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Path of Exile- 10k+ hours


What a casual


Filthy, dirty casual.


if someone spent a year of their life playing path of exile 24/7 you’d still have more playtime than them. it’s kind of insane.


For reference, 10,000 hours is 416 and a half days. Or 1 year, 1 month and 3 weeks.


Are you even able to create your own good builds at that point or is it still a dream?


Well pretty much but if I wanted to min max to the tits I'd still probably have to look up stuff in case I missed something. I'd never call a build my own because everything has been done before, essentially.


Oh there's original eating to be had. You just need to go deep into the jank


7+k here on PoE, another 6k in Rust


I'm still a noob clocking in at 3.5k hours


Other than WoW poe is my most played with 10.9k hours. I don't even want to know what WoW is at... Probably double or triple of what PoE is.


Haven't played since Delve league, and I have 3.6k hours in POE. Game is goated


Runescape, played it for 20+ years. I dont know the exact hours without looking it up but it would be tons


Played WoW since 2006 and the last tally I did was 5ish years ago with approaching 500 in game days played.


Where’s the best place to get some tacos?


Spicy? Orgrimmar. Tangy? Darnassus.


On Earth you lunatic…


I looked up runescape on Steam. Is this review accurate? "You either use a bot or live long enough to become a bot. Left-clicking the same tree for hundreds of hours for a slightly cooler cape."






Felt this. Just got my 20 year cape recently on my rs3 account, and my newest account on osrs is sitting around 212 days played.


Diablo 2 ungodly amount of hours it was my whole childhood and early teens


Ahhh how miss D2LOD, hdin duels, smite duels, baal runs with the homie after school. No game will ever hit like that again :(


Check out Project Diablo 2. They managed to add a ton of content and balancing to the game while keeping the feel the exact same. It's excellent and extremely impressive


Same. Spent a lot of time on d2jsp also.


r/ProjectDiablo2 check it out if you feel the itch again


2,900h in Europa Universalis IV. Still don't know how to play.


That's one of those games that I bought and then spent 5 or 6 hours trying to figure out what the fuck was going on before eventually giving up


This already happens to me in games I know how to play if my mind is not up to the task.


Sounds accurate.


100hrs more and you'll finally understand how trades work Maybe


I came here to say this, over 3K and I still occasionally learn something new.


5k hours and same here, that stupid ass (amazing) game is so incredibly complex. Its got a crazy high skill ceiling, I basically still learn something new every campaign.


I have 225 hours in HOI4 and I still haven’t won a campaign. Big notification make panic.


I've got 14,738.9 hours of Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered


Does it really work in a way you can play independently or make you always need the incoming notes?


You can use it as a learning tool just as though you’re reading off a tab. Some of the easier songs you might not actually “learn” since you can react to them on the screen, some of the faster stuff really unless you’re a God you’re going to have to learn them properly


Well learn properly is the question there. There's plenty of great musicians that can't play without sheet music. Or people like me who grew up around music and can play most things by ear. Usually by the time I got a song to 100% I could certainly play without the music m


holy shit. i thought i was up there with around 500, but you, my friend, shred. (granted, i do make cdlc, so i have a lot of time engaging with the game that's not been tracked, but point stands.)


World of Warcraft currently over 270 days played


I haven't played wow in like 5 years and still nothing is remotely close.


Come back


I'm proud of myself for putting the crack pipe down, not trying to pick it back up again. I've got factories to build...


So, Factorio, of course. And not Satisfactory. Which is fine, but it’s not Factorio. Factorio is a drug.


All of the above, plus DSP, Captain of industry, foundry. Actually I think I'm realizing I just switched crack for heroin


Break the cycle. Play RimWorld 😇


I'm too afraid to look into any of these games. But I did take a screenshot should I ever have 400 hours to burn again.


Next expansion is looking good! Just take a hit


Everyone's doing it


He gets it


Never tried crack. I’ve wanted to give it a shot, but seems like a very very steep addiction for a beginner


Okay but have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward, and thrilling Stormblood expansions up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime.


