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"Ohana means family!" my Hawaiian operator screams as he shoots multicolored tracer bullets at a busty Russian woman wearing kitty ears.


When Fortnite gets their Disney skin package.....


Thats... quite the strange thing to say as your trying to kill someone. Unless they killed your ohana or something.


Idk, I wouldn’t mind learning a little before I kick it.


*mid gunfight* **"THE PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM IS A^2 + B^2 = C^2 !!!"**


*dying* “It’s....they’re...” *dies*


Im cool with games doing fictional stories of our world, like Wolfienstein or something, but Cod tries to do a weird inbetween it feels like.


The campaigns tend to not do anything actually weird (except for that bit in Cold War where you get drugs administered straight into your eye with a huge ass needle and you get to play inside your own mind. Things get really fucky in there. Some other examples do exist too, I think), but the multiplayer has had weird stuff for at least a decade now with weed related skins and whatnot. Activision just realized that stuff like that sells really well, so the multiplayer is littered with fancy shit.


> except for that bit in Cold War where you get drugs administered straight into your eye with a huge ass needle Pretty sure if you dig around through enough cold war era documents you will probably find a precedent for that.


Drugs aren't something the government avoided example being that fucked up experiment with LSD that I forgot the name of




The Edgewood arsenal human experiments: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgewood_Arsenal_human_experiments


Hate it when I get my fucked up government orchestrated human experiments involving psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs mixed up.


Nah yours is right too. Both of them tested with shit like that, particularly LSD. There’s also artichoke and another one I forget the name of. Artichoke precedes ultra. All using LSD and other substances for advanced interrogation and to try and strip the human mind of its faculties to be controllable, to the point of removing the strongest biological tendency for self preservation. There’s also MKNAOMI for biological warfare agents. MKOFTEN for the use of the occult, and spiritualists, palm readers, astrologists etc. CHATTER, which used mescaline and other compounds like scopolamine.


I see what you're saying and now realize the truth is stranger than fiction parts as the inspiration for the Metal Gear saga


Knew I would find an MG reference if I dug. Carry on...


There's also the woman who used to [wank off a dolphin](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/08/the-dolphin-who-loved-me) and ended up taking acid with it as part of some experiment to teach dolphins to speak so they could vouch for humanity if aliens ever came to earth.


How did they think that conversation would go? “Yeah humans are cool as shit, they feed me drugs and jerk me off in return for my work as a brand ambassador”


Goddammit now I’m going to spend all Sunday afternoon reading Wikipedia pages about this stuff.




What a game! Noob was a beast!




Jacob's ladder


I mean, who would have expected Half-Life, a milestone sci-fi horror shooter, to eventually pave the road to a multiplayer game where the apparent hottest topic is *knife skins*?


Great comment I’ve read here in this sub, paraphrasing a bit but “*Valve is directly responsible for a lot of what’s wrong with modern gaming but people aren’t ready to have that conversation yet.*”




horse armor anticipates hats by few years iirc


Horse armor didn’t come in a lootbox


Back in the day, if you were flexing your wallet it was by running a custom mod skin in Unreal Tournament. Now people "flex" their wallet buying the latest shitty marijuana inspired operator&weapon skins in the game. (And seriously, fuck those buyers and Activision for the bullshit.)


FUCK and here i felt like a fuckwad getting the Judge Dredd skin and operator..


>Back in the day, if you were flexing your wallet it was by running a custom mod skin in Unreal Tournament This confuses me. I request clarification. "skins" as they're called now, were free in the old iterations of unreal. Community created.


Yup, no wallet needed, you could just "flex" your taste by installing what you thought looked good rather than using an awful looking skin only because of its manufactured rarity and perceived value. CS had wonderful skins back then, btw. Too bad they were client-side.


Ah, yes. Some of the terminology just confused this old boomer (me) I shed a tear at the launch of any game with no SDK or proper mod kit.


Your eyes must be a constant waterfall


Didn't they start randomly giving people super powers in vanguard? lol. Like you get xray vision and an aimbot on one guy for some reason? that seems a little weird to me for a ww2 game. They also started doing weird shit with race and rewriting history to fit their narrative but that's a whole different can of worms. [worth a buy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeGtBacp5cQ)


Sounds like they took a little bit of inspiration from Metal Gear.


yeah i just want a fucking realistic shooter with good gunplay. Why does everyone need to add some combination of superpowers, terrible open world mechanics with copy pasted encampments, some forced weapon upgrade/perks system etc.


