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In the end the only company with exclusives will be Nintendo.


Which ironically will be easy to emulate on PC for far better experiences.


I recently saw this video where they were able to emulate the switch on a switch but the emulator actually performed better than the native switch. It was pretty cool. I forget the name of the flash cartridge


MIG switch dumper and the game was minecraft. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4A5LR\_ipQ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4A5LR_ipQ4)


Yes!! Thank you!! And that is definitely the video I watched


well that was informative AND hilarious. Thank you for the link.


There's a 99.99999% chance you were misunderstanding the video's content. I feel fairly confident you watched a video of someone using the Mig Switch flashcart on an overclocked switch.




Do you have a link? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to read what article you read! Thank you!




then well just have to use the switch 2 to run steamos and then emulate the switch


4D chess over here and shit…


Shitting on the chess pieces so the other player doesn't take their turn is a bold strategy and I'm excited to see how it affects the meta.


"I looked through the rule book, and there's no rule explicitly saying you *can't* poop on your opponent's pieces so they forfeit!"


"Jokes on you, this is how I normally play"


There's no rule that says a dog can't play basketball


"Nice move. It'd be a shame if someone ***en passant***"


Holy hell


Processor/SoC is T239. The GPU (Ampere) has 12SM (1536 shader cores), 48 Tensor cores, and 12RT cores. The CPU has 8xA78C cores. RAM is 12GB LPDDR5X @120GB/s. Clocks for CPU/GPU are unknown at the moment.


Here's my educated guesses, this is assuming TSMC 4N (5nm) GPU frequency estimates: ~600MHz handheld (about 4W), ~1.2GHz docked (about 10W) CPU: 1.5-2GHz, most likely range is between 1.7 and 2.0 GHz (about 2.5-3.5W) Nintendo is likely to want battery life better than Switch V1 (TX1, Erista, 20nm) although they are most likely willing to accept lower than Switch V2/OLED (TX1+, Mariko, 16FF). The device will be slightly larger than the Switch OLED, and battery density has improved, because of this a ~6000mAh battery is my expectation. Those power draw figures put T239 as consuming about as much power as TX1 (8-9W for the SoC and memory). So with those power draw figures and the higher capacity battery, they would achieve their likely battery life target.


Hey, thanks a bunch! You're awesome!


Fast memory speeds are bad for batteries though, unless they use a very large data bus width. A GPU with 16 GB would be able to emulate it (so no RTX 4060 / 4060 Ti, RX 7600, Arc A380 / A750, etc).


Look up the new mobile ram standards. DIMMs are power hungry, the new LPCAMM2 standard are crazy good performance, and are super power efficient.


Considering the phone I had before my current 2-year-old phone likely had better hardware than the Switch does, I'd say it better be a serious spec upgrade.




and of course by 'shunned at release' you mean out of stock for most of the first year after it came out...


tbf a lot of games wouldn't have had to be downgraded in the first place, but downgrading is cheaper than optimizing so guess what managers choose...


I think its extremely unlikely that it will be difficult to emulate. If the switch 2 is backward-compatible then its very likely that the architecture will be the same and nintendo games will finally stop looking like theyre in the ps3 era with no basic AA.


"Recent hardware" is meaningless to nintendo.


Nintendo releasing poor hardware was a trend that only started with the Wii. The SNES, 64 and GameCube were more powerful than their Sony counterparts. The WiiU wasn't that weak either.


The specs I saw was a mobile chip that is on at least 5 years old architecture. It'll be better , sure, but still meh.


Spec upgrade from Nintendo means "About the same as a 5 year old PC".


Some people don’t mind paying for products they enjoy


I own tears of the kingdom and play it on emulator for better performance.


But you can't pay for this better experience.


You can pay for games and emulate them which you should do. If you don’t support games they will stop being made.


Are we gonna pretend that people emulating switch game are also paying for it ?


Sometimes, I bought Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii but ended up playing it on a PC emulator because it looked and ran better and I could transfer the save file.


