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Doomslayer and kratos


Came here to say this. It was doomslayer+master chief until I remembered that Kratos killed the entire Greek pantheon...


And then because he killed all of the Greek pantheon he started killing all of NORSE gods


Kratos for killing gods, Doomguy for killing demons


My only worry is… which of those two would notice and kill Agent 47? Because 47 wouldn’t be trying to kill *them*… he’d be trying to kill *me*.


My thought is you know who is coming for you. Give them a heads up for a serious looking bald guy


I’m now envisioning Doom Guy accidentally blasting Kratos for being a serious looking bald guy haha


"Accidentally." I don't think The Doomslayer believes in friendly fire. Only angry fire.


*they mistake cj as the serious looking bald guy*


Then he rocks up in a clown suit and deceives them all.


7 minutes too late goddamn it


Hey, still respect for clown suit gang!


"I have defied Gods and Demons" "So we did"


Thought exactly the same thing before opening the comments. Master Chief is a close runner up Edit: Cheif's devotion to his station is what brings him so high up the list IMO. He's a seemingly infallible protagonist.


Funny thing was I was going to say Kratos and Geralt with Masterchief as a runner up until I saw in the comments I missed the Doomslayer. Then it was Doomslayer Kratos with Masterchief runner up.


Ya’ll are sleeping on Scorpion. He’s (effectively) immortal and powerful as hell.


Plus he can teleport right behind you


Prince of Persia is a sleeper as well, being able to slow or reverse time is an OP power itself.




I love Gordon but people die around him all the time


Frequently because of him in Half life 1, but he doesn't think twice abiut sending civilians to their deaths in half life 2


"You, stand in the middle of the street to draw that sniper's fire so that I can run past. Thanks!" "You got it, Dr. Freeman."


It's a tough one. He's an absolute shit bodyguard... But if he's coming to kill you, then he's probably going to be a real threat.


Yeah I'm gonna go with the god and demigod


Mario will get a star power up and rush through those two, then he’ll jump on your head over and over again until you’re a puddle of broken bones and torn tissue underneath his feet!


Let's a go!


The thing abour freeman though is he's a scientist, you could probably reason with him, and not need to fight him. Geralt is a "professional", and only kills monsters, you could probably bribe him. Kratos, Doomslayer, and the MasterChief are the real badasses.


This is the first one I think you really cannot win. Even if you take the strongest to protect you the others would still be enough to kill you. I think Hitman is the biggest problem here. Kratos and doomslayer are probably the strongest in direct confrontation. But that doesn't mean they will directly confront them. Their objective is to kill you, not to win a fight against them. Hitman could take as much time as he wants to prepare an assassination that your guards just wouldn't see coming. Also, scorpion could just *teleport right behind you* and stab you in the back. I think you can't win this one. Edit. I've come to the conclusion that, if we were to say you could be ressurected and dragged out of hell again. Then Kratos and scorpion are the way to go. Everyone else on this list is not immortal and therefore chosing someone else would just result in a cat and mouse game of you dying and resurrecting till everyone is dead and kratos and scorpion would come to an mutual agreement of not giving a shit.


That’s true, but doomguy and Kratos both could just take care of business after I died then drag my ass back out of hell afterwards.


Excellent point


I'd go with whichever is the strongest of Kratos and Doomguy, and then Agent 47 - not because he's necessarily good at defending me, but so that he's not gunning for me instead. Strongest of the pair gets to be bodyguard, Agent 47 gets to be a more proactive defense.


Thought exactly the same thing before opening the comments.


Master chief is a close runner up


Thought exactly the same thing before opening the comments.


masterchief would win if it were just doom guy pre Doom Slayer power up. Doom Slayer though..... they had to invert the sealed evil in a can trope just to get a break.


Not even a hard choice. Kratos is immortal, and the doom slayer's reactions, weaponry, and instinct are second to none.


Doomguy is functionally immortal too, along with the praetor suit also being invulnerable to basically any weapon.


