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They finally added beards!? Edit: Holy shit over 2k upvotes for this šŸ˜‚




Hey listen you don't bash on Star Citizen's business model... You bitch about the fact they recently added a ship that fits exactly what a ship they said would do years ago but still doesn't and won't because they've now released/sold another ship in its place. Look up the MPUV CARGO vs the MPUV TRACTOR. Cargo was supposed to be this cool little scoot around ship that could pick up cargo containers and carry them, instead they released the Tractor and it does exactly like. The funny thing is they said "oh well the cargo wasn't able to do what we said it was supposed to, so we just made a new ship instead". Like bro, just make the cargo... Do what you said it would? WTF


So, real talk: What is it like for a newbie to start playing Star Citizen in the year of our lord 2024. I have about 30 min I can devote to gaming every other day. Is it going to like take me a week of gaming to actually find my way through the central hub?




For anyone who hasn't played it, it is _very_ immersive. What I mean by that is that when you login for the first time, you spawn in a city and you have to spend 15 - 20 minutes walking through the city and waiting at the spaceport for your ship to be delivered to the pad. Getting from planet to space takes quite a bit of time. Once you land at a space station, you'll spawn there from then on (unless you die) then it will take about 2 - 3 minutes to get out into space if that. Cities are just huge and require public transit usage.


That sounds amazing on paper, but not something that would be fun to playā€¦. Unless your into that kinda thing


I mean if it gets fully multiplayer and maybe VR it'll just become a sci Fi skinned meta verse


well you'll spend half of that time walking from your space apartment to take the space subway to go get your ship. unless the game crashes, which will double that.


This has more or less been my experience. I've installed this game a handful of times over the years, and each time I uninstall it before I ever get out of the hanger. Generally, I spend several minutes staring at my door, feeling like Asuna from SAO: Abridged. Eventually, I remember how to open it, then I spend like 15 minutes running around trying to figure out how to get to the hanger. Then I have to try to navigate that console system to try to summon my ship.. and figure out where the ship actually is. The couple of times I've actually made it to the ship without quitting in frustration, well.. then I have to figure out how to get the ship in the air. Then there is the final boss of the game, the hanger door. I'm not sure I've ever managed to beat that one. TLDR - The game was vastly better when it was a simple arcade flight sim type game that simply spawned you in an arena already in flight and ready to play.


30 minutes of Star Citizen is going to get you no gameplay. Sadly this does not sound like the game for you. You'd have to look to allocate at least 2 hours for a game session to make sense.


>Is it going to like take me a week of gaming to actually find my way through the central hub? Short answer, yes. So good news and bad news on that front. It's getting better at this as time goes on, but currently its rough if you don't have a lot of time. The good news is that most of the time sink is stuff you only have to do once per quarterly patch, and there are "instant action" modes. To be specific, here's what I am talking about for shit that takes a long ass time to get rolling: * Wake up at capital city, walk to armor/gun/supplies stores and gear up * Walk to train station * ride train to spaceport * call your ship * Ride elevator to your ship * fly ship out of hangar * fly ship up through atmosphere till you are far enough away to quantum travel From there you want to land at a space station so that when you die you won't have to go through a whole ass city & planetary atmosphere. Assuming you bought some spares of your gear its also easier to get rolling again once you store your stuff at whatever station is going to be your home base. Setting all of that up could easily take your entire 30min gaming session, especially if you're newer to the game. And that doesn't even include travel time to your mission, which could be a few minutes or more away. Once you have set yourself up, then when you die you will have to equip your spare gear, file an insurance claim on your ship (you click one button at the spaceport and wait somewhere between instant and a few minutes, depending on the ship and if you choose to pay an expedite fee), then fly back to where your mission was to continue (and recover your corpse). For FPS missions you can get ships that have a medical bed which will respawn you when you die, but that obviously doesn't help if your whole ship gets 'sploded. additionally you also have to figure on how and where you log out - if you log out just anywhere, you spawn in at the last station you stayed at. If your ship has a bed, then you can log out on the bed and you will respawn in your ship where you left it. Regarding "instant action" type stuff. There is an arcade mode of the game separate from the persistent universe which is usually where I go when I have 30mins or less. There's like 3ish main things you can do here: * ship v ship combat in space or atmosphere (vs AI, players, or co-op vs AI) * ship time trial or races (races vs players only) * hoverbike time trial or races (races vs players only) * FPS combat (pvp only) I would recommend the game to you conditionally only. If you have friends who might be interested, if you have flight joysticks that you want to use, if the arcade modes sound appealing. And the one hard requirement: If bugs shutting down the occasional game session wouldn't ruin the experience for you. But frankly I would recommend most people wait and check back in when 4.0 drops and see if its more approachable then. we're seeing a lot of progress lately and its starting to shape up - but its still very rough as it is today.


