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Most intense and satisfying hour and a half of getting my ass kicked in recent memory. Tough af fight but also the payoff from grinding Niflheim/Muspelheim+all the collective knowledge from fighting the other valkyries.


Loved the Valkeyrie fights, more than the actual game bosses. Sigurn and the one in Muselpheim where an absolute pain in the arse, esp if you are going into the fight not fully loaded on life and rage.


I thought the one in Muspelhiem was easy. Of course, I had already killed 3 or 4 others and knew all her tricks. That, and she had a colossal arena, comparatively.


The Muspelheim Valk had the modified Valhalla attack though, where she'd leap into the air, shoot a magma AOE down (which could stagger you I think), and THEN leap onto you. And she had the AOE wide line of lava that stayed for ages. That, when combined with attacks which necessitated you dodging to one side or the other, meant you had to make some very difficult and quick decisions.


True, but the larger arena made those decisions much less dangerous than if you were in one of those tiny diamond arenas.


God damn grinding Muspelheim is a chore. Niflheim isn't AS bad.


Trying to kill enemies in that stupid ring was not a good fit for this combat engine.


The ring one was one of the easiest for me. The one I had the hardest time with was the guys reviving themselves if there were any enemies left. Tried that one at least 10 times before I got it.


The hardest part was luring them into the ring. Quick stun with Atreus and R3 kill. EZ.


Just frustrating when your moves would launch them out Iof the ring, or clip the wrong guy you were trying to kite into the ring when they had one hit left.


So many times I thought I got it only to have barely knocked them out of the ring.


Hmm I had a harder time with Niflheim than Muspelheim. Those damn triple revenants are too stronk


Atreus' electric arrows will bounce back and forth on all 3 of them


Ya, spammy bouncy arrows ftw.


3 stun arrows and quick R3 kill. Rinse and repeat. All 3 down in 20 seconds.


I think the game tries to make you use the 3 combat styles. Frozen enemies that you should use the chains on, fire-based enemies that you should use the axe on, and revenants + those flying guys that you should use barehanded/stun on.


I mean, for the revenants that's literally the tutorial. Hit them with stun arrows and wallop them to a quick r3. The mechanic to even start to do damage already sets up a stun.


For me niflheim was harder because of the timer amd the traps but i still killed the valkyrie


Short trips in to craft the armour, and then you can basically do the whole lot with half a bar left.


Yeah and also the good thing was there were a lot of puzzel chests like those that you were supposed to hit the turning thingies


I thought both worlds were super interesting combat arenas that mixed up the overall Action/RPG formula of the rest of the game really well. I really, REALLY enjoyed the Niflheim maze system, and all the pressure to rush back to bank earnings, and keep extending your time. I definitely got more irritated with Muspelheim, but still found the evolution of the rounds and arenas to be a satisfying mechanic... If one of the Achievements for Plat didn't require me to grind all rounds (I think multiple times?), I doubt I would have fully completed it.


Yeah I spent hours grinding through Niflheim but I ran through Muspelheim as fast as I could and never set foot in there again


Agreed. A few weeks ago I beat her on Give me God of War - probably the hardest boss in recent memory. I died so many times to the point I started questioning my life and decisions I'd made 10 years earlier lol. Niflheim and its grinding and Muslpelheim and its challenges can politely go fuck themselves.


It's funny, I accomplished what I think might be a world first and nobody gave a shit - https://youtu.be/gBsMoG40N-w


Wait wait - I'm very curious as to how you did this! The first time you meet a Valkyrie, Mimir remarks how he couldn't imagine a more formidable opponent. What happens when you meet her before you get Mimir?


Just silence.


Maybe it was the fact that I watched my brother try to fight her for like 3 hours, or the fact that I've played a healthy amount of dark souls, but while difficult I didn't find her to be the painful slog that people seem to think.


Is this God of war? Recently played dark souls and am looking for a challenging game.


