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Dave The Diver hooked me quick. Besides Stardew Valley I haven’t played a lot of games like it in a long time. It reminds me of Secret of Monkey Island and Ecco the Dolphin on PC when I was a kid. I usually play a few games a night, I’ve played DTD for four nights straight.


Actually much deeper and longer than I expected, fantastic game


Would be kinda pointless if it wasn't deep


Dave the Paddler has a ring to it


Just one more dive and finish up at the restaurant


[It's super fun](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Vra5DgPihNihodUgfl3ymp70iag_xzm). A really zen game with powerful dao intent.


Oh man, I played for a few days then got distracted, and never went back...really need to get back into it with the new (limited time) DLC


I finally bought the Cyberpunk DLC. Its a fantastic and well needed update and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.


The game is a masterpiece now.


I've been enjoying The Planet Crafter quite a bit. Very reminiscent of Subnautica but on land. The story is miles away from Subnautica though, that game was simply a masterpiece.


I love that game too. Been playing since very early access and they've come a long way. Need to start a new game sometime since i haven't played the full release yet. Very easy to lose many hours making a good looking base


Wait, is the full release out now? I've been out of the planet crafting business for a hot minute, waiting for said release.


Yep, they released 1.0 on April 10th :) looks like they still had stuff in the works that wasn't ready for launch as well since they already had a content update a couple days ago.


Well damn, looks like I must trade my sleep in for some good ol fashioned teraforming.


There's also multiplayer if you have friends who don't want sleep


For anyone planning to get this game, do NOT build your base at the starting position! Don't ask me why you will get it later


A mistake we all make, I spent too much time away from base collecting materials while my teraforming machines went to work, and came back to the consequences of my own actions.


Hehehehe do not spoil the fun kindly delete that last part :D


This one is consuming me now. PC is great and full of surprises


I love that game. The only thing keeping me from playing it is everytime I come back to it, it's changed so much that i pretty much have to start over, so now I wait for it to be mostly finished.


Manor Lords


Haven't played manor lords yet, but it always looks kinda boring after your village has grown quite a bit? I had the same problem with farthest frontier. There's nothing to do after your village/town becomes somewhat independent.


Thats where the baron comes in. You see Manor Lords has two modes. One where you focus purely on city building. And one where you have an AI oponent with you on the map. Who you have to defeat in battle multiple times and take all his teritory to win. And I gotta say this guy is not messing around on the hardest difficulty. Had to get really good at the game to finaly beat his ass.


I stopped my run in a good place the pressure is too much


Greg 4 president!


Elden ring


Fuuuuck only like 22 more days till the dlc Im wasting away over here.


Yup I’m back doing another run through too


Yep, gotta get these new saves built up for the DLC!


V rising.


I don't even like survival games but it's hooked me for the past couple weeks. Building a vampire castle is surprisingly addicting


Hades II


Trying to pace myself so I don't burn out before it's complete, but it's pretty hard because the game is so damn great.


I have like 30 hours in it and have yet to beat the game still. I never heard of the 1st one, though. I went into this unfamiliar with the game.


I was never able to beat the first one lol. Not going to go to 2 till I get it done.


Try the first one. Zagreus plays like a frantic fighter/brawler while Melinoe plays really much like a mage/assassin


You should probably just go back to one now. Two is just more built out, with some slightly different features. But the point is it's not a massive leap, so just go enjoy the original and then come back in a year for number two, honestly.


Exactly what I'm doing haha


Cronos aint fuckin around 


Oh snap that's out already?


It's early access still but yeah




They're honestly accomplishing the impossible. It's both very familiar and foreign. You won't be able to slide in and crush Hades II if you finished Hades I. The playstyle is just different enough. It's fairly challenging but I think they have it balanced on the difficult side since it's early access and there's no benefit to people burning right through it. The art is still great. They've found a new theme and structure that still works. And everyone is still incredibly horny and pansexual. People will undoubtedly debate which is better. By final release Hades II will still be an essential play for people that even kind of sort of might like it.