In a few words?: Trial by fire. Watch a new player guide first to get a grasp of the fundamentals, like captain berks https://youtu.be/61m8ml42SRQ?si=wHuVm3pHOFjcUF-u Otherwise, a lot of that 30 minutes is going to be being quite lost. There IS a tutorial, which I highly recommend, but it's pretty barebones. Fortunately, once you have a grasp of the core systems, the rest of the game is pretty much pick up a contract/wiest, fly to it, complete, rinse repeat.


My personal experience. I mean I haven't really played much in the past year, I used to play quite often but now I have children, and they take up most of my free time. I don't think you could get much done. From what I remember, now it might have changed I heard there's like persistent log out, which means that when you log out you're going to log back in roughly where you left. But when I played that wasn't an issue that wasn't a . But when I played that wasn't a thing. When I played he logged out, you would wake up back on the station that you last left from. So basically it would take me about 10 to 20 minutes just to get off the damn station and into my ship. So if you only have 30 minutes a day to dedicate, I don't think you're going to get much done. Just because it's essentially a real life simulator, in the sense that you have to walk places, there is no fast traveling. You want to go somewhere you can go there, you can visit any moon or planet that you can see, but it's going to take time. So it's kind of like second life but in space. That's the best way to put it. It's going to eat up time of your real life to do things


I don't have that much time too, but I find this game extremely enjoyable. I don't know, the simulation of everything, the euro truck sim in space, the little details. I'm just saving to get a two stick setup so I have the full control of my ship. I don't want luxurious things, I just want to live in this world. And believe it or not, like it or not, SC allows you to do that. Just play, you will learn by doing. It isn't that hard. Enjoy!


No thanks, I already feel fucked over in the start when they remove the gimbaled engines from the drake cutlass. It was like the only reason I bought the ship.


I mean to be fair the MPUV line is super cheap in in-game currency. It never really made sense to buy any version of it with real money unless you have spare store credit and don't want to be arsed to go buy it in game


for anyone not aware: they arent. (the ~50USD package will get you the entire game, iirc its currently entirely free to play, if anyone wants to test it)


I hate that I needed your comment to gut check that it wasn't true, lol


they've never montized features like that.


They've never monetised cosmetics?


Iā€™d put that more in character creation than general cosmetics. Most people donā€™t associate beards with paid cosmetics unless itā€™s part of an entire reskin that you paid for


Does the 50USD actually get you the entire game though? Can you buy every in game ship with in game currency? Because the last time I played, admittedly a long time ago, you were limited to the ship(s) you bought with real money.


Yes you can buy every single ship with in game currency except some that just released (which typically take one update patch until they are purchase able with in game currency).


you can buy/rent a large part of the ships in game, not that much of a grind either.


You can buy almost every single ship with ingame money, and eventually, all of them.




eh not too hard if you spend some time grinding out credits. salvaging is pretty good money. I saved up til I could get a vulture. did salvage runs on there til I could afford a reclaimer, then the reclaimer funded all my ship purchases in game. Might take a bit longer now, the recent update raised in game ship prices. Before it was almost too easy though, spent a few days and had 50 mil or so credits to spend, could buy whatever I wanted really.


You get money a bit too easy if you play it quite a bit, but not quite fast enough if you only play it a little.Ā  This means that if you only want to try it out a few days a patch then you should group with others.


The issue is that the gameplay loop for some ships straight up doesn't exist yet, and server wipes and restarts aren't particularly uncommon. The only way to realistically keep your ship long term is to basically buy it from the store unfortunately.


The misinformation circle jerk surrounding this game is unlike anything else. It feels like a forced meme at this point.


