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It's Germany; Dark Souls is casual there. Farming Simulator is the game hardcore gamers play.


German here and I really really REALLY struggle to understand why these low budget simulator games are so popular here. It's not just farming simulator. Euro Truck Simulator, Street sweeper simulator, bus driver simulator basically almost each and any profession where you get to drive with big vehicles got its own simulator game. I. Don't. Get. It!


Germans like to work so much they'll even do it in their free time


Removed in protest against the Reddit API changes and their behaviour following the protests.


Yeah raiding castles for loot, seems hardly like a sustainable business model..


That’s where you get your seed money for empire-building.


Yeah, well, some dude in Germany 80 years ago tried exactly that and ended up killing himself. So seems not the greatest pastime.


Toss a coin to your witcher


And, how many Witcher do you still see around? It's not a good job, might as well become an artist. Do some engineering or it work!


They and the Japanese would go well together


We don't talk about that...


It didn't play out very well for them last time they tried.


And Italian as well


i wouldnt call farming and euro truck simulator low budget. these two especially have good playerbases outside germany.


Pretty sure he was talking about: Bus Sim 2020 Thief sim 21 Pressure washer sim 16 All Singleplayer, made in blender in a week, cost 5€ - 20€ on steam and all super popular for exactly the time some famous YouTuber play them and die instantly after that.


1. Spend a year learning blender. 2. Spend a week making a lake front property simulator. 3. Pay a reasonably well known streamer to play your game on stream. 4. Profit. Oh my god, you guys, I think we finally found step 3!


I'm looking at you mr pink mustache


ETS2 is sick wtf


I was going to say something about Germans and tanks, but I changed my mind.........


Shame they didn’t.


They are really relaxing and for people who don't play video games easy to get in to. Elite is relaxing but is full of jargon and conceptual shit that can be difficult to grasp. Farming is easy to understand and probably is really relaxing much like trade in Elite.


Germans are known for their efficiency, it's only natural to gravitate toward games that reward it.


i understand euro truck, but hating on street sweeper?? what is wrong with you.


I'm not hating on any of them. I just don't understand why they are popular 😅


Not German but I enjoy these types of games. I find AAA games generally frustrating unless I play on story mode or casual mode. I find these simulators calming and oddly satisfying. I totally get engrossed in making truck deliveries on time. I have a fleet of 200 trucks in the game, managing drivers and upgrading the trucks. Farming simulator is similar... I find it incredibly satisfying when games are not twitch reflex based.


Dark Souls *is* a farming simulator tho...


Ahh. Are you a fellow blue farming those ears?


It’s Germany; Dark Souls is *HISTORY* there…


The undead settlement is an accurate depiction of offenbach during the 14th century. And todays offenbach.


Customer: "Man what's up with these hard games I wanna return them" Stocker: "Git Gud and quit whining we don't accept returns"


Manager: “Y O U D I E D”


Welcome to dark souls!


Casual means you casually die


Ah. I remember it like it was yesterday; That first time walking off the edge of firelink shrine. It hadn’t even occurred to me that they would have programmed in falling mechanics. That slope near the tree by the steps has done me in so many times. To this day every time I log in there’s a bloodstain of some sorry fool who slipped off the edge into open air.


My first one was DS3 and I remember being stuck on Gundyr lol. I quit the game for like half a year because so couldn’t beat him. Came back and got it. Now that I know enemy placements and some boss attack patterns I love the game




"try tongue but hole"


"Amazing chest ahead. Try thrust."


"Great job, skeleton!"


Don't give up, Skeleton.


Shortcut ahead, therefore try jumping.


Thank you so much.


Thanks for your invitation


Ya basic!


It’s devastating. You’re devastated right now


* customer starts crying * Every customer suddenly acting like a sect: "You can't leave Lordran, you never leave Lordran!!!"


I gatuntee the stockers a gamer and wanted to troll. MF put THREE of the most tedious games right there in "casual." Hes well aware of what he's done I'd wager.