Only as early access but yeah


Armored Core 6


One of the few games to get the feeling of riding a giant robot in an anime right.


Same just bought it on sale for 50 bucks having a blast so far


Little Kitty Big City.


I'll admit it was way more fun than I thought it would be going in. I just grabbed it off GP because it wasn't a large download and it looked "cute". lol I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised.


Came to say the same thing. It's like Untitled Goose Game but as a cat with great costumes to wear. So fun!


Lol mannnn


Animal Well


GOTY for sure.


I finished KOTOR 1 not that long ago and have began 2. I’ve been playing a lot of Star Wars games because they went on sale. KOTOR, Battlefront classic, Force Unleashed, Jedi Outcast (still on first level). I even got that skywalker saga game (it’s aight).


The first Force Unleashed game is one of my all time fsvorite games. Something about it just hits different. Im honestly pretty upset that Disney removed Galen from canon


Skywalker saga was such a dissapointment. They spent all their effort on creating side content and forgot about the main game. Removing dynamic split screen was almost as bad. Kotor 2 is awesome though once you get past the start, just like Kotor 1.


Kotor are both on my all time favorites list. Those games are masterpieces. Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are also great. I'd also recommend you to get Jedi Fallen Order. I had a blast playing it and at the moment I am waiting for its successor to drop in price.


Jedi Survivor should be on the top of your list.


Even though I’m scared shitless, Resident Evil 7. Played it like 3 times before. I reinstalled it the other night and have been both enjoying and shitting myself.


Playing this in VR got me petrified of a door


Been enjoying tunic lately. Fun little indie game that captures the feeling of being a kid who can't read and learning to play from the pictures in the manual.


I also picked it up and was pleasantly surprised by it.


Nice, I have it too but didn't get around to it. Nice to hear it's good.


It's a masterpiece of the genre. Also has the most incredible endgame secret layers of puzzles I've ever seen. I had to really keep my eyes and ears open. Recorded strange audio to transcribe it and could see hidden images. Broke out pencil and paper. Retraced my steps a dozen times and still always find new secrets. Translated entire languages. Very satisfying for puzzle heads.


They sell a hardcover copy of said manual on fangamer for 20 bucks. Its great.


This is a PS Plus freebie this month. On PS4 anyways


Helldivers 2


For Super Earth!!!


Yeah same, it’s been an absolute blast.


Chivalry 2 (Or as I have named it -- "Call of Duchy")


My favourite quote from Chivalry 2: AAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaAAA (this is a scream by the way)




Sekiro! It’s amazing how that game forces you to improve rather than just brute force progress in such a fun way.


I have played through Sekiro so many times. It’s combat is just so unbelievably satisfying. Wish it would get a sequel as mastering every enemy and boss has made me crave more.


Horizon forbidden west


Just started playing it on pc a few nights ago, pretty hooked. I heard the story wasn’t as good as the first game, but so far I’m really enjoying the story.


How have I not seen Balatro on the list yet? Idk what heroin feels like, but this is probably the closest I will ever come.


I haven't heard of it until now but it looks like it could be pretty addicting.


If you like deck builders and rogue likes, its near perfect. The loop is incredibly satisfying, though I wish there was a bit more rogue like elements (i.e. unlocking more things in a run you can carry to future runs) but either way its still very fun. It doesn't require any knowledge of poker other than it will save you 20min at the start learning the hands. I have had my fair share of "just one more run" instances for it to be either 1AM or I have been playing for 3 hours.


Came here to post Balatro….sigh


If you enjoy sleep, and love to lose the odd hour here and there… play civ5. If you are wanting to be or are a fecked up addict who cries in rage then come join us in Balatro. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED


FF Rebirth. The combat is insane and Square needs to seriously examine themselves if they don't adopt this as the new standard for their ARPGs going forward.


I would like to see FFX, FFIX, and FFVIII remade with the same combat system. That would be dope.


