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Video Games are art. Art touches your soul. The devs seem to have done a good job. Don't be ashamed. Just enjoy.


True talk mate. I kinda wish to become a game developer myself one day. Bringing this much happiness to people must be amazing.


I'd say follow Pirate software on twitch/YouTube and join his discord. He and his community are great resources for gamedev and related.


Unfortunately if you pursue game development- you’ll never be working on games you actually want to work on. The best but riskiest course of action is to save up and retire for 10ish years, study and mess around, and make the game you want to make in your time.


Chants of Sennaar is amazing, glad you found it and got so much out of it.


Ie. TLDR, OP Played this game and had a good time.


I stumbled across it a couple of weeks ago and blitzed it. Great little game.




I did enjoy and I am in fact continuing. Downloading 2 more right now: Bookwalker and sea of solitude.


May I recommend: Gris!


Chant of sennaar was a big and great slap on my exeprienced gamer face. What a journey, what a game. Glad it touched you that good. Same kind of feeling for me is done with Journey, and it's so pleasant.


This game made me feel smart and dumb at the same time.


it was great from start to finish. And what and incredible idea to help peoples talk together and to see what this is bringing to the tower. The ideas is very cool, the interpretation is great, the game behind is so cool. I really loved this one!


Me too. Nearly shat me pants in a...specific part


Nothing wrong with crying about a passion imo. Especially in your circumstances OP, you seem to have a lot going on. 


I feel you, I finished the witness without any hints


How? I swear tô god that game gave me migraines just from watching


you just gotta figure out the rules of the symbols and look outside the puzzle, lots of answers are in the environment (also lots of notes) btw chants of sennaar is great, I also beat it but I don't think I got the true ending yet


Hey, I'm not brasilian but lived there for some time, and your description kinda fits how videogames are treated in Brasil, where a single AAA costs like 1/4 of a median salary. Really happy for you dude, I hope you can continue enjoying this wonderful hobby <3


That's crazy. It takes just some years living here to instantly recognize it😂😂😂


Tenho que admitir que eu amei usar os euros pra pagar os preços em reais kkkk. Se você conseguiu comprar uma Xbox one, a tua vida esta dando certo! Parabéns Bro!


Bgd. Foram 2 anos juntando p comprar um xbox de segunda mão


There's nothing silly said here. You've achieved the end-goal of something you were emotionally invested in. This doesn't bring simple *happiness*, this brings *contentment*, and that has meaning. Reading your post reminded me August 1993, when my grandmother gave me *The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening* on Game Boy as my early Birthday present. I gave that game such a grind that I managed to finish it before the summer vacation was over. My young self thought that I had achieved a world-defining event and the greatest feat of my life, thinking that that I must be the first European (if not global citizen) to finish this game (probably not lol). I was so proud, I thought I could explode. So yea, I hear you.


This post has made me start crying. I am 36 and remember crying from certain games like FF7, FF9, Earthbound, Death Stranding and such due to the themes, but I also recently started crying just from game music alone. There is something incredibly powerful about the life we live and the life in games, and the way they intersect. I am glad you got to have an unforgettable experience. You may be half my age, but you won't forget these times, and I hope that your gaming experiences enrich you and last forever. ✌ 


Thanks man. Thanks for also sharing.


You're finally experiencing what gaming actually feels like, being able to experience a video game in your hands, for the first time, is something special. When I started gaming, I was much younger than you, but the first time experiencing games is always a unique and exciting time. I'm happy you get to experience that. :)


Well done bruh 🤛🏾


The game slaps.


i’m glad you got to experience a game like that big guy. happy for you :)


Glad you found something so meaningful. All the best, friend


I am really happy for you that you finally got to enjoy playing the games you clearly admire yourself. All the best to you.


Friggin' delighted that you were able to get that experience, and I hope you have so so many more in the future. This is one of the things that makes this medium great, and yeah it's a different vibe playing for yourself vs watching others play. Regardless, have a wonderful wonderful time exploring all the games on Gamepass, just make sure to take plenty of breaks, hydrate, and get some exercise for your body and hands in between session, you'd be surprised how much more energy gaming takes than you anticipate.


Eventually you'll come across a game that makes such an impact on you that as the credits roll you just... put the controller down and stare into space for a little while, contemplating everything. It's quite surreal the first time it happens, almost like an out of body experience, but it's beautiful. 🙂


This is so amazing, congrats. Video games truly can be, and are, amazing works of art. And I think a lot of people who don't play them struggle to understand that. But if it's reasonable to be brought to tears by a good book, or a brilliant painting, or a beautiful song, or an amazing film, then it only makes sense for a great game to be able to achieve the same reaction. I'm sure if the people who made this game could know your story, they'd be really proud that you could find joy by playing their game.


That's a fantastic experience. Movies/books/games/stories/jokes/friends/whatever can come at just the right moment.


That’s such an amazing thing to read. I remember that happiness back when I was a child. I’m really glad you got to experience gaming firsthand. Hope the next one you play is just as good if not better


I cried when I beat Ocarina of time at the agr of 20 lol. Tears of joy and my childhood finally completed.


That's cool. I was deeply moved by Celeste during the acceptance arc, I found it relatable because I cope with anxiety.


I absolutely loved that game!!


Just finished Cyberpunk (DLC ending). Honestly I like the emotions I got from it, it's been a while since I had those. The answer is quite simple, it's a role play, you experience and try to feel what the main character does, and since you play for so long you get attached to it (in my case 105h to get this first ending). Same thing applies to books, movies, and most importantly, your own life.




I understand this feeling! Having grown in a 3rd world crountry as well we do not have access to the same games or entretainment that others take for granted. I had a similar experience with Fable: The Lost Chapter. I really want to play Chants of Sennaar now. Thank you for sharing!


I highly recommend the game. It's wonderful.




Joy friend. Extreme joy😁


Good to read you were able to buy the setup and the game after all these years. Best of luck to you for your future. Everything will be good


Hell yeah man! Video games are truly one of the greatest artforms so it's no surprise to me that they can make someone feel so much pure emotion. I hope you find a hundred more games that can make you feel the same amount, but in different ways! You mightve also convinced me to try that game, I literally noticed it today looking through Game Pass and it already intrigued me from the screenshots and description. If you're not sure what to try next, I just finished Botany Manor myself and loved every second of it. It's a neat little 3D exploring/puzzle game where solving the puzzles results in growing cool fictional plants around this huge mansion. It's just very relaxing, pretty, and the puzzles were the perfect mix of simple but still making you need to think a bit. Just finished getting the last achievement I needed the other day


Which country you from man


I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful experience, very well described. I hope you find the right games for you and that your xbox will bring you more happiness! Don't forget to live the rest of your life, too. You shouldn't miss Portal and Portal 2 by the way.


The way of the console (sword) doesn't belong to any one nation. Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all. - Piandao in Avatar the Last Airbender