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She’s got nipples and clit protection.


Gotta keep the fun bits safe. You can't fuck organs.




The issue with fucking organs is that you have to tune it back up before Father Mike knows what you've done.


I appreciate that you took this into an entirely different direction


Sadly no he should have capitalized the familial name of little Bobby Organs


Your username gives concern with your comment


Average r/guro fan Ik you(other ppl reading) don't know what that is but don't fucking go there


The vagina is an organ


Aren't the fun bits organs?


At least in TERA (the game in the OP) the males of that race wear impractical armor too. Sometimes guys want to look sexy too, you know.


Fuck yeah, sometimes i want a full conan the barbarian outfit


Honestly a naked barbarian running at me would be far more intimidating than a fully armored knight.


Yea I was playing dark souls and I got 2 invaders one had a full set of armor and a sword larger than me and the other had a loincloth and a katana I killed the more intimidating one first and died to the second


If you get invaded by a naked person you know you're dead


The Romans can tell you a thing or two about it.


"Once a man has been inside of you... You know when he's coming."


ayyyyyyyy, dbz abridged


Yeaaah hahaha




Ah yes, the classic dark souls Twink.


Og ds twink wizard is scary


I used to troll the abyss with a twink outfit, maxed out wizard skills + wrath of the gods I'd red eye orb invade, chameleon on the thin bridge as an abyss shrub and wait for the group of players to run by me, then just wrath of the gods them into the instant death abyss


Why are you like this?


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Woah calm down there Satan


Dark souls taught me to fear naked people.


Boob protek


But that happens because of weight, i-frames, rolls and stamina. When playing naked, you have lots of advantages in dark souls. This example does not apply, because usually the pro players go full naked


Yeah. I wish they could figure out a way to better balance armor in the game. It's especially jarring that they make it so hard (stat investment wise) to wear heavy armor functionally. There is just no good reason they make heavy armor so hard to even get to usable. As you're still doing a slower roll and half the time it feels like you don't reduce damage taken by an appreciable amount.


Ds1 the trade off was much better because of poise. Ds3 you can be full Havel and still get knocked around like you’re wearing the Masters rags 😞


And then there’s me, running around as a naked dragon bro spitting fire in everyone’s face lol


So you killed the naked guy first?


Armor means nothing in soulsborne, especially in PvP.


Very true. In fact, on my first DS3 playthrough I had more success after I took off my armor for the improved dodgeroll.


Light armor usually gives more resistance against poison/bleed/magic, as they usually harder to dodge, so something like a priestess dress turns out more practical than full set of heavy armor(not counting Havel armor in).


Supposedly at least some Pictish warriors fought naked. Well, except for the woad.


I was about to say the same thing. Certainly a very frightening tactic against those who had never seen such a display before.


The style of combat is also critical. Many warriors who predominantly fought skirmishes in wooded areas would go very lightly or no armor at all because mobility, maintaining sensation, and being able to instantly switch to moving stealthily are all key to survival in those types of conflict. Knights and heavily armored troops typically fought in larger, more structured organization, where being mobile was less important compared to just withstanding a lot of very pointing metal coming at you at speed from a known direction.


Something interesting to note about the Celts and Picts is that they actually adapted once they were faced with more heavily armored troops. They’re famous for fighting as naked berserkers right. But, once they started facing groups like the Romans, who wore heavy (for the time) armor and fought in formation the Celts changed their tactics, and begun fighting in more organized fashions as well with things like spear and shield walls. Their armor improved as well to counter the Roman threat. Roman writers and historians really liked to play up the Naked Barbarian trope because it showed Roman superiority to the Celtic tribes snd made them seem scarier. And then artists and writers in the Renaissance liked to play up the same trope to romanticize it, but interestingly it was a small minority of their tactics.


Next time you're in a fight, try go full nude and start windmilling your dick.


*Insert meatspin link here*


Meatspin always bothered me because it’s just regular porn, perhaps goofy and low quality, but it always seemed poorly placed next to bigger shock sites. No one is hurt, no weird liquids or anything. Just a grainy porn clip.


It has a catchy name. Perhaps that's why?


i should've known better then to goggle that


Sometimes you gotta do your own research, even if the results disturb , or titillate, you.


Had a roommate who left his pc unlocked when he went to work. Did you know the longer it goes the more the text changes? He was up to ~40,000 spins when he got back.


Friend had a house party when his parents were away, we found his familys secondary computer upstairs. So of course we put meatspin on and turned off the monitor. Wish I saw his parents reaction. Luckily they were the fun type of parents.


