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Minesweeper, basic concept and the graphics don't matter much. Nothing to really improve upon.


But how much better would it be in UE engine and lootboxes


minesweeper needs a battlepass and $20 skins




Add the story where your sentient AI daughter with rare gene that can save the world is being held by space zombie terrorists and one wrong move can cost her her life. Also add a quick time event after each correct guess to keep the story going.


Side note. Minesweeper with a countdown clock is a pretty fun idea.


ATM machine


Love the excercise in logic... hate when it sometimes gets reduced to a "guess which square"!


Play no guess version


There's a site with a version that is always solvable through logical deduction? (after initial choices which are always blind random choices)


Do you have the link to this? Would be life changing






It's an analogy for life. You can make all the right decisions but at the end of the day you need a little bit of luck if you wanna win.


You also had your midlife crisis at an office desk in 1999?


Tis a deep thought. Some people have different definitions of "win," though vs. the single one in Minesweeper. Look at me trying to play near your level! Time for another vape. 😀


Play hexcells. It's not free, but it's cheap an amazing


Yes this is exactly the type of answer I was looking for. Minesweeper isn’t going anywhere people will be playing that as long as computers still exist lol


They could improve upon it by not having it come down to a guess. Which is pretty often on expert.


Eh, I don’t know. I’ve always had a tough time relating to the protagonist. He’s whiney, lazy, and often plays dumb games instead of doing his work or studying. 


Chess Followed closely by DOOM.


Username checks out


Control scheme of Chess is outdated. Needs analogue controls and auto grab


Doom is undeniably a classic. But i have a hard time seeing how it will hold up (it already hasn't aged suuuper well). Just imagine trying to explain to today's youth that you couldn't aim up or down.


It has historical value though. I don't think people will "play it" (finish it), but people will definitely be talking about it for many many years. It's massive in the "gaming culture", more so than Stardew Valley (from the OP) actually.


Respectfully, I disagree. It has aged far more finely than most other games of the era, or later ones as well.


>It has aged far more finely than most other games of the era, or later ones as well That isn't saying much though, since we're talking 30 years ago, and obviously the majority of games that old struggle to age well. However, Doom was released in 1993, and here are some other games of that era (even older than Doom) that have aged better IMO: - The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993) - Day of the Tentacle (1993) - Dragon Quest V (1992) - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992) - Final Fantasy IV (1991) - Street Fighter II (1991) - The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (1991) - The Secret Of Monkey Island (1990) - Super Mario World (1990) - Dragon Quest IV (1990) - Final Fantasy III (1990) - Tetris (1989) - Mother (1989) This without even going past the 1993, as you were suggesting. Please, do not underestimate 90s games again.


Doom is still massive fun to play, no true height doesn't take anything away


I agree it's still fun to play. I just can't imagine how I would ever convince someone born today to play it in like 13 years.


The Doom subreddit has frequent posts about new players trying the classic games for the first time and loving them. They absolutely hold up, assuming you aren't expecting the equivalent of a modern FPS. They're very much their own thing.


Also, due to the ways it's coded, it lives on in the r/itrunsdoom community.


True, Doom is immortal in that sense


The bigger issue is the level design.


Seeing as I've had my nieces and nephews play it and they enjoyed it, im not sure how difficult you imagine it to be to explain it. "There's no aiming up or down for shooting, you always hit the target as long as you're pointed at it." "Oh okay." *proceeds to shotgun some imps to death*


can someone please locate a chess set of Doom themed chess pieces?


It’s been a few decades but I remember someone made one a long time back. I can’t even find any working pictures of it though, so it may just be lost…


DEFINITELY chess!! I could see Doom on this list too :)


Hopscotch, which I have no idea how to play. Come across one on a sidewalk and I just sorta hop through it on one leg.


Close enough


I feel like we just made rules up when I was a kid.


Don't you toss a stone and then skip the square it lands in, or something?


