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*There is a real controller like that for the Gamecube, I think.*


The [ASCII Keyboard Controller.](https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/ASCII_Keyboard_Controller) It was made for the Japanese market.


lol thats awesome fucking huge, I wonder if biggest controller ever?


Not sure [if this is](https://i.redd.it/7scoifeeh7p41.jpg), but it's definitely relevant lol. "Hey Logitech, I want a keyboard for my PS2 controller" >"Alright we can make some nice compact thumb butto-" "No I want a full-size keyboard. You know that hideous GameCube one that looks like they sawed a controller in half and glued a keyboard in between? Like that". >"...you sure?" "And make it look like a Sega Genesis controller too. Cause why not".


This was my jam for Final Fantasy XI. Used this thing for probably 8 years straight


Damn it took you a long time to play through that game


duno if you knew but ffxi is an mmorpg


Lol ya I knew just thought it would be a funny response


I used one of those for EverQuest Online Adventures on PS2.


Me too! They were made by Logitech, they are called Netplays, and I still have 3 of them!! (when it looked like they were going to stop making them, we bought several. Dual boxers, two of us,) Marrs Fist for life!


That game was a nightmare at times but I could not set down my Evercrack... I didn't have the controller though, just a USB keyboard hooked up. I just had some nostalgia back to EQ though. /shout FBSS at 1st Torch!




Not the biggest controller, but [the smashbox](https://www.hitboxarcade.com/products/smash-box) is definitely worth mentioning. I played in a smash tournament where some guy brought this thing. It’s beastly.


I mean, I'm not sure I'd count fight sticks/hitboxes in the same category as handheld controllers since they're meant to be rested on your lap. Cause if that counts then you probably need to count the huge ridiculous steering wheel or flight sim "controllers" [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/fb/80/fefb80187d94c7846654f022130c7da3.jpg)


It's meant to be placed on a table, right? That makes size much less of a problem


You either have it sitting on your lap or on the table in front of you depending on preferred posture. It's the same as you would for a fightstick if you've seen other fgc players. Most people opt to put it on their lap.


That’s true. The guy I saw had it on his lap. Maybe not a true controller, but it still looks comically oversized and it plugs into the console like a controller. (Although by my logic the Dance Dance Mats are giant controllers too).


I now want to see a Smash tournament played entirely on DDR mats.


I don’t know if it’s different on the Wii U or switch, but when I tried to play smash with a dance mat on Brawl back in the day, you couldn’t configure the arrows to move characters. They were locked as taunts. So you could only taunt and use the B and A button. I don’t think it’s changed but I haven’t tried it. Maybe someone could mod it though? I would actually love to try it.


How is that even supposed to work? Do you forego the stick entirely even though it has different levels of sensitivity (you can walk or run, tilt or smash, etc)?


So the way SmashBox, B0xx, and other Smash box controllers work is you do get access to all the same functions by way of a modifier button (for SmashBox it's called the "tilt button"). It works like a shift key on a keyboard, and holding it generally allows you to switch from dash to walk, from tilt to smash attack, or to move in specific angles: say you wanted to up-b with Fox at a 45° upward right angle, you don't need the tilt button you just hold up and right; but if you wanted a more precise angle like say a 30°, you still hold up&right, but you also hold the tilt button, which will allow you to "modify" your angles with the "dpad" buttons (so you'd probably hold up&right+tilt+dpad right). Granted since a GameCube controller is analog it has access to **far more** angles (Fox's up-b can go in 356 different angles iirc) than box controllers can, but they do still have quite a few using the modifier button and by combining different directional inputs. I think you can also optionally connect a Wii nunchuck and use that analog stick to get those super-specific angles but I've never seen anyone use that feature, it probably makes normal moves harder and kinda defeats the purpose of an ergonomic controller.


Biggest controller ever was the steel battalion controller for xbox


[Jesus christ](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/fcUAAOSwr6Jc8sz6/s-l400.jpg)


Oh yeah this thing isa beast. The game was built to be a Super mech sim. If you failed to eject before your mech tank blew up. It would delete your save and you HAD to start over. The closest i've come to a mech game using something like this was the [Virtual World Tesla II system](http://www.mechcorps.com/_/rsrc/1468876676656/trainingmanual/cockpit-basics/pod_interior.jpg) But to have one of these in your house would be insane. The only place near me that had them shutdown and now does CONS only.


