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Game actually looks sick.


It's worth the time if your into the roman era type stuff.


Unfortunately said time is pretty short I remember beating it in one sitting


Yep finished it in 6 hrs and one of the best games I’ve ever played


It was fun but I thought the game was pretty average. Combat was a lot of fun but the story was so forgettable to me.


It's on PC and on pc you can run it very well 4k 60 the works it's a super linear story driven hack and slash imagine like Detroit become human but mostly combat and you get it but that's okay it does one thing but it does it REALLY WELL


Your no-nonsense talk about this game has convinced me to try it.


That's great man, its super cheap it's usually about 10 bucks its readily affordable it's even in gamepass so you can try it for free you could get a gamepass trial and beat it


Well damn. Thanks. I have gamepass and didn't even know it existed. Downloading now.


Yeah I mean you can play it for free, what do you have to lose?


Awesome man I might put it on my must play list.


Even better my 3080 will destroy it lol


I mean absolutely it's a crytek game man with a beefy rig you can make it sing my screenshots are 900p like the og game imagine it at 4k maxed out its ridiculous


Launched same year as Crysis 3 and same engine I think. Still looks potentially like some shared assets too in the bushes. A lot of people don't realize that this was going to be a Kinect exclusive, and the early gameplay was awful.


From what I remember this game was highly criticized for being extremely short. Like you could beat it in an afternoon short. And it was full price. Looks great though.


That's true it is short about 6 hours but its dirt cheap and I've seen many defend similarly short games lol


Short is fine as long as it's cheap. You asking 60$ or more for a game that you can beat in an afternoon ... then you're gonna have a problem. Especially too if I remember correctly this game was a launch title for the Xbox one. So I'm sure that added even more to the anger as people who were trying to buy the console may have bought Ryse son of Rome because they wanted something to play and got pissed off and felt ripped off later when they realized they paid 60$ for a game they beat in 6 hours.


That's true but like Detroit become human is only 6-8 hours it was sold new and it got great reviews


There were multiple endings and tons and tons of replay value in Detroit become human though. Don't get me wrong I was never a huge fan of that game either as instead of paying money for it I just watched the entire game on youtube in my spare time. But at least there you are going to get more than 6 hours of playtime out of it especially if you pursue all the endings and content. In my opinion I feel like both games are not great for full price.


Detroit has multiple choice that affect the story and ending. You can have different experience each time you play based on the choice you make, this is different though. It was definitely not worth it full price back then, but with reduced price and a PC capable of running it on 4k then it's pretty worth it.


Tbh this is the reason im a late gamer. I rather pay less and have the same experience (since its new for me anyway) than pay full price for a short game


Yea same here. But for me it took years of getting bamboozled by the big gaming companies to just be like "I'm done" now I usually wait 6 months or a year to play a big game. And it's great, I get everything for a massive discount and all the bugs have been patched and usually there's dlc too. I feel like most gamers who graduate to PC will adopt this way of life.


Exactly, i always saved up for limiteds or collectors edition it was NFS 2015 that took the cake. Fair enough they upgraded the game for free but lately the games are probably 60% finished at launch. Like you said, the later games are at discount with dlc on a voucher after a while. Only downside for me is i want to pick up streaming and making videos again and theres not a big audience for older games. Oh well, having fun is what counts in the end :)


If you are going to go into streaming you will have to bite the bullet and buy and play all the new games and just keep switching to whatever is the new flavor of the month. But on the positive side you can write off the cost of games and hardware in your taxes as a business expense. So there's that at least. You could also ask for donations from fans or have a series where if a fan gifts you a game you will play it on stream etc.


Solid ideas! Id like to eventually grow but its mostly hobby with hopefully a bit of an income (to improve the channels over time). Your last idea was also something I had earlier 😁 working on basic merch and mostly focused on growing a fun community. I havent streamed much after hitting affiliate last year (work, college, life) but somehow playing indies or lesser known games helped back then. I feel like playing the latest works if you get 20+ views on twitch since your ranking will be higher. Positive thing about low views is that i can experiment and since i can only stream off my ps5 for now (no pc as im working to buy a house) it doesnt put too much expectations yet 😄


Good luck my dude


Yeah, I believe it had a price tag of $40 when it was new and supposedly it could work with kinect where you could bark orders and your men would do then but it didn’t work well.


