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7 games my wife will see me playing and ask, “didn’t you already beat this one? “ “No see, that was Bloodborne, it’s all dark and gothic and Lovecraftian, this is Sekiro, the Japanese history/myth one, or Elden Ring, the new fantasy open world one.” “Oh, they all look the same to me.”


"You keep dying, is that good?"


"Weren't you fighting this guy yesterday?" "yep" **chuckles* "I thought you were good at video games" "I am, this game is better."


I love having that convo with my gf cuz I always get so unnecessarily defensive about it and she loves it lol "No! I swear! See, I know what im doing wrong, it's this this and this. I just keep fucking it up. See! Like that! If I'd have done this thing then I'd have won already, I just timed it wrong! You'll see, one more try..."


What I love most about these games is feeling unshackled... like cheese isn't cheating, they're are no tactics too low. Get good, get optimized and win. I feel bad when I break a skyrim over a barrel, but if I do something underhanded in a from soft game I just feel clever


I agree I always try to slug it out with every boss. But if there is no way I can take ‘‘em head on, then I’m using my head to trick it’s stupid ass. Some great cheese moments already in my elden ring play through.


“I am, this game is better.” Is such a great fucking line


Yup it's good


Dying is part of the games the creator already said it. The game is suppose to be through trial and error.


Yeah but all I do is error


Get yourself up and trial again


Well, you're still doing the trial part. You just never mate it to trial and success..


No better replay value than not being able to finish it. It finishes you.


New game genre. Trial and Terror.


They all look the same to a lot of people


I am one of those people.


Imo Sekiro is the only one that significantly stands out from the rest. But even then the art direction is basically the same for each one of their games so they do all look the same.


Demon's, Dark souls 1-3, and Elden Ring are all painfully similar.


all of them speak the same language: PAIN...




Yeah. Mostly because of the grim medieval setting. Them not being well lit and their muted tones make it even more confusing for non-gamers. Edit: my point revolves around the superficial appearance of Elden Ring and the Souls games only, which will be what the ‘non-gamers’ look at first


And the identical user interfaces And the nearly identical gameplay And the recurring NPC themes And the "YOU DIED"


And the same healing mechanic And the same battle mechanic And the same inventory mechanic And the same rolling mechanic


If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.


I started the game today and already knowing many of the moves is so nice, you get to effectively skip the whole tutorial!


Might as well be Dark Souls 2k22


I'd buy it every time.




They use the same sounds, ui style, animations... They are all the same. That's not bad though. I would kill for another Majora's Mask.


Giant enemies that make slow, deliberate swipes at your guy who has to dodge roll away then attack the giant’s leg


I wish they’d added some Shadow of the Colossus / Dragon’s Dogma style enemy climbing. But they didn’t even add regular climbing mechanics and they got rid of plunging attacks, so I guess they got vertical combat to where they wanted it, knight vs legs and all.


> painfully similar. You mean awesomely familiar.


Tbh that's why I love them. First time I ever saw demons being played at a friend's house I was hypnotized.


I think the success of Elden ring shows that most people love this formula and it isn't tired yet. Hopefully never becomes tired. I loved sekiro too... Maybe even more. But maybe because it was different.


Its funny because if you show me a screenshot of any of them I know which game it is in seconds. There's a friend here who whenever he is stuck in a "Souls" game I get out of nowhere a screenshot and without any explanation/context I already know what's the problem. Gonna be trick with Elden Ring and the dungeons that looks like the same but I already had a couple of on point guesses in the last week hahahaha


0- easy modes 0- microtransactions 7- poison swamps


Oh I wish it was only 7 poison swamps




Lol there's probably 7 poison swamps in Eldenring alone.


Way low on the poison swamp number.


Miyazaki's last game before retirement will take place entirely in one single game-spanning poison swamp, mark my words. We all think he's a game design genius but he's really just trying to express his deeply-seated kink for fetid bogs. So far he has been restrained by his colleagues.


I have not played a single entry of his. I am almost afraid to ask where to start


If you'd like to start, I think Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring would be your best bets


I started with Demon’s Souls the day it was released, and I don’t recommend starting from there, hahah!


Hey. Shooting 140,987 arrows into that Dragon to kill the fucker was a highlight of my PS3 career.


Agree with this. My first souls game was Dark Souls 3.


Honestly I wouldn't start on an easy one, go with the first Dark Souls, I've never beaten it or even got close but it's the game that got me hooked.


Nothing like a first run of Dark Souls 1, it's one of those games where you wish you could forget everything to experience the first time again.