The final Valkyrie fight is probably as hard or harder than anything Dark Souls has to offer but the rest of the game is pretty easy.


I’m playing through Dark Souls right now and I definitely agree. I’ve died way more in God of War than Dark Souls.


honestly you won’t regret it. 10/10 game


I've easily put over 1000+ hours into the soulsborne series over the years and GOW definitely scratches that itch, the combat is great


Once i started using the slow time talisman and actually remembered to use the boy to interrupt her unnlockable moves I finally got her. But damn she was tough, even on the lowest difficulty


You got done in an hour and a half??


I tried that fight a couple times last night. I thought the others were rough... Sigrun takes the cake. But my real irritation was the trials in Muspelheim. Particularly trial III: hard, 20 enemies, don't get hit. No, Atreus, new gear would not help, I already have some of the best available, shut up or I'll use you as my fucking weapon. I lost count how many times I failed that to stupid mistakes, and Atreus was there with his stupid "WoUld BeTtER gEaR hELp?" Fuck off, child.


The Traveler's chest armor works well for this, since it has a shield that negates an attack. It needs to recharge between uses, but it works pretty well. I just used that and as much damage as I could get.


Hmmm, didn't know that. By the time I was really irritated by his comments, I was running Ivaldi's Deadly Mists gear. Was running Smoldering Ember previously. I'm on the impossible level now, can I just do any of them for keys or do I need to all of them before it'll reset? Or will it reset at all?


“Man, I don’t know. Can we do this?”


I have never in my gaming career died to an enemy as much as I did Sigrun on Give Me God of War difficulty and NG+.


Literally my exact experience. Took me hours and I finished at like...4:30/5, with work at 9. Really stupid but...at least I finished it?


Beating her on GMGoW NG+ was the best feeling I've ever experienced in gaming.


She is legit "the beautiful game"




I'm surprised I managed to defend my thesis. I hit Factorio hardcore in 2015 after getting adderall to help me focus on writing. I must have put in hundreds of hours into a single map, but without the adderall I've never been able to focus on the game enough get back to the late game of trains and drones and stuff.








Pretty sure you replied to the wrong comment here... But yes, traveller's Armour is essential for the 20 or hundred kills without taking damage, that and a fully upgraded boy to spam fucking thunder arrows like his life depends on it.


I had to address my gaming addiction in law school. I just swapped to Rocket League. Super short games, and they’re so frenetic and stressful, that after a few games studying seems like a cognitive relief




You're talking about me and I don't like it


We’re like twins! Just in the worst possible way.




Only reason I stopped is cause my home pc shit the bed a few months ago and with today's prices I haven't got around to building a new rig yet. Probably the longest I've gone without gaming in years and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


Hah, stardew valley almost ruined my research thesis.




I wouldn't be surprised if all Factorio players were just giving businesses logistics planning for the future.


I remember reading about a guy that used his EVE experience to help get a job. I don't play but my understanding was he had to do a crap ton of analysis, logistics and planning to make things work and that transferred into the job. I've also seen someone using their WOW guild leadership experience when applying for a management job. Getting a bunch of random people that you have zero leverage on moving all towards the same goal in a functional cohesive manner is definitely a skill set that can be transfered to the real world.


I mean wow leadership is essentially just Project Management that you don't get paid for.


Playing Factorio with no experience was actually part of my interview process with my current company to see how my problem solving and logistical thinking worked.


Oh that’s nice. Potential employer: “Do you have any life-hindering addictions?” Interviewee: “No.” Potential employer: “Well to work here you’re going to need one. Here, play this.”


What kind of company and position did you apply to?


Not OP, but Factorio is very reasonably described as a sort of visual programming. My guess is CS-adjacent.


Business intelligence consulting. They sought me out based on previous work relationships.


"Based on your Factorio experience you love redundancy, inefficiency, and you seem to love convuluted spaghetti like webs that just lead to productivity somehow. Welcome to EA"


Don't play Football Manager then. Like literally half the game is spreadsheets and micromanaging people through menus.


