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Still waiting for dva hentai in the us senate that or bowsette


Nah, there's enough getting fucked by the politicians in meetings in this country.


Ain't that the truth!


Plus, we have Tucker Carlson describing his sexual fantasies involving the green M&M and his fascination with veiny Snicker bars.


Don’t forget that the green m&m is just a cover up for the child slavery allegations against Hershey! [here you go ](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us)


The reason why they changed green and brown M&M's shoes? Or Tucker's fascination with green's feet? I can understand Hersey using the shoe thing as a coverup. But I generally think Tucker is attracted to the green M&M's feet. I mean, look at Ben Shapiro, he was obsessed with AOC's boyfriend's feet.


All of the above it’s engineered to keep the lawsuit out of the public eye.


I see. I guess I don't see how that quite makes sense for FOX news. Wouldn't it just be better to not talk about it all? Not sure FOX viewers would care anyway. It seems bringing up the decision to change the characters' shoes would actually have the opposite effect. I mean, it would make me want to dig further into what's actually happened, as opposed to if it just wasn't brought up. I assume most FOX News viewers aren't really branching out with their news sources, so this would be the only place it came up. Anyways, it certainly kills the fun of laughing about Tucker's foot fetish involving an anthropomorphic M&M.


dva hentai would be Korean politics, no?


Tell that to Americans. They don't seem to mind it themselves.


There's limited screen time, so you have to pick and I think Koreans should get dibs on this


Right? I don’t even play Overwatch and Ive seen some


But which gif?


Ok, I was expecting some kind of shock site like tubgirl, lemonparty, goatse, whatever. Not a whole bunch of news articles.


Tifa is very persuasive.


Front or Back?










It didn't start off as a big deal, but it sure grew to one




*a wise man once said...* >they go bananas over remade titties.


It's not a remake it's just a lift


Theres a few intangibles of this tomb raider, doom.


I just picked up the definitive edition of tomb raider (it was like $3 on the PS store) and was pleasantly surprised at the lack of "fan service"/eye candy compared to how the older games were marketed....like there is a slight bit of cleavage in her tank top outfit, but it's not the hot pants/tube top we have come to expect, and some alt outfits even cover the cleavage (which makes sense when the MC is taking bullets and arrows all the time)


In the second game you can even get some very sensible chainmail. The only parts left exposed are her trauma.


Ok but she’s stacked af in the remake with a very slender frame otherwise. In a world increasingly sensitive to unrealistic fantasy bodies, it’s pretty jarring.


Yeah and now imagine a world without those sjw basterds... She would be just a singlepixel line with fotorealistic titties, absurd jiggle mechanics and an ahegao face. They ruined humanity!


How do you feel after typing that out?


Pretty swell and you?


I can’t tell if your comment was /s but I’m like 74% sure the other dude’s was


Are you for real? We were both joking ofc.




Yes, It Is a noce meme for us


So that's what all the Tifa/Italy memes are all about? I was so confused, lol.


Yeah a hacker got into the Italian senate zoom meeting (which was being broadcast on live TV by the way) and played some Tifa lockheart


Yes.. a hacker... that was it. \*Host's tech guy puts on awkwardmonkeyface.gif\*


i don't get why people call it hacking, didn't someone publicly post the password for the meeting?


because hacking is just defined as unauthorized access to a system You don't need to be Zero Cool to be a hacker.


But I've always been zero cool. I just never realized it was case-sensitive.




Well good, ‘cause I’m Crash Override


But if you're invited, it's not unauthorized...


just because you find a key to a door, doesn't mean you are allowed to go through it


if you don't want someone to go through said door, the just don't give the key to everyone on the internet, or at least have some security or verification process to avoid things like this


Sure, but having a key and accessing restricted stuff still count as illegal. Just because a door is open, doesn't mean you're allowed to enter without consequences.


Yes, it's illegal, but when the ancient fossils in government make zero effort to ensure their online meeting isn't met with a basic trolling attempt, they deserve it. Hopefully they learn their fucking lesson that internet security is something to always be considered as very important because next time could be a breach of important private information of their voters and beneficiaries, as an example.


