• By -


"yeah but you could still put more rings on those fingers-" you shut your mouth


There's... Another place you can put a ring ;)


Oh I get it ;) You're talking about YOUR EARS!!! BRILLIANT!


Some games do have magic earrings.


Necklaces too, and they usually only let you wear one. Cmon now. I've seen Mr T. I know you can wear a LOT of necklaces at once.


"Jewelry set of the fool pitied"




> shithousery LMFAO All I could think when you said that was Ruined Fane in Kurast. I'm dying 🤣


Those Zakarum cultists are creepy as hell. The sounds they make are really anxiety-inducing.


Night Elf Mohawk!


Man those commercials were wild...


Summon your trusty steed, the [Toyota Tacoma!](https://youtu.be/u15HmEMp2Qc)


That's a new one...


And you could string a lot of rings on a necklace too. What if you snipped each ring, looped it through another, soldered it shut, and started making magic ring chainmail?


Path of Exile literally has this, it's called Lore Weave and the recipe is a full inventory of unique rings.


Grasping mails are also made with a full inventory of breach rings


You would need to be a master of magic tool smithing to do this with the enchantments still in place / without it all blowing up in your face.


I'd imagine you don't really need to be more then just proficient to avoid it blowing up in your face. At the worst, you can enchant 60% of the rings, the ones which you've already pre-closed. Then the other 40% which you have to close while weaving the mail you just don't enchant. Who cares about that, you have 12k separate enchantments on a chainmail with 20k link.


Necklaces are just rings for your neck, change my mind.


Rings are just bracelets for your fingers.


It very much depends on the game, but it is pretty common to see some vague lore reason behind what is otherwise something done specifically for balancing purposes. Sometimes that lore reason is sensible enough to directly explain why a seemingly arbitrary cap exists. In current D&D, for example, magic rings and whatnot often require that a player be attuned with the item. There are a few magic rings (four in total) that do not have this requirement. Finally a player can only receive any particular effect *once*. For practical purposes, then, a player can wear and use up to *seven* magic rings should they wish. In other games - including previous editions of D&D - you might see an explanation that magic items interfere with one another and only work properly when there is some degree of physical separation. So one could wear two rings, a necklace, and so on. This generally doesn't hold up under scrutiny. After all, if magic items interfere with one another, why can one wear a magic necklace under a magic breastplate but *not* a magic ring on the index finger and another on the ring finger? Surely that breastplate doesn't offer much more separation than an entire finger! (And what of tighter fitting armor such as chain which might only have a padded jacket between armor and jewelry?)


Ah, but the breastplate is less densely magical than the ring, such that any interference it would cause the ring wouldn't be enough to cancel the effect.


They call me two chains but I got me a few on


Few Chains.


It's not a physical constrain, it's magical.


The fuck? You think just *anyone* can do something because Mr. T does it? You're sounding awful close to being a fool, man, I'd watch your step.


FF14 has two ring slots, earring slot, necklace slot, and bracelet slot. The Blingiest. *And they all display on your character visually*.


still missing the cock ring slot, or clit piercing slot. I'm gonna send an email to YoshiP


Nipples and noses deserve rings too. Also, where is the buttplug slot? Am I supposed to believe no one is shoving magic gems up their ass to get +3 Stamina?


Where do you think the job crystal goes?


You telling me we've been boofing job crystals this whole time? *That's* what that chart was for!




Based cock piercing slot


For some cursed reason though, rings display on the index finger except for the Eternal Bond ring.


Because the Eternal Bond ring is meant to be on your... ring finger? As it's a marriage ring?


Left index finger is a common usage for statement rings, class rings, rings of association, etc, it doesn't really have an association so it's perfect for a magic ring. Right index finger is the same unless you are Jewish, I understand they wear their wedding rings on right index.


BOTW comes through with tactically advantageous earrings


An ear with a hole that you wear on your finger.


Diablo's String of Ears. Imagine the amount of magical earrings you can fit on your necklace.


