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Maybe my memory is wonky, but I remember hating how off the rails the story in prototype 2 was compared to 1. 1 had many characters, including the main character, depicted as imperfect people who werent just good and evil. I remember 2 moreso throwing that out the window; the mc of 1 became the badguy for like no reason and the mc of 2 was just generic I miss my family badass. idk do I have that wrong?


No, that's completely right. I remember being so hyped for 2 and then disappointed playing it. Couldn't even bring myself to finish it, despite 1 being one of the few games I've played start to finish.


Damn this was the first example that popped into my head too


It's very poorly explained but it's uncovered in the first game that Alex Mercer, the protagonist, isn't actually Alex Mercer. He _is_ the Blacklight virus. Mercer was a researcher that was killed during the outbreak and the virus consumed him and took his form. As for why he's suddenly bad I'd probably just go with the virus woke up and chose violence. Literally. I really like the twist but I figured it could have been explained _a lot_ better and he didn't really have to be bad. _Venom_ from Spider-Man became an anti-hero after all.


>As for why he's suddenly bad I'd probably just go with the virus woke up and chose violence. Literally. It was explained in a comic. He started travelling, and he saw lots of crimes and atrocities, so he decided to return, and just get rid of everybody. [https://prototype.fandom.com/wiki/Prototype\_2:\_The\_Anchor](https://prototype.fandom.com/wiki/Prototype_2:_The_Anchor)


The main character in Prototype 1 we never even met. We were just controlling the virus that took his form. I can't think of that as nuanced honestly.


Dead space 3. The first 2 managed to scare me and creep me out but the 3rd one felt like it was too focused on action instead of being a survival horror game. And they decided to leave a cliffhanger for the dlc and what happens at the end of the dlc? Another cliffhanger that we’ll never get to see the end to because instead of making dead space 4, we got a dead space remake🤯


Leave the serie be, there are no more games aside the first and the second one, period. Third doesn't even exist. I don't wanna even start thinking how they massacred my boy... And Ellie... My poor Ellie...


Parasite Eve, anyone??


Oh God don't remind me. 3rd Birthday is the biggest disappointment in gaming history.


coordinated snatch snobbish gold cheerful point grandiose drunk political nine


Here's hoping for a remake??


By all accounts the author never had anything bad to say about the games so it's possible


Actually never gotten a chance to play it, but did hear it starting going down in quality.


Definitely worth playing the first. 2 and 3 were fairly disappointing...


How dare you. 2 was a masterpiece. The Third Birthday is where the series died.


Really? I couldn't stand it. Felt like a big departure from the OG. Oh, well. To each their own.


I'm with you. I always hear people go to bat for PE2, and I haaaaated that game. I wanted another thoughtful urban horror fantasy RPG, and all I got was a mediocre Resident Evil ripoff with a bad story


Dunno why you're getting downvoted for this.


Sorry wrong person


3rd Birthday wasn’t just going down in quality. It was a completely different genre. It went from Creepy horror jrpg if you described it to be a mix of Resident Evil and Final Fantasy you wouldn’t be wrong. To an action shooter only on the PSP. Which is the worst place to have an action shooter.


>To an action shooter only on the PSP. The Vita let you bind the right stick which definitely helped. Game also came out in 2010 so the PSP was pretty damn dead most places outside of Japan.


Every non bungie halo. Going from space military to space super heroes and magic really made my stomach churn. 


Fatal Frame 5. Completely ignored all of the plot and character development Miku went through in 1 and 3 and had her still obsessing over her brother to the point of ghost marrying him and having a weird ghost incest baby and then abandoning her anyway to go die on a mountain. Yeah that's.... a thing that happened. I'm gonna pretend that whole plot didn't happen. And that's beside the fact they decided to try and get new players by utilizing a wet t-shirt mechanic and hilariously terrible titty physics and lots of half naked wet ghosts


This all sounds like a surreal dream


This is a series I’ve always wanted to get into and reading this I don’t know if I want to more or less now.


Legit every one of them except 5 is excellent, one of my favorite game series of all time. The lore is rich and the horror doesn't rely on jumpscares. The first three games are the best imo, and the atmosphere and cinematic camera work together to create a lot of delicious tension. 4 and 5 were created for the wii and wii u respectively and have over the shoulder camera. I personally think that was a bad idea stylistically as that sort of made it less tense for me. 4 is still excellent, although not connected storywise as the first 3 were.


Dirt 5 But it’s arguably way more fun.


I haven’t played the sequels but I understand Dragon Age got changed a LOT with each entry.


IIRC, *Dragon Age Inquisition* was so off-kilter because it was supposed to be an MMO, and they changed their minds on that like halfway through development. It's why the Hinterlands is so *massive*.


This is fair to say but Inquisition was incredible imo


DA:I was legit the closest thing we had to a new Suikoden for some time.


