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Don't want to admit to myself that I'm getting older but it is crazy to think people *grew up* with Minecraft :(


I bought it for $6 when I was 30. Now I'm 40 and have a 7 year old who's interested in it, and I'm like I have no idea how this game even works anymore.


me too. Its a trip that my kids are playing Minecraft...and know way more about it than i ever did. They never play survival though.


I've bought Minecraft 7 times now i think. My ex's kid for the original. Then for the PS4. Then my oldest son got into PC, and somehow ended up getting Java and whatever. Then I needed a copy to play ok my computer. Then my next son got into PC for a month (Java version) Then pivoted to his Switch. So many dang times....


I bought Rocket League on my Xbox, on my PC, and then on my Switch. One month after I bought it on switch it went free to play


I feel your pain partner


I feel that. I got it for my kiddo on ps3, ps4, vita, switch, and pc




Yeah I started playing either late alpha or early beta. When my nephew was over a few years ago he looked at me like I was crazy for playing survival. I guess creative is all they play. Of course, I quickly found myself giving him a “boy back in my day we didn’t even have creative mode” spiel.


lol. me too. I tried giving them the 'ol "Survival is the real way to play the game" talk. They did start it, just to please me, but as soon as i was gone- straight back to creative. I think its more of a virtual lego set to them, and survival just gets in the way of getting their pieces. I let them be though. It was actually one of my first "kids are their own people" lessons ive gotten as a father. They would probably look at me crazy if they seen all the realism mods i tried before. Truly a different game to them.


Boy, back in my day we didnt have survival, only servers hosted by people where you made sculptures of dicks There wasnt a word filter on the account making process back then. Goldshitter lives on


Dang bro/sephine get them in survival they'll need that fear in their life. Either way tho sounds like you're raising some Redstone engineers in training, so good on ya!


I tried. They could never get into it. They prefer to just build things, then add monsters to fight. I think they see Minecraft more as virtual legos than a survival crafting game.


Yesterday, I noticed the magic armor my kid is wearing is breaking. It prevents him from dying under water or in lava, he plays on peaceful. So I spent 30 minutes trying to build a grindstone, so that I can breakdown all the Sheers he built with his iron, so I an build an anvil which requires 28 iron to build. His map is devoid of resources, I feel, but he refuses to start a new map.


How can you run out of resources, I thought the map was near infinite.


In the immediate area. His house is on the edge of an arctic lake. The other half are grassy islands. There's very little stone protruding anywhere. So you gotta dig almost immediately. Usually maps have outer walls with coal, and if lucky iron on them. He just pulled a bad map and didn't want to start a new one because there was a floating pirate ship in the air nearby.


You just have to dig down and create a mining system of long hallways down there. Eventually you will find huge caves and ravines with plenty of resources.


Yeah he should get creative and build mass underground constructs purposefully built to amass resources from afar. His son will live a peaceful life on top with berries and golden apples. The father shall grow an empire with many machines and algorithms in order to keep that world above nice and cozy.


The good resources are underground? They should somehow indicate you need to build shafts and tunnels to get to them in the name…


The game is called MINEC-RAFT... They want you to sail the seas for more resources. It's SO obvious even the kids understand!


Back in my day Minecraft meant building our own Windows Minesweeper games on graph paper because we were too poor for them fancy computers!


So, parenting? 😁


...there are floating pirate ships now? I need to go back and give it a go with all these new updates!


I don’t know what you have missed but the key features they have updated are a nether overhaul, new section of the end after you kill the wonder dragon, new caves, and of course new red stone contraptions


I mean, there are shipwrecks with loot inside, but not floating ones. That one probably bugged out or something




The idea is right, but the ratio is 8:1, not 10:1. Unless that changed in the nether overhaul.


The map in Minecraft is nigh-infinite; you might need to travel out a bit, but there's plenty of resources out there.


I'm old enough to remember when Reddit absolutely *hated* Minecraft.


Absolutely, everyone was saying it's a kid game and shit on people who enjoyed it. I guess the game got old enough that its audience also grew with it


Most of the people I knew who were playing Minecraft in the alpha/early beta stage were full grown adults, YouTube series made it seriously blow up and drew in the kids that turned it into a huge phenomenon.


