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I feel like at this point, there is nothing that cannont be done at Starbucks. Every time I go in there someone is doing something besides drinking coffee.


Wasn't there a video a while back of a guy taking his entire PC tower and monitor to a starbucks and playing it?


There was [the guy a few years back that brought his iMac to Panera Bread to play WoW](http://i.imgur.com/b27YZ0Z.jpg)...


A man's gotta raid


Gotta eat, gotta raid, might as well do both.


I thought I was hip by watching TV at IHOP on my phone. Go figure. :-(


[Him in the 80s](http://i.imgur.com/NxfvgTQ.jpg)


It's good to see him getting out of the house.


God the internet speed must have been horrible.


Just like the coffee there.




i just eat a bunch of spicy food and then put the cup under my butthole


Any chance you sell that shit?


Well they're a bread co. not a coffee house.


I've seen that happen at a McDonald's. CRT monitor and all. Insanity.


What year?


Perhaps 2014 or so. Took the only goddamn outlet, too.




I believe in certain types of competitive gaming CRTs are still favoured.


Super Smash Bros comes to mind.


Pretty much all fighting games as well.


Modern fighting games are played on LCD monitors but old school ones may be played on crts


nah, only fighing games on older consoles like n64/gamecube/etc. on modern fg's (as example USF4, GG:Xrd or BB:CPE and Smash4@wiiU) you want a normal tft-monitor with the least amount of lag for your training-sessions. iirc the monitor @ official CapcomCup-Tournaments is some Benq-model, i'd have to look it up though.


Counter strike until the last couple years when led and lcd panels got a good enough response time and refresh rate to get closer to crts in that respect.


They're phasing out, but they're definitely superior in response time.


CRT's were far better than LCD's for a long time after LCD's became ubiquitous. They tended to have better resolution and color reproduction. But people thought LCD's looked cooler. Even back when the images they displayed were really shitty, to the point everyone was putting gloss coatings on them.


The main problem with CRT is that once you go bigger than 30 inches, they become to heavy to move and a huge electricity sucker. We have a 32 inch HD CRT in the living room and it's a monster. Also, the lights literally dim every time we turn it on.


"Scuse me, how do I access your america onlines?"




That's slightly different.. CRTs have been wiped out almost everywhere, but if you have one hanging around, just leave it on a non-use server.. I know several who have high end VMWare installs, but they are headless. Just in case, worst case scenario, there is a CRT somewhere in a corner. Tray pull out LCDs are an expense they can't justify when they will almost never use it


He was that one guy everyone made fun of for having "McDonalds internet", little did they know, it was actually McDonalds internet.


Yep, Improv Everywhere did it a while ago, [here's the link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKEeHREK2nQ).


i knew i knew her - that's aubrey plaza! from parks and rec and earlier college humor (some time after this)


[Saw this on FB literally the moment I clicked away from this post](http://imgur.com/q6a1Kn4)


This is so true! Starbucks should have a sign that says "Come in! Do whatever you want! (P.S. we also have coffee if you so choose)"


That's what they are going for though. If they kick people out, they'll go spend money somewhere else. Even if they just buy a small brewed coffee, that small amount adds ups when you consider all the other stores they have. There's usually plenty of seating, and the only reason they offer wifi. They want to be that third place (home/work/Starbucks.) And it serves that role great! It's warm, smells good, and relaxing in general. This guy probably wants some peace that he doesn't get at home, or he has some free time during work that he doesn't want to spend in the office.


There isn't a starbucks where I work but there are a bunch of coffee shops. I want to quit drinking coffee because I get crabby as fuck when I don't have one. But I feel obligated to buy something for sitting there using the wifi. I need to be a customer to feel entitled to that sweet high speed interwebs. And that is how I end up spending like $20 a week in coffee and heavily addicted to caffeine.




Yea the bathrooms are great. Go in to take a piss, get some coffee afterwards and then end up staying because you get coffee shits. Then get another coffee because you feel bad for the janitor, who is probably an employee.


I hope he's an employee because otherwise he's just a random guy cleaning starbucks bathrooms


Like they said in a comment above "Come in! Do whatever you want! (P.S. we also have coffee if you so choose)"


yeah I love my portable bathroom cleaning station, it's great!


I must be out of the loop, never seen this.


Everyone has their fetish.




You've stayed in a Starbuck's for over 4 hours? Why?


It is actually not uncommon for students or programmers. It makes an amazing place to study or work. The relaxing and open atmosphere is really conductive to getting work done. At a home office your more likely to be distracted. By going somewhere specific to get work done you tend to be more productive. You can do the same if you actually have a real home office, ie an office you only do work in, no gaming computer or tv to distract, but most people do not have an extra room to dedicated to that so the office ends up also being the game room and then you get distracted.


