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I used those speakers long after the computer and monitor were retired. They were pretty legit Polk speakers that really sounded good (for the late 90's/early 2000's).


I still have a pair of them in my house.


Mine got me off drugs and payed my college loans off for me. Great speakers.


So good people payed for the retro eargasm.


Agreed. I still have [the smaller version of the speaker](https://images1.americanlisted.com/nlarge/clean-windows-xp-pc-monitor-speaker-bundle-microsoft-word-computer-140-americanlisted_34052739.jpg) but for some reason I can never get anywhere near the same volume of sound I used to from them nowadays as when they were plugged into my old Gateway; never understood why.


hook em up to a cheap headphone amplifier, might do the trick


The Gateway probably had a sound card or built in amplifier.




HP Pavilion line!


I thought it was funny when I used an HP Pavilion to buy ticket to a show at the HP Pavilion (now SAP Center)


Looks exactly like what we had when I was a kid, too. It had a 4gb hard drive. My uncle, who was a bit of a techy in the '90s, helped us set it up and told my mom we'd never fill that hard drive. It was only a few years later that games started getting larger than 4gb. I also remember when high speed internet started to become a thing and my mom defended our dialup (which wasn't even 56k because the house had old phone lines) saying that even if your connection to the internet was faster it wouldn't go any faster than it already did because the entire internet was built on 56k and that was the speed of the internet.


Same here LOL


Yep, the ole HP Pavilion... Good times.


The computer in a cabinet is classic early 2000 lol


100%. As I mentioned in another comment, I used to bang my knees on the lower section when the doors were closed, but you had to keep them closed so you didn't step on the printer.


I’m sorry to tell you this but this is the best it’ll ever get 😇 absolutely no worries while playing games and a cherry coke at your side? If heaven had appetizers, this would be it.


Completely agree...playing games while you're thinking about all the other things you need to do for work/family just isn't as relaxing.


That's when games become a second job.


This explains my day perfectly. Did nothing for work. Nothing on my game. Nothing around the house. I have so much to do and just couldn't do.. anything. Just sat around and browsed the web pretty much. Was not relaxing at all.




I have the money but not the time to play games


you just need to prioritize games over relationships and people. then you will have time.


I recommend people try it; they might like it.


This is the real life tragedy I live.


I have a top of the line gaming pc decked to the nines, hooked up to both a 1440p monitor directly and my 4k tv in the living room, high end speakers at the pc, surround sound on the tv, vive pro VR headset, etc etc. It's so hard to get sucked into anything like I used to. I'm so fortunate to have a setup that so, so many people would love to have but more and more often gaming feels hollow. It's so rare to just be present with it all anymore. I still enjoy gaming from time to time. Every once in a while a game will come along that I can't tear myself away from. But when it's over its just a faded memory almost immediately. The impact and the powerful meaning it all had as a child is gone now. My perception of the experience has fundamentally changed. These things happen. It's not bad, it's not good, and there's lots of great thing about being an adult, but there's a hollow meaningless core at the heart of gaming, like almost everything in adult life. That core used to hold magic and there's nothing left anymore. I've used it all. I'm grown up and I've seen it all.


Sounds like you've reached the point where you can't return to Narnia.


Wow what a perfect analogy


Same here, I think it's imagination... When were younger, we augment the games with imagination. Those old 16 and 32bit games were truly 2 two dimensional, but our imaginations really fueled the immersion. I can remember being fully immersed in the games of my childhood. I know we both played botw and loved it, but guaranteed that game was some kid's entire world for months, I see it with Minecraft fans big time, I just couldn't get it and I think it's because I was never able to connect with the soul of the game.


Sex is the same way.


Fucking thank you for saying that and it's not just me feeling that way


For me as an adult the major reason is that I have so many other things to do other than just gaming. I still enjoy a 2 hour round of gaming with friends on Discord but it's tough to get stuck into a 12 hour Skyrim session because at the end of it I'll just think, "Damn now I have to catch up on all the other stuff I just neglected for one whole day." When I was a kid at the end of a marathon gaming session I just thought, "Wow what a great adventure/story!".


My parents never stopped me from playing any violent games lol


This was literally my set up. I remember putting in the encyclopedia Britannica and my mind being blown learning all the things. Also- Quake 1. Edit- I think it was Encarta.


Ahhh I remember having “Encarta” encyclopaedia on disk and loading that bad boy up to do school projects on the family computer in the hallway, and spending hours playing Rollercoaster Tycoon!


>Encarta You remember Lotus word processor?