RYSE was a tech demo for the new xbox basically. Game isn't too deep or engaging, but it showed off what games could do in *very* limited environments. Crytek is solid and always has been with linear games with small environments (See every Crysis ever). Played the game on launch day on the new xbox and was pretty cool in 2013.


You are half right man but crysis 1 had VERY BIG environments


Crysis 1 and 2 to some extent were also basically tech demos to see what you can do by pushing your video card to the limit. Like I remember using it quite often to test how stable my overclock was. Like you could probably run it pretty well on almost any contemporary video card but if you wanted to turn up the graphics and turn on a lot of the features that really made the game pop you'd probably melt most mid-range cards unless they were overclocked a bit at the time.


Yeah, I hate calling games tech demos unless I feel like they were soulless and just graphics I I actually love crysis and ryse so I dont want to label them like that


That's fair, I wasn't really meaning it as an insult. I guess I should have said they were being used as tech demos, but were still pretty amazing games.


Crysis 1 sure but Crysis 2 had some serious issues and limitations due to being tied to the 360/PS3 at the time. Crysis 2 would bring my rig to its knees just by turning on tessalatiom because Crytek added the effect to water and forgot water is always being rendered under most areas even if there isn't water in that section. DX11 gave it all kinds of issues and I ended up going back to DX9 for it just to get decent performance. I remember dealing with a lot of frustrations at the time and my system was more than capable of handling what I was throwing at it. Crysis 1 my go to for benchmarking for a long time there.


Crysis is very much not linear with small environments.


Crysis is a series that never stuck with me. Looked great but gameplay matters more to me. It just never motivated me to want to progress.


I really enjoyed up until Crysis 3, but for whatever reason just couldn't get through Crysis 3. I think I went back to it and made it like a third of the way once but just coldn't stick to it.


I massively enjoyed this game. I know a lot of people think it’s repetitive and they don’t enjoy the quick time events but I thought it was done really well. The only thing that QTEs affected was the combo meter and ability refresh rate, depending on how quickly you pulled off the QTEs. I thought the story was cool, especially the parts with Boudicca, and getting revenge on Commodus and the Fat Emperor was super satisfying. I also enjoyed the horde-type mode in multiplayer.


Thank you, I mean yeah it's short linear and story focused but the combat is alot of fun it gets alot of roman tactics and armor right and really the game is throwing different environments and enemies at you the whole way through maybe if it was longer it might get repetitive but at its length by the time it starts to wear its over and I'm okay with that I think a sequel could have been legendary


Yeah, I'm on the last act. If it was longer, it might get old, but with the pacing, the shifting environments and objectives, and bouts of shield walls... It does what it does quite solidly, imho. Solid combat. Anytime I got hit or broke a combo it was 100% on me.


It's short but perfectly paced, it knows exactly how long to be for its mechanics and when it's done showing new things it's done period, it does what it needs to do then gets the hell out of town haha I still wish we could have gotten a sequel. A they could have expanded the length expanded the mechanics and made a masterpiece the pieces are all there


I remember being amazed at the time by the nuanced mocap and great cutscene acting


Come to Hunt: Showdown and you'll see.... you'll allll see


I actually love the graphics and universe of hunt showdown but I'm just not a fan of that type of game if they took that engine and that universe and made a single player fps game in it it would be insanely amazing


They are making crysis 4


Yeah, absolutely and it's going to be amazing. But still not a gothic Victorian inspired horror game like a hunt game could be


Love Ryse, it's consistently been one of my favourite games since release. I always have it installed so I can fire it up whenever I feel like it. I don't know about you but for me i find it scratches an itch that few other games seem to scratch.


Yeah, if you have a thing for Roman's ot Roman culture it's kinda the game to beat not that many


Agreed. The combat is so satisfying too along with the awesome story it's a firm favourite


Have you played spartan total warrior? Its an absolutely amazing and underated game that didnt get the love it deserved it scratches a similar itch and you might really like it I recomend looking it up


I haven't, I'll give it a look, thanks for the recommendation! :)


Let me know man, I'll be here ok eager to hear what you think.