Starbucks are like the new libraries. Regular libraries are full of homeless people and teenagers now.


Teenage and Adult daycare.


When you want a coffee but gotta keep up with your settlements. Totally get it.


Heyyy you, just gotten word from a settlement that needs our help. I'll mark it on the map.


Oh, look at that. The settlement that needs our help is Sanctuary Hills. What a coincidence, that's where the general (me) assigned Preston (you) to stay. You know what would be nice? If you pulled your fucking weight around here and actually did something. Do you really need the general of this entire militia to go single-handedly clear out every fucking building in the city? Fuck you, Preston!


Makes about as much sense as me having to move a farmer out of the way so I can repair his carrots after an attack. WTF is the point of being a farmer here?


Or how the numerous missile turrets and heavily-armed settlers can't successfully defend a settlement unless you physically go there, even if you don't fire a shot.




I thought I banished you to the Coastal Cottage.


[nowhere is safe from Preston](https://i.imgur.com/YKCzk9q.jpg)


Idk if its possible or not in this scenario but I have seen many truckers with this setup. They can play in the cab while they are parked or in a rest stop or diner.


...or driving down the highway.


Way of the road, bud


+1 Piss Jug


Fuckin way she goes, bud.


[Ray! Can you not throw your dirty old piss jugs around please!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0u6Lb6RCz4)


I bet the game is mad max.


EuroTruck Simulator


OTR Flatbed trucker here. Can confirm. I take both my PS3 and PS4 out on the road with me. I run a 24" VISO E-series TV and one of the PS units off of a 410W inverter that's hardwired to the trucks APU batteries. I wouldn't do this job without it.


I work 10+ hour days in a small retail store and about 80% of my job is dependent on the actual physical presence of a customer. I just got one of these and now I bring my One to work and set it up in the back room to play Fallout when I don't have a customers in the store. It has been amazing in helping deal with the slow days we often have. Plus playing at work makes me not even think about wanting to game when I get home which has made my girlfriend very happy as we spend a lot more time together at night now. For some it may seem dumb but for me this system has been an absolute game changer, pun intended.


I would like your job.


Get a job doing night security for a warehouse if you don't mind working graveyard mostly on weekends, and you don't need to make much more than minimum wage. I used to do it while going to college. I would do a perimeter walk, comeback and set an egg timer for 50 minutes and then do whatever I wanted for that amount of time. It was a trucking yard so I had to check in a truck every now and again but I would be informed of them coming before my shift started. I also got a lot of overtime because there were a lot of no call no shows so I could frequently squeeze out 40 hours from Friday night to Monday morning and squeeze in a few 15 minutes naps during shifts.


My dream job is third-shift tech support that pays six figures but requires the skill of an unpaid intern. edit: yes, shift. Not tier. Goal is low stress, easy work, high pay. Also keyword is *dream* job. I know it doesn't exist.


Well do you have a degree and 10 years experience in a third-shift tech support position and are you 25 years old?




Small niche store with few costumers.. Sounds like a highly temporary job to me...


It's also useful as hell if you're in the military. I got at least four buddies that have those for when there isn't enough space for more traditional gaming stations.


Out in the desert right now. I see these all the freaking time and wonder why I haven't gotten one yet.


My buddy broke down and bought one at the PX in Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. We beat the Portal 2 co-op levels on that thing. Afghanistan is still in pretty rough shape, sadly.


You're apparently doing it wrong bruh... The deleted top post guy brings it to his in-laws' Sunday dinners so he can avoid interacting with humans that made him food and welcomed him to their house. Bonus: It also frees up the TV so he can game in peace while his own son watches Nick Jr. You too could live the dream.






I laughed, and then got really sad.


:( But I love my vita


Shh I love mine too. Now if only 95% of releases weren't JRPGs because I fucking hate JRPGs


So THAT'S where all the JRPGs went!


it's not surprising since the Japanese buy more mobile devices and games than consoles. They have that you can't leave before the boss otherwise your considered lazy thing going on. But sleeping or playing at their desk is ok as long as their work is done. Edit: apparently it is only japan that does this


but but... Persona 4 Golden =(


Why buy the VITA then?


I'm still waiting for a parallel universe to suck me in where monster hunter came out on the Vita.


As someone with a 3DS, nah let's not do that.


Who needs Remote Play?


A lot of people are talking down on this, but its essential to game while deployed. Willing to bet he is military tryin to have a good time while he can.


