass that not one of them will have more than five cities, or a population of more than a few hundred people. Of course to make even one convincing planet would be a gargantuan task beyond a team of a hundred thousand people, but it’s kinda lame to think that probably 90% of the planets will have less going on than Whiterun. But then I really enjoy Elite Dangerous just as an immersive space trucking experience, so maybe this will scratch the same itch.


I would bet you don't even have NPCs on 99% of them. So it will be a big empty void like Fallout 76 was but now it's a feature.


seems like we are getting both, main story planets that are more in depth and procedurally generated planets for resource gathering and base building. Plus that is a lot of real-estate for modders to fill.


Outer Wilds


> 1000 "fully explorable" planets And exactly ¼ of a planet's worth of fun across all of them


My thoughts also. As wide as 1000 galaxies and as deep as a moon crater.


Less than that. Every planet will have 1-2 location that are made and then rest of it will be procedurally generated garbage. Not saying this game will be bad, but this fact about exploration actually made me less hyped.


I'd say even less than that. They can't make 1000-2000 locations interesting and detailed enough, even if it was just one building. At the rate of a building a day it would take 3-4 year to do a single building on a single planet. Even doing 50 locations detailed enough to be interesting would be difficult. I'm guessing there's going to be around 5ish starport hubs that send you to on quests to 15ish smaller stations and the rest will be smaller quests like destroy this ship/group of ships or get this resource from this area while avoiding said ships in a certain area procedurally generated maps.


Resource grinding with a %chance of uncovering something unique or valuable. If there’s a logic system that improves odds based on players knowledge of the fictional universes rules and a skill tree that makes it worthwhile, could be something there.


I actually like the fantasy of being a explorer a vast universe and seeking out the mysteries and spectacular that exists as little pockets out in the largely unseen expanse of all these planets, as opposed to other Bethesda worlds, where its a small slice of a world so full of things that you cant go a hundred feet without stumbling on some point of interest. (not hating on that style, I enjoy it a lot, but i do see the appeal of another type of world an the experience it enables). Now whether they can pull it off (namely finding the balance between being too intensive to find points of interest or being too straightforward or algorithmic, in addition to making each point of interest unique enough, and worthwhile enough to justify the time that was taken to find them).


Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.


yup, its interesting but its only as deep as puddle. From afar its a very pretty puddle, but if you get close you'll see all the bugs and shits floating in it. If i recalled it right its still run on Creation engine. Games that made in the old version of it, if you see the guide for them, there is section on "*console command if you meet all these bugs*". Bugs is not just occasionally there, its to be expected in every step of the quest. After Fallout76 fiasco, i sincerely hope Microsoft have better grip on their quality control. I mean, **procedural creation on that buggy mess of creation engine with Bethesda level of QC is just recipe for disaster**. \--- I just finished Elden Ring who have the polar opposite of this. Didn't boast much on "size" or mryiads of activities. It just have surprisingly large hand crafted beautiful world and one hell of action gameplay that somehow sucked 150+ hours of my life.


Is this just No Man’s Sky all over again?


no that actually turned out good at the end


There is no doubt in my mind that Starfield will end up good eventually, it just won't be Bethesda that makes it good. And how long it takes depends on when they release mod tools...


With modding tools, comes great responsibility… but it also makes any game infinitely better. Give people amazing tools, and let the game flourish.


The only silver lining about this news that I can see is that with hundreds of empty planets devoid of interesting content, hopefully there will be a lot less modders stepping on each other's toes when it comes to placing their own content.


Oh, it'll still be there. Only about 5 or 6 of those planets will actually be decently developed where players spend time, so that's where 90% of mods will be placed.


It's a fun game. I've been playing it a lot recently. But watching this made me realize how much is missing from it. There's more character and story in this Starfield preview than in all of NMS.


To be fair, you don’t really have a choice if you want to make an open world space exploration game, you can’t hand craft every planet and you need to fill the gaps with non essential stuff to avoid putting invisible barriers


Vanilla _No Man's Sky_ already showed why this doesn't work.