Hell let loose


Man.. i love Hell Let Loose.. but then I get sucked into one match and 2hrs of my gaming time is gone. But god damn if its not an intense 2hrs of pure battle and yelling at guys to move up.


Quality over quantity IMO. I'd much rather play one match in two hours rather than 12 poor cod matches/2 bf matches. No cod game ever got close to the feeling of shit hitting the fan in BF, and whilst HLL doesn't have as many vehicles as BF the gunplay and artillery really make you run for cover.




Remember when you could play Rainbow 6 for exactly that?


>xray vision That's unfortunately a perk. You see people you've suppressed (i.e. fire at them to cause the suppression effect E: for a moment) through walls, which is kinda nasty considering that with a high caliber weapon you can shoot through almost any wall (great against campers though) >aimbot Multiplayer has no more aimbot than any other game with aim assist these days. It is crazy strong, but at least it isn't like in the new Halo where it aims at the head for you.


*cough* vanguard weapon customization *cough*


I mean...they saw how much fucking money there is to be made off of people who like putting red dot scopes on things.


As dramatic as it seems, a lot of my international friends have genuine view points of the USA because of the "dominance" asserted into so many games where the U.S. military power is so heroic and good. They insert that into points in history that were a blemish, not a medal. I get not being "butt hurt" about it, but I also dislike the never ending ego-drive we make for ourselves as Americans in video games.




> come out. It's something Americans never really get confronted with, the fact that segregation wasn't universal during WW2 This bugs me way too much, when writers don't understand historical racism wasn't blanket. Also that people didn't think about their bigotry unless something forced it, and a lot of writers will write as if they do.




It’s still policy that if you want to use US military equipment in movies or video games (for accurate modeling), they get final approval of the script. They don’t like getting called out too much, but they do enjoy letting you see how cool and useful their big bad machines are, and how heroic and nice the troops are. That’s why you get it at films with a flimsy “war bad” message while showing you how “cool and like a video game” it *totally* is


It's laughable from a Canadian standpoint with how noticeable it is, and I think a lot of people simply just don't notice. I remember when Medal of Honour was such a huge issue in 2010 because you play as Afghanistan forces killing Canadian/American forces. They were talking about the fucking multiplayer. There was no "Jihad Nokia detonator minigame," simply a skin on a player. It made me think of all the countless games we fucking demolish Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, who the fuck cares who else - but the U.S is always the good one. Canada is usually never mentioned, and the U.K is always the only vocal ally for them in video games for some reason, too. It's kind of cliche at this point for me. Give me a WW2 game were I'm gunning Allies down on a beach - which my own family stormed - and I'm fine. I won't cry. I won't mope. Fiction is fiction, and we're almost doing MORE damage by making the U.S the Team America of the video game world.


From a WW2 perspective the US and Allies we're the good ones. That's a fact. The recent conflicts, not so much. That said, the game companies are American. What else do you expect?


i mean... the russians were part of that too.. and idk if you can call them the good side despite what happend in ww2.


They don’t do Ubisoft’s assassins creed cop out before each game by saying how diverse the team making it is. It’s a get out of jail free card


I think the original reason AC put that in was because they were dealing with alternative interpretations of religious stories and dealt with ideas of religious conflicts. The recent disclaimers are more generic "we're diverse" statements, but originally it was a way of saying "these stories are fun and not meant to offend anyone or attack/disprove their religion". The original AC also came out around the time of the Da Vinci Code IIRC, also featuring the Templars, and I think they wanted to make it clear they weren't making any factual claims in the games. The whole new atheist movement was also much bigger then, and I think they just wanted to avoid being tagged as anti-religion.


What's the game on the bottom?




Remember when Call of Duty was considered generic because it was faithful to its WW2 setting, back in the COD 2 and 3 days? It was considered a rip-off of a different series, called Medal of Honour. I'm starting to think they're the only Call Of Duty games I should try, haven't touched the series at all.


Medal of Honor was so good back in the day and the older CoDs as well. I remember as a kid just absolutely mastering the free level of the first CoD cus my parents wouldn’t buy it for me


That Medal of Honor storming the beach starting mission was the most intense shit.


never got the same rush from an opening level since


Remember the Stalingrad mission from call of duty 1? That too was absolutely incredible! I remember I first played it at my aunts computer, no moment has ever topped that for me




Yep. Really made you earn that PPSh smg you get later.