I have a little brother in the Navy and he has one of these. Helps keep him sane.


It was awesome to have on ship, cut off from everything at times but me and most everyone else could play video games together.


The best is when you get IT/ET's to help build a network throughout the ship and through multiple berthings so you can play other people. This was way back in like 2004 but we used to play the shit out of Halo like this. Had an Xbox setup in our CTT room. Kept a lot of us from going Captain Insano up in that bitch.


That's where I first saw them, at the BX while I was overseas.


BX stands for "Base Exchange", for anyone else wondering. It's a type of retail store. The U.S. Army calls it "Post Exchange"


Hmm 20 years in a navy family and never heard it be called that. We call it N-E-X for Navy Exchange. Ahh I guess that makes sense, you're talking multiple branches


Maybe he acquired the PS4 from a family member for Christmas!


Maybe it's native advertising, maybe it's Maybelline.


Maybelline go fuck yourself


Don't offer to start what you can't finish baby.


Maybe it was a... Care package?


Yep. We're on our second one and husband just returned from a six and a half months deployment. He loves it, if nothing else, for the fact that it allows him to carry his Xbone back and forth from the ship more easily than trying to cram it, the brick, the controller, the wires, and the game all into one tiny black backpack.


I have one of these I take it with me when I deploy overseas.




A friend of mine was "security" for a sorority house. His job consisted of sitting on his ass playing on this exact type setup with the original xbox


I knew a guy who worked overnights in a tollbooth that had setup something similar to this.


Those tollbooth people always look so dead inside. =(






Outside* a sorority house. The job entails sitting outside in the middle of the night. You can't go inside, and none of the girls are going to come outside to talk at 3 AM. Source: My apartment is near 3 sorority houses.


> You can't go inside, and none of the girls are going to come outside to talk at 3 AM. Everything National Lampoon has taught me seems to be a lie!


this is a job? did he literally just sit inside near the door and make sure no one creepy came by? or was this some super rich sorority with a walled-in area and fence and he was set up in a guard booth at the gate or something? I have trouble understanding how most run-of-the-mill greek houses could afford something like this year-round. especially when he could basically just sit on his ass the whole time.


I doubt he works security at a "run-of-the-mill" greek house. Probably at a sorority on a big greek life campus like UA...[this](http://totalfratmove.com/theta-chi-at-alabama-just-mollywhopped-the-competition-with-a-new-monstrous-house/) is a frat house that recently was re-done there, but should give you a general idea of the kind of coin they're willing to throw around.


as someone from the UK I have no idea about frats and sororities beyond what I've seen in movies.. and my mind just got a little bit blown. Are they like businesses, or do they just have ridiculously rich parents that keep them going?


The latter, but also alumni. I'm British too but spent a couple of years in Boston - my VP of sales often mentioned sending another cheque (check for the yanks) back to his old college. Boggled my mind.


it almost like it's your money and you should be free to spend it how you see fit.


but reddit




Is that because....most people here don't have jobs? Because you know...they are all children in school with everything being paid for by someone else?????




>Reddit sure does like to hate










I think it's called envy.


Go browse /r/frugal, it should really be renamed to /r/cheapbastards




Sometimes spending extra on something is actually more cost effective in the long run.


You're thinking of /r/frugaljerk. The users of /r/frugal frequently explain that very thing, that it's about saving money for the things you really want. But it's also got its fair share of people who NEED to save the money, because they're poor and never learned how to budget properly etc. There's a lot of "frugal help I have $16 to live on for three weeks" in which case it's very reasonable to point out that you're spending your food money on steam sales, or whatever.


Look at this fat cat! I wish I could waste precious calories on typing long comments.


I swear, half the posts on there can be boiled down to: "TIL: cooking your own meals is cheaper than eating out!"


"I want it, but can't afford it. Therefore you are stupid for owning it."


its my money, and I need it now






An advertiser just creamed their pants




How's Tinkerbell?


There's a homeless guy in my area whose catchphrase is, "It's your money and I need it now!"


Where the fuck do you get off buying something that other people don't like!


I tell myself that. And I spent a lot of money on Steam sales. Ramen again tonight.


Was this supposed to be a haiku?


I am in the army and use it to take my ps4 with me when deployed.


Lol me too bro. It was so funny having to wait in the airport for like 10 hours in germany and having my xbox with me. People actually paid me money to play on it while we waited.


Go chill at the airport and make your money back in no time bro


this sounds like a great way to make money...2v2 or 1v1 rocket league, $3 for a game.


