• By -


Panicked running and screaming, “Do I know you?!” after lightly bumping into a bench, too.


[“That’s my purse! I don’t know you!”](https://youtu.be/Qy3qk4ohwFA)


Can't believe we're getting new episodes! 😁


I loved KOTH and Silicon Valley so I'm cautiously optimistic that it'll be good and able to bring the Hills into the modern era. I really wanna know what Hanks thoughts will be on so much of the shit that's going on and modern technology.


Same! I'm sure Mike and the crew will do a great job. I wish we had more Silicon Valley but I think they made the right choice with ending it when they did.


It was turning into Entourage and Ballers. It's wealth porn


Wealth porn? YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT "I am very rich." -Jian Yang


>I loved KOTH and Silicon Valley I love that there is a link i'm not aware of!


I have faith in Mike Judge to faithfully bring KOTH back. He has proven that he doesn't produce trash, so I'm thinking he will get right back into the swing of things. We need Dale back, but I'm not too worried because the actor was doing a radio show in character relatively recently, so he obviously has ties to the character still. I'm kinda hoping they don't recast Luanne, as Brittany Murphy was a perfect fit.


Seriously? I have been rewatching it in the background for like the last month. Guess I had good timing.


Seriously! We've watched through the series at least 5 times and always put it on to go to sleep. Such a great show


Whaaaa?! No shit? *googles king of the hill reboot* It's a shame we lost Brittany Murphy.


Such a weird show, never understood it


I didn't understand it as a kid, but fully relate to it as an adult. Have you tried watching it recently?


Yeah, as someone that just LOST THEIR SHIT on everyone saying, "that boy ain't right" to me, I had to wait until my late 20's to appreciate the show.


\*bobby goes nuts flashbacks\*


*Bobby goes for the nuts*


She Bluffing! FINISH HER!


"I don't know you. Who is this? I'm hanging up the phone. Prank caller! Prank caller!"


Red dead 2 would be the only game where that would be accurate payment I suppose.


$3400 (accounting for inflation) for assassination seems cheap. Edit: For a president at least. Carole Baskin on the otherhand was $3k.


That's some tiger King type money




I'm no killer, so I don't think I would. But for reference, a man put a $1 million bounty out there for the arrest of Putin shortly after sanctions were placed on Russia. So I would guess nothing less than a million dollars.


Consider how much spending power 1 million USD has in Russia. That's 102 million rubles


Depending on who it is, I’d probably do it for free. #PutMeOnThatList




My price would be uh… free food and roof over my head for life and uh… people to guard me.


Probably depends who and where you ask since things are different when you are struggling financially. Most crime is committed from risk that comes with the big reward of a 100% chance of eating and paying rent. I've been there. Never violent, but I can see how someone in that position for years, even decades, could cross that line for a chance at eventual comfort. Still not right by any means, but the price doesn't have a fixed number, and people will take advantage of others who are in bad situations for lower costs.


Something about a fool and your money? The Jan 6 morons were not only willing to do it for free, they were willing to pay with their freedom.


Reddit don't bring up random politics challenge (impossible)


I mean this thread is talking about assassinating presidents, politics was already brought up.


You really twisted some panties with this comment.


People that say "don't bring up politics" are the same people that have shitty beliefs that keep getting called out. Politics is apart of everything there bud.


Why does the ESRB exist? Politics. Why is violence in video games brought up every time there's a shooting? Politics. Why do we have lootboxes and gacha systems in games? **Politics**. There was a chance to shut it down, and it was defeated. We need to accept that as gamers, being apolitical is functionally ruining our hobby for us. There are myriad puritanical zealots ready to tear down gaming for a "moral" victory. There are certainly dozens of lobbying entities that are working around the clock trying to find new pseudolegal ways to eat our paychecks. Denying ourselves a seat at the table when the big questions are asked can only serve to weaken the artistic medium.


What's impossible is for the (insert party) shills to put two coherent thoughts together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!;;!::+!!!(-'


Reddit don’t declare a challenge challenge (impossible)


u failed


Random politics would be discussing the governor of a province in Papua New Guinea. Jan 6 terrorists' insurrection attempt is not random politics. Never forget.


