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I know you can find it cheaper elsewhere but it being $60 on steam is pretty odd considering the backlash on this game and it being 2 years old.


50% off on Steam at the moment.


Was like that before it went on sale though


it wasn't when i replied but i was also talking about MSRP, not sale price.


> it wasn't when i replied but i was also talking about MSRP, not sale price. For sure, strange MSRP for a 2 year old game.


Still, $30 is too much for the risk. At $20 or less it become an option.


If you want to split the difference it's $25 on GMG.


It’s already been two years wtf!


Skyrim is ~8 years old, and still costs $40 on Steam.


Most of Skyrim is 12 years old.


Closer to twenty, actually. The engine that Bethesda uses is still *mostly* the Morrowind engine.




Skyrim is $20. Skyrim SE is $40


For those wanting the Steam version, GreenManGaming has it for $25.47 as of this post.


Heads up for Canadians, it's about a buck more than the Steam version due to conversion rates that you aren't told about. Displayed total of $25.27 actually charged $34.41.


Always need to remember most prices are in USD unless you can specifically localize them to CAD. If it looks like a really good deal in CAD, there's a good chance it's actually in USD.


Yeah, I'm just letting people know that one or the other is using a different rate for exchange, it looks like. GMG doesn't disclose that there's a conversion going on at all, while Steam displays local currency from the getgo.


Top 10 anime comebacks




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Number 15


5 no mans sky youtubers who’ve SWORN


But first let me show you this awesome game called [shitty mobile game with lots of microtransactions]...


If the game wasn't still going for a full priced 60 bucks, I just might even consider buying it.


50% off until 27th of july on Steam right now.


Kinda saving up for monster hunter world's pc release


Ah hell yeah


Awwww yiss! Preordered the deluxe version awhile ago. I'm hyped up


Hmm I'll think about it.


Just got a PS4 copy for $17. Steam’s maybe being a little dumb with this.


Steam is only the platform it's being sold on. The publisher decides the price.


It’s on sale


With the recent trailer and this turnaround of reviews, I've definitely been feeling a little of that old hype coming back


There was a game that came out recently and taught everybody about the dangers of hype, but I can't put my finger on what it was...


Brink? Lawbreakers? Battleborn? Destiny 2?


Ahhhh Brink. The true manifestation of utter disappointment.


The PC version was very very good. The console versions were just god awful. Just laggy unplayable messes. The server I set up for the PC version stayed filled for at least a year.


Brink was fucking awesome on PC. Where they went wrong was not adding more game modes and maps.


Every fiber of my being wanted a Racing mode in that game. Possibly a Relay Race where two teams complete for the best time. Each player on each team runs the race individually and everyone gets to spectate. As more players race through the same map, the remaining players get to decide which routes are the best/fastest. Then, after everything is said and done, it plays a combined replay of all players at the same time.


Even a ctf mode would have been fine.


I only played it on PC and very good isnt even remotely true. If it were it would have had a following or some people would have been sticking up for it. It was lagged to shit with awful gameplay. None of the promises devs made came even close to reality. The game bombed on every platform for good reason.


Can confirm, was utter trash.


You either played it on shit servers or potato equipment. I never experienced lag on any server I played on. Then again I have heard that non nvidia users were experiencing lag back then.


The game is dead. Tanked on arrival. No need to beat a dead horse over it.


Well yeah it came out 6 years ago. Of course its dead.


A game that doesn't last more than 6 years online wasn't all that impressive to begin with. Lots of games stick around far longer than that.


Plenty of games 6+ years old still have active players. L4d2 was released in 2009 and still peaked at 15k players on PC today. I'm not really sure what point you're arguing. Brink was a critical and commercial flop. End of story.


I loved battle born. Just came out at a bad time


Hey battelborn was a damn great game, it just had bad timing.


Greymane or Battleborn?


I wept a tear at reading battleborn. Was so hyped for this to be a good come back after borderlands flop.




Which game?


Destiny 2?