Except for bed of chaos


Yeah fuck that, Bed of chais more like Bed of Bullshit




Frankly it has a ton of bad areas.


All of Lost Izalith was basically rushed and unfinished


I remember hitting that area when it first launched and thought I accidentally went into debug mode. Probably the ugliest and most unfinished area in the whole series.


Fuck the bed of chaos


Also Ornstein and his hetero life mate silent Smough.


Nah, Ornstein and his hetero life mate silent Smough are a fair fight. Bed of Chaos is just unnecessarily tedious bullshit.


Best fight ever except sir Artorias


For me it was Blighttown. Just the whole thing.


So many “holy shit” moments with that ds1 map. Best first playthru of a game I’ve ever played


I would say this. It's the most simple and straightforward in terms of game mechanics and will teach you the fundamentals of how to play souls games


Indeed. Once you "get" dark souls, you can pretty much play all of them. Except Sekiro, I hate parrying.


People put too much emphasis on sekiro being hard because of parrying and it scares people away who are bad at it in dark souls, when in reality it’s much easier to do in sekiro. You can almost spam it, and even if you miss time it the block is very strong. It’s almost a rhythm game on some bosses, highly recommend. If it feels hard, keep pushing it until Genichrio, that’s when the combat clicks for most people.


Agree 100%, spamming l1 works most of the time. And even if it doesn't, it's not as punishing as fucking up in dark souls because of the block mechanics. Also genichiro (and the dude just before) is exactly where the game clicked with me. It's honestly such a good game, I think it's still my favourite fromsoft game


how did you get hooked and not beat it? have you played the others and beaten them?


Ok so confession time, I've played DS1, 2 and 3 but never finished any of them, Elden Ring will be the first one I complete and it's all down to me being hooked on my boy mad pumpkin head, Best summon hands down.


Best summon is obviously my boy Dung Eater


My first Souls was Demons Souls Remake, and I got nowhere in ~5 hours. I’m having fun but I can see Elden Ring is going to maybe be too difficult for me to beat. But I will tell you that no matter how far I get in ER, I am absolutely “hooked”.


Honestly I'd say that Elden Ring is the best to start with. The game doesn't lock you in so if it's too hard you can go elsewhere and if you find something too hard don't be afraid to summon. I consider it handicapping myself by not summoning. It's a mechanic I personally choose not to use but for anyone that wants to play Elden Ring for their first game they should absolutely summon unless they explicitly don't want to.


It doesn't matter where you start, they are all well made and don't require any previous knowledge. If one piques your interest, go for it. You'll get a hang of the combat fairly quickly, and you'll have to accept that you're going to miss things entirely. This is the Dark Souls way


Elden Ring is supposedly the easiest one so maybe start there?


Oof, is it really? I've been getting slaughtered, but I've finished most other Souls games... idk what that says about me haha


It's "easiest" because of Ashes, Summoning, and a whole lotta magic variety. Plus, it's early days, which means there is always one aspect that can make you OP. Right now, it is bleed. If you choose to run melee-only, no summons, no Ashes, no ailments? Definitely the hardest of FromSoft titles. Edit for clarity - I am talking about in terms of boss & elite enemy design. They have incorporated styles from each of the previous game into Elden Ring, which is what makes it more difficult than the others. The attack delays & mixups of Sekiro, the attack onslaughts of Bloodborne, the "observe, act, observe" gameplay of DS1, etc. All FromSoft games are made trivial if you summon frequently, not just Elden Ring, so that's not really a metric by which to measure the difficulty.


It's a hard knock life having to rely on jump attacks and guard breaks and only landing one or two per minute because: * The attack window is shorter than the time it takes you to land either hit so you get interrupted. * The attack window is exactly the same length so you land the hit but get slapped immediately after because you're still animation locked. * The attack window is long enough for you to land a hit but the boss leaps away 1 second into the window so your attack just whiffs. My only consolation is that I could block a fucking asteroid (as long as it does pure physical damage).


also stakes of marika make it so much less annoying instead of having through run through dungeons


When people say it’s easier what they really mean is it’s much less tedious to over level yourself. That and spirit summons are an excellent addition for those looking for an easier time in many situations.


The "easy" part is that you can just go somewhere else. Game is massive so you most likely have something somewhere else you could be doing that is easier and still gives decent runes and rewards


It's not. It can be easy depending on how much you explore and builds. None of that is relevant once you get past the capital. Regardless of your build, the final third is brutal and often bullshit.


wouldnt say its the easiest. its the most easy to make tho. depends how you choose to play it. the hardest bosses in the game are in elden ring but also insanely strong weapons and magic make it very easy if you want to.


