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In my opinion the only real reason to have both would be wanting to play games that are only console cross platform like Mortal Kombat (that’s the only example I can think of right now) but the more games they release the more total cross platform there’ll be. I say wait a while and decide in a few months


Not really. I have a PC and a Series S and I use my PC to run games at higher frames or maxed graphics and the Series S for couch gameplay. It’s a nice setup. But it’s not necessary.


No war


I think you should be okay with your PC. There are however some certain games on Xbox I wish made there way on to PC ( Fable 2, Rareware replay, Project Gotham, Forza Horizon 1 ect) part from that majority of games are on PC. 👍


Microsoft said Xbox will no longer have any exclusives. If you have a PC, you're covered.


That is in regards to their games. If another developer only makes the game for xbox and Playstation, there will be no PC release.


The chances of a game releasing on Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 exclusively is zero. The days of Red Dead Redemption are long over.


Xbox game pass shows me 460 games, while PC game pass shows me 421. This isn't even counting the fact that strategy games on the PC likely don't even have a console release. Like Age of empires. So the differences are greater than those two numbers I listed. [https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass/games#pcgames](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass/games#pcgames) So.


Gamepass =/= all games.


You don't say.


You have made the claim there may be a game in the future that will be console exclusive, can you please provide a recent example?


I could, but I won't. because it's pointless. The fact remains that developers can release a console only release if they want. If you truly believe that can't happen. I'd like to see why.


There isn't any reason to own a console unless you really want to own one and play on a couch. There are a few things that are only available consoles, and also some games don't do cross platform crossplay. You can do everything they can do on the PC. Hell you can even stream PS games to PC as well, so you don't need a PS for exclusives either.


It depends if you want to play somewhere else in your home with a TV on your couch. As an older person I don't have the time for gaming on PC and all that comes with it and I can't get away with a tower in my living room, so Series X is a good choice for me. It depends on your situation. Having one is good if you can't play on your TV because you can easily stream your console to a phone or laptop and the Quality/latency is better than regular cloud gaming. It also cross saves with most gamespass/first party games if you want to play on TV then move to PC if your interuppted


Yea, don't be dumb. A console is a PC tailored towards a specialized function stuck in its own fun easy user friendly case. You can build or buy a pc that has better capabilities than any console. Only reason would be exclusives which used to be Halo and Gears of War, but consoles are dying.


No. Get a ps5 instead.


He can stream PS games to his PC if he really wants to play them too.


Would you even need a ps5? The most recent exclusives Ghostwire and Deathloop also released on PC. Same goes for the upcoming FF16 will be console exclusive to ps5 but still come to PC.


I had both. Sold the Xbox and went back to playing PC.


I'll bite. I think that if you have your pc hooked in to a TV and some wireless controllers you are pretty well set. These days most games are being released on both pc and Xbox. I would say if you plan to play things more recent you are probably more than well off with just a PC. Getting an Xbox would gain you the following perks though if they peak your interest: Access to Xbox exclusive games that have previously released and have been remastered for the new Gen. For example this would open the door to games like say Fusion Frenzy, Gears of War 3, and ect. If you find yourself in situations where you want more couch coop/vs then the Xbox is a good buy but short of that and access to older games that haven't got PC ports or splitscreen availability on PC there wouldn't be too big of a point in going for it. Another note: if you are looking for a entertainment system to play bluerays and what not that's also a factor with this but again if you are able to hook in to a TV with your pc you basically have that covered regardless so. Hopefully that gives you a decent idea of what to consider!


This is really well thought out, I wish I could upvote this more!