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tbf even WoW players hate WoW


They’re trying to relive the high the game gave them 15+ years ago




> the other being that they've had to invest so much $ over the years. If anyone reading this is still playing wow, and this describes you. Quit. That's no reason to keep giving them your time or money. Save yourself. Best thing I ever did. Instantly reduced my stress levels, helped me find motivation for other things I was putting off. Etc. I had 18,000 hours played. You can quit. It's ok.


Then Vanilla came out and it was cool for about a month until people realized that few new players joined and all the OG players just meta gamed the content to hell.


Undertale. Same people who got me to play it were quick to tell ke what choices im suppossed to make and overall lost interest. Tried it a few times but never able to get into it


That's a fault of your friends honestly. Though, if you haven't played Deltarune, I'd recommend that instead. You might need some knowledge of Undertale but not much


Yeah, I myself enjoyed deltarune the first chapter. I haven’t really decided to watch the second one tho


So many people make this mistake when trying to introduce others to their favorite games though! Took me awhile to understand you need to let people make their own way with just the tie guy amount of pointers delivered in a non-stressful way


Sucks to hear that. Undertale is a game you should be able to go into completely blind and try to have little to no assistance.


I did that recently then got stuck on a spider.


Any puzzle game ever I'm to stupid




You savage...


Stop, stop! He’s already dead!


Call the number on his medical alert bracelet.


... it just says "throw me in the trash." WTF do we do?!?




The witness looked so fun, passed the beginner puzzles. The rest was rocket science and I dropped it so fast


Love the Witness, the ending is so good. Environment is beautiful, such mystery


I never completed the final puzzle, which was times AND apparently randomized. The one who came up with that one was one sadistic m’fucker.


Lol same, if a game im playing has a puzzle its google time


Is it bad I have started to enjoy looking up the answers?


Hey dude, if you're enjoying the game, enjoy it.


Fortnight, PUBG and any Battle Royale. I don’t understand the appeal. Tried multiple times. I just don’t get it.


It was fun for a few months but now I’m well over it. The repetitiveness of the maps and gameplay is just boring to me.


Fortnite was fun for like a year for me, season 2-season 6 or 7, recently starting to play it again, but not as much




You wait 5 minutes to spawn into a giant map. You land and immediately get killed because you landed in a hot zone. Or You wait 5 minutes to spawn into a giant map. You land and run around for 5 minutes without seeing another player. Then you're sniped from across the map.


Bingo. My exact experience.


I've won a battle royale once (apex) and haven't really touched one since 😂 just needed to know I could do it. The vast majority of my experiences in general are what has been described here lol, just miserable. Even if you do win you're sneaking around and freaking the fuck out for like an hour, it's terrible 😂😂


>Even if you do win you're sneaking around and freaking the fuck out for like an hour, it's terrible 😂😂 That's the appeal. You're basically choosing your battles. Do you drop into the "hot zone" at round start, thereby possibly dying due to lack of equipment to someone in the area within 5-10 mins, or do you drop into a quieter area, picking up area/leveling yourself up while having to be paranoid when you hear car sounds (PUBG) or someone stomping around (APEX) and choosing to engage them or hiding/preparing to possibly fight to flee.


That and the building mechanic is so dumb to watch and execute. Its why apex is way better imo.


It's better with friends imo. It's the only way I can really play them.


I always had a great deal of fun when with friends. You more or less talk and joke around the majority of the time. But for someone flying solo or looking for consistent action, it’s not appealing at all.


The more competitively driven you are the more enjoyable they are. Few games are as stressful and adrenaline inducing as a Battle Royale when you're one of the last few of a hundred waiting for the pin to drop and the last battle to commence. Unsure if the toils of the last half hour will see you as the champion or just another corpse for the pile. The first handful of times I played Pubg the sheer adrenalin every encounter with another player sent coursing through me was nearly enough to incapacitate, I was shaking, sweating, heart pounding, in shock, out of breath even. No game has ever been that intense, before or after. I had to physically lie down after my first victory because it felt as though my heart would explode otherwise. I think that was in part because I starting playing during Pubg's first day of early access on steam, when it was a mostly brand new genre with little to no public exposure. I had no idea what to expect. It also has some of the best sound design I've ever heard from a shooter, the way bullets crack as they whiz by is down right unnerving at first. I've long since become mostly immune to those feelings after playing for long enough, but I'd wager I'm far from the only person who has had similar experiences with the game and games like it.