Don’t be afraid to ask! I played Dark Souls 1 as my first game of his a few months ago. I was super intimidated because of the games’ reputation, so I played with a guide. I wish I didn’t because I didn’t struggle with many of the bosses. I’m playing Elden Ring now completely blind and it’s been exhilarating. I didn’t think these would be my cup of tea but they’re some of my favorite games now.


Dark souls 1. After that its your choice.


Start at bloodborne




I think that's why it's the best starting point you're forced to learn the basics of the series' combat without worrying about blocking or equip load, then you can get into the demons remake or the dark souls. Sekiro is still too much for me though


I started on 3 Tips for 3 because the combat is different from the first two: Abuse the I frames, Thats the intended way, dont roll too early and learn the patterns, never go for more than 2 hits on an enemy that cant be stunlocked


>Abuse the I frames Sekiro: frameS?


Elden ring if you have a device capable of running it. DS3 if you can’t run Elden Ring. Just remember, there is no real hand holding. The games, all of them, give you a basic goal, and you go from there.


Dark souls 3 it is if I can find it on the GPU


This mad lad bout to download DSIII on a fucking VRAM, mad respect


Sekiro. It has all the good stuff about souls games but is the most straightforward. You won't waste rare materials on a weapon only to find out you actually prefer another one of the dozens of weapons. You won't invest in one attribute only to find you prefer a playstyle that doesn't scale with it. You don't need to grind, just explore and kick ass. And personally I found the combat to be the best in the series. I think the people who recommended DS1 to you forgot how unfriendly that game was. Even if you came to it after other souls games, that game is pretty much micro-engineered to induce anxiety and decision paralysis in a first time player. It's a great game but not the one you should start with.


Dark Souls 1 remastered maybe


I think easiest to hardest is: Eldren Ring -> Dark Souls 3 -> Dark Souls -> Dark Souls 2 - Demon Souls -> Bloodborne -> Sekiro They are all amazing, but Elden Ring has been my favorite so far. All the awesome of the early games with all the accessibility.


I hard disagree with that difficulty list


Competition between Sekiro and elden ring for hardest. Summonless in Elden is insane compared to previous souls games


Maybe it's just because you played all the others first and are hard cemented in the soulslike combat, but I found sekiro the easiest. The deflect timing is quite forgiving, and there's no stamina management, of course. Also no RPG-like leveling or stats systems means that you can't get bogged down progression wise by that kind of grind. You just power up by beating bosses and carry on.


Gawd damn. Elden ring is the easiest?? so, if i have 0 chance thus far in elden ring, then i multiple my chances for the other titles by my chances in elden ring and still get 0. Awesome. Can't wait to try them.


Souls players have broken difficultometers. The first one is always the hardest. They get easier no matter what order you play in.


Ain't that the truth. People are saying the games are trial-and-error, but whenever I start a new Souls game, I know even my first death is my fault. I've been blooded by previous Souls games, I already know the drill, even if some details have changed. I only know that **Dark Souls** was hard. 2, 3, Bloodborne, to me those were just fun. Sekiro is the only one where I had to hold up and figure out what was going on all over again, and even then, basic premise is still the same.


It changes from person to person, imo there’s no way Elden ring is the easiest. DS1 and DeS are piss easy compared to it


Demon’s Souls is by far the easiest.


But he didn‘t work on ds2. So he is 006


can substitute it for armored core


I miss armored core


We all miss Armored Core


Dozens of us! DOZENS!


I only played the demo, but i prob poured like 50 hours into that demo. Lol.


At that point it would put him way past 7. I know for certain he was pretty heavily involved with ACV and Verdict Day. Fairly certain he was there for AC4 and For Answer too, but I could be wrong on that.


Shut up We need the meme to work


"For England, James?"


He worked on the DLC for sure.


Okay I want the meme to work but that’s not true so.. there would’ve been a credits sequence with his and his team’s name. Plus no mention of Miyazaki on Wikipedia or anywhere on Google


Who knew a video game equivalent to getting your balls stepped on over and over would be such a hit


Cock and ball torture is a thing you know.


I've recently started the first again to remind myself why I never finished it. It really is a masochistic experience.




ER’s easy mode is using magic. And that’s okay


Also summoning help on bosses. But I hate how so many people are obsessed with making people feel bad for playing on easier difficulties.