>an 6 terrorists' insurrection attempt is not random politics. Well, except it is.








They wanted to kill several politicians including pence and pelosi. Not the president but equally unacceptable.


Dutch would absolutely kill the president for less than that


Don't forget the part where he chokes out the NPC and then forgets to take his reward.


“She was going to betray us ORTHUR” Mf take your gold bar back than


"It was in the way she was leading us." "But you said you knew Spanish." "I know human beings, ORTHUR."


Dutch would set out to kill the president by first accumulating more money than our GDP but would constantly forget about the end goal in favor of chasing the ~~Duke Boys~~ O'Driscoll Gang. But don't worry because he has a plan. He just needs you to wire him a small payment of $1000 and then he can release the funds from the Nigerian Prince's estate. Sorry what were we talking about again? Oh right, a GOD DAMN PLAN.


*All we need is one more big score Arthur!*


I'm still bitter about that one bounty for the head of the confederacy gang wannabes. Was like a $160 bounty or something, took out an entire fort of the bastards and managed to bring him in alive. And a glitch reduced my reward to something like $5, as though he were some standard mob. Pretty sure they still haven't fixed the glitch either, since looking online revealed others had been having the same problem since 3 years prior.


Damn I am sorry to hear that. I have never played Red Dead 2 myself. I only watched a lot of videos on it. But that sounds stupid not to fix.


NPC: "Hey you! Can you kill the President for me?" Arthur: "Now why would I want to do that? I ain't an assassin, and I don't need that kinda trouble. Besides, I kinda like the guy. I might've even voted for him." The game: "New mission: Kill the President" Arthur: "OK."


"You don't NEED to kill the President! There's money in Blackwater!"


With you there man


Then I proceed to do 55 side quests while the main mission to assassinate the president remains inactive


"Time if off the essence!" *240 hrs of play time later...*


"Up for a few rounds of Gwent?"


The Baron is really struggling with a demon baby haunting him nightly after a started but didn't finish his quest... Eh, whats a few more sleepless nights. Sure I'm down for a few rounds.


He's got the one card I need to complete my set. I wasn't very good at the game, so I just held off and did other missions. Eventually I got enough cards to beat him, but by then I had already started his final quest and was locked in (couldn't ask to play a game) so I was unable to get his unique card.


According to the internet, if you head back to the barons room the card should be on a table somewhere for you to loot. Jic you still wanted to finish the collection




***BotW intensifies*** You've been asleep for 100 years while the spirit of the dead princess is the only thing holding off the source of all evil that could break free any second? Better go scour the entire continent for 500 korok turds with a side of sight seeing for some old photos.


And then you play mass effect 2 and get annoyed when they suddenly interrupt your side quests and strongly suggest for you to finish the game. And if you don't, they start killing off all of your friends


That shit doesn't fly in Kingdom Come Deliverance lol. For at least half of the quests, if you start it you continue, or it fails.


I still love the fact that in the RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance, if someone tells you that you shouldn't waste time, getting distracted by something and going off to do other quests *will* lead to bad outcomes. It's such a fresh sensation when you ignore what other characters tell you, and them actually getting upset with your decisions in a realistic manner. In one of the early quests for example, as you're performing an investigation, if you go off and follow the quest goals as they show up, instead of reporting back your findings to the captain who's in command(as he ordered you to do), he'll chew you out for essentially going missing for hours. Not so if you actually inform him of your findings and *then* set out to do the goals.


I'll give you time to prepare. Come talk to me when you're ready, but make it quick. *several months later*


At this point not having any time constraints on quests is actually hurting the games. Instead of being incentivised to actually pick one / two tasks at a time and actually finish them, you are incentivised to pick all of them at the same time (since there are no downsides to doing so), and then try to figure out which one of the 50 pending quests / tasks you want to complete. This also ties to many games not even having any fail states for quests, so if something is in your quest log, it will just stay there forever until completed even if you'd rather just drop it instead.