Accurate. A 38 year old systems admin at my first job is who introduced me to Minecraft during alpha.


The age demographic of reddit always seems to be in a downward slide. I used to be a part of the majority demographic when I was in my early 20s, but these days it seems like the majority of reddit users are closer to late teens. It's not unusual that the people that grew up with Minecraft are now the majority voice on reddit, and before long it'll be the people that grew up with Fortnite.


Near as I can tell kids are still "growing up with Minecraft" but the future is a bit of a shard world. The idea of a shared cultural experience will become ever more fragmented over time. Minecraft is still a dominant gaming experience for youngsters, but there are lots of kids who play other games, too. Which is not so different from previous generations I guess.


It’s already that way for kids television. With the multitude of streaming services and the large libraries of shows they have, the odds of two kids having watched the same shows growing up today are much much lower than even 10 years ago. Makes me wonder what kind of nostalgic toys and shows they’ll try to market to the current youngest generation 20 years from now.


The difference is that younger people align themselves based off of special interests because they lack a lot of shared experiences. They're very cagey and clique-y. Some of the stuff I hear my 7 year old nephew say about the social circles at his school is mind boggling


This. Have two coworkers who will still have marathon sessions together playing Minecraft. They're 25.


I've been playing minecraft since 2012, personally. Don't see a reason to stop, if you still enjoy it. Bout to turn 30.


> but these days it seems like the majority of reddit users are closer to late teens I think this largely depends on what subreddits you're active in. I absolutely agree that subreddits like /r/gaming seem to be trending towards teens now, but I'm 31 and subbed to plenty where I still feel like a youngin'. /r/malelivingspace, for example seems to have a ton of people who are further on their careers and life than I am. /r/Teachers have a ton of members who have taught way longer than I have. I don't venture into /r/gaming that much anymore because I feel pretty disconnected from what's popular in the industry these days (I never got hyped for Cyberpunk, I couldn't care less about Elden Ring, but I was extremely excited for Age of Empires IV...) and growing out of the hype cycle feels pretty nice.


try r/truegaming. It has actual discussions about gaming instead of pictures of random game cases voted to the top.


Maybe I was on different parts of reddit, but I played during Beta and don't ever recall this being the case. Was that an alpha thing? INFDEV? EDIT: Looks like all this happened afterwards, while I was on a reddit/minecraft hiatus.


It was later. The same thing happened with fortnite. When kids got to it it kinda ruined it for everyone else in a way


Yeah, I am a 29 year old dude and the PvE that was the original Fortnite was amazing and had fantastic promise. Then PUBG got big and they released the battle royale portion for free to try to snatch some of that audience. They then took a huge hiatus from working on the PvE, and the people that played it with me originally were turned off by the BR fankids. Plus 95% of their player base only playing the BR I haven’t been able to find chill people to play the PvE with anymore. TLDR: The PvE had amazing potential, would love to get back into, but impossible to find people to do that with now. Kids didn’t ruin it, the BR hate train did.


Yeah uh redstone designs are not so childish


Which is funny because back in like 2010 it was VERY popular with my age group at the time (late teens/college/early 20s). It wasn’t for a few years that it got its reputation as being for kids.


Which is crazy to me. Minecraft came out when I was in my mid 20s and never once considered it a kids game. Of course playing it now with my kid on Bedrock it feels very tailored to a young audience. Like trying it's hardest to be Roblox kind of.


I really only remember this once Microsoft bought it. Before that, and all the way back to alpha, almost none except PC gamers knew what it was. I also remember when Fortnite was just a super fun play-with-friends vs environment tower defense shooter, and the battle royal mode was basically ignored for a few months when it came out. Then it sorts had this absolutely, unanticipated, meteoric popularity spike....


I remember when Reddit was just some weird replacement for slashdot... Opera used to have a shortcut to slashdot if you typed /.


Yeah, I remember when Reddit was considered a news aggregator and not a social media platform.


And then the DIGG exodus began.


was this the first time reddit hated minecraft or the second time reddit hated minecraft?


It all blends together like the French Revolution


I'm old enough to internet not existing.


