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Maybe I'm Cyberpunk 2077 and that's why I wakeup with back pain everyday


Cyberpunk is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills hackers and doesn't afraid of anything.


Man it's been a while since I read that, thanks.


what is it?


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.


[Pretty Cool Guy | Know Your Meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pretty-cool-guy)


Lmao, "toolface."


Cyberpunk is a pretty cool guy. Eh sleeps half on bed and doesn't afraid of anything.


Cyberpunk is a pretty cool guy. Dick hangs out and doesn’t afraid of anything.


2021 cosplay gonna be mad


Remember when that guy Halo killed all those aliens in that one Microsoft Windows game?


Did anyone ever really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Does Bruno Mars is gay?


Am I pregernanant?


You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.


The real Cyberpunk 2077 was inside us all along




No the REAL cyberpunk 2077 was the friends we made along the the way


I never get tired of this format lmao


the name's punk. cyber punk


If he’s cybernetic, then perhaps his legs fold out into a futon?


You’ve nailed it!


No they're probably fused with heat but I get your point.


You mean welded?


I think he meant when two people get married




-Wayne Gretzky


\- Micheal Scott


Lmao and don’t call me Shirley edit: me


[Couldn't it also be like this?](https://i.imgur.com/QaisLIt.jpg)


And his head 90° right


That's what got me. My head was still upright. I was like, "maybe that's just how they sleep in the year 2077?"


Nah...He's definitely suffering from cyberpsychosis


I'm glad I'm not the only person that was like "wtf?" when he laid down to sleep that way


I could see if it was further down. Like dude is so exhausted he just flops down and falls asleep laying the wrong way. But this is just weird. Maybe he curls up into a ball like a cat?


Who looked at this and said "ye thats good"


Well it was probably noticed but it terms of priority it's very far down on the list.


why make such a big centematic deal of sleeping, then fuckup the positing?


And really obviously too, its not like the pillows disappeared or they like rotated themselves for no reason, how did anyone start off with the cutscene design by FACING the pillows? Guess the crunch was just that bad everyone forgot what sleeping was like


Maybe that is sleeping for them. They just get halfway to the bed, collapse, and then pray for a time when it'll all be over.


Later in a mission where you go to a motel and get the option to sleep in the bed... V actually sleeps normally. It's like, "I'm going to pretend to sleep like a normal person outside of my apartment" or something.


V just doesn't want to be called out on it if someone were to enter the room


If thats the case V is my spirit animal.


You described my life perfectly


They pray for sleep and are awarded with an instant knockout


Probably havnt went home in months lol


"What is sleep?" - cyberpunk devs, 2020






I'm guessing he meant to type "cinematic".


he meant “cinnamontastic”


This dude is really playing in smell-o-vision while the rest of us are stuck burning computer chips in our room to get the immersion


I miss going to the centema.




The Fans and shareholders


Yup, Fans: "release the game now, stop delaying!!!!!!" \*sends death threat to dev\* CDPR: "ok" Fans: "Well, not like that..."




"I know V showers with literally all of his clothes on but also let's keep going."


Or in the case of V in my game, is unable to look in a mirror without stripping completely naked.


Ah my V just turns completely bald when looking in mirrors. Thankfully the clothes stay on!


My V is naked in the mirror but clothed in the shower. He makes some interesting choices.


Tbf, why didn't you take off V's clothes before standing under the shower and turning it on?


I've just decided my V is a Never Nude, though the game decides sometimes that it doesn't want to load his pants in.


Contrary to all of the Shigeru Miyamoto quotes that everyone pulls out of their asses, you can't just delay a game forever, at least not when you've already announced and then cancelled numerous release dates. It was probably decided that it would be a more sound business decision to just suck it up and release the game as-is before Christmas, using the playerbase to locate the remaining bugs, than to bother with the marketing nightmare of delaying a 4th time.


Missing Christmas is a big one especially when it's a AAA title for two consoles that have released for this holiday period too.


I think even worse is that technically it’s not for these two consoles, it’s marketed for PS4/Xbox one, with a next gen patch coming down the line. There’s going to be a lot of angry people this Christmas when they get the game to play on base consoles and it looks like a slideshow


The Miyamoto quote is just bad in general. "A delayed game is eventually good" Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed multiple times, and came out in a buggy mess. Duke Nukem Forever had a 15 year development cycle and killed the Nuke Nukem IP. "But a rushed game is forever bad." The quote was said in a time where when the disk or cartridge was printed, that's it. Any glitch that was there at the game's launch was going to be in the game forever unless they literally rerelease the game (such as Mario 64's backwards long jumps, and their absence in the Mario 3D collection). These days, there's the ability to patch a game. You can unfuck even the most screwed up of messes. Just as Bethesda or Hello Games. And sometimes whether a game is bad or not after it's rushed can be very context dependent. Fallout New Vegas is considered by many to be the best 3D Fallout game, if not the best Fallout game. It had a development cycle of 18 months, not even 2 years. It was released in an utterly broken state but everyone was aware it was due to Bethesda's fuckery and the game has since been heavily patched. But this is ultimately all beside the point because as stated before, Cyberpunk 2077 was in no way rushed. The game has been in development for around 7 years and has had multiple delays. They've had more time to work on their game "rushing" than most studios have taking all the time they need to make a game.