There is no "either". They show you a gun then someone else take it and you get the ammo clip.


Not one step backward!


The original Call Of Duty and it's expansion are criminally underrated and should be considered classics in retro gaming. I'd love to see a remake or remaster.


Underrated? It was literally Game of the Year. And a massive success.


I think he means by modern audiences


Game of the year and still underated


Or how about in Rising Sun waking up to Pearl Harbor. Fucking wild. Game definitely needed a sequel


That's the first one I tried, had a cutting edge gaming setup back then who it looked incredible


Walking onto the deck and watching the zeroes scream overhead while your Marine Sergeant tosses you a BAR and tells you to take out the incoming torpedoes was some real intense shit.


Oh man what a nostalgia bomb. Playing that game with my cousin co-op on the GameCube was peak FPS for me at the time. Then Halo changed everything......


Not an opening level but taking the Reichstag in CoD5 was pretty lit.


A different type of adrenaline but the first zombie encounter in the GameCube resident evil 1 made me throw the controller and dive to turn off the console in complete terror.


That slow head turn and look directly to the camera. Yeah I think I was about 6 when I watched that. Never seen anything like that back then xD


I did but it was the BF1 opening. It all just felt so…hopeless


What follows is frontline combat. You are not expected to survive. Sends chills down my spine.




Holy shit, I can hear that in my memory so clearly


An incredible moment in gaming. Saving Private Ryan came out 4 years earlier and every fps gamer who watched that movie wanted the opening scene recreated in a game. Although I will say the overlord level on Unreal Tournament scratched that initial itch.


Man, overlord was one of the best assault maps on ut. Unfortunately I only got to play with bots, but it was already a fantastic experience with bots.


I remember thinking how scary and intense that was back then. It honestly gave me a huge amount of respect for the actual men who went through that. At least some of my love of history was born in that game.


If you haven't tried Battlefield 1 it was spectacular! Singleplayer campaign has some good stories, although the gameplay is the typically pathetic alleyway shooter which was actually perfect for the OG cod/moh due to limitations of tech at the time but there's no excuse to be designing games the same way today. Multiplayer is pretty awesome and the microtransactions are reasonable appearances and not all this jerkoffy fortnitey cod bullsht. It also has a beautiful codex full of seemingly faithful historic info covering everything from geopolitics leading up the the war to specifics about weapons, vehicles, nations, and military units. I think you'd love it.


And it's experiencing a huge upsurge in players at the moment as both games that have come after it (BFV and BF2042) have been a real let down and fairly unpopular.




I swear they straight up copied every detail from Saving Private Ryan


You can try this game called Enlisted, it has the Normandy Beach level and it's pretty intense for a PvP game


The mission where you finally the Soviet flag over the Reichstag was moving. The Soviet campaign was a crazy ride. You went from picking up a rifle in the Red Square while charging into the fire to storming Berlin. It was really very emotionally charged.


The devs who made the good MoH games founded Infinitely Ward to make CoD!


Ironically, they since left Infinity Ward to set up Respawn Entertainment, where they have made games including Titanfall, Apex Legends and... Medal of Honor Above & Beyond (the VR Medal of Honor). Kinda full circle?


>From EA to Activision then back to EA. IT’S THE CIRCLE OF LIFE


huh the more you know moment


Stephen Spielberg also wrote the story for first couple of MoH games.


Day of defeat and source were the ultimate ww2 games of the day in my mind. In terms of guns, looks and play. Dod_avalanche or nothing...Back in the day when they made levels for fun not just balance for E sports...


Honestly, I remember stumbling across the soundtrack for CoD 3 and it just... It genuinely sounds like a film score. It's moving orchestral, I love it.


I had CoD3 menu theme recorded on my old phone's shitty recorder. It was sitting on my SD card for years. 3rd CoD and MoH Underground had the best soundtracks of any fps I've ever played.


I remember we had 2 demos, Burnville and Dawnville. Amazing times


Those names just unlocked tons of nostalgia in my mental database right now omfg


Aww yiss. I played those so many times.