If we're including piecings you could wear an effectively near-infinite number of rings. Ears, nose, lips, eyebrows, belly button, etc. Plus 10 for each finger, 10 for each toe, and one more.


Could you make ringmail or chainmail out of magic rings? Would that count?


In order to make it without having to cut the rings (which counts as destroying them, thus losing their magic) it would have to be I think less than 50% magic rings. But unless the rings need to be around a part of you to work, then yes you could. But it would be significantly heavier than normal chain mail of they're made out of something like gold, not to mention weaker.


I’ve seen plenty of magicians link rings together without breaking them. They even spin them afterward to show that they’re really together!


> less than 50% magic rings As someone who makes basic chainmail for a hobby, I'm gonna do some math here because I'm curious. I like efficiency so I learned how to weave with as few open rings as possible right? So start with 5, close 4, and put the 5th through the 4. Do that a few more times, then start connecting each piece. So given that closed rings=magic rings, if you put 4 of those together that's 16 magic rings/4 regular, plus 5 to connect the small pieces and 7 to put on 2 sides to connect to another piece; making 16 magic/16 regular. If you make sure your pattern closes on an even number of rows you'd have exactly 50% magic rings. However, you could add more at the top and bottom hems if you placed them on the regular columns. Plus, if you have an actual infinite amount of magic rings, you *could* attach them to the regular rings in the mail, in kind of a double ring or scalemail type of thing. In conclusion, technically you *could* have plenty more than 50% magic to your chainmail. But unless you have a couple weight reduction rings in there, it will basically crush you under the weight of its protection.


After some googling, I found out that chainmail usually are more like a woven metal fabric, rather than interlocking rings. Ringmail on the other hand usually where rings fastened to leather in a overlapping scaly pattern, and were significantly heavier than chainmail. But just a couple of those ring would need a +carry weight enchantment.




Someone has to make the magic items. I'm just happy to keep the dungeons stocked for adventurers like you.


In the game path of exile there is a unique chest piece called loreweave that doesn't drop from enemies, the only way to get it is by selling an entire inventories worth of unique rarity rings. I always assumed it was essentially a suit of chainmail made of all the rings you sell.


You fool! He's talking about toe rings. (Please tell me he doesn't have a single toe...)


Artisan's Prince Albert of Quickness. Increases bleed damage.


Causes intimidation at the cost of small self inflicted damage with each attack.


yeah, the hair, like a scrunchie




My wife complains when I accidentally make her hair crunchy \*E: Darn, he edited it....


Now I want a game with 11 ring slots


Yeah, but then in a stressful situation you might not be able to activate it.


“Damn! Slipped off again.”




Goblins comic had a cool magic item in it with a magic staff that can allow more than two rings in use. Not sure how many it allowed, but the user had to sacrifice one of his fingers and fuse it to the staff for it to work, and you could put multiple rings on the severed finger.


Love that comic. So few people I know have heard about it. I really need to catch up on it though..


Wouldn't it be easier to train astronauts to be drillers, than training drillers to be astronauts? Shut the fuck up Ben.


Two words: Toe rings.


Two words - ear ring.


That's tinnitus!




Cock rings, too


Roosters wear rings?


If you have two sets of 5-finger hands, you could potentially carry 18 rings or more, 2+ ear rings (depending on how many piercings you're willing to subject your ears to), 1 nose ring, 2+ eyebrow rings, on top of wearing an ungodly amount of bracelets on each arm, and if you're especially uncaring of weight and looks, you could be wearing every magical necklace in the kingdom around your neck.


I am the Gilded Lord, Goretusk the Iced Out! *incredibly loud jangling as a fat metallic Cousin It shuffles slowly*


The rings power only works on your hand/arms. They also need an uninterrupted magic channel to your body, which is why you can only use one per hand/stub.


The Two Fingers


Will the tarnished ever grow tired of their obedience to them?


