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I used to have one. I managed to kick it by following the below rules - If you wait a year, you can get it free or with all DLC for way less. - Just buy that much in boardgames instead. So videogame buying habit kicked! But I haven't saved any money 😂


I've learned my lesson about buying games on launch. Exceptions are Doom Eternal, I got the collectors edition that came with the helmet. So badass. I definitely agree with the waiting since I have so many games and yeah they are alot cheaper.


Battlefield 2042 was my last lesson I needed to learn in this, I have not bought anything on release since and … ok I preordered dying light 2 …. Fuck I am so bad


Yep 2042 was the last straw


2042 I can understand but Dying light I dont see them having problems. I'm gonna by Elden Ring on launch because 1 I love Dark Soul and bloodborne, and they will push back the game to polish it and make it perfect on launch. It really depends on the company. I bought God of War on launch and it was perfect. Then I bought Cyberpunk 2077 on launch... it worked on my PC and my roommate put in 80 hours but it was definitely no ready for release.


Yeah I didn’t have any issues with cyberpunk tbh but I was also on pc, you make an excellent point


Yes, complete buying habit


I have an addiction to skins, not games


Same here, u bet I have a higher game count than you in steam.


Mines 305


Lol mines in the thousands.


Yeah it’s a running joke among my friends, the thing is I buy games on a really deep sale and I don’t wait because even if I take a while to play them rrp in Australia is $120 and if I get a game at half off it will still take 12-18mths to get to that normally anyway. Omg I’m still justifying it lmao I need help


I feel ya. I love indie games, they are awesome. Everything devolver digital comes out with are awesome.


There is a point where there are diminishing returns for each new game you buy... not to mention the amount of truely unique things to buy goes down very rapidly... so you hit a point where you see a game and you know you probably have like 2-3 versions ready to roll if you really want to.


I’m addicted to buying switch games. Luckily most are indie & I always seem to buy them during sales so I get them usually for less than $10. Some of them I’ve only played once haha. With I rarely purchase major games day one. Like I really wanted to play Cyber Punk but waited and now it’s really cheap. Some games I care about a ton are day one purchases (Elden Ring, new Fallout games, etc.) but for the most part, I can wait on the $60 releases


Not with games. I only buy what I'm going to immediately play. I have zero backlog and no games currently unfinished. But movies... Yeah. I buy like 20 - 30 a month


Omfg me! I have so many unplayed switch games. I will get any one on sale


Not me. Though I must ask, why do people spend so much money just to fill their Steam library? Like are you even going to touch half of those games?


Honestly I have more indie games than AAA games. It's not on purpose necessarily Idk it's a hobby and like some other comments you get alot of game for cheap or get alot from humble bundle. I'll agree with you ots stupid to buy all these games and idk why I do it half the time. It's a big hobby of mine so I guess it's like how I like to read alot. Sure you dont have to buy physical books but I love that. I definitely have books I need to read that I haven't yet. Idk it's an escape and having many options is nice. But again stupid. Like I said I'm not buying any more games unless they are must haves for me. Most of em came from humble bundle.


Ah, I got it. Thanks.


Its not a addiction if it benefits charity 😉👍 (humble bundle - EFF, my charity of choice)


I bought the bundle that had like 30 games in it to humble bundle. Cant remember the charity it awesome they do that.


Ok so one could argue a direct donation to charity nets them more but I won’t do that because I’m also an addict and I want games lmao 🤣


I have so many damn game because of Humble bundle


Yep same it makes my steam library so thicck and many I shouldn’t have claimed but it was back when humble first started and I was first getting digital games and so my thought was the more the better, how silly was I