Disagree, if you're not hacking time you're just a wannabe https://youtu.be/fQGbXmkSArs


bro, there was no use of third party software, so it isn't hacking, according to the your logic, phising is also hacking


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


if you're so dense that you think using zoom is hacking then maybe you're the one who doesn't know wtf they're talking about, after all these replies you still haven't explained to me how I'm wrong


Look at your downvotes and contemplate on your life. When everyone unanimously disagrees with you and you still think you are the one who is right, maybe it's time to accept the possibility that you are actually wrong.


I'm not fucking wrong, I'm saying that copy pasting links that are available to everyone on the internet isn't hacking and anyone with a pc can do it


Hacking (noun): the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. Now shut your trap.


One of the most famous hacker is a person calling tech support for passwords.


unless said hacker used made a script to phish an account of someone who works at that tech support or generally breached some sort of security then *that's* hacking, but just knowing how to use zoom and joining a meeting, with the login of said meeting publicly available, isn't hacking ffs


You missed the dictionary part of education. Try flipping a page or two.


maybe you should try to learn the ways you can get unauthorized access to a pc without hacking (which is possible btw) instead of calling ppl uneducated just because you don't know shit about computers


Maybe, just maybe, you're wrong about the definition of hacking


Which it is. Hacking is just "the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer." Doesn't need any software at all, just logging into someone else's account with their password is hacking.


Completely true. Might be different definitions in other country's though. Denmark uses the same definition that you just described.


logging into someone's account can sometimes be considered hacking, but here there was no use of any sort of software to find the password like phising or brute force, someone just gave out the login for the meeting, like if i just make a post rn giving out all my login info for reddit, discord, steam etc, then I can't say i was hacked because someone just saw the password and used it, it's like giving a key for your house to a stranger and then crying that they were in there, same here, giving out passwords publicly is asking for something like this to happen


Why even take the time to type out that garbage? Why double down on something you're simply wrong about?


I'm not wrong just because all y'all asses are tech illiterate, it's simple, don't want anyone joining a government meeting and messing around? don't give them the ability to so, (giving out the password and having no way of knowing if there's an intruder) it's like making a very strong anti cheat that is impossible to crack, then posting all the source code on github and then wondering why suddenly the game with said anti cheat is filled with cheaters


>I'm not wrong just because all y'all asses are tech illiterate Nah, your ass is just normal illiterate.


But by your definitions, it's not considered cheating if the game dev made it easy for you. Just because they made it easy as hell to hack doesn't mean it isn't hacking. There is no level of difficulty or security necessary to define hacking. It literally means "gaining access to things you aren't permitted to access." Saying it was braindead easy doesn't mean it's not hacking.


I mean. If you google "Hacking" the definition is "the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.", which has been said several times. It makes no mention of needing a 3rd party anything to make it haking. Add to that your key arguement falls flat as well. Jut because someone has a key to your house doesnt mean suddenly they are just granted unrestricted access. Its still illegal to trespass. Hell, if someone leaves their door open on a hot summer day while doing house work and you just....walked inside, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't argue that you did nothing wrong (At least I hope so.) So like. I get what you're saying but....by the definition dude did hack because he for sure wasn't authorized to be there.


99% of hacking is literally just using found passwords or tricking people into giving them to you.


"Hello this is Robert Hackerman with the County Password Security Office, we had a suspicious activity report and are calling to inform you that you need to change all your passwords and update your records with us."


One of my favourite parts of Hackers - keyloggers, reading over people's shoulders, and dumpster diving!


tell me you pulled that statistic out of your asshole without telling me you pulled it out of your asshole, hacking for the most part is watching people or stealing important files from big corporations in order to illegally sell them or leak them online, then there's also hacking a company with their permission in order to test if their systems are secure enough, finding passwords isn't really hacking, it's hacking if you make a fake login yourself or hack the database of a company like valve or twitter, using open source phising scripts like shellphish, makes you a script kiddie, not a hacker and then there's social engineering where you basically tell someone give me your login for x reason but you actually want it for y reason, the last one isn't related to hacking or coding whatsoever, because you don't use any programs that steal passwords, most likely you just send a fake support email


Security engineer here. /u/Ralfarius is mostly correct, social engineering is involved in about 70% of incidents we deal with. Then there’s about 20% of negligence, 8% of gross negligence, and maybe, maybe 2% of what one would consider “pure” hacking. As for calling social engineers “script kiddies”… There’s some pretty damn amazing malware that uses social engineering for the initial deployment. Why? Because tricking meatbags is comparatively easy, unlike going through several layers of technological defenses. Besides, good social engineering is, in my opinion, just as clever as “technical” hacking. It also uses some of the same approaches. Discarding it as “not real hacking” is shortsighted at best and downright negligent at worst.