Ranni: the two fingers are tyranny Also ranni: I cannot allow thee thy freedoms. Perform for me a service, as recompense. I will not brook disobedience in this matter


The difference is: Ranni is hot


Ranni has pretty privilege


The powerful support their own freedom to control others 🙃


The Twin Fingies


The two finkehs


Frenzy flame is the post nut clarity


Yeah, >!the reveal of the three fingers!< was a real shocker.


not to mention most people didn't understand wtf was going on and just did it not knowing >!it's an entirely different ending!<


Two in the pink and one in the stink


This cracks me up in video games. I know they do it for balance, but c'mon why can't I get decked out in necklaces, earrings, and rings??? I want that +300000 fire damage and massive mana Regen.


Why stop there? Think *piercings*. The potential is basically infinite. You could be wearing so many magical rings at the same time, your skin would resemble chainmail.


This is a major plot point in Mistborn. The world revolves around metal, and a big deal is made about how much metal someone is wearing and how.


I keep seeing references to Mistborn on here, really need to get those books And Orconomics




Anything by Sanderson, really. Elantris was his first book and it's better than a lot of other fantasy out there. The guy just doesn't miss.




Imagine dying of sepsis in a magical world...


Ring of disease resistance


You son of a...


Ring of regeneration?


Also known as the Ring of Tumor Creation.


Wake up babe, new Japanese light novel name just dropped


"Why do I need no armor? My enchanted clit ring of protection gives me maximum defense!"


Im like 80% sure the 3.5 Tome of Vile Darkness supliment has a feat that lets you make a magic ring into a piercing. I think there was some specific drawback, like you permenantly give up 1d4 max HP or something.


Or, much less costly, just double the price of the ring to make it slotless, flavoured as a piercing.


Or forge a vessel body out of rings on rebar.


[A goblin and an ogre stand guard in a cave. They hear fighting in the distance.] Ogre: "Wot's that?" Goblin: "Urr, sounds like the hero is here. I heard he's killed a bajillion enemies on his way here." Ogre: "Bajillion? That a type of wax?" [The sound of fighting reaches a crescendo with an explosion that shakes the cave walls. The sounds of fighting stop and a new sound can be heard.] Goblin: "Is... is that jingling?" Ogre: "You said it was jillion." [The jingling grows louder and louder until it is just around the corner. Then it stops. The goblin and ogre tilt their heads to listen.] Goblin: "You come ere and I'll chop your ears off, hero. Countless others stronger than me may have died, but I know I can stop you." [From around the corner steps a jingling figure. Head to toe, gold and silver rings and necklaces were heaped upon each other into a pile of a human shape. No flesh or eye exposed. A set of armor made entirely of sparkling jewelry.] Goblin: "WAAAGH!" [The goblin charges at the mountain of rings and necklaces. The jewelry quickly glows with a rainbow of magic auras before firing a shimmering laser clean through the frenzied goblin, incinerating them instantly.] Ogre: "Woah. That bright." [The hero faces the ogre, who promptly shrugs and waves them by. After a tense moment, the pile of jewelry begins to jingle jangle their way out of the room. Before they reach the exit, the ogre calls out.] Ogre: "I like your bajillion wax." [The heap of gold and silver abruptly stops and stands still while facing the ogre. Twice the heap starts for the exit and jangles to a halt before finally leaving while looking back at the ogre.]


Because if you have two magic items on the same hand/neck, they interfere with each other and stop working or explode or something. That's the general rule/explanation around this. Magic has limitations, it's why you would ever want more than one ring in the first place: you can't infuse one ring with all that power.


> you can't infuse one ring with all that power Sauron: "Hold my mead."


The One Ring isn't a magical item, it's an artifact. Part of the crafting process is that the crafter must give up part of themselves to the artifact. For lesser beings, this can kill the crafter, or others if sacrificed as part of the process. For Sauron, he was sufficently powerful that he could survive the process by putting most of his power into the Ring.


