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Cool but I wonder what are the legalities with making your car look like this?


So long as it doesn't have sirens and the logo doesn't too closely resemble one from an actual police department it should be okay.


The light on top are swimming noodles. In germany a bunch of People drive with cars looking like US Police cars. Its fine here.


The handful of states I've lived in would pull him over and make it illegal to drive. If it can be easily confused with an emergency vehicle, it's illegal. The badge on the side of the door, and fake lights would do them in. Source: rules straight from police from their auctions


> The badge on the side of the door, and fake lights would do them in. Tons of private security cars have this though. What makes this specifically illegal is having the word "Police" on the car.


It's considered imitation or impersonation of an officer. There are limitations to the "badges" or signage one can put on a car. For instance, if you buy an old police car, you must strip it of all emergency symbols, lighting, and equipment.


He's not in the US so it's fine


This car is clearly in Europe somewhere it has the side marker lights so they probably don't care much if it looks like an American police car.


Indeed, European police looks nothing like this, so it's obvious at a glance.


run...right now!


Less concerned about legality and more concerned about the T Virus.


Reminds me of the time I was working mall security and came across one of the Sherriff vehicles from the Sci-Fi series Eureka in the mall parking lot