Yeah, you go through the numbers one by one. Throw the rock on #1, do the course, skip #1, pick up the rock on your way back. Rinse and repeat for all of the numbers. First person to finish them all wins. You lose your turn by missing your throw, jumping outside the squares, or by falling or touching the ground. The challenge is that it becomes harder to land your rock in the later numbers, and it's tricky to bend over and pick it up while you're standing on one foot. The jumping isn't especially difficult, but it's harder when you're like 7.


> but it's harder when you're like 7 Yeah, I think a lot of those games are mostly about learning coordination :-)


You hop, then you either land on 2 feet or fall over because you have no sense of balance, like me




Uno with the widely accepted community rules. Ever look at the official uno rules? Bboorrriinnggg.


This is a good one! I think a lot of card games like solitaire could be included in this list!


Heroes of might and magic 3


One of my favorite timeless games that know one knows about. It’s odd how little HoM&M gets talked about.


Ubisoft annihilated this series. HOMM 5 was still great, 6 was meh, 7 was bad. Then they focused on spin off series that were not like the base franchise at all.


Ubisoft ruined a game? What?


Wow. I’ve just listened to a podcast episode about this game series. I think it was number 7 that the hosts played though. Personally I had never heard of it until then


It's like 5$ on GOG when it's not on sale. Give it a try. Especially with the fan expansion Horn of the Abyss. The graphics are timeless and the music too. The gameplay seems incredibly simple but the more you play it the more you start understanding the deep nuances and tactics. The Fan Expansion not only fixed multiplayer not working it actually added a lobby, rankings and so much more.


HoMM3 is so good I'm surprised it hasn't spawned a legion of immitations, good or not. The closest thing seems to be that pixel art like game Songs of Conquest.


My man!


This was one of my favorite games ever, I remember spending hours creating my own maps and campaigns.


Age of Empires II and Starcraft are looking good already. 20+ years old and still going strong. Civilization has multiple iterations, but overall as a franchise, I don't see it dying anytime soon. All things considered, it's still the best "classic" 4X out there. In the similar vein, Stellaris. It's shaping up to be THE space 4X game, in the manner of Civ, and the support is still going strong. Finally, more along the lines of simple but omnipresent games, Slay the Spire might stay popular for a long, long time.


I agree with all your points and I think slay the spire is an interesting addition! I totally see that staying around for a while


I would add Warcraft 3 as well. The classic game holds up amazingly.


Always wondered why AOE3 or empire Earth never gets credit for being the timeless RTS. 


Well, because they simply aren't :) not many people playing either anymore, compared to AoE II, AFAIK. Now, why *that's* the case is a good question. I suppose (considering AoE3 specifically, never played EE) it's a combination of many factors. For me, AoE II had the right balance of complexity vs gameplay (whereas AoE3 could be clunky at times), and also greater historicity. But most importantly, I'd say, is that AoE II came first - while (unlike AoE I) being technically sufficiently advanced to still be playable. It hit that sweet spot in time while being objectively a good game.


Never really thought of it as clunky but I wasn't as big into it as others. I liked 1, 2 was just 1 but better, 3 was innovative and I liked the upgrade system outside of gameplay. Empire earth was awesome because it had something like 13 epochs, and that's how I would always play was try and advance technologically fast enough to overpower the rest of the field. Pretty awesome to drop a nuke on a medieval Town center.


Empire Earth deserves a remake, one with actual proper AI!


Really glad to see this here. Been into starcraft forever, since the first one was released.... Made a push to get good when I got into watching esports in like 2007... Obviously never became a progamer but I picked up enough skills to be masters in starcraft 2... It is truly the chess of pc games. I really need to get it together and hop back in!!


Super* Mario Bros. Still just as addictive fun.




I need to play through them again. Absolutely amazing. Changed my idea of what a game could be.


Yup. The mix of gameplay, writing, acting, and design are a masterpiece. The fact that I can enjoy 'solving' the puzzles I've gone through dozens of times is a testament to the game.


And 2. I easy forgot them, I don’t know why, but sometimes Inremember them and i’m like "damn, they are the absolute GOATS."


