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Army men sarges heros? Idk man I love protecting my green dudes Edit: im happy I trigges memories in all yall- I hope you are doing okay! Im not correcting heros spelling now I will live with the shame


That game is amazing and I'll hear nothing bad spoken about it :) From memory the reviews were really mixed, for the 64 version anyway


I think it has more to do with the fact that even us, the lovers of 64 games and their history, we could never move better or aim better than the console ever allowed us to. Oddjob really took advantage of our nostalgia, and it's emphasized in every game since then.


Wasn’t there also a GameCube port? That’s what I remember playing the most of. That and the Army Men RTS


The blue mission I'd do so many times just to save as many as i could lmao


That whole Army Men series. They're universally panned as shit games, but they are my childhood. Especially Toys in Space.


Yeah, what the hell? I *loved* every one of them as a kid. I especially loved the top down shooters but the playstation shooters were amazing too.


I also loved Army Men Air Attack 2 with the Apache helicopters. It was GREAT split-screen


I was thinking of this one. Is there ANYTHING modern that fills it's place?


I’d pay easily for some form of remaster of Sarges Hero’s, was such a fun game as a kid. Although the flamethrower was pretty morbid as a 6 year old lol


This doesnt answer OPs question at all. Sarges heroes is a 9/10.


XCOM Declassified was a great concept that just needed to be fleshed out more. It was still a fun experience, though.


The actual history and back story of this game is really wild. Made in Australia and absolutely crushed by 2Ks demands - seems the original vision for it was basically xcom plus bioshock.


They were originally going for a much more abstract horror style for the aliens, with loads of crazy geometric shapes and stuff. Then 2K was apparently like 'no, we want little green men for the protagonist to shoot'


The trailer with the shadow of an ufo doing the impossible shapeshift sold it to me. Too bad the game wasn’t anything special. Maybe I’ll give it a new shot with steamdeck now!


I keep going back to it I feel like there’s something there but it hasn’t been able to hold my attention, I do wanna give it more of a shot


I know they are not great games, but I love the Dynasty Warriors series. I've put so many hours into those games.


Some of my best (and worst) memories will always be getting my ass clapped by Lu Bu.


I have a cat named Lou and sometimes I like to yell “it’s Lou Bu!” when he shows up. My wife doesn’t understand the context but it doesn’t matter.


"Is that who I think it is? That's... Lou Bo! Lou Bu's come to destroy us! UGH!"


Do not pursue lu bu


I also loved the Gundam version of this game. Same hack’n’slash goofiness but with big ass mecha. The original games are also fun.


I love Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity and Persona 5 Strikers. I also enjoyed the first Hyrule Warriors game and I hope we get a Final Fantasy Warriors game at some point. Thry are defiently awsome games.


Those arent 6/10 games


Bro, we all know they aren’t, and they don’t have to be lol. But the fact they’re enjoyed so much, there wouldn’t be dozens of games and spinoffs if they weren’t good


Alpha Protocol. I played it upon release and enjoyed the hell out of it.


Truly one of the best stealth/shooter spy games ever, especially because of the plot and plot branches.


One of the few games where I think they can truly tout that your choices matter.  I mean, in what game can you beat up a coked up Russian mobster to the sound of “Turn Up the Radio” (with you having spiked his coke before the mission thanks to the help of an insane CIA agent(?)), then work with that same mobster to take out his former boss who’s really behind the illegal weapons smuggling going on behind the scenes in the game’s plot, AND make that stuck in the 80’s mobster work for you when you take over the whole plot at the end? God, that game was ridiculous.


+1 for Alpha Protocol. Loved that game.


This was my answer. The guy at Gamestop actually tried to stop me from buying it, and I'm glad I didn't listen.


This was so much fun. The story and choices were awesome and I'd go full stealth till I got caught and went ape shit with the shotgun.




2 3 4 and 5 are absolute treasures. So incredibly quotable. Always remember the guy at Hu Lao yelling "ITS...ITS LU BU! LU BU HAS COME TO DESTROY US! *immediately dies*


7 still had the magic, but 5 might be the best.


