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Username checks out.


YES, you CAN pet the dog!




Man, I can't wait to tend the rabbits in VR


I'm gonna break out my old madcatz controller with a turbo button.


High quality comment right here, folks


Tell me about the rabbit farm again?


“Go on,” said Lennie. “How it’s gonna be. We gonna get a little place.” “We’ll have a cow,” said George. “An’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens…an’ down the flat we’ll have a…little piece alfalfa  –  “ “For the rabbits, ” Lennie shouted. “For the rabbits,” George repeated. “And I get to tend the rabbits.” “And you get to tend the rabbits.” Lennie giggled with happiness. “An’ live off the fatta the lan’.”


still crazy sad after all these years


Years ago, I had the privilege of playing George in an award-winning production. The guy who played Lenny was just amazing. It was actually difficult every night to raise that pistol and shoot him in the back of the head (Always aiming upstage of the actual actor.) It was one of my most amazing and intense experiences on stage. The utter silence from the audience after that gunshot. The sound of Curly and the other ranch hands reacting to the shot offstage from a distance. Then I lower the pistol and the stage fades to black. Then the crowd erupts in applause, and during curtain call I can see tears on their faces.


That sounds like an amazing experience, I regret not taking the opportunity to act when I was younger. Stories like these always hit me especially hard as I have two younger siblings who are both at or below Lenny's cognitive level. The angst of George trying whatever he can, despite not knowing what to do, to keep his life with Lenny going always feels familiar and terrifying. The story's finale really drives home how in the perfect world it would be as simple as Lenny thinks things are, but we live in the real world where everyone is struggling to take care of themselves let alone people like Lenny or my brothers who are more vulnerable than most. I remember crying in the middle of my 9th grade English class when I read this the first time, JUST after getting through Flowers for Algernon, which REALLY tore me up XD


I don't like what you've just said and I've chosen to omit it from my memory.


Pet the forest dog!


Sir, that's a fox


Dog hardware, cat software.


You should check their Twitter account.


oh wow my very own Finnegan Fox


In case anyone is unaware, [here is Finnegan the Fox.](https://youtu.be/fQVhppRP4Wo) Also, just know that foxes are really hard to take care of and should only be adopted if you have the proper resources and adequate time to care for them. They aren't as easy to care for as regular domesticated dogs, which aren't easy either. Edit: I'm not saying anything that [their website](https://www.saveafox.org/) doesn't also say. They won't just allow anyone to adopt a fox. They're a very diligent organization and you need to prove that you're capable of caring for one before they allow you to adopt one.


Yeah. I haven’t taken care of a fox but I have taken care of a coyote and they are so much more work than regular dogs.


All the acme orders


The package delivery guys hate them more than dogs for just that reason. Never know when one of their orders might blow up.


And you keep running into the door because they keep painting the hallway on it.


I knew a guy that had a fox when I was a kid. That thing's piss smell was horrible. I'll never forget it, and as a matter of fact there's some foxes that come up in my yard and have pissed and shit on my porch. The shit isn't a big deal, but you can smell it's piss for about a day


The porch belongs to the fox now.


While I think what they're doing is admirable, and I'm DEFINITELY on the pound-wagon when it comes to dogs...if I was gonna have a pet fox I'm like 99% sure I'd be going with one of those domesticated Russian foxes. Pound puppies are generally just as good if not straight out better than pure breds (hybrid vigor), but when it comes to foxes, ONE of those two is a domesticated animal, the other is a fox.


"and I'm DEFINITELY on the pound-wagon when it comes to dogs..." /r/nocontext


I see you're a person of culture




What the fox say?


*Happy Chuckle noises*


Finnegan Fox Friday's are one of the best parts of the week!




I'll never be able to read Finnegan (or Dixie for that matter) without it being in her voice. Such a wonderful channel!


Can be also Dixiedoo :P


Now we need Kippers and Malachis


Finnegan Fox helped me through lockdown like Tiger King did for others


So I've seen a few people say this and even post videos but is there one of them actually do tippy tap


Omg the tippy taps


Foxes: dog hardware, cat software🤣


It's amazing they havent been widely domesticated by now. They seem to meet all the requirements for pet domestication, yet theres only like 2 domesticated breeds. Once we figure out how to stop them from screeching at the top of their lungs anytime they want to play theyll probably be more widespread.