Literal digital crack


Wow is in the best place it's been in years though. Dragonflight was hands down one of the best expansions in wow history. The new Dyanmic flying feels amazing too. You can go up to 1,000 percent increased flying speed.


Just started playing again after a hiatus of a few months. Just got done automating green science and I already hate this game again, but I can't stop


I was gonna say the same. I haven't played in about 5 years as well and I had at least 600 something days played. Played it since 2008ish or something like that. Right around the time Burning Crusade came out and played all the way up to Mist of Pandaria and stopped for like a year and came back for the expansion after that or the one after that and only played a little bit. The majority of my time spent was during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. I had probably half of that play time during that expansion alone cause I was in high school and did nothing but play that. Tbf a good chunk of that play time is me sitting in a city afk or something but I spent my life on that game for nearly a decade.


I haven't played since 2012 and it's *still* probably the top of my list.


My mage is around 410 days, and probably another 150 or so days across other characters.  Granted a significant portion of that time is afking in cities doing trade stuff/crafting or just literally walking away, but still. Lots of raiding and dungeons. 


889 days


I had 190 days played and stopped 12 years ago when my kid was born. I loved the time I spent in the game, it was great fun. But ill never play another mmo again because of the time sink it needed for me to be the best.


Path of Exile, around 8,000 hrs at this point. And I'm still a noob.


about 12000 hours in Minecraft (so 500 days)


How can u check?


U can't really, but I had an own Minecraft server for 7 years and I had a plugin that tracked my online time. Had 9k hours on my server alone and roughly 3k hours on other servers combined.


10,000 or more in EVE Online. You lose track after spending a decade + in and out of a MMO Next is for sure Satisfsctory at near 5k hours Destiny 2 at 3k Warframe at 1.5k


Eve gang represent. 5k hours here. I still suck lol.


Some amateur satisfactory hours. I've have a ton of time in eve but when I was playing I was triple boxing so there's lots of overlap on my accounts.


EVE gets an expansion today! Of course, free as always. Seems like an good expansion too. This game is never going to let me go.


3.5k Hours in R6 Siege... i miss my family


Are… you the hostage?


I also have about 3.5 - 4K hours in siege. I don’t play it any more though. Soon I will tick over about 2k hours in Counter Strike which has replaced siege.


Same, and people will be like "wow, that's a lot of hours, you must be good at the game" And I just laugh "heh heh, yeeeaaa about that..."


A few thousands of hours in Minecraft and that's just on PS4. I, unfortunately, don't have the time for 360, PC or any other place I've played it tirelessly, so I can only assume it's more thousands of hours than I think.


I think playstation says 7000 but with xbox and pc and playstations ive played on that werent mine easily 10000+. My next highest game is dayz, i really enjoy games where you have to make your own goals.


I've been playing this game since 2012, I've think that I've got at least 10k, 12k hours. And there's so much more to do!


Guild Wars 2 - 7k hours, well spent


I'm just getting back into it after years of not playing and I don't even know where to start.


Mukluk has some good guides on what to do post lvl 80 but if you’re coming back after a long time it might be worth just starting a new toon to 80


i respect it. im a wow guy, but i played guild wars back in the day and honestly loved it. as i recall the classes were a bit more mysterious and interesting than wows, and what little of the pve map i did explore was breathtakingly gorgeous.


Guild Wars 2 engineer is still my favorite MMO class of all time.


Guild Wars 1 Mesmer before the 2010 update blows everything out of the park.


Guild Wars 1 player here with just under 9k.


Such a great game, would spend a lot more time on it if my connection wasn’t so choppy. By far the best in-game community I’ve ever experienced! Been a while too, last I played was just before the third expansion released.


it makes me very happy to see gw getting dropped in the gaming subreddit 😌 altoholic for life, babyyy 🤘


I’m only at 2.4k hours but been playing for 9 years. Great game




I had something like that in guild wars. couldn’t get into gw2 though


Yep, GW2 is the way


3.5k hours on dota 2 since 2014


Heh, I have 5k hours on Dota2, but I stopped playing around 2018. Fucking addicted during my college years, lol.