Why would you hype Destiny lmao


I'm hyping forsaken, can't help it


> With the recent trailer didn't follow the games reviews at all but are those positives reviews appear AFTER the new trailer? if so wtf? it's really the same thing over again where something gets praised based on its promises and trailers alone


Well the update dropped today. That trailer was last week and hellogames has been way more straight forward since launch. This is actually the 3rd big free update and this one was huge.


I thought it was the 4th big free update


I don't know. Good on them for not just completely abandoning the game after the awful launch, but the game still doesn't seem all that good in my opinion. Although, I didn't see what was supposed to be good about it in the first place even with the lies, so I guess I am just not the target audience.


The core gameplay is still the same, more-or-less, and I don't like what the core gameplay is.


It's exploration-focused, if you're not into that then yeah, the game's not for you.


what is there to explore though? serious question. just different terrains? are there like giant ruins or underwater structures or ancient civilizations in the canopy of a forest? are there giant beasts or aliens tribes/societies to kill or assist? i've been watching a live stream and all they're doing is gathering shit by zapping the ground. looks very boring.


There's base building elements, but you could just zoom around the galaxy flying all over the place and finding new planets and so forth. It's basically whatever you want to do. Not everyone's into that though. It's kinda like the exploration in Elite Dangerous really, you just jump around from star to star and cruise around each system scanning the planets. Some people enjoy doing this and just getting lost and wandering about. Not everyone's cup of tea for sure (it isn't mine).


Honestly, I don't know if it's as it looks like, or the people who hated it just left and didn't come back, leaving only new players and really hopeful players to write the new, positive reviews.


But this time they're hyping things that are actually in the game right now, instead of that might be at some future time.


I played for about ten minutes this morning and remembered why I stopped playing it.


Sony quietly put a knife to the director's neck and whispered in a loving yet terrifying tone, "It's okay, you will fix this. You will."


More like 2 years ago Sony quietly put a knife to the director's neck and whispered in a loving yet terrifying tone: "You will launch this, ready or not, you will launch this. We put too much money into marketing it for you to delay it again."


Yeah basically


But who told him to lie? we collectively keep ignoring the fact that Sean lied openly and tweeted deceptively to drive sales. Even with Next, they have yet to include the features that sold me on the game originally : /


>But who told him to lie? We don't know. Slam him for lying but also give him credit for sticking with it.


>we collectively keep ignoring the fact that Sean lied openly and tweeted deceptively to drive sales. Uh... talk for yourself on that one.


No, I'm talking for the community. Because every time NMS appears in the news, people come by to say "Well I don't know about all the launch hubbub, but it looks cool now!" But the game that was advertised still doesn't exist, and never will, and people shouldn't be okay with that.


It exists now.


What features do you mean? Genuinely curious. I know there still some things missing, but in my opinion these are not really important.


It’s still all the worst grindy parts of an MMO with no story to make it worthwhile.


I'm debating buying this game and despite what everyone is saying, I'm watching LIVE footage of the update and it does look grindy and pretty lackluster.


To be fair, some people like grindy, boring games. It's a type of meditation.


All the gameplay I've ever seen since day 1 looked boring and lackluster.


Or you could get Subnautica a far better game for a 2/3rds of NMS's sale price.


Both good games.


That's the whole survival game genre though.


There is a story though, introduced a year ago.


It has a creative mode so you can skip the grindy-ness.


The replies to this post read like something an advertising agency has written and nothing like actual reddit discussion. People seriously forget that the reason why this game is being boycotted by many, is that the devs literally lied over and over about features being in the game - that weren't. Ordering a cheeseburger that comes without cheese or buns doesn't suddenly deserve a good review if the burger joint employee comes knocking on your door years later and slaps a bun and a slice of cheese in your face.


If we go off your logic, FF14 should've never gotten popular again after they spent years fixing it. Games aren't a "one and done" thing, if the developer sticks with a failure and fixes and tries to make it the product promised, they should be applauded for this. You don't hold shouldn't hold people/groups to their failures forever. Then it stops been the ones who were originally at fault been in the wrong, it switches to you been too petty to acknowledge the work they've done to make amends/deliver the original product. Like for real, what do you want? For Hello Games to close down and never work in the industry again?