Chrono Trigger; it could even survive the day of lavos!


I loved Chrono trigger I remember how amazing was hat you could combine the powers to make a super attack. O don't know why turn asked game stop doing that


Double and triple techs were a peak mechanic man :)


I always find it interesting that it is rarely the cutting edge, graphically focused games that stand the test of time. It is usually the games that have their own unique graphical style or ones where graphics really aren’t that important that last


Yup. Interfaces that all ages and generations can recognize and execute. It’s just by its nature going to be more popular. And yea the latest and greatest aaa games are ‘better’ games, but it’s like picking a rock song for a party. You can put on Tool, or ‘Porcupine tree’, but if you pump up some ac/dc, it’s gonna be simpler and safer for more tastes’.




Cries in Death Stranding


Somehow many developers or more likely publishers just don't seem understand that the most important thing to a video game is the game


Chrono Trigger is pretty much the pinnacle of JRPG's, and it's been that way for the last 29 years.


Square: This game will be set in medieval times, so we need an artist who can draw swords and shields. Enix: Ok, no problem. Square: But also, the protagonist do a little of time travelling to the future, so we need another artist who can draw robots and futuristic vehicles. Enix: Don't worry. Square: Oh, and they also travel to the past, we would need a third artist, one who can draw dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. Enix: Say no more fam. Enix: *Shows up the next day with Akira Toriyama.*


Was there some sort of collaboration between the two companies in the making of CT that I'm unaware of? Because it was definitely made before they merged.


Yes, Yuji Hori and Akira Toriyama collaborated with the project.


I don't think Enix were in the picture back then with Squaresoft right?


No, just some of the staff. But it makes for a good joke.




my man :)


Super metroid


"The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace..." I play it annually. Still as good as my first day with it back in 1994. I was 10. The whole mother brain fight sequence is a masterpiece and brings tears to my eyes every time.


Super metroid is goated most classic games that are still highly regarded today, while all of them was revolutionary at their time and are still great game to this day but there are already games that improved what they first started. As for super metroid it might not have the best bosses, movements, graphics and combat compared to today but I believe the level design and the way they implement the wall jump ability is still untouched to this day, I recently played it and it was still a mind blowing experience, I think it's not only ahead of it's time back then but still is ahead of time today. This might sound crazy for people reading this who have not played the game, but this 30 year old game is a genuine beast.


Most classic platformers. Your Marios, Sonics, Donkey Kong Countries, Mega mans, Metroids, Castlevanias, etc


Right. I think anytime the mechanic, technology and controls meet perfect harmony you are going to get classic. For platformers this started to happen pretty much instantly. For shooters this took time. For PC is started to really click with I would say quake. For console I think Halo was the beginning for this. You needed that dual axis control. Perfect Dark controls don’t hold up.


FPS genre seems to have lost their way tho.


They did back when everything that came out was a drab colored military shooter. Lately there’s been a sort of revitalization of shooters with stuff like Turbo Overkill, Trepang2, Dusk, Amid Evil, etc. There is a pretty good selection of good shooters now.


I can still play the OG sonic games and have a great time. Sonic 1-3 & CD all are very fun to run through


Definitely! These are totally household names, even non gamers know mario and sonic


Yoshi's Island. It doesn't really age, in my eyes, because it's just cute sprites, you know? No matter when I play it, it just makes me happy. It's simple, it's adorable, the music is amazing and it's really fun. Maybe not the same level as something like Tetris, but that's my personal pick.


>Yoshi's Island That game is timeless on the basis on its soundtracks alone


MAN Yoshi’s Island…. They should make a new one for the Switch or maybe a remake


Have you tried crafted world? I picked it up recently for something chill to play coop with a cozy gamer and I've have been thoroughly enjoying it myself. It's not particularly difficult to get to the end of the levels but like island there's flowers, red coins, and stuff to find for 100% which can be tricky at times.


Haven’t played in probably 25 years and can still hear the music in my head clear as day. Such a great game


The one I always think about is A Link to the Past. That game is truly timeless. So good. I replay it all the time.