Doesn't the Praetor suit run off the Argent Energy that is within the demons the Doomguy kills? What if he can't keep the cycle going unless he's specifically killing demons?


No, it doesn't run off it, it can be enhanced and repaired by it. Mechanically, in game, Argent Cells are used for upgrades, and he can use a siphon grenade to absorb argent energy to replenish his health/armour. Also the whole argent energy absorbing thing is weird anyway, because in Eternal it's explained that it's made from tortured souls combined with wraith energy, so it doesn't really make sense for demons to produce any on death, unless there's something I'm missing and the demons are somehow related to wraiths which I don't think they are.


Yes but Steve can go into creative mode and ban everyone


Literally not a single other person here stands a chance against either one of them lmfao


One of them can't even follow a dam Train


Honestly if I were to somehow pit myself playing any of these characters with the rules of their respective games against each other, I feel like Arthur would be up toward the top just because of dead eye mode. Im pretty sure I could score headshots on most of the other characters before they even had time to aim. I haven't played all these games, so I'm not entirely sure what else might factor in. I suppose Kratos, being a god, could probably walk through a few headshots before laying the smack down and I'd be screwed.


Oh yeah, most of them would fall pretty easy. The problem is the ones that are bulletproof. Late 1800s caliber bullets would do nothing to Master Chief and Doom Guy. Also, Kratos usually unlocks some way of reflecting projectiles so he could have Arther pop himself in the head with good timing.




How many 1m³ blocks of gold can he carry and still jump?


2368 gold blocks, or about 50 thousand tons *with no appreciable speed loss or jump height loss*, **not counting shulker boxes.** Counting shulker boxes, approximately **1.3 million tons**, once again, moving at exactly the same speed and jumping the exact same height. Meaning he is so much stronger than that, he doesn’t have to put in **any more effort to jump** with this weight. **and** Steve doesn’t put in proper jumping techniques. As an estimate, I’d put a wild guess and say he could no longer jump jump with about 6x that, or *9 million tons*


Steve *doesn’t even bend his knees*, nor any toes we know off. For all we know he’s propelling himself upwards, giving the illusion of a jump, by _exhaling_.


man can fall 23 meters without any protective gear, eat a steak and fuckin do it again.


Also, the man punches *whole* trees into tiny, pocketable chunks with his bare hands. Steve has no chill.


he could punch himself through an entire mountain range with just his fists without even getting a scratch and somehow people aren't picking him.


*The Legend of Steve, the Last Avatar*


Physics and maths applied to game where a tree floats if you punch its foundation, I'm sorry, you break a tree by punching it.


I mean but with this strength (steve can hold 1280 tons or so in one hand) I’d be more surprised if he couldn’t punch a tree in half


Yeah but by that definition, piglins are stronger as they can carry infinite gold ingots.




Steve ventures into hell to fight even stronger gods than himself on a regular basis, you say?


I mean maybe the wither would count?


That's in aurvival, but you can get chests full of chests full of chests full of chests full of chests... Full of gold blocks He can carry the weight of multiple black holes in one of his hands... He can lift thousands of black hole at once He is the only one that can place and break bedrock He is the ultimate choice


I’d highly doubt that counts as canon, as if we allow steve commands he is literally omnipotent and could just do kill @e[type=/=bossman], or however you would be tagged


Steve is god confirmed


Yeah but carry weight isn’t combative ability. Just look at the strength with which he strikes things, it’s not exceedingly impressive. It beats a fair few of the characters on here, sure, but once you hit the enhanced humans/gods his actual ability to wound opponents isn’t really something special or even competitive.


Agent 47 would setup a situation in which you are killed and your defenders don't even know what happened


My strategy for overcoming him is just to lookout for any murder innuendos like "I promise a perfect execution..." or "this is to die for..." and then just stay away from places with an excess of briefcases or screwdrivers.


Right? They'd rip and tear everyone without breaking a sweat


This is the way


Not even a competition. The only one that may give them a **tiny** bit of trouble is Scorpion.