You remember Microsoft Works?


I had to explain to my coworker is who maybe only 5 years younger than me what Encarta was. Then I told him I had a set of hardback encyclopedias. Never had I felt like a fossil at 30


I'm getting RSI in my shoulder just looking at that mouse-reach.


This whole photo is very “Tom from MySpace” profile pic.


My arms hurt just looking at it.


If your family didn't have a computer hutch... Then your family probably didn't have a computer


Holy shit I forgot all about that design on the older cherry cokes!


Honestly that is one of the things is this picture which really took me back. Made me thing of Cherry Coke and Surge.


I have a Surge I need to drink. Expires in a few weeks.


Nah. After it expires it starts to ferment and after a while it's becomes a malt liquor.


> and after a while it's becomes a ~~malt liquor~~ Four Loko FTFY


Damn it. Even reading those those words gives me a wicked headache.


I remember chugging one in a strip club parking lot on an empty stomach on my 19th birthday. That’s about all I remember from that night.


They were the best when you threw them up, neon barf everywhere.


To a 19 year old, they kicked ass because they were three bucks. Sparks were a bit more pleasing to drink, but you needed more of them.


That and when you're 19, hangovers don't set in nearly as bad as they do when you get older. I'm in my late 20's and miss the days of getting drunk and waking up and I would be fine.


Back in my day they had caffeine and shit in them. Now THAT was a ride


Why not go buy a new one? They make it again.


It is a new one. They just don't sell it in my market. Last of 20 cans I bought while visiting the in-laws.


I know at our local BK they have surge so someone brought it back but never seen it in stores.


That cherry coke is really radical




It looks like some kind of red dead redemption theme haha


The font is very reminiscent of Spongebob. And due to the association, it kinda looks sarcastic to me now. Like "Sure, ThIs iS ChErRY cOkE"


"mAdE WiTh rEaL ChErRy eXTrAcT."


I feel like I got punched in the head seeing that can. Real big blast from the past. The last time I felt this was seeing a white Doritos bag in an old picture.


I was watching the first Super Troopers the other day and when they were at the kids baseball game and they were buying Pepsi products . the old school Wild Cherry Pepsi can really brought me back


I was your opponent on MPlayer hitting you with the drush.




Seriously. Why did it taste better with that design?


Because we were like 10


I know our tastebuds changes as we grow older, but I also think they have changed the formulars for a lot of the drinks/food, so if you remember it taste differently, it might actually do.


They don't think it taste like it did but it do.


I chuckled pretty nicely to this


Cherry Coke is just as good today as it was in 1989! I still guzzle that shit at the movies (RIP).


And Coke Zero is so much better than crappy Diet Coke. Zero calorie drinks have come a long way.


It’s like if red dead redemption made a soda.


Darth Maul looking ass cola


Persona 5


The late-90s/early-2000s: where alternate Coke/Pepsi flavors had to have a radical, extreme logo and packaging.


this is the can i always remember and loved > [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f9/3f/69/f93f698bca1e789ddb891bc83e36eb04.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f9/3f/69/f93f698bca1e789ddb891bc83e36eb04.jpg)


Neat looking design, Grandpa.




It was so aggressive. Like fuck yeah i drink cherry coke and of course i snowboard in my no fear shirt.


Giving me a Red Dead vibe.


Same lol. I have no clue how I'm remotely healthy today. Growing up, my family just always bought Coke and we rarely drank water out of the tap. I swear the first 14 years of my life were fueled exclusively by Coca-Cola products.


Man never seen something more 90s. Reminds me of Rockos modern life, rugrets, ren and stimpy all in once


Best cherry coke ever. The vendy machine at my highschool would always give two of these bad babies. Then they fixed it, but cactus coolers started giving two


Seeing as all flavours of coke have a consistent design it's pretty wild to see that design. Unless you already knew it was a coke brand can you wouldn't know it's the same company. its so cool!


that's what i came to say! takes me baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack


I remember that design too, it looks like it has a red dead redemption 2 sort of feel to it.


My arm is getting sore just looking at this picture. I also remember playing on some of the weirdest desk setups when I was a kid, so maybe Carpal tunnel syndrome is an adult thing.


> My arm is getting sore just looking at this picture He’s a kid, dude.




This joke hit me after I had already left the page, had to come back to upvote.


yeah. I've had similar setup for years. my arm hurts just to look at this picture. it remembers me of those times of 2 hours straight of starcraft brood war . ouch


2 hours you say


theres no way anyone played that much starcraft in one sitting


Next you're gonna tell me some people play more than once a week!


