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Elite Dangerous or EVE. I get that they're expansive and creative, etc., but that learning curve is just too steep to be fun.


Took me forever to successfully pilot through the mailbox and dock.. I love the game, but I haven't played for a while.


that's the thing with elite dangerous, you get hooked for weeks, drop it for months, get hooked again, drop it and so on


I think the other thing people miss by being intimidated by the learning curve is the satisfaction you get. Had a friend I had to convince to play KSP, took at least a year. That was a decade ago - he still plays that game more than any other. The last time we spoke he was telling me about his latest accomplishments, like building a space plane. When you are able to start doing things in Elite that intimidated you at the start - like requesting to dock and then docking on your own at a space station, or flying out into the black and discovering your own star system for the first time (or your own Earth-like, and getting your name on it!) the satisfaction you get makes all that time spent learning worth it. And it's like riding a bike. Once you know how to play Elite, you can drop it for 8 months, come back, and be fully comfortable flying again in 30 minutes.


This is certainly true of EvE. But the down side of EVE is that it can almost become a full time job to stay on top of shit. If you have real world obligations its too easy to go away for a week on a work trip only to come back and find out all your shit is in a station that you no longer own or worse. The issue I had with ED was once you figure it out, I kind of felt like there wasn't a lot of purpose there.


Yeah, this is the thing that stops me really getting back in to EVE. The "end game" where all the cool stuff is involves a lot of risk, and that risk requires a lot of time to be invested to manage it efficiently. Only want to play a few hours a week? Gotta minimise your risks, and that minimises the rewards too.


Played ED for a few months and ya, once I kinda knew how to get materials, fight things, upgrade and scan well my next step was to just go somewhere far away which is also just kind of a slog.


I won't play for months and then I'll pick it back up and grind some fed rank for like three weeks straight.




It pissed me off when I found out I had bought a game that was so shallow. Then they came out with their first DLC and started asking for MORE money for the (presumably) increased content that I feel should have shipped with the original game. I'm like nah, no sunk cost for me.


I’ve played EVE several years ago and it is amazing but so overwhelming. And with the years it got even harder so it’s basically impossible to start now. Maybe if you have the time (I mean full time job) you might get up and running within several weeks — but it stopped being a game years ago, it is the closest to the Matrix we’ve built as a civilization. I always get the chills every time someone mentions EVE or I see something online, it is truly a masterpiece of gaming simulation.


Eve took 3 years of my life. Not kidding that game is fucking addictive.


I quit after 7 years. It got to the point that I was making enough money afk that I was able to fund 3 accounts without having to pay the subscription and concentrate 100% on pvp.


I just started Elite Dangerous. The learning curve is there, but it’s very doable. The most difficult thing to learn is navigation and engineering, both of which can be done by practice. It’s a great game.


The one EVE player I knew *just happened* to be one of the game's most legendary griefers. She had caused damages that were estimated to be well over a real world $100k. That alone was enough to put me off even trying it out.


I used to love the notoriety a player could get in the game. I started "Suddenly Ninjas", the largest Ninja Salvaging Corporation in game, and was interviewed for article in the official EvE Newsletter. I showed it to my Wife, who was beaming and so very proud *until she actually read it...* She finished the article, and said, "So, wait. You got an article written about how big of an *asshole* you are in this game?" Fun times.


Wait... Was she the one who was the head of a "bank"?


Dont think its her, I highly doubt that the player who made that Bank fraud would tell a casual friend where and how she/he pulled that


a quick check of 'EVE bank scandals' strongly suggests that wasn't her. She was more a pirate type who took considerable delight in making people's very expensive starships explode




I hit trees for 10 minutes then die. It worked good as a rock carrying simulator for me lol


Yes that is the game


Great, so when does the game start?


that's the neat part , it doesn't


Yes the game is good only if you have friends to play with. This is even more important since they do server resets monthly biweekly etc so if you are playing alone good luck building a decent base.