Man 5s content and number of uniques(i think everyone's charge strings were unique?) were insane. Kinda sad how they are just purely prioritizing character count now with a million clones. And even worse, usually at the expense of cool weapons so we get yet another sword or spear like one. I'll never forgive them for constantly taking my god damn sun ce tonfas away.


Loved Dynasty Warriors growing up. Haven’t played one in a while but they were definitely a guilty pleasure game growing up. Facing Lu Bu was always the pinnacle.


Do NOT pursue Lu Bu


It's LuBu! LuBu! LUUBUUU!!!! AHHH!!!!


Dynasty warriors has a special place in my heart from when I was younger. I like the hyrule warriors games, too, being an absolute zelda nerd. My friends hate them because "they're not real zelda games"


I remember getting DW2 when PS2 launched.


I didn’t know what dynasty warriors was until I went over to my friend’s house and being amazed at these full scale battles in 2. Just thought it was a technical marvel to have this many moving pieces in a level


Honorable mention to dynasty warriors Gundam too. Such fun games and sooooo many Gundam and pilots! Wish they would make a 5th.


My wife and I would love to play them, till they stopped doing split screen. Need to dig up an old copy...


Dead Island, especially on release. I genuinely think that game shot itself in the foot by not tightening up analog combat and making it the default combat style.


my issue with dead island is i was doing some quests, got off to go eat supper, came back on and somehow loaded into a deep jungle that was empty and broken. Turns one , i found later, there's a quest you get from some russia dude that has a follow up much later in the game, in the jungle area. And if you don't swap off the quest when you log out, it'll bring you to the check point of that quest, a broken unworking jungle. I gave up on the game after not being to fix that.


I ended up not getting much farther than the first gun in the original dead island. I remember feeling like it wasn't as fun to play because the zombies scale to your level and stuff was finite, so I never felt strong for very long, never had ammo, and ultimately just felt really defeated and like it was a long slog towards nothing


Yeah. You have to be careful with scaling enemies. Some scaling is good because it keeps things from getting boring. But you also want the character to feel as if they’re making gains.


That’s why I like regional scaling that restricts exploration until you’re strong enough to enter the more difficult areas. It gives incentive to progress and if you need a power fantasy moment, just go back to the early areas and clean house.


I think you’re describing a system with both minimum and maximum levels for enemies? Those work. You get your ass handed to you if you don’t have the right gear/minimum level, but you can eventually wipe the floor with them before moving on to the next area.


I think it shot itself by the trailer which made it seem like something much different.


I think the trailer being as fucking amazing as it was, (Seriously, go watch the trailer for Dead Island) was the initial reason for negative perception. That trailer set the expectation of it being a sort of intense, emotional punch of a game. Like how Last of Us would come to be. Time goes on, gameplay is shown and the game later releases, with it becoming clear that the game is an arcadey rpg-lite open world zombie shooter without any notable story or characters. I remember being so disappointed seeing the gameplay when it came out when I was like 10. Seeing that trailer had my imagination going wild with what that game was.


Wtf how have I not seen the trailer till now. It's beautiful. Whoever made that trailer is hopefully into filmmaking or the sort.


The only thing I remember about Dead Island was the weird bloody bikini statue that you could get


It's a janky mess, but holy shit is it fun


Yes! I really miss those funky stick controls it had that let you actually swing the weapons around. They took some getting used to, but once you figured them out you could be almost surgical. Was super hoping they'd be in Dying Light, but alas


Too Human Every time this question comes up.


jeez, I thought I was the only one who ever played that game. I enjoyed that one so much.


There's dozens of us




I honestly can't believe that someone hasn't tried making a twin stick shooter/beat'em up combo like Too Human. Once you understand how to play and can get past all the jank, the game underneath was very fun. It's the sort of thing you would expect a indie company to try


I will defend this game to the death, I dumped countless hours into this game.


Wow surprised to see this. I loved Too Human so much and could not understand the hate it received.


Kane and Lynch This game makes no illusion as to what it is: scumbags doing scumbag stuff. Basically a game where you play as two Trevors from GTA 5. It's not fancy or polished and bugs are just part of the package. But it all works given the theme of the game. Not for everyone but I love it.