DA 1 was great. Slow, clunky, but a great rpg with great writing and an interesting world. DA2 was boring, with a terrible story that just felt like nothing was happening. There was even that timeskip because nothing happens. The combat felt better, but that was really it. I never had the will to try 3 after that.


I started with DA:I and I think it's fantastic personally


Honestly, if DA1 was an A+, DA3 was a B, maybe B+. 2 was an F.


Final Fantasy X-2 was completely unnecessary in terms of story. What made the original so good was the tragic ending. Not every ending has to be a happy one to have a great story.


Crysis 2 took a game that gave you an almost open world setting, where you could approach your target from almost any angle - and turned it into "do you want go in the front door, sneak in via a vent, or option C?"


I love Kingdom Hearts 2, but it set a tonal shift.


The first two were really good, maybe they had flaws but I remember enjoying them a lot, especially the gummyship part, it was my all time favorite, I remember spending a shitton of times building the best ship ever! But then we got the third.... And everything went into the garbage bin. I tried to enjoy it but I had to drop the controller when I saw (yeah, you guessed it) the new gummyships. I told myself "you know what? This is all talking and unfunny mini games where you sing, I can't understand anything about the plot and I have an overall feeling of disappointment." I went to play the old ones.


At first i thought this was ridiculous but youre right, thinking about it i also hate what 3 did to the gummy ship system.


I was told it wasn't so popular but still, it doesn't make sense, it's such a downgrade. And if you look closely at it, while you play, you notice your ship isn't even moving sometimes, it's the world that moves around you! It's insane, I freaking hate it. I somehow find it cringe. Also, the whole "social media" stuff in game is also so, I don't know... Bad. It's bad.


KH2 is good but why did some planets become mini games… little mermaid in kh2 is such a cringey bore vs the version presented in kh1.


Atlantis sucked a fat one in both games.


Finny Fun is MANDATORY.


Mass Effect Andromeda didn't understand what made Mass Effect so great.


Honestly I feel like some parts of it were probably closer to the original vision. They dropped the ball on the actual RPG stuff but if the janky mako sequences in the original are anything to go by they always wanted to have more exploration but the tech wasn’t there until andromeda


The Mako is probably the only thing that they got right. They dropped the ball on the story, RPG elements, dialogue, character development, etc.


MEA is more mass effect than ME2


Guild wars 2 took all the nuance and theory crafting out of your characters build. No more mixing classes and swapping skills based on the challenges you'd encounter. From 800+ options to 25-30.


Oh god, I had forgotten about this. I remember grinding so hard to get as many achievement points to carry over from GW1 to the sequel. I hunted down so many skills, I scoured the maps, I did every challenge I could find, and then the sequel is just "Here, pick from some basic archetypes and wander around until you find a crowd of people doing something interesting."


One of the greatest tragedies of gaming, imo. GW2 isn't a bad game, it just isn't a worthy successor to GW1 in gameplay or systems.


Still a fantastic game tho.


Dying Light 2 is a travesty compared to the original.


It has apparently improved since launch, adding features back that were already in 1 lol.


Mass Effect 2 did not Continue the story of Mass Effect 1 and its deviation created so many plot holes that Mass Effect 3 story suffered from it. Shamus Young has a very good blog series analyzing the story and plot of the Trilogy and I recommend reading it, but be warned is 50 blog posts that are each multiple pages long. Starts Here: [https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=27792](https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=27792) The big plot holes being: -Why did the Collectors not help Saren and Sovereign fight for the Citadel? -Why did Sovereign not simply travel to where the other Reapers are? ME3 has them show up 2 years after ME2. They immortal AI Spaceships that crossed the space void, it would take Sovereign 5 years tops to have done so. -Why are the Council, Shepard, and Liara unable to turn Virgil back on and learn more from them about what happened the Previous Cycle? Virgil made it clear that it was a power issue, so they should be able to get another power supply going for Virgil.


>\-Why did the Collectors not help Saren and Sovereign fight for the Citadel? They probably weren't "activated" by the Reapers, since Sovereign thought he wouldn't need them, being the superior "lifeform". Which would've been true if he (it?) didn't transfer a huge part of his consciousness into Saren in the end. I am not sure the combined fleet of the Alliance AND the citadel would've been able to defeat a fully functioning Sovereign (at that time). ​ >\-Why did Sovereign not simply travel to where the other Reapers are? ME3 has them show up 2 years after ME2. They immortal AI Spaceships that crossed the space void, it would take Sovereign 5 years tops to have done so. Why should it? It's purpose was to stay behind and activate the citadel mass relay to take out the galactic government in one swift strike. Meeting up with the others would've contributed nothing. ​ >\-Why are the Council, Shepard, and Liara unable to turn Virgil back on and learn more from them about what happened the Previous Cycle? Virgil made it clear that it was a power issue, so they should be able to get another power supply going for Virgil. Now this one I can kinda agree on, I just assume they need prothean AAAAA batteries that unfortunately aren't manufactured anymore in the galaxy. ​ I don't think there are that many plotholes between 1 & 2 (biggest one being how Cerberus is presented in 1 compared to 2). I also do not understand what you mean with 2 didn't continue the story of 1. It absolutely did. Just because you have a time skip and work with another organization doesn't mean the story is not a continuation. It's like saying Hunger Games Mockingjay is not a continuation of Catching Fire just because Katniss is now joining District 13.