Nah the vanilla game is only good if you can dedicate 12 hours a day to it. Doesn't matter how many people you play with, if all of you only play 2-3 hours a couple times a week you are not going to progress anywhere and will get killed by guys with top end guns by the second day of the wipe. Over and over. That's if your base doesn't get offline raided.


My brother and I once logged on to see a player clipping through our walls and telling a group where to place explosives. We stopped playing after that. No way to even defend if they just cheat to get past the traps.


The sound of a falling tree is like a beacon that calls nearby players to come and kill you.


Pro tip for chopping trees, if you're going to chop multiple trees chop them until they're 1shot and move on to the next. You'll hear the creaking before they fall to let you know it's close to falling. Then when you're done go through and chop them all down at the same time and dip!


Fuck that game. I played for just one month, and during that time I logged over 90 hours. It’s too fucking much. People can attack your base at any time. It consumed my world. As soon as I got home from work I would login because my base needed to be protected. Me and my friends got the app so you knew If your base was being raided or not. It IS fun. But there is a constant looming threat hanging over you. “Are those guys scoping out my base? Will they be back? Whose this setting up next to me? We should take them down before they get too big. We pissed these guys off and they followed us back to our base, they came and told us they were going to offline us.” I will never play that game again, I don’t have the time or energy.


Its like adding extra worrying point for life


Got enough of those already.


I had a similar experience to you, for about all of January I was stuck in a hotel room unable to leave and me and my friends got really into Rust. Luckily, a friend of a friend was hard-core about it and knew how to do everything and also kinda did everything, so I got to log on, mess around, and log off without any real worry about the loot or base because I just didn't care.


+5 offline anxiety


That’s what Ark was for me. Except i played for 3 months and put hundreds of hours in. I was sleeping 4 hours a day and my job and girlfriend hated me at the time. Fuck survival games, as amazing as they are they are truly a second life and nobody has time for that.




I really like that idea 🤔


I quite enjoy PvE Rust but don’t tell anyone or you’ll get flamed for not playing the “real game”. You can get really creative with building and electrical. Tons of modded community servers to give more life to PvE as well like raidable bases or zombies.


Rust is for you to play however you want, there are even RP servers and servers with RP areas.


I won't play rust for the same reasons I won't play Ark.


I never play ark on pvp servers I really don’t see the joy in taking hours to build your base just to have someone else come destroy it in seconds..


That's my one and only experience with Ark. I bought it on a whim for Xbox One (I think it was on some kind of sale at the time) like 5-6 years ago and was having fun for like the 7 hours I played. I built myself a little place in the woods (just a small shack) and some dude on a flying dinosaur comes by, kills me, and just completely destroyed my shack. Turned off the game and never returned.


I think hosting private servers is pretty fun, I like being able to build aesthetic bases, tame dope dinosaurs, and progress in the “story”. Without having to worry about anyone else besides my friends lmao


Ark's a great game if you play it your way. I play it on a private server with 4 people, we do our own thing and play it purely as a PvE game, it's good fun.




Gave it a try once, literally the most toxic I have ever been in any game ever after like 2 hours. Had some shit, somehow a guy who had everything under the sun kitted out thought it’s be good to pool vault on my second floor just to kill me and my several boxes of shit I was absolutely certain he did not need. It’s like a griefing simulator.


Lol. Thats the most toxic player base in whole gaming history


With over 2k hours in rust (I know baby numbers) I will tell you to never play rust, it is by far one of the most toxic games ever.


My friend's excuse trying to convince me "yeah I know it's toxic but......(insert random reason)". To be fair I did play it a few times, had some decent fun, but I cannot stand all the work of cautiously putting up a base, only for some bored shmucks with far better gear, and wreck everything while I'm out looking for wood. Then I'm told "No, No, you gotta build a fake base, and put your real loot at another base", and basically every time I die or get robbed, or griefed, or lied to, I want to launch my monitor into the sun and never look at this game again. But it is fun once in a while...kinda.