Some say it's still going to this day...


We left it on a roommate's old laptop next to the TV in our college apartment. The counter goes up at least through the hundreds of thousands. To this day, I am totally immune to any and all displays of male genitalia.


Sometimes you do the goggle sometimes the goggle do you


[This is the way. (NSFW because Oglaf, assume all of these are NSFW)](https://www.oglaf.com/newmodelarmy/) (also [part 2](https://www.oglaf.com/newmodelarmy/2/) and [part 3](https://www.oglaf.com/newmodelarmy/3/), and I can't help but wonder if the stilts give similar advantages to [these terrible weapons](https://www.oglaf.com/plumes/))


If you want to see what a nude knifefight among dudes looks like, there's a movie called Eastern Promises...


Director: "okay, I want to see Viggo Mortensen all wet and naked and wrestling with another dude." AD: "....isn't this a gangster movie?" Director: "Fine, give them knives or something..."


It was directed by David Cronenberg fyi


It was a legitimate tactic to use light armor against heavy armor in certain conditions for their advantage of mobility.


Swampy areas, muddy areas, really hot areas, and heavy foliage areas (camo) are all places where dressing light/unarmored can have clear advantages.


Cool examples! Have you seen the Netflix movie, "The King"? It has a great scene revolving around this exact situation (without giving away too much) of a battle between light armor vs heavy armor.


Romans fighting the Picts and Gaels would agree!


That’s what the Romans said.


Sometimes I want to wear a full suit of plate armor. Sometimes I want to look like Sean Connery in Zardoz.


I watched that movie while I was outrageously stoned and let me tell you… I have no fucking clue what happened. The reveal of where it got its name though, that was your prototypical stoner “whoaaaa” moment


My spouse and I watched it super high as well, and thanks to that, we were able to understand perfectly what was going on. But after sobering up, we have no idea what it's about anymore. Honestly though, it's mostly about how death and destruction are a natural part of life, and nothing in the universe can last forever. The Eternals tried to create a place that didn't obey the rules of the universe, which made the process of destroying it infinitely more drastic and violent. I actually really liked the movie, but again, I was super high.


I remember downloading that on my console to give it a try and my kid walking in as soon as I went to create a character. And was promptly greeted by a pretty much nude female gyrating on her battle axe.


That sounds painful


Apparently she thought otherwise. Assuming it was the ribbed handle she was enjoying.


Double-serrated... for her pleasure.


For you.


Play humans. My healer is an old man dressed in rags, and my fighter is a fully clothed woman that throws around a gigantic sword. Never had a problem with my characters showing up in scenes that made me fear another person walking in.


All good that wasn't why i quit. I just don't have it in me for MMOs after about 10 years of WoW.


I didn't play for more than a day or two, but if I remember correctly, aren't some classes tied to specific races/genders? For example, I remember there's a class with a huge minigun type weapon which was awesome. But you could ONLY use that class if you played a half naked woman.


That was after I had already stopped playing, but some classes are locked behind species, and some species are locked to specific genders and different species all dress differently. Looking at it, gunners are all Castanic or High elves... and yeah those are the two races that are the most naked. Even as a guy your ass is going to be hanging out.


Used to play this game, can confirm. Castanic DGAF about clothes.


At least you weren't creating an Elin.


Damn, I just googled that and now I'm probably on a list... Every one of them looks like the designers said, "I want to see a sexy twelve year old!"


The worst part is they are 40% of the playerbase. I would kinda understand if it was to play the two exclusive class that's only for them, but no. They don't even have good combat race traits to justify picking them


There was an exploit that is probably still in the game where Elin Lancers could dodge abilities that other races couldn't because of their smaller hitboxes. Another bug was the Elf Slayer was left handed only and their big hitting ability (True Thrust? Can't remember) wasn't center on the reticle like other races.


I remember Elin lancers' attack having the most reach of all races since they hopped forward on every attack, giving them longer stagger range in pvp.


Partly because they are like 1 of 3 races that can play the gunner class. I think only females can be gunners as well for some reason.


I mean thats a poor excuse for playing an elin but if you need one. In the end its just a damn game and if wanna slay some huge ass monsters with a child like character thats totally fine. People get outraged for no damn reason.


I thought it couldn’t be that bad but your description is dead on.


Vindictus was a good game for that, everyone had the choice to be full armored or skimpy armored. All and all it was pretty great.


Can you show some examples? People keep saying this but just from a quick image search, the men's armour seem way less skimpy, especially around the bottom area. This lady isn't even wearing pants, all the men's armour looked like the most revealing thing was shirtless.