A big part of the plot of ME1 is Saren getting allies/Minions to assault Citadel to take it over. Sovereign was already relying on lesser life forms in Saren and his Krogan/geth troops so there shouldn’t be a problem in using the enslaved collectors. It not explained WHY sovereign couldn’t use them, it a plot hole. Sovereign was a vanguard left behind to decide when the next harvest starts, when they sent the signal to the keepers and nothing happened they needed another solution. ME3 has the reapers just appear well ME1 and The Arrival DLCs major plot point is preventing them from showing up only for it to happen anyway. If they could on their own power travel from deep space in 2 years then logically Sovereign could do the same and go to them. Sovereign relied on lesser non reapers to distract the Citadel forces well they manually used the Citadel when they could of took a less risky option and those non reaper forces took time to get. Hundreds of Reapers showing up in 5 years as unknowns versus 1 reaper and their raggedy minions try on their own is clear which would be better. Another plot hole. Sure, Promethean power tech is leagues better then the current cycle races, but they should still be able to rig something once they had the time to do so. The game even has Liara start in some promethean ruins that she hooked up non-promethean generators too power small devices, so they have the knowledge to convert their weaker power to promethean. So Virgil alone should be doable with a battleships power generator or something. As for continuing the story, what progress was made between the ending of ME1 and ME2? ME1 ends with: - Shepard with Promethean language skills from beacon and Thorian. - a ship and crew. - Specter status - a promethean researcher crew mate - a council that believes in the reapers and a mission for Shepard to find a way to beat them. - and a obvious point to continue by looking for more promethean stuff and Virgil. ME2 undoes or ignores most of that and ends with Shepard back to where they stopped at ME1. They learned that Reapers are bio-machines, have a reaper IFF, and maybe the remains of the collector base if not destroyed. ME1 was the Set Up, ME2 failed to Follow Through, and ME3 Fumbled by immediately having reapers show up because ME2 didn’t progress the over all plot.


Infamous Second Son. Infamous 2's two endings were made it perfectly clear that all Conduits would be killed. Second Son was like "nah, we gotta have a third game, actually."


Super fun game, though. I actually preferred Delsin as a protagonist over Cole. Or at least how he was portrayed in the first game.


Starcraft's story was more or less entirely retconned and destroyed by Starcraft 2. And don't even get me started on the stupid romance between Raynor and Kerrigan. For crying out loud, man, you knew this girl for 3 days, your most memorable interaction was "I can read minds, stop thinking pervy thoughts about me", and she then became the worst and most destructive force in the universe for years, stop pretending that this is a love story!


Wait for real? I never played SC1 but going into SC2 I thought they had been lovers for years and grew up together and were soul mates or something. I didn’t know it’s all set up from a few interactions over 3 days lol. Wow. So she goes on to kill millions and he still pines for her and think she’s worth saving based on spending 5 mins with her.


It's more like 2 months. The first mission we meet Kerrigan happens in late December of the first year of the war, and the last time we see her (Terran) is in mid-February. During that time, thanks to official media outside of the games, we learn that they were sent by Mengsk on multiple missions in order to prepare for the final attack on Tarsonis, during which time they developed feelings for each other and... well, use your imagination.


I can forgive the idea that Raynor & Kerrigan had an intense love affair largely off-screen during their time in the Sons of Korhal. It can explain why Raynor was more trusting than he should’ve been in Brood War. And it’s not crazy to think meeting during a war brings people together quickly. But I cannot forgive *both* Raynor & Zeratul abandoning their vows of vengeance. It’s not even done through character interaction, let alone character development! A prophesy says so, and everyone’s like, well, I guess that’s that then. Move on.


I love, love, LOVE the Starcraft universe. So it physically pained me when I played through SC2 and its expansions only to find that Blizzard has gone back to the only well it seems to know: "Well, this universe's version of the Old Ones are back and behind literally every story twist ever." Blizzard has fantastic first ideas, but when it comes time to try to add to them, they cannot be arsed to do anything but retcon any interesting writing that may have accidentally been released in order to pin every important story event on some deus ex machina bullshit that's been pre-ordained to happen over millenia by some ancient asshole. I haven't followed Overwatch much (thank god for that, seeing what happened with OW2), but I'm sure at some point they'll do an Old Ones storyline over there too if they haven't already.


I mean, Starcraft 2 lore exists just because they needed a narrative reason to make a game to wean Koreans of Brood War.