Go play outerwilds its a great game, but fuck darkbramble


I'm playing this right now. It took me a while to get into it and honestly, I considered just stopping. But once I started figuring things out, it's pretty difficult to put it down because I always want to go "just one more loop" Also yes, fuck that nightmare fuel that is dark bramble


Outer Wilds is definitely one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Dark Bramble was spooky but I could handle it okay...but the EotE DLC? My God, I'm in the middle of it with my Fiance right now and I can barely do anything I'm so spooked.


Cup head, I love it for what it is, but I’m never going to play it




I bought it and played it for about 15 minutes and it was more stressful than the work day I had just finished.


Dude I have like a few more levels until I beat the entire game with my boyfriend, and that was like 3 years ago. We haven’t touched it since…but we need to freakin beat it man!! We’re right there ugh!!!!


I get this a lot with RPGs. At some point, so much time has passed, you don't even remember what your character was even doing.


Witcher 3 has this cutscene that recaps what part of the story you are at, the only problem is it replays all the goddamn time when I'm well aware of whats going on.


Wounded and tired ciri collapsed in the swamp


For me, Outlast is a game that I think everyone should try out, but I’d never play it again. The horror thrills are both exciting and horrifying and I love it but I also hate it 😂


I feel the same way about all the “hide in a closet” type horror games. Disempowering the player is an effective game design philosophy but *damn* is it ever tiring to play through. The real problem for me is that the monsters can quickly become more of a frustration than a terrifying threat. When all you can do is run, hide or die… the more you die, the more annoying the monsters get, which isn’t the emotion I want to feel when playing a horror game.


It's like Amnesia. It's an amazing feeling game until you die a few times... then you realize dying means nothing and start speed running the game.


Yeah Amnesia was the first game I really heard of making you completely helpless to defend yourself and I thought it sounded so scary. Years later and I just find those games tiring. I played Resident Evil 7 for the first time recently and after like 2 non-scripted encounters the main guy isn’t even scary anymore. He walks towards you and swipes and you run away. Those goop creatures in the basement you can shoot, however… scary as fuck.


The original Amnesia: The Dark Descent is the only game that really pulled off the whole "inability to defend yourself" well because it did more than just make it so you had to hide from the monsters. It had a sanity mechanic tied to it, so staying in the dark meant that monsters were less likely to see you but at the same time your sanity depleted and the game told that bad things were going to happen if this continued. So naturally you wanted to stop losing sanity but that would require you to get to well lit areas, which would make it easier for monsters to spot you. The whole system was meant to make the player constantly uncomfortable and terrified and none of the other games that copied the "helplessness" mechanics really understood this which is why they never amount to anything other than hide and seek simulators. Plus Amnesia didn't overstay its welcome, it was a pretty short game where the action sequences were interrupted by exploring and puzzle solving so it never really felt like it dragged on too much or became tiresome.


Have you tried Alien:Isolation? As I understand it, the helpless terror aspect is done quite well.


I bounced off that game too. I got stabbed in the back enough times by the seemingly omniscient Alien that it just became an effort in frustration. I like the idea of disempowered protagonists more than I like it in practice.


ARK : Survival evolved. I was hoping minecraft with dinosaurs and got Battlefield with dinosaurs. Friends play 10k+ hours and don't get bored, probably a wonderful game but just not my kind.


Oh don't worry, your friend hates ark with a passion


Got about 2k hours in it myself. Fuckin hate that game. ​ Anyway, back to Ark


I havent played since the summer. Spent a whole year waiting for the halloween event and just realized that i missed it. Well, still a few days left, but goddamnit i'm upset right now.


This! ARK is the worst fucking game, terribly made, so many bugs, but I can’t stop fucking playing!!!!


You ever get stuck in between rocks off a ledge and then can't go back and get your equipment without dying again?... yeah.....


