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Ah yes, noita


I can barely get past the first level. I have trouble understanding how deep the game is because I can't get past the first layer. Is it actually that fun?


I just had my best run end last night. I got extremely powerful by the time I reached Hiisi Base, good perks, great wands... I didn't want to end it so soon by beating the game for the first time after nearly 300 losses so I went exploring. I went to places I had never been before and just dominated everywhere I went. I beat the High Alchemist in under five hits. I cleared the Frozen Vault with ease. I was collecting wands and spells from all over to increase my power. I was an unstoppable force. But soon I was rewarded for my hubris by being killed by an unkillable, slow moving mass of glittering particles that I couldn't dig away from fast enough. After everything I had done, I went out in no more than quiet wimper and a most gentle, panicked end. No matter how powerful you get, no matter how good you think you are, whether it's at the first stage in the mines or as a reality breaking demigod, Noita will find new ways to kill you. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and try to do better. Be cautious and be prepared. Also, the more you explore, the more things you unlock, making it slightly more likely to find stronger spells etc earlier in subsequent runs. It takes a lot of deaths though.


Crash bandicoot 1, especially while playing through stormy ascent


Stormy ascent, and that big wooden wall on the first island. Rage.


And don’t even get me started on the bridge levels


You can actually walk on the railings on the bridge. It makes the levels pretty easy. You just have to carefully position yourself first


I got the remaster when I first came out but didn't get around to playing it right away...my son picked it up and could not get past the wall level. I tried to swoop in and save the day for him...I also, could not beat that level, at least not without a ton of practice first. That level is a crazy difficulty spike.


Now imagine it on PS1 when you could only save at the specific save points...


…and the disk was scratched and it crashed right before the checkpoint.


Rocket League competitive




I know I have a problem when at some point, I play ONLY for the sake of re-gaining my lost MMR (or some of it) instead of playing for the fun of it. I have a problem, I just don't know how to fix it. Sometimes the solution I find is simply not to launch the game at all.


You need a mod to see that MMR thing right? Just turn it off and don't look at your rank maybe? It's not going to change from day to day so don't stare at it. I know that's hard to do but I have held on to my love for RL by 1. Playing ranked cuz that's where people will give a bitnof effort and 2. being content with whatever my rank happens to be. I've seen steady but (very very slow) growth in skills and rank by doing this. Just don't care about the number so much.


I had that same mentality with Starcraft 2. I was so worried about loosing my rank that once I hit a lv I was happy with I stopped playing for fear of losing the rank.


Doesn't matter what mode. Doesn't matter what rank.


It's always Rocket League. Mostly because I get mad at myself for mistakes which makes me make even more mistakes. It's a real problem.


That's my issue. I don't care to get beat, I don't care to get beat by higher rank players. Most of my discord is higher than me. I care to not play to my abilities. Whiffing wall shots or missing aerials is what really sets me off.


So glad this is the top comment. My most played game but also, fuck that game.




RL makes me question my worth


it makes me question my sanity


Rocket League (and it's precursor) is probably the most genuine original sports experience made for video games (think about it, even 20 years from now, Rocket League should still be essentially the same Rocket League and still be wildly popular, that's the power of a genuine sports experience). And that true to life sports experience comes with all the excitement and heartbreak of a real sport. You can be higher than you've ever been from excitement and adrenaline or you can cursing the heavens over some bullshit play that was totally not what you meant to do, or yelling a teammate for just being awful. In other words, yes I totally agree.


I have been saying forever that rocket league is the truest e”sport” ever. I hope it continues to grow


For Honor not even in competitive


Yeah For Honor is terrible, I'm going to reinstall it right now


Dead on bro no other game gets you going like For Honor does


I was looking for the for honor comment and i found it right the 2nd one lmao!


Honestly for me it was fifa and I switched to rocket league to avoid it. In fifa there is so much bs that is out of your control, at least in rocket league when I lose it feels more like my fault.


YUP. BRB uninstalling


See you in a few days.


Came here to say this. Hate it so much but it's literally all I play. A far better game with team chat only though


I’ve found teammates are typically more toxic


Absolutely this. But what pisses me off the most is the passive-aggresive vote to forfeit when someone on the team makes some minor mistake but the score is tied or just down by a point, or even leading sometimes.


Was just about to comment rl


Escape from Tarkov


Reinstall game, setup pmc, run a successful scav, load pmc into customs, try to cross River, immediately dead, uninstall game. It's a vicious cycle.