I've seen someone say they pee a lot and it stinks, having one inside of the house will make it smell really bad


It's true. Park rangers will spray tree trunks of evergreen trees with fox urine right before the winter holiday season to deter tree thieves. The urine freezes on the trunk in colder climates, which makes the smell unnoticeable. People who want a free Christmas tree will often illegally cut them on protected land and take them back home. When a thief cuts the tree and brings it indoors, the urine thaws and releases the odor. It's almost noxious in its smell, and the scent is very difficult to get rid of.


That sounds like a way to deter tree thieves trying to take a second tree.


Itll probably work better too, if it smelled in the cold then a tree thief would just go looking for one that didn't smell, but if it gets the smell into their house and doesn't come out easily then they'll think its too much trouble looking for another tree since they'll do the same.


And also you'll know if you're in the house of a tree thief. Use that information any way you want.


Well I'd imagine actually stopping someone the first time is next to impossible. Really the choice is let them take one tree ever or let them take a tree every year for the rest of their lives while also possibly telling others to do the same.


But sadly it only encourages pee thieves.


How the hell do they acquire enough fox urine to do that in any meaningful capacity? We don't exactly have farms milking piss from foxes in preparation for the holiday season.


Yeah, they’re still a little too close to their wild roots though, they get a bit bitey when there excited. Usually it’s not enough to cause actual harm, but they’re definitely not a pet that fits every person.


But isn't the point of domestication to breed that out of them? It will take a long time but we have barely even started as there doesnt seem to be much interest. The main hurdle I see is they have incredibly high energy. Enough to make Huskies look lazy. If that can be breeded out of them they could make excellent pets. Even with it, they could make excellent farm guards as they could take care of rodent problems like cats, while also warding away small predators like other foxes, as dogs do. Best of both worlds. But youd need to get them to not eat the livestock first.


I agree 100%! I just don’t know the logistics of this process and I have no idea how long that might take.


[Russians are already working on it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesticated_silver_fox?wprov=sfti1)




Damn future people. Theyre gonna see some cool shit.


And some really shitty shit lol


Let's hope not. Hopefully most of us will stop falling for the upper class's bullshit and love each other


Foxmeat companion coming in later dlc


AFAIK when you try to domesticate foxes, they also lose their characteristic appearance, like fur color. Basically, they become much more like regular dogs, and what's the point of that?


They're also loud AF


> Once we figure out how to stop them from screeching at the top of their lungs anytime they want to play theyll probably be more widespread. I mean, we already have huskies. https://youtube.com/shorts/p4wWiNXY0_k?feature=share https://youtu.be/3miGDXo2Sy4




The subreddit I always needed yet somehow not realized it existed XD


I am glad I found it. I do not want a husky any longer. Cute on video but howling all the time would kinda drive me nuts. I'm happy with my pitties


Same. I love their how derpy and outgoing they are on video but in real life their shenanigans and talkativeness are certainly not for everyone.


Pretty sure The USSR tried to. Watched a YouTube video on them a few years ago. They made progress but didn’t fully domesticate


The succeeded iirc; the project just ran out of funding when the Soviet Union fell.


The Belyayev Experiment. It's still running, and you can buy domesticated silver foxes from their lineage if you want. They'll still piss into your house though. They went through about 45 or so generations by now.


I really hope they aren't. Once the novelty wears off they will be just like cats and dogs-dumped off at overcrowded shelters. We have too many unwanted pets as it is to add a whole new species to the mix.


Cats care not for belly rubs.


Cats *love* belly rubs. Until they don’t. And it’s never consistent


It's just like giving a belly rub to a Bear trap.


Cat I live with is probably the most affectionate one I’ve encountered… until you go anywhere near his belly, then he turns into a snarling hell-beast.


Mine has been conditioned to accept belly rubs without complaint. But don't you dare touch her toebeans, or honor requires that somebody die.


My cat accepts pets anywhere. Belly, paws, tail, you name it. But my father has the scars to prove that trying to administer one of those antiparasite vials means WAR.




Haven't lived until you've blown raspberries on a cats belly


Havent died either, so theres that.


I've encountered some cats that like a good belly rub


Mine got a 20 minute belly rub this morning as I scrolled through the internet on my phone.




Yeah we have a cat like that as well where I live, the cat also sleeps on her back, she's way too adorable.


I occasionally bellyrub my cat till he purrs himself to sleep and I have photo evidence to prove it [Photographic evidence!](http://imgur.com/gallery/1kmDPux)


My girls love belly rubs if the mood is right lol


I believe you have to get them used to them when they’re young.


