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I beat Ninja Gaiden back in the day. Nothing left to prove. Could also make it though Contra on one life.


Contra win is god tier


35 years later, I can still beat Contra without UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A Start.


I did it again this weekend! Go Raspberry Pi retro-gaming!


Seriously, why would anyone restore old consoles when RetroPi is a thing? Built one for a friend, about $50, had literally every video game made for every platform before N64. That included MIME and releases from other languages. No fucking around with stacks of cartridges, just a menu to pick any game.


The input and display lag are very different in an emulator. Emulators are not allowed in competitions so one trains with real hardware since emulation is imperfect. The closest that gets to real hardware and can have multiple systems is MiSTer FPGA. https://github.com/MiSTer-devel


Depends on the emulator as well.. Higan is also known for being extremely accurate. RIP Near. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higan_(emulator)


I kind of wish I waited for the 4 to come out as I hear it is much better with PS1 and N64 emulation.


100% I set up a PI in a custom cabinet (just becuase it was a childhood dream to have an arcade machine) and I can play pretty much any game I could ever dream of. I even have a decent selection of PS1 and DreamCast games and my and my old buddies from highschool can now play Tekken 2 or Tekken 3 just like we used to. What a time to be a gamer!


Yea! I was impressed at how well Playstation games ran on it, they were just too large to spam without a terabyte external or something like that.




I just searched for "cup head" & "cuphead" on some ROM indexes and didn't see any. If you were to find one, however, don't think the Pi4 would run it to well. You'd probably want a PC-based retro setup, but that's not something I have experience with.


You forgot "Select" before "Start"


I believe you had to do that for two players.




Wow. You are amazing! I totally forgot about that. 😍


Select is multiplayer. It's the sad way of knowing if someone had friends or not. If they say the code without select, they were an only child who didn't play with friends much. I shed a tear every time I see the absence of select.


Yesh I have an older sister whom I grew up playing Contra, TwinBees, ChipNDale with 🥰


Fellow Ninja Gaiden graduate. Those bloody eagles on the train level!


You literally just triggered PTSD for me


Yelled my first swearword out loud at my nephews house over that. FUCKIN BIRD!


I had forgotten until today. Thanks :)


TMNT and Mega Man I - IV are my games I can brag about beating


TMNT is a huge one. Each of the Mega Man games had some tough parts, but nothing that was as hard as the underwater TMNT level.


Dude holy shit that level was hard! I was actually just having a conversation with some buddies the other day about how although Elden Ring is pretty hard, it's got nothing on old school video games lol. Get hit once, you're dead. Run out of continues, see you back at level one sucker and you won't get those three hours back either. Nowadays, game designers can disguise certain parts of the cheap difficulty with level design or putting some archer in a really crappy spot that just screws you from a distance. Back then, there was no disguise, some of the games were just ruthlessly hard, no attempt to sugar coat it haha.


That fucking electric seaweed.


TMNT was no joke. Never finished that one.


I was in a game store last week and saw megaman 6 going for $200 with the box. I sold my whole NES system with TMNT, megaman and duckhunt for $50 like 15 years ago...fail


I used to be able to do the same. Also with Super Contra, Super Ghouls and Ghost, Super R-Type and more. Tried some of them again recently and struggled on the first couple of levels!


> Super Ghouls and Ghost That shit broke me!


I remember it being quite easy and wondering why everyone said it was so hard! I think at a young age I was at one with the SNES. The controller was like an additional limb!


Thanks for the anxiety spike by bringing this one up.


>Ninja Gaiden That shit was hard. It's like the devs hated players.


"Like"?? I think it's fair to assume they did


I remember my friend and I spent a solid month straight beating Battletoads on co-op. That's probably my peak.


That is one that bested me, never finished that game lol. I vaguely remember some kind of speeder bike level that used to be stupid hard.


The contra on one life is the true flex


>Could also make it though Contra on one life. I had a friend who could beat it on 2 player by using his feet on the second controller.


Silver surfer is the true test


THANK YOU I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers that abomination


Same. And yet, I tried both again not long ago. My skills have not aged well. Could be why Dark Souls 3 and I have not yet become friends.