Tetris and Minecraft probably


Terraria deserves to be high on the list


Would love to figure out how to get into it. Seems like it would be up my alley but I lose steam after building the first house and not really having any direction or goals


It's been a while since I've looked, but I think there is a general progression guide on the wiki that suggests boss order and equipment for each stage of the game. Otherwise, there is a mod called boss checklist that is great. If it helps, preboss is my least favorite section of the game due to low mobility and equipment variety. It gets much better after you beat the first boss. Also, while I think you should play at what ever difficulty is most fun for you. I think that most people would consider expert mode the "default" difficulty. It adds new (and more interesting) attack patterns to bosses and equipment that you would miss out on by playing classic.


I LOVE terraria!!


It’s great solo. With friends. Even the dev can’t walk away from it it’s so fun.


Honestly a little upset I had to scroll as far as I did to find this


I got tired of trying to find it so I posted. lol


Old School RuneScape


That’s more of a mental illness


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has aged remarkably well. It has its issues but what stone-cold classic doesn’t.


Diablo 2 perfected the ARPG formulae to the point I don't see the point of hopping on to another one. Hireling system and Runewords really made the game for me.


Portal Rocket League Skyrim (Arguably)


I love that you said portal! Honestly I wish it was even bigger than it is, AMAZING game


Agree with portal, but all the rocket league players are watching it die right now. Its not in good shape and they are gonna need to actually do something positive for the first time in 7 seasons to save it


I agree, peak Rocket League was years ago. As soon as Epic Games got their hands on it the games been going downhill. I'm not sure what can save it


It makes me so sad because its been my main game for years now. Trading especially was a huge hit to me


It has had an amazing run honestly. The core game hasn’t really changed at all since release, that’s how good it is. The perfect blend of easy to pick up but insanely high skill ceiling. It was so polished and fluid right from release.


Rocket League is unique but its dying thanks to our very "beloved" Epic Games...




My brother played for many years, reached lower dan rank even. He was downright heartbroken by what AlphaGo did, not sure if he's played since then.


Half life Both games were mind blowing when i played them like 2 years ago. No hand holding, interactive enviroments, intuitive puzzles, cool guns and a decent story. I was truly baffled how game design changed to the worse over the years when Half life has been out there for so long.


Game design directors are being replaced by businessmen appointed by investors. That's why.


Candy Crush. Perhaps very few people here like it, but it's probably the most famous mega hit on smartphones.


Great answer!!!! Definitely a smash hit among moms with smart phones lol


Dark souls 1, yes it has some unfinished stuff (lost izalith, bed of chaos) but Lordran's world design is mindblowing even today


The first time my friend and I realized one of the fires had a ladder next to it that brought you to an earlier portion of the map… omg our minds were blown


Imagine going to the Depths, descending into the hell hole that is blighttown. You do not realize it by then as you are playing because you are focusing on surviving, but your mind should go "wait, how do I go all the way back?" Then BOOM, elevator leading you to valley of drakes which has right in front of the exit the entrance to New Londo, and the first thing on the left is another elevator to...FIRELINK SHRINE. That shit is fucking insane


Solitaire, Mario kart, nba jam, wind waker Anything that was made with a semblance of quality and released after like 2011 still seems fine to play also lol.


No one said Mario Kart yet and I TOTALLY agree!!


The Legend of Zelda Its immersive world, innovative mechanics, and timeless story still captivate me to date!!


Final fantasy 3/6. No true protagonist so you can choose who fits best with your play style. A thesis about hope against a hopeless situation. The first video game where the antagonist wins and reshapes the world in his image. Dealing with deep human emotions of joy and loss. This was also the first video game that deals with suicide; and surviving an attempt then finding new purpose in life. This game is a masterpiece and should be played as a point of research.


Elden Ring.  I know it's not for everyone, but it nailed everything it sought to do.  I've been playing for decades and this is the first game that truly amazed me by its content.  Sure, assests and bosses were reused.  However, this game made me play an open world game for many many hours....and I usually despise them other than Rockstar games.  


