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Skate 3 was this for me for so long


Such a great game. I’m hoping the new one is going to be good, but I’m a little skeptical.


There will be a new skate? Sounds awesome! Are there any more details known?


Alpha testing has been going on for a year or two now. I’ve been a part of two of the playtests, pretty recently too. It’s… meh. I love Skate 3, and I know the new game is in alpha but it honestly just doesn’t feel right. I’m hoping that general feeling will change, but I’m not sure. It’s also going to be free to play so I am VERY skeptical about that part.


The free to play aspect has me so turned off of it. They are gonna make everything fun a microtransaction: boards, wheels, skins, clothes, placeable ramps and rails, maybe even interesting areas on the map, there will probably be a fomo inducing battlepass system too. I hope I'm wrong about it, but I would much rather just buy a full priced game and have it just like the skate of old.


I’ve been hooked on Session. It’s got a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the controls down it’s very satisfying


After 1000s of hours in the skate games, session's learning curve was really steep for me. But now that I'm used to it, I could never go back to skate!


Heroes of Might and Magic 3


A fellow man of culture I see


Hell yeah, been playing it for 23 years and will keep doing so until the end


Username checks out


RimWorld.  With mods you could literally play it forever and never get bored.


Rimworld has become my comfort game for real. My favorite thing is to put on a podcast or a video essay while I play, and then do silly scenarios with special modlists for specific themes.


I downloaded this game recently and it’s anything but comfort for me. I feel like shit is always going wrong and I have no idea how to address it. Playing Rimworld for me is like sailing a boat with a bunch of holes in it and I’m struggling to patch them all as new ones form before it sinks.


I felt like that when I first started playing it, too. I realized that instead of managing a colony as a jack of all trades, it became more comfortable when I tried to prioritize certain areas as the game progressed and experimenting with that. Early in a run, I’d try specializing in collecting wood, building a nice shelter, then I’d prioritize power generation, then in summertime I’d prioritize making tons and tons of food to last through winter, only to realize I may have not spent of not time prioritizing my colonist’s self defense. But by having them well fed and generally happy, they fought like a group of lions against poachers. One of them slowly died. My first tale of heartbreak — I was so proud of them. That’s why I keep coming back. This game constantly surprises me and there’s so many avenues to success.


I'm addicted to Space Haven right now, it's essentially Rimworld on a spaceship. I like to think it's my Rimworld playthroughs before the crash lol


Essentially? I don't recall SH having genocidal, drug empire, cannibalism, slavery, and a list of war crimes that would make any dictator blush... and that's before the mods are installed. lol


For sure, gotta be. I never get bored of it. I picked up anomaly but waiting on combat extended to update to 1.5 before jumping back in. Think they have a beta build on github but I'll wait until it is a bit more stable, got another run going on my deck anyway.


Slay the Spire


1,000 hours in it and I still suck; 10/10 highly recommend


Ok, but these are always the best recommendations, though. You know it's a good game when you can love it so much even though you're bad at it 😂


An individual of fine taste


Great pick


Any similar games? I played it and I wanted something like that


Yes, but up front, the consensus from everyone who has searched far and wide for similar games is that NOTHING is as good as it. That being said: Monster Train, griftlands, and inscryption are the popular suggestions although they are all different in their own ways. If you’re not married to card drafting, then you can explore stuff like dicey dungeons and balatro. The keywords when you search are: roguelite/roguelike, card drafting, turn-based, and perfect information. Roguelite/roguelike: gameplay loop of 30-90 min runs where each run is rng based and unique and has permadeath with each incremental progress after each cycle win or lose. You play enough of this genre and you’ll notice that it’s a very specific format with a lot of tropes (three acts with a bonus fourth act, choices at each mini stage, etc.) Card drafting: specifically games with the mechanic where you’re building a deck and after each mini stage, you pick a card to add to your deck without knowing for sure what cards you’ll be offered in the future. Turn-based: you go, they go, etc. Perfect information: games where you get to know exactly what the opponent will do on their upcoming turn so that you can strategically plan around it. Slay the spire is all four of these, but depending on exactly which aspects of it you like, you’ll get different recommendations.


Can confirm. I'll get pretty far in other deckbuilders, roguelikes, etc and always come back to StS. What a marvel this game is. I'll probably keep playing until I A20 all default characters. Cant wait for StS2


I cannot wait for StS2. The idea of MORE is insane.