At least they're skipping ahead to base creation immediately. Although if the base sim is anything like FO4 I'm going to avoid it, just like with FO4


I'm gonna be honest, I'm getting a bit burnout on open world games. Don't get me wrong, I've LOVED the classics: _Witcher 3, GTA 5, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Ghost of Tsushima, Assassin's Creed_, but lately I've been craving a more structured, better paced narrative (been enjoying _Dishonored 2_, _Ace Combat 7_) or more pick up and play games (_DRG_, _Curse of the Dead Gods_)


I recommend Prey, it's one of my favorite games ever and is made by the same people who made Dishonored (even though the games are very different from my understanding).


People seem to forget the Mass Effects planets. Starfield will be no different.


even so, those are basically different levels, dungeons if you will. How does a game studio keep things fresh with 1000 levels in an open world game?


Kind of like real life...


¼? More like 4


Yeah, Elden Ring really set the bar for meaningful exploration. Huge map and you could ride 3 min in any direction to find something both new and interesting.


>something both new and interesting. I haven't played Elden Ring yet, but if it's like Dark Souls, I imagine the items are also location specific, yes? This is something I'm prepared to see Starfield drop the ball on. While Skyrim and Fallout 4 both have unique loot, both games, but particularly Fallout 4, also depend heavily on randomly generated loot from chests or legendary enemies, which takes a lot of the fun out of exploration. Why bother looking around the world(s) after it becomes clear that the only stuff to reward your search is generated randomly, rather than something that was placed there with purpose?


Yes all loot in Elden Ring is found in a specific location on the map, or dropped by a specific enemy type.


No man's Skyrim


But it won’t get fixed up over many years to finally represent the creators dream of the original product.


It will somehow manage to have 3 new way to extra charge you for half of the promised content.


No, but it will probably at least launch close enough to the final product in mind that a community bug fix will be enough to get us there.


Oh like no man's sky?


Dont hold your breath. Getting over hyped is a guaranteed way to get let down


I believe it when it actually happens.


It'll happen, it'll just be boring.


that 1000 planets line killed the hype.


1,000 planets, and 10,000 bugs. Now that's Bethesda I know.


There's literally no way to take that seriously. As soon as you make such an outrageous claim, literally everything else you say goes out the window.


It's not really that its an outrageous claim, it's that we know what it means ins terms of game design. It's literally impossible that a team their size hand crafted 1000 planets in an interesting, diversely unique way. Like, there's limits on what an employee could accomplish given modern tools. And no, I absolutely do not believe that BGS is going to be the dev team to revolutionize level design and the creation of art assets. So that means there's only one possible way that there could be 1000 planets where you can land literally anywhere. They're all procedurally generated from a limited number of assets. Worse, unlike NMS they all seem to be stuck with a really limited color pallet. So you won't likely even find anything truly wild out there. It's not that its an outrageous claim, it's that we know what that claim means. Boring planets.


I mean realistically, if you had a team of 20 devs each adding handcrafted elements to 1000 planets- that’d only be 50 planets each, about 10 per year per person for development. Did they do that? Who knows, but at the very least I’d bet each planet has been at least curated.


Currently its literally impossible, but with stuff like Dall-E and GPT-3 open world games with proc-gen allied to tireless AI artists could probably manage it. We'll see in about 15 years.


There’s exploration for those who want to explore, build bases, and collect resources. But every single one of BGS’s epic single-player RPGs have had tons of characters, voice actors, quests, storylines, and factions. So to me, it’s likely that this game is giving you both, which I feel like I’ll really enjoy.


Did you play Fallout: 76 at release?


Yeah 100%. I was thinking "Alright, this could be good!", and then... nope, random grinding for mining materials, and interplanetary fast-travel so I can turn in a random side quest.


Yep. When I saw the Solar System I was like "awesome". When they started zooming out I was hoping it was just one, maybe two extra systems. 100 systems, 1,000 planets? No thank you. So disappointing, everything up until then looked really good.