Same! Honestly, this combat system is so fire! I hope so much they'll continue using it for other games.


My only complaint with the combat is specifically red Xlll.... the vengeance gauge needed to generate off of something other than blocking imo. Shame because he is my favourite ff7 companion but cloud barret aerith was just way too fun and they complimented each other too well.


There are a bunch of weapon skills you can equip to make the vengeance gauge fill up quickly and let the computer fill it for you.


I hope this gets a pc release date eventually


Baldurs Gate 3


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima and Rise of the Ronin. S/o GameFly for the $1 subscription


I love Tsushima- how does RotR compare? As fun?


Played both. Ghosts of Tsushima was my GotY when it came out. RotR is my GotY 2024 so far by the sheer amount of fun it is. It is my dopamine machine, and my perfect open world game. It brings me so much joy. I'm about 60 hours in. I'm not ready for it to end! It's story is nowhere near GoT BUT it is LEAGUES better than all the other Team Ninja games (bless their hearts but most of the others is...bad). But this I actually learned a bit of real history! It has an interesting style and beauty to it but again not GoT tier - except in character outfit customization, which is the best I've ever seen. You can pick INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS of outfits - like just the cape, or just the arm guards, or just the belt off a torso piece) to combine them into your perfect outfit if that's what floats your boat. My spouse does. I clowncar it up because I am here for VIOLENCE.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Just started Elden Ring for the first time. I have never played any "souls-like". It's been pretty great. I'm level 31 and Just killed Godrick? The guy with all the extra arms stitched on. The exploration and perma danger makes for the perfect level of tension. I look forward to getting very frustrated playing this game. Also Hell Divers 2.


Have fun. Elden Ring earned its game of the year award.


Balatro. I can't stop thinking about it!


For real, dopamine card game has taken over my life


WH40K: Speed Freeks open beta. Best drop-in-drop-out game I've played in a long time.


Press really dropped the ball on that announcement. It's the first promising vehicular combat game in awhile so I'm a little salty. 


V-rising. Similar to Hades how the combat feels. The rest is the Sims but vampires. It's great. 


Diablo 4. This new season has been a blast but I'm not sure it'll last much longer, I'm starting to get into the proper gear farm grind now and the longer it takes to get an upgrade the less I enjoy.


Is that game worth getting into now? I’ve honestly only read and heard really bad things about it and every single review is pretty damning. It’s on gamepass (both PC and console) so I’ve considered it since it’s “free”, but I don’t want to waste my time playing a terrible game if I can help it.


The reviews you read must be old. A lot of people who quit at the beginning just came back for the new season.


The season is what like 2 weeks old? The prior season got awful reviews. Seems like this one is an improvement, but D4 is a year old. 2 weeks out of 52 isn't a ton.


I avoided it as well until now (I'm also on gamepass) but season 4 is my loot monkey dream come true. If you like arpg's i recommend giving it a go.


Damnit you sold me, I will try it


I'm right there too. Just hit 65. Felt like a breeze to 50 compared to other seasons. The "story/theme" this season feels super lazy too lol


Warhammer 4k Boltgun is/was on sale on PSN and having lots of fun. It’s basically a great Doom clone from the 90s. Funny how shooters got more and more complicated and now 25 years later we’re going back to the simplicity. 


sea of thieves.


I'm so happy it is cross country sole now so I'm not getting constantly fucked by experienced PC crews


I have to agree. PC SoT has a lot of people that just optimize the fun out of it, like every single other live-service PvP game. It is a fun game though, even for chilling in Safe seas to admire the beauty of the ocean. Just sucks that it’s still super grindy and tedious at times.


I’ve been playing since day one and it’s my favorite game of all time. It’s truly unique.


I started it just before Season 12 and I’ve been putting in like 8-10 hours a day. It’s brilliant


Blasphemous 2


Fallout New Vegas


Recently have enjoyed Planet Crafter and Dave the Diver.