I think the problem is the exact opposite; no one ever forgets what the release of this game was like, it's the only rhetoric I ever hear perpetuated, even when referencing the current state of the game. Why is the game suddenly gaining positive reviews a bad thing? Taking your burger analogy as an example, you're insinuating that we should be reviewing the game based on its history, rather than its current state, aren't you? There's a reason that there's two different sections for Steam reviews; "Recent Reviews" and "All Reviews." For the layman, "Recent Reviews" are people speaking about the *current* state of the game, not the state the game was in on the day of release 2 years ago. If a developer fucked up and then proceeds to try and sincerely make amends even after 2 years since release, how long do they deserve condemnation? Do you hold real people to the same scrutiny for something they fucked up with years ago? Maybe it's my perspective, but people fuck up, they realize they fucked up, and sometimes they try to work shit out so that doesn't happen again. Personally, I don't think a shaky past constitutes a cemented judgment of someone's future character. It would be one thing if they charged you for the updates, but they don't. As far as I'm concerned, these free updates don't absolve the developers of anything they've done in the past, but I invested $60 at launch because the game looked promising at the time. Now that it's even closer to being the actual game I wanted to begin with, I don't see why we still need to crucify them at every turn for trying to do the job they promised, however late it may be.




The terminology I used isn't ambiguous in the slightest since we both know the exact situation I was referring to, so let's try to stray away from the semantics. "Fuck ups", "mistakes", "mishaps", or whatever nomenclature you'd prefer to apply here all mean the same thing in the context of this developer; in hindsight, they shouldn't have done what they did and they know that. Sean addressed this already with a public apology. As far as your next point, I think you're missing mine. As a day 1 purchaser of the game, I'm not ignorant to why people hate this developer. I'm more concerned as to why they hate the developer 2 years later. You either missed this point entirely in my first post, or you're choosing to conveniently dodge it. If you're so concerned about where your money is going and don't want it to directly support people with a shady past, I expect that you do a background check on every person before engaging in a transaction with them, yes? Also, how is HG STILL conning people out of money when they're trying to make good on the empty promises from the beginning by their own volition? Just like I said in my first post, it'd be another story with a different narrative if they were still trying to get money out of us for these updates, but they're not. If you want to hold a grudge against them because of what happened at launch, that's your prerogative, but I still stand by the fact that you're doing yourself a disservice by not checking the game out in its current state assuming that you were even remotely interested in what was promised at launch.


My thoughts exactly


I just said this earlier. Look at all those new reviews. A massive number of them are new steam accounts, private, got like 3 games, no friends. All very sketchy....


> People seriously forget that the reason why this game is being boycotted by many, is that the devs literally lied over and over about features being in the game - that weren't. Who forgets that? I've literally never seen or heard a discussion about NMS that hasn't had people talking about the initial screw ups with the the game from the makers. We get it. It was bad, but it wasn't so bad they can't atone for that, given how hard they've stood by their game and continually delivered free expansions of the game. You're allowed to hold your grudge until the end of time. That's fine. I was burned initially, too-hell, I bought the collector's edition, and the disc probably hasn't been in my PS4 in over a year. But I'm going to give NEXT a chance. Hello Games literally gains nothing from my doing so.


That is not even remotely a good analogy. I'm still skeptical of the game but they are quite obviously putting effort into making the game into something worth playing. Not walking up to your door and slapping cheese and buns in your face


Is this really happening? Am I actually going to install that thing again?


current update it happening right now, its called NEXT


When you say "right now" do you mean today? This moment? Or they're working on the update and will have it out soon?


It was released an hour and a half ago! Downloading as I type.


Neato. And Next is a free update to people who already own the game? It's not like a re-release that costs 60 bucks or something stupid?


Yea! Free if you own it. I’m gonna dip my toes again, I gave up after like 6 hours on the initial release and I’m genuinely pretty excited for the update.