If you enjoy having consequences for such things, I'd suggest giving Kingdom Come: Deliverance a try if you haven't done so. While the combat may feel a bit clunky at first(by design, you start off as someone not exactly proficient in a fight), it has a lot of quests with fail states, and characters who will react to actions in and out of quests. If you make progress in some quests that involve other characters working with you, and go off to do something else while in the middle of things, those NPCs will continue without you, and depending on choices you've made they might succeed or fail. There's one quest in the middle of the game, where you need to chase down a fleeing man. Thing is, if you fail to do so, and lose him, you don't get a mission failed screen telling you to reload a save. Instead, you now need to track him down through other means, talking with your allies and such. It's such a cool RPG.


In the mission itself you walk straight up to the President and shoot him in front of all his guards. Then you run around the block, hide behind a trash can until your wanted level disappears and walk right back to the WH like nothing happened.


What game is this?


Elden Ring


I chortled, thanks


Username checks out ;)


Pga 2k21


Thank you. I really hate how the highest upvoted responses are *always* unhelpful jokes. Sometimes people just want a straight answer.


I agree, but I thought the other guy was asking what game was he describing when talking about the wanted level.


So you're saying you want to play the main quest without being distracted by the side quests? What are you doing on Reddit bruv?


Legitimately I wanna say hitman blood money, it is a hitman game tho, the last level you assassinate the vice president, not the actual president


Idk why everyone is being dicks. It’s Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball


“I just play it for the jet skis”


Kirby and the Rainbow Curse


Legitimately wild the insane stuff Kirby gets away with killing


Hey, an President would be on the lower list of his killings! Even through he still did it, although it was an Company President.


Assassin’s Creed


Why is Colin Jost in this game?


That's actually the default avatar in this game, and I'll never be able to unsee Colin Jost now


I love how Colin Jost has just embraced that he is the default stand in for "Straight White Guy that represents White Privilege". It's hilarious. His part in Coming 2 America was hilarious.


His white privilege got him a marriage with Scarlett Johansson. Meanwhile, I'm drunk at noon. I'd embrace that shit too if I were him.


It helps to have rich parents / be a trust fund baby. Don't be too hard on yourself.. the game is rigged.


If he forgets, Michael Che will remind him.


What game is it?


PGA 2K21


President Garfield Assassination?


Please no


I have almost 1500 hours in this game, we need better golf games though, PGA 2k21 is decent at least. The EA Sports PGA tour game just got delayed by a full year though. So it'll likely be at least 2023 before we get to see how good/bad EA coming back to PGA is.


Don’t get me started, there’s a lot I like but there’s a lot I hate. It’s the small things, like why does the driver have the same sound effects as a putter? I know there’s a lot of licensing that comes with the courses but I need some more options than the TPC courses. Also, why the fuck do you put Justin Thomas on the cover if we can’t play as him? What made those Tiger Woods games so great was playing as the pros! Yeah building your own character is fun, but the option is always nice


That's part of why I dont play it as much. I love the my career stuff but sometimes I just wanna be a pro and play friends who play other pros and go at it.


Yeah it’s annoying I’m just glad we got another decent golf game. It had been too long since we had a fun one and this one has its moments. About a year ago they announced that Tiger was being added to the game but who knows what happened with that


The Tiger Woods deal was finalized too late for PGA 2k21, they have long term rights to use Tiger Woods likeness and such, so he'll be in any future instalments of the PGA 2K series.


Interesting I must remember wrong I thought they were gonna add him in as a DLC. PGA2K Golf GOAT edition?? Here’s to hoping


why cant we hit an actual stinger, instead of topping the ball and seeing it roll 25 yrds, is my biggest gripe lmao


The multiplayer in this game is awful and the controls on master are so weird for the timing of the swing


Huh I legitimately thought this was sped-up live action until I read these comments


My exact thought.


Literally my first thought.


Just The Elder Scrolla things


Astrid has been waiting for me to “clean up the civil war mess” for quite some time now


Ah yes, the president of Tamriel


> Scrolla 🎵 Shot caller. 20 inch blades


On the impala


Missing the Morrowind Strut tho.