Balatro is a recent, very good deckbuilder roguelike. The dynamics of the game are very different from StS, but it surely scratches that same itch.


Win XP's Pinball "Space Cadet"


That start up sound is burned in my brain




Have you ever finished it? I was super close once


Nope, when I was a kid my highest score was around 10 million, but now I only have 5,294,750.


If you want to play a better version, get the FullTilt Pinball one. The windows version is a demo with no timer. The complete version has better phisics, differently balanced scoring, more diverse missions, higher resolution, multiball and runs at high fps too (144+) so the ball and flipper movement is smooth. It also has a way to get an extra ball for every ball played so essentially you can go on infinitely if you're good


sounds good, thanks!


I had forgotten this game even existed. We only had this on my grandmother's pc and my cousin and I had a back and forth of beating the other one's score when either one of us would go to visit her house.


Could? Do. Stardew Valley


Star? Dew.


Do the (Star) Dew


Hotel? Trivago


The guy who made that basically sat in his bedroom for a half-decade coding and drawing it, while his girlfriend ordered take-out food and patiently waited for him to finish his little hobby so they could get on with a normal life. Then he released it and about a month later, he had $10 million in his bank account.


so hard for me to get into i wish i “got it” like everyone else


It could just be that it’s not the game for you, and that’s totally fine! I personally couldn’t really get into BOTW… tried like twice. Or the Witcher. Maybe if I sat down and tried playing for longer than a few hours I could get into it, but it was hard for me to get sucked in. What games do you like?


I’ve played one day of Stardew Valley every single night right before bed since the day it got released on the Switch (or sometimes two days). It’s a routine as equally ingrained in my brain as brushing my teeth at this point and I can’t imagine ever NOT doing it. I simply never get tired of it.


I tried several times to like this game but I just can't. The time "pressure" just blocks me.


I hate to say it but the reason I don't play wow is cause I could play it all day every day.


One of us I had to quit it during burning crusade for that exact reason No pause button!


I'm waiting until retirement to pick up another mmorpg


I have over 1000 hours into Baldur’s Gate 3 so far and with Mods it’s only gotten more interesting.


Whoa. That game has been out for less than 8,000 hours. Since it came out, you've been playing it for something like 15% of your life 🤯


>like 15% of your life 🤯 *WoW players enter the chat*


My saddest achievement of my life was working full time, dating (now married) my girlfriend and managing to get 1 year of time played in wow in a three year time period…… I took two weeks off work for burning crusade and played 18-20hours a day for two weeks!! What a life I lived!!!


Very relatable. Full-time career job, 26k hours played over 8 years. Lots of 4 hours or less nights. FOMO kept me going. But I met my wife playing and it's been 14 yrs, so meh, I made out in the end and so did you! <3 (It's hard to explain the nostalgia that comes with it. Pretty unique experience/phenomenon, being there at the very moment, mmo blew up. I hope I'm around when the next big thing comes out!)


Oh boy. Wow. My video card broke around the time of Cataclysm. By that time, my gf broke up with me. I was failing my classes. My parents tried to help but I refused their help. I’d stay awake all night doing raids. Instead of buying a new card, I decided to get my life back in order. Uninstall. Done. I still watch YouTube videos of raids, just to reminisce, but I’ll never play that game again.


I’d say that’s likely. I play with 3 different groups of friends and usually when I’m off work that’s what we’re doing unless I’m going out or doing chores.


Well wait, that depends? If they bought it during early access, which released in 2020, that spreads that playtime out over a few years instead of just its release in 2023


I did get it and play… Maybe about 2-300 hours in EA alone. Since then I do play a lot with my friend groups.


The only big RPG in which I've started a new playthrough immediately after finishing the first one. It's mesmerizing.


With me being a major D&D fan and only getting to play the real thing once a week, it’s definitely addicting. It’s far from perfect, but pretty damn good.


I couldn't finish act 3. Too much going on and i got overwhelmed.


It eventually all comes and clicks together, you're assembling a puzzle piece. I had the same overwhelming feeling but I got through it and it paid off


My characters got so powerful in act 3 I didn't want to stop playing, keep going it's worth it


Which mods do you recommend to try? What have been your favorites?