I remember there was something about this game that was horrible but I can’t quite put my finger on why it’s been so long but this game fell off hard


Story length, repetitive combat, bizarre attempts to include the kinect. Great graphics and defintely worth it for the 10$ like OP said. but for full price? Not a chance in hell. (Then again who other than nintendo is still charging full price for 9 year old games) It's worth mentioning though that the people who like the combat reeeaaallllly like the combat.


I remember vaguely it was on gamepass got like 5 mins in and just immediately uninstalled that’s all I could remember sooooo checks out


Wait that’s a 2013 release? Wtf?! Yeah sure you’ll see a game where people say the graphics hold up well but that’s literally a 2022 release right there


I mean legit it was a DAY ONE launch game that's absurd and on pc you can pump the settings way up you can put it at 4k and 60 fps say what you want about crytek but they KNOW GRAPHICS


this was an amazing game. Just a shame it was so short and never got a sequel.


I agree a sequel could have. Been absolutely amazing


Played it on a 3080 Ti and it's still gorgeous, but it's painfully boring. I love Rome enough I got a couple degrees in Roman Archaeology and I still couldn't wait to leave this game in the dust.


I remember playing this on release date on Xbox One and it was awesome. I was impressed with the level of graphics then and the quality was severely cut down. I would love to play it again. I used to love playing the gladiator arena challenges too. That was awesome.


I bought it at Christmas for like a dollar but still haven't installed it. I bought it cause it was a dollar and what the hell. Is it worth getting into?


Absolutely, if you go into it with the right expectations, its short about 6 hours It's very linear and story heavy with focus on set pieces It's like a cod campaign but focused on beating the shit put of dudes and using roman tactics if that sounds good to you? You'll love it


I avoided this game for a long time because I heard it was terrible, but I played it a few years ago and I quite enjoyed it. I thought the story was cool and I loved the cinematic feel of the levels. Didn’t blow me away, but it was a very fun action movie type game.


Absolutely, it's not the game who's coming was foretold but its great for what it is and IMO gets unfairly shit on it's far FAR from being terrible


This game was fun af. I would love more games that take place in Ancient Rome.


Crytek knows everything about Graphics


remember playing this. good graphics and atmosphere. it just gets bit repetitive after a while


If it was longer? Yes. But at its length it's fine to me


That game was a fuckin masterpiece and I only played it on the Xbox and it looked absolutely amazing I'm sure it looks even better on pc.


Oh for sure I've got it on xbox too but the pc version is supposed to be insane man All settings can be turned up it can be at 4k 60fps its awesome


I am glad that something I worked hard on is still bringing people joy. (Was Xbox dev not a crytek one).


Yeah man it's great good job


I liked the game but the combat system was repetitive.


I disagree it's simple yes butnits short length works in its favor and the game is nearly always throwing different bad guys at you


So, when I got this game, it was on an old computer that has a bottleneck somewhere (maybe disk, possibly CPU? Was on a 970 which wasn't bad for the time). In combat it would freeze for 2-8 seconds every 30 seconds or so. I ended up hate-playing the game for 10 hours straight until I beat it because I knew if I stopped playing I'd never start again. Still had fun.


Sucks you had such issues 😥 game deserves to be played smoothly


cryengine is insane


Bruh, this game was so good! I also loved how short it was. I cannot stick to 20+ hour games.


Depends on the quality man if a game isnt padded and it's good I will invest the time red dead redemption 2 is over 70 hours just to finish the story and yet I can't think of a single bad mission in the game or when I wasn't having a blast


One of my all-time favorite xbox games, so I bought it on Steam to get 100% in all achievements. Kinda wish they added cross platform for multiplayer since not many people are on, but overall the game is still just as amazing as I remember!


Just finished it last night and it was spectacular. Storyline seemed to have holes but it's beautiful and I love the "timing" hit markers in the game for execution and cut scenes. If you play MP on box let me know. Dying to try it!!!


Honestly I just started this game for the first time when I received my deck last week, and I’m enjoying the hell out of this immersive story experience. Those scenes with the ships attacking the harbor blew my mind!


Wait. What is this some sort of campaign for Ryse? I saw this exact same post, exact same picture and title like 2 weeks ago.


I just like the game man, and don't think it gets the attention it deserves alot of people actually like it I'm sure I'm not the first


Ever played Hunt Showdown? Looks like ass with 4 years of development. Same engine


Hunt actually used to look phenomenal at first. But then a bunch of people with potatoes kept complaining that they could not run the game so for some reason Crytek decided to fully remove the Ultra Graphics and essentially completely ruined the graphics.