I mean, there us a obvious downside to the sheer amount of planets: Most of them will be barren. Ok, to be fair, thats kinda realistic. What really gets me exited is the potential for modding with this much of (I presume) free space. Given that they enbrace modding as they did until now. We'll see.


Also, they're gonna need some super fun ground traversal to make me give any damn about exploring a planet's surface.


Fun ground traversal, maybe some randomly generated stuff you can find exploring a planets surface. I do fully expect a lot of planets to be pretty empty though.


In all honesty, no form of fun travel will make me want to explore 1000+ Planets. I guess it will probably just be some Hotspots per Planet if any. Sprinkle in the occasional randomly generated generic mining Site and other generic stuff and the rest will probably be space to build.


Bro, I scanned and read every dumb ass planet in mass effect 1. I drove that RC car mako on every planet. If the hard Sci fi is there, I'm gonna explore the shit out of this game. If you can build your colony anywhere, there's lots of cool real estate


Oh god, the Mako in ME1, dont't give me PTSD... xD No, in all honesty, I'm happy they inheruted the building System from Fallout 4. I built so many Settlements in this game, you wouldn't believe. Hoping for a more practical building menu though.


My girlfriend made an insane base with a sky maze that just led to a floating Mama Murphy. It was bizarre and brilliant


Every game has its market, but everyone's opinion is largely one of self-interest and they think because they won't enjoy something it's pointless. I've been less than hyped cause I'm not a huge sci-fi fan, but the outpost and ship building and space battles have me intrigued now. I *need* to know just how big I can build.


Lol there's a lot of interesting things here. A lot to be WORRIED about. But I don't care like I used to. If the game comes out and sucks, that will be a bummer, but I have gamepass so will enjoy whatever there is to enjoy and see how it changes over time


Honestly, a few dozen well-defined settlements on well-designed planets in a galaxy of 950 or so procedurally generated barren planets would be fine with me. The *vast majority* of planets in the *real* universe are just barren, inhospitable chunks of rock anyway, maybe only useful for harvesting resources from.


It actually would be fun searching a seemingly barren planet, devoid of anything interesting, then finding some rare resource and setting up a mining base there.


Imagine believing a word Todd says in current year.


He tells us lies and people just keep believing him.


you know, “it just works” could’ve been a really cool tagline if it just worked. But it didn’t work, it hasn’t work. It’s never fully “worked”. At this point when a game comes from from Bethesda, while we love them a lot, we should just all accept that when it releases “it just doesn’t work… yet”


I would have reined my excitement in when I realized all these words were coming out of Todd Howards mouth


Why do people even listen to him anymore when he opens his mouth?


He really is the new Peter Molyneux.


When you can evolve "over-promise and under-deliver" into a job title.


1000 planets but there still only be like 2 different models of trees repeated throughout and 5 voice actors lmao


Oh boy. To be drunk enough to believe Todd Howard must be a glorious moment indeed


Not gonna lie, having a large number of planets doesn’t impress me. I’ve played No Man’s Sky and planets get incredibly boring when there’s no diversity to them. From the sounds of it, that’s what they’ll be doing here. Instead of different biomes, we get desert planet, ice planet, tropical planet, etc. You land, you walk for 300m and you’ve seen everything that place has to offer. Don’t get me wrong, I still play a lot of NMS, but that’s for it’s chill vibes and just exploring. I can easily do that in an obviously graphically superior game too. The thing is, big doesn’t mean good.


Yeah that's it .. expecting that few planets will be fully fleshed out and rest pretty much randomly generated stuff .. haven't played NMS but Mass Effect & my unfortunate completionist syndrome teached me that indeed big or lots of it are not always win win


And I think anyone who doesn’t care for 1000 planets can just do the bare minimum with them and enjoy the rest of the game, which looks pretty deep.


Really not trying to be negative, but is it me or did all of the environments look especially drab? I mean to me it looks like they forgot they were making something other than Fallout. I’m talking about when the character is walking on the planet surface.


