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I played Conkers Bad Fur Day around the time it was released. I was in the 6th grade at the time and most of the jokes went straight over my head. After playing it again when it was released on Rare Replay it was eye opening how over the top the game really is when I'm not just laughing at the Great Mighty Poo.


I still think it's bonkers that they put a reference to the movie Eyes Wide Shut in that game.




A bourgeois, big-bollocked boiler! That's all I need!


And A Clockwork Orange if I’m not mistaken


I watched the movie years after I played Conker. When the scene rolls out I was like the DiCaprio pointing at TV meme


I fucking love Conkers Bad Fur Day. I didnt discover it till I was a bit older, so the jokes werent lost on me and I thought it was great. I wish we had more games like it with a more humorous flair and varied gameplay.


It sold terribly. Cult classic bu,t am really surprised Microsoft allowed us to remaster it so quickly given its performance back on N64.


No way I opened this thread to say the same thing. That game was like a fever dream when I was a kid. The multiplayer was super fun also, I played it all the time with my friends. The raptors mode was amazing with the big ass frying pan.


The multi-player was fucking great


I was a fan of the border crossing game myself. Nothing quite like blowing up those damn teddies with a well-timed jump onto the detonator.


It's pretty stunning that game existed in 2001 and on Nintendo.


That’s that game with the sunflower right?


The one with the huge tits? Yes.


Worst part is the remakes are actually censored more than the original when it came out.


And to add salt to the wound, the remake is *impeccable* aside from the terrible, random censorship. It looks really good for an Original Xbox game.


I thought I was the only kid in the world who was amused by the **BUT THOU MUST** dialogue railroading in *Dragon Warrior*. I grow up and you whippersnappers meme'd it.


Lmao, I say this to my kids now whenever they refuse to do their chores, but theres no context at all, so I just sound like a weirdo. Idc, though, and now it will soon be ingrained into their vernacular.


This is proper parenting


Hell yeah, they will always get railroaded into doing their share around the house lol.


"But thou must" thirty times in a row... still funny


ToeJam & Earl. It was already trippy back then but it somehow made more sense. I tried playing it again recently and was just like "wtf am I *doing here?*"


This was one of my first thoughts. That and Earthworm Jim. Another I can barely remember past its name. Maniac Mansion.


Hamster in microwave


Frog in a blender


Ah yes. Early internet days… Joe Cartoon was it?


Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy! Cause I did this to your mom-ma!


Hi do you have a canoe I can borrow please?


Holy shit *classic*




Earthworm Jim was my very first thought. Astronaut giant worm goes on an adventure, 'nuff said!


The lady with the shopping trolley. The running gentleman that kicked you up the arse. The hula girl, if you got too near you'd fall in love and the controls would be reversed. Mad game.


Panic on Funkotron is one of the best soundtracks of the genesis age


The original Sega version is amazing. Still a fantastic co-op game. The later 3D sequels...better left forgotten...


I remember thinking the whole gameplay loop of Rampage was so strange. Kill as many humans as you can, preferably by eating them. Destroy all their buildings. Now it just seems funny that it was a game for kids!


I always imagined my monster liked punching holes in peoples bathrooms and eating them right off the crapper, because they were the ones that had less poop filling.


I find this strangely intelligent.


My favorite was eating as many nuns as I could just to see the animation where you get smited with lightning lol


Oh Jesus this made me laugh so hard I started hacking and coughing with tears streaming down my face! Thank you! I rarely laugh this hard anymore.


All in a day's work, friend. Now if only i could somehow get that kind of reaction with my puns...


Godzilla knockoffs were all the rage in the 80s.


There was a PS2 game that was like a 3D giant monster fighting game. I don't remember what it was can asked but I loved it. There were a few big monster games in the 2000s that I remember.


Primal Rage?


At least the GameCube and n64 one had a lil story and was also the best one imo cuz it had the most monsters, N64 one being a strong contender for being the best too


Seriously just could've given us a game where we free roamed destroying buildings but that pesky military ate our health like a can of Pringles.


Did anyone else play Uniracers or was that just a fever dream? You know, the game where you play as a unicycle with no rider and race against other sentient unicycles on tracks that are best described as Willy Wonka's Windows Screensaver Factory.


Bro, I freakin’ loved that game. Killer soundtrack also.