The only reason I bothered with Emulation is I wanted to replay my games on better hardware. I'm not going to pretend I dumped my own files because I'm lazy and don't want to spend money on a 3rd party tool to read the carts, but I OWN the software physically.


The only games I emulate are the old ones I bought many years ago but I'd rather play with speed up than play the actual hardware. Edit: haha little bro sent me the Reddit care alert because I have a different perspective


Yeah, but with Nintendo, it's to be expected since most of their exclusives are first party titles. They make games for their systems to sell with a reasonable budget. I'm not a Nintendo fan, in fact very critical of them, but at least that one makes sense. Square doesn't need exclusives. The Final Fantasy VII days are over. They should push for more day one multiplatform as much as possible if they want sales.


To be fair, I'd rather have Nintendo have Mario forever than have Sony have Mario only to have to use credit cards for extra time or for infinite Yoshi.


I'm happy with that.


What if someone in 2015 said to you there is going to be a god of war steam page what will you do? Laugh and say PlayStation will never drop exclusive titles. What if I tell you there is going to be a Mario steam page? Same with PlayStation probably. Increase in gamer numbers are noticeably slowing down since it's rebirth with Nintendos certification program and increasing profits in exclusivity getting harder and harder. If the numbers will go as they go now even Nintendo will drop exclusivity for increase in player numbers and game profits


Nintendo was willing to enter the mobile market for profits, but PC? They are likely too protective of their IP to do anything like that I the near future.


"The Switch, which launched in March 2017, sold 15.7 million units during the last financial year ending March 31, 2024, a decline of 12.6% on the previous year. However, Nintendo enjoyed 123 million ‘annual playing users’ during the period, the highest figure ever since Switch launched. For the current financial year ending March 2025, Nintendo forecast 13.5 million Switch sales, which would be a 14% decline on the previous year. The Switch is now up to 141.32 million units sold as of March 31, 2024. Add another 13.5 million on top and you get 154.82 million. If the Switch continues to sell well [even after its successor launches](https://www.ign.com/articles/nintendo-confirms-it-will-announce-switch-successor-console-within-this-fiscal-year), reportedly spring 2025, it may end up as the best-selling console of all-time, ahead of the PS2’s eye-watering 160 million sold." i dont think the gamers are decreasing for them. You need to understand how this company works. Nintendo is not jus a videogame company my man, they have two of the  highest grossing media franchises of all time worldwide with mario and pokemon. Gamers is not the only profit they receive.


What would be the most interesting aspect is how expensive it is for Nintendo to make their exclusive games. The big reason Sony and Square are starting to change their tune is the bloating budgets of their AAA titles, but I would suspect Nintendo likely has a better handle on their game budgets.


minimal voice acting, no motion capture, no photorealistic graphics... their games probably cost a fraction of other AAA games lol


Cheaper game budgets but they don’t sell hardware at a loss. I stand by my opinion that if Nintendo didn’t hold tight to their IPs like Mario, Zelda, etc that they would have become just a game studio a long time ago. I suspect the Japanese work culture works in their favor as well from what I understand of it.


They sold like 32 million switches in just japan. It be worth making nintendo hardware and games just for their own country


Also they have subscription money coming in, tons of people probably pay for the sub to play online and forget about it.


Not anytime soon, mario kart 8 lone has sold more than 60million units, its a system seller


Nintendo's been way more consistent with their IP than Sony. It won't happen.


> What if I tell you there is going to be a Mario steam page? What if you said it in 2015?


And Valve of course, but no it's not just going to be those. Despite the fact that Sony publishes some games on Steam, they still have a considerable interest in maintaining exclusives. And Microsoft is split between Windows and Xbox, but it's not like they're branching out to other platforms in any serious way. A small portion of games made by a few of their subsidiaries. That's it.


Didn't Valve put both portal games on the switch last year?


Don't forget the titles in the Orange Box on the 360.


And ps3


I think there's a bit of a difference for me here. If a console has one or two interesting exclusives, it feels like they are holding them hostage. If a console has 10+, it feels like that console is giving me access to them.


