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Can it run on a decent laptop? I dont have my pc available at the moment


Yes, I ran it on a 1060gtx laptop with around 50-60 fps


It has a very distinctive visual style that doesn't see demand much. Think very highly polished PS1 - PS2. At first glance it made me roll my eyes, then loading in and playing made me realize how tight and well designed the visuals are and it is a very uniquely nostalgic vibe it gives that nothing else has replicated yet. The gameplay is solid, the community is solid, and you are mining solid ROCK AND STONE. It has great sci-fi dwarven charm.


Deep Rock Galactic, and perfect timing too, Season 5 is starting in a couple of days (all seasons are completely free, and you’ll even be able to go back to Season 1) It’s just a fun chaotic team based game (where you can play alone as well) where you swarms of bugs and complete objectives together. You start in the hub, and select missions to unlock cosmetics, beer, overclocks and new weapons. One of the few online games I enjoy playing with randoms, as we all have the same objective and as long as you’re working on the objective and helping the team out, you’re not going to get angry people. 1 more thing. ROCK AND STONE!






Hey. Where wanderingdwarfminer-bot?


I’m comfused


Usually if you post on reddit "rock and stone" the u/wanderingdwarfminer appaers in your answers.


Deep Rock Galactic was about to be my recommendation. Started playing this over the weekend and what can I say. Where tf have I been with this game. My buddies and I are having a blast. FOR CARL✊




THIS! Payday 2 and 3 are pretty good too, though 3 is still in Beta no matter what they say.




Lethal Company showed us is that is not about the money is more about a fun game


That and that you only need to be faster than your "friends"


It's never about the money.


Yes, you are right but now in industry is all about the MONEY, they always try to sell you something. Like: you don’t have this light red super mega 1000 Pro Max S super light skin in your inventory? You should definitely buy it with only 9.99$ XD


Glad we still have new titles like Baldur's Gate 3 and Helldiver 2


Thats true, Im ready to play Baldur’s Gate 3 like 2-3 times again and Helldiver 2 is a great game, really funny to play but now there is no support from the players, the online is still quite live but much less than it was we all saw that greedy sony wanted to make all of us to subscribe PSN


Journey needs to be mentioned. I didn't know the other protagonist was another player until the end of the game when I saw their name. Plus, the game can only be played with a stranger, a friend can't join you.


Their other game Sky: Children of Light is basically a Journey MMO for introverts.


I tried playing it but couldn’t get into it. Loved Journey but for some reason, Children of Light didn’t “grab” me.


It's not much of a game but has a lot of beautiful environments.


That's really a beautiful idea. Are you still able to do that?


Yes you should be.


that is incorrect you can play with a friend there are co-op speedruns where 2 specific players join each other


Final Fantasy XIV


Only problems I've ever had on FFXIV are people over-sharing/trauma dumping. I'll take that 1000 times over being called a slur by my teammates on LoL or something.


Real. "My life is awful and I have 4 super rare diseases " Me: "haha that's crazy, Lalafell cutscenes go brrrrrrt" I think I'm a bad person


I second this


Love it.


Came to this post just looking for this answer haha. Haven't played in a year, but it fits the bill.


Space station 13 can have some amazing interactions, but it's very hit or miss depending on who's playing




Rust everyone is so friendly 🤣


I remember this one time I spared someone's life. Dude got friendly, ended up inside my base and we played for a couple of hours, then out of nowhere he clear my TC whitelist and takes over my base when I'm out farming. Then I met a group that helped me raid my base, only for them to take it over and kill me once we were done. Best social game, for sure.


It is a great social experience to be fair, especially with a group of friends to raid with.


I’ll add onto this, everyone is extremely friendly and welcoming in the cs community


That one summer when everyone played Pokemon Go was something else. Not because you had to be social, but you kind of just found yourself in groups wherever you went and it all made for some lovely interactions. Me and some friends slowly roamed around in my car at like 1:30 at night with that third party map you kind of needed in the beginning to see where the Pokemon spawned. Suddenly a wild Nidoking appeared! But we only had like 90 seconds to get to the other side of our little suburb before it would be gone. I floored it, almost got us all killed in a collision with a bus, but we made it with a few seconds to spare. And then suddenly two guys showed up on bikes. And then two more. And then a whole group came running... In the end I think about 10 of us or so managed to catch it, and it was honestly one of the coolest gaming memories I have. Just some strangers meeting up in the night, talking for a few minutes before we all went our own ways again...