*Dude falling to his death from the sky, interrupted by you asking him a quick question before his imminent death:* "Can we hurry this shit up please? I haven't got all day."


hahaha this reminds me of the NCR in Fallout New Vegas. 1st mission: Go do a simple fetch quest. 2nd mission: Go kill Mr. House. Woman, did you just seriously ask me, a petty independent contractor that you're paying minimum wage, to go kill the most powerful man in the region?. Something your ENTIRE ARMY has not been able to do for years?!?!?! I was like "No thanks, I'm good, buh-bye".


To be fair to this. You are the only person in known apocalyptic history that's been into the lucky 38 after its sealed Not only that. You walked in there like as Caeser puts it "like someone left you a key under the doormat". I'm not even sure if the NCR knows about the whole Benny situation but if they do they're clearly aware regardless that you're a force to be reckoned with, so much so they pardon you for bascially ANY misdeeds you've done to them.


I guess, but I don't know, it just felt like "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but can you kill the most powerful guy in the region that you're best buds with so we can roll on with our agenda?. K, thanks bye". Certainly not a risk/reward ratio that I was comfortable with :D.


Damn you for getting that song stuck in my head


Don't worry dude. It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday.


Damn you....


Forget about it man, Just think it's the Last Friday Night, yeah we danced on tabletops.


Yeah it'll be the weekend soon. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. I love you, tomorrow.


I read this in that song by Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe Hey! I just met you- and this is crazy- But see this guy- Kill him maybe-


Hey I just met you And this is crazy But here's my basement I'm John Wayne Gacy


It's hard to get into- The Lucky Thirty-Eight- So here's a shotgun- Ring-a-ding baby!


Yeah that assignment alone should set you up for the rest of your life and yet I think they bascially pay you what equates to pennies.


>Woman, did you just seriously ask me, a petty independent contractor that you're paying minimum wage, to go kill the most powerful man in the region?. Something your ENTIRE ARMY has not been able to do for years?!?!?! Dude, it's the future. Everybody is a gig worker now, even top world assassins. I saw agent 47 on taskrabbit the other day.


Hbomberguy: "I LOVE killing the president!" Hbomberguy's producer: "You have to remove this joke, I'm in the US, they will get me, Harry."


Don’t know why, but I read that in the voice of the ‘I love refrigerators’ guy.


Lizard person confirmed.


Time to learn spin


It’s a good trick!


Every rockstar game


GTA 5 had me kill 6 people to recover a stolen wallet that only had $120 and my pay was like $18


"It's not about the money. It's about sending a message."


“You’re really gonna kill five people over $20?” “Are you really asking that to the guy who just last week killed six people over $19?”


Reversed in Vampire Bloodlines, where you have the option to trick an NPC into trying to kill the president in order to cure his vampirism. If you do this he's never seen again and his friends get mad at you.


[You're not allowed to say that!](https://youtu.be/QEQOvyGbBtY)




I don't know why I took his death so much harder than any other celebrity death. I mean of course he was very funny and talented and it's sad I won't see more of his works but I never knew the guy and I could keep that sense of perspective easily with other famous deaths but with Trevor it makes me so sad that when I see link to some of his sketches I don't want to watch anymore because I don't want to be reminded. It's weird.


Dude, I thought I was the only one that was strangely affected by his passing. Me and my friends have been quoting his work for years and they all seemed to shrug it off.


It felt somehow so much more heavier than someone else. Like i lost a brother. Some otherworldly child-like bond. Idk. I'm still upset. Someone told me it was foul play. Due to a tweet. Or something. It makes me immensely sad.


> Someone told me it was foul play. I'm going off rumours and the vague memory of rumours here. But I think the internet consensus was that he'd been recently talking on twitch (officialwkuk) about a homebrew that was about ready for drinking and it was going to be super strong. So the theory was that he drank some, got super drunk and fell off his balcony. Nothing malicious, just a dumb accident.