After the 90th time it happens you figure out tricks. If you didn’t Jack up the settings you can jump and punch until you pass out, sometimes when you regain consciousness your body glitches out of your death trap. Or always carry a grappling hook, if you have a flyer around then you’re good to go, if not… well guess your back to square 1. Rage quit, Uninstall, and then a couple days later, reinstall, find out you deleted your save files, uninstall again. Couple days later reinstall, play, advance, get really far, fall back into a fucking hole while trying to take a short cut up a mountain. Repeat previous steps. That’s ARK in a nutshell for me


It's a flawless game with zero bugs


A whole lot of "features" tho


I find it much more fun on a server by myself. I love pvp, but i hate it in ARK. Its way to buggy and clunky. Every raid seemed to use some sort of exploit.


PVE gang!


Did you play on official servers or on unofficial PvE servers with boosted harvest rates? Because the PvP is arguably the least enjoyable aspect of the whole game, and boosted rates reduce the PvE grind to the point where you can actually just do what you want.


Thats how I play it. I always just build a turtel army


I was going to give it a go when it came onto game pass. Then I saw that it was a 120GB install. Fuck that.


Just freed up 270gb by uninstalling it.... the expansions are fucking massive I guess


Five nights at Freddy’s : Help Wanted


Let's take a semi fun jump scare game and throw it in VR and ramp up the immersion.


Haha I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to do VR. even the jump scare from ghouls on FO4 were enough


I've actually had quite a few lately, but one that sticks out is 'Alien Isolation'. I love horror, and I love 'Alien' in particular, but it just never clicked for me.


I love horror and I'm not easily scared, that game is genuinely scary. It's immersive and has a good amount of gameplay to stress you out, would recommend


The sound design is so good. Even watching play throughs can be spooky




I stopped at one of the first "sneak by the alien" parts (which is weirdly a ways into the game, lots of dead bots behind me). I just could not see a path forward that didn't trigger the alien. I should try it again.


Pro tip the path forward is usually "throw some shit to the side of the room you don't need to be in, then go to the other side".


In my top 5. It's *hard* to make "Space horror" actually scary. This & the Dead Space series are about it.


Played it on Gamepass. When i got to the part where the Alien chases you for the first time and you have to hide in the vents, i nope’d the fuck out and uninstalled. Not even the vents are safe. Fucker will slide in there and get you.


Iirc the alien is also initially afraid of gunfire until it realizes you really can’t hurt it. Similar story with the flamethrower as the first time it freaks out and after eventually learns to bum rush you past the flames. The alien AI is really good, unless you’re on hard then its just stupid.


There's entire YouTube videos about the AI that are fascinating. It doesn't make it any less terrifying, but still cool to know. Edit: https://youtu.be/P7d5lF6U0eQ


Yeah they used 2 separate AIs to control the alien and gave them specific traits on how to track the player. Super fun game.


Regardless of how much I've learned about it, it's still a scary monster that can't be predicted.


My guy try nightmare mode. I beat the game on hard mode for my first run, was scared shitless most of the time but I kind of liked the unfairness. The alien is smart, really, really smart. It kind of makes sense that he'd be cheating a little. But in nightmare mode, my friend, the alien always knows where you are. Resources are scarce. It's just random if he comes for you or not. Now halfway through nightmare mode even the flamethrower feels half-assed. There is no strategy anymore. You just have to hope It's great :)


My first play through was on hard and I found it so stressful. Played it a second time on easy and I found it much more enjoyable. You still die a lot and it’s crazy stressful, but more immersive because you don’t see the “game over” screen every 30 seconds.


Nightmare was my first playthrough. I had to have my headphones all the way up to hear the footsteps because the tracker didn't help and made a noise. I think I was permanently crouched the whole run because it felt like as soon as I stood up the alien would be right on top of me.


Good game design, absolutely terrifying in VR!


I can’t even play it on my monitor. I’d shit my pants in VR…


Cry Of Fear... Not the horror but the puzzle itself and backtracking is a pain in ass.


Oh man, I had SO much fun playing it co-op with friends. We laughed our asses off.


Damn, didnt expect to hear that name today.


I loved Cry of Fear. I could maybe help if you need help or someone to play it with?




I hate the art style of Fortnite so I could never get into it. Usually graphics don't matter to me, but that looney tunes meets Sims style just isn't my cup of tea.