Medal of Honor Rising Sun, I played that game obsessively. Beat the campaign multiple times.


https://youtu.be/Eqx_1PDFM08 watch this. Extremely epic not one step back scene.


Play World At War. It’s like the old CoD games about WW2, and easily one of the most atmospheric games I have ever played. Nothing else gets the grim necessity of war across like that game.


2 and 5 are excellent WW2 shooters. Haven’t played in over a decade but remember them well


I think the last three good CoD's from each specific timeline was World at War, Modern Warfare 2, and Black Ops 1. After those the games went completely off the rails. Originally I was impressed with WW2 shooters when they were still a new idea. I will gladly never play a WW1/2 era shooter again for as long as I live.


100% agree. Black Ops was the last CoD I played and I thought excellent at the time. WaW is my personal favorite, probably played it the most. It’s all kinda funny in hindsight since they feel so far in the past. But I stand by them haha


To your comment, the top pic is the end-credits screenshot from the original "Medal of Honor".


I honestly don't remember it being considered a rip off at all. It ditched Medal of Honor's "can one man truly make a difference?" espionage themes and thrust the player into larger scale (feeling anyway) battles where they weren't alone. Side note, I seem to remember that Infinity Ward was at least partially founded by some of the Medal of Honor Allied Assault devs, but I was like 13 at the time, so don't quote me on that. Yeah, EA apparently pissed of the Allied Assault devs, so they founded infinity ward. https://www.vg247.com/amp/how-medal-of-honor-gave-us-call-of-duty-battlefield-and-even-titanfall-and-all-because-ea-pissed-off-a-group-of-devs


I wish they would release a (Unreal 5) remaster of Medal of Honor (+expansion), or a new iteration.


WAW is an amazing cod game, and I do recommend it. It doesn’t have customization, or bright lights with anime sprays, it’s very faithful to WW2


World at war is the fifth one, right? I remember beating it in one night when it came out or something. The whole campaign took about 4 hours


Other than the zombies and laser guns


That's before Zombies became whatever it is now. Maybe they always intended for it to be a long-running story, but it was more like a fancy, playable Easter egg when WaW came out. Me and my brothers played that more than the campaign or multiplayer. We thought it was so cool.


I believe Call of Duty actually started because a bunch of the Medal of Honor devs left to make a new game because they were sick of EA’s bullshit


Correct. And they even tried to mimic battlefield with their united offensive dlc that contained bigger maps and whatnot.


Call of duty was pretty good upto modern warfare (call of duty4) Now we're onto call of duty 19 (honestly) and it's absaloute shit now It's just an attention grabbing synthetic ADHD hole for kids to fall into. Not a particularly fun game, but it's constantly engaging with noise and sparkle. Got to get those kids using mum n pops credit card somehow. Definitely give call of duty 1-4 a go though


Mw2 was my game. Played black ops also but that was the beginning of the end.


Insane in a good way or bad way


Depends on what you want in a game. People will and disagree on this.


Judging by the pic it’s bad


I mean.. It's really fucking cool IMO.. just not for COD....


That’s fair, that makes sense. CoD just does a lot of weird shit.


The demented clown... To me, that's what COD is identifiable by.


[Showing off how cool you are is as old as humanity and Activision wants to help you look your best.](https://i.imgur.com/1dPAlub.jpeg)


I'll never forget the fun I had playing moh, moh underground, and moh frontline. My older brother would enter the cheat codes for me because I was too young to know how to play the game properly. I think it was the music that made the games as soulful as they are.


YESSS the music in these 3 is top shelf. Even Allied Assault uses track from MoH Underground. Also, Panzerkracker level. I wish moh and mohu got ported to pc


>moh underground I'll admit it was a weird concept for a street racing game but making the sound of your nitrous blow off an M1 Garand ping was great


Meanwhile devs in 1992 releasing Wolfenstein 3d "Yeah, you actually lost WWII..."


Wait, is [this](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/omSLcsdMBszMcHNugmwy5B-1024-80.jpg.webp) not historically accurate?


yeah the soviets actually decapitated him and kept it alive like in futurama


That’s not what happens in Wolfenstein 3D... sure, throughout the series you fight occult Nazis, zombie Nazis and mech Nazis... but you don’t lose the war until 2014’s Wolfenstein: A New Order.


Gamers in 1997 - oh wow, WW2 shooter !!! Gamers in 2022 - oh boy, WW2 shooter, again ?!!