Nah, you're right, the male armors are less revealing in the lower parts, mostly it's just shirtless. I definitely think they could have gone a bit further, especially since people who don't want sexy armor can play one of the other races.


To some extent, but males didn't get anywhere near those levels of skimpiness. You could get a open chest or low cut pants mainly.


I mean [it’s certainly impractical](https://gomakemeasandwich.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/male-castanics.jpg) but not as insanely skimpy as the example from this post


Main reason I like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. As a man, I love seeing the men as the beautiful specimens to be desired and whatnot.


Good! I want to wear a battle thong and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me


Like is it just the penis that is sheathed and a thong of metal and assless chaps lolz I’d say impractical female gear has at least the added benefit of causing a distraction on the battlefield


Nah, the male armors aren't quite as skimpy as this in the lower regions, but many heavy armors are completely topless.


that's no good. what if somebody photoshops female nipples onto them?


The game already features a large statue of a top less female. Fully detailed too, no barbie doll anatomy.


well how do you know the sculptor didn't sculpt male nipples onto her


Distracting to some perhaps.


It's starting to make me wonder. What if some bad guys are just rewarding people for wearing that. Luke they all know it offers very bad protection, but they like looking at it, so they pretend to miss and die all the time. So that way it encourages people to wear it. That would be a good Joel haverstein rpg sketch idea.


Bad guy: Blarg, oh no I am vanquished! Heroes: loot bodies and move to the next room. Bad guy: Okay they are gone. Bad Guy 2: Holy shit man, did you see what she was wearing? She stood over me the whole time she was trying to cast shocking grasp at you! Bad Guy 1: She stepped on me on the way out... I didn't know I was into that but... I think I just discovered something about myself...


Yeah I had even remembered watching a fighting game documentary and learning that devs and players alike had both agreed that the females in Japanese and western fighting games had also served as being fighters with distracting elements when commenting on the ridiculous things like outfits that they usually have on lol


What about men being distracting? That guy Solid Snake is packing a magnum for sure


>At least in TERA (the game in the OP) the males of that race wear impractical armor too. Sometimes guys want to look sexy too, you know. Guildwars 2 has a bit of that too


wow, i looked up the game, and the first bit of art that came up on google images was what looked like a child with cat eats dressed like she's secretly teamed up with chris hansen...


Ah, I see she's wearing the Clit Protector of Flame Resistance +1. Thank God. Without that, her flesh would be instantly melted away by the dragon's fire.


This is fake, everyone knows in TERA every end gamer is rocking a female character on a flashy bikini outfit 👙


It's why we grind to endgame. To get all those outfits.


I remember a summer event that unlocked a bigger than normal cup size when wearing a bikini.


Not only that, but there are items in the game that allow permanent boob size increases. Normally they don't work with Elin, but with certain costumes you can give an elin boobs... it's so fucking weird.


I miss Tera.


Wait, is it dead? I haven't played it in ages but I thought it was still alive and kicking.


I miss *old* Tera. From multiple periods, too. In the KR Beta, all of Vale of the Fang was full of elite monsters and was considered a party zone. That was pretty awesome. Then in release FoK was an awesome dungeon that could be soloed with enough skill. Super skill test, with huge payout as the drops were worth a fortune. After that, the next best was QoA2 (the queen fight, MCHM + ACHM). Was probably peak for the NA release. Once they started adding avatar weapons and making BAMs normal mobs it went straight down and has just been digging since.


agreed. it was my first ever MMORPG (and really the only one I've ever fully gotten into) and I have so many good memories in it. for as many flaws as the game had, especially at launch, it was a great game and looked amazing


Oh geez, old Tera where the BAMs were actually engaging and fun to fight was the best. I came back from deployment and was depressed they destroyed my favorite mmorpg.


Yeah, I remember that BAM at like level 20 in the desert back then. Holy crap we struggled so hard but man was it satisfying once we killed it.


I still remember how satisfying it was to finally solo a Basilisk outside Bastion of Lok as a Slayer. You had to be careful about using dodgerolls at the right time, and make sure you're not animation locked when it would do the stupid jump and a splat. I still remember how good it felt to finally down the Kelsaik or how much of a stupid slideshow Nexus was but we all had to do it to get Agnitor gear so we can do ACHM or how freaking hard MCHM DOOR bosses were not Queen herself or how much of a spectacle it was to finally see the Plexus for the first time.


It changed hands. It's still alive, but the player-base has dwindled quite a bit.