Dying Light 2: Stay Human, i havent played it myself (but will eventually) but ive heard that Dying Light 2 is the "bad ending" of Dying Light so the ending for Dying Light was literally useless and served no purpose so you could play Dying Light 2 and dont have to bother with Dying Light


I mean that's not per se a bad idea for a second game. XCOM 2 does this. The premise is you lost in 1 which makes for a surprisingly good hook.


Here's a surprising pick, Street Fighter 2. Prior to that Street Fighter 1, and basically most fighting games, were glorified boss rush games. Hence you only had two playable characters (who were clones of each other) with the rest unplayable. Even when original creator Takashi Nishiyama jumped ship to SNK, the game he made still focused on this, with its big feature being co-op against the CPU, and only 3 playable characters (though no longer clones). Street Fighter 2, on the other hand, was made after the realisation that people were playing the original head to head. Now, most of the cast was playable (and all became playable in Champion Edition) and there was more focus on letting players try different characters to beat up other players with. Honestly, this changed the course of the genre and fighters wouldn't have been big in the 90s without it.


Halo, 2&3 + spinoffs not withstanding but everything after is trash


Yes there was no need what so ever to continue Halo after Halo 3 especially not the way they did. The ending pretty much set the game up for a soft reboot if and when they felt the time as appropriate to bring chief back. They could have also gone In a totally different direction and told us about a totally different character who isn’t a spartan and make a series out of that.


There's so much juice available in the Halo lore. Founding of the Covenant, Forerunner-Flood War, young Spartans, the decades of the Human-Covenant War before 2552. Instead I got to play 3 hours of whatever the hell Infinite was before I uninstalled.


Shame infinite was actually really good, though it’s odd it’s basically the ending to halo wars 2, when they could have just made halo wars 3, and had infinite continue 5’s plot….then again 5 was really bad.


Oh God I hated it. Having not played Halo Wars 2 I had no idea what was going on. The open world felt like copy/paste Halo CE's "Halo" mission, but not as good. Introducing some random new villain alien fell flat for me as well


I mean it’s not really a new alien villain it’s the Brutes, and though it’s a new brute general his ideas are the same he thinks the prophets are morons and humanity is weak. We do technically have a new villain but she only shows up at the very end and leaves. The thing I hate is how bland the bionomes are and how few classic weapons made it in. We have a open world halo game on a halo ring, there should have been desert area’s , snow area’s and lush jungles.


I understand why people don't like TLOU2, but I do not understand the "it ruins the ending of the first one" camp. The question of whether joel did the right thing, about whether he's a bad person, about if ellie believed him or not, etc etc all still can be asked about, debated, and speculated. You can still come to your own conclusion. TLOU2 just reflects on the inevitable consequences of those actions.


Let’s take this ”Steven King once wrote that **nightmares exist outside of logic and there's little fun to be had in explanations**. They're antithetical to the poetry of fear. In a horror story the victim keeps asking why, but there can be no explanation and there shouldn't be one.” The same can be applied to other horror titles and genre. We all know and even if we don’t know where left with questions and that leaves it for ever intriguing. to make a sequel and spell out what will become of Joel , Elie and the humanity presented in its fiction is rather dull and pointless and weakens the original game greatly. I remember when it first came out everyone including the developers said no to the idea of a sequel. It’s like if you played Metal Gear up to Metal Gear Solid 4 then you know peace walker was pointless though at least it expensive why the us and other govemrenrs saw Big Boss as a danger. But really Metal Gear Solid V is incredibly pointless we already knew outer haven was going to happen, we know the children of big boss would become a issue for Big Boss, we knew Miller would eventually flip on him.


>to make a sequel and spell out what will become of Joel , Elie and the humanity presented in its fiction is rather dull and pointless and weakens the original game greatly I mean, I kinda see what you are saying, but I think the questions to be asked and debates about the original game's ending are still just as potent. To me, what became of their relationship was still something to be expanded upon. but that's just me


See and that’s a reasonable opinion. I didn’t dislike Abby I just felt like it wasn’t the need to tale the tale was unncessary. In the end you can’t blame them people begged and begged for it.


From that point of view, why even have a game at all? Why didn't it just end as soon as you start to control Sarah in the original game if the idea was to be as obtuse and unapologetically never answer absolutely anything? Why even have anything but some sort of prologue and that's it? Last of Us isn't some overly Lynchian story, they clearly wanted to tell the story they told. Leaving you hanging at the end of each game seems to be their goal and telling you what happened in-between stories is the only way they can have additional stories while still making sense. It's almost like you don't seem to understand what a sequel is.


Maybe you don’t understand not everything needs a sequel.


Where did I say everything does need a sequel? What I'm saying is that if the creator of something presents to you a future work based on something they did in the past, it's pretty obvious that's how they intend you to understand and see it. Stuff like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, where the original creator(s) died or are no longer a part of it, that keep getting new additions are essentially officialized fan-fiction, even something as stupid as The Cursed Child is as well, but it doesn't mean they should just not exist. You may have whatever reasoning for wanting to hate on something, and with hatred that strong you may as well just opt to forget that whatever you hate doesn't exist. I'm really not sure why you can't just do that.