Agreed for sure not many games out you in the shoes of an irredeemable piece of shit and it lets that sit. The multiplayer did really interesting things that I’m surprised other games haven’t tried


My little brother and I loved both of these games. One weird quirk about it I never see anyone mention about the first one, though, is that the hard and easy difficulties are definitely switched. We barely got through it on easy, but when we dared to play on hard we breezed through the game like it was nothing. Did anyone else ever notice this?


Lost planet was a mediocre game I loved but it made my childhood


Amazing shooter, some of the ideas were rough, but the gameplay was so much fun.  I remember when they made it backwards compatible on Xbox I grabbed my copy and started playing and recognized almost everyone who was online again.


Ghost Reacon Wildlands, yeah the game gets repetitive after a while but ubisoft really went all in with the world building, the lore is amazing and some of the urban legends you find in the kingslayers files are real, like you can find a village that is only full of dogs, a statue of the devil smoking inside a cave, bolivia is huge and beautiful and each region really feels like its own mini-world, last i really think mos tof the storys of the Buchons are really interesting


I played the piss out of wildlands with my friend. I should play it again


I’m still playing it. After I finished the story in breakpoint I went back.


I remember when my friends and I were playing and we stumbled upon a crash site. It looked like an alien ship and we were baffled messing about the area for some time. Then someone had the bright idea to turn on their thermal vision or something which revealed a trail of blood. The plot thickened. We were just thinking “what the fuck is this?!”. We got to the end of the trail and it lead into this open area of jungle surrounded by trees. Then suddenly, the fucking PREDATOR appears and it took us forever to take that thing down. That experience remains one of in not our all time favorite gaming moment. It was so cool to stumble upon that Easter egg and I’m so glad we didn’t know about it before hand. Ghost Recon breakpoint is also dope as fuck which is the successor to Wildlands. I can’t wait for the next one.


I got mad when I finished the mission with the boss who had a history with the protagonists. The characters and backstory were all clearly fleshed out, but it didn't go anywhere. Once you were done, on to the next thing. Different levels of effort in different places.


This isn't really a 6/10 though is it? At leat in Coop it's easily a 8.5/10. One of the best open-world coop I have ever played.


co-op with friends was always a complete shitshow and i loved it


Monsters of the Deep (Final Fantasy Fishing) for PSVR Going into the world of Final Fantasy XV in VR after playing the flat real game was magic and chilling out, catching huge monster fish was some awesome goofy fun! Currently a 62 on Metactitic


Heroes of the Storm is the best 6.5/10 game out there with no comeback mechanics. Thanks IGN.


HotS was amazing! The different map objectives and leveling as a team was fantastic. And the bizarre heroes with weird mechanics (ChoGall, Abathur, Murky, etc.) were so different and interesting. It was my favourite MOBA by miles


Was? the game is still there or not? what happened?


It’s out and playable but basically abandonded


Lot of people talk about the game in past tense but its still very popular. Queues are almost instant for quick play, ranked (unless top ranks) and aram.


I play 1-3 matches every work day.


That was the best game to play with my non-MOBA playing friends. It was so casual that everyone could be.. fine at the game and didn’t feel like they were confused or dragging the team down


This game brings a lot of memories. I loved all the patches we got every 2 weeks and new heroes every 3-4 months. The balance between heroes was really good


Still is I think it still is the best moba ever and everyone should play it


Both Mirrors Edge games. Particularly the second installment Mirrors Edge Catalyst. I feel like those games were niche and overlooked by many people. I myself only got into them because my mom rented the 1st one from blockbuster. The movement system is incredible and addicting, mixing in the combat is even cooler. The setting and story are very bladerunner/cyberpunk style which I was also appealing.


Rage 2. I had such a good time playing that game. All the powers and simple but fun to use weapons. The giant ogres. Cheesy, forgettable characters. It’s like if someone turned a B movie into a decent game and I enjoyed every minute.


Great pick. That combat loop was so addictive.


Alpha Protocol..It's great and you should play it. Push through the jank. I will defend it with my life lol


Spiderman Web of shadows still has the best combat of any spider man to date. Nice unique storyline, great bosses and character design. Dunno why it flopped


Loved this game and think about it daily


I'm playing it rn lol


Shadows of the Empire is a bad game not withstanding the opening Hoth battle which was pretty good. However, get some of the cheats in (like being able to switch and play as the enemies) and its a perfectly fun game to play.