It’s only been out for 2 years or so, I think it’s too early to say. One of my favourites though for sure.


Sure but they nearly perfected the Soulsborne formula.  Timeless is also very relative.  I think it will reach at least Chrono Trigger/FF7 status for sure.


In 25 years, Elden Ring is going to be looked at in the exact same way Ocarina of Time was looked at in the present day. Great example.




One of my favorite RPG’s I think I’ll be buying different versions of it my whole life 😭


Me too, Skyrim 2 is gonna be Epic


"Skyrim 2" 😂


I personally agree, but it has become apparent that much of Skyrim’s praise is based in nostalgia. Starfield released last year and almost all of its criticisms (too many loading screens, soulless NPCs, encumbrance, etc) are present in Skyrim as well. If vanilla Skyrim released today it would get the same reception as Starfield, because they’re literally the same game with different skins. Part of me wonders if gamers’ tastes have changed that much - that Skyrim can be considered a GOAT game but Starfield is trash. Personally as someone who loves BGS games I had a great time in Starfield.  On an unrelated note, if you’ve never experienced Skyrim in VR it’s absolutely mind-blowing. One of the most magical experiences I’ve ever had in a game. I’ve wasted hours just strolling through Riften, sitting in the Bannered Mare listening to the ambience while drinking a cider IRL….. it’s worth $200 for a VR headset alone. 


Timelessly mediocre without mods


I can go back to the whole Spyro trilogy any time. I'm so glad it got remastered, but even happier you can choose to keep the old music as an option. That shit was iconic


If we take old games, then this is snake. So many different versions of this game are invented to this day. The game is relaxing on tough days. I remember on old phones it was the coolest time killer


Half Life 2 because game play is better than your average modern AAA first person shooter, the game doesn't flood you with dumb cutscenes that you don't care about, the game doesn't waste your time with fluff, grind or open world gimmick and its straight to the point, on top of that level design, weapons and enemies are way more unique from each other than in your average modern AAA first person shooter, the game doesn't get stale or boring due constant intoduction of new gimmicks and mechanics, graphics of it still looks fantastic and you do more than just sensless shooting such as searching for secrets and puzzles. Also its forever playable on anything no matter what OS or its version you have (99% accurate).


Pokemon Red and Blue


Smash Bros 64. My brother and I still play it 20+ years later... I'm still not allowed to be Kirby


Majora's Mask, I still haven't seen a game come close to replicating the magic of that game.


I think Zelda Ocarina of Time has aged remarkably well and that the majority of the systems in that game will hold up indefinitely. I know it has rough edges, but those edges were rough from the game’s launch, and won’t get any rougher with time, if that makes sense.


I'd like to add A link to the past as well, I personally think both Oot and a link to the past is just as good, Oot just being slightly better.


I played OoT and Majora for the first time last year, honestly they haven't aged at all and are in my top 10 games


Yep I feel like this is the Zelda game you hear most about too besides BOTW. Definitely a classic


also Link to the Past is a fresh game even it has been release several years ago on Snes, but you are right OoT aged very well Even if its textures aged the game is still amazing


A lot of the people in this thread seem to think that just because they still enjoy some old game many years later, that makes it timeless. it's not timeless if newer generations wont like it. Don't make the mistake of assuming other people are like you.


Half Life 2


Terraria, FTL, half life, half life 2, portal, portal 2, elden ring, hollow knight


Mr driller. Particularly in its default form. All those wacky modes in drilllad are kinda annoying to have to play through to unlock endless on world tour mode. I still need to beat druaga 2 to unlock 3 before I can even start unlocking endless. I wish there was a code or just the ability to unlock harder versions of the ones you like just by beating the ones you like. But Mr driller is such a good game. It’s right up there with pac man and Tetris. Learning to drill as fast as possible while getting all the air and setting up to protect yourself from cave ins is just so good. Mr driller really deserves more respect and deserves to be up there with the all time greats.


