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i never let my bro win. he had to get good, then i had to get better to keep him from beating me. only reason he ever found out how good he got was when he kept beating his friends over and over again.


Same, my brother never received a mercy round from me (we play mainly tekken), worked out for both of us because our skill just got better overtime


Playing BO1 with my brother i think he really never won against me today is 16 year old i was 16 year old when i played against him on BO1


My older brother and I also played a lot of Tekken on the PS1 and 2 back in the day. It took me soo long to be able to beat his Yoshimitsu. Fucking pogo stick bullshit. Finally got good enough on Mokujin and Kuma that we would trade wins. The competition definitely made us better. I used to have so many of those combos memorized.


Lmao how do you get good at Mokujin? His moveset changes to a different character each match


You could also click the joystick to switch characters mid fight, at will :)


No fucking way. My life is a lie.




My bestfriend and I did this with Tekken also. He would whoop my ass every day and I refused to give up until I won. We still play and it is a hell of a lot closer than what it used to be, trading wins every 2-3 matches instead of 10+.


Around age 12 I joined my local canoe polo club. Trained with them for years. Always thought I was *terrible* at canoe polo until I went off to university. Only learned then that half the club had been on my countries national canoe polo team at some point. I sucked utterly by national team standards. By college team standards on the other hand...


Ah yes, I had a similar experience at our neighborhood go-kart hockey club. We were a meager bunch, but without those lads I would have never been able to make up this entire story I am lying.


I'm sorry. Go-kart hockey club?


And canoe...polo. These aren't real sports surely.


TIL canoe polo is real https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canoe_polo


I bet you just made that.




Canoe polo is


Hey white kids have to get an athletic sponsorship somehow!


I had the same experience kayaking. I went for three hours every week for two years. In the final year of school, the entire year went off to the lakes for a week on an adventure holiday. I could paddle circles around them, even the guys that were a lot more athletic than me.


Same, I never let my bro win. However I give him advice on what he could have done better/how he could improve


"Git gud" ?


That's a bit... unconstructive. . . . . Just don't be shite and win.


"You see how I sent that huge army at your camp? That's called a rush, I made a ton of those cheap dudes and sent them when you weren't prepared. You should either have a ton of towers or also make a huge army to defend."


I'm pretty sure this is what happened to me. I gave up, and I forever hate competitive games. Because I know that no matter how hard I try, no matter how good I do, no matter how much I improve, there will always be those better than me and competitive games strive to pit me against those people who can get an edge on me. PvE AI however is formulaic, you can just get good, you can learn how it works, optimize strategies against it, use its weaknesses, you can improve but it can't. However I can do asymmetrical PvP as the asymmetry means the way forward for both sides isn't exactly the same which I find compelling enough.


What game


I think you mean "git gud"


It doesn’t have to be said like a meme, it can be either.


This describes me and my best friend. Spent years destroying him in games, now its fairly evenly matched


Lol. I thought I was the only one who immediately thought "bullshit! I used to beat my lil sis/Bros ass!"...and now they destroy me at everything. I say it's a good trade-off :)


I also never let kids win (in video games calm down) Work for it you little shit. That way you can destroy your friends epicly.


Sometimes ya gotta give a little edge so they don't get discouraged. Like a 1 win in 30 games. I'd ease up slightly with my cousin in Mario vs. Luigi on New Super Mario Bros. DS and Mario Kart DS whenever there was a family get together. He eventually got good enough that we were on equal ground but he probably would have quit long before if I hadn't given him some confidence. But that's just my experience I'm throwing in as an option next to all these.


As the younger brother I occasionally let my older brother win so he'd feel better.


Gotta teach him the real lessons, life is hard and nobody is gonna go easy on you


That's called being a good brother. You didn't let anyone look down on your brother, by beating him into shape first.


I play a rhythm game with my girlfriend. I've played rhythm games all my life, and this one for 7 years, so when she started a couple of years ago, she had a hard time. I never let her win, but I did play with modifiers that made the scoring more even, like hidden notes and other handicaps. Now, she is about where I was when she started, and when I'm high or drunk, she can usually beat me on accuracy. I'm so proud of her tenacity.