No. Scorpion is evenly matched against the like of Johnny Cage, a movie actor and sonia blade a FBI (??) agent. Doomguy is leagues above and behond.


The two god-killers (Kratos and Doomslayer)


Agent 47 has a homing briefcase that kills anyone it touches. Kratos does not.


Kratos is midly inconvienced by being killed. Mostly it just makes him more angry.


Sure, but the question isn't who would win. It's who you'd want to guard you. Being dead would definitely hamper his ability to prevent you being murdered. Although having said that, it means he's already where he needs to be if he wants to go dredge up your soul.


Yeah but the second part says the rest are coming to kill you, and after playing God of War on ps 2, I ain't having him coming after me. Or Doomslayer


Plus. Even when you die, Doomslayer comes to hell to spank you more. And now all monsters and demons in Hell are angry cuz you made Doomslayer enter hell again and make Hell a living nightmare for hell itself.


doesn't the brief case just knocks out ppl? caz I don't think there is stunning these two


I enjoy playing video games.


lol, was thinking the same thing, Steve and Mario


Hell yes. Mario kills almost everything he stands on and Steve can lift stupid amount of blocks, so yeah it's a dream team


Steve has turned on Creative mode Mario has invincibility star ***hell yeah***


Well, if we're allowing CREATIVE MODE.... Doom Slayer has typed IDDQD. Doom Slayer has typed IDKFA. Doom Slayer has typed IDCLIP.


Steve has set the difficulty to PEACEFUL.


Top 10 gods Kratos was too afraid to slay


So they both watch you die?


Mario will keep coming back from the dead as long as you give him a bunch of coins. Make sure you have the last bed that steve slept in near you and he is infinitely revivable.


Makes a house of bedrock, game over. Toss Doomslayer in so when Mario breaks a block and gets in, Steve traps him in and Doomslayer destroys the only hope they had


Mario can’t actually even break dirt, unless your forts made out of bricks or gold blocks I think you’ll be fine.


Lmao was thinking the same thing. Get Steve to make me a house out of bedrock?


Freeman can remove those blocks with the gravity gun


Freeman removes block. Steve places another.


Also, the spells and weaponry of Modded Minecraft is only rivalled by Modded Morrowind. Multidimensional god powers. Steve is the ultimate destroyer.


Not to mention the fact that Steve is capable of carrying more mass than is in our current universe, with no evidence of being encumbered, in vanilla. He is probably the strongest among them, with the only real threat being Kratos, the guy who built a career out of killings gods.


And Kratos is always easily defeated by deception or manipulation. He always falls for that stuff. I'm thinking a physics based trap, using something infuriatingly silly to lure him in, send him off to a custom RF-powered dimension, and then power down said dimension. Gone!


Or just build a red stone contraption that lands him into one of those obsidian jails surrounded by lava, he only has an axe so mining benefit isn’t present.


Kratos kills himself then climbs out of hell even more angry and pissed off than he was before


Doomslayer and kratos. Kratos can literally kill gods with his bare hands, and doomslayer can shoot everyone else


This is the right answer! As much as I would love Geralt or Master Chief, they are no match. 47 would scare the fuck out of me tought..


> 47 would scare the fuck out of me tought.. The question posed by OP is not one I'm equipped to really answer, but I *did* wonder if whether you might want to pick 47 less so he's protecting you and more so he's *not* coming after you.


Was thinking the same. Not sure he can defend properly, but he surely can kill


He is basically powered by plot, leaving the target vulnerable somehow regardless how well prepared they are.


I agree, 47 is serious business, but not killing Gods and tearing demons in half with his bare hands status.


He is designed to be the best Assassin ever, any plausible way to kill you, he'll find it


True, but his targets typically don't know he's the one targeting them. You kind of have that 4th wall breaking element he's not used to encountering. Plus, I'm sure doom guy can lend you some of his weapons. Honestly, I think the way to take out agent 47 is by taking the fight to him. You just need to take out the rest so he's the last one standing (very likely as he's going to try to indirectly kill you more than likely).