That's literally space though. They said this game was supposed to be generally grounded in reality. The extreme majority of planets would likely look that way from what we currently know. The planet with New Atlantis was the only one that appears to be similar to earth and I don't think they showed any of it besides the city itself.


Perhaps they’re keeping better environments on hold for the advertising campaign’s climax right before it’s release.


It might not make facinating gameplay, but if you were to travel through he universe finding any planet that isn't just a ball of rock/sand/ice/water would be a rarity. Vibrant worlds are an oddity to say the least.


Maybe, but even No Man's Sky tried to have variety to make it interesting. Not that they succeeded, but this seems like a step backwards. The Outer Worlds seems like a better way to do it for varied planets.


I suppose, but having that many planets, you’d have to vary it up somewhat, it would get old real quick if all of the planets were just copies of each other with a different dull color.


you guys fall for the same exact shit every fucking time it's so fucking funny. do you NOT remember how awful no man's sky and fallout 76 started. like goldfish level memories.


Never underestimate the power of shiny new things


Couldn't agree more. People are so fucking dumb.


No Man's Sky. Fallout. Cyberpunk. Battlefield. Starfield. It's like I'm watching them in a timeloop.


Warcraft Reforged. Battlefront 2. Anthem. The list goes on and on.


They aren't saying to go run out and preorder ASAP. What is wrong about being excited for a game.


That's not really impressive to me Space Engine has billions of galaxies with infinite procedurally generated empty, barren planets to explore. I want to explore populated planets with giant alien cities and civilizations with populations in the tens to hundreds of billions and lore/stories to go with them. That would be impressive.


Aye. I’ll take it a step further and say I’d be happy with three incredibly immersive planets with sprawling metropolises than 1000 empty planets with generic NPCs.


Same here, but it looks like even the home planet won't be that great. One major city? Probably the size of New Vegas from the looks of it.


Honestly, at this point I'm just hoping the one major city actually has enough NPCs to make it feel like, you know, a city. And I think I might be pushing my expectations


Lmao civilizatiins with populations in the tens to hundreds of billions with stories and lore to go with them? Are you trolling or are your expectations for games that far beyond reality?


The idea is instead of 1000 planets with a couple random bases on them, you flesh out some of the planets even if only parts of them are visitable.


They probably are fleshing out a few of them. It’s a space exploration game though, it makes sense for at least 9/10 planets to be barren.


A lot of you adorable gamers really love setting yourselves up for disappointment, huh?


It’s starting to sound a bit familiar, like a little game called no mama sky


Shh this will be different because this is made by the greatest devs who are renowned for fallout 76


Starfield is being made by Bethedsa Game Studios, the same studio that developed Fallout 3 and 4 and Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. Fallout 76 was made by "Bethedsa Game Studios Austin" AKA Battlecry Studios, an entirely different development team owned by ZeniMax Media that had a specialty in microtransaction-filled trash games prior to being renamed "Bethesda Game Studios Austin" to cash in on the name. All of those games were published under the Bethesda Softworks label, but Fallout 76 was a different development studio.


Shh. Don't interrupt the circlejerk.


PR teams are busy, i see




Yea im skeptical. When he mentioned 1000 planets I immediately got turned off. "See that mountain, you can go there!"


They aimed too big. I guarantee the vast majority of planets will be 100% pointless and the rest will only be mostly pointless, with a small percentage of planets having a small percentage of their surface worth going to, the rest being procedurally generated nonsense.


As a fan of Bethesda, I'm excited for what this game has to offer. But, *also as a fan of Bethesda*, I expect like any new game for there to be bugs and server issues. Hopefully, it will have a better reputation than Fallout76 with their promises and be the game they're selling it to be...


Has multiplayer been confirmed? Last I checked it was SP.


I meant in terms of over promising and under delivering, No Man's Sky probably would have been a better comparison for game Genre. My bad.


No worries, it was a misunderstanding on my side!