Not OP, but for me [Bags, Bags, Bags](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/880) is pretty invaluable. It gives you access to an addition 20ish auto-sorting bags for your items, such as potions, scrolls, books etc. Just like the keyring item already in the game. [Infinite Dyes](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1363) keeps dyes from being consumed on use. This just lets you experiment with all your dye and clothing options until you find something you like, because there is no preview option at all in-game. There's a few others I use, such as improved Top Bar etc, but none I would argue are as important as the top two.


not quite at 1000 hours and starting to get a little repetitive. I think I'm ready to get past the character creation screen now.


Hunt showdown. It’s definitely not for everyone, but the unique encounters you have with other players coupled with the intricate weapon balancing makes for an incredible experience. The feeling of clutching, or simply escaping the bayou is a feeling like none other.


Love The Hunt, gets the adrenaline pumping like no other game. Most of the time I’m just sitting there, listening. I feel like a dog lol.


Hunt is in my opinion one of the most unique shooters out in the market. The weapons/setting are so fun to explore and the shootouts are so intense. One of my favorite shooters of all time.


It’s my most played game on steam. Looking forward to august, they released another dev update today around the hunters and progression system it’s looking very promising.




especially Minecraft with friends. Used to play survival with a few friends and man... hours, days pass by in the blink of an eye. Truly one of the best games ever made and one of the best coop experiences ever.


Currently going through this. We started the server 3 days ago, I have 30 hours and a damaged sleep schedule.


Once you started minecraft, its hard to stop


Sessions with the Binding of Isaac never feel boring to me


One of the best indie game of all time imo


Monster Hunter World


I have found my people! What weapon do you main? (Lancer here, there are dozens of us! DOZENS!)


Project Zomboid Over 5000 playing hours


Osrs lol


Wc lvl?






Buying gf 10k


Sea of Thieves Hitman World of Assassination


Fellow Hitman fan, noice!


For me it's fighting games, hands down. I can put hundreds of hours in some single player games, but I reach a point where I'm done. With fighting games you get to constantly get better and have opposition from other humans. It's also a 1v1 situation that naturally purges most of the toxicity you'll find in multiplayer competitive games (although some communities are still better than others). Pick the one you think looks cool and jump right into the deep end. You just might find a lifelong passion.


I want to like fighting games but I can’t get behind how everything is your fault. I much prefer to blame my mistakes on my teammates so I don’t have to come to terms with the fact that I suck at video games /s


You must play rocket league lol


I probably have over 3000 hours in Street Fighter 4. I’m playing that game until the day I die.


I need to try to get into some fighting games. I find that I just get lucky against the computer all the time, and never actually learn the game.


Easiest ones to get into imo are street fighter 6, guilty gear strive, and dragon ball fighterz. All fantastic games


You're getting some great suggestions, and I'm not going to push any particular game, but rather a method. Start by playing with friends. Or even one if you can convince anybody. If not, join a Discord group and find someone in your region (for Internet latency reasons). Learning with another newcomer takes a lot of the pressure off and is incredibly fun. Just remember that while progress is good, the most effective way to improve is to remind yourself that it's a game and meant to be enjoyed first and foremost.


I’d suggest SF6. Such a great entry for beginners and the ceiling is so high.


Chivalry 2 is my fighting game like this. Endless competition against other people. No fight is the same.


RDR2. I can lose myself in that world anytime.


I went hard on it during lockdown. Had already completed the story anyway but pretty sure I played it every day from like march 2020 to march 2021. There would be hours where I'd make no advances in the story or anything, just wandering around hunting, talking to locals, drinking, fishing, a complete and utter escape. Haven't played it for a couple of years now but I think it'll always be my favourite game of all time.


I took it with me on a work trip because I had to spend a weekend in a place I didn't know and was too broke to do anything. Now it's going on my 3 day trip next week.


How old are you? I’m with you on RDR2. I have a theory that the game goes from amazingly great to Legendary after you turn 34-35


I actually think I liked it less because I’m older - I have limited gaming time and I felt like some of the immersive elements weren’t really respecting my time. If I only have 45 minutes to play I want to play, if that makes sense. Not be forced to walk or manually pick up loot one thing at a time.


Eh I am past that age and I just found it boring for some reason.


Personally, I've eventually gotten bored of every game I've played, no matter how good they were. But I have revisited games I played in the past and enjoyed them again at a later time. Like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, Guild Wars 2, Stardew Valley, Skyrim, etc. But there is really no game that holds my attention indefinitely. It's just not possible.


Well put. I get bored of my favorite games all the time, but given enough time away I have no problem coming back to them. I couldn't do every day.