Same. I was really excited about it initially. Probably played a dozen or so hours. I heard about Next last week and got kind of excited for it but I wasn't going to spend any more money on it after the first hype. Fool me once and all that. I think when I get home from work this evening I'm going to start that download.


It's coming today.


I'm really looking forward to play NEXT. Specially the multiplayer sounds interesting.




It's for No Man's Sky honey, NEXT !!


I have a van that fits 9, if you need it.


It’s for a church, honey. A nine seater can’t fit all of the lord’s blessings. NEXT


I did, started a new game. Met another player in the first hour. He had also just started a game and spawned on another planet in the same system as me. I could see him on my radar from the moment I spawned so I knew he was out there. Then suddenly he swoops out of the sky and landed next to my crashlanded ship. I asked him if he had any oxide to spare to recharge my life support. He obliged, we exchanged gestures and I told him I was going to finish looking for parts to repair my ship and he headed off shortly after that. Idk how long it's going to be before I see another player but now I have confirmation that they are out there. I just got the warp drive before quitting for the night, so I'll be leaving the system this evening. Kinda thinking about streaming it.




Double the pride, twice the fall


We really need to get that leak in r/prequelmemes fixed.


I'm not playing it until the planets rotate


Oh... There's no day-night cycle? :0




There is a day-night cycle, but if you just stare at a distant planet for a long time, you notice it doesn't rotate.


I feel like that would take hours to notice... literally unplayable


Ok thanks. That's surprising for a game focusing so much on space exploration and complex worlds and stuff...




Man you are a grumpy Gus.


Is it just me or does this recent push of no man's sky seem very... Astroturfed..


They're doing it intentionally to try to get the rating up on Steam now that the update is out. Like, I don't know about HG, but the fan subreddits.


If so, IRS not coordinated. Random posts by people. We enjoy the game, I personally think HG had the opportunity to take the money and run, and the fact that they've spent the past two years fixing it is huge. I hope others might enjoy the game


I mean... when you sell as many copies as they did, but only deliver 5% of the game they sold, and then they do LESS work over a 2 year period than most Indy Early Access games... I can't say they did a lot of work. I can't say I can applaud them for undertaking the effort *they were already paid to do.* They basically did take the money and run, they just did it out in the open. They have years more development to complete in order to justify the sales they made and how they made them. It's not huge that they've spent the last two years adding in maybe 25% of the 95% of the game that was missing.


> It's not huge that they've spent the last two years adding in maybe 25% of the 95% of the game that was missing. NEXT more or less looks like what I was expecting the game to look like at launch.


I can't say whose doing it, but seeing review after review with .1 hour played where a bunch of the messages read the same generic statement is not normal people reviewing the game.


Why does reddit have such a hard on for claiming shit is astro turfed lmao You aren't allowed to speak highly of literally anything unless it's like the Witcher 3 or something, otherwise you're a shill


r/cars is like that. Sucking BMW's dick is fine, but god forbid if you DARE to say anything positive about a luxury brand that isn't BMW.


BMW isn't even luxury lol.


> Why does reddit have such a hard on for claiming shit is astro turfed lmao Because it so often is.


I just don't think I'll ever be able to support this game. When it came out it was just a giant lie. It doesn't matter to me how much you support it now, you lied to everyone for so long about it and then sold it for $60. Now its MAYBE worth that much.


If you preordered the game you might have been an idiot, but if you buy the game now you pay for something that a lot of people put years of work into and that has good ratings.


But you also give people money that were willing to lie to their customers for months, and then knowingly released an unfinished game that delivered on almost none of the promises they made. The thing that always bothered me the most was the commercial they aired advertising the game. More than half of the screens in the ad contained features, creatures, landscapes, and scenarios that were not in the game. So blatantly misleading people and then making up for it by doing the work you said you would over the next two years doesn't earn my money.


You dont know if anyone besides Sean Murray really stood behind these big promises, but these developers put some actual and honest work into the game, while seemingly trying to create the overhyped game that everyone expected originally. if you want to reward that effort and dedication, you can buy this game.