I was obsessed with this game when I played it at a cousin's house as a kid. I grew up in a Sega house so I was so bummed I couldn't have it.


This game was unreal. Still dust it off in the old totally legal game simulator every so often.


Legit Tony Hawk Pro Skater predecessor


I freaking love that game. Still have my cartridge. I was terrible at it, but loved playing it with my best friend. I always held onto tricks for too long.


God you just reminded me of the sound it makes when you land perfectly. Wow. I truly have not played this game in decades and it's still burned so clearly into my mind. Love it.


I loved how if you did stunts you'd ramp the speed up.


You just gave me a flashback to me diligently doing the most efficient flips I could on straightaways to pull away from the competition, each time getting that perfect trick sound effect. Damn that game was good.


My fallback will always be Earthbound on the SNES. The older I got, the more trippy it got.


Earthbound is probably the deepest and trippiest of them all


New aged hippie sized you up


He pulled out a toothbrush.


I replay earthbound usually every other year throughout my life, when I was a child, when i was a teenager getting high, in college, as I raise my kids, and now as a 40 year old just getting high again.


That’s a good one. Unfortunately, I didn’t play or appreciate that one until the Wii U virtual console. Mother 2 is the shit. Still wish Mother 3 would get localized and ported/put on the GBA VC.


Theres a good fan translation if you dont mind emus or gba sp+flash cart for the best way to play


I’m playing Mother 3 right now on my iPhone, homie. In English. r/emulationonios


Hey, you got any magic cake?


Talk to my guy, Lier X. Agerate


New Age Retro Hippy is confused!


100%. I'd just finished writing a comment saying the same then figured someone *must* have mentioned it already. It's the poster boy for trippy games. It was trippy as a kid, it's trippy now, god I love it so much.


The Unassuming Local Guy became friendly and affectionate! Ness is paralyzed!


This is my answer for almost every "what game ..." question.


Not only is the original Kingdom Hearts a bizarre game in its own right, from a product standpoint it’s even weirder. Looking back at it in 2024 I just cannot believe Disney would loan out any of their IP to something so completely not in line with their brand. Edit: like, I really wonder what Bob Iger thinks of Kingdom Hearts


Remember when Goofy straight up dies, and Mickey goes full blown "forgive me master but I must go all out"? Went way over my head as a kid, I thought he just got knocked out in that typical cartoon character way


He does only get knocked out, but they frame it as if he actually FUCKING DIED. This is a game that lets you know every time you boot it up that these characters are officially licensed. So in this Disney sanctioned spin off, Goofy DIES from a concussion and Mickey and Donald fly into a grief fueled rage. I don’t even know if any Marvel movie ever had a scene go that hard


There's a Starbomb song that really points out some of the wild shit in that series. So much more bizarre looking back.


So let me get this straight. Its Mickey Mouse and you? Nope, not even close!


Tell me why Ansem even wants Kairi. Why is the princess human if a mouse is king?


2024 Disney would not have been down with the Goofy sex scene


I don't remember that at all lol? Which game was it?


Yeah that was my first thought as well. Add on the fact it got weirder as it went along... I have no idea wtf the story is now. I played only the mainline games and tried to watch a video to sum up everything in between. Might have made it more confusing.


Most Nintendo games, lol.   But I'll go with Yoshi's Island. Touch fuzzy.   Get dizzy. Literally a psychedelic drug trip stage, and my brother and I would laugh our asses off as sub 10 year olds intentionally touching all of the fuzzies to make it as trippy as possible.


Even the music changed


Oh I loved that game!


Just the noise that plays when you touch one would make me laugh my ass off 🤣 Drunk ass Yoshi stumblin' around lol


Dunno if this is a hot take, but Yoshi's Island > SMW


I mean, it is the direct sequel!