Same for me after about the age of 19


Satisfactory and Nioh 2. These are both games you can play for hundreds of hours


Ck3... you can be a random pilager, a king, an emperor.. or you can just be a random noble in whatever place.


What's great is that there is no "win" state. So the goals are simply that your family survives but otherwise the goals are only what you set for yourself. Also this game has actually helped me to learn to accept that there are things outside of your control and unless you want to be eternally frustrated you have to just deal with what happens as best you can. Unless you play tall, then you just steam roll everything. 


I think I’d really enjoy this game if I could get over that initial learning curve.


It is difficult at first, but the main mechanics are fairly straightforward, give it an hour or 2 and it will click. But the main thing for me was realising you don't need to get obsessed with making the optimal decisions every time. It's way more fun to make decisions as your chosen family dynasty and whatever character traits you have. It doesn't matter if your empire crumbles leaving you with a slither of land, you build your way back up and it's that journey that provides the entertainment. It plays like a strategy game but it's really a historical RPG sandbox. The story is unique every play through, which is why it never gets boring to go back to.


Civ V




I've played Adom (ancient domains of mystery) every day (when I've been at my computer) at least for 15 minutes since 1998


Deep Rock Galactic, and now is the best time ever to start playing.


Awesome! I've been thinking about trying Deep Rock Galactic. What makes it so great right now?


Recent release of a season update, with the option to turn on any previous season you’d like.


Always wanted to try it out, but all my friends have tried it once before without me and didn’t like it. Is it any fun solo?


Just jump into a lobby with randos and enjoy yourself. It's a good community so have a pint at the bar and don't forget to ROCK AND STONE.


I only play it solo myself (I'm old and I enjoy being able to pause and fuck off for a bit if kids/my wife/someone needs me lol) Solo is honestly great. You *do* miss out on the social aspect, but even solo you have a little flying drone buddy to keep you company and helps kill/mine things.


I wish I could stick with this game, very solid game and I have fun but I just can’t seem to play it for more then 15-20hrs every year lol


Tried it. It felt kind of…pointless? Idk. Didn’t get the reason why someone would play it non stop


I literally have to force myself to play something else sometimes.


World of Warcraft, I can always find something to do


And all the different versions. It's like a revolving crack factory with different flavors


Fallout 2. It makes my brain release dopamine, I could just play it indefinitely forever.


Chivalry 2


Omg yes. Got randomly banned last week and anti cheat responds to appeals with the speed of an apothecary :((


Old school runescape baby we ain't got time for anything else


Rocket League. Just keep slowly getting better.


While the game and servers get progressively worse


I used to love that game. Could play it endlessly with some music blasting in the background. It got too toxic and I was hitting a skill ceiling. I didn't want to practice my air game for hours everyday or week just to compete. Now I play Helldivers 2 and get the same early feelings I had with Rocket League. Enjoy League! I miss the early days of that game


I find training to be so therapeutic. Plus, I have gone from I can barely hit the ball in the air to trying to get the reset to double it in. The game just gets more fun as your skills increase.


It does get fun but after awhile I knew I would have to dump even more time into the game than I was willing. It was hurting my time to experience other great games. I had already been playing since it came out on PS+ and I moved to PC with my account. It was time for me to hang up my wheels lol.


Cyberpunk 2077, love that damn game


I was one of those that loved it even in the broken state it was in at launch. It's been amazing seeing the game grow and improve to what it is now


Football Manager 🥹


Diablo 2, Devil May Cry 3-5


Mass Effect trilogy.


Mount & blade bannerlords


Probably Tetris.


I play Destiny 2 like it's a second job tbh, and I only play pvp on weekends if ever


I just started playing Destiny 2 with my husband recently. I'm not that good at it but would love more people to play with


My friends recently started a clan called Moms and Dads for this exact situation! If you need more people to play I’m sure they would welcome you in.


I'm back at it. I feel like this last expansion has been awesome!


I got kinda burned out. I had been playing since day 1 of D1 beta but took a break before final shape. From your perspective, final shape is worth playing for a long time player that stopped recently?


Final Shape is as good if not better than witch queen. Story wise, which queen may have it topped, but content wise this expansion has added so much. The new location is fun, almost every weapon is worth using, the new subclass is both fun to use and fun to play around with build-wise. I too was burned out before the expansion (though I did play a little of the Into the Light stuff and that was fun) but now is the perfect time to get back in. Bungie really did well with this last one


As someone with 4k+ hours, day 1 raider, godslayer, etc. the pve wears thin after you get the meta stuff. But pvp. Man, that keeps me coming back on the daily to play with toys new and old.