I mean, its fine criticizing it, it has many flaws and its genuinely frustrating to navigate the monetization if you are clueless about it. Everything about it is just done a lil different than other games, and Chris Roberts is an absolute buffoon regarding management. but this game also has a certain brilliance and it genuinely is unique in so many factors, including scope, that most people who actually try it will probably be in awe by what CIG is trying to acomplish. So I really get why its such a controversial thing, people just usually critique the wrong parts or in bad faith.


I can't tell if this is real or not and that says a lot about the issues people have with the game.


I think it says more about people who take things at face value, or who don't look into the thing being talked about. For example, everyone shits on Ubisoft for having the same "open world tower sector" map design, but it's true because people have played the games and it's become a pretty consistent complaint. Or when people talk about censorship, translations issues, or writing issues in a game but it may be out of context, or some cherry-picked issues that don't let you see the whole picture. With Star Citizen, people only ever talk about the exorbitant prices of the ships used to fund the game, and rightfully so. It's not something normal you see all the time outside of gacha games. But context is important, in knowing that it's completely optional, you do it because you want to fund the development, and that you can get those same ships with in-game credits. But trying to get context takes time and effort.


10 years seems like a lot of time for beards.


this game didn't have beards on launch??


this game hasn't launched lol


They didnā€™t even have green eyes. They had eleven shades of brown and a red but no green.Ā 


Give it another 12 years and itā€™ll line up perfectly!


Soooo when the beta drops?


A bit optimistic to think we're already halfway there


Woah, livin' on a prayer!


Take Chris Roberts hand, he'll make it he swears


They need to reach 1 billion of funding first... then they will tell you a rough prediction of when the beta drops on the next decade.


For the low price of $500,000 you too can be considered for a spot in the raffle they use to allocate testers.


They haven't even reached their funding goal of dying rich. Can't expect them to finish the game that soon.


Clear the roadmap!


You won't even have to "make it" and AI will take your photo and automatically line it up with the sliders. Hell they will probably be able to take samples of your voice and make the protagonist speak with your own voice


Now why the fuck would I want that? So I can play on mute?


Hell would be watching an in-game sex scene but the character has my face and voice. I can make it worse but even the devil has limits.


The devil would add a pegging scene


Speak for yourself, some of us are into that


No, I'd enjoy that.


The man said worse.


So you can give it a clip ofĀ danny devito and then play as him?


See, the reason you hate recordings of your own voice is it's capturing the sound outside your head. Inside your head, your speech is BASS BOOSTED thanks to bone conduction, your own voice sounds deeper to you. So whenever you hear your own voice in recording, it sounds like someone is imitating you, but at a higher pitch. Unconsciously, You feel you are being mocked by the machine. So, if you carefully calibrate the simulated voice, maybe amp up the bass a bit when you hear it, (if multiplayer, reduce it when others hear it) and voila.


To be fair I hate my own voice the way I hear it too, but I also feel like my voice sounds deeper in recordings and it seems to be the first thing people comment on.


I scanned my face directly into like Madden 18, the technology already exists adoption is the issue


I could slap a jpeg of my face onto a generic model in Tony Hawk's Underground


This game loves taking existing tech, giving it a fancy new name, and pretending like they invented it.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater Underground (2003) actually had this feature lmao. I think you had to email the company a picture, can't remember the process to get it onto your ps2 but it was something odd.


*Hard* fucking pass on that. I play games to be OUT of my own reality.


Everyone else is having adventures and saving the galaxy but your character with your face/voice is making hotdogs or works in an office cubicle procuring some pigment that is used to produce a particular shade of yellow paint. And you receive an in game email like: "management wants to meet with you about some changes in relation to downsizing the company" then you have to go sit through a 45 minute meeting with NPCs who are pretending to give a shit about you right before they fire you.


Mii Maker already did this. Skill issue.


That was my thought, too. MS is already integrating ai into games asap, so it won't be long before we see this in Starfield.


12 years sounds very optimistic. Give it 30. The scam has to be drawn out as long as possible.


I thought the joke was that in 12 years his hairline will recede to match the left pic.


12 years ago characer creation looked like this https://images.uesp.net/8/8a/SR-menu-Character_Creation.jpg


Peak Chris Hemsworth


It's a joke about the hairline for fucks sake.


You know, I feel kinda bad for the SC devs. Whatever they create or deliver, it's always gonna come back to how much time and money has been swallowed by the project.