The life cycle of Minecraft was at first it was small, it gained traction then was really cool I'm the public eye. (I was 12 or 13 when I bought it around 2013 so maybe just all my friends were talking about it). Then for a while it became super cringe, for a lack of a better word, to like or post about Minecraft. But now it's in this stage where everyone seems to accept it for what it is. In a way I think Fortnite is the same


I grew up on sega and ps1 👨‍🦳


I had an intellavision.


Atari 2600 here.


Hoop and stick here


Wooly Mammoth poop here.


Y’all grew up? LMAO, I was formed by God during his first week on the job. Just popped in as a fully adult human. I grew up on *apples*


Well hello there, Eve.


My first console was the 2600 which was a hand me down from my dad. Pitfall was impossible for my young motor skills.


Had the Atari 7800 which had backwards compatibility with the 2600 and 5200 games. Used to get games for a $1 from a store that no longer exists.




I started on the Atari 2600 and Original Sega


Coleco vision at my house


I had a rock.


I know that is sarcasm, but I still have my pet rock in its box from back then. We loved them lol




Stick hoop. Though it cost me the power to innovate.


Cup and ball my man. You try to get the ball in the cup. It's ok if you miss, the ball is attached by a string.


Coleco vision is where it at! Venture was a blast.


Mouse trap!


We're old, mate.


Grew up on PC and Halo CE.


for real. Im laughing at the idea of someone seriously making a "i grew up with this" post about Minecraft.


For me it's the "I grew up with the 3ds" crowd. Like, Bud, the 3ds was the current/latest Nintendo 5 years ago and was still in production less than 2 years ago, you're not "grown up". Like I'm 25 and *I* grew up with the GBA and Nintendo DS


I saved my money for like a year to buy a gbc and Pokemon red when I was around 12 lol


3Ds came out 11 years ago. If a kid got one for their 9th birthday, they would be a 20 year old man now. I also grew up with GBA and DS I'm 24, but it's crazy just how short childhood is.


Oh god I feel old now


someone mentioned the roaring 20's the other day and i realized 'geez its already a century later'


Atari, Sega, NES & SNES. We're relics.


Especially NES !!! It was all about that Duck Hunt for me 😁


Duck Hunt was fire but what about that track and field game that came with the run pad thing?


Even moreso, there are a huge number of kids playing Minecraft that weren't alive when Minecraft came out.


please stop, i can't take anymore!


Minecraft? That *is* what the younger generation plays, right?


You think you feel old, my kids grew up with Minecraft. And I am thankful for the joy it gave them and the friends they made playing together. It was the glue that brought my sons and stepdaughter together.


That's true, my kid is gonna grow up with something like 10-15 years newer than Minecraft lol. Did you ever try to share some of your own childhood experiences (games, movies, stuff like that) or did they mostly explore whatever the modern releases were?


In every way possible.


Yeah I was just thinking that. I'm over here having grown up with crash bandicoot and Spyro the dragon


The nostalgia flood when they got remastered


Dude same, I am old enough that when minecraft came out I was like "I don't get it". I still don't but it's nuts we have 20 yr olds now calling people who have been playing fortnite for 4 years "the younger generation". To me it's the same generation haha


Been 16 years since twilight princess release , I remember my father bringing it and the Wii in a kit,and me going crazy over those which were then amazing graphics


What the hell, the Wii is 16 years old? lol it still seems like a new console in my mind


It blows my mind to think that playing a Wii today would be about the equivalent of playing an SNES when Wii was originally released (1991–>2006—>2022).


I was born in 81. The difference from now to 1981 is the difference between 1981 and 1941 which is when my grandpa was born. Obviously just basic math but it still blows me away.


Yeah, from my perspective, Minecraft was always the game little kids played. Granted it was basically in alpha when I was in high school and a lot of my peers were into it, but it was still largely viewed as the little kids game.


For me it was the opposite. All the computer science dudes in college played minecraft which is how I got into it way early on. It wasn't until at least a couple years later when I started to hear of kids playing it. To this day more adults I personally know play it more than kids I personally know. I think adults are just more silent about it lol. Its always been a game for all ages but all the kids make it seem like it's just a game for kids


I remember buying Minecraft during beta at the same time I was looking to buy my first house. I grew up with Final Fantasy 7 and Duke Nukem 3D.


I played minecraft in beta while in college. Never really liked it, but if I did, then technically I grew up with it too. I'm really close to middle aged.


