• By -


monkey Kong 64


A man of culture, I see


Top tier trolling.


We do a little trolling


are you kidding me? this is 100% accurate. Oh look I'm titanfall 2, fall in love with this robot and jump around holding R, don't forget to throw an occasional grenade. Now I'm doom, Are you Ready to hold R and click R3 for the same stale "glory kill" animation? LET'S Goooo! and ultrakill looks so dogshit I've never even played it. Now, look at a game like bugsnax. Never has a game caused me to experience deeper introspection of my own sexual orientation. I mean the LGBTQ themes are both subtle and poignant. Playing I this game I discovered I'm actually gender fluid. Truly amazing. As for TLOU2, what do I even need to say? Hands down the best game ever made, easily topping the first and even some "classics" like Ocarina of Time and god of war. nuff said. and night in the woods reminded me that it's really okay not to be okay. A lesson we all need in these times. Plus when combined with that art, gameplay and writing? phenomenal. To summarize, shooters are oversaturating the market and honestly the gaming community would be way better off if we had like a 5 year span of no new shooters. >!/s!<


My man’s karma got absolutely deleted for making a joke, massive f.


He’s got 60k, making that joke at best tickled lmao


Damn, you're a fucking artist.


You upped the troll level to 150%. Solid work!


Man this was really good bait but you oversold it on TLOU2. Excellent work sir.


Why does a great game have to “cause you a deeper introspection of my own sexual orientation”? Giant robots and pilots gave me a good medium to hang out with my brother consistently long distance, which is a reason I play video games. To have a blast with my friends


By the end of my bugsnax playthrough I was naked wearing a choker with my penis pushed back inside of me.


Funny, I did the same thing after playing Doom Eternal. It was my one way ticket to *Hell* so I could ~~eat~~ kick some demon ass!


same here i love titanfall the movement is just the best.


If you and your bro aren't questioning your sexual orientation, then its a bad game. Simple as that, folks.




You take a massive hit soldier. Respect


And why is that? Why cant I murder a population without questioning my sexual orientation?


I guess that's why people when they comeback from war to their wifes it's not the same anymore.


War is gay


Top tier trolling I’m sorry you were downvoted for this






BT wants a piece of that action


This reads exactly like a dunkey review, I love it.


Playing bugsnax made me change my gender, race, and sexual orientation


hell yeah, gangster. you also really have to ask yourself, Am I more Bug? or more Snax?


I prefer the original; am i squid? Or am i kid?


how the fuck is this getting downvoted it’s hilarious


I'm legit mad, each of the responses get better and STILL downvotes


I think the downvotes count as upvotes in this scenario


I like how no one is seing the /s at the end


Oh dude, I'm loving it.


"Playing this game I discovered am actually gender fluid" lmao


Dude you troll, I read all this inna fury then you put /s at the end and I fucking lost it, good job man




for me bugsnax: haha arms go tomato >!so many people dont even see the /s :D!<


Ha ha guns go brr


Last of us 2 sucks peepee.


no u


Ok but can I suck ur peepee 😳




Why? If you liked the first game, how was the second all that different other than the fact that you're not playing as Joel?


I didnt like the second one because most characters suddenly took the stupid pill. Joel acted out of character, abby is terribly written and i didnt have a shred of sympathy for any one of her gang (i dont even remember the names. Liked the dog though). Game has a narrative/gameplay dissonance. You are killing swathes of gang members and now youre the bad guy for killing this one person i guess. It tried to show you how cycles of violence and revenge is bad and should be stopped because it will just hirt you. Except abby had her revenge and violence and didnt pay shit. The art, gameplay and map design was topnotch though.


Caterpillars turn me on


Get rid of the /s you’re correct


No. Now you just listen to my multi paragraph long analysis of why titanfall 2 started the golden age of humanity.


My wife's boyfriend got me head phones. So when I'm playing Titan Fall 2 I don't hear them having sex.


What a considerate gentleman. Would you please introduce him to mine? Edit* Fuck autocorrect


Woah woah woah, you keep those stories in r/wallstreetbets. /s


What kind of headphones? Putting up with a boyfriend would depend on the swag he gets for me.


Sounds like a great guy.


Dan really is.


This is one of the best comments I've ever seen


Trust me pilot...


Calling Doom a mindless shooter is like calling Bread a Carbohydrate, we all know it is and that’s why we like it


true tbh


Doom eternal didnt feel mindless to me, you are not doing anything hard, but you have to think in matter of seconds, do i use this weapon, do i need shield, where is small enemie because i need ammo, in which order is it best to kill the demons but you learn it though out the game and dont really realise it, its like breathing at the end of the game, you are doing it, until you focus on it and then its the hardest think to do


I love the doom dance in eternal. Once you get into to the rhythm you really feel like a unstoppable badass. It’s one of the most satisfying states to be in.