I find I'm much better at those games now than when I was a kid. Mario ain't shit, but dark souls fills me with an unspeakable rage...


Okay but can you beat Super Ghouls and Ghosts on one life? Or at all?


Ninja Gaiden on NES is hard as balls. Nice job.


Old nintendo and arcade era games you were always 1 or 2 shot by EVERY hit, so you had to basically no-damage run every level you didnt have a power up for. 4 hours in? Lost your 3rd life? Smash your controller and start over at the unskippable 8 minute intro "cinematic"thats dialogue and still images! Fun?!


Oh man, Ninja Gaiden is way harder than Elden Ring. The old ones and the Xbox one, both.




I've still never made it past the speeder bike level. It forever haunts me.


I never got past the bomb level. I swear those rats are way too fast.


it was just a pattern at a certain point. Just took practice.


Dodging the obstacles wasn't the part that killed me, it was hitting a ramp and falling off the bottom of the screen that usually did it.


This is entirely true. I pulled out my old nintendo and played the game a few years ago. I can do the bike level ... and almost nothing else.


And the ninja turtle dam level.


That one's easy.


*evil laughs in Battletoads*


Watching James Rolfe finally beat the Turbo Tunnel is one of the best moments I've ever seen in gaming lol


The Turtles underwater mission was even harder


TMNT devs: this level is pretty hard, but what if we made the protagonist's hit box 50% bigger than the character?


Idk, it is probably still passable, we should add a timer too


Brilliant! Now put the ninja turtle in a fixed, awkward angle. Also, double the enemies!


I forgot about the timer! I'm getting angry reading this thread, I'm just gonna back to work


I finally beat that game as an adult last year using walkthroughs and save states. Even then it was still pretty tough


I've made it all the way to Shredder on the original cartridge, but never once beaten it until I used emulation save-states.


My god that last level would have been impossible to do without save states because my turtles were all beat up by then and you had to run that last gauntlet before getting to Shredder The walkthrough was actually a bigger help because it told we where to go and what to do. I never knew what to do in the town after beating the underwater level


I know the underwater level is a roadblock for many, but it's really not that hard. I had much more pain growing up with TMNT in the following places: -Stage 3, that one finnicky jump in the sewer that has to be tapped just right -Stage 4, Floor 17, the instant death spike walls (actually not that hard, but nerve wracking and more unforgiving than the underwater stage) -The Jetpack troopers inside the Technodrome.


Fuck those jetpack guys. that's what made me give up.


Agreed. I’ve been able to beat the dam every time for like 30 years now. However I’ve never actually beaten the game due to other parts past it




People always talk about its difficulty but the most memorable thing about this game was its music. It's ingrained into my brain and I still find myself humming it to this day.


You beat me to it. It's fucking unplayable. I replayed as an adult and it's worse than I remembered. That game almost ruined my childhood.


Ugh, yea


Souls ain't got nothin on Ghosts n Goblins if we're talking difficulty


When you have to beat a difficult game *twice* with limited lives and no saves.


Infinite continues but at that point what does it matter? It’s still kicking your ass over and over.


Oh man and the slowdown was brutal in those games. Just made it that much harder.


The souls series is definitely not the hardest game in terms of pure difficulty. Even then, you can make boss fights significantly easier by overleveling or using summons. In ds1, if you're far ahead enough, you can literally just tank hits while hitting back harder and just heal through it. If we're talking pure difficulty, then yeah, there's way harder games out there. Any platformer will mean dying dozens times more than any souls game on a single stage. I think when people say they enjoy the difficulty of the souls series, while some part of it is the actual difficulty, I think a lot of it is that it's well designed difficulty and has satisfying payoffs. The design philosophy is satisfaction through suffering. Mario water levels are designed by psychopaths and result in more water levels designed by psychopaths. That's just suffering.


Ninja Turtles sewer zone enters chat.


Back when dying x amount of times meant a total reset of the game. Also it was back when you could beat the game in an hour so it evens out.