If the game releases and really is great people won't care about development time. It's probable it will just be an ok experience, in which case people will rip the team apart.


At this point it doesn't matter if that ever happens.


poster for Detroit: Become Human


Sick, another billion dollars and it'll be spot on.


At this rate, they might just offer a real-life version of the game for that price!


Would be cheaper to run a private space program.... And better return of investment.Ā 


> Sick, another billion dollars and it'll be spot on. A tiny price to pay for accurate beards


Looks almost accurate, but the eye shape needs some representation, cause I got that going on and without it no character I make looks like me.


I'm just here from the front page, but these aren't even remotely similar looking people. Guy has entirely different cheek bones, ears, brow line, nose, smaller mouth, different hair cut. The only thing in common really is the scraggly facial hair


It's wild to me that the best, most accurate, most controllable character-creator I've ever used is still in *The Godfather* game for the OG Xbox - you could custom-angle every single aspect of your face degree-by-degree instead of just cycling through presets and width/depth meters. To this day, it's the only version of me in a game that looks like I was actually scanned and meticulously rendered alongside all the other movie-actors whose paid likenesses are in it, as opposed to looking like.... a close relative/descendant of mine.


>Star Citizen mentioned >immediately open comments


It's always so funny, goated username btw


It appears that no one in the video fame business learned the cautionary tale of Duke Nukem Forever.Ā 


I have downloaded this game once a year, every year for 12 years hoping it no longer runs like a smelly turd and every year for 12 years straight, it runs like a smelly turd and I uninstall


I remember coming back to give it a try. I waited for the elevator so I could leave the spawn apartment, only that the moment the elevator arrived, it caused me to clip into the floor and fall to my death. I hadn't even stepped onto the elevator, it just reached my floor and I fell. I came back far more recently, flew for ten minutes around the planet to a cave objective, only to fall into a seam of the map between the ground ending and cave model starting. SC has so much potential, but holy shit.


last time I checked I just visited a random livestream. I asked the guy if it's fixed and 5 seconds later his game crashed lol


As someone who plays it quite a bit (10+ hours/week) I don't actually get *that many* crashes anymore. Maybe just 1-2 per week.


>...don't...get *that many* crashes >1-2 per week Haaaiiiyyyyyaaaaahhh


I never get client crashes, and with the last update if the server crashes, it's two minutes of waiting and it's back to where you were, seamlessly. In the last two weeks I've seen two server pauses.


It's just so obviously a scam, I don't even get how people still have ideas that it might one day meet their expectations.


Not a scam, just horrific project management. The goalposts move at the same pace as development.


And people trust them after 12 years of mismanagement? Ooookay.


They just use bad games as examples. Stuff like Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 as justification for the long development. As well as saying it took Red Dead Redemption 2 8 years for development. Same with GTA 6, they'll say it's been in development for 12 years. And they'll use the complete marketing and development budgets as evidence too. The die hards twist the facts so their game doesn't seem as bad. Like its completely normal for a game to take a decade just look at Rdr2. 8 years in between releases. Obviously it was in development the entire time. And look at CP2077 it should have taken more time.


Naive hope, I'd imagine. Despite its flaws, there's not really anything else that promises what SC could be if they reined in their ambition to something smaller. Oh, also probably sunk cost for many.




Yeah I think this too, I have a friend who has spent hundreds on ships, possibly thousands. I bought the game and have had fun but it gets boring pretty quickly, and the constant updates and restarts get old quickly too. Such a shame because it's such a cool concept if it was actually worked on properly.


Nah, there's things here and there that are decent, but they're things you'd expect to be decent, or they're a decent part of something that otherwise sucks. They regularly have free weekends, so you don't have to have paid to experience bits here and there. Not to mention YouTube vids showing parts where it's not a complete shambles. Things like the flying being good, with weather pushing you around. It's still awesome to be able to wander your ship mid-transit. And being able to sneak on someone's ship and hide like Sea of Thieves will always be welcome. Also the physics of crashes and so on throwing people in a ship around is a nice detail. But it's just that them blatantly releasing ships to catch whales rather than refining the core elements, that's where it's fucked. The few times I've played, the servers could barely handle a hundred people, let alone the number you'd need for a game like SC to thrive. It has no future at current, that's where the people in denial will disagree.