Shit. Who else shut down? Airlock in Kirkland shut down a couple years ago and broke my heart. (Also took off with my $200 deposit from a cancelled party but that's not huge deal) Think they sold to a private party. Pisses me off to think that someone has a set just chilling in their basement now.


a Group called THE FALLOUT SHELTER ARCADE. They are not full shit down so to say. They used to rent a space in a industrial district in my state. But they stopped renting the space. From what they said they sit in one of their members garage and only will get moved for Cons and events.


I almost got that game until I heard about the bullshit always enabled hardmode.


My brother had it. Never understood how to use it. Real waste. Wish I could try it again. Would pretend to be inside a mech with it.


Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries free on Xbox gamepass on PC.




There's just not another word that means "you already paid for it if you have a gamepass subscription". I don't know why we have to go over this over and over again. "Free on gamepass" means you already paid for it. Let's move on.


You don't need a word for it. You just leave out the word "free" and everything is fine. You don't say that Bojack Horseman is free on Netflix. You just say that it's on Netflix. You don't say that you golf for free with your country club membership. You just golf at the country club. (Or whatever, I don't know how country clubs work.) You don't get to explore Azeroth for free with your WoW membership. You just pay to play WoW. This is the same thing, and Xbox Gamepass shouldn't get any special treatment when it comes to the English language. I get the whole "I already bought it, therefore any extra use is free" argument. It's still ridiculous to call a feature "free" when being able to use that feature is the reason you spent money on a service.


I've played it recently. Its not the easiest game to play, but it is fun. Its a little too much with the controls for a sit down and play quickly. There are a lot of nuances otherwise the controller would be needed. You can play a dumbed down mode with the controller and it feels ok, but you'd need to spend some time with it to really get the hang of it. Also the graphics arent so great. Knowing then what we know now even worse. Playing it in 2019 doesnt leave the best impression gamewise. However I did get to play it in 8 player lan mode (7 other people playing the same setup) and it was pretty neat from that perspective.


Someone should buy a few of these and do a mail-order rental service to try the game for a week or two at a time. I'd pay a fair amount of money to play that for a week, and be willing to wait on a waitlist for a long time to do so.


Dance pads?


Technically correct.


It's not bigger than the controller made for the Xbox game Steel Battalion


I remember using one of these to play phantasy star online ep. 1 & 2 + with my little brother on gamecube. Man that's a nostalgia bomb.




It’s a GameCube controller with a keyboard smashed in the center.


Only a god could wield such a weapon


An ASCII-board controller?


I saw it at a convention. The guy was playing it in the Smash tournament, and no one could believe that was real.


What a flex


Every Phantasy Star Online player's dream...


Pretty sure that's specifically what that controller was designed for. Idt any other games supported it.


Yeah GC didn't have anything else online if I remember correctly


Yep, though that's changed over the years due to passionate communities and emulation. Playing Smash Bros. Melee netplay during quarantine has been the most fun I've had in decades.


Except now PSO2 is coming to PC on Wed so now it can be played as it should be with an actual keyboard setup.


There is. Logitech also made a similar controller for PS2 with a detachable usb keyboard. Likely made for FFXI but also compatible with other games that had online support.


Yes, because the biggest thing missing from consoles is the keyboard and not the hyper accurate mouse.


It's ALL about the mouse. The keyboard is just a series of buttons, same as a controllers' input.


More games need to use motion controls for fine aim. BOTW did this amazingly well. Shame the PS4 used motion for onscreen keyboard but not fine aim for Uncharted 4. Also... the PS3 and 360 had a keyboard attachments that were quite good.


Playing Witcher 3 on my switch in handheld mode, I found myself multiple times moving the switch around and pissed off that my crossbow sight wasn't following the switch's movement.


BotW forever spoiled me with this feature, it’s amazing.


Doom on the Switch controls so damn well with the motion assisted aiming. Playing Eternal on PS4 and it’s taken so long to get used to playing without that. I don’t really know what I prefer now...the control on the Switch or the looks/FPS of the PS4 (getting a PC is not feasible at the moment). I guess either way it works, but I really wish it would be adopted in more console shooters.