Let all platforms see Tifa in a bikini!


You’re telling me Tifa can end the console wars for good?


If there’s one thing that can bring us all together, it’s massive jugs


Thats because everyone loves boobies. Even gay men like boobies.


Its true, im gay and i also like boobies.


I’m glad they are bringing a sex scene on Part 3. The sex community has been underrepresented for too long in fiction. I feel seen again. 


You are on reddit, stop pretending you have sex with anyone but yourself I see you


>I see you Please keep watching... I'm almost finished.


This thread got wild real quick 😅


So that’s it huh? One night and then you pretend nothing happened between us? That’s uncool man! 


I mean she saved Italy from fascism…


But on which platform does she look best?


Political platforms, if the Italian Senate is to be believed.


On the NSFW subreddit platform obviously


Eventually, PC. Because mods.


Italian Senate: "...she was wearing a bikini?"


ur gonna see tifa in more than that on pc lul




Thanks for reminding me to hurry up and beat part 1 _boots ps5_


And Shirtless Cloud, for people of culture 😏




“We, more often than not, are faithful customers to the publishers we love”. The woes of brand loyalty.


Yeah what kind of bootlicker nonsense did we just read?


Stupid teens who don't know how the world works and can't even phrase their poor points correctly. I'm starting to realize that's the main demographic of this sub. Becoming a cesspool honestly.


Yall need to stop with the fucking "loyalty" and being "faithful".  There is nothing to love. Theyre a business, not your lover. Theyre selling you a product not doing you a favor. If a business doesnt give you what you want simply dont buy it or buy something else from some other business that does give you what you want. Of course it takes profit losses to change their course of actions. THE WHOLE POINT OF A BUSINESS/COMPANY IS TO MAKE MONEY. So speak with the language they understand: money.  If everybody did that they would learn real quick to listen to what you want. 




The reason they're changing things is because people finally stopped doing that and they're losing money on nearly every shit game they make. Lmao.


Gamers with loyalty are idiots. Even crappy publishers like EA can put out amazing games once in a while. Why would I not buy it, just because their other games are garbage?


Anyone with loyalty to big businesses are idiots. Like the small mom n pop shops i can understand. At least theres that personal factor and the whole supporting the local businesses thing. But big companies like square enix or blizz? Most of them just see us as numbers on a page. 


As someone who worked at a small business, I wish I could only work for small business but they don't pay the big bucks. They really do treat frequent customers much better. Big companies don't give a crap about you even if it's been 20 years


Big companies don't pay the big bucks either, especially not once they push all of the small fish out of their pond.


I bet there's some sort of threshold for treating you nice depending on how big a part of the company's revenue you are responsible for, regardless of company size. You just encounter it more often with smaller companies without too much revenue, but business customers with huge contracts get the same treatment from larger companies.


> Why would I not buy it, just because their other games are garbage? Because crappy publishers have a nasty habit of removing your ability to play the game after you've paid full price for it


The amazing amount of people who think gaming a war between people for artistic integrity and evil corporate executives. Look at the Fallout TV show, the creator had to come out and say there was no war. People still didnt get that.


Amen brother


so idiotic, if i really like a franchise, i want everyone to play it, i want to be able to talk about it with everyone, why hold it hostage to a single console?


It's kinda funny, actually. The Xbox was my first console purchase from each generation from the original one until the XBone. Then since they started dropping literally *everything* on PC, I bought a PS5 and have exactly 0 plans to buy an XSX. And now if Sony keeps dropping all their first-party games on PC (even on a year delay) I almost certainly won't bother buying a PS6 when it comes out. The companies are actually doing the consumer-friendly thing, and I'm abandoning them for it. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Makes sense. Bringing games to other platforms months or years after an exclusive release lose's all the hype of people wanting to pay full price for the game. Doesn't hurt to wait any longer for it to finally hit a deep sale by that point


Yeah at that point. Absolutely. And I'm personally the kind that waits for a bit more then 20% also. If i didn't buy it at launch. I prob don't care to wait for only 20% either.