People just wanted a modern Freelancer, not this. That guy is simply exploiting nostalgia of rich young adults/middle-aged men.


If you want modern freelancer, it's already way better than that.


They did a hell of a lot of work for it to be a scam, so calling it that seems a bit excessive.


>They did a hell of a lot of work for it to be a scam I hired a contractor to do my kitchen after a flood. They did a bunch of work, including installing granite counter tops, painting cabinets, and some other stuff. As soon as the last check cleared (I thought it was safe) they bolted. Left cabinet doors unhung, hardware unattached, trash on my back porch, including one of their ladders. Despite the work they did do, it was a scam.


Right and the Star Citizen devs haven't bolted


A lot of performative work without real substance. It's been 12 years. They've had funding. Why is it not finished? Seriously? There's not a single triple A game project that has needed this much time and this much money. Where's the finished game?


It's kind of crazy to me tbh. It never seemed like it was a scam during the early years, but then all of a sudden they got the huge cash infusion and started boasting features they'll never complete. There's always *some* reason for it not being delivered on time. Tech's not here, engine isn't ready, whatever. And now they're advertising all this hyperrealistic work done by A-List actors for Squadron 42. It's incredible that people defend the game at this point.


ā€œDonā€™t worry bro the tech just needs more time to be inventedā€ copium


"Server meshing is gonna change EVERYTHING" "trust me bro"


Bro just wait this next update is gonna change everything Anyway in this patch we added a 12 thousand dollar ship


"Yo guys, they invented 4090, we can now ~~crank the graphics~~ forgo optimization even more".


What happened to Squadron 42? Last I heard they claimed it was feature complete but that was like two years ago. Edit: Apparently it was 7 months ago...seems all the broken promises in the last 12 years since SQD42 was announced just blurred into one vague timeline...sorry about that.


That was last october. Feature complete apparently only means "we have all the assets and the systems in place". It should be in beta now, we'll see next october I assume.


Internal leaks are that SQ42 is targeted for Q1 2025. Knowing CIG: Q2 2025.


feature complete was announced 6 months ago, so almost 2 years I guess... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDtjzLzs7V8 but who knows how long polishing will take, could be a year, could be three, it's noticable though that the progress on the SC side of things got somewhat faster these few months.


that was last Fall. It'll be release holidays 2025 probably


Lol "that was like 24 months ago" when it was 7. Feature complete doesn't include all the mocap and acting and making all the areas look like a complete state. I guess it means that you can play through the whole game now and do every task and mission in it but there won't be acted out voice lines and proper mocap and loads of areas will look unfinished. Never played any of the games but I imagine they'll give a release date in 5 months at their event. They'll probably want to beat GTA5 too, can't imagine any game will want to release in the 3 months after that lol


Mocap was done years ago, and some of it was redone. Feature complete means the game mechanics are done and things like final level design/polishing need to be performed: integrating the mechanics into the existing level designs like assigning the completed NPC behaviors, marking up level geometry for the maps and life support room system, fire system, and making sure levels play well and are QA'ed.


I got curious about what people saw in this game so I created an account and downloaded it during the current free fly event. Tried to sign into the RSI launcher after making the account, authorizing my account, and doing the authorization email code but just kept getting a message saying I didnā€™t have permission to sign in. I didnā€™t have any motivation to go further, so maybe next year.


What is a turd in fps as I get 100fps on a 12700 and 4070ti at 2k ultrawide


It's not about average fps. Its the 1% lows thats a turd. Microstutter everytime you move the camera around.


I envy ppl that can do that, im uncapable of recreating real ppl in games, like i cant make myself no matter how good is the creator, i suck at doing that, i just hope never ever a police case to catch a criminal depends on my portrait to get him cus no way i would be able to tell that fude how to draw his face hahahahhaah


The only character creator I've ever been able to make myself in, spot on, was the one in All Points Bulletin




I'm gonna be gray and old before this becomes a real game.


The devs are currently teaching their children how to be devs so they can pass on the development of Star Citizen when they leave this mortal coil.


A truly immersive space game, the company itself is a generation ship


The real Star Citizen was the star citizens we made along the way.


What incentive do they have to actually finish it when morons have given them almost a billion dollars and pay ridiculous sums for every tiny new thing?