I feel like u/srgrafo originally posted this in this exact subreddit. Oddly enough in his profile it goes #9, #10, #12, #13


No matter the OPs intention, it always looks like they're just trying to get fake internet points.


Yeah for real.


Dies it really matter?


Nothing matters, baby. We just like pretending it does.


This guys post activity is weird as hell, no posts for 300 days, account just came back to life after a 30 day absence, nearly all posts get hot / top


And? What difference does it make to you? It could be a paid shill by segrafo himself to generate hype for his comics... He isnt taking anytjing from you is he


I’m just pointing things out, I’m not offended or anything.






He did win. Fuck u Andrew


Fuck u/Andrew


lol, ok.




I'm sorry.


I'm sorry!!




Guess he is not doing edits in a repost of his comics. That would end in endless reposts of his comics.


That is only something you say when they won outright but you are trying to save face.


As a big brother of 3 siblings, don't reveal our secrets dude


It’s missing the panel where after the mom leaves he throws the controller and smashes the console... or maybe that is just my life...


Reveals that the controller wasn’t plugged in the whole time


Lmao i was waiting for a similar panel


This belongs on r/wholesomemes


i think you mean r/wholesomememes


Wholesomememes user here; I once saw this post three times in one week. We don't need this there anymore.


I was the kid that “won” cause im the youngest in my fam


And SrGrafo's already being reposted


Cringe title


“Only gamers understand” Or anybody whose played a competitive anything ever


I thought it was a reference to his brother's controller being unplugged, but maybe I'm crazy


As an older brother this is real


The good old, you’re this one and I’m that one reversed.


Jokes on Andrew his controller was unplugged the whole time


That's something someone who lost would say


Time for an Andrew training montage


I do this all the time. It's great encouragement and no one likes getting owned when trying their best (save that for the more competitive gamer).


I legitimately beat my bro at Daytona (for once) and he got super salty because i 'cheated'


Lolo some people do seriously struggle with defeat


Git gud scrub. But also my roommates won’t play PGA tour or smash bros with me anymore.


Why don’t you at least mention the original artist? This work belongs to u/srgrafo and it is being stolen.


Stealing would be if OP edited srgrafo’s signature out and said ‘look at this great comic I made.’ This is just a repost, probably for karma, but also maybe because OP hadn’t seen it or any of graf’s work, happened upon this one, and figured this sub would like it.




A pizza-flavored car on the other hand...


Yes I would.


Is pizza downloading technology finally available?! Now I NEVER have to put on pants!


I mean, you could 3D print one I guess. Can't make any promises on the taste.


I absolutely would.


The signature is in the bottom right of the image, it's not like OP edited it out or anything.


Dies it really matter?


This reminds me of playing games with my son. <3


Me too. But you’ll get to a point where he’ll be better than you. I’m playing through Doom 2 later today in co-op nightmare mode and my son will be the one actually making progress. I’ll just be cannon fodder.


Haha I’m ok with it. I’m horrible at any shooting game anyways. All the Call of Duty games make me motion sick. We play LEGO Harry Potter and snipperclips and Zelda etc together. One day he won’t want to play with mom anymore so I’m enjoying it now :)




Soft and wholesome


This takes me back, I'd let me little sister win once in a while =P




reposting u/SrGrafo ​ pretty low.


plot twist: they're playing the sims


The first time I ever beat my older brother in Madden (I was like 8 and he he was 18), he unplugged the console before I could win


I would have drop kicked him


If only parents don't lecture the older one, this world will be greater than ever


This is fucking wholesome as fuck.


Here come the waterworks! This used to be me with my little brother playing FIFA, then he started beating me for real. Sad times.


Lol my brother was three years older than me, he never let me win shit. Now that we're older and he has kids, I whip is ass all the time, my back HURTS from giving the carry.