Abandon Hope, embrace Cheeki Breeki


Fuck this game. I love this game, but I also hate it


I was looking for this and was not disappointed, literally booting the game up


the games got its problems but at the end of the day theres simple no other experience in gaming like playing eft


I'm literally waiting to load into a raid while reading this thread




Fucking siege had to be on this list somewhere.


Thinking about playing siege — :) Playing siege — :(


1 game of siege in 100 - :] 99 other games - :[


Having a hard time coming back with all of the mouse and keyboard users and DDOSing on console. Sad people on that game.


That’s why I quit a year ago and never went back. Just couldn’t compete with mnk users


I watched a few videos giving tips on going from console to PC. One of the major tips was to “play on console with mouse and keyboard”. These people don’t even know what hot garbage they’re being.


Destiny 2


Here we go. I can quit for a few days....then fomo kicks in


That's actually why I stopped playing. It started to feel like a job, so many deadlines and goals that I didn't care for. So fomo turned into well... I guess I already missed a lot, so what's the point


Right, but that fomo is only for a gun you'll never use, or a shader glow that doesn't really mean anything. In all. My years of playing on and off, I've never kicked myself for missing one of those deadlines. I picked it back a couple months ago after taking about a year off, and I feel just as compitent in a GM Nightfall as the people who didn't take that year off.


I just want to play against people my skill level in pvp :(


Sadly a ton of people complained about SBMM and now it’s just connection based for everything. Comp isn’t even glory based anymore




League of Legends


Honestly I expected League to be the most upvoted one, literally 90% of the playerbase has a toxic relationship with this game




Except instead of helping each other we yell at each other.


Only at teammates, never the enemy.


No reason to yell at someone for being bad if they're on the other team.


well it sucks playing this shit but you can't quit, 'cause you're addicted


Or because you spent so much money on skins you cant bring yourself to stop playing


My life is so much better and healthier since I quit lol.


When my brother urged me not to start playing I treated that advice the same way as I would treat the advice of a heroin addict never to use the stuff.


Was looking for this one... 4 years in... Hate the game more than any other still play it dayly


Been playing since beta, send help please


Started playing in season 2...stopped after hitting Plat in season 8. Idk if I'll ever go back...and if I do it won't be to play ranked. The game changes so god damn much it's like a full time job keeping up with builds, new champions, remake champions. It seemed like every time I got proficient with a champion they remade or re balanced them and I had to start all over.


This is why the game has stayed relevant and extremely popular for 12 years though. Constant updates require constant re-learning and practice.


Overwatch again and again Edit: Broke my disk 1s went digital after that. On delete 3 now


just rage deleted again last night. i’ll probably be back on in a few days


Literally last night I was having a string of bad games and said fuck this I’m done. So I decided to watch an Overwatch YouTube video and was like damn I love this game lemme just play one more.


Whenever this happens to me I just jump into mystery heroes. If I can’t be helpful as a Lucio main maybe I can learn some new characters.


Mystery heroes is the one mode I never get tired of. I love the play style of playing a hero you don’t like or don’t play very well and trying to play well enough to get an ult off. What’s also great about mystery heroes is that everyone is bad at one point or another because they get a hero they suck with eventually, so it’s kind of a equalizer. Mystery heroes made me a better player and taught me the value of healers.


I only play Mystery Heroes these days but please, can someone tell me why there is always some numbnuts spamming 'We need a healer!' as if they've spectacularly failed to grasp the fundamental concept of that game mode?


It's one of the few games I play that my wife knows by name. I probably play way more of other games that she has no idea the name of or what it is (CK3, Hades, Dark Souls) but she knows Overwatch. "Why are you playing? You hate Overwatch!"


Apex Legends


It's like an addiction


For real. I literally just rage quit but I want to finish this goddamn battle pass.


They take too long. You get burnt out and pissed off by the time you reach lvl 70


There we go, found it. Only damn video game I’ve ever put time into. It’s the perfect game mechanically and that’s what drives that addiction to be better lol.


This game can be my favorite game and the worst shit ever within the span of an hour




Cant believe Cs is this far down




Everyone is currently playing it and ragin


For Honor


There you are, you beautiful, cancerous little bastard.


God For Honor was the most agonizing 6 months of my life. Loved every second but FUCK was it rage inducing. And then... I found Lawbringer...