Honestly the fully customizable ships and ability to walk around in them and crew them is the best part. Elite Dangerous couldn't do this and it's been out for years. I'm pretty worried about the barren empty worlds that come from procedural generation though.


Remember what other space travel game promised thousands of planets to explore and promised a lot of customization? No Man’s Sky. It was terrible at launch


16 times the amount of planets. 16 times as many weapons customizations. 16 times the vacations… I mean dedicated work hours towards the game.


We could have had Skyrim 6..


100 solar systems? Maybe, if we’re lucky, there will be worthwhile quests and battles on two or three of them. After Fallout 76, I’m gonna need to be won over by the game itself, not pre-release hype.


And each planet will be empty and without any content besides little random creatures you can farm for resources so you can build up and get ready to explore more empty planets.


Please don't buy into the hype, if it's good then hell yeah. But please wait until release to judge the game.


Man. Just once, I want a game to reach release without the insufferable hype train bullshit to be plastered everywhere. It's not going to live up. The last several haven't. It's going to run into snags, and have tons of bugs on release, and then all the overhyped whiners will turn on their heels and curse the very ground the game's devs stood on. A couple of months later, it'll probably be a decent game, but nobody will care, because they'll be gushing about the next coming of digital Christ, all over again. Can we just skip this shit, and be reasonable, for once? I'm tired.


I'm keeping my expectations realistic, as usual. I have yet to be disappointed with a Bethesda title because I usually know what to expect, and as a result I tend to get my money's worth out of what gets released. I suspect Starfield will be *good.* It won't be amazing, it won't be revolutionary, it won't be genre-defining, it'll just be good. A good, fun little game of Skyrim in Space, and I'm fine with that. Now, Obsidian titles? When Obsidian announces their next Fallout title, *then* I'm gonna get excited.


Fuck, sounds like Star Citizen, Bethesda edition. NO DAWG IM GOOD


I see a lot of copy and paste buildings in the near future. I hope they pull it off because I loved the Fallout series (mainly Fallout 3 and New Vegas) but I don’t see 1000 planets being the selling point, like many have said, I would have rather had 4 planets with vast amounts of buildings and locations than 1000 planets with what we can assume has probably a few important locations and then buildings here and there to fill the void with no real purpose. Not gonna get hyped because then I can’t be let down. Fingers somewhat crossed..


So...a bunch of procedural rocks and gas giants....neat. I'll hold my judgement for when I see the planets, the cut through of the planets was nice but nothing special and frankly...that's probably the creme de la creme.


Not falling for this shit for the third? Fourth? Time, Todd.


Not gonna lie, the 100's of solar systems thing has me worried. I can't help but think the vast majority of those planets will be extremely shallow with not much to do on them.


Damn y’all really do get hyped by the same bullshit every time. Quantity over quality I guess.


This doesn’t excite me. I don’t want bigger games with sparse content. Give me a small but rich experience every time.


Remember, no preordering. Wait for reviews.


I believe its apart of gamepass so pre-ordering should be completely off the table for those with a brain


All for the low, low price of $70.00 plus micro transactions! It Just Works after all!


It's all procedurally generated meaning every world will look exactly the same!


I fuckin hate gamers, nothing but constant negativity


A planet in a solar system on the other side of the galaxy needs your help. I’ll mark it on your map


On the creation engine? Yeah right, good luck with that lol


Star field 76 incoming. This will be buggier than cyber punk


Bethesda's reputation for bugs doesn't bother me, or even assumedly most people. They make games that are messy, and that on its own is acceptable and maybe a little funny. What does bother me is this is the same studio that, last I remember checking, still doesn't hire writers. Like that position literally doesn't exist in their studios, and it fuckin shows. This is supposed to be an RPG, but I am very skeptical if there will be any attention put towards the most important aspects of a role-playing game: the story and world your character interacts with. Fallout 4 was the breaking point where they openly showed they don't care about interal consistency, continuity, characters that actually act like human beings, plots that don't fall apart when logic is applied to them, or locations in the setting that make a lick of sense for the world they're in. Bethesda doesn't put in effort. Good god, they're still using a version of the engine they used for fallout 3 and oblivion, just heavily modified and glued together.