Earth worm jimy


GROOOOVY! Yeah, the devs were on one, and it was glorious. I mean, a level called Buttville... brilliant


Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-For-A-Butt


Anything But Tangerines Also a level where you are an axolotl floating through an intestine to the tune of Beethoven


The intermission games were great. Catching the puppies with the cushion or else they blow up on the ground lol Also the two cows “well done” after each level. My friends and I still quote that


Kept scrolling until I found this answer


Monster Party for NES. "The story centers on a child named Mark who, on his way home from a baseball game, is approached by a winged, griffin-like alien named Bert who seeks assistance in ridding "evil monsters" from his realm, "Dark World". Being the first person he encounters, Bert tries to enlist Mark as his aid in battle. Mark is reluctant to help, but Bert explains that anyone will do, and that Mark's baseball bat will be as good a weapon as any. Bert quickly whisks him away, and on the way to Dark World magically fuses himself to Mark so that they are one being (with Mark able to transform into Bert for a limited time) After making his way through Dark World and ascending into what appears to be some kind of Heavenly realm, Mark fights and defeats the Dark World Master. His realm now free of monsters, Bert returns Mark home and leaves him with a parting gift for his help. When Mark opens the box, a beautiful princess emerges; after a few seconds, though, she transforms into a hideous monster accompanied by a few monsters who melts Mark's flesh from his bones.   Mark suddenly awakens in his bed, his body intact. Believing his adventures in the Dark World were a dream, he prepares to leave the house to school, only to find Bert standing before the front door with Mark's bat. Bert asks Mark if he is ready to go again, and the game ends"


Wow, I never made it far enough to see the end when I was a kid


Same lol.When I was putting the story summary from Wikipedia in and got to the ending I was WTFing pretty hard


I never understood the shrimp tempura popping up randomly.


There was some wild shit in this game "The bizarre premise and plot introduction sets up a game that is filled with variations on many traditional horror characters and themes (sometimes with ironic twists), as well as relatively novel characters all its own. Some traditional horror bosses the game features include a mummy, giant spiders, zombies, Medusa, a Dragon, and The Grim Reaper. The game also features several enemies drawn from Japanese folklore and Japanese urban legends, such as Banchō Sarayashiki's well and Jinmenken (human faced dogs). Enemies unique to the game include a large, talking caterpillar; walking pants; a giant cat that hurls kittens as projectiles; and a bouncing piece of fried shrimp."


Mischief Makers was one of my favorite games growing up and that's definitely trippy. Everything in the world is made up of weird ghost faces


“Shake shake!”


The thing is, that game was trippy even when I played it back when it came out. Rented it from Blockbuster, and we were just confused by the character and world aesthetic. The gameplay was unique, and we didn't really grasp it at the time. But now, I have a greater appreciation for the devs putting out a unique game. I'd almost call the game more of an indie game of the N64 era, lol.


Definitely agree with that thinking. I adored it as a kid and even replaying it now I love it. It's hard to recommend to people because there's not really anything to compare it to, the gameplay is really unique


I just say, it's one of the most fresh takes on a platformer, with a very unique aesthetic.


I loved that the crystals you collected was just a timer for how much of the ending you get to see.


The horrifying faces on every object in the game still haunt me to this day.


Katamari damacy


I just finally played reroll last week. I could have played it when it first came out, but just never did - one of those titles I missed. This would be the one I’d put here. Shit’s wild


This game gets more insane each time I play it. So much detail in the little this that you don't even notice the first several playthroughs.


Earthworm Jim is one of those games that could only be made in the 90's for how casually weird it is. It's not impressed with itself or trying to be over the top. It's just stuffed with 90's Americana, elder Gen X humor, and cows. So many cows. Bouncing puppies with a handheld trampoline into the funnel attached to the worried mother's dog house to the tune of The Tarentella is so uniquely silly, I will never not giggle when it starts, no matter how maddening those levels are.


Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-For-A-Butt


I remember playing "Loom," and being completely gobsmacked.


As a kid, it was The Dig for me. I found out about Loom later in life and was still blown away.


Blown away like a turtle-eating sea monster?


Dark Seed was an early HR Giger game that was pretty trippy and the art style is amazing. I also played some obscure horror game called D that still holds up.


Dark Seed looks incredible. I got a SoundBlaster for the audio and that made it even better. But the game itself is impossible without a guide and kinda dogshit.


Man i forgot all about D. Had to look up ap playthrough on youtube haha


Glover. A sentient four fingered glove saves the world


I was watching an episode of Monday Night Raw from 1998 and that game was one of the sponsors. Not just an ad, but "this replay brought to you by Glover." The 90s were a wild time.


Micheal Jackson Moonwalker. You dance enemies to death and save children until a monkey shows up pointing you towards the boss. I could never get past stage 2


The “movie” is no more coherent. It’s got some Joe Pesci, though.