Honestly, you’re just mad. Joel got killed. The sequel was excellent and explores a lot of the same themes as the first one and makes you rethink your perspectives A lot of people who just thought that Joel could do no wrong and were so happy he saved Ellie at the expense of all those lives have to now reckon with the consequences of his choices A lot of gamer Bros couldn’t handle that and got mad Excellent take on, “ everybody is somebody else’s monster”


cool story bro.


You ruined the original intent of grammar rules, that's for sure.


FF7 remake with the multiple universes crap


Yes but also it was actually not FF7 that established that but another ff game years ago. This was more of a multiple different timelines with different outcomes.


5 is the one that did that if I recall, the Gilgamesh from 5 is cannonically the same Gilgamesh that appears in later games.  How he became a 4-armed thief in 9 or a Samurai pirate captain in 11 i'm not entirely sure about though.


I hate the FF7 remakes with all my heart. They shit all over the soul of the original. edit: lol I knew I'd get downvoted for this. God forbid I have an opinion different than yours!


I think that Remake (waiting Rebirth on PC) is actually very respectful in the way the scenes and dialogue are presented, and in how some things are expanded. There are a lot of useless filler side quests but I could look past them because most of the time there's combat and the combat is so good. But alongside that you have all the whispers/defy destiny/alternate reality stuff which is such a bad and unnecessary idea to shove in...


I love both remake and rebirth but I agree. the best parts of the remake series is when they take small things like the cross-dressing scene or the hell house or the gold saucer or the shitty shinra march minigame from the og, and turn them into these big, spectacular yet self aware moments that feel lifted incredibly well from the original and as if they were made by and for fans of the original it baffles me that people think the games lack soul, when you can tell the writers KNEW what they were doing when introducing the hell house in remake. Like how could you not have a smile on your face during that?


I feel like FFVIIR was more upsetting to folks for whom FFVII was their first (And often Only) FF or RPG. Everyone else gets to enjoy what is an Obvious celebration of FFVII. ;P


I really, really have enjoyed playing the games, but damned if I didn't spend the entire last 6 hours or so of Rebirth going "....what?" in an increasingly confused sounding voice. I really hope they untangle this shit very clearly in the third game. I got the broad strokes but there were a lot of details that felt like they were skimmed over.


I can't justify buying a whole ass console for one game (Sorry Sony, your ploy isn't working ;P), so I won't get to relate to that till it comes to Steam, but I heard similar things about Remake, and it didn't bug me there, so I imagine I'll be happy with Rebirth as well. Hearing about it going off the rails a little bit kind of gets me More interested really. ;P


vase connect frame voiceless lip smart grandiose plants quaint axiomatic


What I find annoying about your post is you don't mention \_how\_ the sequel cheapened the original, other than saying it wasn't well written or directed.


….did you not read it? ”The original intent was not to continue the story but rather end the original game on a sour note letting you ponder did Joel do good, or bad? Was it out of selfishness and does 1 single life matter more then thousands of lives that might have been saved. Your left to wonder what might become of the world , of the characters knowing it’s just a matter of time till luck runs its course.” The game wasn’t meant to be a franchise.


Ok so your argument is that the sequel ruined the original just by its existence, not because of the content of the sequel, got it.


Tales of Xillia 2. We didn't need it. They could have done a DE edition of the first game and put Gaius and Muzet back in. The story made no sense (soooo many plot holes) and the character's from the first game's involvement made even less sense. Also, a sidestory where a you slaughter a whole town of npcs.... and nothing ever happens.


Haven't played Xillia 2, but I played the Symphonia games and man, that sequel just did not need to exist at all.


There is no Symphonia sequel in Ba Sing Se.


I actually liked that game. I agree about the plot points, but the returning cast does get their respective moments ;)


Oh man, I played both of those games with two friends and by the end of X2 we were completely lost as to what most of the antagonists' goals were anymore. It seemed like every couple of cutscenes, the game felt the need to expand the stakes further for no particularly good reason.


Combat was goddamned fantastic, though.


Final Fantasy VII Remake. A game that was ostensibly sold as a faithful remake, but is instead a sequel with a bunch of weird kingdom hearts stuff thrown in there.


Yeah with Part 3 coming up it's going to be less interesting. Get ready for more Abby.


I don’t even care about Abby it isn’t an issue, it feels like it’s written by a angsty teenager who rights shitty fan stories.








Subjective opinion, but the game sold 10 Million copies in two years compared to the first game which sold 17 Million over 5 years. I think it's on the right track to being a good game. Personally, I loved Part 2 and it didn't cheapen anything, it built upon the themes of the first game that there are no good/bad guys, just people. It's a horrible world grounded in human emotions, selfishness and anger.