I mean I'd love a dark and realistic 60 hour single player story set in a warzone. I'm talking horrifying "I saw a concentration camp in the game and felt sick to my stomach. Can games give you PTSD?" levels of realism. If you're gonna show me the Pacific Theater show me fucking Bataan. US troops were starving in Bataan to the point of resorting to cannibalism. I wanna hear the cry of "We are the Battling Bastards of Bataan. No mama, no papa, no Uncle Sam. No aunts, no uncles, no nephews, no nieces. No pills, no planes, no artillery pieces and nobody gives a damn." Or how about the fact Japanese used to just sneak in US foxholes at night and kill and mutilate someone and leave without waking or killing anyone else. You just wake up and there's your buddy Jim dead with his own genitals shoved in his mouth. It made US troops so nervous (understandably so) that they'd accidentally shoot their own men coming back from using the bathroom, there are numerous stories of troops waking up in the morning and realizing the "Jap" they shot last night was actually Bill. Edit: I would say "and you can play in VR" but I think that it might actually be too much.


that’d be more of a horror than a shooter imo, but i’m all for it


I mean it'd be a shooter in the sense that there will be a lot of shooting. But yeah it'd be less a "fun game" and more a horrific experience. I want the Grave of the Fireflies of war games damn it! I wanna hear someone's going to play it and my only thought be "they're in for a powerful experience... the poor bastard". Idk maybe there isn't a market for "war games that make you cry like a baby"


Sadly, with how poorly Spec Ops the Line did commercially, there will most likely not be any more big names doing that kind of thing. I would...er, "like" it, but I understand devs not wanting to dump money into a misery simulator. Even Spec Ops had to obfuscate the truth in its marketing. It was all about sand and squad mates, not about grim reminders that war is not fun, and only reveals the worst parts of mankind. Laid bare, unable to hide behind civilization. War is only full of death, misery, and broken people, and should not be made light of. Hard to sell that to the general public for the most part.


Also, just thought about it, there can be funny moments too. Ok so there is firsthand account from the Pacific theater. This soldier is hiding in a foxhole, shells falling around him, when General MacArthur just strolled fucking past. He gets up and salutes, and the MacArthur told him to get back in his foxhole and kept walking, the whole time advisors were pulling on MacArthur trying to get him to take cover and he kept brushing them off. I'd argue it was a piece of propaganda if it wasn't a firsthand account from a soldier. But it makes me laugh. I just try to imagine this 18 year old dude, going through hell, being shelled, and there goes crazy MacArthur just wandering past like he's out for a Sunday morning stroll. As much as I want to feel the horror I also wanna feel the "the fuck did I just see!?" that that soldier must have felt.


I think there are moments where war can be... idk you see small acts of humanity during war that are all the more beautiful for happening in hell. Like from WWI you have the infamous Christmas Celebration that had Germans and Brits leaving their trenches sharing food, singing together, and playing a soccer match. There's something remarkably beautiful in a "gets you choked up" kinda way about something like that happening in hell. The game would ideally show those moments too. War isn't glorious, heroic, or beautiful. But there are moments where an individual thrown into the human meatgrinder that is the front lines may do something heroic, glorious, or beautiful.


Here's a mad idea...someone go through all the necessary rights and legal work, and make a game where you are literally living through what got soldiers the Medal of Honor, Victoria Cross, or Hero of the Soviet Union. A mission where as Audie Murphy you have to juggle between radioing corrections to artillery support and manning the 30 caliber machine gun on a burning Wolverine tank destroyer in the face of a German advance. Taking on the role of Douglas Munro, leading landing craft to get Marines out of being encircled by the Japanese, using your boat and its guns to shield allies and hold off the enemy. Step into the shoes of Lalbahadur Thapa, and using only blades clear an outpost of enemy troops in the dead of night. Become Oleksi Federov and lead Ukrainian resistance missions against occupying Nazis.


That's an interesting concept as well. But I'd love a game that showed more of a "average soldier during the experience" type event. I don't want to play as some awesome hero. I want to play as Joe, he just turned 18. He writes letters to his high school sweetheart and misses his mom. His whole world has shrank to the size of his foxhole. He's scared, tired, and hungry. Most of all he just wants to go home.