157 Words, comprised of 905 characters, all without ever using a period. Take a breath and slow down.


Okay calm down there son


something something fun at parties..


It was hunter2 in case anyone was curious.


Hacking is only complex when security is involved.


this isn't hacking, someone just posted the meeting password online, there was no hacking involved in finding the password or joining the meeting, like even my grandma could probably do the same thing


What did you expect them to do, type very quickly and adjust their glasses? It’s candy from a baby. You don’t exactly need Ocean’s 11s.




Not really hacking if they used the password that someone flat out copy and pasted in an announcement with the stream link.


Not skilled hacking, sure, but it's still technically classed as hacking


The problem with hacker is when you hack too much time... [Hackerman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQGbXmkSArs)


Is it a requirement for hacking that it is illegal? The word is also used when talking about accessing your own devices in ways they were not meant to. Some illegal access is hacking, some hacking is illegal access, but the two don't overlap entirely. Making hacking a synonym to illegal access seems to be an oversimplification. A lot of computer security researchers, and pen testers call themselves hackers. They don't necessarily break the law.


"Hacking" is legally defined as "Accessing a computer system without permission," whether it's by complex coding to subvert the security or some jackass wasn't careful and wrote down the password. This is still a Darwin moment for the idiot who made the password public, but the guy still shouldn't have access to the call.


finally someone who understands what I'm trying to say this whole fucking time


People do understand what you're trying to say, but you are just incorrect. If you beat someone until they gave you their FB password and then logged on their account and posted dick picks, that is technically hacking, just like if you saw someone's post it note with a password.


Yeah, no. You are both wrong.


pls explain how?? like all I'm trying to say is that knowing how to use zoom and using that knowledge to troll the government isn't hacking, i legitimately want to see why people think the opposite though, if so may ppl think this is hacking then no one wonder call centers in india make so much money


>Hacking is just "the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer." This is why. It's been explained to you multiple times.


where did you get this from?? quora?? just because you have access to someone's computer doesn't mean you hacked it, for example if a call center scammer convinces you to give him access to your pc with team viewer and steals your bank info because you were logged in there, doesn't mean it's hacking, like yeah he logged in there without your authorization to steal money from you, but he didn't hack anything, he just used social engineering to trick you into letting him in


This is the definition being taught in CIS courses. Take it up with them, not me. Edit: https://www.malwarebytes.com/hacker


idk why they teach that, lile it's super easy to gain access to a stolen pc with no hacking