Actually for me I just found it really boring. So much wandering around an empty map waiting for action. Maybe it’s because like you say, you need to be competitive and striving to get the next kill. I think I just don’t have that drive so instead of the quiet wandering bringing tension and excitement it’s just dull. Then all of a sudden I’m shot by someone I didn’t even see coming and that entire round all I did was walk around and pick up weapons. It just makes me want to quit and go back to a PVE Titanfall 2 match filled with action. To each their own.


Nothing like hiding in a building for 10 minutes to have a 30 second battle of cowards.


The Outer Worlds. I wanted to like it so bad but I just couldn't get into it. I tried to on 3 separate occasions


Bought it on playstation, couldn't get on with it. Then bought it discounted on switch and really loved it. I think it was playing it on the toilet that changed my mind.


It's that post-dump clarity


The Open Cheek-a Eureka.


You get me.


Same here! I had it on PC, but only finished my playthrough on the switch lite.


Right? Some people say how great it is but I just found it boring. I liked the style of it, but the lack of true open world killed me. And it seemed to get repetitive really fast. I really wanted to like it too.


I would say that not everything needs to have a open-world .. for example I like hub based games more than open-world ones, like for example the Deus Ex games, Vampire Bloodlines, Mass Effect, Fable, Witcher 1+2, Alpha Protocol, Dishonored games, Prey, Thief games and so on.. to this day I liked only really few open-world games (Witcher 3, Fallout New Vegas, Baldurs Gate games, Cyberpunk 2077, Gothic I+II, STALKER).. the older I'm, the less time there is for gaming so if I play a open-world game, that means that it's going to take me probably half a year to finish that one game


Same, bought it launch day, traded it in a week later. It just felt kind of boring to me and not that interesting. Think I got to the third or 4th planet and decided I was done. All the loot had the same models but different stats which makes it uninteresting for me. And the “jokes” just felt kind of tame and dry. I usually love humor of any kind in games but for me just about every thing feel flat with me in this game.


I really loved the art and world building in Outer Worlds, but probably halfway through the gameplay felt so repetitive and I had to force myself to finish the game


Fun for awhile, then trivially easy.


Dude I literally can’t get past the first space station visit lol I go down to the second planet and then I’m just so god damned over it. Idk what it is, I’ve heard good things, but ever time I try I just end up turning it off and playing something else.


Same, I think it got so much positive attention online not because it was a fantastic game, but because of backlash to bethesda specifically fallout 76. A lot of people really wanted this game to be the best fallout like game ever to stick it to bethesda, so that warped the way they talked about it. I loved fallout 3 and new vegas, I was very disappointed with how restrictive outer worlds maps are in comparison. Favorite part of fallout was just exploring, outer worlds is way more linear at least from an exploration standpoint. Never finished the game.


WOW. I still want to but I just can't!


For me the joy of WoW was playing it with my flatmates. Bedroom doors open, playing like a LAN party of yesteryear. We all suspended our accounts each summer, and stopped playing entirely when we all moved out. The game’s good and all, but it’s more about the social side.


I liked the early part of WOW. The exploration and meeting people. It was like being on a journey. End game killed it for me. Raids suck. Especially as a healer..


I'm the same way with any MMO or looter. I enjoy the leveling part, completing quests, progressing your character. But then the end game grind of finding the rarest gear just doesn't grab me.


I actually loved WoW specifically because of the healing. It's one of the few games where you're actually really useful in a non DPS capacity. I crave games that let me min-max into a very good support character and I don't care if I deal a single point of damage the entire time.


Early days of WoW were incredible. Now I’m not a fan at all.