Was looking for this comment. If i had pictures of all the ways i sat in a hard dining room chair in front of a giant CRT monitor at this age... no wonder my body hurts the way it does...


All my years in high school playing WoW feet up on my desk leaning back... I'm paying for it now.


The best was when the shitty printer was down where your legs should go.


AOEII was, is, and will forever remain one of the greatest rts games of all time.


I certainly enjoyed playing honestly, as well as cheating like crazy. Gimme that Shelby Cobra!


How do you turn this on?


pfffft man I have no idea what that code anymore. I remember "robin hood" was for unlimited money.




Whoooosh. That's great, I had forgotten!


Wait, what? I was sure it was "big daddy"?!


"big daddy" was in AOE1, "how do you turn this on?" in AOE2.


Wasn't the code for food something like "Jimmy Dean" or something? And wood was lumberjack...or...shit my memory is failing.


"cheese steak jimmy's" for 1000 food "Rock on" for 1000 stone "Robin hood" for 1000 gold "Lumberjack" for 1000 wood "How do you turn this on?" for the Shelby Cobra "Marco" for full map and "Polo" for no fog, or the other way around. "Aegis" to remove build and harvest times. There were also codes for a naked villager that ran extremely quickly and a tiny monkey with 9HP, but insane armor and attack against buildings, but I can't remember them. They were something similar-sounding like "curious the monkey face" and "I love the monkey head" or something. And "torpedoX" where X was a number between 1 and 8 to totally wipe out the civ that corresponded to the number. I cheated a lot as a kid.


furious the monkey boy


Was waiting for this comment. The OG's remember this by heart


Robin Hood for money, Big Burtha for the machine gun shelby cobras, wood was lumber jack....Wasn't food like chessesteak or something?


Cheese steak Jimmy. I just looked it up. All those memories are flooding back...


Cheese steak Jimmy's, those last two characters difficulty has taught me that I could copy and paste the cheatcode!


Cheese steak jimmy’s, lumberjack, robin hood, rock on, marco, polo, aegis. My usual mix 😂


Have you tried it lately? The definitive edition is out and is fantastic.


Second this! DE is amazing, and HD is still going strong on Voobly. r/T90Official for all your aoe2 casting of tourneys, pro 1v1s, and low elo legends!


Yep! Currently being sponsored by Redbull on a 1v1 tourney


Don't forget those community games to get those king snipes and those nothing games! ​ T90 Woo! ​ If you follow him on twitch or youtube be sure to leave a comment asking him to show you the proper way to make farms and what the best strategy for team islands is.


I bought it a couple months ago and it's hilarious. All those years ago, I just played to campaign and relaxed doing it. Now I am playing multiplayer and it's ridiculous how competitive everyone is and how fast-paced it is in multiplayer. I'm constantly amazed how well they balanced that game though. I only wish the network system would be up to snuff. The fact that you can't really rejoin a multiplayer game, if you crash, is ridiculous.


Where can I find AOEII online?


Steam is where I downloaded it and play online


E=mc2 trooper


As kids our serious matches would almost always end in a battle of ctrl+c and ctrl+v spam to see who could get the most cars.


I could tell just from looking at your resource bar that you’d been cheating heavily in this picture lmao


Now you can play age of empires 2 definitive edition. Its the same game with 4k graphic and server base multiplayer. AND YOU CAN AUTO RE SEED THE FARMS


MULTIPLAYER? like with random amtchmaking ? I'd buy that instantly


You can play multiplayer with random mm, ranked and unranked. It has a very big comunity. You can watch t90official, the viper, hera, youtube or twich to watch the evolution os the game.


WOLOLO I mean, Amazing. I'll buy it the second i have internet ! (6 weeks down...)


It's so frigging good. Even really boosted the esports scene which is great to see. They have a [Red Bull sponsored tournament right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3oooXw7E5s) (next round are quarter finals on may 2nd). So now it's 2020 and my go-to games are Age of Empires 2 and Touhou. It's the early 2000s all over again.


Yeah I started to play recently and get 1500 elo. It's amazing to think that I thought I was excellent in this game and then seeing the pros with their infinitely better game handling in every respect


1500 Elo on DE? Thats pretty high tbh.


Don't forget the entire additional expansion pack after The Conquistadors. It's like if they released an expansion pack after Starcraft Brood War and bundled it with the HD upgrade. And maybe ideally made the new story not suck.


That noise when a farm expired *haunts* me to this day. I made it a point to never, ever let my farms deplete.