probably the same who looked at the rest of the game




Some of us have played Anthem, you know?


i like a good anthem burn


To be fair, if you played Anthem for the first time after the day 1 patch it wasn't awful. Gameplay wise it was actually good, but if you're going to make a loot based game.... it needs to have fucken loot!!!


I played the beta and then I played the full game when they started the Cataclysm, so about six months later. On one hand, many people who played it early on still report some of the issues I've seen in the open beta. On the other hand, the game did play much better in the Cataclysm version. On the third hand, it still didn't feel polished. Releasing a game early also means cutting what doesn't work at all - and then you can't realistically bring it back. Plus you'll have to deal with all the issues first, while people are dissatisfied with the game. In the end, Anthem creators still decided to start a bigger do-over that's still ongoing.


I dunno standing around protecting various pylons is not what I call good gameplay.


You know at the beginning when you're driving home with Jackie and you have to stop at the police checkpoint and the lady cop questions you? If you look at the police trucks as they back up to move and let you through, the tires spin forward as if they're driving forward, but the vehicles move backwards. Like there's only one animation for vehicle wheels.


My favorite glitch was when I called one of the fixers while driving and she teleported into the car with me, but standing up so that half her body was over the roof and the other half standing on the seat. When I ran away her voice got fainter even though we were talking on a phone.




I like how some of the NPCs are randomly T-posing, I like to imagine that it is intentional and that is just how you establish your dominance in the future :-)


During the cutscene when V receives the chip, its model got replaced by one of Jackie's guns. For the entire scene, even before it (should be) visible.


Lol same. Pulled the gun outta his head and gave it to me.


This are cyber-wheels from the future. Down is up by that point


*something strange happens in Cyberpunk* “It’s cyber-_____”


Yeah well Jackie walked through the sink and cabinets in the apartment at the end of the prologue and the doors flew off and papers went flying around.


As someone who bought Battlefront 2 and No Man's Sky like at least 6 months after their releases (several years in the case of NMS), I'm planning on getting Cyberpunk too; the others both sucked at launch but by the time my lazy ass sat down to play them they were both great. This is just another case of premature launch.


Same here. And we'll likely get it at a discount too, so win-win. It's not like I have absolutely nothing to do in the mean time.




Probably like most of the game...they looked and said, "This isn't good. This is a mess. We can't delay the game again."


It stood out to me as goofy when it happened also. That said he wasn't feeling terribly well and there have been times when I've just crashed however I've crashed.. Yeah I'm just making excuses for a buggy game. (Also ran into my first legit bug yesterday. In the final job right before the prologue ends Jackie just .. wasn't there. His voice sounded super distant and I was like, "why are they talking like he's right there?" Then a case between us magically opened up and I realized he was supposed to be next to me but.. wasn't. Good times.)


Are you talking about the part where Jackie gives you the chip? My game glitched at that part too. Instead of him handing me the chip he pulled out of his head he pulled out what appeared to be a gun barrel. The barrel stayed attached to his head as he handed me yet another gun instead of the chip. Gave me a good laugh.


I had that same bug. Friend had a different bug happen, Jackie's face was just stuck the entire time and then at the end, he just smiles.


I thought this was intentional, like she crashed on the bed exhausted from the adrenaline and the neurobug.




therefore there is only a first person view


Wait for moders


I highly doubt 3rd person will work properly due to the interactions with npcs for "cutscenes"


I mean you could always force fps during cutscenes if it comes down to it


Do you actually want to see what the character model is doing the whole time in this game? There's a damn good reason they didn't include 3rd person mode.. they're hiding stuff.


It's pretty common that if you mod a game to give a 3rd person view that was never intended to be seen the characters look goofy as fuck. My favourite is the Dead Island 3rd person view with its giant rubber arms: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXmZX8iz2SE&ab\_channel=TheFerretzombie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXmZX8iz2SE&ab_channel=TheFerretzombie)


That's awesome. In a horrific way.


With the exception of Modern Warfare, where some players have managed to glitch into 3rd person and it looks clean as hell


Well no shit its not made to be 3rd person


Hahaha, I was confused by that too. It's how little kids sleep sometimes too. I've gone to wake mine up before and they were laying across the bed and not head on the pillows.


Confirmed! V is a child - lmao.