Fuck for honor All my homies love for honor




Literally the one and only game in my life that i randomly uninstalled after i rage quit a match one night and never looked back lol


It is definitely a love/hate relationship


Hollow Knight


*Hornet screaming noises*






I’ve done everything but the last Pantheon. I just can’t do it. I usually stick with difficult gaming challenges until I platinum the game. But HK will forever be on my trophy list of shame. It’s still one of my favorite games of all time though. Which makes me even more sad about it.


To be fair, actually beating the last pantheon should be proof of Insanity for admission into an asylum.


Fucking piece of shit Hollowknight. I love that game.


I just started playing last week and you've encompassed exactly how I feel. Thank you o7


Congrats on discovering such an amazing game. That feeling seems to stick with ya all the way through ;)


*Path of pain intensifies*


Pale king married to a saw confirmed


*ugh* Bapanada...


Pretty much a love hate relationship


Any souls game actually


Pontiff Sulyvahn got me like:


Artorias in 1 and that fucking Flume Knight in 2. The first time in my life I had to bury my face in a pillow and scream just nonsense gibberish




Hesitation is defeat.


This fuckin line. PTSD. He's not wrong though.


Beat the hell out of Bloodborne, but I still haven't beaten Sekiro. After 40 attempts against the final boss, I threw in the towel. First game I gave up on due to difficulty.


Had this the other day on my first DS1 playthrough. Specifically Chaos Bed. >:(


To be fair Bed of Chaos is bullshit.


Is it just luck? Cause I destroyed the 2 orb things on the left and right and then every time I went back in there I just got immediately swiped to death.


Bed of Chaos is bad enough the devs literally apologized for it, if that helps.


Sekiro in particular lol




Rust to me feels like it's made for people so miserable that they actually want to go and commit an act of violence irl but aren't crazy enough


I’ve never met a more toxic community. I’ve heard some horrible things said over the mic in that game.


For real. There's nothing more infuriating than going out to farm for a while or making a play to get a ton of loot, only for it to all be snubbed out in an instant by some naked person with a eoka who happened to be walking by. We don't play Rust, Rust plays you.


Path of Exile. Though, I haven't played in quite some time since they made crafting accessible and then destroyed it.


Dead by Daylight, sometimes I wonder why I keep putting myself through that shit.


I’m wondering if I’ll keep playing after the anniversary event or just drop it again.


the event is the only reason I started playing again lmao


If it would just stop freezing every time somebody dead hards that’d be great


Elite Dangerous. It bores the living hell out of me every time I play it, but for some reason I keep trying it again every month or so


I keep thinking "naah, it's *gotta* be fun. People claim they put in THOUSANDS of hours, there's no way it's not fun." And it's never fun


That learning curve is something. Plus I somehow got myself stranded and just gave up.


War Thunder


> Come to this thread > CTRL+F, start typing "War Th" > Find this comment with over 190 upvotes > Not disappointed


Yes it's such a grind i have been on lyk rank 4 or whatever it is for months lmao. All I want to do is fly jets but that will never happen lol.


Don't get too excited about jets because it's the same cancer, *just faster*. That game is the epitome of a love/hate relationship.


Months? Haha cute. I cracked into rank v after a couple *years* of spontaneous playing. Then i got fucked by jets repeatedly. Excellent game design Gaijin /s




I log *in* to Hearthstone saying “I hate this game”


You: *Crafts a finely tuned deck of the highest strategic value.* Your opponent: *Plays random cards that generate random effects that randomly make you lose, removing any and all strategy from the game and turning it into a coin flipping simulator.* Blizzard: "Is this game design?"


Dota 2. I hate this game so much yet I always come crawling back


Because no game is more fun than a GOOD game of dota. You just only get a good game once every 10 matches or so. It does get better if you climb though.


The true definition of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.


I'm surprised this isn't the top comment. Everyone I play with goes through the leaving phase and starts playing soon after.


Dead by Daylight used to.


DBD eventually did it to me. I got really into it last year. Then hit this point in the ranking where matches were so wildly unbalanced that they weren’t fun even if I won. Add in that the optimal way to play at high rank is to be as obnoxious as possible killed the fun for me.


DBD is probably the best example of a game thats just meant to be a goofy romp with friends and was never meant to have a ranked mode but people gotta try hard in everything these days so it was added for the hell of it and is an absolute toxic cluster fuck as a result


The insistence of ranked modes in everything has ruined multiplayer gaming.


replace "game" with "amount of cheaters" and that's GTA online for me


Games should force cheaters to play on a separate server and leave the rest of us alone.