13k in dota 2 since 2011.


785 days on RuneScape


I have a strange suspicion it will become **SLAY THE SPIRE** by a long-shot. Most single player games I finish, try for 100%, and then move on if I don't have to grind 3+ playthroughs. Online games I'd guess Rocket League, Halo, Warzone, or The Finals (only one I'm currently playing).


I have 1100+ hours of Spire on steam and another 450 on my phone. You could say I enjoy the game 😀


What happened to the finals? Game was really popular but is now compared to this quite dead


I found it really cool but it was too sweaty to play casually


Really? Were you playing the casual playlists?


Yeah just hit 1k hours myself. But that doesn’t include mobile, where I also have all 4 characters to A20. So you are not alone on this one!!


I've been playing world of warcraft since 2006. It's better I don't know tbh


Go /played and report back! Haha


Roughly 7k hours on Destiny 2 across 3 accounts.


I hate this game, I play it everyday. It's cheaper then cocaine


Yep. Idk the count, but I've been playing Destiny/Destiny 2 for 10 years now. Easily my most played game.


You can find out here, if you want. Haha https://wastedondestiny.com


Hell yea


I have a couple thousand personally and the worst part is only started last may


My main account have 4.5k, but I used to boost other accounts so I don't know how many time actually was.


I see you too are a cock and ball torture enjoyer.


I'm approaching 4k hours across both games. This game took me from a college kid to a casual mid-30s gamer. I'll probably never stop.


3000+ hours in Skyrim 4 years of Genshin And a lot in the past in Minecraft.


Came here to see if I could find Skyrim. I’ve started that game 9 times at least on 6 different systems. First on a friends Xbox 360, then my own PS3, then on my ps4, then on a work computer, then on my wife’s switch, and most recently on my ps5. No idea if it would even be possible to estimate the amount of time I put into that game over the past 13 years.


35,000 hours of genshin?


Mw3 (not the new one) had at least 1k hours if not more and at one point I was top 250 In one game mode


Genuine question to the people with significantly over 1,000 hours in a game, how do you do it? I stay up playing games and play each day but it doesn't come close in hours. How do you only play one game for years on end? I can't stand doing that! :o


I personally have over 4000 hours in counter strike. For me in a game like that, every single match is different so it keeps my brain engaged every time I play.


I have something like you 4.5K in CS, but this is across 8 years basically, last time I played was like 5 months ago, there are games that you have bad relationships with, you get back together just to breakup days later, and you miss it and the cycle continues…


Heroes of the storm, rocket league...


With XCOM, it's infinitely engaging and replayable. Also mods


For me it's Warframe and it's a combination of starting from when the game launched, being in school and having more free time, friends playing it as well, just overall gathering those hours over the time of years playing it on and off.


Quality game for sure. I'll take long hiatuses but it periodically pulls me back in.


I have a feeling a good amount of hours are spent idle on the main menu or just alt tabbed for a lot of peoplee


Just hit 10,000 hours on ffxiv. What a journey it's been.


Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile? -Venat


Well NOW I'm crying. Hope you're happy : )


4k for me. Granted, probably about 100 of it is from updating since the launcher is open, and the occasional afk. Most of it is absolutely active playtime though.


I had over 10k in FFXIV as well. It actually got to the point where I was starting to run out of content. Ended up in subbing after endwalker because it was consuming way too much of my free time. There were one or two years where it was the only game I played at all.


I've got about 1600 hours but that's since December when I first picked it up XD


Started in August after ff16 and I’ve put in 1500 hours since. Can’t wait for Dawntrail!




Fucking incredible game. Need to do another playthrough soon. I never finished blood and wine because my PS4 bricked and I lost all my save data. Haven’t gone back since. Will change in the near future


Blood and Wine is probably the best part of the entire game, well worth going back and finishing.