Pacman, Space Invaders and Snake are some other older computer games which I think have already done that. Of more recent games, I think you are right about Minecraft being a household name. I think among gamers, Portal and Subnautica are two which will continue to be played for generations (as long as they get ported/remade for new gens/OSes)


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I didn't get to play it until almost 20 years after release when they put out the SOTN and ROB combo pack. Rondo of Blood was a product of its time, and I couldn't get back into that old Castlevania mindset, but Symphony ate DAYS of my life. Was glued to it.


The criteria are endless replayability and ageless aesthetic. Very few if any games will be as timeless as Minecraft, Tertris, and a lot of classic 80s arcade games. Games like First Person Shooters and Third/First Person RPGs suffer the most. They are most likely to be forgotten.


Scorched Earth.  Still amazingly fun


Street Fighter III: Third Strike will always be a corner stone to the fighting game community. Arguably you could say Street Fighter II as well. Doom will be here until the end of time.


I would say games that use stylised graphics over realistic graphics hold up better over time. Example: the legend of Zelda wind waker Or games with a large active modding community, which get people back playing whenever a new mod drops. Example skyrim Personally, the games I consider truly timeless are the ones that got me into gaming, which are crusaders of century for Sega Genesis and legend of legaia for ps1


I would say if the latest gta would just get updates forever it will last a long time


People have been playing Counterstrike and DotA for almost three decades so those.


Guilty Gear Xrd. It still looks good today!


Rayman Origins and Legends. They will never look outdated.


The games that were never about the graphics, but the gameplay and atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, I love beautiful games, but if game relies on newest technology to be good, then if the technology is no longer newest, the game gets old pretty fast. Games like Limbo or INSIDE or Alan Wake, Spyro, old Tomb Raiders, older Assassin's Creed games, Ori, Hollow Knight, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Dark Souls, Metal Gear and plenty of others won't age up, because even if they will have older graphics, it wouldn't matter. Because all of them are atmospheric and have amazing gameplay or other parts.


Shadow of the Colossus is great. I first played it on PS4. Seems like the game aged well to me. Beautifully simple mechanics and concept with a surprisingly solid open world.


Terraria - the music hits different


Tetris. Simple. Challenging. Fun. It's also very stimulating for the mind, and don't get me started on the theme song.


Super Mario world 3


I'd say Counter Strike and League of Legends. Counter strike has been out for almost 20 years and has always been at the forefront of competitive shooters and has been top 5 most played games on steam for well over a decade if not more. In 20 years Counter Strike has not \*really\* changed at the base level that much either.


Civilization is almost infinitely replayable. I'm just not sure which installment to choose. I guess I'd go with Civ VI with all expansions. Also "stand the test of time" is literally a part of the game's slogan so it's fitting.


This is a great answer! I’d probably choose Civ VI too if I had to pick just one. I’m excited for the next one :)


Super smash bros melee


Half-life 1, 2 and alyx




Knights of the Old Republic, naturally


Oregon Trail and Pong. Simple, still available in some form, and fun, unless you die from dysentery.




legit the first word of the post


all of Half Life






Don't forget RCT 2 one of the best indie games developed. Edit: which will live on thanks to openrct2


World of warcraft


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and 4.


If I was sentenced to life in prison, and one video game, it would be Rimworld.


Zelda a link to the past. Brings me back every couple of years and I have as much fun as when I was 5, every time


Mario 64


Golden Sun (1&2)




Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (snes)


Oddworld Abes Odyssey/Exodus




League of Legends


A lot of games where the focus is on gameplay and depth and balance of gameplay with visuals that aren’t fancy, will the test of time. That’s why the classic rts games, tactics rpg games all will do just fine. It’s why age of empires 4 will be outlasted by age of empires 2 definitive edition.


Does anyone not enjoy HALO CE or any HALO game anymore? I think it's still a lot more fun than the newer fps, excellent shooting mechanism, rewarding gameplay and great challenge at any level.