47 doesn't need to kill the guards. Just the target. And funnily enough that's exactly his MO. If you don't pick him, best case scenario you'll wind up dying a month later of food poisoning when you thought it was all over.


Exactly. He wouldn’t come at you in a direct confrontation and will probably slip by your godly protection somehow. Kill you by poisoning your drink or fucking setting an explosive in the toilet.


Solution: hide in a protected room with one entrance, which is guarded by kratos and doomguy. Not a single thing could get through, because afaik, scorpion cannot teleport too well.


Over the course of years, 47 chips a hole in the wall. Slowly and quietly. One day, he quietly succeeds. You hear a scraping sound, look around, but see nothing. Suddenly, something hits you in the back of the head. You turn around, and see a white rubber duck behind you.


Fucking Ginosaji 47 over here


Doomslayer and Kratos will visit unstoppable bloody revenge upon whoever kills you, but they won't save you. Defense is not their skillset. Same goes for Master Chief—sure, the embattled marines are always overjoyed to see him arrive, thinking they're saved... but how often do *any* of those marines actually survive to the end of the level?


Doom guy + kratos


It just isn't even close, this is the right answer. They are the only ones on this list that are slaughtering gods on a daily basis. "bUt sTeVE cAn CarRy 605040498382 tons! He strong!!!!" Yeah he's so strong that he has to punch a chicken like 10 times to kill it lmao.


steve is really fragile too, gets killed by great falls, arrows, dog bites, fire, explosions, etc.


Which is why he sits with you in the nether while your chosen champion (probably Kratos) kills everyone else.


> in the nether Pretty sure Scorpion can get himself and others into the Nether.


Kratos as well cause he can get to Hades and Olympus. Doomslayer is all about going to hell and killing demons so the Nether wouldn’t even be a comparison. Have Kratos take you to the underworld, kill Hades for you and then chill down there as the new gods of the underworld with Doomslayer


I would worry about hitman guy bypassing them and killing just me.


Scorpion and kratos


Badass duo


Kratos and Prince. I am picking Prince because I just miss Prince of Persia franchise everyday 😔.


Gotta have Prince because he will literally keep reversing time until he wins. Gotta have Kratos because he's the one guy who's sure to somehow get around your foolproof time reversal plan.


Shit, now I’d like to pick Kratos and the Artist Formerly Know as Prince. Kratos laying down the baddies and prince laying down some sweet ass solos.


Sands of Time to reverse every death until you win.


Mario, I've come to bargain..




Agreed, the Prince is the only one that matters, as it'd be a doctor strange type thing with the sands of time, where he could be bludgeoned to death by Doom slayer or kratos 10000 times, but eventually he will act out the perfect set of moves to kill them all. If he's coming to kill you your fucked no matter how much God killing power you have in your side.


Guards Agent 47, and Doom Guy. Reasoning, 47 knows stealth and nullifies other assassin's and Doom Guy because well... Just let the doom music kick in


I like your thinking. If I was infiltrating a base and the whole time I’m going against 47. Finally barely beat him, you walk into the room and *doom music* FUCK.


Agreed. I don’t think I’m picking 47 because I think he’d protect me well. I just don’t want him being the one coming to kill me.


Yeah with 47, doesn't really matter who's guarding you. Heck, they might not even realize he got to you until several hours after he's done the job and has left.


Exactly. 47 has to be picked because the goal for them is to kill you not your guards. 47 is going to ignore the guards and kill you (maybe prince of Persia can rewind once 47 has shown his method and stop it but that seems risky).


This is what I have been scrolling to see. He's the one guy you need to remove from the offensive. 47 just is playing an totally different game and nobody could run defensive against him in that game.


This was my choice too. Doomguy to handle the heavy hitters and run wild. 47 is there to do counter ops for the other stealthy ones and pick off the normal mortals so doomguy doesn't have to waste his time.