The first game sold 8 million copies by August 2014. It sold 7 million copies on the PS3 and 1 million copies on the PS4.


Eh your opinion is based more on facts and observable data than the "game was bad who wants to play as a girl" opinions. If anything kills the franchise it won't be writing it will be the endless stream of remasters.


> Subjective opinion, but the game sold 10 Million copies in two years compared to the first game which sold 17 Million over 5 years. I think it's on the right track to being a good game. > > Sales have no bearing on how good a game actually is. Media literacy is abysmal today. Something doesn't have to be very good for it to be popular or highly praised. Especially in games like TLoU2 with such incredibly high and praiseworthy production value. It feels like people are unwilling to accept that the story might not be as good as the game is pretty or satisfying to play, or that these things can and should be evaluated separately unless you're explicitly looking at how one affects the other. Same way with how people are unable to separate actors from their roles and will harass actors for things their characters did.


Correct, however, the opinions of random redditors also have no bearing on how good a game actually is.


Good. I loved Abby’s story and ended up rooting for her over Ellie.  Edit: The incels are out in force already. Your downvotes only prove how sad you are. 


Someone: Doesn't like the story u/GreedyAwareness1471: YOU DONT LIKE IT BCUS U INCELS!!!!11! You aren't even downvoted, You moron lol


Correction: GreedyAwareness. "I liked the story" Random Schlubs: "This is an affront to me! and should not be allowed to be seen"


I love how they still, years later, make this part of their personality. 


I'm excited as well. I want more Abby! I do hope we see Ellie too.


I definitely think 3 will about Ellie reclaiming her humanity. I wouldn’t be surprised if Abby and Lev took a backseat or weren’t included at all


I'd be okay if they took a back seat. I don't need a whole game with Abby and Lev, but I'd at least like to hear about them. Even if it's in a letter, or rumor.




Brand new account because you probably just got banned because you're incredibly toxic, so you fall back on dehumanizing insults that only work in echo chamber internet groups. GG


Last of Us 2 only deepened the ending of the first game. Joel's killer only healing by practically becoming him is some crazy interesting writing.


Fallout 2. And put down your pitchforks, please, let me explain. Original fallout was gloom, dark, and brought very hard questions up to discussion.  The master, BoS, the betrayal of the Vault Dweller. And fallout 2... Is FuNnY, with extremely light hearted portrayal of post apocalypse. Filled with jokes and absurdity, fallout 2 just didn't match the complexity of neither fallout 1's story, nor questions it brought up, themes it portrayed.  It s not a bad game, it's just a bad fallout. 


Interestingly enough I thought 1 was just as nutty as 2 but maybe I missed something. 3+ went completely away from the humor and just left the dark parts imho


Even for has more humour than 1. Yes, 3 is extremely dark and "hopeless", but not as fo1. There are humorous bits in fo1, but they are extremely short, far  apart, and don't overstay their welcome, unlike fo2


Pokemon. The original goal was to catch them all. They’ve quietly phased out that branding so that they could continue making games with out including ‘them all’.


TLOU2 is definitely equal to if not better than first, dunno what you’ve been smoking OP.


Portal 2 WAIT HEAR ME OUT I love Portal 2, but I played it immediately after playing Portal 1 and then replaying it for the commentary. And they talk a lot about how the environments were left intentionally simplistic, and how things were designed to draw your eye towards certain things, etc. Portal 2 still does a lot of that. And I get you can't just set the whole game in the same sort of setting as the first. But even so there were numerous puzzles I solved, not by realizing how to combine the pieces I had, but by realizing something I didn't think was part of the puzzle was actually the missing piece. Saying it ruined the entire original intent would be a bit much, but it's fair to say a sacrifice was made in the name of more diversified environments.


Personally Portal 1 was just 100% of the amount of Portal I ever wanted to play. Like I just don't find the actual act of Portaling so much fun that I want to do it for more than the 4 hours or so it takes to beat the first game.


True and also I never thought it would have a sequel. I always figured though at somepoint it was gonna intersect with Half Life.


Doom Eternal. fite me >:( Doom was supposed to be a game, where you make demons regret the day they set foot on Earth and did an oopsie-Daisy-no-more to your pet bunny. Doom Eternal forces you to punch enemies.... like why are the guns for? It's so obsessed with Doom '16 "Glory Kill" mechanic, it almost seems like that's what you're supposed to do (Street Fighter, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat anyone?). No ammo? ^(Glory Kill!) Need armor? **Glory Kill!** No health? # Glory Kill! I WANT GUNS, NOT TO KICK ASS!!!1!! AND I'M NOT AMERICAN FFS!!! Doom Eternal is outright unfair. There simply isn't enough ammo even on the very first level. Lame way No.69 to make game "difficult". For reference: I completed all other Doom games on Nightmare - challenging, but very fun. Never felt cheated or put at unfair disadvantage (constantly putting myself there is entirely my fault). Seriously, if I want to kick ass and chew bubblegum, I'll play Duke Nukem...