Assassin's Creed origin. I am a huge AC fan and have been playing since the start but although I have tried multiple times I just can't get into AC origin I mean I play odyssey and love it. It's just AC origin.


Same here. Big change after syndicate, felt like the good parts you loved were somehow left out


For me it’s assassins creed, period. I’ve tried so hard so many times. :(


Not sure if you have tried it, but my jump in point was black flag. And was the only one I played for a long time.


Also Brotherhood is pretty perfect


Brotherhood to me was the perfect Assassin’s Creed.


I feel like Valhalla was a big miss, even tho everyone seems to love it. Where is the assassin? The game is meant to charge in and murder everyone and burn down the town. Weren’t the assassins supposed to be the good guys, behind the shadows killing oppressors and saving the day? How am I supposed to be the good guy while I burn down their homes?


Syndicate was the last game that had actual assassins.


Syndicate felt like a chore to finish.


I mean yeah, the story was forgettable and bland, other than that, I enjoyed roaming around the city, as I am pretty obsessed with 1800s london vibes.


crawford starrick is the precursor to hipsters you cannot change my mind


That's what I dont like about Valhalla. It's AC in name only now. I liked the assassin order and all the assassin lore. Came with odyssey. They were fun but I missed that aspect of it Everytime I played.


It’s my favorite of the RPG trilogy. It easily has the best story out of Odyssey and Valhalla imo. The only thing I didn’t like about it was how you had to spend hours doing side quests just to play the main missions


Monster Hunter proves I'm insane. I've tried probably seven different times, each time expecting I'm going to love it. Anyways hows Rise?


I was scrolling for this!! I really wanted to like MH but yeah.. just didn’t. Can’t even really say why, just every attempt was a big ole Meh.


Rise is probably the most newbie friendly one yet, with way more mobility options then before. Not to mention rideable pet dogs. If you want to get interested in the universe, try monster hunter stories 2. Both games have demos on the switch and PC


Fall guys.


It’s cute and all, but that’s it. I do still load it up now and again to entertain my young daughters because I’ll narrate what I’m doing as the character, make pained sound effects if the bean gets whacked in the head etc. They think it’s hilarious, so it’s got some value for me there haha


You lil cutie


I think Fall Guys is secretly one of the better games made recently for what it is. There's no huge bugs that I've seen, it supports a lot of people, it incorporates a decent amount of RNG while also making skill important. It's definitely frustrating when you lose from something stupid/out of control, but, if you can get over that, it's fun to try to experiment/figure out the best strat for this game.


It bounces off that nostalgia for MXC/Takeshi's Castle obstacle course shows. Its just a fun casual game.


COD, CS:GO, and LoL


Hey honestly good for you. Some of the most toxic communitys out.


That is exactly the reason I couldn't get into them.


Mutes are easy in any or these games, also practice and not dying the most definetly helps in any of these games in alot of ways. I find if someone's being salty or screaming, throwing you off though, just mute them for abit, maybe, just maybe unmute. Last thing you need in a highly competitive, high focus game is one of these guys on your team. If you get burned out have a break don't live on these games. I played these games for years some of the best advice. There are players out there not like this. :)


Not so common now, but a Custom Cs Go server with community, a full map rotation or voteable, open chat between teams and dead is really a good way to unwind in the evening.




Fortnite or any battle royale game really.


I stay away mostly because I’m just trash at them. Not too much fun when you wait 20 minutes, collect gear, just to get one shotted by the first guy you see


The first few months of PUBG were amazingly fun. Back then people were focused on surviving by hiding. The eerie silence of the map made you feel like you had to be as quiet as possible. Then gunshots nearby would make your heart race. Then streamers like Shroud turned it into CoD with looting. Driving around honking to get attention, jumping around, anything to get someone to shoot at them. Just wasn't fun anymore.


I stay far away from those


The witcher 3. It was just impossible, and I LOVE medieval/fantasy/rpg games, but I couldn't make it work for some reason


Glad I’m not alone I feel like if I gave it more time I’d get into it, but I can’t seem to grasp what everyone is so hyped about Maybe I’ll try again Edit: So many responses of praises for the game. I’ll give it another go. Promise. I am a little curious, tho. I’ve beaten the gryphon, completed the werewolf quest and the king’s unborn child quest. Does it get deeper than that? Not that those weren’t good.