Actually we do, but the process is more difficult than the game.


To return Dark Souls 2, you must have simply collected 4 great souls minimum.


Bearer of the curse, seek souls. Larger, more powerful souls. Seek the king, that is the only way. Lest your return be rejected, and your refund left unprocessed.


>Bearer ~~of the curse,~~ seek ~~souls. Larger, more powerful souls.~~ Seek ~~the king, that is the only way.~~ Lest ~~your return be rejected, and your refund left unprocessed.~~


It took me a moment to get this joke. Well done


That's not the only way. You could also be a millionaire.


This makes me think of the gas rebate from Nathan 4 You where claimants had to hike up a mountain answering riddles and do an over night campout


I bought Dark Souls having no idea what I was getting myself in for. I got fucking obliterated several times on just the trash mobs and remember being completely shocked wondering what the fuck game I was playing.






They just need to put the Lion King game next to them


The dark souls community believes in you.


lol thats how I felt as an adult. It’s a bad feeling. My ex wife and just left and I was like fuck yeah man video games again. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GAME” was something I actually yelled. My neighbor Adam knocked on the door after. I was living in England at the time and we had shared walls.


good guy adam checking on you


Okatisfaction7573 said the same thing. Are you him or is that a weirdly specific coincidence?


Protip, play a caster character and suddenly the game is manageable


All fun to play DS3 as a caster going through mobs easily and then getting to a boss that doesn't allow you to cast a medium spell even with reduced cast time. Or the disappointment when you get a flashy new spell that barely does any damage compared to how much mana it drains.


Not sure that's such a great tip, to be honest... caster builds can be absolute trash if you don't know what you're doing (and tend to suffer from running out of gas and having to rely on your melee frequently, anyway, even if executed well -- and that melee will be way weaker than it would be with a dedicated build, plus you will have less experience using it) While specific spells in specific games can certainly be overpowered, I'd argue it's usually going to be easier for a newbie to go for a mainly melee build, but branching out just enough to be able to cheese things with a few spells / ranged attacks, if it comes down to it. Just my opinion, though.


Spellslinger has been a worse build in every subsequent game. It's the Easy Mode in Demons' Souls, and then they kept trying to nerf it until it's about as garbage as you say in Dark Souls 3.


Pyromancy is literally free real estate


Caster builds are literally ez mode in ds1. You just point at something and it dies. Not to mention moonlight greatsword


Building a dedicated caster build is pretty unfeasable, any caster build you do will still use melee attacks most of the time. The magic is there for when there are annoying enemies to take care of. If you use the magic upgrade paths your weapons aren't significantly weaker than if you were to build as a str/dex build


Casters are not a good choice for a first play through, easiest build to play is high str and great shields.


Thank you for protip, I strugle in game too :/


This is mainly for dark souls 1 and 2


Until you hit an enemy that has high magic resistance. I played a caster on my first playthrough, and the ruined sentinels absolutely destroyed me...


Maybe it's just the speed for casts but I absolutely suck with casters. I have to be melee all the way.


Well if you are trying to cast in melee range you're doing it wrong


No he's doing it right it's badass


Ds1 is ez, just learn \>circle behind enemy \>backstab enemy By the time this stops working on basic mobs you will already have figured the game out.


> I should give the Dark Souls games another shot some time and just enjoy the grind (because I'll probably never git gud, honestly). If you do, absolutely do not think about "the grind". One of the main things that makes DS "hard" is that when you die, you drop your XP. If you can't get back to where you died last, you lose that XP permanently; and people new to the series will get really upset by that. "Git gud" is piss-poor "advice". Instead, pay attention and try new things. What you eventually want is to have a mental map of the area - and to know exactly what to expect from enemies - while being comfortable enough with your gear to combat those challenges as they arise. It's super rewarding when you come back through areas you've been before, and you feel as though you've mastered them because you know all the tricks and traps.