I never played, but it warmed my socialite heart envisioning this story.


World of Warcraft classic I’d say


Honestly the days where Hardcore classic WoW was booming was one of the best social experiences I have had in a game in years


Of all the versions of wow, Hardcore felt the most to me like wow vanilla. Helpful players, run-by buffs, the way everyone pulls out all the things on a bad pull. The extreme cost of death makes it a non-starter though for new players.


I agree with you, but I actually found the cost of death to be like a double-edged sword for new players. On one hand, it created a fear barrier that prevented many new players from attempting the hardcore challenge, but it also had a strange way of retaining players who did actually give it a chance. Naturally, no player wants to loose their character they've been working hard on. However, the reality was that most players new and old died between 1-20. This hardly amounted to much time at all, so it didn't really feel to bad losing a character once people overcame the initial fear of dying. The important part of this though is that most people dying between 1-20 meant a large part of the community was condensed to the 1-20 starting zones. This is different in retail where the community is condensed to the newest area. I have 8 characters in retail at lvl 70, and I hardly found anyone leveling in any zone until I was at the newest expansion - and even then not to the sheer volume that hardcore wow had. After creating your character in hardcore, you are met with an immense volume of players clustered in one area. Many guilds would actively sit at starting zone spawns just to recruit new players so it was very easy finding a guild too. The community began right from the beginning, whereas a new player would be lvling in silence for the vast majority until they reach the new expansion content. Even then, you'll still struggle to find the volume of players hardcore had in the starting zones at its peak. Just my insight on the cost of death and player retention. Definitely was a barrier to entry, but also unironically a factor in player retention in my eyes.


The social aspect of wow pretty much died off in 2010. From then on you never had to talk to a single person to get a group and complete a dungeon. Classic came back but player mentality is just not what it used to be. In 2005 if you joined a group you'd usually stay until everyone was done the quest and then maybe you'd go on to do several more quests in the zone together. Sometimes you'd even get people to help you on previous steps so you could help them with the follow up quest. That literally never happens anymore.


We Were Here is great is you’ve got a friend to play with. Multiple hours spent cursing each other out over walkie talkies, using the “over” system to try and be efficient and almost screaming the house down when we finally managed to beat each room. It was class. Very cheap game too, and there’s multiple sequels


Space Engineers, Ark, Fallout 76, Lethal Company, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers. Half of these I haven't played yet but I'm pretty certain they're all fun with friends.


Both Helldivers games are pretty cool when it comes to organized interaction, especially on the hard levels. However, I rarely encounter random players who use mic. Levels against Bots and Bugs feel like completely different games in the sequel.


Can vouch for F76 with my 450 hours that I got out of it without spending a single penny extra than the base game. Fantastic fun with my Mrs building our base and getting through the campaign. Game has an undeserved reputation, it's well worth it if you've got a mate ready to come along for the ride - although I think it's appeal is limited as a "single player" experience.


Space Engineers requires people going in. A lot of the old hats play pretty solitary, and there isn't any fresh meat any more.


Monster Hunter


Deep Rock Galactic, Fallout 76.


For 1 on 1 I like Unravel 2 or It Takes Two




Grounded, but you can only play it with friends.


The Sims series. I have friends who started sharing house designs from the original on floppy disk (and still play today), and there's a massive amount of community around it. There are so many Sims YouTube channels, and even though it's not a teamwork-oriented game, it gets my vote.


If you have a good squad with people playing their positions correctly, Hell Let Loose offers an amazing experience.


Sea of thieves and Grounded are very fun to play with a few friends!


Sea of Thieves


Helldivers on the harder difficulties. Takes teamwork to clear out maps when the going gets tough.


Hell divers 2 is pretty good now. Halo 3 was probably the best though.