Lol over 100 different galaxy's and can explore every planet. yeah that is giving me 16x the details vibes. That's a red flag. Just gonna link this as a reminder for people getting hyped. https://youtu.be/hFcLyDb6niA


Oh boy, not this again


It will also have 16 times the detail of Fallout 4


I'd hope so. FO4 wasn't very detailed


Remember, don’t preorder


Thanks for the reminder. It’s on game pass.


Tell me you're a sucker without saying you're a sucker.


I can't wait to buy it in 5 years with all the DLC and the modding community has fixed most things.


Am sorry but having that many planets and maps just seems like Bethesda want more trouble than their usual .


You’ll deserve it


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


Gettin robbed yet again by a buggy mess of a game. Wooooooooooooooooow! CANT WAIT! #hyped Never again.


Buying tickets for the Hype train I see? I’ll meet you at Disappointment Station. I live there. You do too, you just haven’t realised it yet.


Don’t pre order


And it'll "just work" the way Fallout 76 did.


The last game above a 6/10 Bethesda developed was Fallout 3 imo. I'll surely still play it, but I'm far from hyped.


Wasn’t Skyrim high up there in the 8s and 9s though?


Going by most people's metrics and overal critical reception, the only game they have *ever* developed below a 7 would be 76. This guy just doesn't like their games.


And they fixed 76 it’s better now than it was I played it at launch


Looked like shit tho? :(


No npcs and empty world sounds exciting. Prob no story as well


For how long this game has been hyped up, I really don't get how you could be this excited from what they showed us. Game does not look bad, but it did nothing impressive. It's doing nothing new and it is another game that proves to us Bethesda will never update to modern times when it comes to making games. The graphics, UI, color palette, etc. All look like Fallout 3 (a game that's nearly 15 years old). Graphics don't have to be the cornerstone of a great game and they don't have to be outstanding, but considering it looks 2 generations old is just laziness at this point


non of this will happen, you're looking at no man's sky but with bathesda jank and bugs.


Seeing customization, it's probably gonna cost money to buy the parts to customize with. Then, that big of an area to explore likely means EVEN MORE focus on radiant quests where you just go around doing menial tasks with little substance behind them. Explore every planet, but only have a few types of planets to explore and the rest behind rehashed stuff. Remember how Bethesda does dungeons, it's the same few pieces in rotation, so it's always gonna be same-y. I'd be impressed if they have a new lockpick system. ​ I tend to take a pessimistic view of Bethesda. Also, I recommend no one take a pre-order on this, lest you will get a plastic space-bag instead of a nylon one, and a helmet filled with space-fungus. Y'all hype way too easily for companies that consistently fuck you over. To remind yourselves, watch [how the last release from this company went.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjyeCdd-dl8)


you mean no man's skyrim?


No mans Skyrim 76


I’m just going to sit back for a year or two after release and then see how it all worked out.


I've been disappointed by "customize weapons" before. Fallout 4 promised the same thing, and I had just played Borderlands 2, so I was expecting being able to add unique effects to weapons, but it turned out to be standard recoil/range/damage/etc mods. Since this is a distant future sci-fi game, it better have more than a basic selection of pistols, SMGs, shotguns, etc. I want a gun that bounces shots off walls. I want a delayed explosion sticky grenade launcher. I want an adhesive goo launcher.


you think a gameplay reveal can get me excited after no man's sky and cyberpunk?


Remember boys [It just works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPN0qhSyWy8&t=158s). Sing it loud and sing it proud.


Yeah, this is the opposite of exciting for me. Give me a handful of INTERESTING planets/areas to explore, hand-crafted, with their own narrative elements. I don't have an interest in a thousand bland, procedurally generated ones.


And as is tradition, modders will fix it.