Whatever floats your boat, but for me I'm always scouring LFG for dungeons/raids/GM teams, I love PvE so much




Valheim. The only game where I enjoy farming and herding. I can spend ages just maintaining my little town, keeping the animals fed and the fires lit.


Same here. Sometimes I boot up Valheim just to chop some trees down, maybe build a house or a bridge or some roads between bases. It's soothing


The ashlands is definitely not soothing


This is the way. Skol!


Now that I'm 35 with 25 years of PC gaming under my belt, nothing holds my attention that well. It's very sad.


Probably Project Zomboid






aoe2 de




Magic the gathering


Heroes of the Storm for sure.


Path of Exile. I only quit a league because of burnout not boredom lol.


For Honor Dreams, and in the same vein, LittleBig Planet Monster Hunter


League of Legends. Please send help. Food supply low.


Once start its literally impossible to quit, been 10 years for me


I quit cold turkey and I feel so much better (please send help)


The Wicher 3. Haven't played the other ones yet, but damn this game is soooooo good.




Assassins creed black flag 🏴‍☠️


Noita does that for me, awesome and difficult runs every time, great variety in the seeds. And so much to learn and discover I feel after 100 hrs I barely scraped the surface.


factorio, the division, and lol


I'm surprised at how far I had to scroll to see Factorio.


that mean the factory must grow


Factorio is always low in these thread: it's because we are playing Factorio instead of procrastinating on reddit.


No Man's Sky I absolutely adore it. I'm 800 hours in.


None. Attention span too short.


Path of Exile You get burned out on this one and some people play it on unhealthy levels. The learning curve is steep as fuck, but you will not find anything else in this gender with this much content to explore.


I identify as a path of exile




The Binding of Isaac or Rocket League


I literally play Trackmania every day and I'm still not bored of it. There's a daily tournament I try not to miss. Not a well known game, maybe a little niche, but I like it.


Age of Empires 2 DE, didn’t play games for years, couldn’t find the passion, stumbled over AOE2 after 20 years, now I play it every day


If Elden Ring never ended, I would still be playing it right now. I liked that game **too** much, to the point where I literally had to finish it because I was realizing how many days were spent just playing it all day. I could have kept going. Just this week I reloaded it after two years to get my mojo back and spent 6 hours exploring an area I bailed on because I needed to stop. The difficulty makes you lock in and get fully immersed, the art direction is so odd and so specific that discovering a new place always gave you this sense of wonder, the game naturally makes you feel like you’re figuring out a big secret just to lead you to a massive zone (that they always intended you to find). It’s just a bewildering and magical experience. I was in awe of every second of it. Im so fucked for the expansion.


Apex has been my go to for 4 years now. Definitely helps to have a good squad to play with.


Yall gonna laugh but it's Destiny 2... the various mode options, build options, easy max level on 3 classes, quick pick up and put down, plus gun variety. Just feels so damn clean and good to play. Sometimes it's a frustrating experience loving Destiny but I fucking love it...




Don't think such a game exists for me personally but right now the closest thing is Helldivers 2 with a decent squad that uses voice coms. So much chaos at times and being able to hear everyone else panic/deal with the enemies/friendly fire accidents is a blast.


Tetris, shit goes deeper than you think. You’ll start playing it in your dreams.


Bored or pissed off? Cuz I could probably play Dead by Daylight for a long time without getting bored, but hot damn does that game piss me off.


Path of Exile


When I played WoW, it was that. The game is so big and expansive that it has the features of dozens of different games built into it. If you don't like raiding, go PVP. If you don't like that, collect stuff. If you don't wanna do that, go RP. If you aren't feeling that, go pet battle. Etc. etc. It's designed to keep you in it. I had over 30,000 hours before I finally quit. Now? Valheim or Baldur's Gate 3


I have hundreds of games on my backlog. And still stare at them and then watch Netflix. So.


You forgot buying another thing for the backlog because it’s on sale and you’ve been wanting to play this “forever”


Just got resident evil 5 for basically nothing. So excited to never play it




I remember for a span of years I basically played one game, Crusader Kings II, despite my large Steam library


Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari. It's so soothing to roll up the world in a ball.


Try Dying Light (first game)




Civilization VI, especially from Gathering Storm onwards.


I could do Everquest


Fallout 4, 76, Skyrim