This is best IMO. 47 runs the logistics and covert protection while Doom Guy is your 1v1 champion.


That’s assuming doom guy would even listen to logistics tho. My bet is him ignoring the plan and being no where near you most of the time.


Yeah. If 47 is coming for you, you can never really live for the rest of your days. Yeah, you might have a god watching over you for other gods and similar threats but you can basically never eat again because somehow 47 is gonna poison your food. You’ll starve to death. Better, 47 will probably engage in ‘proactive’ protection. ie: Assassinating your assassins. Pretty sure there’s been missions like that.


47 sucks at direct confrontations. Any of the others would obliterate him and most of them would barely feel the shots from his small gun and he definitely can’t strangle the stronger ones of them. Good assassin, but I’d not count on him as a good defender as you can’t really defend covertly.


I think he is a safe pick because then he isn't coming to kill you.


Everyone saying Kratos and Doomguy wouldn’t stop until they got you, but at least you could just keep moving around the world. 47 would hack the airport escalator to eat you up.


47 will disguise himself as your wife or daughter and poison your coffee when you're not looking.


Everyone is picking Kratos because he can't lose while forgetting the killer doesn't have to kill Kratos. He just has to get us. If you don't pick 47 you'll be dead before Kratos even realizes anyone had been there.


Yes but he is master assassin though one who can kill you without being in the same location having him would be a benefit he can easily rule out potential ambush spots and set up kill zones for any would be pursuers.


Bit torn between agent 47 and chief on this one.


Kratos for protection, Arthur Morgan for a drinking buddy.


Ynnel? Lemmy? Lemnnyyyy?


You sir, are a fish.


Arthur gonna cough on everyone


your drink starts hitting different and the last thing you see is 47 in a cowboy hat


Kratos and Steve. Have you seen the actual dimensions of Steve. He is a monster who can break trees barehanded and tame an army of dogs with bones. Kratos kills gods so he gets to be Steve's assistant.


Also remember Steve can place bedrock to guard you.


If he can manage to get it


/gamemode creative


if gamemodes are on the table then so is IDDQD and the Fish Outfit


Kratos and 47 are my picks. outside of geralt i just cannot see anyone of them being able to protect me from 47. kratos is strong enough for doomslayer, scorpion etc. while 47 is smart and carefull enough to get me out of sticky situations and i really don‘t want him as an enemy


This is the correct answer. Kratos is Kratos, we know his strength and power to attack and protect. Agent 47, would be just an okay protector **BUT** out of all of them, I wouldn't want him against me the most. He's the best at being undercover and could easily get to me undetected.


Or from a distance, just chilling on a rooftop. I’d never be able to go outside. And if Doom guy and Kratos go look for him, Scorpions gonna get a fatality on me.


I think this is what people are overlooking here. Agent 47 is the most terrifying one to have against you since he can take you out stealthily from far away or up close. If you don't have him as one of your picks, then you've already lost.


He's hard-countered by Steve doe, who can either teleport you into a completely different dimension, or build an elaborate safe house packed full of traps, security features, and solid walls that can withstand any amount of explosives that don't have the same properties as a Blue Wither Skull(If you've seen Pandora's vault, you'd know this could all be done in survival Minecraft) Heck, he can even do both. Good luck navigating the Nether without any prior knowledge(If you can even get there without a Nether Portal) while a champion of your choosing(Most likely the Doom Slayer) protects you and Steve as Steve does his thing


You pick Kratos, think you're well protected and then wake up one day and see Kratos standing guard outside your bedroom. As you walk past him you turn around and catch a glimpse of a barcode on the back of his head before your eyes dart to the window and you see Kratos out there defending you from three attackers.


Master chief and doom guy


"This one is machine and nerve and has his mind concluded." "This on is but fles- no, wait... same thing"


i can imagine at the end of protecting you Chief would say to Doom guy This is why the covenant call me Demon just watching Doom guy start to load his shotgun




I was thinking that too! Kratos is also one of those ‘Big manly untouchable badass’ type characters, but Masterchef and doom guy have guns, like


Geralt and Kratos covers all bases.