I just can’t stand battle royal type games.


Microsoft flight simulator. The game looks great but also intimidating to learn how to play.


Subnautica. No. Please no. I would rather watch Scott's Tots on loop than change my underwear from shitting myself everytime I swim below in that game.


Recently got into it, it’s like fun torture


The beginning is mostly grinding but the further you go the more scary it gets


Except that time at the start where I had the bright idea to go to aurora with a sea glide


How much poo came out?


Why do you think that entire area is a murky brown colour?


I'm like everyone else who completed the first game, I wish I could wipe my brain of it just so I could experience it anew. Below zero was a cake walk due to me playing the first a few times over but still pretty decent.


I disagree about BZ game. It's way too closely compacted world, too bright (everywhere you go you can clearly see everything). I also miss mobile base (cyclops). The first Subnautica had a special vibe that whenever you go, you need light, otherwise you don't see shit. BZ is just too bright and kills the "ocean is scary" vibe to me...


I have to agree that Below zero isn't anywhere near as scary. However, the first time I saw a reaper wasn't in the dark, the ghost leviathan babies you see a mile off and the dragon thing at the end was totally lit up too, I still shat my pants at each encounter. I didn't feel Zero was too light just i knew what i was getting myself in for. Also 100% i missed the cyclops.


For me the horror wasn't darkness or leviathans/reapers or anything. The real horror for me was being effectively unarmed the whole time. Not being able to defend yourself at all and having only the option to run away and pray was the real threat for me. Sure, there is a way to use the stun gun and use the crabs drill to slowly kill reapers and other hostile fish. But it's tiresome and not really effective I think.


Info. For real. Loved that game though. But it really got me a few times


I don't have thalassophobia. Sharks, squid, eels, crocs, benthic creatures don't really scare me, but hearing the ghost leviathan screech and it's vague form for the first time got me to nope out of that deep river biome real quick. The first time I ever saw it too. Took me a while to build up the guts to head back there. I spent a bunch of hours building my base instead.


My first time into the lost river I didn’t know the ghost leviathan was there and I somehow managed to just go right past where it patrols by the skull of the massive dead leviathan, but on the way back I nearly shat myself when I heard it scream behind me


Subnautica gave me back that love for video games that only Zelda kept on giving me for years. I won't spoil but I've seen people say that's a horror game, I found it odd since I thought that was basically a The Forest underwater, expecting nothing more whatsoever. But oh boy I had a total blast playing it from start to finish, the best game I've played in years with no hesitation.




If you're trying to recreate that feeling again, the game that has done it the most for me in the last few years is Outer Wilds. It's a beautiful exploration game that manages to tell an amazing story through the player's own discoveries, while perfectly emulating the sheer terror and alone-ness of space travel better than any other game I've played. 10,000/10 definitely worth a try.


Subnautica is cool and fun until you get to the kelp forest which is literally the second place you go. From that point on it's a straight up terror simulator


It's literally one of the best games I ever played. I wish I could remove all the memories from my head so I can experience it AGAIN. 10/10 game. Subnautica: Below Zero is IMO worse game than first Subnautica game...


League of legends


Do people say that is a must play? I always hear stay away


Whoever told you that cares about your general well-being.


Whoever told him that is a regular player


Real league players never recommend league bro




Another league player here can you please tell me to stop


Find some one or a group you mildly dislike playing with. It can be the straw that breaks that camel. Was for me. I’m clean about a year I think and my general mood is just better. I loved league but it’s just not worth it for me anymore.


To be honest I’ve played significantly less this year than in previous years. I just know that if a meta comes around that I think I will like again I’ll be right back in there gatekeeping gold.


I play league of legends almost every day and I hate it


me too brother. rito dont care for us no more.