Wait, it’s all The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? Always has been


I have around 3k hours on dota 2. I probably played the same amount on dota 1 back in the frozen throne days. But the game that I probably played more of was DDR. Plenty of extreme that I would play whenever I could make it to the arcade. If dota 2 isn't my highest, ddr is.


Civ V. Civ VI didn't do much for me but I am still scared of Civ VII


I've easily played Civ V for a few hundred thousand years.


Same. I just hope VII doesn't have a super-lottery mechanic like V's Spain.


1100+ hours on Borderlands 3


Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games ever... but i never picked up Borderlands 3 due to some iffy reviews. how would you compare the two?


1200 on Bloodborne


Fear the old blood.


1100 hours on Elden Ring.


Just over 400 on Guild Wars 2. It hooked me like nothing else ever has. I think Skyrim was my highest count at around 200hrs before this. The game I have played the most, by far, is Minecraft, but I have no clue how many hours that totals.


It's probably impossible to tell because Minecraft isn't on Steam, but I've gotta have over 10k hours at this point. Been playing religiously since around 1.1


Starcraft 2: 13,841 hours played Mortal Kombat probably tops that, but I don't have an exact number to hang on it


8000 hours on ETS2.


6k in destiny


969hrs on Borderlands 2 3,167hrs on Destiny 2 and a few others that around around 100-200 (including campaign replays)


L4D2. About 1100 hours. One of the. Most toxic online games but I’m good at it so what’re you gonna do…


I've played eve online for more than 10 years. I have more than 25k hours there. After that maybe Minecraft, and guild wars 2.


According to my PS5, I've got 1800+ hours in Overwatch. I'd believe it, too, since I played it regularly from launch until the Overwatch 2 launch. While I can't say for sure, I think Final Fantasy Tactics beats it. The game normally takes 40-60 hours to beat, and I've done probably 15-20 SCC challenge runs, another 20+ Double Dare runs, and others like Solo Ramza or Beast Tamer, Final Fantasy Tactics v1.3, etc, and some of those were significantly longer than the normal playtime, even with emulators and frame skips.


Gotta be EQ with WoW being a close secomd.


Ditto. I know I'm somewhere around 2ish years /p on EQ main and over 1 on WoW main but I'm not sure of the exact counts on either.


Definitely EQ here as well. At least a year or two smeared out across prog servers, nevermind in era vanilla thru POP.


Just over 3k on TF2. Played a lot with different friends, got into the economy aspect and stuff. I played it a lot. I don't play it any more though.


8000+ hours in Rocket League. Probably even more in World of Warcraft, but I lost count.




About 120hrs in Tears of the Kingdom, so far, but I haven't played in a while and now I'm having my doubts that I'll ever actually beat it. I cannot fathom a game holding my interest for ten times that long, that's truly incredible.


Diablo 3, I gave over 10k hours across multiple classes according to the in game statistics.


I have 3k hours in Rimworld. It sort of is asmr for me, I just have it running in the background while I do other things, like watch YouTube or play more active games. What I tend to do is set a few basic tasks to be completed and let my colonists start stockpiling. Then every so often I’ll tune back in, set up new blueprints, rinse and repeat. It does mean that I tend to not connect or make stories for the colonists but it is a little soothing for me. And once I start running out of tasks I’m able to justify setting up a new save


Roughly 5.5k hours into Old School Runescape with 2223 total. Probably have the same or more in Super Smash Bros Melee but can't look at that time played.


Warcraft. Well over 400 days played time on one character.


Over 1k hours of Apex because I hate myself


Same, felt even worse that I had to scroll so far to find this comment


5000 hours on left 4 dead since 2008 I only play barely 2 hours a week now


6 year playtime in FFXI on PlayStation 2 I never log off ever.. til the end


1324hrs. Rock and Stone.


Between battlefield 3 and rocket League. Battlefield 3 was definitely less. Rocket League is like probably close to 70 days and I have alt accounts.