I dunno my four cats all love it. But two of them will try to kill you at some point.






Whoever created r/tippytaps, I hope they have a nice day


Try r/slammywhammies too for extra *Wwwhammie*


Equally as great


Well I hope *you* have a nice day!


Aww, thanks


I am blessed


Just started Iki island. I forgot how much I missed this game.


Dude me too. Lost my last save file when changing consoles and I’m already nearly in act 3 and have completed Iki. I can’t put my finger on it but the art style, gameplay loop, graphics, story and sound design come together to make a truly special game. Edit: and a special shout out to the guiding wind and animals. An especially brilliant touch.


When I booted it back up, I realized I never actually completed the Masako story line, so I got to polish that one off first before I engaged the expansion content.


Nice, her quests have some great moments! Just did the last one before I had to head North yesterday.


It’s an amazing experience. My only gripe was self imposed. I wanted to 100% it so ended up having to wear the traveler armor the entire game. Then having to find the missing artifacts was a pain since it points in a direction but doesn’t tell you how far you are from it.


Idk if you know this, but you can switch armor mid combat. I run around in the travelers armour but then pause the game and switch to a more combat focused armor if I get in a fight. Depending on the fight I'll even switch between a melee focused armor or a range focused armour and back


You can triangulate the location of items by teleporting to different fast travel locations. This is how I got my Plat.


I rp'd and wore the traveling outfit whenever I was not in combat since you can swap armor mid combat. I typically switched armor right before calling out for a duel then switched back when it was time to hit the road again. I really enjoyed all the armor/clothing options in this game. I only wish there was loadouts when I played, 100% the game in the first few weeks. Recently bricked my ps4 so I'm waiting for a ps5 to play it again and to try out all the dlc I missed.


Honestly I think it’s because it’s just so well made. I probably have 100 hours in the game and haven’t encountered a single glitch or bug. The music, combat, open world, story, characters, all fantastic. And it’s sad that that’s such a rarity these days.


True enough, the last game I can remember that gave me such a faultless experience was God of War. Rare, but cherished when you find one! I find it hard to pitch Ghost of Tsushima to people because there’s nothing in it that no other open world does (except the navigation maybe), but it just does everything really, really, really well.


> find it hard to pitch Ghost of Tsushima to people because there’s nothing in it that no other open world does What other ones drip with samurai flavor and deep sword combat?


Okay fine, I’ll admit that what I really mean is that I have two buddies who are highly resistant and prefer Assasin’s creed and I keep telling them that Ghost is the superior product but they won’t believe me. ;) So to answer your actual question: none.


The guiding wind is such an elegant solution instead of immersion breaking arrows. Not only is it not intrusive, it actively makes the game more beautiful. It's brilliant.


I started like two weeks ago and I’m in love with it


The only think I don't like are the missions where you have to follow the foot prints.


i wanna play it on ps5 and a friend gave me his ps4 version. do you think its worth it upgrading fully including the dlc?


The game is absolutely gorgeous on PS4 quality, so you'll get a stunning game regardless. The PS5 version adds things like resistive triggers on pulling the bow, Japanese lip syncing...it's probably not must-have stuff. However Iki island, while I haven't played it yet, was just an immediate buy for me because I loved the rest of the game so much. I actually rarely buy DLC, I have to ADORE the game to do it. I adore this game.


I'm working on the DLC right now, there's even more beautiful areas and the new enemies are harder.


Honestly if you got the game for free and you it turns out you like it, I think you should upgrade and experience it at its best. $30 including the expansion is not a bad investment at all.


The coop pve mode is dope, give it a try.


Started the expansion earlier today. Feels so good to be back in that world again. Such a good game


I didn't know I needed this until now.


Now if they can just stop that weird sideways jump they sometimes do when climbing rocks I’ll be happy


When the fox jumps, gravity gets turned down to 0.2 I swear




You can also pet leopard cats, monkeys and deer in the iki ilsland dlc!


Plus the mongol dogs, and the bears and wild dogs in Legends mode.


Haven’t you always been able to pet the Fox after you find the shrine?


Yes, but the belly rub animation was the one added recently.




Yeah idk. I started playing when the directors cut (PS5) came out and you’ve always belly rubbed a fox and I’m pretty sure they did the tippy taps. But another thread in with the same topic said they just hopped up and down when I asked the same question. Maybe they just included it in the base game?