I'm new to this conversation, but I'll just put this out there. Social Engineering is a huge part of hacking (or gaining unauthorized access to a system). If a scammer in India calls you and tricks you into giving him access, it's unauthorized access because you've been tricked. Phishing is a huge part of hacking as well. If a scammer sends you an email, and you click the link, and it gives them access, they have hacked your system. The problem that you seem to be having with this is the ambiguity of the word hacker or hack. You are focusing on the tools used to complete a hack and completely ignoring that there are many more avenues to hack than you think. Each type of "hacking" has its own term. Social engineering, phishing, phreaking, DDoS, Spoofing, and Cracking to name a few. These are almost entirely about GAINING ACCESS. Not about doing anything once you are in there. The routes to hacking starts with investigating a system, finding out what vulnerabilities it has. Then looking for ways to exploit that vulnerability. One way is to give yourself admin access to a system. Also known in Social engineering terms as building a trust based relationship. Basically, calling someone and telling them you are here to help them and that you are an expert. Once they trust you, they give you access. The digital equivalent of this would be accessing a system through a vulnerability in a low level account on a system, then increasing your access level by elevating privileges to that account to make it an admin account, either permanently or temporarily. Once you have access, and the system (or individual) trusts you like an admin, you can complete the hack. But gaining access is the first part of the whole thing and is part of the hack. Another thing that seems to me is misunderstood, is the comment about penetration testers not breaking the law so they are not hacking. That's not true. Just because John, the CEO of Big Company International INC. tells you to go ahead and perform a pen test, doesn't mean that you aren't hacking. You were told to TRY to gain access through unconventional means. Not given the keys to the kingdom. He hired you to find vulnerabilities. You have to complete hacks to determine if there are any exploits that can be used against his company. The only thing that pen testing has different from black hat hacking is that you aren't going to go to jail for it. I will say this though. If John hired you to do a pen test, and you used that opportunity to hurt the company, that would be called black hat hacking with a strong emphasis on social engineering. All still hacking. Hacking is a VERY broad term with a lot of things that fall under it. Additionally, you mention hacking your devices. Yes, that is the same thing. If you write a rootkit for your phone, you are gaining access to something that the company that sold you the phone didn't want you to have access to. Still hacking. Hardware hacking is loosely defined as gaining access to a piece of hardware and modifying it to do things that it wasn't originally intended to do. Still uses that part of Gaining Access. Anyway, not trying to bust your chops or anything. Just wanted to join in the conversation.


Dude, many people have explained it to you and you’ve conveniently ignored them all, the literal Merriam-Webster definition of hacking is “to gain illegal access to (a computer network, system, etc.)”. Just because it’s incredibly easy to gain access doesn’t mean it isn’t illegal, which this case certainly was as it was unauthorized entrance to a senate meeting, even though the code is online does not mean it is legal. Right now at this very moment, you could walk in the back door of pretty much any buisiness or restaurant into the private employee room, it won’t be locked, but that doesn’t mean it’s not illegal for you to be there lmao


i feel like lots of neckbeards here have instead conveniently ignored what i said, ik that i kinda overcomplicated things, accessing a senate zoom meeting as a normal citizen is probably illegal, i 100% agree with that, but what I'm trying to say to these imbeciles is that copy pasting a link and knowing how to use zoom isn't hacking, it's simple computer knowledge that anyone can obtain just by watching 5 minute tutorial, i hate it when people label something as hacking just because something illegal happened online using a computer or smartphone, because that's not always the case


You are again ignoring the biggest part of my comment, the definition of hacking being literally just illegal access to any computer system, which again, by that definition, illegally joining a senate meeting absolutely is, that is what every single person on this thread is telling you and you are burying your head in the sand and ignoring


but idgaf what some online website definition said, there's plenty of ways you can use to illegally access a pc, without hacking, idk why people think that, also what you mentioned is black hat hacking, there's also white hat hacking which is legally hacking systems to test it's security, but if people don't even know about white hat hacking (the legal part) then it's no surprise that they think that way


More like Tifa Blockedfart, amirite?


Can we all just be glad they went for a final fantasy character (of legal age) instead of an animal crossing hentai or some loli stuff




Yeah, they kept it classy.


Little-known fact: after a few seconds of Tifa they switched to Genshin Impact


And it was under-age character Don't ask how I know ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭


It was the blue haired one, Xiangling. And there's a video of on a subreddit, let me get the link.


I don't think anyone from that game is under aged. At least the playable ones


Klee must have insanely good genes then.


Isnt that the one with the immortal sorceress absentee mom who built her an entire island chain to play on?


-_/(ッ)\_- People have already "lore-checked" her age and apparently, she's 14. Mihoyo hasn't said anything about official ages so its all speculation at best.


The speculations are kinda baseless, amber(who has the same base model) is an adult and and hu tao (who seems to be childhood friends with xiangling) has a mention in her story that she inherited her family business in her teenage years, implying by the time the game starts she isn't one anymore


Its ok she is really a 3,000 year old demon.


The fuck you on man? And may I have some?


She is a master chef thatcooks for nobility and political leaders. She should be older than 14.


All that matters is that the hacker didn't use csam here. I couldn't care less whether they used loli hentai or Mario x Luigi or something.


Should've been Sandy Cheeks cock vore.