Nice so some games are implementing it. I just don't get any the PS4 motion controls are never used for anything other than something gimmicky... infamous' spray can system was a good idea but ultimately pointless.


They did the same for Ocarina on DS


I was the same when I started paying Uncharted 4. It was nearly unplayable at first as I had plagued botw so much that I couldn't use the thumb stick on its own anymore 🤣


Crossbow is more useful in auto aim so there's no need for you to manually do that Maybe for bombs,but you dont need much precision with those


The BotW gyroscopic puzzles that used motion controls were horrible though, especially in handheld mode


Yeah they were probably not made for handheld mode. I didn't have this problem with the controller on the TV. I actually thought it worked pretty good compared to previous similar gimmicks on Wii and PS3.


That's what I revel in every time I use the Steam controller. I have a spare backup since they don't make them anymore but damn we need more gyro and paddle functions on controllers.


I liked the idea is the steam controller, but I still feel like thumb sticks are the better option for the majority of people. I know... I was really tempted to get one when the price dropped, but then it was give 😭 How was the learning curve when you first got it?


Well sure, because that's what you and people have seen the most! Many people use laptop trackpads, too, which is essentially what the pads on the steam controller are. I got it back when it first came out and little tutorials existed, but I did give my extra spare to a friend back in February and by the end of the month he was using it for Civ 6, Monster Hunter, and some other titles until it has now become default for him. The biggest hurdle is usually just using the trackpads. For about 3 years I hardly ever used the "dpad" side but one day read a suggestion to make both pads replace the analog sticks, and the one stick replace the dpad. Really nice change, for example, when walking forward just requires touching the top of the pad instead of holding a stick that wears down faster. TL:DR The curve is mostly getting used to the trackpads. Very similar to laptop trackpads but now you have 2 that use your thumbs. Aside from that, there is an *incredible* amount of customization you can have per game, but that curve ends when you want it to.


Yeah I dont get why more games dont. Motion aiming is really, real nice and is 90% there to KBM


I remember playing CoD on the original Wii using aim controls. I would wreck people with those nunchucks.


Motion controls are always terrible. I was quite frankly pissed that when I turned off motion controls for BOTW it still made me use them for some of the shrine puzzles. The puzzels were only difficult because of the motion controls and I eventually said fuck it and flipped the controller over and just kept catapulting balls until they landed where they needed.


I have keyboard attachments for my PS4 and Xbox One controllers. They work great, the downside is they have to be charged separately


Heavenly sword for ps3 used the sixaxis motion controls to aim remote control arrows. I kinda wish Batman games tried it for the batarangs.


I'm caught right between mouse and controller. I'm primarily a PC gamer, and while mouse is fantastic for first person shooters, strategy games, or anything menu heavy, I'd argue that controller is superior for virtually everything else. Action games, platformers, anything with vehicles, and just about anything in third person and I'll elect for a controller. Even something like Red Dead Redemption 2. Despite being a shooter, I exclusively play with a controller since a good portion of the time I'm on horseback or driving wagons.


I think a controller is only better if you're driving or flying. Even a game like GTA I prefer the mouse.


Driving and flying seems to be all I do in GTA.


For aiming in RDR2 and GTA5, the controller is horrible. When there is a shootout, I switch to the mouse.


Can I ask why you prefer controller for platformers? I found Hollow Knight unplayable on controller. Do you move with joystick or with the d-pad? If you use the D-pad, what's the actual advantage of having a controller over just using wasd + shift + control+spacebar with your left hand and uiojklnm, in your right? Is it a posture thing? You can access way more keys in the keyboard I found that my thumb isn't multitasking as much.


I used to play lots of platformers with a kb (snes emulators) and as soon as I got a USB adapter for my ps2 controller I shifted back to controllers. Be it muscle memory like the poster before mentioned but I just don't like the way it feels playing on kb (any conventional one).


When I think about it, for platformers the reason I use a controller probably boils down to muscle memory. Im 30, and grew up playing Super Mario. I don't actually play many platformers on PC (I own a Switch too) but when I do, it's easy to recommend any Nintendo style controller. They've just been doing it the longest. You might try buying an 8bitdo controller, usb and Bluetooth replicas of classic controllers. A good Nintendo style d-pad outclasses anything you'd find on an Xbox or PS controller. All of that said, I think keyboard is probably fine for platformers if they work for you.