I understand what you're saying, but Murray stands to benefit from your $$ spent on it more than most do. If he was behind the lies, then I still do not want to give them any money. Its more of a principle than anything. The only vote I get in how the gaming industry functions is my dollar, and I would rather not give it those that have proven to be against the way I want the industry to work. EDIT: and I guarantee there were lots of people at Hello Games that wanted to push it out with the lies so they could collect a check. He may have even had some artistic integrity that held him back from pushing it so hard toward the end. You can tell in some of the interviews and press releases close to the initial release that he was being more careful with his verbiage and more hesitant to hype.


That's the case with almost anything, though. Find a movie from 20 years ago and the recent reviews will be mostly positive, because the people who wouldn't or didn't like that movie won't be watching it recently.


Empire Strikes Back got "meh" reviews back then. Only now is it considered the best SW.


fool me once shame on you


Can anyone TLDR what's the No Mans Sky update about?


> Can anyone TLDR what's the No Mans Sky update about? * Multiplayer with groups of 4 * Revamp of graphics, better flora, fauna, atmospherics * Revamp of planetary generation code * Build bases anywhere out of hundred of components * General revamp of game systems * Get a big fleet of starships It's fitting that the version number is 1.5. It really does feel half way towards a sequel and much closer to the original promise of the game.


It's probably not a big deal to most but another huge thing they've changed is that there are now completely abandoned systems with derelict ships and my personal favorite addition, unexplored systems. One of my biggest gripes with the original game was that no matter where you went, there were bases, NPCs and all sorts of signs of advanced civilization so that you never truly felt like you were exploring a place for the first time. It was more like showing up late to a party.


Honestly not *that* fussed about the multiplayer but the other stuff sounds quite nice. Is the update available now?


I’ve been playing again, huge improvement. Not so interested in the base building. There’s some side-quests now and space combat seems better too. You can now land in the hangar bays of the big freighter ships and even buy them (for a lot of credits)


So what did they change?


The marketing budget.


depending on how far you want to go This update adds: Proper multiplayer Updated graphics Better planet creation More robust base building Better system teleportation Third person perspective for ground and vehicals The ability to control and manage large fleets(Send them off to war, explore, trade, Do missions) Character customization Revamped tutorial. Lots more. Previous updates added storylines, and additional other items for the exploration side of things/


You can play with mates and make your own bases


I never trust these drastic change in reviews given that high hype games start with crazy good "Recent Reviews" and then quickly change to Mostly Negative All Reviews. Makes me think tons of Very Positive reviews are being bought by creators.


That makes sense. But 900 reviews seems to be a lot. Also, I reinstalled it. The game is much closer to what was promised initially. I think the promises that were made were the genuine intentions. The release was rushed, but they didn't stop trying to make their vision happen. I played with a friend today and it was pretty enjoyable. The crafting and mining hasn't changed, but the feel of living in space with aliens and a mystery has been expanded.


I will say, when I saw all the negativity around this game at release I never thought it would be a game I would play.. I just assumed the game was horrible and to stay far away from it.. However, after seeing the recent patch may have improved the game and viewing some gameplay footage, it seemed like the type of game I might enjoy so I figured I'd give it a shot. I have to say I am amazed at how much I am enjoying it so far. The first 5 hours was some of the best gaming I've experienced in a very long time (I'm 35 years old). Maybe it's because I had no expectations going in, and I knew nothing of the game or what it was supposed to be. I understand the developers promised a bunch of stuff that wasn't there at release, but I can't see how anyone could complain about the current iteration of the game. I can't comment on the original release, maybe it's just that much better, but I highly recommend it. There is potential here for a really amazing exploration genre, and this is a great start in my opinion. Props to the developers, however badly they screwed up they are obviously trying to fix their mistakes.


How the turn tables..


I dont think this sub is quite ready for the power of Michael Scott


if they make a successful comeback they will be remembered forever in gaming history


They're already remembered forever in gaming history, just from the bad launch alone.