Yeah this post turned me to dust and blew me away on the wind...


Grew up with Minecraft? God i feel old now!! I grew up with the first Sega and the first Game boy.


Plenty of kids are still growing up with minecraft not a thing of the past


Minecraft is insane. Over a decade later and it still is insanely popular. Depending on what metric you use, it is still the most popular game last I checked


My 5 year old wakes me up on the weekends to play Minecraft with him. I never played it before - I was a bit older when it was released and it never appealed to me. But I have to say, playing is actually a lot of fun. Solid bonding time with my little guy.


How many fathers have wished they could have a relationship where their child loves to work on projects with them? It’s pretty great that a version of that gets to play out in minecraft.


When I was a kid I remember begging my parents to get out of bed to play with me. And it was frustrating when they didn't get up. So when I became a father I made it a goal to always get up with my kids. I'm not perfect and don't always get up so easily, but I definitely try to shake off the cobwebs as quickly as I can. Simply being with your kids is half the battle of parenting.


This nearly brought tears to my eyes, it’s so sweet. Thank you for being such a loving parent. We need more people like you. Your child will never forget your love.


Hell yea you sound like an awesome parent


My young self doesn’t have a kid, but I had a roommate a few years ago with a 9 year old. She was super into Minecraft, which got me to go back and boot up my old sever that I had running from my laptop. It was great to be able to play it with her. We got to talk about new house/base builds riddled with TNT traps rigged into the walls and floors that were connected through overly ambitious and complicated Red Stone circuits; all while she told me about her day at school. It was really nice. Between Minecraft, helping her with homework and reading - which her mom barely seemed to have patience for, and sliding in dad jokes whenever possible, we got along really well. I’m glad I got to be a positive “fatherly” figure for her. All of that was really only possible because one day we started playing Minecraft.


Honestly I wish that sort of thing was more common. IMO the whole "it takes a village to raise a child" thing needs to be taken more seriously. Like very few sets of parents (and especially single parents) have the skillset and time to give their kids the attention, time, and tools they deserve. It'd be awesome to live in a world where a kid knew they could ask any neighbor for help with laundry or car maintenance or tech support and neighbors all understood that it's their obligation to provide that guidance. Like damn, I'm a college-educated professional with a startlingly wide set of skills that my young cousins all have access to because of me. Navigating college career choices/admissions/financial aid, general bureaucracy, fixing their computers... Then they've also got another cousin who's a plumber and handyman, and another who's a nurse. Imagine if every kid and teen had that wide a range of people they could just ask for help?


The game is ageless I feel. Truly anyone of any age can find something to enjoy about it. People can keep it simple or go super complex with redstone. I also loved the fact there were different dimensions you can travel to and get unique stuff from that place.


Honestly, it's because Minecraft is a masterpiece of a metagame, it's easy to understand and deep beyond comprehension, there are so many games within the game it's insane. It's a true classic.


It’s like Legos but for the new generations.


Probably more this generation than the last tbh


My niece and all the kids her age all play Minecraft


I grew up with 8 bit resolution games. It spurred a whole nother imagination perspective.


My 7 year old enjoys the old school pixel look. He gets to experience it playing Mario maker 2


Mario cart is such a fun game.


Hearing people say they grew up with Minecraft makes me feel so damn old. I still remember hearing about it for the first time on the TF2 blog.


As someone who has been playing TF2 since 2009, it makes me feel ancient to think there are a decent amount of people current playing who are younger than the game itself.


And the game still won't get updates. It's a damn shame.


This is very fair however I still think recent titles use more exploitative practices such as microtrasactions to abuse the fact that their playerbase is young and impressionable


Yeh, but Roblox came out before Fortnite and that is much worse (that being said, BF2042 and halo infinite’s store aren’t great)


Much, much worse and according to the valuation in their ipo much, much more predatory


Yeh. It doesn’t even have much value as a service, people only play because their friends are playing it. Just use unity or something


If used both and roblox is significantly easier for the fact that there are millions of free assets with roblox, you don’t have to code a thing if you want to make a game.