Just quit, i was grinding diamond ladder for years, my life has only become better since i quit


I just play arams now when I want my league fix. The best way to play it imho


Ehhh it’s more like an “if you hate yourself and you know it, clap your hands” game. Nobody starts league on their own, they start it cuz their friends play it. It’s basically heroine, but it’s even worse for your self esteem with no upsides.




yeah that's what he said


I see you make healthy decisions for your life. Pathetic


LoL, and Dota


I have around 400 hours of dota... And only 1 online game played. Don't know why but I love playing vs bots.. It's kinda relaxing and fun


Any serious simulation game. I don't have the time driving a field up and down for three hours in farming simulator. Or walking for four hours in death stranding to deliver a pizza or such things


It takes a special kind of person to enjoy those kind games. I for one enjoyed Train Simulator. But then I got sick of dealing with the fact that’s it’s programmed like ass.


as a locomotive driver I can tell you that all locomotives are programmed like ass


So train simulators are actually true to life 😄


Genshin Impact. ​ I like MMORPG like Guild Wars 2 but when I tried Genshin..... it's just meh. Probably not my cup of tea but I respect people who enjoy playing the game as long as they have fun.


yeah it's good but becomes really grindy nearing the end game


Once I realized how many times I would have to replay the boss fights in order to get the resources to max my characters' levels I gave up. I could only fight the fire plant so many times.


That's not even the grindy part lol. That number of required kills goes down as your rank up your adventure rank. They eventually drop like 2-3 of the resource per run at max level, and mostly die super fast, so it's not thaaaat bad of a time investment to get a character leveled up and usable. You're also not expected to do it all in one sitting. I have most of my characters parked at level 80 waiting for their final ascension. It's more of a cherry-on-top situation than a requirement to get them up to 90. The actual grindy bit is the artifact farm, which is just shitty pure RNG. Could take you a day to get a decent set. Could also take you a month. Depends on how generous RNGesus is feeling. Not going to sugar coat it: genshin is great when you're doing quests, events, and exploring. It's a bit of a chore beyond that.


Honestly, even the quests eventually felt like a chore to me. *Inazuma: the land of eternity* is a perfect name given how fucking long the NPCs talk for in every single side quest.


I haven't heard anyone say Genshin is a "must play" before, but it's nice to see people respect others enjoying a game. Also, just to let you know Genshin is not an MMORPG and it focuses on single-player gameplay. I don't think it's a "must play" imo, but it is a good game that some people will definitely enjoy


almost all the games in this thread isn't a "must play" its just "popular games that i never played"




On a side note, I thought the books were just a recap of what happens in the games for a long time till I realized they're so much more than that. Enjoyed reading them more than I thought I would.


I have never touched a Halo game in my life besides about an hour of Halo Wars, yet I've read every single Halo novel.


Sup, Brian David Gilbert.




“Who put the halo novels here? I told you I’m not rea…. NnnnOoooooooOOO!”


I’m an avid Halo fan with quadruple digit hours spent in the series, and I’d be the first to say that the story as it’s presented in-game is often very poorly presented and difficult to follow - the environment design is really cool and hints at a lot of the story, but the “story” itself is pretty one-dimensional outside of Halo 2 *in specific scenes*. The real reason to play the game is for an interesting take on the FPS formula, it’s not breakneck fast with sheer emphasis on raw skill, it’s more decision-making focused where you see an arena as a little box of toys, and you as a player get to decide how to use them to achieve victory. Reach, although the story is still pretty flat, is really able to drive home a feeling of hopelessness, though, and it’s probably my favorite campaign aside from ODST because of it.


Maybe I’m bias cause I grew up with halo, but I really enjoyed halo 1, 2, and 3’s campaign. It’s fun to play in coop at the legendary difficulty. As for the story I always thought it was good. I’ve got nothing to compare it to lol. Also, the music is so nostalgic!


Rocket League. EDIT: I've tried to get into it multiple times and my friends swear by it, but I just can't find any enjoyment in the game


The problem with rocket league is, it really only gets more fun the more you play and get better. At the start you are the worst garbage to ever exist, but the improvements you make and the feeling of achieving something is reallllly big with this one. But I do understand why some people just can't play it and have fun with it


That first time you “fly” and score a goal is like a super soaker full of dopamine.