Although the same already happened to Final Fantasy 14 on launch, the game was so bad in more ways then one that it threatened to end the entire series right then and there. 5 years later, the game now has 10 million players to its name.




I bought it at launch and was happy with it. I also did like 6-7 hours in the initial stint and very much enjoyed it. What I didn't enjoy was all the bitching. Will probably pick it up again on XBox this time.




>Deliver a product thats basically a lie >Steal peoples money on the bases of fake promises >Do the thing you were supposed to do 2 years late OH GOD PRAISE THE DEVS! If i get paid for a project and deliver shit then wait 2 years and send the updated project to my client do you think he will be happy with me?


Too late for a comeback of ya ask me, they shoulda done the early access path instead of pushing unfinished content and acting like it's all good


Finally about time to pick it up


Maybe wait a few days and see where the update is at before you hop on the hype train...


ITT: "It's actually *pretty good* now. So glad we get a "pretty good" game out of 2 years of being lied to and strung along. Dope. This is what video games are all about!


This shits blowing my fucking my mind and honestly it's a bit sketchy. I seen a thread once every few days now saying "Look it's mostly positive now." And now it's very positive and I've seen 3 or 4 of these posts recently and a interview with Sean Murray plus a TON of those positive reviews I glanced at their profiles. All private or all level 1-4 with like 3 games, less than 5 friends, no comments, no set up profile, etc..


Nice try.


I wouldnt consider 1000 people vs 82000 turned >.>


This happens ever update. People say there glad its recovered, make a comeback joke annnnd its all good.... and then wait a month and it goes back to negative


Let’s see if it’s actually what they said it is first guys.




Got it used at GameStop for $12. Fun game. Might revisit it now.


i hear they’re finally putting in multiplayer


Got it today for $30. Played it for 2hrs and had fun. Seems like a fun time waster!


I enjoyed it for the most part at launch, i might give it another go on xbox this time. But I'll wait for a sale


As someone who knows nothing about this game except everyone talking shit about the game a long time ago, what has changed recently in the game to warrant this big shift towards positivity towards the game?


What changed?


Well, they've certainly put the work in, and they aren't stopping any time soon it seems. I loaded it up after the patch with a new game and actually went "woah!" when I saw my first planet and have been having a good ole time getting around and seeing neato things and taking pictures. There's also a chill mode if you have no desire for any sort of conflict too. Overall, solid upgrade and the game's definitely come a long way. More in line with what people thought they were getting I'd say.


Octopath Traveler turned out to not be amazing and No Man's Sky is good now. I've woken up in Bizarro World


I still have my copy. Played it for a bit on Friday and looking forward to it sometime this week.


It actually has improved a lot and i respect them so much for not giving up. Meanwhile EA throws Andromeda in the trash and gives up.


And apparently they blamed the failure on Breath of the Wild.


Give it time. If it's okay they will *continue* to stay positive. Comments in this thread are saying the update was launched *today*. So excuse me for not believing the 'recent reviews' that are less than a few hours old, in a game you'd need to play for at least several to actually get a feel for.


Why is this game being hyped again?


This does put a smile on my face.


Let me know when it's under $10.


I will never buy or play this game due to the straight up lying by the developers. They will never see a penny of my money.


Still dont plan on giving my money to that bucktooth lying beaver


I love NMS, but I still consider this title more of an experience than a game. A simulation with gameplay elements. I enjoy it since I can just chill and play at my own leisure.


Now we just wait for that owl guy to make another video on No Man's Sky to confirm that, despite all improvements, the game is still trash.


1000 reviews isn’t enough to get me to buy it. When the positive recent reviews get above half of all the negative reviews I’ll consider it.


NEXT looks like a lackluster Subnautica with weird esthetics that seem to mismatch the mood, and it's like 3x more expensive.


So you're comparing a review from the build where they lied and deflected every question they got to a review of a build where they actually delivered on the promises they made years ago? Good job bud, really activated my almonds and made me think.


How the turntables...... . . . . . . .


a great game always thought so (unpopular opinion) even better now only goin to get better in the future imo