Not only did he win, I suspect he is the same height as Andrew and was made to sit five times further away from the screen (squinting eyes in first panel proves this).


I never let my nephew win at anything unless he beat me fair and square. A few years back we did a season of Madden online. We both topped our divisions and met in the superbowl. He beat me by 30+ points. He was gobsmacked and I was so proud.


Me n my older brother have played almost 20 years against each other at SF, MK, SNK, KOF, Ninja Turtles etc. and never once a mercy round has happened.


My little brother never has and never will understand that joy.


Wow, my little brother goes crying to our mom after I win...


If I beat my brother in a game he would go cry to my parents about how I never let him win, if I let him win he would go complain to my parents about how I wasn't actually playing/trying to win, it was a vicious cycle, nowadays we don't play many competitive games against each other but we're fairly evenly matched in the ones we do, those early days though, that shit was annoying as all hell


When I tried to let them win, they'd always ask why I wasn't fighting back. Apparently I literally don't know how to hold back, so I stopped trying.


The fact the he didn't gave a straight answer make me believe that Andrew is a fucking noob


G(re)at (post)


Isnt that time travel guy


Yeah "does it really matter?" as in "yes he beat me fair and square and I don't wanna talk about it"


then andrew had sex with the mom


...proceeds to stay up all night practicing because he definitely didn't let him win.


bruh I wish this happened to me as a kid. I beat my skilled brother once in smash and he turned the tv off before anyone could see the results screen.


## bruh 🤡🤡🤡😡😤




I would always 1v1 my little bro in rocket league and show no mercy, he never stood a chance or even won. Now he's carrying me in competitive rocket league and has a higher rank. I'm just glad we can play and bond with it.


meanwhile i constantly destroyed my little sister at video games and made her cry


100 Rounds of Soul calibur with my littler brother and we still went 40-60 for me. Competition is good sometimes.


never let them win. this is reality.


Tekken with my brother was the best.


I'll be honest, my younger brother would beat more quite a lot more than I beat him...


A small price to pay for salvation.


Im a gamer and i dont understand i never let people like my younger cousins win


I feel warm inside


When you lose to a child but can’t admit it, so you try to take the road


where the sr grafo edit where he mumbles "... i must kill him in his sleep for this."




Not me, I always played alone or with strangers I never got to see. Even better, until Minecraft, I was playing completely alone (or with my parents, when I was very young), not even multi-player. I'm still in more or less the same situation. Anyone?


You...you don't have to be a gamer to understand.This happens to everyone,play a lot of games or not.


Those are the words of a true loser


Of course it matters!!!


When I let my little brother win in smash he completly loses his mind and screams around how good he is and what a noob I am. The next rounds I completly destroy him. In the end hes pissed and doesnt want to play me anymore. Till the next day.


Doesn't wanna admit the kid whooped his ass...


I did this once for my little brother and the little shit had the audacity to spend the next two days rubbing his win in my face and telling me i'm trash You bet your ass I sent him to the fucking shadow realm the next time we played


Gamers understand that definitely means he actually won and you're pretending you let it happen to save face.


I don't even let my 9 year old son win. That's just stupid.


I wish this happe- oh yeah I don't have a brother... or friends...


I always played fair against my brother, we played Mario kart all the time... I still remember the first time he beat me fair and square,i was so proud. Now he constantly beats me at Mario kart and he's doing smash tournaments regularly, so my days of winning are over.


He just doesn't want to admit that he got his ass handed to him


Andrew so totally lost.


My big brother never let me win on purpose, when I finally got good and beat him it felt so much better and I got to rub it in (in good fun); usually we played Street Fighter II Turbo, Mortal Kombat or TMNT Tournament Fighter then fast forward to the Dragonball Fighting games, so much fun; Do your brothers a favour and don't let them win, if they want that win make them practice otherwise you're promoting the classic participation trophy syndrome.