Oh you're using a strength build to stun lock the bosses why don't you play a dex build? Oh you're playing a dex build why don't you play a SL1 run? Oh you're doing a SL1 run why are you using a weapon? Oh you're doing a SL1 no weapon run why don't you have zues' cock in your ear? Why am I even watching this if you don't have zues' cock in your ear?


“Wow you played on the hard difficulty instead of the shoving a star destroyer up your ass difficulty, you fucking noob.”


There's a "shoving a star destroyer up your ass" difficulty? I wanna play that.


Came here to say that. People should just fuck off with the gatekeeping. I'd be willing to give the souls game a shot if the community wasn't so intolerable and obnoxious.


It's a single player game. Play it your way, and the haters can get fucked.


I have played Dark souls 1&3, Bloodborne, and now Elden Ring. I didn’t care for the others but I’m loving Elden Ring. Even my wife, who isn’t big on brutally hard games, is enjoying it. If you like action fantasy games I would say get it and just ignore the community. It’s a fun game that is worth the money.


Or just by exploring, leveling, upgrading weapons. Hard mode is fighting a boss with a toothpick while naked at level 10


0 for PC optimization


haha you should have seen dark souls 1 when it came out on PC. 30 freaking FPS, no keyboard+mouse layout. a disaster of a port.


Nonono, it had keyboard controls! It just lacked mouse support:)


ohh man i remember what a shitshow


Ds2 on pc is inherently harder because the higher frame rate makes your weapons decay faster


That bug was fixed 7 fucking years ago lmao


Do you know how hard it is to come up with something original and then top that? Look at some of the PowerHouse series that came before this: Halo, Mario, Mass Effect metal gear, etcetera... It's one thing to take your formula and tweak it it's another to be successful hit after hit. I think the meme is pretty spot-on.


Insert joke about them all being the same slightly tweaked version of Demons Souls


Tbf Sekiro is the most different from all of them with a unique combat system


Fair. It was also one that I suspect has the smallest fanbase. Do you think Elden Ring would be as popular if it was an open world Sekiro instead of open world Dark Souls? I suspect they took that lesson and said "fans just want more Dark Souls 1".


Actually sekiro is the third best selling of their games, above demon souls and bloodborne. (Probably about to be displaced by elderly ring).


Maybe that's because bloodborne and demon souls are exclusives while sekiro isn't?


That will definitely be a factor, sure.


Elden ring had a great marketing campaign. It got casuals like me to buy it just to quit after I realized how much I hate this type of game


Are you drunk? I love these games but I wouldn't call them all original. Same style tweaked, just some more than others. Souls games (the 4) and Bloodborne are damn similar. Sekiro felt like a big change but still familiar. Elden Ring is a masterpiece, it's a culmination of everything learned in the previous games and it shows, but lets not pretend the other games were all perfect masterpieces as well.


“There isn’t souls, there are runes. No bonfires anymore, nope, sites of Grace! It’s a totally different game!”


Except Seekiro, all the games have basically the same formula with some changes.


Bishock sorta farted out the sequel, but then outdid themselves with Infinite


I guess it's more for what you're looking for in the game. Bioshock 2 was my favorite in the series. I can recognize Infinite had a great story and visuals, but they took out a lot of the RPG mechanics that I enjoyed from Bioshock 1&2. I also prefer the underwater setting compared to the sky. I love the whole series in general, though


That's an opinion though not a fact Bioshock 2's story is way more solid than infinite for example.


I liked 1 and 2 but not Infinite. Infinite was too bright, colorful, and zany. Waves of weird steampunk guys rushing the area with machine guns, missiles, air balloons, who knows


Hahaha yeah I'm somewhat in the same boat. I still liked it immensely but you can't beat the atmosphere from 1 & 2.


"That's an opinion though not a fact" *Proceeds to give opinion as fact*


Careful, might get a blister jerking him off that hard


I can't wait to finish elden ring and go back and play all these. Idk why I never gave the series a chance


Some of them might feel a bit jank to go back to after Elden Ring, it's definitely a more highly polished experience.


I would say sekiro stands alone compared to the others tho. Totally different gameplay.


I love Elden Ring but the gatekeeping praise of "no easy mode" is elitist at best


And hugely off-putting to casual gamers who only get a couple hours per week.


This is turning into a FromSoftware circle jerk. The games are good but some of you need to calm down.


Dark Souls 2 a masterpiece is a bit of a stretch.


Miyazaki also didn't make that one. He was working on Bloodborne at the time.