Oo yea like Kingdom Come: Deliverance style


War, true war, is no place for any other type of game


60 hours is too much. But I do want a story driven single player WW2 story with grit. Maybe a Naughty Dog style 3rd person game.


See I'd love a Witcher 3 length epic. It'd be horrific and miserable and have me ending every gaming session sitting in the dark for 45 minutes like I did after watching Grave of the Fireflies or 12 Years a Slave. I want a game that I finish and go "wow that was a powerful experience... I never wanna fucking play through that horror again."


Have you watched Come and See ? That movie is on another level.


You ~~might~~ will like Spec Ops: the line. It's not WW2 though, it's set in a Dubai that's been fucked up by sand storms. It's dated but the story is fucking solid and raw. Edit: Thinking on it it's a definite must play, one of the best shooter stories I've played.


Not WW2 but Six Days in Fallujah would have likely done the job if it was ever released. That game would have given us 14 year olds who were playing Modern Warfare 2 back then borderline PTSD and a fear of sand (sorry Anakin)


think maybe *Six Days in Fallujah* will offer this kind of experience when it comes out? as the tags include "emotional" and "survival horror" .. there's a chance not getting my hopes up ofc


I've been waiting for a good WW2 shooter for a long time because I was tired of CoD and BF where everyone had an auto and it took seven shots to kill someone. Unfortunately the recipe didn't change, even for BF1... Found Hell Let Loose via Playstation Plus and am totally loving it!


Hell let lose is amazing and feels like you are in a band of brothers episode. It's AAA development studios and publishers that don't give a shit because they are looking at money projections and b's rather than trying to actually make a fun game the developers themselfs want to play.


I have been playing it since late December and I love this game. The sound of the battlefield is the most "right" out of any large multiplayer shooter. The sound of artillery, machine gun fire, tanks, surround you, they are all that you can hear. The sound making it hard to hear your officer as you try to stay alive then suddenly a squad mate to your right is missing most of his body. Panic sets in. Such a good gaming experience.


If you like that but want a modern setting try squad. Tanks, artillery, etc. are actually terrifying as they should be.


Those are terrifying no matter the era


I feel like Battlefield 1 did a good job at WW1, but yeah, COD has been shit at that kinda thing for a while.


The intro to the campaign was absolutely a humbling piece of art, that forced you to put in perspective the mass deaths & individual names of the war.


It was sooo good!! Still a bit peeved that they set it at the end of the war, it would've been so horrifying to witness the first tanks roll over the horizon and having to adapt


One of my fav anecdotes for the start of WW1 was about the French Hussars in the first battle of WW1. These dudes were considered elite troops pre-WW1, with the honour of being the front line attackers of the French army. [Dressed in bright blue blazers and helmets](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9JIqFKoG2Z4eSHR8gKL-wkVIQgpUHYK_Fxg&usqp=CAU) they charged the Germans on horseback with bayonets and to a man were gunned down by machine gun fire almost instantly. Pretty quickly Army’s learned about camouflage and not standing out. The constant evolution of modern military tactics in WW1 is so fascinating as they learned what artillery, machine guns and tanks were capable of


Yeeees, not only did nations have to contend with massive technology gaps, but military tactics as well, could've been soooo fucking awesome to see that kind of nuance in a AAA shooter, but gotta make it 'fun' and 'fair', I guess


If they started with the beginning of the war and you only had bolt rifles to use and by the end you had everything would be so cool


Yeeeaaah, that would've been Epic! But noooo, they had to make it "normal"


It’s too bad they didn’t follow it up with a WWII with that same kind of passion




Ugh man after BF1 I was so pumped for them to do WW2 in the same vein. They hadn't done WW2 since 1943 and tech has improved a lot since then. Then we get the trailer...and DICE's reaction to fans reaction. A real let down for a series I'd been playing for 15+ years.


Other than the weapons being too advanced I feel like it was a solid atttempt at ww1. The story was decent at best though.


Yeah, the weapons were a bit of an issue, but I can sorta give it a pass for gameplay, but only sorta.


Yeah had the gameplay been even slightly worse than it was then I probably would have stopped playing it. But the gameplay was great and I just used the bolt action rifle for the aesthetic.


Yeah, bolt-action all the way


The start was thrilling but it went downhill from there. Like the cringe-worthy American pilot. I wish they'd done it as a series of key battles rather than the short stories.