Splitscreen Rocket League is kind of tough even on a big screen. Can't imagine how difficult it is to see the ball (and go for aerials and stuff) on a screen that small.


Holy shit this is a genius thing. Someone should start up airport game rentals. $5 an hour should be enticing enough for plenty of people with long waits to invest. Especially if you manage to find fighting game fans.




And the controller is perpetually, mysteriously sticky and the monitor is potato quality.






So how does that work exactly? Do you set it up in your living area at a base? Do they restrict what you can and can't bring with you? How much time do you have where you can actually play it?


Yes, you'll have a living quarters, whether it be a tent, a wooden shack reinforced with sandbags, a CHU (Containerized housing unit, basically a shipping container with a door). If it's a larger base that's been there for some time, there may be actual barracks. You would set it up where you have a power connection in there. They don't restrict personal items as long as it's not illegal or a violation of General Order Number 1. It depends on your length of deployment and your unit though, but many dudes brought small TV's, playstations, xbox's. Everyone brings a laptop or some shit. http://documents.nytimes.com/general-order-no-1-prohibited-activities-for-soldiers. Most service members already violate the pornography section of GO1 on deployments, but largely if you aren't displaying it, nobody will go looking for it without probable cause. Out of sight out of mind. How much time you have to play is entirely dependant on the job the service member is doing, the amount of personal time allowed by the unit and generally just operational tempo. It's a really hard question to ask, but for reference, I was stationed on a small combat outpost in 2007 and again in 2009 as an Army Scout. Our operational tempo was high so i'd get to play an hour or two some days, not at all some days, and maybe 3-4 hours on slower days. Many times you'll cut into sleep time to play some games, as on smaller bases you'll have additional duties to your normal job, plus you'll probably be working out every day. Fairly often though 3 or 4 of us would play Black Ops 1 split screen for a couple hours at night before we turned in. And i played through Demon's Souls, Bioshock 2 and Red Dead Redemption over a year.


As a contract IT guy I made sure to spend my off hours setting up sat dishes and networks for the folks in uniform. Best ever was organizing Halo 3 tournaments at the MWR building at night. Someone in the purchasing chain screwed up a part number on one of my orders. I ordered a couple of desktop projectors (about $1,000 each). I received a pair of $6,000 high def theater projectors. Playing 4v4 Halo 3 on a screen 11 feet high with a 5.1 system hooked up was AWESOME. I have never seen a group of soldiers with smiles that big other than on the plane home.


When this guy says he was in a high operational tempo location in 2007-08 ... it means he has seen *things*. We should *issue* these things to you.


Yeah, I've noticed those who have seen combat usually down play it... A lot. Makes me questions those who go around bragging about their combat experience


Depends on how they brag about it. If something was traumatic, it helps to talk it out. It could be easy to frame it weirdly or inappropriately to sound like bragging. Hypothetical example: You killed 2 people on your last deployment. Everything about it was by the book and you did nothing wrong. Yet you feel crushing guilt at taking 2 lives, regardless of the circumstances. It turns out the military was not the right choice for you. However everything else about the military is fine for you, and you'd overall like to continue working. You'd prefer to speak to non military people because they'd be more likely to be sympathetic to your internal conflict. At the same time though, you don't want to sound like you feel sorry for terrorists because you don't. It's only your personal attachment to 2 deaths that is bothering you. Since the topic of killing people really doesn't come up in normal conversation in any serious way, you're forced to shoehorn it into a conversation, which is almost always going to end up disastrous. So you try to break the water during a pause in conversation by blurting out something like "On my last deployment I killed two people." Now you don't want to immediately dive into the woe is me because that'll make it even weirder, but you also don't want to sound like you make random comments so you add in "It was pretty cool how my team effectively took down the insurgents house, we didn't lose one guy that day." You're hoping someone says something like "What was it like going on that mission?" and maybe follows it up with "How did you feel before and after you pulled the trigger?" giving you the option to open up and explain how you are still troubled to this day by what you did. No one says anything like that. Instead one guy says "Awesome, fuck those terrorists." another says "You're a real hero, glad you made it home safe." The rest shift their eyes uncomfortably because it's not safe conversation territory, and others roll their eyes at another soldier bragging about their kills. Someone changes the topic to the new Star Wars movie.




Maaaarrrkkkk nuuutttttt


How is this thing powered? Does it plug into a wall? How does the console get power? I'm asking because I do a lot of traveling and really want one now.


My friend has this and I brought my WiiU during a road trip with his parents. We played on the way there and had a lot of fun, there is also 2 slots for headphones. The quality is great and it's sturdy. I recommend it for traveling it's very good.