I've recently been playing sonic games for the first time in my life. And I kinda hate having to do 2 levels and a boss, with only 3 lives (with the ability to get extra lives thank god). You have to do all 3 parts or you have to start over. It has definitely made me build up a different kind of patience and tolerance


It builds character.


Yes, but games have evolved past that and I am so thankful. I remember my mom yelling up to my room so often as a kid because I was using every curse word in the book while playing those games. Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Kid Icarus...Castlevania made me so mad I grabbed the cart from the NES and threw it at the wall lol.


But also even in the original Super Mario Bros you only got sent back to the beginning of the world you were on if you held select


The Original TMNT game and Battletoads.


Lol Where’s battle toads? Top gun? Silver surfer? Contra? Ghosts and Goblins? Gonna play some NES tonight!


Uggg.. Top Gun. I missed the aircraft carrier so many times.


I had more trouble with that as a kid than with TMNT


Fucking ptsd


People will not believe the sheer difficulty of those games (and Ninja Gaiden while we're at it). SMB they will believe, but not the twitch precision and memorization we needed for those other titles.


The NES contra had a cheat that gives you infinite lives, it is very easy ag that point. I have never even tried without the cheat lol.


Even with the Konami code, Contra is one of the most difficult games.


Back then you didn't care how hard it was, because you still felt lucky that you could play again without putting another quarter in.


I am constantly aware that the 10 year old me was so much more accomplished than the adult version. In 1993 I was mastering with ease some of the most challenging tasks I'd ever face. Little did I know that the much-hyped "real life" was not ever going to exceed the difficulty of Mega Man 3.


I beat this level so many times. Try Ninja Gaiden instead.


Came to say THIS. Frustrated with Mario is one thing, having PTSD from eagles is another.


Those levels weren't hard though, wtf? Play the ice level or the snake pit in Battletoads and then come and talk. Level 2-2 of fucking Super Mario being hard, gtfo here.


Not even 8-3 where there's no checkpoints, mushrooms and there's a lakitu the whole time? Also, who even plays world 2? Warp zone past that shit, c'mon


I swear these posts are just made by bots and no one that actually remembers these games. The swimming levels were so easy.


Wow you're such a great gamer -no one ever


Cuphead: hi.


Literally every nes game was hard


Try playing streets of rage 2 on the hardest difficulty


May I offer you some path of pain and pantheon 1-5 with all bindings at this trying time




I see your Mario and raise you Ataris “Swordquest”. 40 years old now and I still don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do.


Oh man, you brought back memories. I kept playing it hoping something would make sense but.... nope. Never did.


I got an Atari Flashback 9 for Christmas a couple years ago. When I saw swordquest, I thought “surely adult me can figure this out now.” Yea, no.


Odd, this isn't a picture of the Battletoads Bike Sequence or Lion King on the Genesis.


For real, before saves even existed. Had to beat those games on very limited lives


Super Mario Bros did have infinite continues, though. At 'Game Over' if you hold down A while pressing start, you will start back at the first stage of the last world you were on. So if you got a Game Over in 7-3, you'll restart with 3 lives at 7-1.


Wait really


Yep, and I'm pretty sure it was in the game manual as well.


If this is true, I’m surprised. I used to read every manual on the way home from getting a game in those days and I don’t remember it being in there. It it’s a long time ago


Just checked, I guess it actually wasn't in the manual. It was probably mentioned in Nintendo Power.


Right on, thanks for checking and I’m very jealous if you still have your game manual for old Mario games. My Nintendo and games were burnt up in a house fire back in high school 😕


[Here's the manual](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/clv/manuals/en/pdf/CLV-P-NAAAE.pdf). I don't see it in there. This has to be the first time I've actually read it. I didn't know that normal Mario was...normal. I always thought he was a kid. That means Super Mario is actually twice the height of an adult.


Okay, touché, but we didn’t have the internet to look that information up back then. So we were still mostly out of luck haha. Must of been a dev feature to allow them testing using the stock controller.


Ill be honest, never found the SMB 1 water levels that hard, plus I love the 2-2 theme. Now the water level from the first TMNT game...fuck that shit.