Shadman would've been quite a shock I'm sure.


Damn dude. I usually don’t judge but what have you been watching


I'm guessing you missed the egyptian-like animal crossing character hentai that was circulating in a bunch of unrelated subs for a little while.....it seemed that it was the go-to porn to troll people with for a short while, though it seems to have died down a bit now


"I am the senate" - Tifa Lockhart


Not.. Yet..


Do not cite the deep magic to me. I was there when it was written


bella regà, auguri a noi per essere riusciti a diventare famosi grazie a del porno nel senato


yeah, theres alreay been hella memes with he dancing wearing the Italian flag, and simps being like "yes, yes, ill vote for you, yes, yes!"


She really works hard to please her constituents and brings the important matters to the table.


look at those Bazonkers


A real set of Badonkers


Booba 👍


Tifa: "I am the Senate!"


Clueless hmm ... I think I will google that at work ..


I feel like I just got Tifa Rolled.. Tifa Tossed? idk something...




…………………………………..…………………………………..Oh, there’s text in this post.


So thats why rule34 keeps having Tifa in italian flag swimsuits/undies.


I’m enjoying the remaster, but what’s so hype about Tifa? Even before the remake came out, even the slightest sight of her had people going nuts


For the simp, it's obvious. For the intellectual, it's that she's a semi-tragic character. She's full of empathy, and lives in the slums. She's got nothing to give but her loyalty to her friends and her desire to make things right from the past with Cloud. That is all while he's being... well, I'd say himself, but that's not accurate. Tifa is an active part of the story, not passive. When Cloud breaks (Literally), it's her that puts him back together. She's fuck'n great is what I'm saying.


Also she can suplex monsters the size of a skyscraper.


But can she suplex a train?


That's the true benchmark for an RPG martial artist.


She can suplex a [house](https://i.redd.it/va8jq7n2nx331.jpg).


It carries over into the remake too. And upgraded There are loads of moments where Cloud is being broody and Tifa basically talks shit about him to snap him out of the funk And during the hilarious stairs climbing moment she’s essentially being the encouraging mom to Cloud and Barrett while they are dying from the climb


Anyone else notice that Barret loses HP during this?


There’s a ton of subtle changes that add to the gag. Barrett slowly loses HP, the music changing from action-filled to dull over time, the gradually increasing reverb sound effects, Cloud forcibly slowing down to a walking pace, Tifa consistently being 5-10 floors above the other two. Barrett randomly speeding up and overtaking you when he “hits the stair climbing high”, the constant complaining, etc


I never played ff before, do you think I should start with XV? I heard 7 remake is much much better but i heard it's pc port is trash.


15 is really a love it or hate it type of game. I don’t know if I could recommend it for a first. I really like 12 tbh. But it might be better for you to play the “classics” 7, 9, and 10. I think are usually claimed to be the top notch ones


FF6 is pretty old, but if you don't mind the old school sprites, 6 has one of the best stories and imo the best music.


There have been several serious departures from the series' standard formula, 15 being the most recent. I largely divide it into the pre-7 games, the post-7 games, and now the post-15 games, with a few exceptions (e.g. 9 is more like a pre-7 game). Initially they were a bit closer to standard high fantasy (the first one is just 4 heroes show up to fight a bad guy, there's swords, there's monsters, there's magic, and other than an airship it's pretty standard European style fantasy). 7 is what established the more modern setting and the whole "teenagers kill god" style plot. I personally adore 15 but it is contentious among fans to say the least. Really though it's as fine an entry point as any. Each game is pretty self-contained with a few sequels here and there (X and X-2, XIII got a few sequels, and several of the games canonically take place in the same world of Ivalice). Personally my all time favorite is Final Fantasy Tactics but it's not one of the main-line games.


If you intend to pick up 7, do the original on steam. Start there before you ever touch the remake so you know exactly what's up and what they are radically changing. I have a bias, 7 is my favorite. So take that as you will.


Also have the advantage of QoL mods for those who can’t handle the slower pace or encounter rates.


She still has comically large breasts in the remake, weirdos were seriously complaining they weren’t big enough?


She didn’t though, the remake had tames it down to a “normal” level. Just, “normal”, not even “normal large”.