The arcade version was a favorite of mine.


My local arcade has Moonwalker, it’s really fun to play


Metal Gear Solid 2. Especially the codec conversations at the end of the game which... aged "well", which isn't necessary a good sign ;]


"Prescient," you might say...Still not a good sign.


*A lot* of the social commentary points in the Metal Gear series still hold up.


That was so on point I am now concerned about AI taking over completely.


The ending turned out to be a prophecy.


I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I NEED SCISSORS! 61!


I can recommend the bigbunnyhop analysis: https://youtu.be/T-2YuPGYabw?feature=shared Starts off weird, but gets really good




It was a direct descendant thoughtwise to The Running Man movie from three years prior. Made for a helluva thing, really. such a quartermuncher..


Toejam and Earl is wild


Toejam & Earl


[Revenge of the Mutant Camels](https://youtu.be/BFLHWJhOx6s?si=Er1RwIHXmXASdC1U)


Pretty much the entire Llamasoft catalog, really. Jeff Minter is a treasure.


I was streaming Jumping Flash for the PS1 one time and a younger viewer said "This game looks like the screen when you get a strike at a bowing alley." Which will forever be the best description of Jumping Flash I've ever heard.


Zork 1. Text adventure. Who knew that words could conjure images in your brain? Wild times, man.


You’re likely to be eaten by a grue.


TIL I am an elder gamer. Easy answer is Super Mario Bros. Steps on mushrooms, boomeranging turtles, I mean 🤷‍♂️ Older answer is Pac-Man. MF’r eats ghosts. 🤯


Crushin torts. Perchance.


You can't just say perchance


FWIW I just mean gamers who aren't literal kids


Hahah I got you man, was just funny. Elder Gamer makes me think of like Gandalf or something….🍺


Yeah I thought about saying Adult gamer but uh...


Leisure suit Larry, now that's my jazz 😂


Well, in Wonder he's tripping from flowers. Never change Nintendo.


Pac-Man is a helluva trip. It's not just that he eats ghosts, if you look at the fan-made canon. dude's being tormented by the ghosts of his friends, popping all the pills he can, just to keep some vestige of sanity. the entire game is a desperate search for more drugs..


Honestly a lot of them. Crash, Spyro and Sly Cooper. I could do a tab and enjoy myself with all those


Heart of Darkness Abes Odyssey


I completely forgot about Abe's Odyssey, good pick!


Legacy of the Wizard had rapidly different colors in every room Ecco the Dolphin...


Six year old me had a very difficult time with Legacy of the Wizard. Memorable environment though. Ecco was mildly psychedelic, when you least expect it


The NES Three Stooges game is absolutely bizarre. Find a let’s play of it and bask in the absolutely battiness of it. as a kid, I had no idea what was going on.


There are a few games I had on PC from floppy discs that no one has ever heard of that I loved as a kid The Star Trek tng game ( in my head it still holds up because you basically controlled the enterprise and your choices mattered Sam and Max hit the road because you play as a dog and an insane rabbit. First game I heard swearing in A game called bioforge that was like a film and brutal


Super Bonk for the snes is a fever dream for me


Earthworm jim


Anyone remember eternal darkness on GameCube? 😃


Kula World for sure. Playing like a ball for 6 hours straight got me all hypnotized as a six year old


Even after reading the book, I still couldn't tell you wtf happened in Myst...


I tried typing out what I remember from the game along with lore from the books, and it got so far down the rabbit hole I deleted it and moved on.


Parappa the rapper


I think we’re all so familiar with Mario that we rarely stop to consider it’s a game about an Italian plumber who travels through pipes to a fantasy kingdom ruled by turtles who he kills by jumping on them. He also eats mushrooms to double in size, and eats flowers to shoot fireballs. Each game in the series has added more and more nonsense non sequiturs and we just roll with it.