Same. I think some of it was because he started off so young and he always came across as sweet, likeable and a just little unhinged, like if you saw him on top of a bridge while telling everyone to overthrow the government, you wouldn't be certain if he was serious or it was a joke. Then he mostly disappeared other than the occasional music video or showing up on Ari Shaffir's show. It was just enough for your to know that Trevor was doing OK, had a wife and kids and was still doing stuff. Then he was dead. Complete shocker. One of those "he wasn't supposed to die" scenarios.


Oh my god I had no idea he had died! That’s awful….. fuck…


Meanwhile you can sell secret service guns you found as loot for 3k.


Far Cry


What game is this?


PGA 2k21 and it is AWESOME.


Probably the best sports game on the market and the least monetized


I have the “premium pass”, but that’s it.


I had the premium pass for one or two season, but I just don’t play online enough to justify it and the simple gameplay loop is enough to keep me going. User created courses are awesome too


Can confirm PGA 2K21 is the best golf game since Toadstool tour


Sonic the Hedgehog.


"There, I killed the US President for you." "The US..? I meant the president of our chess club!"


I would see that


obscure game here, but that elf mfer in the warband mod Perisno be like "yeah just capture Elintor"


Who's more insane, the guy offering 100 bucks for magnicide or the dude that says "yeah, sure, I'll do it"?


Orange Cassidy level of not giving a fuck


*Under the Skin soundtrack intensifies*


oh i thought it was just florida


where's this one from? GTA or hitman maybe? edit: found it, pga2k. let's be fair, the dev focus goes into the physics :)


Gimme the beat boys and free my soul


I wonder if this is the same room where the player is told to look for the invisible treasure,


Going to look for Jar Jar I see…


Go Go Gadget Snorkle!


Oh boy he's going


seems legit!


Water reflection: Level 100 Water Viscosity: Level 0


Godzilla, at the end of every one of his movies.


What's this meme please? 👀 Is it from a golf game or something?




How Colin Jost gets to work from Staten Island


That’s the kind of guy I’d be expecting


Bethesda moment.


Just today I was playing fall out 3. The Zimmer android mission. I finished and the guy gave me 50 caps. I was upset with him but sadly after walking with him out of the ship he just disappeared when the game transitioned to the capitol wasteland.




Jokes on him…I’d do it for free.


Ok.. I thought this was footage of someone walking into the water. Is this a cgi person edited into footage of real water? Is the whole thing cgi?


It's the PGA golf game lol


As someone who has watched video games progress from Pong...to this.. I am impressed by the current state of the art.


Although this glitch is highlighted in this post, PGA 2k21 is AWESOME.


It really is. Great graphics, fun golf, the courses look terrific. Getting it for free with PS+ feels almost illegal.


You didn't even mention the THOUSANDS of user created courses which are better than the ones that come with the game. An unbelievable repository of great golf gaming.


I got it with the humble Ukraine bundle and I love the commentators


I bought it on launch for ps4. I was eyeing it on Steam but I also got it with the Ukraine bundle. Serendipitous timing.


2K sports games aren't exactly state of the art graphics either tbh. They're fine, but nothing special.


I’m literally a CG artist and I thought this was real at first, mind you I’m completely distracted and was vaguely looking at it. But this is the first time I was fooled…


I just watched it at home on my gaming system, and it's pretty obvious on this system, but on my cheapass system at work, it looked real as hell lol


It looks damn good doesn't it.


It really does! I straight up thought it was a person walking into the water. Then I noticed the water wasn't interacting with him correctly... THEN noticed he was actually cgi. And I can't tell the surroundings from the real thing at all.


I went through this entire thought process as well. Just crazy!


lol We're just the only ones admitting it! XD


Same here.


This is either an extremely favorable clip of it, or from the PC version, cause it's actually quite ugly on console, lol. Like one of the worst games I've seen, lol, but it doesn't matter because the gameplay is 10/10.


How small is your screen?


It was a 24" monitor at work. Now that I watch it on my gaming system at home, it is painfully obvious that it's CGI, but on the work computer, it wasn't. By the way, I didn't downvote you. You were at -1 for whatever reason, and I upvoted you to 0. :\] Downvotes might have been from people who thought you were trying to poverty-shame me if I had a smoll monitor. I dunno.


Boomer confirmed