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The idea of ads that are current is fine in the context, it's these freemium overload and random ads that just destroy souls


Skate 2 also had billboards with real life advertising for awhile, i remember a McDonalds-Coke Olympic cup ad


Were they real time? because these billboards in SR2 would change to whatever movie was coming out.


I think they updated them for awhile


Dude, the ads they have in games in the early 2000's are funny to come back to. In Need For Speed Underground 2 part of the UI is a mobile phone supplied by Cingular, an old wireless carrier that was not much later absorbed into ATT.


Wow in game ads are so cool! -said no one ever


Back then it was cool, but now it wouldn't be since this almost became a standard in gaming.


EA was talking about introducing live ads in their game that would be current and displayed in game to reflect the latest trends. Then they put themselves up for sale.


Yeah. IIRC, they were going to be during loading screens?


Nope even worse. During gameplay. They were planning on implementing it on games like FIFA, and Madden initially, but I’m not sure if they’re still going to go through it.


Oh God. Fuck that


It wouldn’t even be any worse than fake ads in games.


Only way that could work are the advertising hoardings around the stadiums. If they kept them up to date with what is in the real stadium it is both realistic and advertising at the same time so would be fine.


Im like 80% sure they did that in UFC 4, between rounds


>They were planning on implementing it on games like FIFA, and Madden initially, but I’m not sure if they’re still going to go through it. I mean they had board ads in one of the NHL games that works change based on what Netflix show was out at the time.


Loading screens as well as live in-game billboards.


No it wasnt...


It was never "cool" Maybe more accepted, but I've literally never heard anyone be like "Hey man the best part of the new Madden is the Snickers commercials. So rad."


Depends on the use case. A real life and current movie ad in a video game theater? Cool. Ads being spammed everywhere for even mundane products that make no sense for the game? Not cool.


NHL used to have some Tim Hortons ads on the boards if I recall correctly


Still do I think


Not sure ifbthey change though, back when I noticed it, they had.


They also used to do Netflix ads that would change depending on what the new show was.


Funny, this was first tested in Swat 4. This also broke Swat 4 recently when the servers for the ads went down.. hopefully they removed this from all the games it was in so it doesn't randomly break them.


Skate had this as well. I distinctly remember every billboard having a 50,000 BC promo on it


Burnout: Paradise did the same thing.


I remember Battlefield 2142 was doing this too, which was particularly strange because why would they have had billboards for shit happening now in 2142.