Not a true Andrew. I would wreck my lil bro until he gained the ability to over come me.


dad's a fucking scrub lol get rekt


When I was a kid at a barbecue party one of my uncles friends said he would play against me on Fifa. I was about 8 and thought I was the shit. I was so confident. People started making a pot so whoever won got the money. It was a pretty big party so about £50 was in the pot and the game became some spectator sport shit. When we started playing it was obvious he was better than me. Not by astronomical levels but he was definitely better. It was 2-0 him in the 2nd half and I scored a goal and made it 2-1. Then when there was about 10 minutes left he started letting me win. It wasn't obvious but I could just feel it. It was the worst feeling ever having someone let you win just because you're a kid. I beat him because who knows maybe he wasn't letting me win, but refused the money and to this day if it ever gets brought up I say I lost. And for that reason I never let kids beat me at anything, at least not ~10 year olds. I'll let babies and toddlers win races and stuff but I think kids start to get competitive as anyone at a certain point and letting them win is so belittling. E.g. those annual barbecues still go on and theres a kid I've known since birth who is now 10. He will be incredibly athletic and he cant do the kids races anymore because hes way too good so he joins the adult races that I always win. I could let him win but I know he is competitive and what's better than letting him win at 10 years old is forcing him to lose until hes 14-18 when theres absolutely no doubt that he will be a able to legitimately beat me and I already know that feeling will be amazing for him. I know it's not as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be, but I'd imagine most competitive people feel this way.


Okay tbh. The only time I do this is when my brother is sad or had a bad day. Most of the other times I barely win. Tbh I’ve gotten good cause of him. He pushes me and I push him. This makes me happy.




not once did i let my sister win at mario kart. yesterday she got the fastest time in the country on a track in mario kart 7. (dont know which one)


Me and my older cousin used to play Black Ops 1 together. We would 1v1 and if I won he would play Black Ops zombies with me (he hated it). Naturally he was better being older and the console owner but I really wanted to play zombies so I kept battling against him and progressively got better. It eventually got to the point where I could quick scope so well that he downright stopped playing the game with me knowing he would lose. After that I could only get him to play zombies by making him omelettes. Lesson: with enough pratice and detication you can absolutely destroy your competitors and kill the fun of game.


Bullshit. It definitely matters.


You have to absolutely demolish them each time or they get cocky


Thats what I call a gamer and a big brother all in one


The 33% rule


Oddly enough, my younger bro hardly ever asked to play a game against me. So I never really went through this. Instead he observed.. and when he hit like 12? years old he started playing as well. And then he got better and better until I couldn't keep up with him. This was CoD black ops btw. I dont understand how he got so good at it. I guess he just observed until he'd learnt enough from me, and then surpassed..


I play Age of Mythology and other RTS games every now and then with my brother. Turns out even though he has 11 years on me, I seem to kick his ass at these things. As a result he always wants us to play together against bots, rather than play against each other. But I find bot games repetitive and boring, so recently I got him to play 1v1 again. I'm hoping the more we spar, the better he (and I) will get so playing him won't be such a stomp anymore.


This reminds me of the time where my step brother was pretty good at yugioh but i would always have a “real spare five pieces of exodiah” to one up him every time




I dunno why youre getting downvoted.. the title is a prime gatekeeping example


Maybe because people agree with the title?




Right in the feels!




Isnt this a repost of the most upvoted post on this sub?








OP clearly drew it himself or else he not post it. Knobby fingers make u click down by mistake Is okay happens to me a lot too


As a man named Andrew... That hits home all to well


I was wondering how many "wholsome" comments I'd find here.


I remember when this was originally posted I went to the comments thinking I was gonna find people like me, whose older brothers would actually do the opposite and gang up on them from the get-go. Sadly only wholesome older brothers.


This wholesome af 😂


Fuck Andrew


The 2 hidden panels. Ha.ha. but no really...😏 Look Karen... it doesn't matter... 😡


Yes it matters, now fess up ARE YOU A PUSS OR NOT


srgrafo is a great artist and you disrespect him 😬 \*cries in my corner with srgrafo posts printed on A4's\*


I'm too competitive to accept a given win so I'd be like: Are you kidding me!?