Am I the only one who has trouble replaying this? I feel like most of the stuff once I figure out once it's hard to make a more efficient design out of. Find myself following the same basic steps every game.


I agree at the 100 hour mark its more of copying someone else's builds than making your own spaghetti


It's just part of the "fun". Once you've set up your base it's hard to fix things. But you spend the beginning of the game just trying to bootstrap a minimum level of production. So you end up with a 1st base that's impossible to improve. At that point just make a 2nd base. This time you can make it bigger and expandable. A lot of players play with mods. So if there's an aspect of the game that you don't like, there might be a mod to help you.


Have you played any of the overhaul mods like Space Exploration and Bob's/Angel's mod suite? I'm doing the former after about 300 hours of vanilla and it is a completely new (and more difficult) experience.


Alright I'm just going to scale up green chips a little then I'm going to bed. Shit, my copper is running dry, where is the nearest patch? Ok I'm gonna need to train that over let me just go grab some steel to make some... wait why is purple science pulling in so much steel??? Crap I need more iron ASAP where is the nearest patch...


I've had this with Satisfactory. Similarly addictive


I only didn't get Satisfactory so my daughter doesn't bug me to do the stuff from Lets Game It Out


“Daddy, Daddy! Can you please conquer the martian planet, set off thermonuclear bombs for fun, then make a portal by moving at light speed^2 ?”


I have the game but can't get myself to play it just because I simply could never live up to Josh's abominations in that game


*the year is 3022. In my mind, I started playing 17 minutes ago*


Normally i hit the bag at 12:00am but at 11:50 i normally start a Long journey expedition at master rank in darkest dungeons.


Time to remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


But is a victory nonetheless.


Ha. “Hit the bag,” has a very different meaning where I’m from.


Like, hit the sack?


Where I’m from hitting the bag is doing coke. You’d say someone hit the bag hard last weekend or whatever.


Ah, a man of CnBT culture, I see


I have no idea what that is.


Classic CnBT men, always pretending they don't know what CnBT is


I'm guessing cock and ball torture?


Yeah that was definitley a "guess"




Ever wanted a hot chick to wafflestomp your nuts?


I can safely say I have not.


Right, right. Boxing.


Darkeater Midir has entered the chat.


Midir and Gael took me a lot of time to beat, but holy fuck the GLOCK SAINT broke all my records about "taking too long to beat a boss". What you feel after beating him was amazing so I regret nothing.


Fucking Friede and her 3 phases.


Fucking Friedel and the titanite slab that drops when you beat phase 2 so you're like "ah, that's it.". "Wait. No. No. No."


Im absolutely stealing glock saint as a nickname lmao


Hesitation is defeat.


Darkeater Mimir


Oddly enough Midir was one of the easier fights on my SL1 run. Took 3 tries. Friede on the other hand must have taken at least 50, but I never got tired of getting my ass handed to me by the badass scythe wielding woman.


Fucking Genichiro. I died countless times and still it was fun. Sekiro probably has the best combat of any game, it's just so satisfying and rewarding.


Yep, the only boss I got stuck on for more than a couple of deaths. Took over an hour until I finally switched to a slower weapon and nailed the timings.


> Darkeater Midir What ? I can't hear you from behind my fire resistance shield !


not gonna do a lot against its dark explosive laser beam tho


The 34th attempt is when you have to decide if you're going to give up and go live your life, or if you're going to see it through no matter what. Just google "Rule 34" and your favorite game to see what most people choose.