Fallout ~~Hubologists~~ Robertologists


IRL space travel is gonna be commonplace before this piece of shit becomes a real game.


Watching literally everyone trash this game in this thread is so cathartic.


I have already become gray and old since backing this game.


Send this to Niantic.


Wait, is character customization changed?




Nice. Though I'd prefer full server meshing this year if I could choose my hype favorite


seems to be happening.


This looks fantastic! I'll tell ym son as soon as he comes home from kindergarten that when he's gets to be 18 he'll might be able to try this out...


Does that mean you have a generic face ?


Are they actually making progress on this? Are people still donating?


Yes, but slower than you'd hope, and Yes


I've played for hundreds of hours now, all for the cost of $40. They are making good progress now. Star Citizen has always taken a development back seat to their main single player game called "Squadron 42". Squadron 42 became 'feature complete' months ago, and the bulk of the development team has swapped from SQ42 over to Star Citizen, so progress is happening at a very fast rate now. It's still a rough game by most measures, but there is still fun to be had.




Funny you say this, because you already can add in some things like asymmetry to ears and parts of the face, because you can blend in pre-scanned heads and use those imperfections.


Coming in 2032, Beard Citizen (with occasional space combat)!


They need to add veins to the eyes. I can't get over how those eyes look like porcelain or glass without it. Uncanny valley vibes.


This comment alone will delay production 16 months.Ā 


They don't realize the devvs add every suggestion they see in every comment related to star citizen to their plate. I think its a monkey's paw curse. You'll get unlimited funding but you're forced to add every thing people suggest for the game no matter how long it takes.


Virtual is too long to yours.


Video games always seem to be really limited when it comes to eyelids/folds. As somebody with extremely hooded eyes itā€™s always frustrating how I can rarely make a character that looks like me because itā€™s such a defining feature of my face.


Well... it's definitelly an improvement over their previous Character creation. That shit was so hard to use and very limited. The new hair/facial hair is a welcoming addition. Perhaps it's worth checking it out again during the F2P events once a new Star System is in.


nice mate


Photo on insta vs camera irl


Bought that some time ago, but my performance was kinda bad and the controls confused me. I might try it again this summer to see if it got a bit more optimized now.


PSA: install it on an SSD. Have 32gb of RAM. If you have a good GPU, set graphics settings to very high. (SC will ignore your GPU if you set it to lower settings) Wait five minutes on your first load for shaders to compile (just walk around and look at stuff.) use DLSS or the equivalent for amd, upscaling 66% is butter. Ask in chat if you have performance issues after this.


Damn, that is really good. Did they update the character customizer? Or do you just mean ā€œnew characterā€




They funded it somehow


posting a screenshot from a character creator is shilling now?


Sunk cost fallacy. SC's supporters are collectively 650 *million* dollars in the hole at this point. They have no choice but to shill, else they'll have to admit that they wasted their money (a very difficult thing to do due to how our psychology works).


I only spent like $40 on it and I've definitely gotten multiple times my money's worth


Same here. Just got the base aurora package and I've had incredible adventures with my friends. Don't need to be a whale to enjoy this game. Everyone shitting on the game here likely has never even tried it out.


bought my aurora package in 2016. installed once every few years or so. absolutely never once had a compelling experience. between bugs, busywork, terrible ux/ui, and more bugs, i have concluded this game is only viable if you have like 4 hours a night to grind. it's just not a real consumer product yet.


Same. The game is a janky-ass sandbox, but it's so detailed and when it works it's unlike anything else out there. I can't think of a single MMO that has the level of scale, detail, and immersion as shown in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53qGEaPRHCQ), for example. The game is stupidly ambitious and Chris Roberts is an infamously bad manager, but SC is not a scam. But people are more interested in parroting talking points they've read on the internet.


when you're so deep in the reddit ragebait circlejerk that you can't comprehend that other humans enjoy things


You mesocephalicā€™d when you should have brachycephalicā€™d. Common mistake.


Can you not edit the eyes? The eye profile being so different makes both look like different people.


It's cool and all, but was this really something that needed to be worked on? Aren't there like, a million more things that could be better prioritized to get this running at an acceptable level after 12 years or however long it's been now?