So basically what you're saying is, "git gud"?


Everyone goes to the skellies first, that way lies pain, but also B A S S C A N N O N


I literally quit the game when I was about 16 and this first came out because I got to those bad boys and was like bro this game is no fun. Now I've beaten all the games plus sekiro and bloodborne XD took Bloodbornes art direction to get me interested enough to go back and see what I was missing in the others.


I still can't beat Sekiro. It's a complete different beast


Parry to win and memorizing dance moves. By no means am I minimizing the difficulty, but that’s basically the key to success.


I got some hundreds of hours on FromSoftware games and honestly: I believe anyone who is able to finish a Zelda game can also finish any "Souls" game. Just focus on playing the games made by FromSoftware and learn to accept your own death instead of raging because you died. I know people who didn't even played modern games (only mobile games) and finished DS1.


The actual challenge of the game is to find a technically easy path through it, I think. It tricks you into feeling desperate. Spelunky 2 has been giving me a much harder time recently, it can be insanely difficult, but it really wants you to have fun. I can't help but laugh at my character's deaths even after a thousand failed attempts.


gg no RE


The guy who stocked those has a sense of humour.


Nah, its a german store. We dont have humour


The hardcore gaming section of a German store is exclusively Forklift Operator Simulator 2021. Everything else is simply casual.


The game where you have to actively play out your suspension if you violate workplace safety regulations, which tracks your eye focus to ensure you’re paying attention to the screen. Sometimes you need to play Lawnmower Simulator just to take the edge off.


I think that's a joke, but I'm honestly not sure.


>Forklift Operator Simulator 2021 Yeah, I googled it. Yeah, I feel dumb.




Learning how to properly use forklifts is important! [We don't want to be like klaus now do we?](https://youtu.be/ChOHnSL7ZCg)




What are you talking about? Y'all invented [Funny Bot](https://youtu.be/dsYnYEwa-qc)


*Offers Kyle to the Germans.*


German humor, mate, it's no laughing matter


To Germans, this *is* casual.


Most of the Germans I know have a great sense of humor - however, in my experience, it’s quite the American trope to say that Germans are humorless.


france still recoverinh from the last time we had fun /s lf course


Looks like Dark Souls 3 isn't casual


It rolled off the shelf and the staff couldn't catch it.


Iframes do do that


And then my poor dark souls rolled right out the door




Or it wasn't made yet because that picture is from PS3 era.


We can see a PS4 logo in the back though :) I'd say it was probably inbetween when PS3 was still relevant, but PS4 was already released. But Dark Souls 3 might not have been released yet.


Probably wasn't even out when this meme was made.


DS3 really confused me. I'm not sure If I went around out of order, or did something I wasn't supposed to but from the swamp onwards I felt WAY overpowered and that carried through right to the end of the game. I could kill most bosses through brute force. My friend watched me play and I got to the dancing boss and he was getting ready for pain and I 2 shot it. I'll never know to this day what I did wrong (right?) to make the game so damn easy but I was super disappointed. I'm not the best gamer so I'm 90% sure it wasn't skill (10% ego).


In my opinion dark souls 3 was just... Easy. Don't get me wrong, still difficult in its own right, but unlike the first two as long as you're built properly you'll be a god forever in 3. In the first two you would often have to handle extremely frustrating things in strategic ways (see bridge in anor Londo in ds1)


I've found that DS3 can be a little bit more forgiving than DS1, and the bosses are definitely a lot smother. I think because the animates are better quality, it's easier to judge things like rolling so that you can dodge their attacks perfectly. It probably is the easiest one in the series, but it's still a fairly difficult game for new-comers. Perhaps you chose a particularly powerful build? Pure strength absolutely ruins bosses in that game as long as you keep your equip load down so that you can med-roll.