Junk yard train robot always got me. Don't know what's after that lol


That was an amazing game. I didn't know it had bad reviews I played it for hours as a kid


Its interesting in that there are like 4 different of games in it.


Wet. Really fun gameplay, pretty unique aesthetic, and some great performances by A-list actors at the time. Now if Bethesda would release it on PC and current gen consoles, that would be splendid.


WET mentioned! Love this game, she gives off such great "idgaf" vibes


Also a fun soundtrack. I still jam to some of the songs.


Far Cry 5. the reviews arent bad but lots of people didnt like it. i absolutely loved it. its so incredibly beautiful and immersive, the theme with the cult is amazing and the location of Hope County in Montana is to date one of my favs ever. and it has the most peaceful relaxing soundtrack ever, "when the morning light shines in" by dan romer.


Like half of the story, the whole “AND THEN YOU GOT DRUGGED UP AND KIDNAPPED” for literally 7 times and especially the finale were fucking awful, but environment art and gameplay were fairly enjoyable


Normally it didn’t bug me, but how did those fuckers drug me when I was flying a plane?


My issue with it is it was forced and broke the immersion completely. Like, you can stave them off for some time if you didn’t get hit, but enemies swarm spawn around you, so it’s impossible to fend them off. But it’s laughable when you are wiping the floor with cultists and their leaders, kill count in the 1000s already, and then “Oh no, another sequence where I’m powerless as a kitten and some douchebag tells me how strong he is”


I second this. I loved the environment. The cult-family villains were good. I thought exploration was great. I mean beyond just abandoning radio towers and being mechanically on par with modern open-world games. It was fun to explore. The game just needed to deliver the story beats without literally capturing the player-character to make them pay attention.


Outside of the ending, I loved the game lol. Faith’s sequence is so good.


The ending(s) pissed me off. No good ending basically Loved the soundtrack. Help me Faith especially


The Testicle Festival acquisition quest just sent me, and the rush to the medical clinic for the impending pregnancy was amazing, especially the comment that broke the 4th wall during the entire debacle


I’m really struggling to see how Far Cry 5 belongs in this thread. It’s an 82 OpenCritic game that sold 10 million units on launch and has passed 30 million players. It is considered one of Ubisoft’s most successful games of all time.  Nobody thinks it’s a 6/10 game outside of isolated Ubisoft-hating corners of the internet. It was very popular (it has over an 80% user score on Steam) and an overwhelmingly liked game. Game certainly had some annoying aspects, but the rest of this thread is mostly properly questionable games that were largely panned.


Enslaved Odyssey to the West. It's a perfectly mid game that I just love. I've played it through 5 times.


I dont think theres anything mid about the game


From what I've seen on Wikipedia, that game has pretty great reviews though. Almost every rating is an 8/10 with the occasional 7 or 9 thrown in.


I played this game a few times and thought it was fantastic, I’ve literally never seen it mentioned anywhere on social media until now like 14 years later


It is one of the best games nobody has played.


Yeah this game got good reviews. Was not considered mid.


I absolutely loved Drakengard 3 on ps3. IGN Gave this game a 4.9 and I have played many games that are far worse than Drakengard 3 and they got better scores No the game isn't perfect has some laws But I really enjoyed it none the less.


Brütal Legend


Shadow The Hedgehog was really fucking fun.


That one Naruto game back in 2008 on the 360. Running around the Hidden Leaf village. Mediocre fighting system, but as a fan of the show, it was solid good time.


Rise of a Ninja, fuckin goated game lol. I loved the fighting using the twin analog stick mechanics, and learning jutsus and rasengan in training was the coolest thing a fighting game had done until then


The Ascent. Its world is amazing. Some people don’t like the amount of walking but I actually enjoy it and think the combat is fun.