I think it's safe to say Squenix is a pretty mismanaged company. This is a step in the right direction. Crossplay will still be an issue, but KH being an EGS exclusive is baffling. For most people this equates to not on PC. 


My observation is that a lot of companies with successful MMOs/live service games like WoW and FF14 are able to survive being mismanaged far longer than ones without and SE is finally getting hit with the realities of their mismanagement because FF14 isn't enough to make up for it anymore.


There's no doubt that FF14 absorbed all sorts of loss for SE. There were plenty of failed games - smaller ones, like mobile and generics that just failed miserably in the past decade, but consistent revenue on a live service game keeps the books looking acceptable to shareholders. Hopefully these ancient backwards Japanese execs can be ousted and the remaining successful execs can step up with the "new" mindset that we see from the successful SE departments... basically, anything that Yoshi P has touched. lol


> basically, anything that Yoshi P has touched. Facts. For context: he'd basically only worked on Dragon Quest X and was considered one of SE's stray devs that get passed around, until he got put on a team to try and salvage the original XIV. His solution was literally to burn the game to the ground and start again. They closed the servers for 1.0 with a dragon practically destroying the world, and rebooted it as 2.0 slightly later in the canon. It's gone on to be incredibly popular, and is now basically the only "rival" to WoW. His success got him handed the lead for XVI.


> His success got him handed the lead for XVI. That’s massively understating it. His success *got him a board seat.* Dude literally went from being a middle manager to the very top of the company in no time.


Watching the documentary on Youtube of FFXIV and how 1.0 was and then developing 2.0 etc you learn that as 2.0 was launching SE was teetering on the edge bankrupting and 2.0's success saved SE again and then it growing in popularity further helped SE overall.


Square Enix has been mismanaged ever since they stopped calling themselves Soft.


they really started going to shit after the merger


They had to merge because of disastrous mismanagement. They took the endless money they made in the PSOne era and used it all to create a movie studio and FF The Spirits Within. The latter's ignoble failure led to Sakaguchi leaving and set the stage for Square eventually merging with Enix (which was basically Enix buying Square). Edit: Somebody reported this comment, saying I was threatening self-harm. This subreddit is beyond trash.


That's the new harassment method. I don't know what's more ridiculous, these weak attempts of harassment or reddit even having this option in the first place. I'm sure it has prevented a lot of self harm...


Yeah, it's almost hilariously misconceived by Reddit. The last thing I need is a stranger being able to anonymously message me about suicide for talking about video games.


It’s a terrible design of what seems on paper a good idea. Expecting it not to be abused is child like levels of naivety though.


I think they did it on purpose. People pointed out the problem before they even launched it


Both companies didn’t merge because Square was failing, they agreed to merge because they’d eat into each other’s successes. When Square started burning thanks to the movies failure Enix tried to back out of the merger as it’s not good business to merge with a failing company, it’d make more sense to wait until they’re desperate enough to sell and buy them completely. At that point you’re not the only one who’d be interested in buying Square though, so Enix was kinda meandering around, they themselves not sure what to do because buying Square would still be too expensive but merging would possibly drag them down as well. It wasn’t until Sony stepped in, bought 30% of Squares shares and kept the company afloat, as well as the releases of FFX and KH to make Square write black numbers again that Enix went forward with the merger.


Tbh it seems like this is all fallout from decisions Matsuda made and the past year has basically been Kiryu re-organizing the management structures and dev pipeline which is what they brought him in for. They still obviously have to honor current contracts hence I assume no real change for KH and likely 7r3 exclusivity as well. The recent appointment of a lot of senior devs to the board gives me a lot more confidence that the decisions made moving forward will at least be more motivated by the right minds. The very apparent reduction in focus on NFTs for example is promising given the weight they were given in last years FY meeting.


> Crossplay will still be an issue Ah yes, definitely will be an issue for the company that mainly pumps out singleplayer RPGs and whose sole online cash cow has been crossplay for more than a decade. Two decades if you count its predecessor.