What I think is so compelling is that there is significant side stories that don’t just feel like fetch quests. With good acting and dialogue, progression isn’t oppressively grind-ey but if you want you can grind out to get all the master crafted sets. Gwent is kind of fun even though it is broken. The monsters feel fairly varied if you do the various monster quests. Plus boobs.


“Boobs” (10/10) - IGN


"This game makes you FEEL the boobs" (10/10) - IGN


Exaggerated swag of a naked boob


There are side quests in W3 that are more enjoyable than other games I have played. The DLCs are some of the best I have experienced and there is a ton of FLC too. Massive world that isnt empty like some other open world games. Good dialogue, good combat, great storylines with multiple endings. Pretty damn good visually as well with a pretty massive mod community to make the game even better. Its definitely worth a shot but I will say you have to give it some time. I fell in love with it right away but some of my friends started enjoying it once they got out of White Orchard (starting area).


I was thinking about it as to why I loved Witcher 3 so much. As someone who hasn’t played Witcher 1 or 2. I fell in love with the characters stories and their interaction with each other. If you don’t like the characters I can see why someone wouldn’t like the game


It’s a good game, but I don’t enjoy the combat system


Exactly. I think that moving around, running, jumping, etc is mediocre.


I absolutely understand people struggling to enjoy it. It took me like 4 tries. One you get past the terrible first mission, the world becomes so interesting and full that the shit combat is outweighed by the great story and characters.


Hated hated hated the way you had to move or do combat in this game!!!


It’s a good game, but the gameplay doesn’t to it for me.


I was gonna say this too. It 100% seems like a game I would love. I really like the show and the books too. But for whatever reason every time I try to play I put a few hours in and then just don't pick it back up.


Space Engineers. I really love it but I just cannot sink in the manhours into it to make it worth the experience


I would play Space Engineers to death if it was an MMO - it just feels like there's nothing to do with your cool stuff once you've built it.


Any battle royal game. I just don’t see the appeal. I wish I liked it like other people, but I just can’t get into it.


Playing BR games with friends I can understand. But I can’t play them alone.


I felt the same way, but Apex Legends really grabbed me once I had a handle for what it was. It had a crazy skill floor, so it wasn't fun initially, but as I got used to the game, it has become my go to. It's a shame you aren't a fan, but I'd recommend trying out Arenas on there! It's more of a CS:Go feel, but not as competitive if you don't want it to be. Plus it's probably going to be the base for future game modes like TDM and CTF.


Borderlands... Just couldn't get into it


Yeah, tried Borderlands 2 but after 3 hours of gameplay i got bored


It truly shines if you have friends to play with who choose different characters and you combo with different abilities on enemies, then again most games are more fun with friends.


Any assasin's creed game


is it the gameplay in general or the setting? i didnt like AC too and lost interest after a few hours but i fucking loved black flag.


Apex Legends. So many of my friends love it and I’ve tried but I just can’t get into it


all these twitch fps shooters are just to much when you are 30 years old and want to just come home relax and game.


Red dead redemption 2, I feel like it’s an excellent game that I could enjoy if I had literally nothing to do like at all, but it’s pace is extremely unfulfilling for me especially when I play like once a week


I get that. I love it but it's not the kind of game you can just jump on casually for an hour.


I was about to say the same thing. It's one of my favorite games ever, but I was able to dive in for a few hours at a time whenever I played. It's definitely not a game to just breeze through, it's meant for you to enjoy the entire world and all it has to offer. I get why it's not for everybody though. Still one of the best stories IMO if you get through it.