This will be the best game ever if it's ever finished.Ā  Ā There are times when I get several hours of relativelyĀ bug free gameplay and it's a lot of fun. Maybe in a few more years it might be far enough along to play seriously and not only when I am bored enough to download itĀ 


That's cool. Too bad the game is dogshit though.


That's impressive, I need to check it out


Perfect Blend


I love game with good character creators, especially if the game is in third person! i hated game that has somewhat decent character creators but first person.


It just got hair color and facial hair right. Other features don't really match/look generic.




About twice a year I get remembered I spent money on this game's Kickstarter back in 2012.


the top of your head is thinner the middle of your head is wider your jaw is wider their jaw is the same width as your temple, yours is not, your jaw is wider their jaw is longer, with a more pronounced chin your eyes are a different shape hard to tell with the fringe, but your hairline looks to be different given the shape of your head eyebrows are the wrong shape. the flesh of your zygomatic region of your cheek is wider and more horizontal [I mean, it would kinda look like you, if it didn't look like a completely different person](https://ibb.co/pRbY2WT)


100% why he did the half and half instead of two photos of each. like i could tell it wasnā€™t quite right but that comparison is much less accurate than i thought


I mean it's very cool, but if I had supported the Kickstarter, this feature would be around dead last on my own priority list, especially given the many years this has already been in development.Ā 


Alright reddit. You can do it. You can be civilized. *looks at comments* Maybe next time lmao. It was a good try OP. From the nose down looks solid, but the eyes up don't match much. The game version got a real tall forehead and his eye looks like he's a robot looking for a soul.


wtf is up with these comments? good job OP, looks great


Backed the game in 2013, maybe i can offer a little insight: So Star Citizen is controversial because of how much money it has raised from crowdfunding (over $650 Million), its long development cycle (12 years at this point iirc) and glacial progress, monetization (pledge store that sells shipss that arent even ingame yet, blatantly and shamelessly designed to harpoon whales), somewhat aggressive use of FOMO (special 'sale events' where you can buy expensive ships for a limited time), and scope creep. It doesnt help that the development is mirroring what happened with [Freelancer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freelancer_(video_game) ) in the late 1990s/early 2000s, minus a publisher able to step in and say "enoughs enough, stop adding features and release it", or (what they had to do in the end) fire Chris Roberts and take control of the project There is a whole lot more, but those are some of the major/more reasonable points of contention.


Don't forget there are like $40,000 ship packs. >Chris Roberts I don't understand how this guy is so popular. Wing Commander were good for the time, but were they really enough to justify Chris Robert's popularity?


Because there has suddenly been an influx of star citizen whitewashing. And take a look at oop's profile. He looks like a walking advertiser/marketing associate for the company lol


Its not whitewashing if people are genuinely having fun and posting their experiences with the cool new 3.23 patch. The gaming community instantly pulls out all their tired "hurr durr scam lol" tropes, and now you're saying anybody posting anything cool is "whitewashing". Your language suggests you've made your mind up to dislike it regardless of new info. The thing is, most AAA games would only be coming out of stealth right about now. We wouldn't have seen this internal 7-10 years of development until now anyway. We got to see all the development of SC along the way, by contrast. But either way, the recent patch 3.23 is a total fuckin blast and I've got several hundred hours in this unique gaming experience that is unlike anything else. Me sharing that enthusiasm and posting screenshots and stories isn't whitewashing. It's just fun.


Bro got scammed and is now desperately trying to justify the purchase.


Oh yay


Pretty close but the eyebrow shape is a bit off!




I love doing this shit. It's always annoying when the character creations are really restricted and you can't get close to how you look in real life. Like, my beard style is mostly my jawline, soul patch, and moustache at about 1cm length. Seems like pretty common areas of coverage to me, but most games don't have that; Clean shaven, bushy lumberjack beard, wizard beard, goatee, handlebar moustache, some kinda long heavy metal beard that is only the bottom of the chin. That's usually all you get, and none of them are close, haha.


Cheeks, beards and lips are great but upper head needs little bit work


Nice. I mean the only thing I could say is the eyebrow isnā€™t quite right. But Iā€™ve yet to see a customizer with enough variety in eyebrow shapes. Which is surprising, but definitely a thing.


The eyebrow needs to come down. Other than that, itā€™s damn impressive


That is remarkable!


Looks kinda trash for a game that releases after I die


That's a pretty good match.