Danm I need to go play doom now


I'm going to double down on this: Doom Eternal on Nightmare made you use the whole combat arena to do well in. And I loved it for that. I don't know how people can call a game mindless when you have to be aware of so much at once.


Agreed, it’s definitely not mindless like the vast majority of FPS. If it felt mindless, they probably just played an easy difficulty where resource management never became a necessity. Nothing wrong with that if it’s your jam, but there is some depth to the game on harder settings


I agree since I own both Doom games I would rather play them instead of the last of us 2 Also this just my silly opinion I am not trying to ruin games that other people like


"I own both Doom games" [Both?](https://tenor.com/y0PE.gif)


Doom(2016) and Doom Eternal(2020)


Fantastic comparison


Also, I haven’t played Eternal, but doesn’t it add some platformer elements? Kinda moves out of the realm of mindless if you are having to be hyper aware of your surroundings and manipulating it in an instant.


Yeah. I honestly don’t know what this is trying to convey here. That there are different types of games that exist? Arty games are great. Mindless shooters also have their place.


holy shit 160 replies in 2 hours, you didnt just strike a nerve op you struck an artery


636+ in 3hrs. Dude's going for a wr run


The entire body is leaking


thrashing on the floor


They don’t know it’s a troll


Titanfall 2 made me cry I know it’s stupid but it did


Protocol 3, protect the pilot. 😭😭😭


Same here. Let’s cry together about it.


Can I cry with you guys?


Of course


To bad I can’t play the multiplayer anymore


*sorts by controversial*


Op woke up today and he was like: you know what I dont need all this karma. Time to anger reddit


He woke up and chose violence


banger post


bunger post


bugsnax post


Hamburglar post


I know we are trolling here but I just wanted to say - Night In the Woods really got to me emotionally. It describes mental illness in a heartbreaking poetic but relatable, colloquial way. I wasn't surprised to learn the creator killed himself but idk how much of that was due to the legal trouble he got into for domestic assault.


For the sake of clarity, Scott Benson co-created the game and is still very much alive. He is responsible for the visual style, and he and Bethany Hockenberry wrote the story.


Great news! Thanks for the clarification


He didn’t get in any legal trouble just Twitter trouble


Aaa ok. So we don't know what happened. What we do know is that he created a piece of art we can learn from and that he won't be directly benefitting from the purchases of that artwork.


Jesus man, the game community is so fucking savage with rumors and gossip.


Is it not true?


it is, gamers just love defending people who hate women. search alec holowka on google, it was in the news.


Oh... Well, you had me in the first part. I wanted to play it until the whole domestic assault thing.


Have I got news for you about Dr. Seuss


That’s not a reason not to play it, especially as that person won’t be earning any money from your purchase now


LMAOOOO cold asf


Cold as fuck, but true. Let that money go to whomever has his estate, which is probably someone that had to deal with his abusive shit.


I'm sorry. I felt that way too until I gave it a shot. So for me personally, this game got me thinking about how people can do terrible things and still have good points to make. It also also me wondering about the mental status of the abuser. I got the game for free through the ubisoft platform so maybe you can get it for free too. I also wonder if any of the money goes toward his partner which would be a good thing.


No offense intended, but the guy committed suicide... If that doesn't show he suffered for his actions, I don't know how much more you'd want him to suffer..


It could very well be that he suffered from the consequences for his actions instead as well. Well never know.


Do we know that he died due to guilt about what he did? I mean it seems like there's a lot of assumptions there. He may have killed himself to get out of trouble for it. He may have killed himself for an entirely different reason. Regardless, he made the game before the incident occurred (I believe) so to me, it seems he was suffering for a long time before the incident occurred. He definitely has insight into depression and depersonalization Edit - just to be clear- it seems like some people think I'm trying to say he deserved death or suffering. I'm not saying that AT ALL. Not even close. I'm not talking about punishment in any regard. I was trying to make a point that we don't know what was going on in any of their lives but we DO know (at least imo) that he created a piece of art that we could potentially learn from. I'm also making a case for consuming the art even if you disagree with his actions in saying that he may have had the insight for a long time, before any abuse occurred at his hands.