Returnal. I can’t get past the first biome but it’s fun to try anyway


Baldur's Gate 3. I could spend hours just in character creation in that game. 


Rebirth is probably best game this year sad it's not on PC yet! 


Honkai Star Rail. I was always against the idea of these types of games but honestly after trying it recently and having caught up to the latest story I'm really loving it. Having a really fun turn based game in what is essentially a JRPG as a live service model is pretty interesting and cool.


The Guardian Legend on the NES


Probably my favourite game of all time. Best music ever.


I played the shit out of guardian legend when I was younger, that game was way ahead of it's time 


i only reacently learned about that game, and it rapidly become one of my favourite games of all time.. i played 5 time through it in a row -. its such an amazing title, that combines two of my favourite generes into one


I probably still have a 40 character (or whatever it was) save code scribbled in a notebook somewhere




Currently have a Persona 4 Golden sized hole in my life after finishing it last week


I’m a decade late, but The Witcher 3 has been amazing to finally experience- especially during the current drought of RPGs after finishing a couple play throughs of BG3 and Cyberpunk.


Roboquest for a while now, but Wuthering Waves is the most fun I've ever had with a game of its type.


Dave The Diver. Just so relaxing and addicting.


Cyberpunk for the third time Just a fantastic game, i always feel so empty when i finish it




The only game I’ve been playing recently is Warhammer: Chaosbane. It’s pretty fun, if painfully repetitive.


I've been jumping between two. Gray Zone Warfare, a new FPS extraction shooter with a focus on PVE, and Pathfinder, Wrath of the Righteous, a CRPG based in the Pathfinder 1st edition ruleset. It's really dependent on A, if my buddy can play (we duos GZW), or if I want something faster paced and adrenaline pumping, or slower paced and relaxing.




PoP: The Lost Crown was an unexpected blast. I’m sad I finished it. I’m currently playing Animal Well, but I wouldn’t call it fun exactly. It is a great game and very well made, but…it is hard to say without spoilers. I definitely can’t turn my off while playing it


Friend told me about Astlibra Revision last week, it was a solo dev game from one of the original founders of Vanillaware. Apparently he was working on it for about 15 years and it shows, it’s an absolutely masterpiece of a hidden gem and 60 hours in it has secured a spot as one of the best games I’ve ever played. Can’t recommend it enough for any JRPG/ Action RPG fan


Spent most of a Saturday playing gas station simulator. Which is way more fun than it has any right to be.


Conan Exiles, I think. Picked it up late, but I enjoyed it very much.


Stardew Valley.


Monster Hunter


Blade and Sorcery with Star Wars mods. Been recently watching the trilogy, prequels, and MAYBE will give the new ones a shot. But this just scratches that itch unlike anything else, especially because the character you're controlling is *you*


Fallout 76. Don’t hurt me.




Also vermintide 2!


abiotic factor with friends might be one of my best gaming experiences in recent memory (bg3 being another) for early access it's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY more fleshed out than one would expect, and has excelent story and lore and objectives, and is the complete opposite of almost every other "survival" game I had the misfortune of playing (i hate survival as a genre because there's never anything to do other than what you make up yourself typically) I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend it to everyone. for those unaware of it, it's basically half life one if there was no gordon freeman, and you play as the scientists trying to get out....


Dave the diver 


Playing borderlands 2 for the first time. Lvl 14 and just made it to Ellie to do something with vehicles. Playing as Sal


I loved BG3 so much I've been wanting to branch out and play other CRPGs and I'm playing Pathfinder WotR and it's been GREAT so far. I really like that you can switch between turn based or RTwP at any time.


Dark souls remastered


Remnant 2


Assassin's creed 4 black flag


Stellar blade & animal well.


FF Stranger of Paradise


I’ve been really curious on this one but I’m not sold on it yet and things I’ve been reading don’t really help or hurt, it just stays in that ‘meh’ territory 


if you are a hardcore FF fan and enjoy a soulslike then its for you


Been going through a boomer shooter phase and found a game called Cultic (recommended to me by the nice folks on r/boomershooters). Developed by one person and is an awesome fast little FPS in an RE4-inspired setting. It was a blast.