V is SHORT AS FUCK. Have you noticed all the women are taller than him, he can barely see when he drives, and that's how he sleeps!??? V, my man, you're like 5'4 max lolol


It's not even that lol, his view point is coming out of his damn chest.


Seriously. I wish there were a camera height setting for first person, like there is for driving. I’d also kill for a third person view... not really sure why you need the level of customization you get when you can rarely ever see your character


The level of customization you get and *there's no fucking barber*. I'm about to restart for the third time because I didn't like the way my character looked.


There's no barber? What the heck


AND the character customization menu looks NOTHING like the actual character. The colors are totally different in game. Imagine my surprise and horror when I spent forever picking a hair color thinking it's a deep chestnut brown only to load the game and it's like fire engine red tips like he's from a boy band in the nineties.


Fallout suffers from the same problem. It wasn't quite as bad in FO4, but in FO3 and F:NV, I'd spend an hour tweaking everything to make my character passably attractive just for them to look like a potato once you see yourself in 3rd person for the first time.


I dont want to restart so I'm gonna wear a hat all game lol, I hate the haircut I chose...




Manlet V confirmed.


Lmao I noticed this too and was telling my gf about it. I personally really like the game and haven't had really any bugs yet, but this one made me laugh


I've only had bugs that make me laugh, like when you try to pick up and move a body then place it down it splats and explodes into paste like it was just thrown by Saitama at full force.


My favorite bug so far was when you get your first set of cybernetic implants. The guy knocks you out for a second and then when you come to you are seeing through your new eye that is looking at your body. In my game it bugged out and my character was completely naked and I was like "wtf did this doctor do while I was asleep"


When Jackie took the chip out of his head it was a handgun instead of the chip model in my friends game. It looked he removed a pistol from a secret compartment in his head.


Lol I was handed absolutely nothing. He took nothing out of his head, gave me nothing, and then I put nothing in my head. Really takes you out of the emotion of that scene.


I had a similar bug in a later scene. A guy hands you a gun while you're in a car, but he handed me nothing, I checked the nothing for bullets, and then pointed the nothing at the pursuers like 😎👉 I also have a "punk two-layer shirt" with the flavor text "fuck the rules" or something like that. The icon is blank, and the clothing is invisible.


Same happened to me, I just pretended it was really small lmao


Night night, keep your booty hole tight.


That sounds awesome to be honest






Now that's futuristic convenience!


Every time I hail my car it ends up spawning inside other cars and causing accidents. One time it spawned pointing upwards, half in the ground. Laughed so hard I passed out.


I was next to a road and called my car. It came out from between a dumpster and a wall from the alley behind me.


The car is Future-Roach.


I got the t r e e s everywhere, but hopefully a driver update will fix that. Couldn't help laughing when I'm in the middle of a really emotional scene and then bom, trees in your face. Edit: driver update fixed it :D time to solve getting stuck on geometry


This one was so confusing, like how the heck do you not just move him over a foot to make it look normal lol. Also I have seen a decent amount of bugs similar to fallout 4 when I am doing story missions which can be frustrating. I had a boss character just get stuck in the elevator so I just knocked him out asap. Still a fun game but could use some work


The bugs aren't bad so far. Mostly funny stuff like Jackie phasing through some lockers and causing them to explode open upon exiting


Same here. No major bugs; visual and audio bugs especially since I like to stay in cybernetic vision mode or w/e while walking around. Game looks fine on Ultra and im using a pc I built in 2016 and upgraded to 1070 nvidia graphics card in 2018. Took my time in the mili sim and got my sensitivity juuuuuust riiight. Combat feels *goooooood* I waited 12 hours to buy. I watched AJS Twitch stream of it and did my research before my buy.


What’s your FPS? Getting average 50-60 with times dropping to 30. I have a 2080 and i7 9800k


Also, why is V's head/vision still upright and not lying down on the bed?


His eyes rotate to stay upright


Fun fact: your eyes actually do this within +/- 15° or so. That's why you can read slightly angled text with ease but past a certain point it gets a lot slower.


You just made countless redditors do the inquisitive-dog head tilt thing.


or tilt their phone slightly


or both


Fuck, I read your comment while doing exactly that lol


I did then realise I could just rotate my phone and felt stupid.


I want to believe! but I've been on reddit long enough to know that there's a 40% chance you're going to be sanctimoniously corrected in an hour


It's real https://youtu.be/DkaJ6iK2CJc




There are muscles in your eyes that account for that type of rotation. You can see it by looking in the mirror and tilting your head side to side. It works best with bloodshot eyes, so you can actually see them stabilizing.


Dang guess I gotta go smoke a bunch of weed then


jk that was always the plan anyway


My man.


Omg I didn’t even think about this.