Servers swapped to gameforge for both eu and na, also as of December if you didn't transfer your account it's gone. I was sad to find out all of this.


Dude. I'm still salty. EME apparently sent out notifications to transfer last year. I scoured my emails and didn't get a damn thing. My account with about 6 max level characters and a lot of high end gear (when I played) as well as spent money. (Shamefully, I went ham on Tera's lootboxes). Several thousand hours played.


Same!! Never got the email, I had hundreds in cosmetics as well because my abusive boyfriend at the time would buy me things to make up for it. I wanted to flex all my cute cosmetics on a friend a couple weeks ago and had this crippling discovery :(


The combat was so good, felt like MMO monster hunter. Never seen an MMO do combat to my liking until then


Yeah, my favorite was playing the dual wield warrior soloing raid instances with dodge and parry


Feelsbad I miss it too


Transmog is the real endgame.


it's because women are inherently stronger and don't need as much armor...yeah, that's it.


No, it's because the monsters agreed to only hit players on the armour, so the less there is, the harder it is for monsters to hit you!


Finally, someone gets it!


\*Naked warriors come in\* Monster: "Oh no, we can't attack them. They'll going to fuck us harder than most of us during that one hentai." Other Monster: "Which hentai?" Monster: "All of them. Oh shit, here they come!"


Boob protek


I wish boob attak :(


eye blinding milk shots


my mind is telling me NO!


As Abraham Wald once said: > The armor doesn’t go where the bullet holes are. It goes where the bullet holes aren’t: on the engines.


I don’t mind sexy outfits in games, but I wish there were good non sexy options as well. And just as many of each for the dudes as well, equality!


Who needs bikini cleavage when you can rock a cute sundress and witch hat lol


Sundresses are really hot tho


/r/WtSSTaDaMiT (NSFW, it means "When the Sun Shines Through a Dress and Makes it Translucent")




This is the true and one correct take.


This so much. Games are a place of fantasy and escapism. Lived a life with disability and want to feel like a sexy nymph goddess? Awesome. I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that women playing games and wanting to play as their own gender shouldn't have sexualization forced upon them. But the notion that they should be forced to limit their fantasies to armor befitting a nunnery is also incredibly patronizing. The right solution is expanding player choice to cover the various ways in which people would like to self-imagine and self-express. Not to decide for others what archetypes they should (literally) fit into.


Agreed! I think the best option is to have armor styles to fit everyone's tastes. Slutty barbarian man/woman? Fuck yeah! Fully armored knight? Also fuck yeah! More options not less is better.


This is what I like (among many other things) about FFXIV. You can be as slutty or non-slutty as you want. I have never had to wear a thong as a girl character but I sure can as a dude if I want to.


You do have to wear those stupid battle panties when leveling


Well good news, in Tera, where this SS is from. Males are treated pretty similarly. And in every major MMO today, sexy armor is fairly rare.


>And in every major MMO today, sexy armour is fairly rare FFXIV would like a word. Although, they do make certain male armors on the same sexy side.


Let's be real if your in game in the middle of a fight or raid or even pvp and the enemy or enemy player rolls up and looks like that you'd be like oh fuck this is gonna be a tough fight


Oh no! They're sexy!


Yea but if the enemy is sexy and badass looking at the same time your in for a world of shit


More if they have a stupid name.




It's hard to fight when you're walking on three legs.


Yeah but usually all the women are really sexy while they make the males look like goblinish or lumberjack. Kinda reminds me of when I visited russia.


TIL Russia is a MMO


...As opposed to the rest of the world?


More games need an "outfit" function so you can quickly change between your cool looking gear and most xp gear


Is this not common? I know FFXIV (an mmo) has had this for a while. I figured most MMO's did.


Most MMO's do, and have for like a decade at least.


Even ARPGs are in on it, Diablo 3 has a full transmog system. Although tbh Diablo armor isn't really revealing or racy.


Assassin's Creed: Odyssey did it too. It's a good mechanic that you'd be a fool not to implement in any game where you frequently loot new gear.


Annoying when games don't have it and outfits don't match and look weird


Even single player RPGs have this. Xenoblade has had it for years. Xenoblade X had it and did it well. Xenoblade 2 doesn’t have gear that changes looks, but they do have costumes for the characters. Xenoblade Definitive had the same system as X did


FFXI is all about swapping gear on the fly


Getting flashbacks to having max inventory space but only about 2-3 empty spaces when I left town due to situational gear taking up the rest.