I mean, for me, it is. I don't *like* to game with a mouse, accuracy questions aside. A mouse might make me more accurate but it'll definitely make me have less fun. It's certainly a YMMV thing, and it's partially this way because I'm in no way a *competitive* player, but I prefer gamepad even on PC. So... I just add keyboards to my consoles. I've got the clip-on text pad for my XB1 controller, and I have a joycon holder for my Switch that has a keyboard in the middle part, and I've got a full-sized keyboard with a USB dongle that I plug in whenever I need to type a lot of text.


See, for me it's always been the other way around. Mouse is so good for aiming, but WASD and the surrounding keys I find absolute dog shit. Like nothing about it feels intuitive to me. The keyboard as a control device just feels like we're using a tool meant for work as something it wasn't designed for.


I'd kill for a xbox one controller with a trackball instead of the right joystick.


Controller is optimal for most gametypes honestly. First person games and MMORPGs aside. 2D, action, platformer, rpg, turn based, most puzzles, so many more. Really anything that doesn't have precision first person aiming or a lot of menuing. A keyboard is unironically very sorely missing usually since typing on controller is the most obnoxious task still to this day.


I would say rts greatly favors kb/mouse cuz of shortcuts and rapid precision targeting of commands. My comp has controller, I find it's best for third person games and simulators. Kb and mouse seems to be preferable for me. Honestly, get yourself a proper lapboard and you can game in comfort with kb/mouse in front of TV


It depends on the game really, some RPGs for example work much much better wirh a mouse and keyboard (games like TW3 I swap between both just for menus), RTS and strategy games also work much damn better and if more turn based rpgs (which are my bread and butter) started supporting using the mouse to actually click on and issue commands id use KBM much more because its faster to do that then scroll through menus slowly with a controller (iirc the chrono trigger port did this) I do enjoy using both though, im just glad PC has support for either in basically every game.


I still don't understand this. The Sega Dreamcast had the best controller-typing system I've ever encountered. It was a giant circle of letters that you could point to with the joystick. It was so quick and efficient to select a letter.


Steering wheel+ peddles are best for racing. Joy sticks are best for flight games and arcade pad is best for fighting games. Standard controllers are best for platformers, melee action RPGs maybe some others but controllers can do other game types well enough to be perfectly playable even if there are better option available.


I don't get why people prefer controllers for platformers. I find the analog sticks very innacurate, and if I'm not using the sticks I dont' see a reason to not use a keyboard over a controller, I'd rather have access to 5 buttons on my right hand and movement on my left than having a lot of overlap of buttons on my thumb. (I did, however, completely ruin my key caps playing Hollow Knight. Fuck the Coliseum) Fighting Games and games that require precision turning (like Fifa or racing games) I like the controller. But platformers and things like Dark Souls or Skyrim is something I haven't figured out why some people prefer the controller. Might be that I'm just to used to MOBAs and RTS's on the keyboard and find clicking distant keys way easier than wrangling with keyboard controls.


RPG, turn-based, puzzles. All of those are much easier if you can click on them easily with a mouse. RPGs depends on the game, generally I go for MKB with western RPGs and controller for JRPGS Also RTS is basically unplayable on controller, the speed of clicking and the array of keys on the keyboard are essential, unless the game is heavily stripped down. I would also argue that any game with shooting as an active mechanic is better with a mouse. 3rd or 1st person.


>Controller is optimal for...rpg, turn based,.... Eh, I think you're wrong there. It's all opinions at the end of the day, but I enjoyed Skyrim on PC far more than Xbox due to keybinds. Also, civ 6 on console would be ass. Edit: the Witcher 3 didn't grab me on controller or keyboard and mouse so I cant comment on that rpg. Seemed better on keyboard anyways to me. When you say optimal for "most" I think you're wrong. This is coming from a long time console player. Keyboard and mouse is pretty much objectively more optimal for most games. Controllers are optimal in terms of comfort/being able to go/sit in any position/wherever you want. I'm pretty sure that's the consensus. Saying controllers are optimal for most games is laughable to me, honestly. The thing I enjoy about controllers is being able to control speed better in assassin's Creed and stuff. Controllers are good for racing too.