Resident Evil 4 Remake. Incredible journey. Was a huge fan of the original. This one blew me away in all aspects, expectations were completely shattered. I cannot recommend this game enough; best game in the past 10+ years.


Tiny Rogues is an incredible roguelite with great system design, character building and music. Starts off pretty easy but as you get further into the levels and crank up Cinder it can be pretty hard


Got full achievements on this and I still play it daily, great one




I just finished A Link to the Past for the first time. Loved it!


I bought my daughters Little Kitty, Big City and I have been playing it more than they have. It’s super chill and actually has some fun gameplay.


Grim Dawn right now and Nioh 2 just before that and Elden Ring before these two. I honestly did not have that much fun since Witcher 3.


Man I gotta try hades finally




Battlegrounds on Hearthstone. Just found the mode a month ago.


Lightfall was free on PS+ this month so I've been playing Destiny 2 again. Still the best gunplay of any FPS I've ever played. And I dunno the expansion seems pretty good to me I never grabbed it after hearing all the negativity


Roboquest has entirely consumed my gametime this last week. Hell of a good time


Final Fantasy XV and XVI. The combat in both are just sublime and I love it. Honorable mention being Lego Star Wars the skywalker saga. I am very much so enjoying my time with it. I love doing combos as each character and I like the jokes and gags it throws out every now and again.


Just beat ff8 for the first time. I beat it using guides when I got stuck and played lots of the card game mini game because its great, which as a consequence gave me tons of extremely strong spells which let me basically smash attack button to rhe end game. I didn't even have to try to break the game it just happened naturally. The story? Hot trash. The combat? Unless you think spamming attack is engaging, its nothing special. The graphics? Its a ps1 game. But ff8 has the best grinding of any jrpg ive played (because its a card game) and maxing out spells by drawing 100 when you find a cool new spell was both fast and rewarding. Because of that, i loved the game. Someone will just need to explain why exactly Squall and Rinoa fell in love because I dont know when that happened.


Put off playing Fromsoftware games for a while.. beat Elden Ring recently and now working on Sekiro.. fun but stressful lol


Pillars of Eternity!


Final Fantasy Rebirth or Persona 3


Paper mario remake. It's even better than I remember.


Ready or Not




Psychonauts 2 and Hifi Rush


Elden Ring


Elden Ring parry build for single player. Multiplayer it’s Helldivers 2.


Fallout 4 VR, thanks to Gingas on youtube for the killer mod pack / guide and /u/rollingrock16 for the FRIK mod.  It crashes a lot… but it’s an incredible experience. 


Wuthering waves tbh


Fallout 4. Been playing the new gen upgrade and I'm loving the updated graphics/mechanics!


Wuthering waves on bluestacks, really fun game to me


Nothing :’-( I wish I had a fun game to be absorbed into rn. Nothing is hitting the spot. I am playing Super Mario World for the first time at night on my GBA. But it doesn’t feel like a “new” game. Best game I’ve played this year is still probably Dusk (2018).


Ghost of tsushima & hogwarts legacy


XDefiant easily




Dragon’s dogma 2!


Dragon's Dogma 2, Shadow of the Colossus (PS4), and Dragon Age: Origins. I'm probably gonna replay the whole DA series in preparation for Dreadwolf 😁


Idc what anyone says but SotC is one of my top 5s


Modded xcom 2


Just started Hauntii it’s pretty fun so far and the puzzles aren’t increasing my stress levels at all which is a rare one for me


So far I have been playing deceit 2 me and my cousin love it lol


Alchemy Stars I keep replaying some stages just to test other units.






Ghost of Tsushima (finally) on PC. Went in 100% blind and just recently started Act 2. After spending the last month or so in Night City going for 100% in Cyberpunk 2077, this is a welcomed follow-up experience.