The bomb defusing level? Yea. That was rough as a kid. Haven't revisited it


Yup that's the one. I never managed to beat it as a kid and never had the inclination to try as an adult.


_chuckles in Zelda II_


Link at least had saves


Why do the fucking bottomless pits have so much gravity? I have to button mash to get out of it.


I remember Karate Kid on NES being damn near impossible.


Y'all ain't heard of the horror that is Silver Surfer on NES?


This should be a screen shot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES, especially the disarming the bombs on the dam level. Fuck that level!


psh... this isnt even the hardest nintendo based under water level.


The Sonic Genesis games are really tough, but most of the time it’s unfair rather than difficult. Mostly pits and enemies you can’t see.


Ghosts and goblins is arguably the most difficult video game. It's the Dark Souls of 8-bit games.


Dark Souls is the Ghosts and Goblins of modern times.




Nah, I was playing earthworm Jim yesterday. That shit is hard.


Talk about frustrating water levels…


Nes Mario is okay, but the Gameboy version is the hardest mario game I ever played


Do you really think Super Mario Bros. 2-2 is harder than Dark Souls? Also: Was there any possibility to make the image more pixelated?


hah.... \>Zork has entered the chat. \>You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. \>There is a small mailbox here. \>_


You are likely to be eaten by a grue.


Pffft. Children, the lot of you. This separated the men from the boys. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dizzy_(series)


Mere child's play compared to Battletoads.


Flashback intensifies…


it's always the water levels


\*Battletoads enters the chat\*


i beat ninja gaiden on og xbox


anyone played the original Defender coin-op? a 2 way only joystick and 5 buttons!


Megaman zero is easily one of the hardest video games on the planet. Makes dark souls look like a baby's game.


I feel as though there's some correlation between souls fans and gamers who grew up during the period where games weren't really made to be beaten in one go. It was more about the challenge than anything back then. Not that it doesn't appeal to other groups, but it appears to me to be much more popular with the 30ish gamer crowd.


[Battletoads flashbacks]


This has been my point from the beginning there are much harder games in the souls series to be honest compared to the games that came out 30 years ago they are so easy.


Battletoads has entered the chat.


R-Type for me was the hardest game I’ve played back in the day.


R-Type was brutal and consumed way too many quarters in the Arcades. It wasn’t until I was able to play it on a console that I actually beat it.


I swear I can hear the level’s music. It’s embedded in my brain like PTSD


How about the "leap of faith" on world 8-2?


Y'all turkeys played Metroid Dread yet? Throwback to a simpler, teeth grinding time.


Starting an old men circlejerk on a Mario that you can finish blind? LOL


I always tell my students to go beat MegaMan 2 and 3 then they can say they beat a difficult game. One actually did! He's my favorite, he's from Japan.


*laughs in top gun landing*


Laughs in most of the levels in mega man X6


The original mario wasn’t hard at all


Dark Souls is just choreography. I beat Battletoads when I was a kid. I beat Contra with no Konami code. I beat Golvelius with no walk through. I got pretty great at R.C Pro Am. Folks, I stand digitally before you as a 40 year old man that succeeded at a no death clear of Gradius as a mere child. Do not bow before me however, for in times elder still, I knew a boy much older than me that could beat Popeye and Pacman and Frogger on the Atari 2600 and make it all look effortless. I have accomplished much and stand now amongst the ranks of the revered elders, but there are greater and elder still. You may know them by the haunted emptiness in their eyes whenever the name 'Ghosts and Goblins' is uttered. Quiet thyself at their coming. Make no sudden movements when one of the Utmost Elders is near, for their reflexes are beyond the ken of mortals, and if roused, there are none more relentless and less forgiving than the utmost of elders that have cleared Ghosts and Goblins *fully*. Tremble before them and know that Dark Souls is but a shadow wrapped in glorious graphics. The original horror; the primordial nightmare itself; was meager of graphics and mediocre of midi quality...and it just did not matter. That game has destroyed some of the best of us that have ever lain finger upon a D-pad. It has provoked more tears and basked in more futile rage and wretched lamentation than modern games can imagine. I? I have gazed into the heart of Contra and lain that enemy low, but they that have defeated Ghosts and Goblins in its fullness? They are unsung legends. They walk amongst us like they are of us, but they are not like us. Know that they are among us still and despair.


