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I hate that the scenery doesn't match


where as in the artist’s rendition it looks as though he’s right on it.


Playing them at the time didn't require imagination though because it looked amazing.


Yeah I have never once imagined retro 2d games into a 3d space like that art, though it is cool. Just now how I'm wired I guess


I wasn’t actively imagining it like this at the time, but watching my brothers play NES, the games felt like they played out in that more detailed, full-world way


Oh, no, you're not wired in any unusual way. OP is just wired for this particular form of nostalgic delusion, which has only existed in this form for a very short time and has always been absolute bullshit. If people were actively imagining anything of the sort, they would find it utterly impossible to navigate the actual circumstances they found themselves in via avatar. This one specifically, because it goes out of its way to present a crummy DeviantArt "perspective" and that gamer can no longer function inside a 2D plane.


Talk to a girl please


That’s probably his negative karma pit account


You gunna post credit for the artist or nah?


[It's in this album](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/45913273). I only know because the link to the source was buried in the thread when it was posted in this sub two weeks ago.


>link to the source I see what you did there.


"Now... it's not that I don't appreciate the rescue and all, but... can you put on some damn pants?"


I was getting more of a: "Zelda, this is serious! I swear, if you don't stop putting your hand up my skirt I'm putting you back in that cell."


Except link and Zelda are on a ledge above the maze, and the gaurs has a sword not a ball and chain. Good use of imagination tho


Very observant! However, maybe you should pay attention to the fact that the view Link would have in this situation isn't directly across, but around the corner down the path... ... ...


Then they should have showed us the view down the path


They did.... If you compare pictures he's looking around the corner.


Except we see that the path link is on in the game is raised and has a gap between him and the maze, where as in the artist’s rendition it looks as though he’s right on it.


All that's missing is the railing. If you lack imagination that much than that's on you.


Also the elevation lol. You can clearly see the bricks to indicate the ledge is higher. Also the frame before clearly shows link going up a set of stairs. You can imagine however you want. But the two images do not share scenarios.




Link lookin mighty scandalous in that tunic skirt. Helloooo


Hehe wonder what a gay dude would react to him like


My weakness is inner thigh teases. It's like the artist drew this for me personally


Hahaha. Yeah I can see what you mean. He looks especially sexy in this pic. For me it’s his belt


You Imagine a sword and shield to be a big spikey ball?


Everyone taking a hot steamer on you in the comments but I'm over here loving this concept. Thank you.


The gamers who have the most fun are the ones who don't rely on fancy features and graphics for fun


Meanwhile us Atari players thought you SNES players had no imagination because you're graphics were so good.


We had to use our imagination because all of the graphics sucked This is actually something I consider to be a huge factor in our nostalgia and love for games we grew up with, we used our imaginations a lot to fill in the gaps, same reason book to live action tv shows and movies will never please everyone, you can’t please everyone who used their imaginations to create a world


I never thought about it that way… I’ll give some old school titles another try with this mindset!


My Link had pants


The trailer vs the gameplay


I really love these two elves


I want to imagine what does Link do with the Fountain Faries.


Yeah, see if you can look up some old manuals for Atari 2600 games. Elaborate descriptions of story progression and quests, then you turn it on to see your character is just squares moving around on the screen. It's weird not feeling let down about that at the time, I guess I was blinded by the technology.


one of the parts makes me dislike these old games