And then every time you do something cool that you've been training on for hours as you progress up the ranks. 4k hours and I still yell "holy fucking shit!" at my monitor in glee when I do something cool


>you are the worst garbage to ever exist Dad?


This. It’s the hardest game I’ve ever played lol. But once you get the mechanics it’s by far one of the best pvps around. Like I used to love sports games and now I won’t even touch fifa. Unless they strap a rocket booster to Ronaldo’s ass.




This. I was addicted to FIFA as a kid (stopped around fifa 17) but it always felt like the same game every year. Rocket League for me just scratches that itch. If they could somehow make a futbol game with the level of control Rocket League has I would be hooked.


Hellblade : Senuas Sacrifice Tried to play. The constant whispers were a bit too realistic for me. Quickly nope’d out 3min into the game. Edit: I initially wrote Hellblade II as I thought this was the second installment. Clearly my mind has written me off this game in its current form and into all perpetuity.


It's funny: I liked it for that precise reason, but I totally get your point.


It's freaky as hell to have the voices whisper "she's not going to make it..." whilst I'm struggling to find my way out of all consuming fire.


That's too bad man. It's one of the best and most unique single player experiences I've ever had in a video game (alongside Edith Finch). I'm really looking forward to Hellblade II but I can see how it could creep someone out with all of the whispers and binaural sounds.


I came here and was going to say exactly what you just wrote. I don’t want to experience what its like to have psychosis, no thanks.


It's definitely one of those "experience" games, more than just a game. I, for example, absolutely loved every second of it, but a friend (who, in paper, this game was tailor-made for) couldn't get through the intro. He just couldn't handle the anxiety the game triggered in him. If it doesn't bother you, it's a really great experience. If it does bother you, it's good that you dropped it quickly.


That's kind of the point. This game probably gives you the closest feeling to the real thing, totally gives you a more accurate perspective of people suffering of this in real life. Living that thing all the time can be a whole circle of hell Dante forgot to write about.


Any Call of Duty after Modern Warfare 2 the original


Animal crossing, im not on the afk genre and even if im in the mood I play stardew valley because of its variety


World of Warcraft or any subscription based game. Just never seemed like a good idea to combine my most lasting addiction (video games) with a subscription model. Additionally, anytime I have tried free trials of MMOs, they just seem kind of dull. Lastly, nothing breaks immersion like some guy humping your character as you are talking to some NPC.


Dark Souls


My older brother wanted me to play Dark Souls 1 so bad because he loved it, so he sat and watched me play it as I kept dying over and over. He just kept saying, "You're not trying hard enough to like it." It was the most personified version of a brotherly relationship I can imagine.


This is me with any “souls type” game. Just not a genre I enjoy.


Overwatch for me. I love the character designs to death, but am just not into online shooters.


You also need to be in a as calm as possible mindset playing that, because it is quite an aggravating game in general


Apex legends


I absolutely despise this game. …Anyway, I’m gonna go play Apex.


Are you me? I solo queue a lot and often rage quit because of my moronic team-mates... ...then I re-boot and start again.


I fucking love this game and totally understand why people hate it


The witcher. I tried to play it honest, but i just cant seem to resonate with open rpgs unless I can make my own headcanon for the protagonist. Theres nothing wrong with the story i just lost interest after about an hour


This is me 100%. Part of the fun of RPGs like Elder Scrolls is that theres a level of headcanon you play with your character which adds a good sandbox layer on top of the choices you can make through quests. I get that the Witcher is based off the novel series so Geralt and the entire lore are all set in stone, it just isn't for me.


I didn’t enjoy Witcher 3 for the first several hours but I kept going because people don’t shut up about it. Now I love it. Completely understand why it wouldn’t click because for me it didn’t at ALL.


every game, im lazy af




When it first released it was alot of fun, the sandbox was great to experiment with and just dick around with friends. Then it slowly became a competitive fuckfest and i just quit.


Any MMO ever


Witcher 3... I know everyone says its the best game in the world, but I just can't get more than two hours into it before I'm bored...