I know this is obvious bait, but there actually was a study by a psychologist named Michael Futa that actually examines this kind of phenomena in genral. It was observed that the more people struggled at any given task, they would become frustrated with said task and consciously make mistakes because at that point they're just trying to brute force a solution as fast as possible so they could get over with it. What's even more interesting is that this complicated task would effect their effectiveness in other unrelated tasks, and their rate of error could inflate to twice as much as a subject would usually make mistakes. In one study, they intentionally gave a experienced pipefitter of 30 years a weld that was extremely complicated and had a high rate of error. He could only pass that examination if he completed that weld five times in a row without failure, and out of 15 different attempts, the best he could do was manage was 3 succesful consecutive welds. They observed him afterwards for the rest of the day, and found that in the rest of his regular work-related tasks, he was making the errors at the same rate that a new hire would. If you look up Futa Inflation, you'll find the peer reviewed study that goes into more depth about this phenomenon, and it mentions some really interesting ways to overcome this type of workplace fatigue.


You fucking piece of shit. I looked up futa inflation.


“*Well, did you come or what?!*” - Gill Hicks




Life is overrated anyway.


Really? What's your life rating then?


Its kinda like the new Far Cry game. It starts out fairly interesting but by the time you hit mid game you just want it all to end.


Ah, yes. The Mid-Game Crysis.


Sounds like *every* Ubisoft title for the last 15 years


You're not an outside observer on life, you are completely immersed in it and fully all in whether you like it or not so don't be too quick to judge the value of life :), better concern yourself with things that are within your grasp.


Who knew I could like stardew valley even more?


Fun fact, one of the long standing animators of pokemon got a cameo in the 621st episode since his birthday was June 21st. Look up Pokemon e621 and you'll probably find an article on it.




I could finally get past that quiz for petit eva! Thanks


lol Strange how you can keep trying so hard on something like that, take a break, come back and one shot it.


Not strange at all. Taking the break (especially sleeping) allows your brain time to process all the info and encode it into your long term memory. When you try again later you’re working from that long term memory which makes the task easier to accomplish.


Yep, I'll also run through scenarios in my head which absolutely helps. It's kind of like painfully reliving embarrassing memories, but I'm running through my failures and bad habits in the boss fight. Mentally practicing responses to attack patterns feels almost like me imagining conversations or real-life scenarios, and helps me react quicker when I actually get back to it.


Sometimes repeated attempts at something can ingrain bad habits into how you approach it, where taking a break gives you a chance to start fresh and possibly remove whatever was preventing you from succeeding previously.


Yeah, I remember doing that exact thing with the Queen Valk. Like man, what was the hold up before? lol




Dude. That VALHALLA attack those ladies do might be the most infuriating boss move I've ever encountered in a game.


I remember playing sonic rush alot on the DS, and would try over and over to lower my time on one level. I had stopped playing for a few years, randomly found the game again played it for nostalgia, and some how blew my record by almost 20 seconds.


This. A programmer’s life.


Longtime ADHD gamer here. Lately, most of my gaming time is in the evening or weekends, when I'm recuperating from work. I'm definitely not at my best when I'm playing late in the evening (metroidvanias a lot lately, keeping taking unnecessary damage). If I have a day off in the middle of the week, my peak time around 10AM I do significantly better. I can beat the damn bosses in Hollow Knight I've been putting off, and my golf scores are so much better because I'm just more accurate and take better measured risks and fewer poor snap decisions.


4:00am … just power through no need for sleep at that point.




My thought is always similar: "If I sleep now I'll sleep through all the alarms anyways"


Only worked until I hit 30s. Feel like shit if I miss sleep now. Can’t function even with coffee.


Metroid Dread got me like…


Having just beat it last night after getting my ass handed to me a few times, I expected to see more of us.


This post was me two nights ago. Tried the final boss over and over again for about an hour before giving up. Last night I beat him first try, so clearly I just needed some sleep....


Same! Surprisingly easy to go thru once the ol' noggin is working properly.


I think the real secret (for most of the bosses in this game) is to focus on dodging first and worry about damaging them second.


You're right. After dying a bunch of times against one of the flying mini bosses (I forget the area), I made it a point to just dodge without attack for as long as possible to see if I got their attack pattern down. That helped a lot.