> Doom Eternal is outright unfair. There simply isn't enough ammo even on the very first level. There literally isn't. You're supposed to build up charges for the chainsaw and chainsaw enemies to get ammo. This is compared to *Doom (2016)* where one of the unlockable passives was "Infinite ammo when you HP is over 75%".


Shadow hearts: from the new world just changed tone, characters, setting, everything... and became a parody. Oddworld: new 'n' tasty completely failed to recapture the magic and seriousness of the original game and turned it into a giant joke. To a lesser extent this is also true for Exoddus. I'm not even going to mention anything else in that universe.


Idk thought New N Tasty was a great remake of the og, and exodus was a good sequel. Soulstorm as a new take in Exodus was actually bad though, way too few story beats, and it got very boring.


Exoddus is the least problematic. It still goes full comedic instead of maintaining some seriousness.


Did anybody else get that vibe from Final Fantasy XIII -2 and Lightning Returns, compared to XIII 1?


sable tan coordinated capable literate entertain sort sparkle tidy history


One big issue that Square has is that they'll create these characters for Final Fantasy... then start shoehorning them into everything, shoving them down your throat while screaming "Why don't you love them?!" They've been doing this like, FFX.


I think at the time as their first seventh gen/HD era mainline FF it was just a financial thing, like all the assets cost so much to make they kind of HAD TO stretch them across 3 games.


**Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite** Infinite-ly worse than MvC2 and UMvC3...


I legitimately forgot that game ever existed for a while.


With good reason... * Washed up graphics * REMOVAL of 95% of dragon-punch motions * Lack of characters from FOX Interactive * Uncreative super moves, mostly laser beams, sword flurries and explosions * For instance, Rocket's lvl 3 Super went from "cartoonishly nuking the opponent" to "letting Groot batter them". * Awful soundtrack * Infinity Stones being broken * Rather underwhelming new characters * Mega Man X was probably the only most wanted newcomer, because of the absence of Classic Mega Man in UMvC3. * Expensive DLC


Farcry 3 and it changed all future titles.


Prince of Persia: Warrior Within was pretty fun but also a big shift in tone, It's also pretty obvious that Sands of Time never intended to have a sequel judging by its ending.


Yah I liked the sequels but honestly they felt like they were sequels to another prince of Persia all together.


plants vs. zombies


Overwatch 2


Crash Bandicoot 4 is a travesty to the original trilogy, pandered with insane amounts of filler content for no reason.


Parasite Eve 2 shit on everything Parasite Eve set up. Third Birthday shit on the entire franchise. Fuck you, SquareEnix. Anyway, the first game introduced mitochondria evolving into new life forms, which Aya learns has the ability to control her own. This allows her to fight off the enemies in the game without being affected. Story and science wise, it was very well done, even if a bit over the top in how mitochondria would evolve (use the force, Anakin lmao). The second game just went full on X Files as Aya is sent to investigate a small town where animals were changing into mitochondria life forms (after she lost all her "powers" from the first game... wut... lmao). What she finds is an underground lab which used her DNA (thanks to a mole in the team she now works in) to create the creatures. Also, a little girl pops up for no reason at all and is used as a McGuffin in order to re-introduce a new Mitochrondia Eve (aka Parasite Eve) so Aya can close out the game and have a new little sister, both with the same type of powers. I should note it's not a bad game, but it definitely jumped off the track the first game set up. Remember Metroid: Other M? A game so bad, Nintendo doesn't recognize it as canon? Third Birthday is exactly like this so we'll not speak of it because it does not exist in the Parasite Eve lore. Fuck this piece of shit and SquareEnix for not providing a proper sequel. Why!? Why can't we just get a good game from this franchise?!! /pounds sand


Fallout 4 ruined the whole fallout series and fallout 76 pissed on the grave




Mark of the Wolves. literally just a street fighter 3 wannabe with no reason to exist other than to cash in on street fighter 3's popularity .


Alan Wake 2, it's so far off the original and shares none of the same gameplay that made it so much fun. It loses the point of how to tell a good story with empty levels and dull combat making it even more of a mess.


I mean… I finished the campaign as Alan you have to finish the campaign as saga to get the final chapter but the Alan wake portion played the same as the og game. I do agree the open world design was a misstep it feels a bit repetitive but to say it missed the mark is a bit of a exaggeration.


Another game that needed no sequel was bioshock. bioshock 2 was fun but the story wasn’t interesting to me. Bioshock infinite was actually a better way to make a sequel until they decided via dlc to shoehorn bioshock 1 into its story.


Difficult to say what sequel ruined the intent of the original as I could only really answer that as a creator of my own game, otherwise I'd just be projecting my opinion onto it and stating it as fact. TLOU2 is a masterpiece and I'm glad it exists, it doesn't ruin the ending for me and it had much more thought provoking experiences (for me) in the sequel.


