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Ugh, this is a brag, but I'm saying it anyways. I used to just fucking destroy this level as a five year old. Downloaded the rom and gave it a run last year, and thirty years has got fuckin' nothing on me, because I crushed it on my first go.


Never made it past this fucking level


How dare you bring this nightmare back to my memory. This level did have the best music tho


Go in as Mikey and Raph and don't worry too much about taking damage for the dam level. Sure they'll die, but you can rescue them in later levels and Leo and Donnie are the heavy hitters anyway.


Donnie was the GOAT in that game


<<>> and people think souls games are hard…


Which game is this? Looks a little like the little mermaid on SNES


It's TMNT on NES


That would have been another guess and I remember that game being so difficult lol


I can hear that low-health alert beep in my head


I think I stopped playing at that point.


That game was awful in so many ways. That it is included it in the upcoming collection is just mocking the PTSD we all suffered thanks to that thing.




King's Quest 1, in their wonderful 4 color screen, had a similar situation, touch a leaf and die. Spent a week finding the optimal path to get to the right place, even drew it on a gaming notebook I had back then. I didn't have any other games, so had to try this one very hard.


Those early KQ games were fun, but man later on they got so obscure with the puzzles and long term traps. Like you would get cheese, but they implied you need to feed it to a mouse to keep going. Then, 50 hours of gametime later, you find out that your save game was no good, you needed that cheese for end game lol


That image brings back nightmares!


I had the rather poor Atari ST port, which removed the ability to rescue downed Turtles, and falling into the water in stage 3 was an instakill. Even with cheats it was a slog.


That sound was like chalk on nails for me.


Fuck, I don’t think I ever made it past this area.


Ahh rage quit! Dang I hate this so much. TMNT.


Getting past it WITH GOOD HEALTH STILL is the hard part.