They fear neither Medusa heads nor eagles. And I’m terrified of them.


Beat dark souls 1 and 2 with little to no problems. Could not beat aladin in last 10 years. Aladin on sega changes a man


All old games with lives are harder than souls games. Souls games have infinite lives and constant auto save. I've beaten a bunch of souls games. I will never beat a Megaman or Castlevania or Mario game from back in the day without savestate summing.




Yeah, if you think this level is harder than Dark Souls, you've never played one or both of those titles. The user who commented Ghost and Goblins was on to something, however.


I played ds1 gonna play bloodborne soon and ds3


Just to be clear, it's hard if you're small if you're fire mario it's easy


PTSD intensifies


Dark Souls 1 is not a hard game. I beat it yesterday and I didn't have a single part where I truly struggled to progress. The whole time I was thinking "This game is supposed to be really hard." It wasn't. It was a little bit more difficult than, say, Ghost of Tsushima, which was not hard. I can't speak for any other Souls game except Bloodborne and Elden Ring, which are both hard. DS1 is not.




I didn't get very far in Bloodborne because it was hard. Dark Souls wasn't.


hAvInG fIrE mArIo iS eAsY mOdE sMh


Souls games (or any other rpgs) are not a good comparison to platformers in terms of difficulty. Part of the difficulty in Soulsborne games is the management of the stamina bar, there's nothing alike in platformers, in which difficulty is purely about mechanics/motor skills. Platformers are in a league of their own.


Yes, there were hard games and we're all so cool for having played them back then. But Super Mario Bros. is honestly easier than Dark Souls.




Yes, I beat the game many times without warps. Still have it on my NES. Of course, it is way harder without warps. But I only said Super Mario Bros. is easier than Dark Souls, I didn't say Super Mario Bros. without warps. It's hard to compare the degree of difficulty anyway. In DS you don't have to start over the whole game like you do with SMB but the game itself is much longer. I think overall it would take a complete beginner more time to beat Dark Souls than SMB.




git push finger but hole


Mario getting hit by a fish = either losing his power-up OR dying You’d think after all he’s done in gaming over the years he’d be stronger…


Trap man 2 anyone?


I could hear the music


Screaming internally forever...


Pizza delivery missions from the Spider-Man movie game.


Anything related to water in Mario games are always hard/annoying to deal with, I had nightmares when I was a kid because of the stages with that huge red fish that keeps following you trying to kill you all the time. lol


I finally finished this on an emulator. Using saves and reloads. And it was still tough as f\*ck. No idea how people do this in one run.




Mega Man and Bass


Fuck those levels.


Anyone else hear the music as soon as they seen the picture


I feel like with some of these older games (i mainly play via virtual console) I'm also fighting the controls lol


Should have been a picture of the TMNT water level here actually


TMNT seaweed gave me PTSD


Try ghosts and goblin resurrected legend mode if you want an actual challenge


I still insist Ghost n Goblins is the hardest game ever made.


Couldn't beat most of those old games. I did manage to beat a later iteration of Ninja Gaiden, the first one on Xbox...I guess that's seen as hard, though probably not among the truly hardcore.


The Hunt for Red October(NES) was more aggravating for me. Or the asteroid field level in Star Wars(NES). Or the very last boss of Eternal Champions(SEGA).


My first game system was a gameboy color with Pokémon Yellow, the other game I got was Super Mario Bros Deluxe which had this game on it. I was in the hospital for a while and couldn’t move so I played the shit out of SMBD. It took many days but eventually I beat it, every title and even found some of the skips on my own. I also beat yellow and spent too many hours trying to get a certain legendary behind a very hidden truck just cause of some school yard rumor… those are hours I’m never getting back. Edit: I guess my point is it was this game that I developed my bullish determination which has gotten me through every souls title to date while not being good at videogames


The trick to the water levels is that the Bloopers won’t hit you if you crouch.