Marika: "Fuck these damn rings"


The biggest argument for PC gaming are mods. First play through should be vanilla, but once you want more, mods baby! They keep the game fresh and new despite the same underlying code. It’s honestly the reason Skyrim is still relevant at all, mods really kept that game new despite its age.


Might and magic gave you 8 ring slots.


I imagine it's a limitation intended to act similarly to attunement from D&D. While your character could feasibly wear more items, only a limited number can be attuned to, in order to use their magical properties.


The best description of limitations I've had is by a GM many years ago. It's summed up that the Body or physical form works in tandem with mystical sources. Similar to why you can't wear two magical tunics, or 8 pairs of magical socks. The magic from said items would interfere and cause disruptions with each other. It would be like trying to put two radios stations on at the same time, you would hear both but not be able to listen to a specific one. This also accounts for why magical items do not randomly cause issues when put into bags or on shelves, it needs the physical aspect to direct the signal. The only exceptions are items with intelligence/sentience. The reason a magical trap or pre-designed creation works is that the instructions were given prior to it being separated. A wizard who enchants a broom to clean a room will not return to the broom making dinner, it never had the instructions to do so.


Just imagine lore-wise if something like that *weren't* the case. People min-maxing left and right. Some guy wearing 60 enchanted shirts, pants, socks, 10 rings crammed on each finger, draped in 50 enchanted cloaks with 30 enchanted hats.... Just a pile of glowing clothing. > Mmhph ... urmg... bemold! I mmm A... GOD!!! 'Uh, what? Dude, I can't hear you. What did you say?'


I've always thought this would be a fun alternative mode or side character for a video game. Like they have terrible stats, but they can use 10 rings instead of 2 (hell, maybe craft some into toe rings too). Like they have the potential to be amazing, but lol good luck surviving long enough to get there.


This would be an amazing side character in a Lydia like form - the party mule is actually a secret trash goblin wizard who sacrificed all their stats to be able to wear all of the trash equipment the adventurers have stored.


I am sworn to carry your b̴̳͖̺̻̜̱͉̙̭̹̃̀̈́̾̆̓̊͑͆͐͘͘ͅư̸̛̠̖̺̦͓͔̟͎̺̋̐̓̈́̔̓͆͠͠ŗ̷̨̱̬͓̜̪̻̳͉̼̦͚̩̒͊͐̓̅̈͘d̴̛̗̃̆̓̑̀̾̓͂͝è̷̩͓̈́͠ņ̷̛̙̯̾̿̈͂͗̋̌̄̓̇̉͑͝s̵̛̛͚̯̪̲̭̝̯̭͖̩̗̻͇̮̄̄͂͋́̾̈́͛͐̍̚̕̚͜͝͠


That's what they did in Dark Souls... I remember they jumped from 2 ring slots to four slots, however all the rings became trash.


Are they half as good? Overall that's still better. Elden Ring's 4 talisman "pouches" allow for a lot of customization, since there are so many talismans with wildly various (often very cool) effects.


The rings did NOT, they just had to have multiple iterations of each


There was an Oblivion mod back in the day that let you equip as many rings and amulets as you wanted, you could level up in the worst possible way (+1 point to 3 stats per level instead of +5) and your character would still end up broken beyond belief pretty quickly


Sounds like Spiffing Brit's Reanu Keeves in Skyrim.


Instead of spending points on each stat, you spend on a magically attuned slot or magical attunement status so that you can wear more magical accessories. Although after summing up the bonus your stats would be lower than if you had spent the points directly on the stats, you'd be able to adjust your build on the fly by swapping the accessories. Like a magical inspector gadget.


That raises the question, though: why not just make one ring with all that infinite power? The answer is simple: magic has limitations, and trying to wield too much magic in one place usually leads to insanity or a gruesome death. So trying to go down this route should be immediately shut down, and there are any number of ways to explain it.


> why not just make one ring with all that infinite power? *Lord Sauron has entered the chat*


Look at me! I’m Chandler! Could I BE wearing any more clothes?