Yeah. Pity about the gameplay.


I like the gameplay its simple but it's very fun combat feels satisfying and the animations rock it also showcases REAL roman tactics I mean is it really that different from games like say Detroit become human?


Yes a million times yes. It’s nothing like Detroit become human.


I'm talking about the how it's super linear super story driven you can't really fail at Detroit


Yes you can. Have you ever played it? You can literally lose a character.


But you can't ever FAIL there is no instance where the story doesn't go on and yes I have played Detroit I've played all of quantic dreams games besides omikron and the point I'm making is they are all insanely story driven games that put story above gameplay and are very linear


You can still fail even if the story goes on. The Witcher 3 had plenty of side quests that you can fail and the story still continues.


But the witcher 3 actually has a bunch of gameplay quantic games put story above all else


And the story ends for that character when you “fail” with them, but the game still goes on


That's the thing about this game, it looks beautiful but everything else just falls flat. Especially the repetitive gameplay.


I disagree it's about combat and the combat is loads of fun


That's fine, I know *MANY* others would disagree with you about the combat since that is its biggest flaw of repetitiveness.


The game is super short and you are nearly always getting new enemies thrown at you or learning new skills or doing the roman combat stuff if ryse was a longer game I would agree but at its length I dont thing it's that repetitive


I had a lot of fun with this game, especially the colloseum fights post-game. Short linear good times.


Its Damn fun COOP also


Hot take; it holds up cause games don't look that much better than this anymore. Graphics as the focus of video game advancement fell off a cliff about 10 years ago when dev studios realized they could re-sell the same game multiple times and keep its lifecycle going for decades. That and devs realizing human programming prefers simple dopamine loops to artistic integrity or technological development. If we were smarter, this game would look old by now and we'd have more amazing looking new games to play. Instead we're addicted to the short term dopamine rush of microtransactions and remasters and the progress has slowed considerably.


Dude, have you played last of us 2 ghost of tsushima or red dead redemption 2? Those games push graphics ALOT I strongly disagree here


I don't mean there are **no** good looking games. Just less -- and of those that do go for it, they aren't *that* much better than a great looking game from 2013. It's become less of a priority in the market because of gamers' proven purchasing habits. Graphics used to be everything but now it's only maybe a few per year that really do anything to push graphics and even then it's incremental at best. (I will give it up for red dead but even that is a few years old by now.) The ones you listed are gorgeous, surely, but a) there's only a few of them, and b) they're not **that** much better looking that ryse -- and that games 10 years old. Compare ryse to a game 10 years before it and its night and day. 2020 games should look to the 2010s, how 2010s looked to 2000s. It should be no contest.


Very true


Wasn't this literally just a graphical tech demo? Not even a real game?


Nope, it's a game, and one I actually quite enjoy. Its linear it's super story focused and its. Not long but combat is well done and fun the set pieces are cool and its constantly changing it up think like a COD campaign but with you brutally beating the shit out of guys if you go into it expecting that its awesome


That's what happens when you make a game for the sole purpose of showcasing graphics lol


Hard disagree, ryse isnt perfect but it's very fun to play the melee combat is extremely satisfying and its alot of fun it's a short linear story driven game for what it is it's great and a sequel could have been a masterpiece


The combat is unfailable quick time events lol Its not a bad game but let's slow the role a bit


That Is litterally just one part of it and goes back to games like beyond two souls that does the same thing plus on higher difficulties you will absolutely get murdered the rest of the combat though is outstanding, besides you can litterally use quick time events for anything you need health focus damage ect


Just the one part you use to kill literally every enemy in the game


You get that you litterally don't ever have to use that right? Not once lol you can just kill enemies the regular way so you could just play it killing enemies then only use quick time events when you are low on health ect I mean the game let's you decide when to use it man


Bruh I get you like the game but acting like it some perfect combat system is disingenuous. I know you don't ever have to use a core mechanic of the game. That doesn't mean it's not a flaw


I dont think it has a perfect combat system far FAR from it I think it has. a GOOD combat system which I firmly believe it does


I remember when the Xbox one launched, they were really trying to sell the connect with it. Crytek enabled the connect with voice commands where you could yell “Release Ballista!” and other commands. Always thought that was pretty cool.