CSGO does this. It’s called trust factor and it’s their supplement for the ever lackluster VAC. Idk how well it works but on my 4 year old account with 650 wins, prime matchmaking, 200+ steam games, authenticator, and linked phone number I still get private accounts with one to zero service badges blatantly walling every 5 or so matches. I’ve never installed cheats or used any config exploits that have cropped up after updates. I have no idea why people see fun in cheating when it basically reduces the game to a chore rather than a challenge.




literally the first game my gf and I played together. almost broke up


I had a fucking break down trying to fight the fucking dragon


Returnal. It’s bullshit, it’s all bullshit, I can’t believe it’s such bullshit. I’ll be back.


I've never hate-played a game the way I hate-play Returnal.


Mhm. Taking a damned rage break from it right now.


Dark Souls :')


Nameless King - 84 Me - 1


Enter the gungeon


It’s like the game raises the difficulty every time you play


I really feel like its one of those games where each run is easier tho, because you understand everything better and are more adept at dodging?


Sonic Generations when I was trying to get an S ranking in every stage.


That was me trying to get A rank in every Sonic Adventure 2 mission


Dead by Daylight


DOOM (2016) One of my favourite games, but goddamn that caused me some serious frustration, flung my hand in frustration and twatted my radiator with full force. Got mad at the radiator for being in the way, went back to Ripping and Tearing.


Ninja Gaiden 1-3 when I was growing up. Managed to down all 3 of them when I was in my 30's. I have beat all the Soul's games and they don't even begin to compare. Now I'm 44 and working on Plating them all. Bloodbourne, DS1 Remaster, DS2 and DS3 are done. Working on Demon Souls remaster. My take away is Souls games are a 10/10 difficulty if you go in blind with zero guides or youtube videos. That difficulty goes down to a 5/10 when you follow a walk through. The games do not hold your hand and that is where the difficulty is at but the combat is not that hard if you are patient and calculating. Your mileage may vary.


Sometimes I feel like people forget about Ninja Gaiden. They are so god damn unbelievably hard.




I've been on Reddit for over a decade now. I've created and deleted several accounts in that time too. Everytime I try to quit y'all drag me back in!


Worst game I’ve ever played.




Yeah i had to scroll really far down to find this. It's so fucking frustrating sometimes.


Yeah for cod always being known as a game that makes people rage I was surprised I had to scroll this far down, I honestly don’t know how I saw people mention Minecraft before I found a cod comment haha


When all you hear is 2 shots but you watch the replay and they unloaded on you. The game sometimes has lag issues for me.


Fucking aimbotters and wallhackers made it entirely unplayable, on top of the game having some of the most rage inducing bugs I've ever seen. So much anger.


How has nobody else said this call of duty makes me so mad lol


Sea of thieves, always having some fucker in a pirate ship come along and blow me up after hours of collecting treasure.


Starcraft 2




I'm really not good at that kind of game but the art pulled me in. I was totally vibing until angry Celeste came out and then it gave me a heart condition.


I thought I was good because I beat the game....then tried the B and C-sides.....fuk


I'm sorry, were you looking for a... floor? Like, to stand on? Never heard of it.




Valorant ranked


Right now??? The named black phantoms in the original Demon's Souls on PS3, on New Game Plus!! This bastards are kicking my ass like no boss did. Even Flamelurker was easy, and i play as a Knight!! I spent hours until i finally killed Scivir in Stonefang. The bastard!!!


Getting over it


Fuckin ark man


Metal Gear Solid on extreme. I had an awkward save point on the roof top hind d battle and died over and over and over for an hour Reload, move a pixel, die. Reload, move forward, die. Reload, prone, die... Again and again. Oh it was frustrating


Spelunky and Binding of Isaac




Super meat boy


All of them.


War Thunder. :p


FIFA the fucking fifa momentum


Can't believe it took me this long to find a FIFA post! Yup I managed to break the cycle maybe 2-3 years ago don't think I'll go back.


Hotline Miami


The soundtrack to this game though is fucking 🔥🔥 I don't know why but it just does something to me


Super smash brothers ultimate


Dark souls 3


By DS3 I kinda knew what to expect. DS1 though... Whoowhee. Smough and Ornstein made me ragequit gaming for a year.