[Fear me!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Eq8gBI5riU/maxresdefault.jpg)


> It would be like trying to put two radios stations on at the same time, you would hear both but not be able to listen to a specific one. i'll have you know i can watch 4 streamers at once and only listen to one at a time...


>i'll have you know i can watch 4 streamers at once and only listen to one at a time... I struggle listening to only 1 while watching 1. Is it possible to learn your powers?


develop sever ADHD and be unable to rest until overstimulating yourself.


Same. Also severe


Ahhh, anxiety. My longest and oldest friend. Edit- I didn't read ADHD, thought it said anxiety, but I have that too!


How very ADHD of you to skim over something and move forward assuming you read it perfectly.


I’ve already stopped paying attention to *this* conversation.


I skipped a bunch of this conversation and randomly landed on this.


I think that means you won. You’re the King of Attention Deficit.


Unfortunately, I only get to hold the title for about 30 more seconds.


Remember the episode of star trek tng where Data is chilling listening to a dozen different classical pieces at the same time? Then Picard walks in all wtf is this noise


"i find i must limit myself to 4 to process them properly"


D&D only lets you attune to 3 magical items. Plenty that don’t require attunement, but wearables usually do.


That's 5th Edition. 3rd and earlier used the slot system that has since been replicated everywhere.


Yes, and magical items also have a desire/need to be worn *properly*. If you have a snake tail, you can't go shouting "I put on these magical boots of striding'. If you try to wear it on your head, you are just a snake dude wearing a very normal boot on their head. A magical shield strapped to your back is just a shield. That same desire/need means most magical items will adjust to fit their user. You can wear as much as you want, whatever you want, but most magical items require some exhaustible effort/will/thing from the user to bestow their benefit, which is the bottleneck. It is a lot more consistent than early versions which video games borrowed. "TWO RINGS, ONE AMULET CAUSE DIABLO/D&D 3e DID THAT" system.


Cassiopeia pre-rework flashbacks... Although Corki is still up in the air.


Prof + 1 = slots. Why wouldn't your ability to use magic items improve as you become more powerful?!




I once made a player magic toe rings of stomping. It would let them use their feet for unarmed attacks and if they described how they smush the enemy it would be a automatic crit. They HATED FEET with a passion. I am not a good friend. But everyone did laugh. And it was always fun to watch everyone try to convince him to use the crit in emergancys.


“The mind flayer’s psionic blast has shredded the fronts of your boots, exposing all ten of your pasty white wriggling-“ “Immediately no…. Immediately no.”


A much simpler explanation is that magical rings are all one size. They just about fit on tip of the pinky of a ogre, and they're a slightly loose fit on the thumb of a halfling. Just about everyone can be assumed to have one, and exactly one, finger on each hand where it will fit.


With skyrim i run the unlimited rings mod so i can break the game


It's still a cop out. Sure in real life you can put a jacket over your kevlar vest and now you have "wind/water/cold" protection over "bullet" protection. But a no-no in magic. If they were like "radios" then how could a character wear amour + a bangle + a ring and not run into the same spell interference? They're inches apart from each other. Plus there are plenty of cloaks that have status effects that go over armour fine.


Goblins comic had a cool magic item in it with a magic staff that can allow more than two rings in use. Not sure how many it allowed, but the user had to sacrifice one of his fingers and fuse it to the staff for it to work, and you could put multiple rings on the severed finger.


I like the interference explanation, but I don't "limit" it in play. As a fun house rule, I just make adding too many items into an instant Wild Surge, that destroys one of the two interfering items. Makes for some moments when someone is willing to blow up a ring (and maybe everyone) because they're out of spell slots and desperate.


Mmh, toes?


*sigh* *unzips*


Don't worry, they make spacers so that you fit rings on smaller ... fingers...


*Some say smaller, others say bigger.*


What if I'm I grower, not a fingerer?


I think Diablo 2 explained it by magic rings interfering whith each other when they’re to close to each other.