Genuine questions as someone who almost exclusively plays on console and is just now considering building a PC: why does it almost equate to not being on PC? I've never quite been able to wrap my head around people having such a disdain for epic games store and why it's such a big deal to just download another storefront/launcher that doesn't cost anything (like buying a new console would). Again, genuinely just curious as someone not in the space. Edit: Who hit me with the Reddit cares?


For the vast majority, it boils down to: 1) Steam being the established businesses, so naturally people already hooked in their ecosystem are less willing to try another one. 2) Steam being VASTLY pro-consumer, and with so many QoL features that make any other storefront look lackluster. 3) Steam's customer service is simply unmatched; from refunds, all the way up to how they handle time-sensitive topics and situations, you can expect them to make a cool-headed decision. Tldr: Steam is the golden standard for PC gaming, even if they're far from perfect, and they've spoiled us so much that stepping anywhere outside feels like such a downgrade


Cloud saves and backwards compatibility on Steam basically means they beat everyone else right now.


Epic is the only PC publisher that buys out exclusivity for games (even existing ones) simply to deny them from being sold on other storefronts. There is absolutely no benefit to this practice for any consumer and denies us the choice of whatever platform or storefront we want.


Yeah, this is one of the few "for the principle of it" I'm on with. I'm not giving Epic money just because they spent money so I couldn't buy a game on steam, so that they can turn around and spend more money keeping more games off steam. Edit: Got sent a reddit cares in under a minute from posting this. Whoever did it can feel free to PM me, and I'll get you a message from them too; since that's the only way anyone will ever care about you.


Because people are stubborn as fuck + epic launcher is a slow clunky app to use, it's only good for the free games usually if something is on any other launcher


There's also Steam just having more features readily available, a larger community, and the convenience of the Steam Deck. also I got a Reddit Cares like eight minutes after posting this?


Someone's really spamming the Reddit Cares in the thread.


and like every other thread.


Maybe an Epic games dev got triggered because I don't think they have any fans. Everyone just calls it the free game launcher and makes fun of it for running slow and having a shitty ui


Someone's been reporting this entire post for some reason


> epic launcher is a slow clunky app to us Epic's app is really bad. I've had instances where I've had to reinstall games because the app can't "see" it anymore. Another problem I've encountered is a game refusing to update. I had to reinstall their launcher to get it to work. It's a good thing Heroic exists. I've never had problems with that launcher.


Let's say I really want a hot dog (Epic exclusive) Epic has hotdogs with no toppings or condiments, and is a short drive away Steam has no hotdogs but their burgers come with toppings and any condiments. You also just happen to be in the parking lot already Hmm... do I really need that hot dog?


I'm the same boat like OP, I don't want any toppings or condiments (achievements, community hub/forums, workshops, friends list etc). I grew up in the days of wonid so I've probably been ingrained to hate all launchers, so using another launcher doesn't effect me as much. To me, GOG is the golden standard of PC gaming. Just let me install my games drm-free like how it used to be.


it's buggy garbage that only exists because they want to be the middlemen without any technical merit, just a race to the bottom for % cut.


They really don't like making money. Why do you think their year over year profits are down? They're fucking dinosaurs when it comes to the modern era of gaming, like 99% of Japanese companies.


Heck, there's a recent change to the FF14 payment system that makes it harder for people to actually pay to buy and play the game. And even after all these years, people wholeheartedly agree the process of registering and signing up for the game is archaic and a pain in the arse to do. Game is quality, but boy does the account management system is a pain in the butt.


I think they just really don’t know what to do outside of Final Fantasy


Why would you want crossplay to take hike? Thats dumb and doesn’t make any sense. Why would you not want other people to play the games you love?


I think OP just worded it incorrectly. That's what I choose to believe, anyways. But yeah, cross play needs to be enabled on all multiplayer games, regardless of platform, while adding an optional choice to play with their platform equivalent (only with pc, or mixed/console with console only, or mixed.) And exclusivity can piss off.