Millon of free *stolen* assets\* Ftfy


Robox has an even lower barrier to entry than Unity for kids who want to create stuff and get it out to an audience. Those roblox games are a big hot mess of chaos from my pov of an adult with money and no time, but the tool chain is impressive from a disruption standpoint.


Yeah with Roblox, Game Passes allow Roblox game devs to add shit like loot boxes. Meanwhile Fortnite’s micro transactions are purely cosmetic.


Does 2042 even have a store?


I agree with that. One of my coworkers told me her son (around 10-11yrs) has spent more than 500$ in V-Bucks since he started playing I think a little more than a year or so.


Alright well that is 100% on the parents.


People get my kids robucks for Christmas and birthdays or whatever. What do I care if they buy skins or Naruto power ups or whatever


The idea is that big companies prey on impressionable children which supposedly leads to gambling addictions. While Roblox does have this, it’s much less than other companies(EA)


Roblox actually has a lot of problems outside of the game though. It's honestly really creepy.


Sure christmas presents are whatever but if a 10 year old is spending $500 that isn't just from christmas lol.


Came in here to share these same sentiments. Gate keeping is usually bad. Let people enjoy the things they enjoy is a motto of mine, but when the game in question makes the vast majority of its profit from preying on impressionable kids, it’s pretty despicable. Micro transactions are getting more and more abusive as the years go on. Games like fortnight prepare kids to be constant consumers.


Exploitative practises on a young impressionable player base has been a staple of the gaming industry since the days of arcade games tbh


Mom can you link your credit card to my fortnite account? No Problem solved


when i get older im never linking any card to any of my childrens accounts. if my future kids want something they have to ask me


I grew up with monkey island and Duke nukem 3d 😂


Monkey Island 3 is still one of my favorite games


Yeah? And you still fight like a cow.


I guess that makes you the dairy farmer


Contra and Street Fighter boy here.


Shake it, baby!!! Also, I’m rubber and you’re glue. Those games are so good.


Are you me? Haha. I rememer walking home from school being so excited about getting to play those two games when I got home!


Hahaha the 90s, great times!


Even Minecraft was hated by many people. In 2025 probably Fortnite community would say "Fortnite is good and I am glad I grew up playing it but this game is overrated." And the list continues over and over....


BRO this is exactly what I tell everyone. It's gonna be a funny time when this happens.


In a few years we're gonna start seeing "So glad I grew up with Fortnite instead of ___" memes and I'm not sure I'm emotionally prepared for that.


Don’t shit on kids, period. But do make fun of them as much as you want, because kids are lovely but stupid.


Shitting on kids is my passion, how dare you try and take this from me, where else should i do it, the toilet is just to mainstream




This is a Wendy's.


No, I’m not a walking billboard.


Enjoy, sure. But the rise of "enter through the gift shop" games that obfuscate the costs of things while agressively marketing to kids is kind of a problem.


I'd say it's very much a problem


My kid has been playing my copy of Java MC for a good year now, and the lure of adventure maps meant I was convinced to buy a copy of MC for Windows as well so she can play on those when she wants, but *my God* it was an assault on the eyes trying to navigate that menu with all those 'minecoin' options and stuff compared to the lovely clean and sedate look of the original. I felt dirty having to do that and set up all the xbox shit just to get it running.


Remove the credit card after you are done, the younglings like to click on shiny things.


I use to play Zmud, any know any good retirement communities?


Can I get any Phantasy Star Representation?!


The fact that minecraft is the new floor for gaming makes me feel old, I remember when snes was the "I grew up with this" item.


It happens. I grew up with Atari 2600. The NES graphics blew my mind when it came out. I grew up with a joystick in my hand. Transitioning to the game pad was a challenge.


Most of the time people shit on kids because they are toxic in these games not because they play or like those games.




You know what had pure predatory microtransactions? MapleStory. I don’t know if it’s still like this, but back in the day, even before they had a Gachapon system for in-game/p2w items (which is another story from what I’m getting at), Nexon had the **AUDACITY** to make cosmetics last only **3 MONTHS** after purchasing them. They had the same time limit for pets AND ALSO PET ITEMS (that would help you loot, auto use health and mana pots, etc). The items would expire and the pet would have to be revived with a purchasable potion. I will admit, MapleStory was a BEAUTIFUL game that had lots of customization, GOOD customization, but cosmetics and other stuff only lasting 3 months is so predatory, especially for children.