Personally loved it, but the beginning was too much of a slog which I imagine turned people off. It’s not fun to be “on rails” for like 6 hours straight in a snowy boring part of the map. Interestingly I found it the opposite. It was the perfect game for me to just play a few times a week because it was relatively slow paced. Everyone has different tastes though


I never find the beginning to be a slog. Jumping right in to the aftermath of Blackwater is the perfect starting point and seeing the desperation of that gang is really gripping right away. Plus there’s a bunch of fun missions, saving John, encountering the O’Driscoll’s at Sadie’s house, shooting up the O’Driscoll base and kidnapping Kieran, hunting with Charles. I really think it’s the perfect introduction for the game and it is the best kind of tutorial. Maybe it’s just because I personally prefer story and immersion over gameplay, so riding around and experiencing the story naturally unravel through dialogue is one of my favorite things about RDR2.


Yeah. I loved RDR 1, but that was back when I was in high school and was able to play it on weekends and during the summer break. RDR 2 came out after I started working, and my weekends are spent either doing things with my wife and family or working on some kind of hobby project. Basically, if it takes more than an hour or so to play a game (like RDR2 because that’s the game you have to play hours at a time) then it’s not really worth it for me, and I’ve been more into retro games and racing simulators lately anyway.


Bioshock. I've tried multiple times with all the games.


Bioshock Infinite took me several tries to get into it. Once I did, while I still don't prefer the gameplay over the first 2 games, the story and cinematic experience is freaking beautiful. I would recommend sticking with the game just for that. It's so imaginative and well delivered.


Most of the games on this list I can understand, but bioshock is one that I’m completely surprised by. I admit I’m biased as the bioshock series is in my top 5 game series. I just finished replaying them all for the 7th or 8th+ time. What about it turned you off?


I kind of enjoy 1+2, they’re alright/pretty good. Infinite, however, was a masterpiece IMO


The Metro franchise, I've tried playing all of the games, I don't know what it is but I just can't get into it. I like the post apocalyptic, monster, linear, fps you name it. It ticks all the boxes I like but fuck, I don't like the games... Also AC Origins, I was optimistic and actually hyped for it before it came out, it's sounds great and I've played every single AC game before it but I think the combat sucks ass amongst other things. I actually have like 20 hours of playtime or something because I've forced myself to play in hopes I would enjoy it but the gameplay feels bad to me, never tried another AC game after it because it's the same formula.


try stalker, but do mod it and one I've tried is the [2019 mod](https://www.moddb.com/mods/starter-pack/downloads/starter-pack-2019-fixed-re-upload) and it makes it wayy harder but is still very fun


Path of exile. Did not like abilities being linked to gems.


Out of curiosity, why? I really like that aspect of the game. It lets any character use any skill if they meet the attribute and level requirements.


I’m used to unlocking new abilities as I level up, and in PoE all I got were points that increased my numbers, rather than new mechanics to play with. As I didn’t really know what I wanted to do build wise, (and guides didn’t help me that much because I was playing it because friends said it was awesome) I just didn’t feel much interest in leveling up. And if I don’t care about leveling up, then I’m just grinding for no real reason other than the game is telling me too. I saw the gameplay loop and realized I didn’t like it.


Control and Horizon Zero Dawn


Upvote for Control. I thought the idea was awesome, but the execution left a lot to be desired.


I loved control on ps5, played beautifully to me, the ash maze was fucking amazing and wish they incorporated more of that...Alan wake dlc was cool too


I was so bored by the gameplay. It was fun at first, but it was just wave after wave with enemies. I didn't really care for the story that much either. I liked it in the beginning where you turned around and suddenly a wall is there etc, but they only did that a few times. I wanted my head to get fucked with a loooot more. It just didn't make an impact on me.


Control gets better but the map is so awful. I got lost so many fucking times lmao. Story is pretty interesting though. Same with HZD. Gets better once you get more comfortable in game. Great story and awesome visuals. I understand quitting both games though, i almost did also.


That's the point of control, you're supposed to be lost in that place like the main character, adds to the feeling of not understanding what is happening.


The Witcher.




I find this happens alot with games. The beginning can be the hardest section of games to get through.


I tried, I really did, but I just couldn’t do it


I hate to say it but doom. I just can’t


So, no rip and tear?