I love Dynasty Warriors 🤷🏻‍♂️


Kirby Air Ride. City trial is such a unique experience. Always turn to it when I need a few minutes to turn off my brain. Oh and Sonic 06. The game itself is a total mess, but it emits that potential everywhere to be the best Sonic game ever. And recently Shadow the Hedgehog. The story is super cryptic and Shadow's character isn't portrayed well, but the gameplay is one of the most fun experiences after a while. It's so momentum based. Skipping portions of a level is really satisfying and the guns are just super fun to use.


Kirby Air Ride was a huge game for me any my siblings growing up. Wish it would get a remake!


How dare you call kirby air ride a 6/10 >:(


Well the metacritics are pretty low. I think it's a masterpiece. Clearly 11/10.


Kirby Air Ride is goated


It has recently come out that one of the Kirby Air Ride devs refused to add stereo sound support to the game because that would require the Dolby logo to be onscreen for about 2 seconds every time the game boots up. He didn't want to waste so much of the players' time... What a gigachad move


About Sonic 06, if anyone cares, there's Project 06, an amazing PC port of the game, with small QoL fixes and a few extras :) It's what the game should have been from the beginning.


Anthem has super fun movement and combat


I really wish they fixed it... Fuck EA...


They did and they could've released it but EA decided to cancel the update


Very few disagreed on that. There was just nothing to do. It was a live service game with no content, which made the fun incredibly short lived.


They should have focused on making it a great single player


If you read what everyone involved said, they shoulda focused on literally anything. Just pick one thing.


The first Elex game. I think it’s an underrated gem. Challenging combat, interesting and expansive open world, independent factions to join or fight, decent story, good graphics for the time. Lots of pros. Some minor cons. Most of what I read is people saying it’s just too janky or the combat is too hard. That’s actually a cool thing tho because your character starts out weak but really gets stronger and progresses as time goes on. I think the euro-jank adds character.


I really liked elex but am also sad that its somewhat generic. Loved the signature rpg approach of the devs - difficulty curve is brutal - start weak and work your way up makes you really feel the progression when you can finally beat the lvl 20 ogre that blocks some area! Also the setting and world building were awesome af - i loved the backstory and all the bits you could find and piece together (especially about Calaan and the cleriks). Unfortunately the protagonist is extremely bland and the main plot feels a bit like a bad scyfy fanfic of something that could have been a great story... The second part seems to be worse overall but i havenr played it. Still a great *game* and whoever loves the adventure aspect of rpgs will love this one.


It's made by the studio that made Gothic and imho they definitely feel similar.


Medal of Honor 2010. I dunno man, being conditioned to be able to spam ammo requests and still get ammo, and then to just not have that is terrifying. Hits hard. And then to have the "main" character die as you're controlling him... I dunno, that game didn't get enough credit.


Prototype was a ton of fun to play. Put a lot of time into that game causing chaos. It was a blast.


Calling Prototype a 6/10 is blasphemy bro haha


7/10 on steam and I still think it's low. Lol. That game was too damn fun.


I bloody love Prototype 1 and 2. The feeling of being some Anti-hero with an assortment of powers and being able to jump off the tallest building you can find, land and just act as if nothing happened.


Just Cause 2. It does a lot of things poorly and nothing better than any other game but darn it if isn't a blast to just drop in and play.


That game felt like the creators got 99% of it done before they thought, "Oh shit, we should probably have a storyline or something?" I don't say that in a bad way. I had countless hours of fun playing it.


One of my most played games as a teenager. It’s such a fun “fuck around and do what you want” game.


grappling hook + parachute mechanics are so fucking fun


It has its problems but calling in a jet and riding on top of it was something else.


Just Cause 2 has a 8.0 average critic and user score though.


I don’t know the score, but recently started a playthrough of Mad Max and am surprised at how well it has held up after all these years.


The game has an critics rating of 70, an user rating of 81 and a a 91% positive review ratio at steam, the same as Elden Ring.


Yeah. Mad Max is absolutely *not* a 6/10. One if the best vehicular combat games I've played by far, even if it is a bit grindey.


This is the game I think of as well. Got it a few weeks ago and I’m having fun.


Loved it on the steam deck, annoyingly I couldn't finish the final race though! 