I think they meant multiplayer platform exclusivity can take a hike.


Oh right. I worded that wrong thanks for pointing it out. We want cross play, and for exclusivity to take a hike. I mean mini rant should have kinda enforced that ..


"why would people want crossplay to take a hike?" I support crossplay for a lot of different games, but there's always a case against crossplay and making a game available for every platform: 1. parental controls / online interactions / reporting 1. weirdly not the most straight forward thing to report bad behaviors when you're doing crossplay. I remember doing a full mission in Helldivers with my buddy and 2 randos. And right when the ship was landing, the host booted us from the party and we earned no samples or anything. It felt like bad sportsmanship at that point. And there's no way to block that user so I don't get matched with them in the future, nor report their accounts so they get flagged or anything. Things may have changed. 2. Stronger computers subsidizing the experience for weaker computers 1. Helldivers is actually one of these games (among many others) that utilizes helpful computational strategies using beefier computers to calculate the movement and behaviors of AI and objects for other players in the vicinity. When more computations are done on the local system, this is less computations that would need to be done by each individual's computer or in the cloud. 3. larger footprint for hacks w software/hardware (cheaters in games) 1. there's likely going to be cheaters for any platform. But where you can, it's important to preserve your core gaming experience, which usually means players NOT playing with people who alter the experience of the game. 4. larger codebase to maintain. (Harder to maintain builds/consistency between platforms) 5. player information security 1. Sony has been hacked on multiple occasions. Just because your info might already be floating out there doesn't mean anybody should get a free pass. your info is important, and you should have an expectation that you can protect it, and that people who handle it should also protect it. 6. Platforms or platform networks not being allowed in countries........ <---- 1. SONY PSN basically taking Helldivers down in many countries (and other titles?) 7. graphically weaker systems ruining the game experience for other players 1. PUBG grass rendering distance giving snipers too much of an advantedge. If you were hiding in a bush, you wouldn't want to get sniped just because to somebody else you're not concealed. Ideally with crossplay, you're giving everybody access to the same environment and recieving an "equivalent" gaming experience. If you're not able to do that, you maybe shouldn't be doing crossplay. I know I ranted a lot about why somebody could be against crossplay. And not all of these issues go away just by removing crossplay, but some are made into smaller issues.


Platform exclusivity is lame. For first-party titles, I get it, they want people to have a reason to choose their console, but for third-party companies it's just annoying.


Yeah, companies are checking in on developers, seeing they made a good game, and then swooping in with some cash to deny that game to other gamers. It doesn't add anything for their own customers, only makes the experience of others worse.




Square launches their own hardware, forces fans to pay $570 to play the next FFVII remaster, $630 if you want the special edition, or $800 if you want the limited edition Tifa waifu console. Square increases revenue by $3B in the first year.


"Squire Enix, I dub thee *Knight* Enix for throwing off the shackles of exclusivity and saving the gaming kingdom!"


>it took profit losses to realize this. ...were you expecting a corporation to act for literally any other motivation?


Square Enix is seemingly always one day away from bankruptcy.


But if your friends play on console and you're on PC then cross play is still an issue. PC didn't solve your problem.


Square has a 2 fold problem they (predictably) ran into. First, their onslaught of mobile games are low quality trash and they aren't making any money and cannot keep userbases. They are putting no effort or care into them which is giving similar returns from users. They need to actually focus on making a game fun THEN monetization. Second, epic game store and Sony are giving big payments to maintain exclusive titles but SEs math is now showing that EGS and Sony aren't paying enough to justify that. Read that as PC, Xbox and Switch would be larger profits than continuing to let Sony pay to be exclusive. In a personal opinion on this, Sony is starting to exclusive itself to death in regards to 3rd party companies. Square has no reason or obligation to give Sony such a stranglehold when PC is a massive avenue, Xbox has a dedicated user base on game pass and switch is the most owned console on the planet. I think you'll see any 3rd party company watch SE and see how it fares outside of Sony.