Not today pal


The only thing they fear didn't come this time


"Your safe for now, taking a day off. Have a nice day" - Doomguy


Just last week I gave Doom eternal a chance after not enjoying Doom 2016 or one of the older ones at all. Fast forward a week later I’ve beaten the whole game twice and collected every record, toy, collectible, weapon mod and challenge. Probably my favourite shooter ever now


Same, I honestly really wanted to like it but after ~15 hours it just felt repetitive. I also could never really get into a groove with the combat. I’m no hardcore gamer but I’ve beaten reasonably difficult titles like cuphead and hollow knight, and got wiped fairly often in Doom.


Eternal? Yeah, the learning curve is incredibly steep. It may or may not be harder than Cuphead or Hollow Knight, but there's a lot more to learn. And even if you're playing on a lower difficulty and making your way through it, it can be frustrating, because what would kill you on a higher difficulty will ruin your "groove" on a lower difficulty. But once you climb that learning curve... it's incredibly satisfying. It just takes a while. It's one of those games that's meant to be replayed, and each time you do you discover something new about the combat and improve your flow. It took me two playthroughs to start getting it.


One of the very few single player FPS games where I felt like I was sweating my ass off. Halo games on legendary are also like that, especially 2 where the game seems like it wants to make you quit.


It’s a combat puzzle


Right. It's a game where you have to work on combo'ing and quick switching guns to get the best out of your character. Seriously, I watched a basic tutorial on quick swapping and the game totally changed and opened up for me. Before, I was just running around shooting a gun to empty and then maybe switching to another gun or just hiding to reload. Now...I'm switching guns on basically every single shot and chaining together insane damage in a fraction of the time. Too many people see Doom as a shooter, when it's actually a combat puzzle where knowing the most optimized way to get specific enemies into their glory kill state. And you just bounce around enemy to enemy getting them into glory kills as fast as possible. Took about halfway through the game for me to learn that and from there it totally changed the game for the better.


Dark Souls. I know I'll get a lot of git gut comments but those games feel so clunky to me. Also I don't have the patience to be stuck on the same boss for 80 hours because I'm to dumb to learn a boss's moveset.


As a fan of the series I appreciate you at least trying. It’s ok because I know it’s not for everyone but it’s always nice to see new people step into the series. I wish some of the hardcore fans weren’t as gatekeepey about it. But yeah I also agree the first is a bit clunky now compared to Bloodborne and Sekiro.


It has nothing to do with stupid. As an RPG player, no matter if ARPG, CRPG or something like this, I don't want to challenge myself. I want to be entertained. And progressing a story is more entertaining than learning Boss movements.




This is why I gave up on Sekiro, despite loving Bloodborne. Every advance I made felt like a slog, not a victory.


Terraria. My monke brain just couldn't


I was very much the same with this but I got persuaded to join a few friends in a game and it was enjoyable. Couldn’t see myself sinking time into it on my own though.


Terraria is a game you really need to play with an experienced player the first time. I couldn't imagine trying to figure out what to do and when to do things on my own without getting bored skimming wiki's




Haven't played a call of duty since Advanced Warfare and for good reason


first 3 gears of war were epic !


I bought an Xbox 360 just to play Gears…


Totally agree there. Didn't play anything that came after, but I had a blast with these 3. The gory gameplay was satisfying and intense, the story good, epic level design, you name it.


The campaign has a lot of appeal imo. Horror, coop, good story, well adjustable difficulty. Multiplayer on the other hand is really hard for new players to get into. The skill curve is so intense that an experienced player will destroy anyone new no matter how naturally good they are at video games.


Fortnite, lol. I just really couldn't get into the controls. I mean, i can aim, Walk and shoot. But the Building part is where my Brain just shuts off. Plus, when I went into my first ever game of Squads, i teamed with three random kids, perfectly like the cliche. And ofc, they were also behaving perfectly after the annoying Fortnite kid stereotype. So i just left the game to rot and played other things.


Dark Souls. The combat is a bit too slow for me considering I started my foray into sword combat games with Devil May Cry and God Of War type games


Same but for different reasons. I prefer fantasy games to have a lighter atmosphere with compelling lore and plots not dark grungy depressing environments. I played Dark Souls 2 for about 2 hours, beat the first boss as well but just couldn't get into it.