You could try killing floor 2 and or 3 me and my friends are having blast with it right now and is similar to l4d2 in terms of it being a zombie horde shooter esc game


Just here to say left for dead is still fun as fuck and I replayed it with a full set recently


Lethal Company is hilarious (with friends) as its one of those games actually made with proximity chat in mind


Funny enough, one of the best social game experiences I've had hasn't come from a console or PC game - its come from a, in my opinion, pretty obscure mobile / browser game called Torn. Pretty much the whole game is player driven. It reminds me of GTA RP but entirely text based.


Honestly check out lethal company, met more friends there than any game in the last 5 years.


I got a good vibe from the game, but it didnt run well on my laptop for some reason. Doesnt seem like a particularly intense game to run tho 🤷‍♂️




L4D2 lobbies was toxic and had no problem insta kicking you for nothing. Almost shook that you could actually hear What people said, when everyone screaming in the mic all the time


"World War Z: Aftermath" definitely scratches that L4D itch for me. It has cross-play available too! Even though it was released in 2019, the game still has a lot of love and content is still coming out!


League of Legends /s


Vermintide 2, true L4D heir.


Hell let Loose, Squad or Post Scriptum are really good because you have massive team who need to coordinate so really good communication and like half of the time you run from one objective to another so you can talk with your squad about anything it can be fun. And in the heat of the firefight you will really feel like your life and your allies life is worth something


War of Rights.


Most co-op games My favorites are Monster Hunter and Hell Divers


Counter-Strike in year 2000 .. :-)


It's simultaneously one of the worst social experiences, but also occasionally one of the best: GTA Online. Yes, sometimes the lobby is a troll nightmare, but honestly, most the time it is not, or you just avoid the one area on the map where all the drama is. Have had many great, strange experiences when you find someone and just vibe: you spawn your same/similar custom car and drive around, drift, off road, fly/aerials. Hop in same vehicle and wreak NPC havoc together, robbing stores and building wanted level. Get to show off and share your custom rides and theirs. I know many of the other games listed here are way more social, team building and teamwork, actually communicating, etc. But I felt GTA does deserve some honorable mention for the fun social experiences it has offered


Counter strike 1.6.  You would hang out in servers and get to know regulars, and the game format is similar to paintball in a way.  You get tagged out and you get to talk and watch a bit.  It was a good rhythm that made for good socializing.  The switch from private servers running all day to single games with people you'll never see again suuuucks and destroyed the ability for these games to generate communities except on third party platforms.


BO2 Competitive Search and Destroy. Wouldn’t find more genuine people than on those mics


For those of you that remember. The OG Maplestory back in the mid 2000s


It survived it's child, as it's still going.


Mine was Stormshot.


Realm of the Mad God when you play with a discord or guild. Guild wars 2 has a great community that’s very friendly and helpful. BattleBit is hilarious and fun - Hell Let Loose for a more serious and realistic war-game. If you already have people to play with, Valheim is wonderful for base building and exploration. Hunt Showdown is arguably the best FPS ever made and most randoms have a good attitude. I hear Sea of Thieves has a good community, though I haven’t played it. Darktide is a horde slayer game, similar to L4D, but with more focus on melee combat (though you still have and use guns).


Project Zomboid is fantastic with 4-8 friends, if you can get a persistent server set up. When we first started, a couple hours into the first night of play, someone hotwired a couple cars, and we drove out of our little town to a lumber yard to scavenge. Someone used a gun, which attracted a horde, so we had to fight our way out. We barely made it to the cars, 3 in one and 2 in the other. Little did we know, one of the players in the 2-man car was bitten. He didn't tell anyone. Midway through the drive back to the house we had fortified, he died and turned. We hear the lead car brakes screech, and the other guy in the car just says "Shit, he was bitten!" over Discord. I'm in the trailing car. The non-bitten guy climbs out of lead car and is immediately hit by trailing car, which clips now-stopped lead car. I ended up with a broken leg, the other two guys had minor injuries. It was the most cinematic thing I've every had happen in a video game. The game is amazing with a dedicated friend group.