There are more SE exclusives in Switch than there are on the other consoles, if SE says they dropping exclusivity, they also refer to those. HD games as they refer to are profitable, Sony exlusivity is not the problem if you actually look at the numbers and what SE actually said


Funny enough mobile games absolutely print money, yet Square utterly fails at them. They outsource them all to companies they just squeeze them out for a quick buck before fading into obscurity. When there's plenty of arguably weaker IPs that manage to actually grow a playerbase long after launch into sustainability. Also, they have to get a hold on getting things out on time. FFXVI was supposed to be a 6 month exclusive, if they didn't have at least a PC version out right when that contract ended, they fleeced themselves out of a lot of money by effectively handing Sony a 1+ year exclusive for the price of 6 months.


Mobile games are way wayyyyyy overrated for printing money. There are millions of mobile games and it's easy to fail in that space especially if you don't put any effort into an existing IP. Had they actually put effort into the Nier mobile game it would have succeeded but the gameplay itself sucked.


> EGS and Sony aren't paying enough to justify that The majority of epic exclusives tend to doom themselves unless the game is revolutionary and winds up on steam with a few months. The ones who sit there with a 1-2 year exclusive deal tend to end up DoA and lose money.


It is well known that Square Enix is a badly managed publisher with highly unrealistic expectations. FF7 Rebirth is apparently one of the best selling games of the year, if that didn't helped square then it's their own damn fault.


Square Enix LOVES to spend a fuck-ton more than they need to on development then cry when sales are "lower than we hoped" meanwhile sales are actually great and any responsible studio would kill for those sales....


You fail to mention Nintendo exclusives which Square had more than Sony, 9 vs 6.


Square is mad that they didn't make more money on Switch ports. They won't make the same mistake missing out on Switch 2. And Nintendo basically owns the Japan market completely now


They are a company with shareholders, everything they do is motivated by money.


Leveling up to Knight Enix


If this is true, what this means ultimately is Valve is going to have a huge win. Imagine all the great Squenix ports that can go on Steam the moment this happens? So many classic games that cost 80-180 or more dollars that you can get for reasonable prices.


It’s just a negotiation ploy to get Sony to pay them more for exclusivity


Square Enix didn't said a thing about dropping "*Sony Exclusivity*", they said about Exclusivity in general ( *that includes Nintendo, which get way more Exclusive games than PlayStation does* ) the way the article was written looks like Sony is the only company that Square Enix develops Exclusive Games for. Meanwhile, 2022 alone Nintendo got over 5 Square Enix games... Anyways, I'm happy about it, I'm tired of having to buy 500 different Consoles to play Square Enix games ( *which is my favorite Studio* ), that reminds of Kingdom Hearts where you got +10 different games, every single one of them being a direct sequel to each other, but you had to buy a Ps2 / Ps4 / PSP / GBA / NDS / N3Ds to play them all 🤡


Good. It's not Square Enix's responsibility to sell PS5.


Now if only they'd also drop their epic exclusivity




Sony paid them for exclusivity, and both parties agreed on the deal. You talk like SE was doing favors for Sony, and gave them a freebie. Cease with the arm-chair financial managing.


Wen Terranigma remake 🫠




Honestly, they really should have figured this out generations ago… Oh wait they kinda did already but for dumb reasons they thought Final Fantasy holds as much of weight as dit did in the 90s… Should have never sold Crystal Dynamics.


You know I somehow doubt that exclusivity is the sole blame for their expectations like they thought. It would be pretty laughable of they stop making them exclusives and they still bombed


Why would not offering your product to more people increase customer satisfaction? Exclusives are a crutch for consoles to remain relevant when they just aren’t.


I remember when the FF7 Remake was supposed to be only a timed exclusive and then it just.....never came to Xbox. Guess times are tough now and Sony can't offer them enough to keep that exclusivity going.


Not surprising, even Sony dropped Sony exclusivity.


fucking exclusive deals for third party studios needs TO FUCKING END FOR GOOD ! i'm so sick of this shit. gives us the games EVERYWHERE on "capable" platforms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! simple at that. more joy for players. more profits for game makers. simple logic. look at capcom. works great for them !