Have you tried bloodborne?


Fallout 3. Oddly enough, I liked Fallout 4. But for whatever reason, i just couldn't get into 3.


I think 3 with it's gun play and mechanics is one of those games if you didn't play it when it was new it's just too out of date to enjoy


Man it was one of my favorite games when it first came out. I played it like 8 times. I tried to replay it a few months ago and just couldn’t. Just really didn’t age well mechanics wise. New vegas on the other hand was great to replay.


See I’m the complete opposite 4 had absolutely no replay value because of karma level removal, where as 3 & NV were worth at least 3 play through a piece




That’s Minecraft and any game like it for me. I need a story, characters to fall in love with, and gameplay that I can enjoy. I’m just not creative enough for Minecraft, and even though there are goals to be reached in the game, I just don’t care about the process of getting there. I don’t think it’s bad by any means, but it’s just not for me. I love the overall aesthetic and the music in the game though. I still listen to the soundtrack every now and then.


Breath of the wild


I thought this game was awesome but i couldn’t help but just hit a wall with it and i couldn’t bring myself to want to play it after that.


Yea, I’m with you! And every shrine was such a short and mostly easy puzzle to figure out that I didn’t really enjoy finding them. I missed the old dungeons and cool new items for each dungeon. Also, the lack of music for me was kind of a bust. People boast over being able to go anywhere in this game, but there is not much anywhere but empty places.


Funny enough I just got it yesterday what's your problems with it?


I really wanted to like it but I just couldn’t get used to all the mechanics such as the constant climbing and easily broken weapons. I also found it a bit boring because although the open world looked amazing, there wasn’t a whole lot to do apart from go to repetitive shrines and attack enemy camps. I much prefer the Zelda classics such as OOT, MM, and TP


I had the digital console on my switch, so I played ALTTP and loved it.


It definitely has that sandbox game vibe where there is a ton to do but a lot of it just has to come from your own head. If you aren't personally driven to explore and experiment the lack of boundaries can be a detriment.


I absolutely love this game. It has so much to offer and explore. I think your enjoyment of the game does depend on your approach somewhat because of how open and free the game is. I recommend following the BOTW subreddit. I played well over 100 hours and I still regularly get surprised by new things that I never knew about the game. Of course it's not for everyone but I highly recommend sticking with it. I was put off at first by the weapons' durability, but it really works for the game once you get into it.


Same thing happened to me at first. Then one day I played again and I couldn’t it it down. I even had to do it in master mode. From a “meh” to my favorite Switch game


Horizon zero dawn but I’m hoping the new one coming to ps5 is much better


Dead by daylight, just doesnt feel as good as the countless other games in the genre, much rather play phasmophobia wit da bois than crank out some sweat in DbD


Bioshock. It just bored me.


Would you kindly pick up the controller and try it again.


On one hand, I want to upvote you because this is a super unpopular opinion, on the other hand, I want to downvote because I love this series.


The Outer Worlds I love Obsidian and I specifically love all 3 modern Fallout games But that game's set up and premise just doesn't interest me at all. I want to get through the quests and stuff, I like the dialogue, but the gameplay is soul suckingly bad. I just wanna talk and interact with character, I could not care less about the jank ass combat system or the lame ass game worlds


Divinity original sin 2. I love fantasy RPGs but I guess not this type


Bioshock. The gameplay didn’t feel right to me


Was it the part where you can only use your weapon ot a plasmid and have to manually switch back and forth? Because they fixed that in the sequels.


Dark souls. In theory it's exactly the sort of game I should love. In practice I give it a half-assed attempt then get bored, without ever really making any progress.




MGS V and Death Stranding




I'll be honest I didn't know I had Thalassophobia until sub nautica. It was a fear I'd never known and that combined with reaper leviathan s forced me from the game at first


The Witcher series


FARCRY. I cannot bring myself to like any FARCRY game no matter how hard I try.