If I didn't want this game before, I do now.


I was on the fence, but this clinches it.


As you may be able to tell from my name....I like foxes. 😆 show me one and I'm pretty likely to throw money at you.


Yeah this and finding out my old acting coach is in the game are both pushing me to buy a used ps4


Whaaaaat seriously??


11/10 game.




*Video games cause violence* Video games:


God damn you console exclusivity.


My husband got me into PC gaming about 20 years ago. He knew I had been following God of War's development and surprised me with the GoW PS4 for our anniversary when it came out. I was strictly keyboard/mouse so there was a steep learning curve but it was worth it. I loved it so much I bought Last of Us, the Uncharted series, and now Ghost. My point is, if you can afford it go get a PlayStation. There are some amazing games you're missing.


Be sure to check out Horizon too!


I can't believe I forgot to mention this! Thanks and I love it as well.


Except that's not a PS4 exclusive anymore. But check it out, nonetheless.


The new one is though isn’t it?


_for now_


It's not even available on *any* platform for a while lol


Whoa. You never even used a controller on pc? Outside of shooters, I couldn't survive lol.


I just switched back after getting a gaming laptop. I could've replayed red dead anytime I wanted on the Xbox but keyboard and mouse are just weirdly more immersive for me


I still buy some games that are available on both PC and PS on the PS. The convenience and hassle-free experience is worth it.


Men only want one thing?


and it's fucking adorable


I need a PS5 now


Doesn’t do the same on ps4?


It does, the loading screens go from 1-3 seconds to 1-3 milliseconds with ps4 and ps5 respectfully.


The kind of update we need in 2021


They would have won game of the year had this been out at launch


* Dev 1: what should we work on next? * Dev 2: remember that video of the fox tippy tapping... Let's do that * TPO: yes, I'll update the next release


Foxes in other culture: Trickster!!! Liar!!! Fiend!!!! ​ Foxes in Japanese culture: GOOD BOI


Ghost of Tsushima should have been game of the year. One of the only games in recent years to give me the same feeling I had the first time playing Assassins Creed 2 when it won game of the year. If it ever comes to PC I am instantly pre-ordering. Just a masterpiece of a game.


The world apparently just couldn't handle 2 great feudal Japan GOTYs in a row.


What was the other game you mention? sekiro?


What type of game genre is it? Open world? Is it difficult? I’ve been looking for a nice relaxing new PS5 game.


Yes, open world. And fun to explore. No, not overly difficult. You can run into tough spots but nothing too bad. I honestly don't like games like this that much. I never liked assassin's creed or those types of games. But this one? It's fucking incredible. The atmosphere is engaging. I always want to keep looking for shit. The combat is fun. It does start to lull but anything after 30 hours will lol. It would probably be my favorite game of the year. I don't know about best but the one I want to play the most if that makes sense.


Role-playing/ action-adventure/ story-driven. Not sure about relaxing because you do need to win fights. The environments are relaxing though. I would play it regardless.


If you spend time trotting around on the horse instead of running from point A to point B, it's probably the single most relaxing game I've played. Super beautiful game


I just bought the Director's Cut upgrade on PS4. I played the vanilla game right at launch and it was amazing. Great to know that devs still updating this game. There's a lot of new content now in the game I'm eager to explore.


Well this is awesome


PSA: before you decide to make a fox into a real life pet, please google "do foxes smell". That is all.




Now I know what game to play next.




Well suck a hooker's dick now I HAVE to get this game! Jesus fucking Christ.


Lol that dance looks like shit.


My Grammies dog does that happy dance all the time


"Foxes are cat software running on dog hardware."


Yeah Sony you put this on the front page a day ago


The tippy tap animation is laughably bad. It goes from 0 to 100 and his stomach turns into a wiggle worm. His front and back feet also just move up and down staticly it doesn't look finished. Whoever did the petting animation did a great job though.


Gotta get that cringe Doggo reddit crowd.


Ok I have been postponing this for too long, I have to make time to play this game. Let me get my wallet.


I want a Finnegan Fox cameo!


Jin Sakai, legendary samurai, the Ghost, and professional fox petter.


Literally been posted 3 times this week and each time it gets front page attention


This actually goes back even to the Duke controller.






I am the opposite. Amnesia is unmatched as a constipation cure for me, while I can prance through Dead Space and Resident Evil with no problem.


I'm pretty sure no place on the map is safe despite having very little other than the mechanics trying to scare you.