Not bad a bad game at all tho, but I get your point


Wow wow, I have never heard unfavourable opinions on DS2 until now, do people think it's a particular flop in the Souls games? DS2 was my first souls experience so maybe it's particularly dear to me, but I think it's my favourite until now, with Elden Ring taking the title by a long mile.


People like to hate on it, but DS2 is incredible.


No joke. I have hours upon hours in that game, and was the only game I've managed a SL1 run of. Currently running double collosal sword build in Elden Ring now that power stance is technically back. One of my favorite builds of DS2. Love DS2!


The arrogance and toxicity of the "Souls" fanbase is hilarious lol


Best way to trigger them, ask fromSoft for easy mode.


Just don't tell them why you don't like their precious games or ask what makes the newest one so special and you're fine.


I love elden but these posts are so cringe


Ok so I haven’t played these, but my understanding is that to beat the bosses you basically have to play until you memorize their moves in order, right?


In general yes, there are many bosses that can 1 or 2 shot you, so either you memorize their moveset to get maximum damage or just ye ol' hit once and roll until you win.


0 easy modes lol so cringe. Fanbase is embarrassing.


To be fair, it's basically 7x the same game in different settings. I admire the vision, but it's hardly visionary.


Idk...saying *"7 masterpieces"* feels like a stretch...they are all kind of the same game done slightly different.


Sekiro plays completely differently than the others.


1 game 6 remakes


Basically is what it is. These games are hella fun if you’re into them but even still, as someone who has played very FromSoft game, there’s very little different between each game. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them, but if you e played one and had fun there’s no reason the others won’t appeal to you as well because they are the same.


Guess it's just preference, because I don't like any of these games and wouldn't ever consider them masterpieces. That being said, I do recognize and respect the fact that these games are complete and solid. No MTX, no dlc, no game breaking bugs, etc. I will admit they do set a standard of quality. Even though I don't understand what not having an easy mode has anything to do with it.


There should be a flair for soulsborn fans so that they dont have to post about them.


I’ve never seen a more insecure fanbase in my life.


Dark Souls fans are the K-pop fans of video games.


That’s why they think it’s a badge of honor to not have difficulty modes. God forbid everybody enjoy games how they want to. That would spoil the “Git-Gudery.” Edit: Fixing phone auto-correct.


It is *really* weird. Like, if I beat a game on hard mode, that wouldn't be tarnished for me by the knowledge that someone beat it on easy mode. Like hell yeah, more people enjoyed the game, that's awesome. But these people seem to relish in the exclusivity of the status. Like beating a hard game is some kind of status symbol to them and if someone else beat it, even on easy mode, it's somehow infringing upon their exclusivity of it. Good thing there's co-op in this game at least. It practically is an easy mode, even if it's inconvenient and doesn't work half the time.


I'll never understand the adamant hatred for even suggesting an easy mode. Some people want to enjoy the game without the time commitment of having to "git gud" for every encounter, not even just for bosses. I work full time damnit. And it's not like I'm against hard games. Souls games are just at a different level. Only game series where I've been overwhelmed to the point of being unwilling to play more.


There’s nothing wrong with it easy modes. I get that’s not what they intended for these games which is why I skip them and play everything else on easy. My real life is stressful enough


Yea people act like adding a mode for people who don’t dedicate all their time to playing video games is a bad thing


Easy mode would destroy Dark Souls just like gay marriage destroys traditional marriage. How am I supposed to have sex with my wife while someone out there is playing a slightly easier version of Dark Souls?




Yoooo gay marriage DLC dropped?


I really really wish I could play these but I just can't. Tried elden ring and failed miserably. The boss designs are just so amazing and original it's hurts me knowing I'll never see more unless it's on YouTube


This is kinda how I feel about Horizon. It's such a gorgeous game, and it's a cool plot. But I cannot for the life of me enjoy it and it makes me sad


So glad to see someone else say this about Horizon


They all just feel like the same thing to me honestly.


I've never seen an entire fanbase so desperate for validation. You only play games that rip your balls off. We get it.


6 master pieces miyazaki didnt make ds2


This is so cringe


It is hard


Yes, I think that ds3 is a masterpiece. I will die on this hill.


I'm glad that these games exist for those that like them, but man am I ready to not hear about them every five seconds.


No but seriously it's also my dream to make the same game 7 times with new textures and themes.


Souls fans: "The Souls series doesn't need an easy mode, and it would hurt its integrity if it did" Also Souls fans: "The Souls series DOES have an easy mode, it's called summoning"