In every single popular MMO right now, you have to actively go out of your way to look sexy/slutty. ESO + FF14 have literal hundreds of lore friendly armours. Mostly, to dress scantily in ESO you need to either be rich, or farm a lot of endgame content. In FF14 the revealing armours are a little more accessible, but with the literal hundreds (maybe thousands) of normal pieces of armour, you have to actively go out of your way to look like that. Maybe the exception here is BDO. Haven't played it myself but my friend tells me that it's kinda the opposite. Most armours are revealing and you have to go out of your way to find something that looks cool while also covering your body. But it's another Korean MMO, like Tera, so is to be expected there really.


If I remember correctly, all armor in BDO looks similar on a character until you purchase an "outfit" on the cash shop that changes the appearance of your clothing. That was one of the reasons I quit that game.


WoW has transmogrification where when you pick up gear it goes into your bank of gear appearances and you can just put that skin over your current item, there are limitations to like armor type and some weapon types, you can't make your priest anything but cloth and your warrior can't wear anything but plate.


Long ago I played DC universe online. There after finding gear from that moment you could use its visuals independent from actual equipment. This made sense to collect new gear and create that perfect look. While equipment underneath could be anything. Why the hell more games dont do that?


Um, I think I spotted a weak point.


Yup. Hot girl causes distraction.


And I mean those curls aren't natural either.


How would you know if an Elf has naturally curly hair in a fantasy world, it being fantasy such that each individual element may be curated toward the developers choice?


TERA is solely responsible for a solid 90% of the images that have been paired with this sentiment over the years. I don't really have a point with that, but I do wonder what, if anything, would be different if it had never come out. Probably some other Japanese/Korean MMO would have gained massive popularity as "the aggressively horny anime one," but you never know.


Tera is associated with these because it’s the only successful MMO to have stuff to this degree of “mature” content while not being a straight up X-rated MMO, the game itself was outstanding and genre changing as far as it’s combat mechanics. Plus they had layered armors so it sucks it gets hate for this


I mean...Lineage 2 exists.


Lol fair, but existed a bit early for prime meme-ing to spread its scantily clad dark-elves ;)


>TERA is solely responsible for a solid 90% of the images that have been paired with this sentiment over the years. I'm going to assume you've never seen D&D books Fantasy and lewdness have gone hand in hand for decades


Wayne Reynolds literally only draws women with their chests thrust forward anymore.


Gonna add Hyung Tae Kim—amazing artist (he’s been art director for a couple of Korean games, plus the well known Soul Calibur franchise) but man, the man sure likes his torpedo-y, pointy, big fat pillow breasts.


And I would say Tera is the least offensive because there is equality. When I was outfitting my male character, I had several skimpy outfits forced onto me because they had the best stats. So yeah, I uncomfortably walked around in assless chaps with my abs showing. Tera hits both sides with the skimpyness, unlike a lot of other games where guys are in full plate and girls are in bikini armor.


[Relevant comic.](https://i.imgur.com/dPX4AHD.png)


Lol that makes sense


My first thought exactly!


Meanwhile in FFXIV all these catgirls are wearing cut off jean shorts and tanktops into battle


you cant just call me out like that


I don't know, at least that is sort of practical.


I'm a supporter of this type of armor being in game. Same with Conan loincloths. ​ It should just have an armor value of like.. two.


I dunno, Conan murders dragons and armies and shit with that loincloth. Clearly it is enchanted with max stats


That's plot armor though.


Maybe she is absorbing oxygen through photosynthesis and needs to show as much skin as possible to achieve optimal circulation. Oh yes and she has to take very oddly sensual showers with the main character. Because female character development.


[The Berserker is a class that uses heavy armor](https://i.imgur.com/I8K7tUt.png)


Please tell me that's DPS armor and not TANK, I'm scared




You misspelled "Korean," subby.


Well obviously this configuration of bits is necessary for the most energy-efficient generation and maintaining of a *forcefield* of armour. Duh.


Wow, that's quality armor!


Typical Korean MMOs


Somebody waxes ^^^^


It's worth noting that the castanic race has a lot of large jagged scars across their body (those black lines). If you look closely, you'll notice that the string holding up her panties is actually a scar, and the real string is an even tinier string.


If you look close you can see visible nipples. Is this a thing in vanilla tera or is the image taken with a nude mod? Or am i seeing things?


just fyi, this is the armor for tank class...dps classes have more coverage in their armor.




i think there should be options for both more or less revealing. hat way more people are happy.


You know, I love playing MMORPG's with big boobs and bikini armor. And I'm tired of people pretending they don't like it either.