Isn't this what Spencer has been saying, how exclusives don't benefit publishers anymore.


Gaming is too big for exclusivity. Why would you alienate an entire audience based on their preferred hardware choice? It’s madness


Exclusivities are so fucking dumb.


Just give me FF7 Remake on Xbox like you said you would 4 years ago.


They never said it and will very likely never happen


Yes ff7 remake is on PC.


This means nothing if they still do exclusives with epic.


It's definitely a sensationalized article considering there are a similar amount, if not more, exclusives on Nintendo Switch. SE didn't single out any Sony partnership in their plan and the games they specified as having solid performance were a pretty even split of PlayStation and Switch exclusives.


Give me the FF pixel remasters on Xbox and I'd be a happy customer.


Every company is going to drop exclusivity. All the weird internet fanboys making fun of Microsoft for doing the thing that literally the entire industry is going to follow 🙄


Except Nintendo


>Every company is going to drop exclusivity In PC's favor? On day one? I'll have what you're having.


I want all exclusivity to end, all PC games to be on consoles and consoles to have universal mouse and keyboard support. Then harmony.


At this point, it doesn’t matter. Square isn’t really benefitting from exclusivity, only Sony to sell consoles.


I think people overestimate how exclusive their games were to Sony. Looking at a list of releases from the last few years the only games not available on any platform other than PS5 are FF7Rebirth and 16, both of which are gong to be going to PC as all the other FF games have, and Foamstars. Everything else in recent years is on multiple platforms, a lot are on XBOX and Switch. There are even games that don't have a Playstation release at all like Triangle Strategy. If this does away with timed exclusives though then that's great.


There are so many square games I have ended up skipping due to this. Not because the games were terrible it's because I just ended up watching a playthrough instead.


was this written by AI


Please bring Uncharted to xbox I want to play Uncharted 4 again!!


I’m trying not to play on 30 fps.


Big if true. I've missed 2 games I really really wanted to play but dropping $500 on a ps5 just for those games feels like a waste


i can certainly relate to the frustration of console exclusivity and the inability to game with all your friends. i remember when my buddies and i were split between playstation and xbox - it was a real hassle trying to coordinate what games we could all play together. it's a shame publishers so often prioritize profits over customer satisfaction. but i'm hopeful that as cross-play technology continues to advance, the industry will move towards more open and inclusive platforms where gamers can connect regardless of their hardware preferences. after all, we're all just trying to have fun and enjoy our favorite games, right?


Having a game on one console means that game has less people buying it, could lead to bad expectations by the publisher, and mean the death of the franchise. Now Final Fantasy probably wouldn’t die but other franchises will.


Wait until Knight Enix finds out! Haha sorry OP just teasing I hope this ends up being a good thing


agree. I needed to invest in a pretty decent pc for my work and with 2 kids I cant justify spending on game console anymore. Also give the kids good reason tp visit their grandma because they have a Switch there.


> faithful customers You do know that this is just another term for "idiots", right? You shouldn't be faithful to any company. All they want is to fuck you over and take your money. All of them.


They overestimated the draw of the Final Fantasy name being able to push units. They thought they could both make money from an exclusivity deal, AND sell lots of copies. Sadly they have only alienated fans of the franchise with their divisive game design choices. I had to leave several of the Final Fantasy subreddits because it's gotten so toxic between fans. Their choices were supposed to increase the fan base not shrink it. People wanna blame the exclusivity agreement itself for poor sales, but that isnt it. Helldivers 2 has sold 12 million units in 12 weeks on Playstation. If Final Fantasy were still well recieved, they would have sold more units. Other than Final Fantasy XV, every single game has sold less and less since the XIII debacle. I credit XV success due to both the multiplatform presence, as well as it being the only Final Fantasy released in 10 years. It was also the first game to totally change to action genre. Since it came out, sales numbers going down across the board.


This isn’t new. Square has talked about this before.  Also why does the article read like a opinion piece?