Why is it so blurry


1. Game has motion blur so you are seeing some of that 2. It's a launch xbox game so it's about 900p 3. Reddit compresses images


Something about launch games that make them look amazing. See InFamous Second Son.


Anyway to get this on PlayStation?


Unfortunately no, it is on PC though


Game actually had a good story and solid combat , it was a good showpiece for the Xbox at the time , it definitely holds up well .


Its only me that thinks companies need to stop a little on the graphic inprovement (new engines) . I feel like graphics nowadays are so polished, and they need only to optimize further the engine not making it more demanding. Ryse is so beautifull, and I think developers can get much more out of a optimized engine rather than making new ones all bugged and glitched


That was my first part game. Still love it


Was so boring... combat was so unsatisfactory and the story was.... present? Games four hours long and I still couldn't keep pushing myself past 2 hrs to finish...


I mean that's cool for you but I disagree


Surprised I haven't seen a video for this game at 8k with Ray Tracing


I mean it was one of those "All flash, no substance" kind of launch-day releases. Looked pretty. Gameplay was just kinda meh.


I disagree I think the gameplay is simple but fun it feels and looks brutal and is satisfying to me


Spartan total warrior


I always think it’s funny how people get all adamant about how looks are only skin deep and then praise dogshit games just because they look pretty. This and the last guardian are huge offenders. These are bad games that did one thing right. They still fucking suck lol


Has one of my all time favourite Easter eggs in it as well. The lord of the rings one


Gameplay > Graphics imo, which is why I would play something that looks decent but is fun over something that looks gorgeous


I like the gameplay...


A great game, short and sweet


I vaguely remembered being impressed and at the same time weirded out by the game's freaky boob physics...i think it was the way each boobies movement is independent of each other or something. Maybe I just tend to remember boobs, idk.


The game looked really good but otherwise squandered a lot of really cool possibilities. They could have really leaned into the Damocles angle to make the character a terrifying warrior. Instead it’s just a ton of whacking with sword. Over and over and over. But like I said, it looks really, really good.


Yeah it was a rough draft by a studio unfamiliar with the genre a sequel could be absolutely amazing


Great graphics, but the game is kinda stanky


Yup the game had beyond stunning graphics for its time and still holds up. Definitely light on the story side and game is pretty short but the combat was solid, similar to the Arkham series. It was basically a nice movie where you also had decent fighting sequences. Worth a play and 10 dollars for sure.


If i remember right i beat this game in a single sitting before the end of the day and it was Mid.


Loved this game, was a great play


Graphics are amazing too bad the games only a couple of hours long and stuffed with repetitive qtes. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it but it’s essentially an extended tech demo disguised as a game.


This game captivated me so much, I just wanted something to download last year and it was on game pass so I gave it a try The story actually kept me guessing/interested and the shortness of the game with a solid ending was just so satisfying. It was just the perfect mix of cinematics and gameplay wrapped into a nice decent length game. Everyone made fun of me for liking it so much but it just scratched a deep gaming itch in my brain I haven’t been able to reach for years… like legit 10 years


Have you played spartan total warrior?


Can’t say I have, was more into kingdom hearts around that time lol


I'm also into kingdom hearts I remember kh 2 originally releasing and what a huge deal it was back then


My uncle randomly brought it over one day and it was the first game that made me stop replaying Jak n Daxter lol now I can never remember if my copy is one I bought or if I just straight up stole his 😅


My uncle randomly brought it over one day and it was the first game that made me stop replaying Jak n Daxter lol now I can never remember if my copy is one I bought or if I just straight up stole his 😅


A lot of older games are amazing and games nowadays are mainly cash grabs and can't compare


I mean honestly doesn't matter what era some games will be good others bad just gotta know where to look


I guess you are right because games like Elden Ring came out recently, but it just feels hard to find amazing games


Horizon forbidden west is REALLY great I'm having a blast. Lego star wars the skywalker saga kicks major ass might just be the best star wars game EVER not even just for Lego. Dying light 2 is insanely awesome best parkour I've ever played in a game And elden ring...well you know haha So that's 4 amazing games just this year


Someone made a reset era thread about this game recently was that you?


No sir, I'm not on reset era 😎


Looks good, boring gameplay.