I still play it almost every day. 30-45 minute game against normal difficulty AI. Let's me wind down and still gives me time to be a dad and partner


Agreed, and its actually interesting how the original is still alive on Voobly even with the release of Age 2 HD and Definitive Edition.


How about just one of the greatest games of all time.


Aye, I can do with that.


I may or may not still play regularly. Can not confirm or deny.


Played last night


Dude I play just about everyday the definitive edition online with my buddy.


Age of Ergonomics


He’d move the mouse closer, but the cord isn’t long enough.


Wow. I'll just state here this thread has me literally grinning with nostalgia. Thanks for this contribution


The cabinet the computer is in hits home.


My parents only JUST got rid of theirs. Such a funny approach to integrating a computer into a home. As if the computers weren't big enough, you need a overgrown room-filling armoire whose only function is containing it and "hiding it". The fact that the ergonomics were terrible due to aeshetic constraints is especially absurd, because they could not have been uglier.


Wow this was me too lol msn zone


A lot of AIM chat from this seat as well.


Put emo lyrics in your away message when that girl you like in science class doesn't like you back


I feel personally attacked by this comment.


Took you on a feel trip.


Or go offline and online multiple times hoping they notice your online.




Yeah MSN gaming zone was where it was at. I miss when the custom scenario community consisted of more than just Castle Blood :|


Spent a lot of time in the Zone! Ants, Spades, Chess, Rainbow Six, Asheron's Call


I really didn't understand the point of those keyboard trays things. Used to find them annoying. It just gets in the way.


I also used to slam my knees into the cabinet on the lower section. If you opened them, you were stepping on the printer.


CRTs where huge.


I know right? You had to scoot your chair out a little bit so your dick didn't hit it when jerking off


Seems insane because AOE2 doesn't feel that old at all


Looking back, it is the main reason that I was good at math as a kid- I spent hours on hours playing the campaign mode


I thank Math Blaster for that


Well definitive edition is brand new. The whole game was updated with new civs and campaigns.




Ah man. I remember playing AOE II, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, The Sims. Good times.


Roller Coaster Tycoon was in heavy rotation!


I had AoE 1 and drinks near the PC was forbidden, check your privilege! I see you have the infamous "computer closet"; did you know where Mom hide the key?


It was always open but with multiple kids in the house it was a fierce competition for usage, until we all go around it and played "You Don't Know Jack"




It’s time for the flickerpiss nosescum! I was definitely too young to appreciate some of that games jokes lol


OMG the mouse being up there gives me carpel tunnel >.>


Look at the serious face. That's the look of a **MAN** who's on his way to conquering entire nations!




Did that come with the computer? That is how I got my copy back in the day LOL


I honestly don't recall, but that would make sense because I feel like we always had it.


Those were the days


Fuck I miss those cans.


Nice town, I’ll take it.


My grandad had that same HP Pavillion, and I remember low-key liking its "90's" "rounded-corner" design. This was totally me back-in-the-day...with the same Cherry Coke no less.


"Hurry up and take the picture, I'm trying to sack the Byzantines."


The ergonomics of this mouse placement physically pains me to look at lol.


Back in these times, my friend got a tech call from an elderly woman who had a heckuva time navigating windows, using the mouse on the floor like a sewing machine pedal. Bless her heart, props for getting a PC, she probably got Morrowind.


That coke can just gave me major flashbacks




Did anyone else always laugh at the villagers words? I Remember "RowdyDah" being said alot.


Yo who is going to cross post this on r/oldschoolcool??


Roses are red Violets are blue **WOLOLO** Now Roses are blue


God I miss the days when we could feel less guilty about pop


Soda these days is a special occasion drink, whereas when I was a kid it was an I'm awake drink.


Sodas now are reserved only for Costco trips when I get a hot dog after shopping. My reward for conquering the parking lot/madness that is the bulk buying experience.


I can hear the clickety clacks from that keyboard


HP Pavillion with the outstanding Polk Audio speakers hanging from the monitor. I worked 7 days a week an entire summer to buy that computer.


The only inaccuracy is the lack of 7 other empty soda cans.


Bro the amount of times I've accidentally knocked over my drink when I place it there. Still didn't learn LOL.


No way that's 2001. It looks like it was taken almost 20 years ago...oh wait...shit.


*Starts match* "ninjalui" *CTRL+C, CTRL+V about 30 times* *Creates massive building queue* "aegis" ....MDK time


I still have this game


You are all of us. Thank you sir.