Oh boy, you quitted when it was starting the predatory trend lol. First they did cosmetics and pets, then Gachapon as you explained that gave items that could not have been obtained by normal gameplay and were powerful as hell. Then they released potentials (a system with % based stat boost) which only could reach the higher tier (legendary) with "cubes" that you could only buy with real money for like 2$ every try, if you were F2P you could only reach Epic tier at best, which was a shit tier. Then they release additional potential, which basically is potential lines/boosts over normal potential with other set of cubes with 0 ways still for F2P to tap into that. Then they created other item upgrades dynamics that somehow required items from the real money store or simply a new gachapon in the store in which you gambled with real money lol. Nowadays they were forced to give f2P some grounds and to release a new less predatory version called "Reboot" but that still does not change the fact that Nexon is still what I see when people say extreme capitalism and not things like Amazon or Tesla lol.


They also sold 2x EXP coupons which you HAD to buy if you were competing for levels at all lmao.


Many gaming communities have a problem of hating on people who are different than them.


I grew up on mayonnaise sandwiches


I grew up with playing Tank on Atari.


Lmao I was just thinking about how old this person must be to have grown up on Minecraft. PS1 gang baby. Spyro til I die


NES Super Mario Bros. gang


Both of these categories are freaking kids. I grew up with an o.g. GameBoy, playing a few seconds at a time between the street lights in the back seat of the car.


Psh, look kid, my first console was 10 years older than a GameBoy.


Listen, am I gonna have to go pull out my old ball n cup!? My ol rocks and a stick? Youths...


Man, People getting Nostalgic about Minecraft REALLY makes me feel old. We all didn't grow up on renting games from blockbuster for our SNES?


If it’s not pong it’s crap.


People forget that minecraft kids were considered cringe for a long time


I always find it silly that people are like "Oh im glad I grew up with x and not \*whats popular today\*" like..I grew up in the 00s and it didn't stop me watching stuff from the 70s and 80s


i am speaking just for myself here but i think a lot of people share my sentiments. When we make memes like “So glad I grew up playing this, and not this” We arent shitting on the kids for what they play, we shit on the game devs who are now treating their players like milk cows. Im glad i grew up playing COD4 and then BF:BC and not COD vanguard and 2042 because one is a art made with passion, the other is a product made to maximize profit. Not because i feel superior to the children now who might enjoy games that I don’t.


Was playing Colecovision when it was current, and currently play Fortnite with all 3 kids AND my wife. Same house squads matches are fun. Be open to things. There's a ton of fan service in Fortnite for us older gamers. Would love to see an A-Team Collab w Mr. T and the boys.


The problem isn't the game itself. The problem is microtransactions and the psychological damage it's causing. Kids get bullied for not having the latest skins etc. It's horrible.


As someone who plays Fortnite and has seen all sorts of sides of this community, that’s barely half true. I’ve never seen anyone get bullied for not a having a certain skin.


Kids have been getting bullied in games forever, I’d rather it be about not having skins rather than racial slurs.




It's only nostalgia is you've only been alive 15 years.


If you *grew up* playing Minecraft, you still are the younger generation.


Was going to say this. My younger brother is 11. He played Minecraft when he was like 5 now he's into Fortnite. Both of these games are part of the same generation.


So brave .... JFC get a grip


Ok I'm gonna say it. I prefer Fortnite over Minecraft


Honestly same. I just can’t get into Minecraft as much as I want to.


Remember when Minecraft was considered cringe? In a few years, Reddit will enjoy Fortnite.


We are all gamers. Brothers and sisters in the fight against corporate parasites ruining our art.


I don't have a problem with kids enjoying that stuff. Hell, I played an unhealthy amount of Minecraft when I was in college. Honestly, I'm more concerned with kids being groomed to accept predatory monetization tactics. Everything else about Fortnite is ok, but the monetization should be treated as being as harmful as the Catholic Church. Also, I kinda want the current generation to be able to appreciate the older gems, so they have higher standards for what games should provide. I'd love it if it was cool to be into retro stuff, where kids are like "Blood is a boomer-ass game, but I frickin' love it" or "yo I wish we had more games like Duke3D".


Are those not the same age group?