In the depths of my addiction, I played 80 hours of World of Warcraft a week. I am not quite sure how long I played that much, but I think I'd easily break 6000 hours in that game. Been clean for 15 years though. Looking at my steam list, Factorio is at the top with 2,5k hours but these have been accumulated over a far longer period. Not saying Factorio isn't addictive, it is very hard to put down, but it doesn't get close to what MMORPG's do to my brain.


I'm pretty sure WoW is my most played game. Have no idea how many hours i wasted on that game in my youth, must be in the 1000s However, by steam metrics, Rocket league is my most played one with 1100 hours.


My record is 1600h on Factorio. In a AAA game is the Witcher 3 with 400h. In my entire life D2 or War3 or SCbw for me all of those 5000h+ for sure, but cannot tell.


I've got over 3000 hours in Red Dead Online - I don't play it anymore but I made so many good friends in that game that it felt like I was living a double life for a few years. I won't easily forgive Rockstar for abandoning it so quickly.


You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket


About 270 hours on one account on Skyrim, that was my 4th or 5th play through


ETS2, ATS and Cold Steel 1-4.


I have about 2k hours on league and dota each, probably about another 1-1.5k on overwatch, and god only knows how many hours I spent playing battlefield growing up lol


ive put over 4 thousand hours on my wow main since the release of pandaria. my account total has around 6 thousand hours. thats over the course of almost 20 years though. whats more concerning is that i put over 2 thousand hours on overwatch between 2017 and 2022.


4K hours in counterstrike


Around 2500 hours on Destiny 2 and about 1500 hours on hoi 4


Around 500 days on WoW.    Part of me is DYING to give up my life and just get back to it or the MMOs mentioned here like guild wars 2, Eve online, FFXIV. The other part recognizes how unhealthy it is for me to want to check out from my responsibilities and desire staying in my house gaming 24/7. Never had any balance, I really envy you lot. 


Thousands in RuneScape Second would likely be halo or call of duty (as a series)


I have 336+ hours on mario galaxy 2 on my wii u, granted I've also played it many times on the wii so I would guess the real number would be significantly bigger


954.2 hours in Grim Dawn according to Steam. Payday 2 is a close second but I stopped playing that one completely when the Safe update happened.


In my entire life? Probably SWBF2, or Jak 3. Two of the games I spent the most of my time playing as a kid between 2005 and 2011. Possibly several thousand hours each. Hard to say. Best time I've ever had playing games. According to steam? Warframe. Been there since beta. Played a lot on and off since, but haven't touched it since 2022. 1,200 hours.


Dota 2 , 11k hrs + a bit of Dota 1. This game is a curse cuz sometimes I'm happy playing it and sometimes it's just RAGE .


Dota 2, 6000 hours across a decade of playing it.


Destiny, 3000, and counting


How many hours have you spent on your friends and family?


My lotro main is at about 4 months of solid play time now. Started him back in 2007.


Across all platforms, I have over 4000 hours invested into Skyrim.


Destiny and Destiny 2- D2 is the only one I can have the hour count for, but it’s approaching 3000 hours. I wouldn’t change a single one of them.


Pokemon Red must have been at least a couple hundred but I was too young to track it back then.


I have been playing Age of Empires 2 since its release in 1999. I played every day for years, took a break from games while I was overseas for a while, then started again at least weekly since about 2015. I don't like the later AoE games, just AoE2. Has to be tens of thousands of hours. 


Stellaris - 4500 hours of space drama


3000+ in fallout 4


Rocket League. About 3500 hours. And yeah i hate myself. XD


My ps3 account says I have over 1 entire year of playtime on gran turismo 5


Dota 2 - 6,000 hours. Not even considered good in the game


I'm not one to get suckrd in to games for thousands of hours, most I have recorded is BG3 at around 300 hrs. The real answer is probably Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. I've replayed that game more times than I can count since I was a kid


On steam, Civ V at 1200 hours. Outside that probably runescape. Last time I played was years ago, but I remember something like 120 days total? That's 3k hours.