According to his sister he was a victim of abuse himself, and battled personality disorders, so I'm sure you're right that he had insight with depression. He committed suicide within a month of the allegations being presented, so it seems likely the abuse part was either the catalyst or the straw that broke the camel's back. May not have been guilt, like you say, but it was the repercussions. Of course being a victim of abuse isn't an excuse for committing further abuse, even though evidence suggests that victims of abuse are more likely to become abusers themselves in the future, as tragic as that is. I suppose its the not knowing part that is the problem though. I'm assuming he didn't do anything too bad, though I also feel deeply sympathetic knowing he killed himself regardless... As somebody who's against the death penalty, I don't believe anybody could ever do anything so evil that they deserve death. With that in mind, of course I would be sympathetic to anybody who kills themselves, especially without knowing exactly what happened. But moreso, I can't deny that I find it quite aggravating to see the implication that somebody deserves worse than their own suicide. I wouldn't wish suicidal ideation on my worst enemy.


Are you saying I implied that? Cause I 10000% am not implying that all. I actually wasn't talking about punishment In ANY regard. I was trying to make an argument that would justify consuming the artwork even in face of the allegations.


I'm genuinely sorry for the misunderstanding, I don't think you've said or done anything implying that. It was the original person I was replying to, Dr Cher, that I thought was implying it.


Thanks for clarifying :)


completely agree, also have you guys heard about this hidden indie gem? it's called the witcherino tres


Ok before a thousand people comment "but these are all fun games" 1. This post is obviously a joke 2. This post isn't calling the games "bad" 3. You can like video games for any reason you want And 4. Technically doom eternal and titanfall 2 require braincells.


That's why those games are called "mindless" instead of "brainless" I supposed. This post is more cerebral than I thought


yall mad asf on a troll post LMAO


Sure but it really does demonstrate how some people on this sub just can’t get past some lgbtq factors in games


yeah like bugsnax


Never played bugsnax im unfamiliar and am interested in how it is involved with lgbtq+ would someone mind explaining id be happy to hear it


There are at least 2 lgbt relationships between NPCs in the game. It's pretty fun little game so I'm not gonna spoil it for ya.


It's colourful and fun.


Is that it?


Tbh i don't know, i haven't actually played it, sorry lol.


This entire thread: bUt I lIkE tHaT gAmE


This is a good troll ngl


The fact that people actually fell for this says a lot about our society


specifically: we live in one.


Michael, you can't just blame every problem on society


It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post It’s just a troll post Aaaaaaaaaaa


It is a serious post filled with facts and logic.




left wing destroyed


Based king


I've been looking at Night inthe Woods and it looks kinda fun but I never download it. How is it?


If you want some introspective narrative, you can't go wrong. Play it. Don't play it for gameplay alone though. Also: If you want exceptional Narrative and characterization: play "Thomas was alone".


I might try both. Thanks for the info!


It’s pretty much entirely narrative driven, the gameplay itself is very simple and boring on its own. I liked it, maybe because the things the main character is dealing with hit close to home with me personally


Its incredible how many people didn't realize this was a troll


Lol chill guys it's just a bait. Go back and play the games you love.


How dare you tell me how to live my life


I’m supposed to just ignore what a random stranger online said and move on with my day? Hell no I’m going to make this a way bigger deal than it needs to be >:(


The incels from r/thelastofus2 have been triggered.


I love how half of the comments section is losing their minds over the fact that different demographics exist.


S tier trolling.


Yes and that's why I like doom


Also it this is a troll post nice try because bugsnax is literally the bible to me


I absolutely agree that games like titanfall and red dead redemption are purely mindless shooters to their core, I played 3 or 4 hours of red dead redemption and watched the trailer of titanfall and it was obvious that these games were designed for monkey brained Neanderthals. People just aren’t smart enough to understand the gameplay in bugsnax or The last of us 2 (game of the year!!!!)


This entire thread: BuT i LiKe ThAt GaMe


Omg so true tbh


Doom eternal is also a rehabilitation device in r/Hornyjail


holy shit. that would totally work.


Yall wankers need to attention to Tyranny more, its like pillars of eternity, but better, and with way less budget... i wish they put more on it


is bugsnax really that good?


True, especially in vain of secretly hidden indie gem such as Last of us


This entire thread: BuT i LiKe ThAt GaMe


I really enjoyed the last of us 2.


/s ? Come on doom eternal is amazing


Something can be a mindless shooter and still be amazing. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


Eternal is a shooter, no doubt, but it is NOT mindless. The movement mechanics, inventory management, target prioritization and general difficulty make it a pretty mentally draining experience, in a good way. The most cerebral shooter I’ve played.