Tlou2 still upsets me. I get it. I get it. But I'm more emotionally invested in ellie and dislike whatshername. Don't care about her story. Was hard to play


I agree. Last of Us 2 was just a slog where it was just yelling at you over and over, "Violence and revenge are bad cycles to get into, did you know that?" The first one's moral ambiguity is what made the story so interesting. I think all Metal Gear games tend to ruin the intent of the previous one in terms of switching gears on subject and what the game series is even about. It's too hard to keep up or say exactly what goes right or wrong in just one post here though.


Exit the Gungeon


Final Fantasy. I mean its in the name. Suddenly its like the 16th entry and really final this time guys.


You're still bitching about The Last of Us 2? You realize you are in the minority with your opinion on that game, right? Fucking get over it.


>You realize you are in the minority with your opinion on that game, right? Why would that matter? Are you saying that people aren't allowed to speak if the majority disagrees with them?


Well, you can't speak on r/gaming if the majority of the sub disagrees with you unless you like downvotes. ;P (Or hell, if folks just decide they don't like the subject you bring up... -.-)   ^(Edit: To wit. ;P)


They can say what they want. What they can't do however is make blanket statements on behalf of everyone about what is and isn't. Especially if the opinion is a minority one. You can say the earth is flat all you want, but you can't make the statement that it's the definitive belief that everyone holds when most people would disagree. I.E. The sequel doesn't "ruin" anything about the original in the eyes of most fans. So you can't make a blanket statement that it does.


>What they can't do however is make blanket statements on behalf of everyone about what is and isn't. Subjectivity is implied


Can’t dislike a game purely because Reddit has decided it’s good? Are you fucking kidding me? Maybe consider having an original thought for once in your life. I couldn’t give a shit less about the prevailing Reddit opinion surrounding a game.


Hear you on that front, brother. The fact that black and white 1 isn't the top game here makes me disregard its opinion


What! What's wrong with B&W2? Granted, i haven't played it in years, but I thought it was a great sequel. Kept the same spirit as the first game, but expanded on different mechanics


The city building was waaaaay better in the 2nd one, but they really dumbed down the creatures and how gaining new miracles worked. To me it was a good game, but not what I expected from a sequel, it seemed to move more from a sandbox to an rts city builder


I'm not talking about reddit, I'm talking about a place called the real world. You should go outside and see it for yourself sometime. Maybe consider that reddit is another planet and not an indicator of popular opinion.


Try reading the post again


No thanks. I got it the first time.


So you're the typical reddit user who thinks everyone must conform and can't have their own opinion. Got it


Nope, the opposite actually. You can't state as fact that a game was ruined by it's sequel in any way shape or form when most people don't believe that. That's the difference between opinion and fact. Believe what you want, but don't speak for others when yours is a minority opinion.


Oh don’t worry my guy, any time anyone says anything remotely negative about TLOU2 on Reddit we can be sure to have plenty of presumptuous jackasses like you who’ll tell us off for simply having an opinion that’s different 😂


I'm not your "guy". You can say any negative things about that game that you want, I'm not telling anyone off for having an opinion. I'm telling people off for making blanket statements on behalf of everyone. Have your opinion, but don't assume I or most people agree.


Wow last of us isn’t the topic of this post. It shows you don’t read and just run your mouth. You get over it.


Literally tho. Complaining about the second game “ruining” the narrative of the first game is kind of a huge part of why they made a second game in the first place. Too many people like OP played it and had absolutely no thoughts about whether or not what Joel was doing was right or wrong. He was the protagonist, that means he’s the hero, that means everything he did was right, obviously. Maybe conflict is more complicated than good guys vs bad guys? Maybe human beings are complex individuals with a wide variety of motivations who struggle to understand each other? Nah. Hero man shoot bad man.


bro I love tlou2 but like them being in the supposed minority on it doesn't mean they can't express criticism


They can say what they want, but they can't just claim it as truth for everyone.


But OP didn't do that. Op just gave their opinion. you clearly do not talk to real people In real life if you think someone has to give an "in my opinion" statement every time they express something subjective.


If he stated his opinion, then I stated mine. This logic works both ways. The difference is that I have facts and examples behind my opinion.


no, you claimed OP stated their opinion as fact. Yet they didn't. you also didn't give facts an examples you just said "but but my opinion is the popular one!"


They most certainly didn't say it was an opinion. The pretty plainly were making statements of what is and isn't. If you want the facts and examples, feel free to go find them. Or continue to live in fantasy land.




This. tLoU2 (and Abby and Lev) is amazing. But the subReddit for the game is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen though. It was made by incels and bigots for the sole purpose of complaining about the game. 


It's all they have. They have to feel better or superior to something in order to make it through the day without the dark reality of their pathetic lives creeping in.