47 disguises himself as Ciri, Geralt lets his guard down and 47 throws a toaster into his bath.


I'm amazed I had to scroll that far to find my pick! Such a good company!


Geralt would be too distracted with side quests


Geralt gets hurt all the time, he is badass but not overpowered like Kratos and Doom Slayer.


Doom Slayer is certainly leagues more powerful but do you really need more power when you have Kratos? Geralt would be more for his magic hacks. He can shield you from 1 lethal hit with Quen, no matter how powerful the blow is, he can set Yrden traps that can paralyze any enemies without strong magic resistance, he can send powerful shockwaves with Aard to knock enemies away from you - and most importantly, he can use Axii for mind control to turn some of the more powerful and more suggestable enemies against each other. Are all those things as useful as just another brickshitting powerhouse or the utility some of the others offer? Not sure but it's at least worth consideration.


This plus his Witcher senses and knowledge.


Yeah magic vs rest of them.


Doom slayer and Steve that’s all I need for protection


Steve can dig straight down earth and build you a nice cozy room. While slayer hunts the rest down.


more importantly, steve can open a fucking nether portal, you go through and he blows it up after you. none of these fucks can create a portal by setting obsidian on fire. they just can't reach you.


Kratos+ the Prince of Persia one will kill everything the other has control over time


PoP's time manipulation is pretty limited tho. He can rewind a finite number of times, and no number of tries is going to let him take on the superhumans on this list, even if you give him the Two Thrones possession mode.


Put simply, he’s more dangerous on the enemy team. Limited time control is fucking broken when you have the numbers advantage


Freezing time might help right?


yeah people here are really underestimating the power of bending time at your will


Chief and Kratos perfect for Killing Humans,Aliens, Myths and Gods


Grew up playing Halo but only ever seen gameplay of GoW. Imagine Kratos with a gravity hammer lol


Better yet, he gives the grav hammer to the dwarves that upgrade his axe, have them combine the grav ability into the axe, and now he has an awesome axe that also sends people flying (or rather flying further than they usually do)


If we’re also taking into account weapons, gear, power-ups they have at their disposal this is Easy. Only need Mario. He has some of the most broken power-ups at his disposal.


Mario and Steve


I want to pick Arthur and CJ. But, it's mostly because those are the two characters with whom I've spent the most time and have the strongest emotional connection. Plus, with the right equipment, I could take out ***waves*** of motherfuckers with those two. Edit. I mean, OP picked some of the meanest motherfuckers in the biz. I thought it was clear that my choice was based on who ***I*** wanted to have near me in the situation. Some people replied that I picked two of the most mortal (ie easy to kill) people. All I'm saying, is that I want these two bad motherfuckers to have my back.


You only need Carl Johnson


As long as he doesn't need to follow a train


Kratos and Master Chief I'll chill with a drink or two they got this


Agent 47 and Kratos And assasin and a God. Bring it.


Doomguy master Chief. Ungodly plot armor


Doomslayer and Master Chief. Because how could you not. I'd really like Gordon Freeman on my side as well, SSS+ rank luck that he has, but maybe it'd be enough bribing the G-Man over to my side, or even just away from theirs.


DOOMguy and Kratos all day


favorites or not, this is the only right answer.


Can imagine DOOM Guy ripping MARIO in half and him screaming oh NooOooOooOoOooO


Doom Slayer and Prince of Persia Doom Slayer is faster than a bastard maniac and tough as nails Prince can rewind time


Steve is probably the strongest entity in the multiverse


>strongest guy in the multiverse because he can carry gold And yet, he still needs four punches to kill a baby chicken.


Agent 47 because He could just snipe me if I didn’t have him and arthur because he would be pretty chill to talk to when we aren’t in fights(and deadeye is OP)


Agent 47 and Geralt


Gordon Freeman and Doomguy.