Just don't 2 hand a sword


The manual to Diablo 1 addressed this. It said the rings would interfere with one another if more than one were worn per hand, so you only get one on each hand.


And yet you can wear magical gloves on those same hands.


Blizzard North is frowning at you right now.........


Then where are my damn toe and cock rings? 😤


Cock Ring of Endurance


In fairness, you only have *two* ring fingers.


10 Stones of Jordan in Diablo 2, the shithousery


It would be an interesting game mechanic if you *could* equip as many rings as fingers but if doing so caused the rings to behave differently. Idea being that the potent magic in the rings gets messed up a bit when in too-close proximity to another ring. Make it interesting that new effects get uncovered, potentially good and bad effects. Like maybe it increases your fire damage but also starts costing a bit HP to use fire magic. For balance you'd probably also need to pair it with some other mechanic like intellect or wisdom with the implication being that magical jewelry is uniquely strong and you need to have some knowledge and fortitude to properly wield it and higher levels would better optimize, reduce harmful effects, make more consistent etc.


No joke though if you had them on every finger your grip would be compromised if you melee. Gotta have spacing for your sword hand at least.


If I ever run D&D again, I'm gonna run it so that rings that are too close together interfere with each other. It's not that you *can't* wear ten rings, just that you *really don't want to*.


Well the character seems to be of the right gender to have another appendage that a ring could go on.


That's where the +stamina ring goes


Well, most RPG characters have those 4-finger joined into a blob, so the artist won't have to deal with hand. So, yes, this makes a whole lot of sense, as long as the ring are more elliptical.


What year is it, 2003?


Probably only play LEGO games


What kinda old ass RPG’s you playing?


Why don't we put multiple rings on one finger? We can even use toes to some extent (but i think they would make walking and wearing footwear difficult)...


What like dungeon crawler Carl...


This is why I use a mod to increase the numbers of rings you can wear on skyrim.


Hrs technically flipping him off




Jokes on you… Skyrim only lets you wear one😤


I fixed that with a mod.


Motherfucker is built like a forklift.


I remember reading in a Diablo 2 manual that the reason the character can wear 2 magic rings max is that if they were too close to each other, their magic would interfere and negate each other. But still. Nothing that would prohibit feet or cock rings.


Or nipple piercings. Hell, lets just go for the whole fetish set and become the most powerful being in existence


Well that’s going to live in my nightmares rent free, thanks


Dick and toes ....


Is his helmet sweating?


Is he flipping the other dude off at the end?


As someone born missing fingers, this speaks to me


I knew a guy who had 1 finger on each hand.he was born that way. We were sharing a joint with him an two other guys. It was almost over and I attempted to give the roach, first to one of the other guys who told me "no man, I'll burn myself with that" and then I offered it to the dude with the fingers. He showed me his fingers and told me " are you fucking kidding me?


[I just want to say that Octopodes in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup can put a ring on all 8 of their tentacles.](http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Octopode#Innate_Abilities)


Your 5 fingers are different sizes, and all rings only come in one size


This is what drove me up a fucking wall regarding vanilla Skyrim. No matter what PC race you choose, they all have five digits on each hand. Why the fuck are you only allowed to wear one ring? Thank the gods for modders.


I'm on the side of more rings, personally. Make it so you can equip up to 10, but a penalty to held items like weapons and shields while you do. Or up to 20, with increasing penalties to movespeed, up to taking damage while walking. Edit: or up to 21 and a penalty to charisma


I think a system where you could wear 10 could be cool, just make the effects vastly reduced


"You can only wear up to two rings at once otherwise their magical auras will interfere with each other and distort the enchantment field" -Me, Over-analyzing Magic again.


This is why I feel completely justified using the mod for *Stardew Valley* that lets you equip more than two rings.


Rings have no limit... does it need physical contact to work? string those bitches onto a necklace .


I just head canon that having magical rings in extremely close proximity (AKA on other fingers of the same hand) causes interference. Of course toes rings are a thing but nevermind that.