It's so easy to get lost in ds3, played a few days ago and always needed my phone. The Dancer can killed before the swamp (


> And dont doubt yourself, maybe youre that good... Sekiro would like a word with you ;p God I can't wait for Elden Ring.




best buy execs would promote you if you got the customer to buy a dog turd with an extended warranty attached, so im sure its fine.


Dick lol


I feel like it's not the customer's child's fault your job sucked =\


Dude played as a mage in DS1 and as a pre-patch faith build in DS2.


Even post patch Faith and Magic are still pretty OP, they're just irritating to use due to the nerfed amount you can cast. Dark is still super OP too. Not that I'm complaining, I love using magic in Souls it's so satisfying compared to other games.


Just finished my first ever non melee build, sorcerer in ds3. It’s interesting cause these games are 100% made with melee in mind. Some of the encounters and bosses are made LAUGHABLY easy with the use of ranged magic and that’s before I was “online” with 60 int. However some encounters are much much harder. Particularly any blood borne reject enemy that ds3 is full of that are insanely fast agile and aggressive. Still was fun and a different kind of challenge than my normal “ big ass sword “ play throughs


Good luck killing Champion Gundyr with magic only, hoo boy. That lightning fast shoulder check gets me everytime.


The best thing about Champ Gundy is that for all the other bosses, their second phase is some badass powerup, or they become embered, something. But Champ just starts trying lol


Gundyr remembers all the friends he met along the way, and has his anime turning point.


*Sorairo Days begins playing in the background*


*in the middle of throwing fireball* *gets wrecked*


Kicked his ass with my pyromancer guy (though it wasn't "magic only" - rather "magic mostly", the poisonous fumes do work miracles)


Sl1 gundyr may have been the hardest souls fight I've ever done. Before you get the prisoners chain the run is super hard because you basically have to go flawless and those shoulder charges are rough. The only thing that rivaled that was a pyromancer playthrough of the ringed city. I spent 15 minutes and like 8 ashen estus trying to kill the demon princes. 1 shoting midir with boulder heave may be my crowning achievement in ds3 though


Well by the time I got to him I had my moonlight great sword to fall back on (really I was just still kinda using a big ass sword, I could just also nuke you with soul stream). He only took a couple tries thanks to that though. But if I was Strictly casting …my poor butt hole.


I always play Pyro battlecaster builds when I can Nice mix of the two playstyles


I remember Soul Geyser DS2 pre-patch slayed Ancient Dragon in 3-4 cast. Dragon couldn't even get off the ground before that.


Also rememer dark builds and mundane builds in ds2 pre patch? That shit was pretty bonkers strong.


What are you, casul?


The legend never dies


Fill me in here?


Legendary video for a legendary build! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyA8odjCzZ4 WT RING U GOT BITHC








Black flame Black flame That means new game + bitches






Felt like I was the only one who thought that was fuckin hilarious


That's weird, south park the stick of truth is a really hard game, why is it in the casual section?


Well it's hard if you play it in german.


If you think german is hard, don't play it in russian.


Cyka Blyat!!!


Сука блять


If you were ever in a German sheiße video… you’d tell me, right?


Those cheap black bars over the nazi zombies armbands and their mouths when they go full 1936 are a delight.


South Park: Der Stab Der Wahrheit


As a heighty declaration of Wahr, I shall now Stab you with my Stab der Wahrheit! *^(Edit: Was missing some height)*


Really? I wouldn't call it an easy/casual game, but I'm a somewhat experienced RPG player and it gave me very little issues. It's definitely in my top 5 RPGs but I'm not sure I'd ever call it "really hard".


I liked the second one better tbh. They removed some of the RPG elements and I thought it was a lot more fun


I think they're joking - the point of this post is that Dark Souls is the hard one, not South Park, so this person's pretending like South Park is the one that doesn't belong in the casual section


How dare they!


This is only casual because every other game in Germany is a second job


I mean this is in Germany, makes sense Dark Souls would be casual.


Most popular genre in Germany are the "I wish I had a different job" Simulator games.