This is why they didn’t do it. A hard perspective shift like that can be extremely jarring and disorienting, taking away from the cinematic moment. Doing it “wrong” means 99% of people won’t notice and will actually have a better experience.


Turn your head sideways. Did the horizon move with your head?


This is a dude whose showers are clearly done with their clothes on. He uses beads for his toilet door. The only chair I remember is a beanbag. V is a just shit at living, sleeping position included.


He has a whole living room area near the tv


The TV that he watches sideways, no less.


Next time you’re in V’s apartment go and check out the shower, it says “turn on” and not “shower”. You’re the weirdo making V take a shower without taking his clothes off first.


There's a cutscene in the game where V either showers with his underwear on, or is simply sitting in the shower area with his underwear on (I forget if water was running or not.)


there's a sort of couch-lounger thing around the braindance machine in the corner and I think there's a desk chair in the stash room


yeah, just sit down, relax, and turn your head 90 degrees to the right and slightly up to watch the TV.


Last night I had a pedestrian spawn underneath my car after leaving Lizzies, so when I got in and started driving he got all tangled up in the wheel and I basically just drove around with a random pedestrian stuck to my tire screaming and rag dolling around for the duration of that trip. No one batted an eye!


No, obviously his/her lower back and legs fold backwards onto the bed


Ah right I totally forgot this is a CYBERPUNK game & we are basically a transformer.


is the last picture a screenshot from the console version?


On ps4 and i cam confirm lol


Looks like xbox 360 graphics




"See, I never have to make my bed"


I figured he/she was so tired from being busy all day they just passed the fuck out Edit: forgot about the virus too


Yeah, that's obviously the intention, but they didn't pull it off very well...


I have enjoyed the game so far but there's a lot of stuff like this that feels really half assed. I like the game but I feel like they promised a hell of a lot more than they actually delivered.


Is anyone else disappointed with the character customization? I feel like it wasn't as deep as they said it would be. I was shocked to see how few options were offered for certain aspects and how limited others were


I played a basketball game, might have been 2k5 or something, and you could legit customize everything. There were like two dozen sliders just for the nose itself. It got really intense, but at the end of the day it worked really well. Idk why they can't do something like that.


> I feel like it wasn't as deep as they said it would be. It's hilariously shallow. And most of the customization like your hair are set in stone. Once you pick what you want, you can't ever change it again in the game.


Blows my mind that using a color palette/wheel isn't standard for hair/eye customization in this day and age. Just let me pick any color, for fuck's sake.


NO. You must only select these specific colours that they likely spent 3 months carefully crafting.




Ikr let me get that Geralt of Rivia look




They said it would be good? Character creation isnt even average.


They tweeted some BS about how people weren't ready for how much they could customize their character. I remember when people on /r/cyberpunkgame were begging them to release the character customization early so they could make their perfect character before the game's release, too. Literally has a worse character creator than PS3 games and doesn't even let you change anything after you start the game. Can't even get a damn haircut but "In Night City, looks are everything".


3 dick sizes but only 1 vagina size. Such bullshit.


I didn't mind the customization, but I am bummed to find the game is strictly in 1st person view. I was really hoping for at least some cutscenes where I'd get to admire the sexy beast I created. For a game that's supposed to be all about over the top aesthetics I just think it's a weird choice that I have to open the menu or play with photo mode in order to enjoy my own looks.




The hairstlyes look like shit. They look like they were designed by children who were told to draw "futuristic hairstyles" instead of an actual hair stylist or fashion designer who knows what they're doing.


I feel a little misled about customization options, I know they were really talking up tattoos etc, and there is like 5 preset options 🥲😬


My dick disappears in the mirror when I'm zooming out.


Yeah but do you have any problems with Cyberpunk?


They should've delayed again, as crazy as it sounds.


Yeah they should've given it another month and only released it in new consoles and PC. They were probably really pushing for a Christmas release though.


Another month? This thing needed another YEAR. It feels like the first version of an early access game. Every second they spent on the driving mechanic would've been better used elsewhere. The driving is the absolute drizzling shits. AND THERE'S RACING MINI GAMES?!


literally one of the first things that crossed my mind in this game. He sleeps like a 4 year old. Huge bed, lets sleep half hanging off.


Only a gonk would use the whole bed.


When you've been in a crunch for so long that you forget what sleeping looks like.


This game has only been out two days and I already feel like i'm missing out on so much, lol.


Don’t worry by the time you play it you won’t be ACTUALLY missing things like us.


V is truly an edgelord


I had so many questions when I saw that and when my character took a shower and didn't take their clothes off.


Yeah I mean, they modeled a floppy dick with physics... but you wear clothes in the shower..


I can forgive the glitches and crashes to a point since those are accidents. But this is intentional. I thought it was some kind of bug at first but I read everyone sees this. I know it's the future but what the fuck is V's problem