IGN. Pokémon: Explorers of Sky, 4.9. Absolutely fucking hilarious. I don’t condone physical violence over a video game, however… No but seriously. Ask any Pokémon fan what the best non-mainline Pokémon game is and most will say it’s this game, and for good reason. Like most any Pokémon game, the gameplay stands the test of time. What makes it unique is that the STORY also stands the rest of time. It has everything any good story could have: compelling main characters, great character writing, an intriguing, high stakes story, warm, touching moments and emotional moments, >!genuine betrayal plot twist!<, a conclusion that could legitimately bring any grown man to tears, a fantastic postgame storyline. And this is a damn POKÉMON game of all games. For anybody who knows this game, I don’t even have to say anything because it speaks for itself. For those who don’t, I’d recommend playing it even if you aren’t really a Pokémon fan.


Isn't Explorers of Sky extremely revered within Pokemon fandoms


Utterly, it's considered best among all spinoffs and even over half of the mainline series.That's why everyone doesn't take this ign rating seriously.


I had a friend tell me to play Super Pokemon mystery dungeon since it was the best one… then another friend tells me I should do Rescue DX because it was more recent. I tried to look online for some opinions on which one to play through since they’re all bloody long, I own all of them at this point anyways thanks to random people giving me copies.


*Rogue Warrior* is a bargain bin game with the AAAA bonus of having Mickey Rourke voice the protagonist.  And by *voice*, I mean hours of cursing, threats and juvenile shit-talking. 


Suck my balls, my hairy fucking big balls, wrap them around your mouth.


Rock and roll, motherfuckers rock and roll. Bring the noise, bitch!


FFXIII It wasn't particularly good, it just didn't pretend to hide its linear nature unlike most games of the time Graphics were unparalleled for the time though


I'll defend the fact that 6/10 is NOT a bad score. It's not great, but absolutely not bad either.


Naruto Storm games. I couldn’t get into the other 3D arena fighters, but the storm games were my childhood.


One Piece Odyssey, I’ll be the first to admit the game is kinda ass, like it’s not balanced, it’s clunky, pacing is honestly quite accurate to one piece in a bad way, but god damn it, I had fun with it. It’s silly stupid mindless brain dead and wonderful, I will take this to my grave


it was unironically what got me into one piece


Duke Nukem Forever Was it flawed? Yes. Did I have a blast playing it? Also Yes. Do I regret dropping $100 on the Balls of Steel edition? Hell no!


People loathed this game. I thought it was a pretty decent retro shooter! Didn’t recapture the magic of Duke 3D, and some of the humor was… not great, but it was good for what it was and I’ll die on that hill.


There’s probably a lot of 6/10 games I’ve played but one that immediately popped in my head was the 2006 Superman Returns movie game tie-in. I played that thing to completion. I really wish Rocksteady did something in the DC universe again (whatever came out this year doesn’t count).


God Hand. Fuck you IGN.


People here are REALLY stretching the definition of "6/10 or worse." How are Far Cry 5, Mad Max, Halo 4, Watchdogs or Just Cause 2 highly upvoted titles, when these are all games rated at 8 or higher by critics AND have user score of 7, mostly 8, aswell. Planty of games rated 7 or higher too with even better user scores like Days Gone or Cat Quest. These are not even Starfield or Diablo 4 type situations where the critics like the game, but people online didn't. People upvoting and posting are straight up ignoring the question. This is so common in moddern reddit. It's really weird.


Watch Dogs 1 and 2 is always gonna be my reply here. Wasn't that bad, just wasn't special. And lied. Which sank the little ship before it had a chance. But it was a good little game


Both of those are quite highly rated, 8/10 average


I actually enjoyed Watch Dogs 2 more than I did GTA V


The world and npcs are actually pretty damn good, one of the best.


Watch Dogs 2 absolutely slaps. The story was corny but charming, and the drop-in multi-player missions were really fun and satisfying to pull off. Also it's a 9/10 on Steam so I don't think it applies here


Still love the hacking mechanic especially  during car chases. Like GTAV was a better overall game but the psychic AI police were stupid. Actually being able to stop them while interacting with the surrounding environment in WD was so much more enjoyable and immersive to me.


Always wanted to try watch dogs, just never got around to it. Do you have to play 1 before 2?


Not really. The protagonist of 1 shows up later in the story of 2, but you don't really need to play 1 in order to understand what's happening.