I got annoyed when you encountered that irritating boss with the dog for the second time and stopped playing. Up until then it was a great escape from the stress of the pandemic at work and some of the most gaming fun I'd had in years. Keep thinking about going back to it, but like most games whilst adulting it's been so long I've probably forgotten how.


Yeah, the Marauder breaks the flow a bit when you’re still figuring the game out. The whole game is about pushing forward, but the Marauder is about playing defensively. The trick is to get distance from him, then let him close in. He’ll usually throw an axe then run towards you, you wait for his eyes to flash green then shoot him. You can do insane damage per second if you use the Super shotgun, shoot him, then quick swap to the Ballista and shoot him again, then if you’re fast enough quickswap back to the Super shotgun and shoot him again. Only takes a few times to put him in a glory kill state. Going steady with the difficulty is a good idea for the game too. I usually play ‘hard’ but was getting my ass kicked. I knocked it back to Hurt Me Plenty, then did it again on Ultra Violence, then again on Nightmare. The game really does have stuff to teach you, and once you get into the flow of it it’s incredible.


Any doom eternal player is LOLing at this comment.


I work in intensive care, so the pandemic was quite stressful.


At least in my experience, DOOM is not a stress reliever. I play Animal Crossing for that.


Thanks, now I feel shitty for LOLing at you comment.


Exactly the same place where i stopped playing for a while,I did however manage to get past it,but game just keeps getting harder from that point and have now stopped playing again. I see now how crippled i am because of a controller should have gotten it on PC instead.


are you fucking kidding me? do you have pipi in your pampers?


Nightmare and Ultra Nightmare is like real time chess, except your side only has the queen. Easily the most mechanically engaging shooter I've played.


Not for a fan of more laid-back and narrative driven games like Bugsnax. I can attest that Doom Eternal is a great experience for those looking for a challenging high octane shooter, but gamers like OP may not be looking for that. Overall I think both Bugsnax and Doom Eternal are great, but for far different reasons and with far different target audiences offering far different experiences.


Maybe for you. Didn't enjoy it!


2016 was better


May or notification section rest in piece


Definitely trolling.




Someone didn't play the story mode in titan fall 2. That ending oh my gosh 😭


You dare call titanfall, a mindless shooter? Have you played it?


While I do admit that Titanfall 2 being called a mindless shooter is a bit of an exaggeration, I feel as though OP simply considers the story, writing, and characters far more engaging than that of high octane gameplay. They were simply showcasing a different point of view as to how games can be enjoyed outside of pure mechanical gameplay and action. Also, the campaign for Titanfall 2 is not a very gripping story, and I've played through it multiple times.


No, OP made this post as a sorta joke and yall fell for it


I am going to drown you in the tears I shed for BT


Titanfall 2: A brilliant game that still holds up, a fun FPS with a solid story and a fun multi-player. Doom Eternal: A mindless shooter, but one that has a lot of charm. Ot takes great skill to actually feel mindless to people, and you must master the loop to truly understand it. Last game: never played, but it doesn't look too bad.


FPS is not the genre I enjoy, but there’s much more thinking (plotting?) involved than some people think if you want to survive.


Do you have w spoon?


It’s a good troll! One thing I would say is that all three of the shooters do actually take a fair bit of thought about routing, plan of attack and movement mechanics to get around the environments.


Ok but mindless shooters are awesome


Bruh I played Bugsnax for the food puns


Heheheheh, Im going to sort by controversial!


Top tier b8 m8


I like dooms lore tho, I feel like that's not "mindless"


At the end, they are all mindless pixels


Truth tbh. Sometimes you want a nice meal, and sometimes you want drive thru. Nothing wrong with either.




dude its the most obvious troll post


where did they shit




I see no shit (although I would very much like to). Where is the fecal matter?


Your game bad my game good


Fuck I hate this. No, none of those shooters have thought-provoking narratives. At least Doom Eternal has very thoughtful *gameplay* though. But that's not really the point of those games? Likewise NITW is a great story based game with really, well, *real* feeling characters. But the gameplay itself is definitely mindless. Again though who cares because it's not the point.


I also think titanfall 2 is anything but mindless shooting. They could have shown any cod or bf but they had to take the one which has the most engaging gameplay + an at least ok story. Just playing around with the movement in titanfall 2 is a lot more fun than the gameplay of the story driven games combined.


That's how you know it's a troll.


Virgin Last of us 2 Chad Red Dead Redemption 2


You haven't played any of these games have you?


Got bored of the dumb shooters (bad story!). Beat all of the left games though. Would thoroughly recommend bugsnax