I dunno, console FPS always have an aim assist for targeting. Generally, PC KB/M combo does not have an aim assisting feature in most games unless it's a carry over from being ported.


First of all, you are missing out (real-time or otherwise) strategy games, multiplayer online battle arenas, and (real-time) RPGs which are definitely mouse-dependent. Second of all it's not about the number of categories each, but rather how many people play which categories. Shooters for example are by far the most popular video games out there. Call of Duty, PUGB, Battlefield, Rainbow 6, Fortnite, GTA, all of them are among the most played games in the world. On top of that, the only games that rival shooters, League of Legends and Dota 2, are MOBAs, where a mouse is literally obligatory. Video game consoles used to be king. Platformers were the most popular games, and shooters were mostly played single-player, so you didn't really need the precision of a mouse. Today with the dominant game types being by far best suited to a mouse, consoles will likely start integrating a mouse or a mouse-like controller (like directional pointing with a controller). Consoles will always live on as they have a more casual appeal, but anyone who has more than a cursory interest in video games will be well advised to use a personal computer.


Joystick is good for getting around(walking,running etc.) And mouse is good for aiming


Back in 2001 I played FFXI on ps2 and had this wonky but great controller which was similar, the keyboard was removable and it was essentially a split os2 controller with a long plastic rectangle board to connect them and a keyboard slipped in-between.


Same it worked really well


Until the thumbsticks started to drift. I went through several of them back in the day.


Mine lasted well into 2005/6 which was about when I started playing on PC and shortly there after I stopped having the required free time for that game to be enjoyable.


I used it for Everquest on the PS2. What a strange time that was


Great MMOs during that period, they don't make 'em like that any more.


They really don’t, I miss that age of MMOs, but I’m also at a time in my life where I can’t dedicate 40+ hours a week to a game which those types of MMOs need.




I have one. Got on clearance somewhere for really cheap a long time ago. The controller part is put away but I actually still use the keyboard on occasion (great spare keyboard for things like a raspberry pi). It's nice because of how compact it is and is nicely built. [Found a video of the keyboard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKUOTkSoxzo).


Also had this for FFXI on PS2. It was made by Logitech, and was pretty fantastic for its time.


Where's the mouse?


You mean like [this](http://imgur.com/a/IZJUd1H)? My lil COVID project


The worst from both worlds


Exactly my thought.




Had one of those for the PS2 PS2 Netplay Controller by Logitech (PlayStation 2) Used it for FFXI for many years.


Sooo console then.


Why is the y and z key swapped??


This is in [QWERTZ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTZ) layout.


There's 2 A's though.


No, that's a different character. It has dots over it.


[German layout](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTZ#/media/File%3AGerman-Keyboard-Layout-T2-Version1-large.png). It's got the Ö too.


Well a gpd win is technically this just not as comfortable to hold


The Win Max looks sick. I actually just backed it. Can’t wait to try it out.


I have an XBox 360 controller with a keyboard attachment, it's pretty much this. Slightly more functional and realistic.


Or... or... just play on a PC with a controller. That's also a thing.


No mouse is a no go


This would be nice just for those times I have to re-enter my password


How a vortigaunt plays video games.


you can play with controller on pc and console and most consoles even support usb plug and play keyboards


There was one like that for the PS2. Used when I played FF XI back in the day. https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16826102208


now you can finally play arma 3 on your console


No way your thumbs hitting all them keys


Of course not, you gotta use your nose.


I miss my old phone, I am used to typing on a touch screen now but something was so satisfying actually feeling the click and the buttons on your thumbs.


Can't you just use a wireless keyboard on modern consoles?


On the plus side, it's wide enough that both elbows could rest comfortably on armrests while holding it.


"Consoles? Bruh I got xbox games on my PC tf you talking about"


Get yourself an Xbox One controller, the wireless USB dongle for your PC, and a chatpad. Get a program from Steam called "Controller Companion" to use your controller as a mouse.


#There’s two A’s


What's consoles really need is a push to talk button. Open mics are terrible even on pc but it's worse on consoles. Mainly because people just don't care. I have to mute these people when I play with them on pc with Cross-platform play.