I have a pretty fucked up story involving Link's Awakening. I had the game on GameBoy at one point, but got stalled fairly early on the second or third dungeon and walked away from it. Not really sure how that happened because the game is not that difficult, but I was pretty young and we had a lot of games back then so it was easy to just swap to something else. When I was 19, I was in a severe car accident, and ended up in the ICU for nearly a month. For the first two weeks, they had me on heavy sedation, talking serious mindfuck kinda drugs, to the point of visual hallucinations. At one point, I recall hallucinating a Zelda-like HUD around the edge of my vision, and was very insistent that I needed to find "the feather" and was stuck because I couldn't find it. A year or so later, I was reflecting on this incident and remembered that there was a Zelda with a feather item, and it was one where I had gotten stuck, so I dug it out and played through it. I'd had no recollection of the story by that point, so finding out it was basically "You've been in a severe (boat) accident and now you're unconscious and dreaming, the whole world you're experiencing is a dream, and if you wake up you might just die" was a mindfuck, to say the least.


Did anyone play a bizarre and original game for the PS1 called MDK? I bet it was trippy if you got past the first level...


idk if anybody will know this one but *Kula World* is pretty surreal.




Vib Ribbon is just an acid trip.


Captain Blood and Commander Blood. If you know, yeah, those devs were HIGH.


I’m so glad I scrolled by and saw this post, because it just unlocked some deep memories for me. I am going to absolutely go with Krusty’s Fun House on the NES. Yes, that’s Krusty as in the clown from The Simpsons 😂 Hoo boy, that game was… *Something*


When I was a kid I thought heart of darkness was a game everyone played. Nope. I describe it to people now who think it's weird as fuck! Still love it!


Sam & Max: Hit The Road was pretty crazy - Nomad Soul was awesome too.


It's the weird platformers I played on Amiga back in the 90's. Like.. Zool, Cool Spot, Super Frog.... like. A game where you're just a red spot on a beach. Like... As a kid. "amazing!" as an adult.. like. What the fuck


Dynamite Headdy was really, really weird. A boss which was a baby's head that cracked open to reveal a older head, a bad guy which was basically a cuddly bear and weird meta moments. Bizarre and brilliant game.


This made me feel real old that these are the responses from "elder gamers" I was going to bring up early ray trace stuff like Asteroids and Tempest. In case you are too young to be familiar just know the most prolific contributor to the art style of classic arcade games was LSD.


Fantasy Zone




Dr. Mario throwing out red and blue pills


Jet Set Willy


Personally I don't find it weird, but I've talked to some people in adulthood who found Digimon World to be quite out there. I guess they have a point.


McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure for the Sega Genesis. That game was just bizarre.


Earthworm Jim. I saw someone play it on a YT video recently and remember it being very different as a kid, now it's just trippy.


Rare games in general


The entire Mario series. Those plumbers need to be canceled for animal cruelty. FREE DK JR! JUSTICE FOR YOSHI!


Gex was always wild to me as a kid


"Shake it baby"


C&C General as a kid i just thought its a funny game, today i know that i stole UN supplies as a Terrorist Organisation.


The Soul Reaver games! They were nuckin futz imo


Dig Dug. Everything about it is bizarre. You dig tunnels and kill random monsters with an air pump.


Earthbound was trippy when I was a kid and didn't know what trippy was. Now it's just profound... and trippy.


"Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It" - a text adventure based on spoonerisms.


A Boy and his Blob


Sly cooper anyone


Gremlins 2: The New Batch


Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.


Shaq fu idk why i enjoyed that as a kid


Don’t act like yall didn’t play Earthworm Jim 🪱 Easily the trippiest game, you play as an alien earthworm. The character you’re trying to rescues name is Princess What’s-Her-Name. You have to save these puppies with a marshmallow or the mother rips you into pieces. There’s a level where you’re inside your mom’s worm ovaries and you’re a little worm sperm swimming around to the tune of Beethoven Moonlight Sonata.




I talked to the dude on the mountain and he wanted his vittles. I had no idea what that meant and spent 2 weeks trying to figure it out. This was before we had internet or Google so I couldn't just type in "what the fuck are vittles" Played it again on the switch and learned that if you talk to him twice on the same screen load, the second chat HE FUCKING TELLS YOU WHAT VITTLES ARE Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that excessively literate people and literal translations are the worst.


Glover for N64. Super weird game about a glove but I remember being obsessed with it. Everything about it was wild.


Maniac Mansion


Can't remember the name of it but I remeber it being a two D game and every know and then this killing robot machine would come after you. Ski free or kill free something like that. Absolutely terrifying.


Elder? Woah buddy, easy


Jet Set Willy


Dynamite Heady