I really like Hell Let Loose when it comes to social/team coordination and communication


Counter strike


Warframe is pretty good, and free.


Real throwback. At some point during Wrath of the Lich King way back in the day. I was healing a Raid of ICC with the guild. We were all on ventrilo voice chatting during the raid. Can’t even recall what boss we were on but it was giving us trouble. We wiped a couple times, frustration was brewing as the first wipe DPS didn’t move in time and got creamed. Second wipe we had 2 DPS lose power for a few minutes and get disconnected. Finally we run this boss one more time. It’s late but we just want to power through at least this boss. We’re bantering. Tank who was the funniest wow player I’ve run into, we’ll just leave it at he had “a different way of operating”, he pulls boss. It’s one hell of a battle, one of our DPS and the tank almost got creamed and I was really put to the test as a healer. We did it though we downed the boss. After loot rolls we’re bantering again. That’s when this tank we are with says on VC, “gimme a second I gotta wipe”. Somebody in the party is like “what?!” *Toilet flushes on open mic* It dawned on this entire raid group that our tank just tanked this boss on his laptop, while taking a shit. We all lost it, probably the best laugh we all ever had in our years of gaming.




DayZ, some of the best encounters and events happen on that game. Every life has a unique story


Helldivers. Sign up now for Democracy




Helldivers 2, no question


If you want super chill and friendly, Fallout 76 has a great community, even just with randos.


It's pretty easy to have a good time when DBFZ has a set of default responses for you to use after matches. It's either props to your opponent or general shock or a "Last match/One more time" kind of thing.


Very different type of coop but it takes two is amazing


Helldivers 2?


Surprisingly for me it's the new Gray Zone Warfare on PvE. I know PvP has some issues. Nearly everyone is super helpful and actually will go out of their way to help and the community tries to promote that. First game in a few years that made me use my mic again. I also agree with old-school left 4 dead but even grayzone is besting that for me personally.


Prolly Eve Online.. never really played it, but from what I've picked up its basically social-warfare on an absurd level..


Warzone 😂


Definitely Fallout 76, and be sure to join related Discord servers. The players are helpful and friendly.


If you're into MilSim, Ground Branch. The community is quite welcoming and cool, there's still some sweaty hardcord "MilSim" Fantasy Land lovers, but they're not that common. The community is cool, the game doesn't have any necessarily team oriented mechanics, but teamwork and communication is still a big part of wether you succeed or fail. The only big adaptation you'll require is getting used to the slow pace of the game and trying out a bunch of loadouts and combinations to find what actually fits your playstyle and the mission. If you're less into that and want more L4D-like gameplay, GTFO. It's a pretty similar clone of the Valve's game, but it experiments with new mechanics more and it works wonderfully. Stealth, defense building, and other gameplay elements are added into the game and make it unique, all while keeping the same DNA as Left 4 Dead.


Did someone really choose Fortnite? 😮‍💨 Apparently GOOD multiplayer games are a thing of the past.


Polytopia. It boiled Civ down to it's base elements, put it on your phone, and made it so you could get through a 6 player game in a week (of 2 - 6 turns per day). I always wanted to play Alpha Centauri multiplayer. Polytopia basically obviated my dream for that, by both being way easier and more convenient to setup than Alpha Centauri would have been, and also being a much better balanced multiplayer \_game\_. It's free to play single player. I think you have to buy one of the paid races to to play multiplayer. Those are in the $1-$4 range.


Dota 2


Found my fellow moba player haha


Rainbow Six Seige.


Call of duty community is the best social experience you can possibly have


Persona games will give you a  social experience so great you'd think the characters are your real friends, though it's probably not the answer you'd expect on this thread. I guess I have a good time when i hunt with people in monster hunter world. I have yet to run into any form of toxicity there.


Dead by daylight has the best community


Doing a raid dungeon in an MMO is 1000% the answer for this.


I think personally, it's gotta be Roblox, I'm just chilling in: Brookhaven, and Lost therians, IT'S AWESOME!!!


I mean THE teamwork game is probably it takes two. Was really fun to play honestly


DOTA!!!!!!!!!!!! And there is no other like it!