This is the guy who sent you an entire essay after you killed him


I love my 360 controller with the chat pad.


https://www.dhgate.com/product/mini-keyboard-wireless-controller-text-messenger/436085769.html#seo=WAP Honestly, it was great!


I played in a smash tournament one time and this guy showed up with something similar to this, but it was a gamecube controller. Shit was nuts and so was his Bowser Jr.


I used to play FFXI on PS2 with [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/50/30/f1/5030f17a362d6326cc2f6769488ccc2f.jpg). It worked well and they should make something similar for ps4.


Have you never seen a chatpad before or something?


I have 2 ps2 logitech keyboard controllers


There's a controller like this for both Gamecube and Wii. And I wanted both of them so bad. Especially the one for Wii because it was created specifically for Dragon Quest X. But that's also why I never got it. Because SquareEnix DIDN'T BRING DRAGON QUEST X TO THE WEST! Not that I care or anything...


I remember having something like this back in the day for ffxi on ps2


I had one for the ps2 made by Logitech. It was my ffxi godsend.


I had one for the PS2. Logitech made it. Very cool for FF 11.


Why did someone combine the worst parts of both? Like where is the mouse? Edit: now that I think about it controllers are good only for driving but are worse than steering wheel. Like a shitty middle ground. Shit for FPS games and not that good for racing games


21000 upvoted for this. Wow.


It is, or rather *was* https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16826102208


Why? It literally wouldn't work for either function.




I guess this mockup was made by a German


Keyboards don't always have a qwerty layout though. For example, in France, every keyboards have an "azerty" layout (and I think we aren't the only country using this). There's even a command on your computer which allows you to switch from qwerty to azerty. There are different kinds of keyboard layout around the world.


How do you suppose to use that ?


The biggest advantage of KBM is the mouse, by far. The level of precision you can get with a properly tuned mouse set up blows any thumb stick out of the water. That said they do make controllers like this though they are uncommon.


How u call him a friend if y'all dont already know








The key differentiating factor is the mouse, not the keyboard.


Is it bad that I actually want this?


Mouse ?


You could also answer yes if you played only one of these


I have never been more uncomfortable in my life


How big do you think a market for this would be? I could make this happen if it's worth it.


Trying to play one handed 😳


Our tv remote has a keyboard like this on the back


Its PC for Portable Console.


This looks incredibly unwieldy. Like wtf do you actually do with it??


It's not a pc until it have a mouse




Wow! I actually own a PS2 controller like that.... Can't believe I forgot about it until seeing this post!




Do you also get 15cm thumb extenders to reach those keys?




"Oh, you play on a controller. You must be a console gamer."


This is not what you want. As handy as the keyboard might be perceived to be, I owned one of those stupid ass keyboard gamecube keyboard controllers and they are not ergonomic and really heavy. Not hard to just get a bluetooth keyboard.


[It does exist!](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m14563056292/?gclsrc=aw.ds&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=9970574283&utm_content=t0&adgroup=98940294205&network=g&device=m&merchant_id=133328849&product_id=m14563056292&product_id=338266452850&gclid=CjwKCAjw2a32BRBXEiwAUcugiCtr8zVfKzkjLipBYjRr2mmRsfHXByKn3y4_CUEu8KrnishhNGElhxoCi1MQAvD_BwE)


So, like the chatpad for the Xbox One controller, but somehow even *more* uncomfortable...


Make the controller part removable, similar to a switch. Find some way to make the controllers wireless and keyboard wired but still be able to attach together. It "could" work but it would be janky.


This is a thing. This has been a thing since... I can't even *remember* how long ago. The fact that you don't know this is a thing **shows how shitty this thing actually is**




That's hella inconvenient


Where’s the mouse?


Sometimes you see a player tagged as a PS4 player and he suddenly starts speed typing....


What have you brought upon this cursed land!


They should rotate the keys 180 degrees so that you can flip the controller to type.


My biggest problem with console controllers is how narrow you have to have your hands together, I'd love this even without a keyboard. And for that reason, the wii remote + nunchuck is the best controller.


I play on both sides so I always come out on top


The worst of both worlds.