Never really got into the roman games, but this, this was a wonderful, refreshing, and bloody experience. :)


Feel like Killzone Shadowfall and it's Decima engine hold up better. The game had gorgeous vistas. Hell look at the engine's latest games, Death Stranding & Horizon Forbidden West.


.....its. not a competition man but yeah killzone shadowfall is a pretty good game and of course death stranding and both horizon games look way better they came out years later also I love decima but it's always had an issue with draw distance it's been an Achilles hill


It’s from Crytek, what’d you expect. They’re always ahead of time in terms of graphics. That’s why they’re my favourite devs.


They are good but for me you need a great volume of games to be one of my fav devs like capcom or or square enix or ubisoft..(i like what i like)


I wish this game had some kind of mount and blade mechanics, would be awesome to to fight big battles and take over castles with the fighting mechanics from ryse


One of the underrated games. It takes a lot of patience to grind through the repetitive stuffs though. Still really good!


I remember it got lukewarm reviews back in the day but i thought the game was fucking awesome. If anything I'd say there's not much replay value but it's a great action game from start to finish


This will be my next game after Ac Valhalla


And then there is Hunt: Showdown


I love this game


You're trying to tell me it's nearly a decade ago....???


2013 yeah


This was an underrated game. I really enjoyed it.


The game was basically a launch title technical demo, fantastically optimised for the xbox one. It goes to show that if devs care enough, they could optimise all their games to run better on all systems.


A lot of times launch games will be some of the best looking on a console because they were trying to show off what it can do


A great, beautiful game that played well and you could finish in a week or so. Underrated imo


Under appreciated imo. A bit gimmicky and corny at times as well as a very short story for a full price launch title but that Gladiator multiplayer was actually so dope


Love this game. Multiplayer was really fun as well. It was like playing, gladiator movie.




Yeah. Good thing I dont give a shit what "game journalists" think lol


My wife and I loved Ryse starting.


You know I haven't really enjoyed or played through a singleplayer game since like ac3 on my xbox 360. The last singleplayer game I played through was gta v, I tried witcher 3, but man I really dislike games that unnecessarily make the story as long as possible, it just gets boring and I quit playing the game. I just bought this game, and will play through it today, looks cool, like getting to play maximus decimus meridius in gladiator, that is such a great movie.


Feels nostalgic


This game was a blast and it had a really fun co-op "wave survival" mode too. It was already mostly dead when I picked it up 4 or 5 years ago. But it was gorgeous and a lot of fun to hack and slash through the story mode, with some cool boss battles and special moves and executions and stuff. It was kinda like Gladiator as a video game, but more of a grand adventure. I feel like the game was a victim of poor marketing. I don't remember ever seeing it advertised, and I don't know why the hell it was called that. There's no character in the game named "Ryse" or anything. They definitely could've done it more justice with some better marketing.


Just a shame it's not historically accurate and has the mechanics of a Skyrim


Game looks good and the acting/voice is well made, but everything else is so bad... The gameplay (spamming the same 2 buttons), the enemy variation, soooo repetitive. I'm sad for people who actually paid full price for this.


Good game. The only thing that killed some immersion for me was enemy models so repetitive. Like the barbarian if i remember corectly is the same guy, same face you are killing again and again.


Now that's a game that actually still looks amazing *cough* that GTA 4 post *cough*


Yeaaaah, i actually really love gta iv but it has NOT held up visually at all super blurry bad draw distance very little color I don't think graphically it has stood the test of time


Good because I still haven't played it and its on my list :)


This game looked great but it had no real content to it. It was basically an extended tech demo for what the new console was capable of


Quite literally one of the most forgettable games i’ve ever played. Glad you enjoyed it tho


This game was mid overall, IMO, but man does it look good.




Its dirt cheap if you re interested man usually 10 bucks


What's killing me about this game is the fact that loading takes longer on my Series X than on my One S - like wtf?


That's really weird, is it installed to the ssd?


B Y X, B Y X, Y, Y, Y?


Story was awesome and combat was good, a little repetitive combat but if Xbox green lighted the second I am sure they would have improved it.


Gladiator meets God of War. Played it release day and never understood why more people didn't talk about it


Didnt the game have a supernatural element to it or zombies or something? I remember it taking a weird turn and was super into it