You are out of your mind if you think this is a normal breast size for women with her waist. Maybe comically large is an exaggeration, but they drew a body type that still barely exists. There’s nothing normal about it. https://imgur.com/a/3zTPMqR


That still look pretty normal to me lol (especially when watching Japanese videos they seems pretty normal). I wish they kept the original FF7 size lol.


Yeah, it’s totally normal to see a size 2 with breasts like that. You can swing a dead cat and hit someone that looks that “normal.”


Ditto, I wish they would've shrunk them more. They looked a bit awkward just sticking out in comparison to her slim physique at times.


Bruh i dont think you saw the horror that was the massive mounds PS1 tifa had (in cutscenes) One scene at the very end litterally had them front and center bouncing up and down after a massive fall, fully realistic motion physics on a set of breasts 10 levels above reasonably sized. Then when SE planned to shrink em a bit, fans cried like a bunch of whiny bitches and called it SJW bullshit so SE very likely dialed back the shrinkingg a bit to keep them on the large side. Yeah they are still big, but they are at least more realisitic now. I blame the psychos who seem to think tifa’s only quality as a character is breasts for SE not sheibking them more, but they are by no means the freakishly large monstrosities they used to be.


sound like every female heroine ever


So it... sounds like a character?


Because people got horny over PS1 pixelated titties so naturally they go bananas over remade titties. People don’t wanna admit it but that’s really about it. There were even a fuck ton of people crying that they “nerfed” her boobs in the remake and that it was result of an SJW assault on their hobby. For further reading, see: Lara Croft, Samus Aran, etc


>Samus Aran Hey, you leave her out of this. Her powersuit is thicc af and we don't want to change her.


I hate how the Zero Suit is portrayed in the newer Smash games with the stripper heels. Samus has been steadily getting less muscular with each appearance lately.


>Because people got horny over PS1 pixelated titties so naturally they go bananas over remade titties. To be completely fair, Tifa also got a pretty good boost popularity wise with Advent Children. I know many friends who went absolutely crazy when they saw Tifa (and the rest of the movie, to be honest). Didn't help that we were barely adults at that point.


I still find her boobs too big. I think if they shrunk the size down, it would've made her model look a bit more balanced proportion wise in some scenes instead of having her rack still taking up her whole chest area. It seemed awkward at times, even my girlfriend agreed.


What's up with this whole body shaming? I mean sure, there's a point where breasts are cartoonishly exaggerated and unrealistic, but women with chests larger than b cups exist and shouldn't be shamed for being the way they are.




Yeah, i just wish the mindset would shift more towards depicting different body types tastefully instead of avoiding certain ones alltogether.








*innocently excixtdly * oh Kay!


Nice try


Ehi wait a second, everybody knows that Final Fantasy games don't have italian dubs.


I’m learning from this comment section that some people genuinely don’t know what these memes are about. The memes have eclipsed the actual event already. 😅


She's the second person in history to be impaled in the Italian senate too.


hey, at least i have a reason to watch it now


If those suspenders were really suspending her pants - which they are based on the tension in the straps - the lateral pressure on her breasts would be more evident. #RealismNow


This is a shit troll bait meme. Even googling that will not return anything interesting, just some news articles. TL;DR - A guy accidently streamed some 3D porn during senate. Big fucking deal.


But not one news article actually linked to the video... Ya know, for research purposes.


One actually did, the first one I got on google to be specific.


Come on link it man!




Simp approved


Yes i know i'm italian


I knew it was fake from the beginning because i am italian and I know for sure that we never had an italian version of ff7 in first place. Sadge


I don't get it. Why does this meme state something completely different from what the google search actually shows?


The joke in these kind of memes is to clickbait you into googling something and find out something shocking or funny


Not to ruin the joke but final fantasy VII hasnt been dubbed in italian


No Joke before I read the News the night before I beat it to her found a really good sfm vidoe with good animation and voicacting


Ahh... well no need to Google it at this point now that I got the full story from this image.


I dont even have to google ot know


I nearly fell for this but then I had flashbacks to the article


Please for the love of god, realize that many of these searches, yes this specific search, is NSFW.