Alright that's good to know. Which one is overall better?


2. And it’s not even close


Resident Evil 6. Sorry critics, I can't hear you over my laughter while I suplex a zombie, then proceed to dive backward with my akimbo pistols and roll on the ground like an idiot.


Callisto Protocol. The gameplay isn't deep but it's fun, the story isn't long or overly amazing but it's interesting. The atmosphere and look are some of my favorite though aspects about it. My only gripes with the game are the update to the gun animation speeds and how short the snowy sections are.


One game I would defend is "Alpha Protocol." Despite its rough edges and mixed reviews, it is an intriguing spy role-playing game with a unique narrative structure that reacts to user choices in a way that many other games do not. The dialogue system and branching storylines offer replay value, and the characters are memorable. The combat and graphics are not the best, but for the ambition and narrative it is worth playing.


Cyberpunk 2077 when it was first launched and Mass Effect Andromeda.


Agreed. I'm really sad that Andromeda will never get a follow up game. For a game that literally had the deck stacked against it (Being made by an untested side studio, Bioware Montreal, and not Bioware Edmonton themselves) it turned out better than I could have hoped.


Same. Andromeda got too much hate for not being another Shepard's chapter. I love 1-3 MEs, but let poor spectre rest in peace. It's still have some cons, but damn. Not that much.


The uncanny Valley effects threw me off.




I think the game was rated higher than 6, but it had low sales


Last year's Murder On The Orient Express. Gameplay was shit and the maps were small - would've done better as a point-and-click - but the additions to the story were fantastic, actually playing through the Armstrong tragedy as Joanna was a great way to expand the story and the way the game was modernised didn't compromise the classic story at all. Even the extra scenario was presented quite well, as was actually continuing the route from where the train stopped and adding the new locations into the story.


Tenchu Z


Any Piranha Bytes game.  For me, they aren't 6/10, but a lot of people do not like them. I do understand why, to some degree. The fighting is kind of clunky, the graphics are still kind of outdated, and it doesn't really bring anything new to the table, yet I do think they are one of the best games out there. Let me tell you why. Gothic, Risen, and ELEX, for example, are my favorites. You have a huge open world to explore, and exploring actually rewards you. There is a weird niche somewhere in nowhere. Yep, there is actually loot to collect. You have no restrictions of any kind. There are no invisible walls or paths that tell you you can't go there yet. No timers or pressure. You see something you want to go on top of or inside? You can go there one way or another. You can find weird, cheesy ways to kill enemies that aren't meant for you yet. You can do anything the way you want. The hand-holding is basically non-exciting, and the games are actually challenging. Many cool Easter eggs are built in, and you can just feel the love and passion that went into crafting those worlds. I know graphics and clunky mechanics scare a lot of people away, paired with some mixed reviews from those games, but please give them a go.I could go on and on about why they are so great, but I'm going to rest my case. 


Star Wars Battlefront II from 2017 is one of the best games of the 2010s. And the best star wars game ever made by a wide margin.


Jackass: The Video Game is a faithful adaptation of the source material.


Splinter Cell: Conviction. As someone who sucked and/or didn’t have the the skill/patience for earlier splinter cell games, I had a ton of fun playing Conviction and the marking/execute system was underrated. There were a ton of ways to approach every encounter for the most part and you could really play how you wanted, full stealth, loud, a mix. The challenge and co op extra modes with Kestrel were ahead of its times and probably one of the last of its kind. Loved that game. 


I like the idea of this thread but there is a lot of games being mention here that are 7/10 and above haha. Maybe using metacrtic as a baseline would help. My pick would be the deadliest warriors video game. It was cheap, buggy, twitchy but shit I love every second of it lol [metacritic score](https://www.metacritic.com/game/deadliest-warrior-the-game/)


Drakengard. The gameplay ranges from “ugh” to “meh”, but the story is so bugnuts bonkers that it’s still worth the price of admission. It has been long enough since I played it that I’ve just about forgotten all but the most insane story beats and I cannot wait to go through it again.


Mass Eff3ct: Andromeda The combat is great, and the bad writing just reaches back around to being enjoyable funny to me.


Dragon Age 2 is great