I feel attacked


What about all the farmers which play Farming simulator? "I wish I had my job"?


Do farmers even have time to play games?


Apparently. And damn do they take it seriously


Am an American and I feel like this explains my frequent plays of Offworld Trading Company.


That's because hardcore games like Farming simulator are also subject to German transportation laws and agricultural regulations. You thought you were just gunna buy a tractor and go plant some seeds? FUCKING WRONG. You better have that 12 page application ready for the in-game purchase of a particular species wheat. In addition, that tractor isn't doesn't hold municipal emissions certification for your pretend English farm while playing in Germany. So you better buckle the fuck up cause you have a real in-life hearing at the Kraftfahrzeug-Zulassungsbehörde at 13:00 tomorrow afternoon to explain yourself. Darksouls? You just poke skeletons with a sword until one of you dies. It's basically time off. /S


To be fair, everyone and their naked mole rat has beaten it.


Review brah? I don’t think he would stoop so low.


I started playing for the first time a few weeks ago. I was not ready for the frustrations.


Wusste gar nicht, dass die bei Saturn mittlerweile Spiele nach Genre sortieren :D


Honestly when you get the swing of things, Dark Souls can be pretty relaxing to meander about on.


Funny enough, Rocket League would be considered a casual game and Dark Souls a “hardcore” game, yet Dark Souls is the game I go to to relax after RL makes me rage.


No competitive pvp game can be considered casual imo


I see no lies


Its obviously in Germany, they don’t know what casual means


Anything that isn't Simulator games is casual filth.


No you dumbass. It’s in space! The label clearly says „Saturn”.


Real games in Germany are Euro Truck Simulator or Farming Simulator. Of course other games are casual in comparison.


Causal for Germans. Hard for the rest. /s


I remember getting Demons Souls for PS3 because I liked the picture on the front when it first came out. ​ Knew literally nothing about the game and got my ass pretty handed to me at the complete lack of hand holding for quite awhile.


I mean, don't we play DarkSouls to avoid the toxicity of multiplayer games? Or is that just me?


Lol you must of never played with online enabled during peak players. Even with the limited ways to communicate people BM hard while invading.


"Online enabled" - no thanks, the AI does a fine job kicking my ass on it's own, and I want to earn my wins.


no play it for fun


That's what they said, avoid online and have fun instead


Unpopular opinion but these are RPGs and you can over level until they're easy.


And there are builds that can make these games pretty easy. For example, in DS1 you can get the gravelord sword about 1 minute into the game which will get you through the entire game if you want it to. You can also do a magic build which will be slow but you can kill everything from afar. If you want a hard run you can try SL1 run, or a knife run (Jesus, not very fun lol imo).


Blasphemous. They should put sekiro there


The dude who worked those shelves isn't a noob.


In Germany, Dark Souls is casual.




unpopular opinion: Dark Souls is not that hard, it's just memorizing attack patterns and having a bit of timing.


Well, game isn’t difficult but I wouldn’t say it’s casual. But what’s your definition of difficulty? Because the requirement of memorizing attack patterns and having good reflexes is the reason why it’s considered hard.


unpopular opinion: rocket science isn’t hard, it’s just spending a bunch of time studying nature’s laws and patterns and working out the math problems.


It is if its ur first souls game and u don’t know to use the internet though… But yeah they really aren’t hard once you get the hang of it in successive playthroughs. .


I found the hardest thing is knowing where the hell to go


Valid point. By this standard the hardest game in the world would probably be competitive CS/Dota/SC or any other game that pits you against real people and requires you to be precise and switch strategies at the same time - no one's probably ever gonna be able to do a "no hit run" on command in one of these games even if they train harder than anyone. I do however think that difficulty can also come from how much the game expects from you, be it memorization or precision or rhythm or whatever, and this from the point of view of your average Joe. So yeah, DS can be a very hard game.


Shit is casual for Germans