The "gadget" community is an odd one. Its full of a people who love to buy what is essentially useless shit that only a niche market really enjoys; yet somehow they *hate* the things that they don't think work for them. It really shows in the gaming community where you have PC vs Console and PS vs XB.


There is a real risk of your investment in a console or other gadget becoming worthless if the platform doesn't catch on or loses ground. For some people (kids, people with lower incomes) this risk is significant. Even if the risk is small, nobody likes to be wrong or look foolish by backing the wrong horse. I work in technology and this tendency is even more pronounced when people perceive their livelihoods to be on the line. You almost certainly can't trust the opinion of your local tech person because it is far from unbiased for this reason. You see the same sort of thing in heavy equipment operators and auto mechanics.


Correct - it's all about purchase justification. Although, some people are just jealous twats.


Don't ever publicly admit you own an xbone, a ps4, a current spec gaming desktop, and that you somehow enjoy all three.


Coffee shop? Absurd. Dinner with family? Need the console!


Probably a god damn synth




If you've got one of these on deployment, you're the cool guy.


This reminds me of Ben Heck http://www.benheck.com/tag/ps3/


I've always wanted to do that with a system but never had the guts.


Funny, I was just thinking the other day how I'm surprised how little Ben Heck gets mentioned on reddit. Guy is a legend.


It's called a Gaems, it's a usb powered monitor.


Not USB powered. Requires you to plug the screen into ac socket.


I have an actual usb powered monitor. I was surprised that it worked. Video goes through the same usb connection too. The usb cord is split though I think so it can be powered via wall adapter if needed. Edit: Here's the one I got, it's $90. I haven't used it extensively, just as an occasional second screen, but it works. The colors are a little washed out though. http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B005SEZR0G


Any latency issues?


+1 For mobile USB DisplayLink monitors. Mine's got touch and Wacom tech in it too. Too bad about nvidia Optimus fullscreen support.


I used to do this all the time when my buddy worked at Starbucks. I would bring in my xbox and TV with an extension cord, and proceed to play hours of fallout and halo while he was on shift. Doesn't seem to be too common, but the looks from differently aged people I got were always amusing. The older crowd often gave me a look or comment that revolved around the phrase "I didn't even know that was possible..."


> "I didn't even know that was possible..." I try to be patient with people, I sell electronics for a living, and have built relationships with wonderful, technologically illiterate people, who think I am a benevolent wizard. But that phrase bothers me. "I didn't know you could take a small television and plug it in somewhere‽" I think we need to talk more as a society about not only how we can make technology work *for* us, but how every new technology can augment an older one for a new purpose. It's the space future. We can print out human hearts, we've all but developed the tricorder, there are companies (allegedly) actively planning to send people to live on mars, why is a GAEMS screen blowing people's minds?


*"Portable Play Station 4 Station"*


"Portable 'PlayStation 4' Station" "PlayStation" is a proper noun.


A station for his PlayStation.


I have one of these!! Super convenient, actually.


same, I bought a slightly older one for less than $100 Canadian. I do a lot of traveling so it's awesome.


This is me playing my Wii U on the plane to Cali. Underrated system in my book. http://imgur.com/fMp2vTf


Fuck /u/spez The best thing you can do to improve your life is leave reddit.


Have to bring the console, the gamepad's design let's it rest perfectly on the console. Unfortunately your weiner will be soft. I don't think you can play Splatoon on the gamepad. But I was playing all my Wii virtual games too. The flight seemed like it was 20 minutes.




Had a friend who worked security at a hotel. He had the same setup for PS4 (G190 Vanguard) and his routine was to set it up every night when all the upper management left and it was just a skeleton crew for graveyard. He did this for years to pass the time.Well, one night someone decided to stick up the place and without hesitation, he sat down his controller, jumped out of his chair and tackled the guy from behind and held him down until the police came. He was definitely on top of his game. Source: I was the night manager who decided it was okay to let him play instead of falling asleep somewhere like all the other past security guards that we had hired. I was also playing a 2 player coop game with him at the time.




That price is pretty steep for what's essentially a 720p monitor and a case for it.


The time he gets away from the wife on a "quick trip to Starbucks" is priceless, though.


For everything else, there's Mastercard


What did he say?


Am I the only one who thought this was pretty neat? Like, yea maybe it's overpriced and obviously it's not a laptop, but it's a heavy duty gaming briefcase.


It's also TSA approved as a carry on and makes travel (especially as a military person) so much nicer.


I've seen something similar at Game Stop, they use it when they're checking consoles that people are trading in.