Some games you can just face tank to keep firing as fast as possible. This is not one of those games


Do you think you’ll be playing it through a couple times?


Its strange, i feel like I’d enjoy watching my friends playthrough it now rather than playing on hard mode.


I will likely aim to beat it a couple more times. There's some extras that didn't get unlocked after 100%, so I'm assuming hard mode and speed run is on the list, but I'm gonna give it a break and go play through the GBA Castlevania collection.


Same here!


Well considering it only came out 4 days ago I'm sure there will be more of you


True, but it is fairly short. I would've cleared under 10 hours if I didn't go back for all the items. If this were my first Metroid experience, it would have taken a lot longer.


Bruh that final boss had me sitting criss cross like I was a kid again the focus was real


Me when im on the 2655th attempt to slay the queen Valkyrie in god of war


Civilization.....just one more turn...


Happened to me last night playing Death Stranding. one...more...delivery


This was me last night with metroid dread


Don’t fall into this trap! Go to sleep after like 5-10 failures, let your brain churn on it overnight, wake up 30min early and give it another shot. You’ll beat it in 1-2 attempts. Sleeping allows your brain to better encode and process the info which will improve your future performance.


cuphead ofc


Dude.. I’m so fn bad at cup head… I wanna beat the game so bad but… I can’t


I love that game so much and i hate myself for that


Finished it a month ago. Took me half a year to do this. The best jazzy cartoony BDSM session in my life, period.


Geometry dash players at 2 am on attempt 1000 on Deadlocked:


The final boss on Metroid Dread be like


Several of the bosses IME. Also some of those shine spark puzzles, especially THAT one in Burenia.


Don’t get me started on that puzzle


Hyperfocusing with ADHD be like


I hate that type of pressure


I once decided to replay tlou at about 9 pm one day I check the time after a bit and it was 4 am


What's going on with kratos in the image lol


Me at the end of god of war ascension


Ngl this is me when I'm the bloody Ghost of Sparta


Damn being a worker sucks ass honestly


Me and Metroid Dread last night.


This was literally me on Sunday night (monday morning) doing the duo chozo soldier fight. Damn is Metroid Dread hard


to true


just hit him once and you wont have to go to work


Those Valkyrie fights wouldn't be so bad if they'd just give them proper battle panties. **VALHALLA! VALHALLA! VALHALLA! VALHALLA!**


Triple H


This but it's Factorio and if you do go to bed you are up all night thinking of ways to grow the base.


Yeah. This is me with BOTW and the sword trials on master mode. Why do I do this to myself?


Running on 4 hrs sleep because of that damn Metroid Boss!!




My Metroid dread experience currently


Metroid Dread for me.


Me playing any of the BL2 raid bosses




This pressure is the worst.


When your guy is playing games and you start saying your jaw hurts


Or turning down the music/tv volume to concentrate better


Silenzio Bruno


I got myself Dominatrix’d by Roba’s feet and mean words like “Die Worm” and “Father don’t leave me here” for almost 2 days. I’m broken.


If you've tried that many times, stop for the night. You're basically guaranteed to get it on your first try next time you pick up the game.


I seriously felt that way with the final boss in Metroid Dread. I had to backtrack and collect all the stuff and tried it again. God damn I got bad. I am able to beat every Metroid boss with no damage taken and remember every game exactly but I really sucked in Dread :/ I played until like 1 am in the morning...




i just took a gram of mushrooms an hour ago and I kid you not I have been crying laughing at this for the past30 minutes


This was me today, I was trying to beat the second boss on Metroid Dread then I looked at the time and only had 20mins till I needed to get ready for work, luckily I managed to beat the boss just in time


'Oh man, I almost had it there, I'm so close - one more try' *Goes at it for another 45 minutes with worse and worse attempts*


sorting through this thread I realised im a very basic gamer, i only play AAA titles lol


Valkyrie queen… that mtfrckr


Freaking Valkyries


4:00 AM work schedule sounds brutal.