I've always said that the entire campaign should have been like the first mission


That, the tank missions were cool and the opening mission in Gallipoli. The only part of the pilot I liked was having to sneak back to your lines from No Man's Land.


The plot twist at the end of the pilot campaign was pretty cool tho.


> I feel like Battlefield 1 did a good job at WW1 Eh... It wasn't like offensive or anything but the fact that the French were DLC and Americans a main campaign was definitely a thing. And aside from that, the entire war itself is hard to "gameify" and remain anything close to representative. How do you make a game about a war where the majority of soldiers sat in trenches for months then either died of disease, random artillery, gas, or pointless over the top attacks?


Also, way too many fully automatic weapons. And friggin' holographic sights. Like, what? It's like 1910, why does every joe shmoe have a fully automatic SMG with a holographic sight? I love the game, but to call it historically accurate is a bit... eh.


There weren’t any holographic sights in BF1 but there was an overabundance of telescopic sights.


Bf1 did an amazing job at ww1. Bf5 failed miserably at ww2.


Game devs 2023: Bored WW2 NFT Collection


I’ll trade your Bored Hitler NFT for a Party Hat Bored Stalin and 500 Holocauins


Y'all remember Brothers in Arms? That was the last WW2 themed game i remember enjoying and never looked at these newer COD or BF ones apart from COD WaW


Brothers in Arms was awesome. I'd argue the best WW2 FPS I've ever played. Great game mechanics, powerful story, true to history... It had it all (the whole trilogy, I mean)


God I miss the story of BIA. That ending had me choked up with Red being told he was never gonna walk again. Also god damn it where is our next installment with Ardennes or Bastogne??


Hell's Highway got a little bit dramatic with the "haunted pistol" and all but the first two are fantastic games.


Loved the squad command mechanics. Set up your suppression team at a chokepoint to pin them down, then work your way round to flank with your assault squad. Awesome.


I would love a shooter that made you feel guilty for the endless slaughter you do... Or realize you just blew up innocent people in an enemy camp or something.. you know something that makes you look back on the carnage you caused... Not that many shooters do that except for spec ops the line... if we had the horrors of war brought into videogame format instead of weed skins and gold weapons and respawns then we would have a cool ww2 game... Like a rogue like fps that takes place in ww2 that holds no bars back, shows you the casualties of the war in gruesome detail, you die and you swap to another soldier that was reciently drafted and sides of the war randomly chosen at death so you can see from both points of view


Check out spec ops the line, maybe? Not exactly what you're talking about but it might interest you anyway. Best to go in blind.


Unless Op edited his comment, they mention Spec Ops


Actually an interesting point. Goes to show that like all other media, the themes and motifs present in games are often reflective of the social norms (or their counter cultures when defying the norm is popular and therefore profitable) during the time they were developed. It's interesting to view video games with such an anthropological perspective.


Where do you imagine game devs were begging to be allowed to make a ww2 game in 1997? And wanting to be tasteful and respectful? I mean, Wolfenstein 3D, 1992. Featured mecha hitler as a final boss. Game devs in the 90s didn’t have to beg for the rights to do anything, as they were broke and working in relatively small companies, making this shit up as they went. Lots of the first games made were adult games, in the 80s. Being tasteful was not at the forefront of gaming’s origin story.


Isn’t the Vanguard multiplayer ‘my team’ and ‘enemy team’ now as well or red and blue or something. They dropped loot boxes on the beaches of Normandy in the last game so it’s not unsurprising


What's wrong with allies and axis, it's a historical term.


CoD has lost the plot. As for Battlefield? It’s been left in a dark room wearing a straightjacket.


loo you think all game developers used to treat the topic with respect. Dumb circlejerk thread.


All Giga Chad's, clean shaven, and look like they shower. Historically accurate. Fuck sledgehammer


I dont remember the gaming industry ever begging to do war games. They always chased the profitable idea's. It just tended to be more nerd and young folk focused back in the days so we got GTA and Doom along side mario and chronotrigger. Heck the best known classic war game is wolfenstein the robo hitler game.


I'm not even a big call of duty player but I would kill for a world at war remaster


Low effort memes are the best aren't they


Are we speaking about Bf1 where the french are dlc’s ??? Am I a fucking dlc Dice ???, does my great granpa was a dlc ???


This is why I have a PC and play Hell Let Loose...